Guiding Light Transcript Friday 1/21/05
By Suzanne
Proofread By Leigh
Jonathan: (Groaning) This sucks. (Knock on door) Come in. Uh-oh. You better wait outside. Your Auntie Reva is not going to be back for a while.
Tammy: I know. I wanted to see you alone.
Josh: So, how do you feel about a six-day workweek, Sandy? Hm?
Sandy: So none of that boring stuff like eating, sleeping, going home?
Josh: No, no, no. See, I figure I have to give Reva some time to play nursemaid to Jonathan, and if I'm there, I would probably strangle him. So I think it's the best solution for everybody.
Sandy: Sure, if you want Jonathan to win.
Frank: You guys all packed? All right, good job, good job. Now, who's ready to play some serious football, huh?
Marina: Dad, you don't look serious. You look homeless.
Frank: What are you talking about, honey? This is my good luck jersey. You know I never wash this.
Marina: Oh!
Frank: I mean it's bad luck.
Marina: That's disgusting.
Coop: Frank, come on. I never took you to be a superstitious kind of guy.
Frank: Yeah, well, here I am. (Laughs)
Danny: Hey. How are you guys doing? Hey, Frank. What, am I late?
Frank: (Clears throat) Hold on, here. Are you playing?
Danny: Yeah. Yeah. Buzz invited me. Am I still invited?
Marina: Of course you are. Come on. Let's go.
Danny: All right. See you guys out there.
Lizzie: We are so excited.
Frank: Oh. Well, great. I can't wait.
Gus: You think maybe we could have met someplace warmer? I mean your Dad would have been fine with meeting any place, you know? I mean I'm shaking here, for crying out loud.
Harley: I'm fine. Really, I'm fine. I don't know. He just... He wanted to meet here.
Gus: Mm-hmm. Well, it's kind of fun. It's like the old days, on our little stakeouts that we used to have, remember?
Harley: Ugh. I couldn't stand you.
Gus: You loved me. You loved every minute of it. That's right. You heard me.
Harley: (Laughs) Well, this may have to be enough.
Gus: Baby, you're not going to prison. You didn't kill anybody. And Beth, she knows. So all you have to do is stay on her a little harder, okay?
Harley: I hate this. You know, I hate putting the screws to Beth, or anybody. It turns out I may be the shooter.
Gus: You're not the shooter.
Harley: (Sighs)
Gus: You hear me? You're not the shooter.
Harley: I can't handle false hope. Anything but false hope! And I will talk to Beth again, but only because I need to know.
Buzz: (Blows whistle) Hey. You guys need a referee.
Harley: Hey, Daddy. No, we're just, you know...
Gus: Bickering. Snickety-snacking.
Buzz: You need to use your energy for something good. How about Cooper football?
Harley: Now?
Buzz: I brought you a sweatshirt. The rest will be coming soon.
Gus: Oh...
Harley: Okay, I'm in.
Gus: No, no, no, no, no, no. Take a rain check. Mr. Cooper, give her a rain check because we've got work to do.
Harley: Oh, let's do it later, okay? My pretrial is tomorrow, I know, but this could be my last time to really spend time with my family.
Gus: Fine. You play and I'll do the work, because I have no problem doing it...
Harley: Uh-uh. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. You're playing.
Gus: No, I'm not playing. Look at the way I'm dressed. I've got... These are my good shoes.
Harley: Okay, listen to me. Let's make it interesting, okay? You on one team me on the other. If my team wins, we handle the investigation my way. If your team wins, I'll do whatever you want.
Gus: You'll do whatever I want?
Harley: Uh-huh.
Buzz: You can't pass up on that one, can you?
Gus: You heard what she said. "Anything I want." All right, you got it, no problem. Bring it. Bring it. Bring it.
Harley: Do you see it? Do you see it? Where's the ball?
Gus: I don't know.
Harley: Where's the ball?
Gus: Where could it be?
Harley: Huh, huh. Oh, my gosh.
Gus: That's it? That's all you've got? Are you kidding me?
