GL Transcript Friday 1/14/05

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 1/14/05



By Boo
Proofread By Leigh

Bill: (Cooing)

Olivia: Hey. Here. Early edition of tomorrow's "Journal."

Bill: Ah. What's this?

Olivia: I need a big hug. Big, big hug. Oh, thank you. Business section, front page, check it out.

Bill: "Slingshot Enterprises..." hey, that's us.

Olivia: "The little company that will." It is a glowing story. I mean, neon. Did you hear that? Mommy and step Dad Bill got some great publicity for their company. The phone is going to be ringing off the hook with new clients.

Bill: Olivia, this is excellent.

Olivia: It is. We're a good team, personally and professionally.

Bill: Yeah, we are.

Olivia: Can you spell "success," Emma? Yeah? Thank you.

Bill: Can you spell "Alan?"

Olivia: What's he done now?

Bill: The most evil, despicable move to date. He's invited you to a cocktail party.


Alexandra: Oh, hot sun, endless beaches, just the thing to lift our spirits, the whole family. So, which island do you prefer?

Beth: With all of our schedules to coordinate, I doubt it will ever actually happen.

Alan: Beth, what's wrong? It's not like you to be negative.

Beth: I'm just tired. Okay, Alan?

Alan: Well, I hope you can keep your eyes open long enough for cocktail hour. You see, I've invited Olivia over for a drink and she's planning on bringing Emma.

Alexandra: I'm dying to see Emma, but I could do without the mother, so you'll have to entertain by yourself, Alan. See you at dinner.

Alan: Excuse me, Beth. Alexandra? Correct me if I'm wrong, but when you were a little girl, didn't you love a fireworks display?

Alexandra: Oh, you know I did. Why?

Alan: Well, I want you to stick around, and I'll show you a fireworks display that you will never forget.


Harley: So you think if you keep staring at that board, the killer is just going to pop out at you?

Gus: Something like that.

Harley: Sounds like you've got a plan.

Gus: Yeah. My plan is to prove that you didn't do it.

Harley: (Laughs) Or maybe that I did.

Gus: Listen to me. You showed me a little glimmer of hope. Do you remember that? I'd really like it if you didn't let that go.

Harley: I have hope.

Gus: Mm-hmm.

Harley: Okay? It's just the not knowing what I can't remember thing that's starting to get to me. Maybe I do remember but I don't want to remember because it was so horrible, you know what I mean?

Gus: You didn't do this.

Harley: You think that the killer is out there somewhere? I see her every time I look in the mirror. Maybe we should just not do this anymore.

Gus: Do what?

Harley: You know. Team up.


Jonathan: No, Mom. Mom, you can't watch what's on that tape.

Reva: So does this have something to do with what happened in Cassie's room?

Jonathan: It's my tape. Give it to me.

Cassie: Look how worried he is, Reva. You know why he doesn't want you to see it, right?

Jonathan: Stay out of it. The tape.

Cassie: Give it to me.

Reva: Stop it, both of you. I don't know what's going on here...

Cassie: I'll tell you what's going on. I had a video camera set up in my room because I wanted to catch him, and it probably caught everything, huh, Jonathan? Including when you drugged me?

Jonathan: Oh, here we go with the drugging theory again.

Cassie: Well, the next morning the tape was missing.

Reva: Did you take it?

Jonathan: Maybe.

Cassie: I'm terrified to see what's on that tape, but if he's this worried about it, then maybe we should watch it.

Jonathan: Bad idea, Aunt Cassie.

Cassie: Why is that? I lured you to my room because I wanted my sister to see you for who you really were, and what's on this tape proves that you turned the situation to your own sick advantage. You drugged me and you got me into bed.

Jonathan: No.

Cassie: Then why don't you want her to see this tape?

Reva: Is Cassie right? Does this show that you took advantage of her?

Jonathan: What if I say no? What if I give you my word as your son that that did not happen? Would you trust me and not watch that tape?

