GL Transcript Wednesday 1/19/05

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 1/19/05



By Suzanne
Proofread By Leigh

Tony: It's okay. I got it. I got it. Thanks.

Maitre d: Oh, sure.

Tony: I appreciate it. First night back in town, I'm sick, huh?

Michelle: Oh. Thanks.

Tony: Thank you.

Maitre d: Enjoy.

Tony: Appreciate it. Okay, listen. I am really confused on why you wanted to come to this place of all places on our first night back, you know?

Michelle: Why?

Tony: It's not really our scene, you know?

Michelle: Oh, do we have a scene? (Laughs)

Tony: I guess not. (Laughs)

Michelle: I guess every couple's supposed to have one, right? It's kind of hard to get one when you're held hostage in the jungle by some whack job. We haven't really had much downtime, have we?

Tony: Not really, no.

Michelle: It's kind of like we barely know each other.

Tony: Not exactly.

Michelle: Hey, I'm Michelle. Have we met?

Tony: Outside of dangerous situations? No, not at all.

Michelle: Yeah, I didn't think so.

Tony: I'm Tony. (Laughter)

Michelle: Okay.

Tony: Yeah.

Michelle: Let's order.

Tony: Okay, yeah.


Coop: You on break right now?

Marina: Yup. You?

Coop: I'm just out here because it annoys Lizzie. It's the third one I've taken this shift. I think that I am going for a record by now.

Marina: Has she even noticed? She's just been writing in that stupid journal she carries around with her.

Coop: Yeah, she's noticed, except for the fact that she's caught up in how much she wants me; she's not doing anything about it.

Marina: Oh, yeah, well, it's a good thing you're not cocky.

Lizzie: Hey.

Coop: Hi.

Lizzie: You know you've been taking a lot of breaks. Are you feeling all right?

Coop: I can come back in if you'd like.

Lizzie: No, no. It's awfully sweet of you to keep Marina company on her breaks. It almost makes you ask who's looking after the restaurant.

Marina: You are. It's your restaurant.

Lizzie: You're exactly right. Enjoy yourselves.

Coop: It's working. I mean she's totally caught up and crazy about me right now.

Danny: Hey, hey, hey!

Marina: Hey, you!

Danny: How's it going? Hi.

Marina: I thought we weren't meeting until after I got off work...

Danny: Yeah?

Marina: ...And not here.

Danny: Really? Well, I'm hungry. Is that okay?

Marina: Sure.

Danny: Okay. I'll see you inside.

Marina: Grandpa is going to eat him alive.

Coop: Oh, I certainly hope so.

Buzz: You got this place without robots to do your bidding?

Lizzie: Buzz, funny! Could you please get Marina and Coop back in here? They need to work.

Buzz: I just... You know, I don't know how to put it. I... No. Your labor issues are your own.

Danny: Hey, Buzz. How are you doing?

Buzz: Danny, I'm happy to see you alive!

Danny: Well, thank you very much.

Buzz: Because now can I kill you.


Dinah: Hello. I'm sure you know who this is. I was curious whether or not you had any thoughts about the conversation we had. Jonathan, this is one of those times where you hold the key to unlocking Cassie's greatest fears, and would I hate to see you blow an opportunity like that. Please call me. Oh, man, this kid is going to disappoint me. I know it.

Cassie: Hello? Help me out here. Hey!

Edmund: What are you doing home?

Cassie: Uh, I live here.

Edmund: Go away.

Cassie: Edmund! Hey, Edmund? Edmund! Edmund?

Edmund: Yes?

Cassie: Wow.

Edmund: Wow. We've been busy, Cassie, so I decided to bring our honeymoon to us.

Cassie: (Laughs) Well, this is weird.

Edmund: Yes, it is, isn't it?

Cassie: (Laughs)

Edmund: You've been distracted, Cassie, and I just am trying to cut through the foul and ugly mists of vapor that seem to strangle you with a certain amount of flowers and uncertain amount of rum.

Cassie: I'm not distracted anymore.

Edmund: Everything okay, then?

Cassie: How could it not be?

Dinah: So the delivery goes to Cassie Winslow. Okay, could you please read me the message I gave you for the card? That's perfect. Okay. Thank you. Have a good day. You'll thank me later, Jonathan.