Harley: (Laughs)
Gus: All right. So, I am choosing. First, I pick the cardiac kid! Come on down, come on down.
Buzz: Oh, that's very funny. You know, you... (Talking at once)
Gus: Let's go. Let's go.
Frank: All right. All right, pop.
Buzz: Hit me. Hit me, baby. Hit me.
Harley: Wait, Frank. Um...
Frank: Captain Cooper is here.
Harley: No, no, no, no. There's kind of a change of plans this year. I'm going to captain one team and Gus is going to captain the other. But I get to pick first, and you're on my team!
Frank: What? All right.
Gus: All right, okay. This is embarrassing.
Harley: Okay, your turn.
Gus: I got Santos, right here. You're on my team.
Harley: Okay, I'm picking... Where's Coop? Henry Cooper Bradshaw, oh, here he is.
Coop: Right here.
Frank: Do you even know how to play American football? With the hands and the feet and...
Gus: Okay, let me think here. Who do I want?
Lizzie: Me.
Gus: This is so high school.
Lizzie: Gus! Me. I know football, and I don't want to be on her team.
Gus: All right, Lizzie, come on. Come on.
Lizzie: You know it's the quarterback's position to throw the ball to the halfback, or make a forward pass.
Gus: Well, thank you. I will remember that. Now we all know that.
Harley: Okay, Marina, get over here.
Marina: What took you so long? (Applause) You are going down, Santos.
Frank: Good call.
Buzz: You've got three I've got... I didn't want to do this.
Harley: No, no, no, no, Dad. You're the ref.
Gus: Yeah, well, okay, this isn't really fair because you guys have four and we have, like, two-and-a-half. (Laughter)
Alexandra: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Come on. I didn't get all suited up like this, you know, for nothing. What's wrong with me?
Frank: What is that? (Laughter)
Harley: This is going to be so fun.
Gus: ...The set of a music video. (Talking all at once)
Frank: Okay, okay? You know what, Coop? Help me with the end zones, all right, pop?
Alexandra: What's the end zone? Where's the net?
Gus: Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Harley: This is going to be so easy, I almost feel guilty.
Marina: You know, I really don't. The Coopers are due for a win.
Harley: Yes, we are. Okay, just cover for me, because I've got a phone call to make.
Marina: Yeah, no problem.
Gus: Okay, people. Before we start this and anybody gets hurt, we should talk about a few things, okay?
Lizzie: Oh, right. Like how to keep our nails from getting broken.
Gus: Yeah, no, not like that at all. About the rules of the game, did I pick you? Yes, I did. Stand behind me. Let's go.
Lizzie: That's not nice, Gus.
Gus: Let's go.
Harley: Beth Raines please, Harley Cooper. What? Well, where did she go? What do you mean, nobody knows? No, no. No message, thank you.
Sandy: I don't mean to tell you how to live your life, Josh, but you will be handing Jonathan to Reva on a silver platter.
Josh: Sandy, you know I'm not going to let anything happen to Reva.
Sandy: Yeah?
Josh: But if I'm there, that house will turn into a war zone. Now, I'll figure out a way to get rid of Jonathan, and in the meantime... (Door opens) Hey, darling.
Reva: Hey, guys. What's cooking?
Sandy: I am back at Lewis Construction.
Reva: That's what I hear.
Josh: Here, Sandy. I want you to take this stuff home with you, take a look at it. Tomorrow, tell me what you think, all right?
Sandy: Done.
Josh: Thank you.
Sandy: I need to get some food, and I'm going to head out and meet Tammy. Good to see you, Reva.
Reva: You too, well he seems excited about working for you again.
Josh: Well, I hope so, because I'm going to put him to work.
Reva: Are you? Or did you just hire him to get back at Jonathan?
Jonathan: Well, take off your coat. Sit. I won't bite... Unless you want me to.
Tammy: Why do you always do that?
Jonathan: Do what?
Tammy: Don't you ever think about anything else?
Jonathan: Well, they say the average guy thinks about sex about every ten seconds or so. I probably cut that time in half. How about you?
Tammy: With you? Never.