Reva: I trust you to tell me the truth.

Jonathan: Mom, I did. It's not like Cassie says. Nothing happened that night.

Cassie: Then why don't you want her to see the tape?

Jonathan: Because... look at this. This is ridiculous. Look how this has come between you guys. It's gone far enough.

Cassie: Oh, come on. Don't you see why he doesn't want you seeing the tape? It's going to incriminate him, and you will see how cruel and sick he really is, and he doesn't want you to see that. But you know what? I found out the hard way, and so will you.


Bill: So, I guess it's going to be a jolly old time at chez Spaulding, huh? Don't forget your cross and holy water.

Olivia: Alan wants me to bring Emma. He has an announcement to make, which sounds chilling. I notice he didn't invite you.

Bill: I noticed that, too, and it really hurts because I really wanted to go. I really did.

Olivia: Well, I'm not going without you.

Bill: Then don't go at all. Just say no.

Olivia: Yeah, but then we... we miss the opportunity to see the look on his face when he reads that headline. I mean, come on. There are going to be moments like this that we're going to cherish in our old age, you know?

Bill: Let me ask you something. What happened to the old killing Alan with kindness? Is that out the window?

Olivia: I'm going to be extra sweet.

Bill: Oh, really?

Olivia: No, I'm going to be extra sweet.

Bill: You are? Okay.

Olivia: Really.

Bill: Sure.

Olivia: Yeah.

Bill: All right. Well, you know he's up to something, don't you?

Olivia: What? Isn't it better to just face it head-on than to be blind-sided? Besides, we have to show him that we don't scare easily, okay? I mean, we got out of Ravenwood, you're adopting Emma...

Bill: I am.

Olivia: And finally, I'm not the prime suspect in Phillip's murder. It's all on Harley right now.

Bill: Yeah, you know, maybe you should... (clears throat)

Olivia: What? We've got some things going for us for a change. I want to keep that momentum, so let's get the check and get... ...out of here. Hi.

Buzz: You're okay with my daughter going down for murder?

Olivia: Uh, no. That's not what I meant.

Buzz: Harley doesn't deserve this.

Bill: No, of course she doesn't, come on, Buzz. You know we're both rooting for her. She's our partner. She's our friend.

Buzz: No, she's your friend.

Olivia: Well, that was awkward.

Bill: Awkward yeah, a little awkward. Well, you know, he wasn't wrong. I'm not too thrilled with Harley being the prime suspect and neither should you.

Olivia: Sorry.

Bill: Yeah, well. Let's save it for the cocktail party, huh? Shall we go?

Olivia: Yeah. Come here, sweetie. Let's put this on.


Beth: Excuse me. You're going to have to entertain Olivia without me.

Alan: Are you sure? Beth? Beth? Are you all right?

Beth: I just have a headache, Alan.

Alan: You've had a lot of those lately.

Beth: Well, it's the stress, Alan. It's been a very stressful time.

Alan: Well, Beth, I hope you feel better.


Gus: Listen to me. The way that I see it, we don't disagree on this at all, okay? I know that you didn't do it, and you... just, you're not so sure.

Harley: Okay, listen to me. I am not anxious to prove that I'm guilty, okay? Don't get me wrong about that. My only point is, maybe, you know, since we're coming at this from different angles, we should investigate it that way.

Gus: Meaning what?

Harley: Meaning that we should try out different ideas, explore different theories.

Gus: Meaning what?

Harley: Meaning I have an idea about something and I'm going to check it out.

Gus: Meaning what? What?

Harley: Meaning if it pans out, I will let you know.

Gus: No. Wait a... please. Do not leave here and not tell me what's going... just please... please just tell me what's happening. What are you talking about?

Harley: Don't worry about what I'm talking about. What are you planning to do?

Gus: (Sighs)

Harley: What, are you going to sit here and stare at that board all night? That's what I'm paying you for? That's great.

Gus: First of all, you're not paying me--let's remember that. And number two, no I was thinking about maybe I'll call Beth.