Alexandra: Hello darling, I see your staff sitting out there leisurely. Labor problems?

Lizzie: It's all part of the game.

Alexandra: Oh, what game are we playing now?

Lizzie: You know I still can't believe that Coop and I actually had a real moment.

Alexandra: Ooh, dear. Best be careful.

Lizzie: No. I mean that's good. It means he's actually starting to like me.

Alexandra: Right, if you say so.

Lizzie: Yeah, it would work out really good. Coop can run Elizabeth and Company, and I'll just sit back and let it go.

Alexandra: Oh, dear. What are we going to do for our next trick? (Laughs)

Lizzie: Well, I did talk him into hanging out with me.

Alexandra: Well, that sounds like a real date. Now, are you sure, Lizzie, that you'll...

Lizzie: It'll be fine. I mean I'll take him someplace where he's completely out of his element, like some black tie event or even the country club.

Alexandra: Oh, oh. Well, that's...

Lizzie: We'll see who's boss.

Alexandra: That sounds like a wonderful relationship beginning. And, oh, heaven, with all the manipulation and scheming, your father would be so proud of you, dear.

Danny: So I take it you heard about Santa Domingo.

Buzz: About how you almost got my granddaughter killed? Word like that travels fast.

Danny: I... I didn't almost get her Marina killed.

Buzz: You know I was actually happy that she was going to go away on a ski trip for a couple of days. You know, with Harley's going to trial for murder, I wanted her to get out of this mess, have some fun, do something normal.

Danny: Of course, well I don't blame you.

Buzz: Normal is not gallivanting around the tropics risking her life trying to save your wife.

Danny: Buzz, Buzz, Buzz. I was not going to let anything happen to Marina.

Buzz: You know, I bet you that's what you told Michelle before you blew her up in the warehouse.


Michelle: All right, this is stupid. Of course we have things to talk about, right?

Tony: Yeah. Of course we do.

Michelle: Yeah.

Tony: Look, I'm just... I don't know, I'm just saying that, here I am, right, with the woman I love and possibly on the worst date that I've ever had in my entire life.

Michelle: Thanks a lot.

Tony: So why can't we just leave this place, get out of here right now; go home, you and me, huh?

Michelle: Because we have plenty of time for that later.

Tony: Well, why wait? You know what it is? I can't think of anything to say because I'm sitting here looking at you. You look so amazing, you look so beautiful, and I just want to take you home.

Michelle: (Clears throat)

Tony: What? (Laughs) What? It's true.

Michelle: Look, we're seeing this bad date through to the bitter end whether you like it or not, because that other stuff, you know, that stuff we've got down. This is what needs work, all right? So let's start over. I'm Michelle.

Tony: And I'm Tony.

Michelle: So ask me something.

Tony: Can we leave?

Michelle: I'm serious. Ask me something, okay?

Tony: Okay. (Laughs) Look, I don't know. Okay, what kind of music do you like?

Michelle: You already know what kind of music I like.

Tony: See? There you... Movies. How's that?

Michelle: All right, movies are good. I don't know. Ask me something else.

Tony: Can we leave? (Laughs)

Michelle: After you.

Tony: That's cute, food fight in a restaurant.

Ross: Michelle, good to see you again. Hi, Tony.

Blake: You know, everyone has told me how my brother Sebastian did nothing but cause them misery, how horrible he was. You two don't seem to be suffering.

Tony: Mm-hmm.


Edmund: Mm-mmm. Hold that thought.

Cassie: For how long?

Edmund: Cassie, I have not yet begun to cater to your every whim. I have a lot more surprises in store.

Cassie: Oh, so you have to leave? How soon will you be back?

Edmund: Oh, before you can say aloha. And then the honeymoon can really begin.

Cassie: Never end.

Edmund: Oh!

Tammy: Whoa! Looks like a travel brochure threw up in here.

Cassie: Hi! Oh, I just love seeing you. Oh, but then I get all upset because, I don't know, sometimes I wish when you walk through the door, you're just going to...

Tammy: Move back in and stay for good?

Cassie: That's right, yeah.