Jonathan: Ooh.
Tammy: I have plenty to think about. Like what you did to my Mom.
Jonathan: Really? What did she say?
Tammy: Nothing. But I can tell there's something going on between her and Aunt Reva, and based on experience, I know it probably has something to do with you.
Jonathan: Right, because I'm big trouble and everybody says so. But I think you like that, even if you pretend you don't.
Tammy: We're talking about my Mom and your Mom. I know something is going on, JB, so tell me what you did.
Jonathan: Okay. But you're not going to like it.
Tammy: Go ahead. Talk. Tell me what you did to my Mom.
Jonathan: Are you sure you want to go there?
Tammy: Go where? What are you talking about?
Jonathan: So, how was the wedding?
Tammy: (Frustrated groan)
Jonathan: Ooh. We didn't get to talk about it when I was laying at the bottom of the stairs. Did you catch the bouquet?
Tammy: The wedding... You know, my Mom was late, and at first, everyone thought it had something to do with you. Did it?
Jonathan: Unbelievable. People are going to start blaming me when it rains.
Tammy: I think you tried to mess up my Mom's wedding. She hasn't been herself since.
Jonathan: You know, I noticed that, too. It's so weird. She always seems to have everything together. Maybe that's just what she wants people to think, you know? I get the feeling that she's one way in public, and then another way behind closed doors. In fact, I know it.
Tammy: You were in the room that day. What did you do? Did you come back?
Jonathan: Now, what would make you think I would do that?
Tammy: Why not? That's it, isn't it? You're not only a freak; you're a peeping tom. Oh, where were you? Were you hiding in the closet?
Jonathan: Wow. You of all people should know I don't just like to look.
Tammy: I was stupid to ever think I could come talk to you.
Jonathan: Hey, Tammy? Sandy is not going to be able to make you forget about me. It won't work. There's no comparison.
Tammy: You're right about that.
Josh: Reva, I hired Sandy because he's a good worker and because I think he deserves a second chance. Don't you?
Reva: Well, you know how much I care about Sandy, but it's just starting to feel like everyone's picking sides, you know? You and Sandy and Cassie and Edmund against me and Jonathan.
Josh: The only side I'm on is yours. I gave Sandy a job, that's it. You can thank me later, okay?
Reva: Okay.
Josh: Why don't you let me buy you dinner?
Reva: No. But you could come home and have dinner with me and Jonathan.
Josh: I have a mountain of work to do here. My thought was I would get a bite here, and then I would head to the office and finish everything off.
Reva: Liar.
Josh: (Laughs) Reva, honey...
Reva: I thought you said we were in this together.
Josh: We are. I just have lots of work to do. That's it.
Reva: Okay. Well, I'm going to go pick up my takeout before it gets cold. You'll be home later, right?
Josh: Right. Keep the bed warm.
Reva: (Laughs weakly) Great. Thank you. So, good luck with the job.
Sandy: Thank you.
Reva: I guess I'll be seeing you around.
Sandy: I hope so, you heading over to the office?
Josh: No, actually, I'm not. I have some things to do. There's more than one way to skin a stepson. (Cheering) (all talking at once)
Danny: See, that's what we call illegal motion.
Marina: Oh, no, no, no, no. All is fair in love and football. You haven't even seen my illegal use of hands yet. (Laughs)
Gus: I need the ball. Hello.
Coop: Lizzie. Look, I am so sorry that you got sacked with such a crappy team.
Lizzie: You know what? It's quite all right. We'll make back up. What's the score? 14 to...?
Coop: Zero? Yeah. It's zero. I'll tell you what. If you need any tips whatsoever, just feel free to ask, okay?
Lizzie: No, I don't think so. I'll find out for myself, thank you very much.
Coop: Okay.
Lizzie: Can you believe the nerve of him? I'm sorry. As soon as I'm through with him, I'm going to kick his butt back to England.
Alexandra: Darling, he's only trying to help.
Lizzie: No, he's not. He thinks I'm just this little wuss who'd rather be shopping instead of playing football.
Alexandra: Oh.