Harley: Really? Feeling masochistic?

Gus: No, I'm just curious. She's been acting very strange lately and all around Christmas, and I just... I just think that she knows something.

Harley: Are you serious? You really think Beth did this? Beth raines? Beth? No, you think... you think it could be Lizzie.

Gus: Let me put it this way: I get the sense that Beth is protecting someone. Whether it's herself or somebody else. Beth has a conscience and whatever she's hiding, she's not going to be able to do it for very much longer.


Alan: Olivia, I'm so glad that you could join me for a drink this afternoon. And it's a nice surprise to see you, too, Bill.

Bill: Alan, I'd never pass up a chance to throw a few back with you. No sirree. And I'm not even offended that I wasn't on the invite.

Alexandra: Well, that's very big of you, Bill.

Olivia: Well, you know, we just assumed it was implied, you know? Bill is my husband. Where Emma and I go, he goes. So, what is this big news you couldn't wait to share with us. You said it involved Emma?

Alan: I want you two to know that I've established a new trust fund for Emma. Now, I know that Phillip set one up previously, but I want to make sure that she's well taken care of.

Olivia: Well, that's generous of you, and I'm certainly not complaining, but why now?

Alan: Honestly?

Olivia: Aren't you always honest with me, Alan?

Alan: Bill, Frankly I didn't think that your marriage would last this long.

Bill: Wow. There's a vote of confidence if ever I heard one.

Alan: Well, you two are still together, planning on adopting little Emma, that means that your future is tied together and ... as well as Emma's.

Bill: What is wrong with that?

Alan: Well nothing, as long as Slingshot Enterprises is a success. Of course, if it's a failure, as most small businesses are, well, you could lose everything and I don't want my granddaughter to lose out.

Olivia: Oh, no. No. Well, you know what? You really don't have to worry about the trust, because as you can see, Slingshot isn't about to fail.

Alan: I'm talking about real journalism integrity, not this fluffy rag. As a matter of fact, I wanted Phillip to buy this when he bought WSPR. We could raise the journalistic level. Speaking of WSPR, perhaps Emma would like to watch a little television while we chat?

Olivia: I'm not a big fan of parking the kids in front of the tube.

Alan: Olivia, there's some wonderful children's educational television on these days.

Host: Good evening and welcome to Unsolvable Mysteries. I'm your host, Alex McKee. Tonight, we're going to deal with and explore one of the most spectacular murder mysteries in Springfield history: The 2004 death of Springfield billionaire Phillip Spaulding. What...

Olivia: What is this garbage?

Host: ...Appeared to be a crime of passion now may be something far more sinister. Sources within the police department have told Unsolvable Mysteries that Phillip Spaulding may have fallen victim to a carefully plotted conspiracy involving Harley Cooper and Bill and Olivia Lewis.

Olivia: What the...?

Host: Crime of passion or cold-blooded conspiracy? Those answers, when Unsolvable Mysteries returns.

Olivia: You.


Buzz: What are you doing here? You're supposed to be on a case with Gus.

Harley: No, we are. We're working it separately, though. That's why I'm here. I actually need a favor.

Buzz: What can I do for you?

Harley: Well, I'm trying to recreate what happened the night that Phillip was murdered. You know? I'm trying to relive the experience, so I figured if we do it right...

Buzz: Wait, hold...

Harley: I might actually...

Buzz: What do you mean, "we?"

Harley: We, you and me. I'll play myself and you play Phillip.


Beth: I thought I told you to get rid of this dress.

Hilda: Yes, Ms. Raines, you did. And...

Beth: And what? It's still here. I don't want this dress. I don't want any of these things. So please just take them to the charity drop box on Fifth Street right now, on your way home.

Hilda: Yes, ma'am. I'm sorry, ma'am.

Gus: You don't like that dress, huh?

Beth: It was Phillip's favorite and it brings back horrible memories for me.

Gus: I understand.