Tammy: Yeah, well, you guys don't need me here right now.

Cassie: Well, maybe not right this second. (Laughs) Are you hungry? Come on, I'll make you something.

Tammy: No, no, no. I just came to get my favorite sweater. Anyway, I can tell you're busy doing the hula with Edmund, so...

Cassie: Well, he knew that I couldn't go away for a honeymoon, so he brought honeymoon to me.

Tammy: Well, it's just nice to see you smiling again.

Cassie: Nice to see you smiling again, too.

Tammy: Mom?

Cassie: Yeah?

Tammy: Never mind.

Cassie: Hey, hey, hey. You can't do that. That's so unfair. What? Say what were you going to say.

Tammy: It's just things have been weird since the wedding, and I'm still wondering why you left, you know? I mean you just sort of took off in the middle of your own wedding.

Cassie: I came back.

Tammy: I know, but...

Cassie: Hey, don't. Trust me. Everything is going to be okay. Edmund and I, we're going to be great, all right?

Tammy: You're sure? Everything's okay?

Cassie: Positive, okay? Everything is going to be great.


Dinah: Hello. That's a beautiful arrangement. Who died?

Edmund: Hello, Dinah. Charming, as always.

Dinah: This is weird. You're supposed to be on your honeymoon, and I keep seeing you around.

Edmund: Dinah, Cassie and I are doing just fine. As a matter of fact, I'm here to pick up a romantic dinner for two.

Dinah: Ooh, and they said it wouldn't last.

Edmund: Look, I don't know what you hope to accomplish by baiting me.

Dinah: I'm not baiting you. I'm saying hello. Look, if I wanted to hurt you or Cassie, I would have blown the wedding right out of the water by telling everyone why Cassie nearly skipped town on the ceremony. Look, you look busy, so congratulations, Eddie.


Lizzie: Coop, I am up to my ears in hamburger grease, okay? I really need you to clean those traps.

Coop: Sure, not a problem. I'll tell you what. I was thinking the other day...

Lizzie: Oh, you were thinking? (Laughs) Are you okay? I mean did you hurt yourself? Everything all right?

Coop: You know what? You just can't refuse to take those opportunities, can you?

Lizzie: Nope, not when it comes to you.

Coop: Look, anyways, about this little date that we agreed to go on...

Lizzie: Yes, I already have a wonderful evening all planned out.

Coop: Really?

Lizzie: Uh-huh.

Coop: That's so good, because I've already got it all figured out myself.

Danny: Buzz, I totally respect your concern. I do. But I never have and I never would involve your granddaughter in anything that could jeopardize her safety. She has been nothing but good to Robbie. And, Frankly, lately she's been the only bright spot in my life.

Buzz: Did you prepare this speech especially for me?

Danny: You or Frank, whoever I got to first, yeah. But it's true. Marina is... Has been a great friend to me.

Buzz: A friend.

Danny: Yeah.

Buzz: There's more than one way a man can hurt a woman.

Danny: I understand that. Marina is very clear about where we stand.

Buzz: Oh, dear.

Danny: Yeah, I was just smoothing things out with your grandfather.

Marina: How did it go?

Danny: Good. (Clears throat) Good.

Marina: That's good. Good.

Danny: Good.

Marina: But for the record, now would be a really rotten time to start lying to me.


Tony: Look, you know what, Blake, you've got something to say, why don't you just say it, because you have no idea the kind of person your brother really is.

Blake: Well, I think I deserve to know what his last few moments of his life were like.

Tony: Really?

Michelle: Just consider yourself lucky that you missed the boat; because I have a feeling your brother was going to pick up where your father had left off.

Blake: You know nothing about my father.

Michelle: Look, I'm not trying to be cruel about this. I recognize that Sebastian was your family.

Blake: Like Robbie and Danny are yours.

Tony: Hey, hey, Blake.

Ross: Tony, just take it easy, all right?

Tony: No, no, no. You know what, Blake? You have no idea the kind of hell that your brother put us through. The only good that came out of it is the fact that Michelle and I are now together.

Ross: Tony, we were just concerned about Michelle's welfare.

Tony: Yeah, well, Ross, Michelle's fine. She's a big girl. She can take care of herself. She saved my life.