Lizzie: And the truth is, I would rather be shopping, but that's just beside the point.
Alexandra: Okay. Why are you going to all this trouble? Aren't things going well enough down at the restaurant, darling?
Lizzie: The Cooper's are just sitting there watching, waiting for me to fail, but it's not going to happen this time, Aunt Alex. My Dad gave me that restaurant. I'm not going to fail him.
Alexandra: But Lizzie, listen, darling. I really think... Never mind. (Laughs)
Marina: You know, watching you make nice with the lizard makes me sick to my stomach.
Coop: (Laughs) Don't worry. In a few days' time, I'm going to have little Lizzie eating food right out of my hand like a lovesick bird.
Marina: You're cute, Coop, but not that cute.
Coop: You know what? I'm going to be even cuter--the cutest guy you've ever met--once we own Company again.
Harley: Hey, Lizzie.
Lizzie: Hi.
Harley: Look; I know that things are kind of, you know, awkward, because of what people have been saying.
Lizzie: That's all right. Let's play football.
Harley: Yeah. I just want you to know, no one wants to find your father's killer more than I do. I hope you believe that. And I know your grandfather probably wants to hang me himself, and your mother... Where is your Mom, by the way?
Lizzie: She just needs some time alone, that's all.
Harley: Oh.
Lizzie: Well, let's play. Where's the sheepskin at?
Harley: Pigskin.
Lizzie: Whatever. I really don't care.
Buzz: Break's over! Come on! Let's get going! Go go go!
Harley: Your ball, your ball.
Gus: The break is over. Lizzie. I need you right here. (Talking all at once) okay.
Harley: Okay, okay.
Gus: 24. Hike, hike, hike. Go, go. (Players yelling) (cheers and groans)
Alexandra: I got it, I got it. I did. I did.
Gus: Are you okay? Are you hurt? Do you feel okay?
Harley: Just stop.
Gus: Did you hurt something? Does this hurt, when I do this?
Harley: A little, yeah. Ow.
Gus: Does this hurt when I do that?
Harley: A little.
Gus: I won't do that. Maybe you pulled a hamstring.
Harley: Maybe.
Gus: I think you should sit this one out.
Harley: No, I just... I didn't warm up enough.
Gus: I think you need to sit it out. In fact, you're benched.
Harley: You can't bench... Ow.
Gus: You're benched. You're benched.
Buzz: You're benched.
Harley: Benched?
Gus: He agrees with me.
Alexandra: Well, in order to make the teams fair, I think I should be excused from this round, okay? And if you know what's good for you, you'll agree.
Buzz: Yeah, I got it. Three on three. You're both benched. Come on, let's play.
Gus: You're both benched.
Buzz: Let's go, guys.
Gus: All right.
Buzz: (Blows whistle)
Frank: Hold on a second.
Gus: Okay, so now...
Harley: Touchdown.
Jonathan: So, you admit it: I'm everything that Sandy is not.
Tammy: Everything. You're selfish and rude and cruel, and Sandy's not. You like to hurt people for fun; Sandy doesn't. You are a big loser and Sandy is always there when you need him. He's loyal, and I trust him.
Jonathan: Are you describing a guy or a dog?
Tammy: I'm describing the guy that I want to be with.
Jonathan: No, that's the guy you wish you wanted to be with, but every time you're with me, something happens, something chemical.
Tammy: It does not.
Jonathan: Let me ask you something. (Groans) Why do you still call me JB?
Tammy: It's your name.
Jonathan: No. You still wish I was that guy--not your cousin; just some guy. When I broke my leg, you stayed with me. Why would you do that if you didn't like me?
Tammy: Because unlike you, I'm human. Okay, okay, so Aunt Reva had to give you away when you were a baby. Big deal. I was in Foster care, and you don't hear me crying about it. You think you're so tough, but inside, you're just a big blubbering bully.
Jonathan: Is that what you think?
Tammy: I think you're the one who can't let go, of your past and all the people who hurt you, and the night that we spent together. You think it changed my world forever. Well, you're wrong. You weren't even really that good.