Beth: If you're looking for Alan, he's in the...

Gus: No, I was looking for you, actually. I was thinking, you know, let's go get a drink or something.

Beth: You want to go out with me? Why?

Gus: Well, you're the only one I can relate to in this mausoleum.

Beth: That's a nice idea, Gus, it really is, but I'm going to take a rain check.

Gus: Oh, come on. Look at you. Look at me. We're all wound up. You know, a drink or two, loosen you up, we'll sleep better tonight.

Beth: No, actually alcohol before bed makes your sleep worse.

Gus: Oh, is that right? Are you arguing with me? I'm the CEO of Spaulding Enterprises, the top of the food chain, top of the food chain, baby. In the free world, I'm very powerful. Come on. Let's just have a drink. One drink.

Beth: I really...

Gus: One little drink, please. Come on, now. It won't kill you.


Jonathan: You might have had too much to drink at that bachelorette party.

Cassie: I did. You're right, I did. (Whispers): You can't tell anybody you're here, okay?

Jonathan: I'll never tell.

Cassie: (Laughs) I mean, like, what's wrong with having a little fun before you get married, right? That's where he drugged me.

Reva: Ssh.

Cassie: Look how my words are slurring.

Reva: You were drunk.

Cassie: No, I wasn't. I'm so glad that we're on the same...

Reva: It looks like you were seducing him, not the other way around.

Cassie: ...Wave...

Jonathan: ...Length?

Cassie: That's it. (Laughs) Let's do it.

Jonathan: Uh, Cassie? Cassie? Now, you don't want to do this.

Cassie: Yeah, I do. (Laughs)

Jonathan: No.

Cassie: Yeah. Come on. You want this as much as I do. It's because of the drugs, Reva. I would never go near him otherwise.

Jonathan: Cassie, you're going to hate yourself in the morning.

Cassie: (Laughs) Not if we don't tell anybody. (Laughs)

Jonathan: Cassie. Cassie no.

Cassie: Yes, yes, yes.

Jonathan: Turn it off. Please?

Cassie: No, don't. This is where I try to stop him. Right here. This is where it happens.

Jonathan: Whoa, Cassie, you don't look so good.

Cassie: I'm so dizzy. (Laughs)

Jonathan: Yeah, look, the best thing for you is to lie back down, okay? You're going to sleep it off.

Cassie: This is where he takes advantage of me. Right here.

Jonathan: Oh, man. I'm pretty wasted. I better not drive.

Cassie: That's not what happened. No, that's not what happened. No, no, no. That's not how it happened. That is not how it happened.

Reva: Cassie? You said that the tape would prove the truth. You can't have it both ways.

Cassie: Then he edited it. He did something to it, because I woke up naked the next morning and so was he. Something happened, Reva. Something happened after that tape ran out.

Reva: It looks to me like everything happened before the tape ran out, and it was all your doing. You sent Jonathan a note telling him to come to your room. You wanted things to turn out a certain way so I'd see the worst in him. You already admitted that. Then when it didn't happen the way you thought it would, now you're trying to put your spin on it.

Cassie: Then how come I woke up naked the next morning in bed, Reva? How does that fit into your theory?

Jonathan: I told you. The next morning, I wanted to mess with her. I was playing with her head.

Cassie: Oh, my God. And you believe him?

Reva: You seemed determined to get him undressed before you passed out.

Cassie: When have you ever seen me that wasted off a couple of drinks?

Reva: A couple? Cassie! You were doing shots.

Cassie: I told you...

Reva: We all saw you.

Cassie: I was pretending to be drunk, Reva! Something happened between when the tape went off and to the next morning, and I have no idea what happened, and he won't tell me. That scares the hell out of me, and I can't believe it doesn't scare the hell out of you, and I can't believe you're believing him over me.

Reva: I believe what I see.