Blake: And I'm sure you're more than grateful. But obviously, she doesn't really like sitting beside you.


Edmund: The only reason you could know why Cassie didn't show up to the ceremony initially is if you made it happen yourself.

Dinah: So I'm the only person who could ruin Cassie's happily ever after, is that it?

Edmund: No, you and me, but she came back.

Dinah: Yeah, so I guess it's a good thing that Jeffrey convinced her to marry you. He does have a way with words.

Edmund: What's your point?

Dinah: My point is expect to owe him. And I don't know what he said to Cassie. Better yet, I don't know what Cassie needed to hear. And I suppose if she hasn't told you, then it's all better left unsaid.


Deliveryman: Cassie Winslow?

Tammy: Oh, I can sign for them.

Cassie: Wow.

Tammy: They're for you, of course.

Cassie: Ooh, Edmund is so wonderful!

Tammy: Read the card, read the card.

Cassie: Okay, okay, okay, okay. Okay.


Lizzie: Football? What are you thinking? On a date? Football?

Coop: Oh, well, is this a date?

Lizzie: Well, no, I guess not, really. I guess it's more like spending time with each other. But still, you want to watch football?

Coop: Yeah, it's a Cooper family tradition. I mean it's a great honor to be invited. Tell you that.

Lizzie: So why haven't I heard about this annual game?

Coop: Well, because you hate Coopers for one thing, and, actually, you know what? I don't even think a Spaulding's even been invited before.

Lizzie: All right, so what about the ones who married into the family, like my father?

Coop: Maybe. Maybe. But that just means that you've got a family tradition that you have to uphold... In your father's name, that is.

Lizzie: Look, Coop, it really sounds fun--really, it does--but I already have this whole thing planned out. And you know, I really do love football--don't get me wrong. And I love the whole thing about the foot and the ball. It's great.

Coop: Okay. Look, anyways, are we on or what?

Lizzie: Sure. I'm dead.


Danny: Why would you think I'm lying to you? How much did you hear?

Marina: How much did you mean?

Danny: All of it.

Marina: Then that's how much I heard, all of it. So that part about me being good for Robbie and you?

Danny: True.

Marina: And the part about me being the bright spot in your day.

Danny: (Laughs) How long were you listening?

Marina: Answer the question.

Danny: Other than my son... Bright spot... You... True. But I don't want to freak out anybody.

Marina: Uh-huh, and what about the part where you called me the most delightful, charming beautiful, fun to be around person you've ever met.

Danny: Um, no, I don't remember that part.

Marina: You don't remember that part?

Danny: No. I think we have to check your ears to make sure they're not clogged or something.

Marina: Are you sure? I'm sure I heard that. Oh, no, they're working. I'm pretty sure. (Laughs)

Danny: Are they working? Are you sure? I don't remember that part, no.

Alexandra: Are you trying to turn him to stone?

Buzz: Are you saying I'm wrong in any of this?

Alexandra: (Laughs) Of course not. I'm just saying look at your granddaughter. Doesn't she look happy? Isn't that enough? Little of that going around here these days, hmm?

Buzz: I never told you I was sorry about your loss.

Alexandra: Thank you. Funny, isn't it, how hearing the word "sorry" can clear the air so easily, but we so rarely want to say it.

Buzz: So I'm supposed to go over there right now and apologize to Danny for reading him the riot act?

Alexandra: Of course not. Heaven forbid. I'm just saying doesn't your granddaughter look happy?

Buzz: You're ranting.

Alexandra: She looks happy. Doesn't she deserve it?

Buzz: You're ranting.

Alexandra: I'll stop.


Maitre d: Ah, Mr. Santos.

Tony: Yeah.

Maitre d: The lady left this for you.

Tony: Thank you.

Blake: There's a relationship that's going to last.

Ross: I wish you would just let it go.

Blake: Why? Why should I? Drop it like how Michelle dropped everything, including her husband and her child, ran off on that trip with Sebastian, and my brother's the one who ended up dead. And Michelle is living it up with Tony.

Ross: Well, Blake, it is none of our business what Danny and Michelle and Tony are up to, but your brother did some hideous things not just to the three of them, but to your mother as well.