Jonathan: Hey! Get back here!
Tammy: Places to go, friends to see. Oh, but you wouldn't know anything about that, because you don't have any.
Harley: Hi, sweetie. Hi, puppy, puppy. Roxy, isn't it? Hey, little Roxy. Hi, sweet dog over here. Let me just give you some air. You don't want to be trapped in there, now, do you? What a cute dog! Hi. (Dog growls) Oh, you're so much cuter when you smile instead of snarl. Do you want to go see Mommy? Yes, you do. Go to Mommy. Go ahead to Mommy, sweetie pie. Go ahead. I'm just going to borrow this for one second. Receiving calls, receiving calls. Blue haven spa. That has to be it. Okay. Okay. (Laughs) You're so cute, that little dog.
Lizzie: You know, Harley, that's just not your color.
Harley: (Laughs) (ballad plays in background)
Tammy: Hello? Sandy? (Whistles)
Sandy: You got my note.
Tammy: They're beautiful. Thank you. What is all this?
Sandy: It's your ticket to the hottest show in town.
Buzz: Oh, Lord, it's good to hear people laughing again.
Frank: Yeah, I know what you mean, pop.
Buzz: It's almost like everything is normal. No heart attacks, no murder investigations. Just the Cooper's playing for the stupid Cooper bowl.
Frank: Yeah, well, unfortunately, according to Jeffrey O'Neill, this could be our last big game.
Buzz: What does that mean?
Frank: O'Neill tried to offer Harley a deal, and Gus turned it down before the terms ever even hit the table. I guess he refuses to believe that she's...
Buzz: Guilty.
Frank: Yeah. O'Neill also believes that Gus is jeopardizing any chance that Harley might have.
Buzz: What do you think, Frank?
Frank: I don't know what I think, pop.
Buzz: No, the truth. Do you think she shot Phillip?
Frank: Dad, what worries me is that she doesn't have any memory of that night.
Buzz: Me, too.
Frank: Hey, Dad?
Buzz: What?
Frank: Do you think she did it?
Buzz: I wish I could say no, Frank.
Harley: Whoops. Sorry. I was reaching for that thermos, and I knocked over your bag. Sorry.
Lizzie: Yeah, well, it was zipped, so that's funny that everything fell out.
Harley: Yeah. I don't know how that happened. What are you doing here? What happened to the game? Aren't you playing?
Lizzie: Danny did one of those interception things, and we're on time out.
Coop: Hey, guys, come on. What's the deal? What's the holdup? Are you okay? Did Roxy bite you or something?
Harley: No. No, no, no. She's so sweet, that little... No, I think Lizzie thinks I was going through her bag. (Laughs)
Coop: Well, were you?
Harley: Well... I'm so embarrassed. You know, your Uncle Gus is here, and I know it's a football game, but how do I look? I feel like I look pale.
Lizzie: Well, next time ask.
Harley: I will. (Mockingly): "Well, were you?"
Coop: What?
Harley: She is wound so tight.
Coop: Yeah. No kidding.
Buzz: Come here a second.
Gus: Yeah? Listen, if that's about that last touchdown that was legit.
Buzz: This isn't going to work.
Gus: Listen, you've got to work with me, okay, because I've got the worst team in football, here. I've got Alexandra. She can barely walk. Lizzie can barely think. I mean...
Buzz: It's not about the game.
Gus: Oh. What's it about?
Buzz: It's about my daughter. I saw you with her tonight. I watched you. And I think I've come to a decision.
Gus: All right. What's the decision?
Buzz: I don't want you to handle her case.
Gus: Buzz; nobody cares about your daughter more than me... At least, nobody with a law degree, anyway.
Buzz: What she needs is someone who's objective, someone who's free to use their brain as well as their heart. You're in love with her. That is bound to cloud your judgment.
Gus: My judgment is fine. I just have to prove that she's innocent.
Buzz: You want to believe that she's innocent.
Gus: I know that she's innocent.
Buzz: Damn it, she doesn't even know that she's innocent.