Cassie: Have you lost your mind? That kid loves to drag you down to his level. Have you forgotten what he did to Tammy? He hates you. He hates all of us. Reva, I love you, and I wanted to protect you, I swear. Okay, yeah, I set him up. I did that. I did that because I wanted to get rid of him and I wanted to protect you and Tammy, because I think he's evil and I think he has to go away.

Reva: All right. All right, that's enough!

Cassie: Reva...

Reva: I said that's enough! And I mean it. If you love me the way you say you do, leave my son alone.


Gus: How are you holding up?

Beth: Okay, I guess.

Gus: Yeah? And Lizzie?

Beth: What about her?

Gus: How is she doing?

Beth: Well, it's... it's kind of hard to say right now because she won't talk about it.

Gus: What, about Phillip?

Beth: Yeah. She's just burying herself in the restaurant. She just keeps doing what she thinks he would want her to do.

Gus: Hm.

Beth: You know, sometimes I see her looking at that model of Springfield of his and it just makes me nervous. I want to help her but I feel so powerless. I feel like... I feel like I failed her.

Gus: Beth, listen to me. You are a very good mother.

Beth: I've made so many mistakes.

Gus: Come on, now.

Beth: Mistakes that can't be undone.

Gus: What are you dredging up now? Are you dredging up all the old stuff? Come on.

Beth: She's hurting so much right now and the only thing that will stop her from hurting is for Phillip to come back, but he's never coming back. (Sobbing) No, no, no, not again. Not... (sobs)

Gus: It's okay.

Beth: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I know you think I'm acting silly, but just...

Gus: No, come on. You're just...

Beth: What happened was I spilled wine on another dress just like this recently, and I ruined it, you know? It wouldn't come out.

Gus: Maybe you should switch to white wine. Is that the other dress you were talking about? The one that I saw you give away to charity?

Beth: No, no. Um, no. I told you why I gave that dress away. This was a different dress. It was a silk dress.

Gus: Right. Well, then I think white wine is the way to go for you.

Beth: Would you... would you just get me some club soda from the waiter?

Gus: Sure.


Harley: You're standing here. Okay. Phillip's here and he's waiting for everyone else to show up at 9:00. I'm early and he is furious. He's in my face. He tells me he knows I'm Ruth, rips off my wig. He says, "did you really think I wouldn't see through your cheesy disguise?" Say it.

Buzz: Say what?

Harley: What I just said.

Buzz: You didn't think I'd see through your disguise.

Harley: "Cheesy." Say "cheesy disguise."

Buzz: Cheesy disguise.

Harley: Say, "I'm on to you."

Buzz: I'm on to you.

Harley: Daddy, be angry. You're furious with me.

Buzz: I'm on to you!

Harley: Good, good. "I just... I just want Zach and Jude back, Phillip. You're sick. You need help." Grab my arm. Say, "admit it, you hate me."

Buzz: I... Harley.

Harley: Say it, Daddy. "You're so hypocritical, you're so sanctimonious." Say it.

Buzz: You're so, um...

Harley: Say it.

Buzz: What, I can't remember. I'm sorry, I can't remember.

Harley: Dad!

Buzz: I'm sorry, okay?

Harley: Well, it's not going to work if you do it like that. You have to... you have to give me something to react to, something to fight against.

Buzz: Well, how am I supposed to do that?

Harley: You have to be as awful to me as Phillip was in the end. Make me hate you.


Olivia: Either you turn this garbage off or I'm taking Emma home.

Alexandra: Ssh. It's starting up again.

Host: According to conventional wisdom within the Springfield police department...

Bill: We might as well watch the show. The rest of the town is.

Host: Mr. Spaulding was killed by his ex-wife, Harley Cooper, who herself was disguised as her alter-ego, Ruth Karloff. Mr. Spaulding had kidnapped the couple's children. She was in a fit of rage and showed up, and a fight ensued, an argument, if you will, at her father's restaurant...

Bill: Please. Harley's disguise was so much better than that.

"Phillip": Harley, take off... (bleep)

"Harley": You have no right to keep them from me! No, you don't!