Blake: (Sighs) I know. I'm sorry. I just feel like I should be grieving Sebastian just be... When you care about someone, just because they do bad things, that doesn't mean that you care about them even less. You of all people should know that.

Ross: Honey, you knew Sebastian for what, two, three weeks before he left? I mean he was your half-brother. Dinah is my child. In my opinion, you just can't compare the two.


Edmund: Dinah, the last time you poured insinuation into my ear, none of us faired very well.

Dinah: No, I know. You went into a jealous rage. You nearly killed Jeffrey. But I'm not the one that put the shovel in your hands. You were looking for a reason to clobber him.

Edmund: My point is I'm not falling for your lies anymore.

Dinah: They weren't lies, not all of them.

Edmund: Dinah, whatever happened before the wedding doesn't matter. Cassie got over it. She came back, we got married, we're stronger than ever. None of it matters anymore.

Dinah: Okay.

Edmund: We all have our secrets, Dinah.

Dinah: Yeah, we do, and it's not the secrets that get us in the end. It's living with them, don't you think?


Tammy: Are you okay? Edmund won't want you to step all over the card.

Cassie: (Sighs) It's just private.

Tammy: Are you sure you're okay, Mom? You look a little...

Cassie: I'm fine. Look, I just... Okay, I want to tell you something. You know that would I do absolutely anything for you, right? You know that, don't you?

Tammy: I know.

Cassie: And I want you to know that I love you more than anything, Tammy, and I love this family.

Tammy: Mom, do you flip out like this every time Edmund sends you flowers, because if you do--and I'm saying this with all due respect, Mom--but get a grip. He's your husband. He's supposed to send you flowers.

Cassie: I know. I know, okay? It's just that you're here, and I guess I just get a little freaked out because I'm afraid you're going to walk away. I'm afraid you are going to go away again.

Tammy: You know I didn't plan to stay for very long.

Cassie: That's okay. I know. I just... You know there's nothing I wouldn't do for you. You know that? I mean there's nothing I wouldn't do for you, Tammy.

Tammy: Okay. I'm going to go put the flowers in some water, okay?

Cassie: Yeah. "The stork doesn't judge. The baby is a blessing even if it was conceived the night before your wedding." Jonathan.


Tony: Hey.

Michelle: What took you so long?

Tony: I was worried about you. Why did you bail?

Michelle: Take a guess.

Tony: You could have taken me with you.

Michelle: Yeah, I could have, but Blake's not really the reason why I left.

Tony: Well, what was the...

Michelle: You.

Tony: Me? Why me?

Michelle: I'm not ready to--I don't know--to be in public.

Tony: With me, huh?

Michelle: Yeah.

Tony: Hey, you know what? It's cool, babe. I understand, you know.

Michelle: You know, I don't think you do...

Tony: No really, no, listen I do. It's okay. It's all right.

Michelle: Because what I'm saying is I don't want to share you yet.

Tony: Hmm.


Dinah: Hello. I was going to leave and then I thought I saw you two.

Ross: Um, Dinah, the...

Dinah: Yeah, I know, the restraining order. I heard about Sebastian and I'm sorry.

Blake: Thank you.

Dinah: Okay. Well, I better go before I get thrown into jail. Daddy, I will talk to you later.

Ross: Good night, Dinah.

Blake: Dinah, don't run off.

Dinah: What about the restraining order?

Blake: Sit. Bring me another glass of wine before I change my mind.

Ross: Uh, yeah. Bartender, white wine and a martini, please? Thanks.

Dinah: Well, I meant what I said about Sebastian. Family is important, and when they're not around, you feel lost.

Blake: I know.

Dinah: So Blake, are you saying that...

Blake: Don't go for a hug or anything. I mean I still don't trust you.

Dinah: Okay. That's fair. That's fair.

Blake: It's just that Ross loves you and I want to respect that because I love him so much. And right now I need him more than anything.

Dinah: So, the restraining order?

Blake: I'll lift it. Don't make me regret it.


Cassie: Oh, wow, it's beautiful. I love what you put those in. Is that the card from the flowers?

Tammy: Yes.