Gus: Listen, I will win this, okay? You have to believe in me.
Buzz: What's the plan? You win it, you're a hero, you ride off into the sunset with her?
Gus: (Sighs) The plan is just for me to prove that she's innocent.
Buzz: Gus, Frank told me that O'Neill offered a plea bargain and you wouldn't listen.
Gus: I don't listen to things like that, not when my client is innocent.
Buzz: Tomorrow is the pretrial hearing. Time is running out. Things don't look good. She has children that depend on her. She could lose them forever if this goes wrong.
Gus: Nothing is going to go wrong. I'm going to bring her home, okay?
Buzz: Okay. I'll hold you to that. Be a lawyer.
Marina: I mean, the bears haven't had a decent quarterback since McMahon, and he left the team in the '80s.
Danny: Man, a girl who likes football. Will you marry me?
Marina: (Laughs) Really?
Danny: Whoa!
Frank: Catch time's over. Let's go. Let's play some more football.
Marina: Dad, everyone else is on the bench.
Frank: Not anymore, they're not. Come on, everybody. Let's continue the game. All right, Cooper's.
Danny: Let's do it.
Coop: All right, come on, guys.
Gus: Come on, everybody. Let's play the game.
Coop: All right. Come on, Frank. Marina, get the ball.
Gus: Coffee break is over. Is it their ball?
Frank: I'm ready.
Marina: Are you ready, are you ready, are you ready?
Coop: Ready, set, go.
Frank: Hey, hey, hey, hey. (Teams arguing)
Danny: Come on, Frank. What is your problem, Frank? What is your problem?
Frank: I'll tell you what my problem is. Get out of the way. I want you to stay away from my daughter.
Danny: Frank.
Frank: Anybody that's around you always ends up getting hurt, so stay away from her, you got that?
Marina: Dad, you are completely out of control. Come on.
Frank: Out of control? I don't think so. This guy took you halfway around the world to go rescue his wife.
Marina: Dad, I...
Frank: You're not a soldier. You're my daughter.
Marina: I wanted to do it, okay? I wanted to go. Look, I love you, but...
Frank: You know if you love me, then you stay away from him.
Marina: Danny, I'm... I'm sorry. My Dad is just way overprotective.
Danny: Marina, don't apologize. Your Dad's got every right to feel the way he feels, really. I mean, maybe hanging out with me is a lot more trouble than it's worth.
Harley: Guess what I scored.
Gus: Huh?
Harley: The phone number to a spa where Beth is. She skipped town. I say we go find her.
Gus: Really? She skipped town?
Harley: Mm-hmm.
Gus: All right. Well, we should do that after we prepare your defense for the hearing tomorrow.
Harley: What? No. We have to go get Beth. It's a hop, skip, and a jump over the state line...
Gus: Over the state line? Do you hear yourself? Over the state line? What if you didn't make it back on time?
Harley: Oh, please. I'll be back.
Gus: No, it's not going to be a problem, because you're not going anywhere, because my team won and I make the rules, and that's the deal. Remember? That was the deal. There are no deals.
Harley: Well, can't we make another deal?
Gus: No, absolutely not, we cannot make another deal.
Harley: When did you get to be such a big pain in the neck?
Gus: I was always a pain in the neck. It's part of my charming personality.
Harley: Fine. We'll handle it your way.
Gus: I'm not saying to talk out of the other side of your mouth. That would be jumping bail. Do you understand me?
Harley: Okay, I get it.
Gus: No, none of the little lies.
Harley: I get it. Enough.
Gus: You want to work this case together? I have another lead that we can pursue.
Harley: What lead?
Gus: Follow me.
Tammy: I can't believe you went to all this trouble. Is that dinner?
Sandy: Yes, it is. I will be spending a lot of time working with Josh, and I'll be crazy busy, so I wanted to spend my last free hour with you.
Tammy: So, what are we doing on a rooftop in the middle of January?
Sandy: It's the only place to see the show. Come on.
Tammy: Okay. What am I looking for? (Ballad playing in background)
Sandy: See anything?
Tammy: A bunch of people on the beach.
Sandy: Mm-hmm. And?
Tammy: (Gasps) (laughs) No, don't... Don't... Don't do that. They're taking their clothes off.
Sandy: Mm-hmm.
Tammy: Why are they doing that?
Sandy: It's a polar bear club. They come here every Thursday and... Well, when I'm depressed, I come up here to watch the ugly naked people.
Tammy: Well, they're not so bad.
Sandy: You see one you like?
Tammy: Uh, no. (Laughs) Do you?
Sandy: I don't need those to see one I like.
Tammy: Thank you. I needed that.
Sandy: Me, too. You ready for dinner?
Tammy: (Laughs)
Sandy: Okay. We have hamburgers, or--ta-da--pizza, with meatballs and icicles.
Tammy: Oh, hey, I like cold pizza.
Sandy: It's not exactly like dining in a palace, is it?
Tammy: No, it's more fun.
Sandy: You're pretty normal for a princess. That's what you were, isn't it?
Tammy: Well, technically I was Lady Tammy. But you can call me LT, if you want.
Sandy: I just might.
Tammy: You know, you know all about me. I barely know anything about you.
Sandy: Well, there's not much to know. My family wasn't as fortunate as most. We didn't have a lot, so it taught me to improvise.
Tammy: You are such a total liar.
Reva: Whew. Hi.
Jonathan: What took you so long?
Reva: Oh, I bumped into Josh. But I got you everything you wanted, including extra fries.
Jonathan: You know it must be hard for you to be stuck between me and Josh. I want you to know that I don't think he meant to push me down those stairs.
Reva: You're so predictable.
Jonathan: What?
Reva: Well, you feel trapped in that chair, so you're lashing out, you know? Reminding me of what happened with Josh. But you don't have to do that. You don't have to make someone else look bad to make you feel better about yourself. You should find a new way to express your anger, because manipulating people isn't going to get you what you want.
Jonathan: Well, thanks for the good advice. If you don't want me here, I'm out the door.
Reva: I don't want you out the door, and you know it. But playing hurt every time we have a conversation isn't going to get us anywhere.
Jonathan: Well, where do you want to go, Mom?
Reva: You know what I'm talking about. Give it a chance, you know? Give us a chance. Or is that too big a request for you?
Josh: Hello? Everybody okay in there?
Reva: (Sighs) Yeah, we're just fine.
Josh: Hey.
Reva: What are you doing home?
Josh: Well, I got tired of work, and I thought to myself, I think I'd have a much better time tonight if I took my beautiful wife out to dinner.
Reva: Oh. I can't do dinner. I mean I have to stay here with Jonathan.
Josh: No, no, no. I hired a nurse.
Jonathan: Yeah. Now we're talking. She got some nice legs?
Josh: Well, I guess you're going to have to tell me later, big guy. Come on in. Jonathan, I would like you to meet Igor.
Igor: Nice to meet you.
Jonathan: Igor?
Igor: It's a nickname.
Jonathan: (Laughs)
Reva: I don't think this is such a good idea.
Josh: Oh, no, no, no, no. Reva, come on. Darling, listen. One night; you, me, drinks, dinner, dancing. Now, is this an offer you can really afford to refuse?
Tammy: You were not poor. You went to that boarding school in Switzerland. Your family had to have money.
Sandy: Money doesn't make you rich. Having people in your life that love you, that's what really makes you rich.
Tammy: But... Well, your family had to love you, didn't they?
Sandy: They were traveling while I was at school. I felt like the poorest kid on the planet.
Tammy: That's why you lied about being Jonathan, isn't it?
Sandy: I wanted to know what it was like to be part of a real family, so I was for a while.
Tammy: And now you feel poor again?
Sandy: I've never felt richer.
Tammy: Oh! (Laughs) Oh. Oh. Oh! Okay, next time I'm picking the restaurant.
Reva: Okay. Call me if you need anything.
Jonathan: I'm fine. Go have fun.
Josh: Great. Terrific. Let's go.
Reva: I don't know if this is such a good idea.