Cassie: I can explain, Tammy.

Tammy: Please. The last thing that I need or want is an explanation. Just creep me out anyway. But at least I know now why you were so freaked out.

Cassie: Tammy...

Tammy: You and Edmund broke the rules before the wedding. He not only saw the bride, he saw the bride. Okay. That's all I'm going to say about that. But is it true? Are you going to have a baby?

Cassie: I don't know.

Tammy: I hope so. I know how badly you and Edmund wanted to have one of your own. And besides, you deserve some joy after all this bad stuff that's been happening lately.

Cassie: Hey, you know, you do too. You do. And you are going to meet a man and you are going to fall in love and high's going to...

Tammy: Okay, okay, but can we not go there right now, please. This is about you and Edmund, and you and... You and Edmund, okay, not me and JB

Cassie: I didn't even mention his name.

Tammy: I just felt one of those big talks coming on and I'm trying to move past all that. You should do the same thing, even though I know he's causing a lot of trouble between you and Aunt Reva.

Cassie: Hey, you know what? If you can, I can.

Tammy: It will do us both a lot of good.

Cassie: Okay.

Tammy: I am going to get out of here. Happy honeymoon.

Cassie: Oh, thanks, baby.

Tammy: You just don't know when to quit.

Edmund: I'm sorry?

Tammy: More flowers? You better watch out, Mom's going to get used to this.

Edmund: Get used to what?

Tammy: It's okay. Your secret's safe with me.

Cassie: Hi.

Edmund: Hi.

Cassie: Those are beautiful. I'm going to put them in some water, okay?

Edmund: Good.


Michelle: I have a child who needs a mother. You know, I've got a divorce that I've got to deal with. I can't really outrun reality, you know. I think I'm going to have to face it.

Tony: Says who? Says who, really?

Michelle: You know, this thing that we got going on, it's either going to work or it's not. It doesn't really matter where we are.

Tony: Okay, then let me ask you something. You think we can make it work? Do you?

Michelle: Yeah, I do.

Tony: Okay, me, too. On the condition, you stop disappearing on me.

Michelle: Okay, I promise. I promise I won't do that anymore. Look, I didn't bail on you in the jungle, so I'm not going to bail on you in Springfield.

Tony: All right.

Michelle: So is this still the worst date you've ever had?

Tony: Actually, I think we're doing pretty good. Come here. We're cool.


Marina: Before you start in on...

Buzz: I'm not going to.

Marina: I just want to tell you that I shouldn't have lied to you about going away with Danny.

Buzz: There's no need.

Marina: But you wouldn't have let me go.

Buzz: You were going to go anyway.

Marina: Yeah, well, we should just all be happy that we're...

Buzz: Would you put a lid on it?

Marina: I'm trying to make a point!

Buzz: Take it! I came over here to apologize to you.

Danny: Buzz come on. That's not necessary.

Buzz: Do either one of you know how to take an apology? I mean, that doesn't mean to say you don't need a good talking to, but, you know, I should still give you the benefit of the doubt because you're not all that bad.

Danny: (Laughs) Well, thank you. Thank you.

Marina: (Laughs)

Buzz: No handshake, okay? We're going to be on opposite sides of the field.

Marina: What are you talking about?

Buzz: Football. Don't tell me about a bad back or weak knees. You're going to be there. You're coming. You're going to be opposite me and I'm going to knock you on your butt.

Danny: Okay. Don't have you a heart condition?

Buzz: Well, then you're in worse trouble because Frank's my surrogate.

Marina: You want Danny at the annual touch football game?

Buzz: Oh, get your head out of the clouds. Come on, you're my best receiver.

Marina: Well, yeah, I just... I didn't think we'd be doing it this year with everything that's going on with Harley.

Buzz: Well, we have to go through with it. That's the point. She said we have to play. You know, life goes on, the family goes on, and he's been such a good friend to you. He's in.

Danny: Like Flynn.

Marina: It's a big deal to be invite as an outsider.

Buzz: Well, we have to have somebody to beat up on.

Danny: Oh, yeah?

Coop: Guess what. We have another victim coming. Our boss, Lizzie, has agreed to suit up and play football with us.