Josh: Reva, darling, it's going to be fine. Now, look, do I have a dance partner or do I have to start making phone calls, huh?
Reva: You have a dance partner.
Josh: Good. Let's go.
Jonathan: Back off, man.
Igor: Suit yourself champ.
Beneath the heavens blue sparkle of starlight in our eyes... (Cell phone ringing) I love the way you are you're my shooting star you are my shooting star no matter near or far...
Tammy: It's Tammy. I'm busy, so leave a message. Thanks.
Jonathan: Busy. Everybody's busy. Well, I can get busy, too.
Marina: You want to go get something to eat?
Danny: I don't think that's really a good idea.
Marina: I really don't care what my Dad thinks. I like you, so you're stuck with me.
Danny: Marina...
Coop: Basking in your glory again, Lizzie?
Lizzie: Oh, you know it. We won, not you. (Laughter)
Coop: Yeah, well, you also cheated, too.
Lizzie: No, we didn't. That was called creativity, not cheating.
Coop: Creativity? Okay, that's fine. Well, it doesn't matter. At least we know in a straightforward competition, I would whoop your butt. There's no way you'd get by me.
Lizzie: Oh, I don't think so.
Coop: Oh, come on.
Lizzie: I would so beat you.
Coop: You know what? Prove it. I want you to prove it right now.
Lizzie: Okay, okay. Yeah, yeah.
Coop: You ready?
Lizzie: Are you ready?
Coop: All right. Ugh.
Lizzie: Oh, my gosh. Oh. That was a touchdown! Oh!
Coop: Yeah, that's right. But it's for me, though.
Lizzie: No, it is not.
Coop: Absolutely it is. This is my end zone. Yours is right back over there. That means I win, Lizzie.
Lizzie: That...
Coop: I win.
Lizzie: I made it.
Coop: I win.
Lizzie: I made it. Don't do that dance.
Coop: Come here. What are you going to do about it? I'm going to dance if I want to dance.
Lizzie: Shut up. (Laughs) Oh, my God!
Coop: Are you okay?
Lizzie: Yeah. Are you?
Coop: Yeah, yeah. Well, at least we know you've got a career in the NFL.
Lizzie: Oh, shut up.
Coop: (Laughs)
Lizzie: (Laughs)
Buzz: So, did you have any fun?
Alexandra: Well, would you believe not for a second? However, it was kind of nice imagining what it would be like if Harley had married Gus, you and I were still together. Maybe there would be Sundays like this with football and family dinners.
Buzz: Maybe Harley wouldn't have killed Phillip.
Alexandra: And maybe Phillip wouldn't be dead.
Buzz: She didn't do it.
Alexandra: I hope you're right. More importantly, I hope she can prove it.
Harley: I am wiped. I'll tell you, that football game killed me. Maybe we should just put off following that lead until tomorrow.
Gus: Yeah. You could jump in the shower and hit the sack, right?
Harley: Oh, boy, would I ever love that.
Gus: Do I have something right here? Does it say, "sucker" on my face? "I got you, sucker." Does it say that? You don't want to jump in bed and go to sleep. No, you want to go out there and find Beth, don't you? Don't you?
Harley: You really think I'd welsh on our little deal?
Gus: Oh, yeah. I would bet my life savings on it. Absolutely. Which is why I'm not letting you out of my sight until the court appearance tomorrow.
Harley: What exactly do you plan to do? Are you planning to put me in lockdown?
Gus: That's exactly right. Lockdown. You and me, here, all night.
Next, on "Guiding Light"...
Alan: Well, perhaps it's time that you surrendered.
Olivia: Surrender? No, that's not in my vocabulary. However, maybe it is time for us to make a deal?
Harley: You could have picked anywhere to lock me up, but a romantic hotel room?
Gus: Hold on a second. You cannot honestly believe that I would try to take advantage of a situation like this, because, you know...
Harley: What if I wanted you to?
Holly: Oh, Ross.
Ross: Yeah?
Holly: There's more.
Ross: Okay.
Holly: Sebastian didn't die of that disease. I killed him.
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