Alexandra: Are you out of your mind, darling? What do you know about football?

Lizzie: I love it. I mean it's like the favorite national pastime.

Alexandra: (Laughs) You can't tear her away from the TV on Sunday nights every season. Never mind, darling.

Buzz: Alex, what about you? You in?

Alexandra: Me? Me, football? (Laughs)

Buzz: Yeah, you football. It's a happy game. Happiness is hard to come by these days.

Alexandra: Aha. Well, when you put it that way, how can I refuse?

Buzz: Well, terrific. See you on the field.

Alexandra: Well, well...

Buzz: This is going to be interesting.

Danny: See, it wasn't so bad. Me and Buzz worked it out.

Marina: Thank you.

Danny: No need to, but you're welcome.

Marina: But you are going down.

Alexandra: Okay, now you tell me what you could possibly know about this barbaric sport, huh?

Lizzie: (Laughs) Me?

Alexandra: Yeah, right. Sure. You got us into this mess. I'll tell you one thing; I'm going to make an appointment for the day after for a manicure, pedicure, massage and probably the chiropractor. And tell me what happened with this magical plan of yours to embarrass Coop before he embarrasses you.

Lizzie: You know, I don't know why it didn't work out the way it was supposed.

Alexandra: We'll see.

Lizzie: But you know what? We still have time. We need a crash course in football as soon as we can. We need to find a sports supply store. Come on, let's go.

Buzz: Those two or not going to know what hit them.

Coop: I know. I know. It's great, isn't it?


Blake: Don't make me write a movie of the week, okay, Dinah, about this? It's just that after losing my father and my brother to that terrible disease, I have come to realize how important family is, so I'm lifting the restraining order against you.

Dinah: Thank you.

Ross: Blake, I don't know what to say except that you've made me very happy.

Blake: You two insist on having a relationship, I'm not going to stand in the way. And Dinah, your steering clear of Cassie's wedding, that meant something. I guess I should thank you for that.

Ross: Yes, I'm very proud of you concerning that. I mean, overcoming your fixation about Cassie and living your own life--that's a milestone, I think.

Dinah: I'm not into that kind of thing anymore, Daddy.

Ross: Good.

Blake: You know I'm just tired of fighting with you.

Dinah: Wow, I mean, my gosh, imagine if we were all on the same team? What could happen?

Blake: Don't get ahead of yourself.

Dinah: This is great. Thank you, Blake.

Dinah: This is great. Thank you, Blake. Daddy, I apologize. I need to make a phone call.

Ross: Oh, of course, of course.

Dinah: Okay.

Blake: And you, Mr. Marler, oh, I'm so tired of fighting with you. I love you so much. And I have missed you.

Ross: I've always been here, honey. I have just been waiting for us to find each other again.

Dinah: Okay, so the flowers were delivered to Cassie Winslow? Good. Thank you. Oh, yeah, I'm moving on all right.


Edmund: Tammy asked why I was bringing more flowers. Did you get some I didn't know about?

Cassie: Yeah, but they were making me sneeze so I just threw them out.

Edmund: Oh. Who sent them?

Cassie: Just more wedding congratulations, so...

Edmund: Oh.

Cassie: No big deal.

Edmund: I'll take a look at the card and send off a thank you.

Cassie: Oh, that's okay. You don't have to send a thank you for flowers. Look, we're only in Maui for a very short time, so we might as well not waste it talking. We should do more honeymoon activities. Don't you think?

Edmund: Mmm. You're right, right. It's our honeymoon, after all. So let's...

Cassie: I have to tell you something.

Edmund: What?

Cassie: I just pray that we get lucky tonight, that tonight's the night. Edmund, I want a baby with you so bad.

Edmund: Are we ready to conceive? Have you checked the calendar?

Cassie: I checked the calendar. We're ready.

Edmund: Well, let's make tonight the night.


Next, on "Guiding Light":

Josh: I think he deserves a second chance, don't you?

Reva: Well, you know how much I care about Sandy, but it's just starting to feel like everyone's picking sides. You know, you and Sandy, and Cassie and Edmund, against me and Jonathan.

Jonathan: So you admit it, I'm everything that Sandy is not.

Tammy: Everything.

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