"Phillip": You're a terrible mother! You're a terrible mother! Terrible!

"Harley": I'm going to do it.

"Phillip": You won't do it. (Gunshots) I can't believe you did that. Ugh. I can't...

Host: They argued and in the Melee that ensued, Mrs. Spaulding--the former Mrs. Spaulding, Harley Cooper, shot several bullets into Phillip Spaulding and he died shortly thereafter. And that may be how it, indeed, happened. But one of the other theories making the rounds at this point is, what if Mr. Spaulding was not the evil man he was made out to be, and instead fell victim to a plot, a plot which was hatched by Harley Cooper, Olivia Lewis and her new husband, Bill Lewis...

Alexandra: Olivia? Don't you have a dress like that?

Host: ...Who himself was an admitted enemy of the Spaulding family.

Olivia: Oh, my God.

"Phillip": What do you have a gun... what do you have guns for?

"Olivia": Two guns.

"Phillip": Do not make me suffer. Please, I don't like suffering. I'm a Buddhist.

"Harley": Dance. (Gunshots)

Phillip: I'm begging. I'm begging, please. I am begging you. Don't hurt me. I did not do anything to Zach. I did not do anything, I swear to God. (Gunshots) Please. (Gunshots)

Host: What if this was not a case of an evil man who had just made enemies, but instead a defenseless man who was just there trying to protect his children and instead wound up dead? Harley Cooper, Olivia Lewis and Bill Lewis all came together as a result of a pact, a pact born of jealousy and anger and rage, a pact which brought together two vengeful ex-spouses and a witless accomplice, and which resulted in the ultimate, the most heinous of crimes, murder. Two scored wives bent on two scorned wives bent on revenge. Four lives forever seared in a cauldron of rage. The result: Phillip Spaulding, a Billion...

Olivia: Well, that is a charming picture you painted for your granddaughter, Alan.

Alan: Who says there's nothing good on television these days, Olivia?

Olivia: Well, you must be very proud of yourself. I wonder if you're going to still be smiling when I slap you with a slander suit, or libel, or whatever. Both.

Bill: Either way, ka-ching.

Olivia: Well, you did want to provide for your granddaughter's future, didn't you, Alan?

Alan: Olivia, sue me. I had nothing to do with this. It's just a theory. They'll laugh you out of court.

Olivia: It was your TV station, Alan.

Alan: It was independently produced. It is just a theory that is floating around. You did get a copy of that, didn't you?

Olivia: I know why you did this, Alan. You want to put as much negative publicity out there about Bill and me so you can thwart this adoption.

Alan: Sue me. It'll only support this theory.

Olivia: What about you, Alexandra? Do you condone this behavior? Do you think this is what's in Emma's best interest?

Alexandra: Do you really want my opinion?

Olivia: No, I don't. Let's get out of here. Come on, sweetheart. I'm going to take you away from these awful people.

Alan: Well, didn't I promise you a wonderful fireworks display?

Alexandra: Yes, Alan. Now that the whole country has seen this lurid, lurid little story. How could you tarnish Phillip's memory like that?

Alan: I did not tarnish Phillip's memory. He is a hero. I am keeping his memory alive and this is exactly what he would have wanted, anything to get even with his enemies.

Alexandra: Yes. That's exactly what Phillip would have wanted because he was sick. You are supposed to be in your right mind.

Bill: Okay, Emma, let's go home.

Olivia: Yeah. Say good-bye to your grandfather. You're not going to see him for quite some time.

Alan: Olivia? I'm not through with you yet.


Beth: You know, this is just so typical of me. I'm such a klutz. Phillip always said that if there was a way to spill something, I would spill it, and here I go again.

Gus: Can you just excuse me for a sec? I'll just... I'll be right back, okay?

Beth: Yeah, sure.


Harley: Okay, let's just do it again, all right?

Buzz: Why don't we have, like, some coffee and some pie instead?

Harley: Because I want to do this. I have to do this. I need to do this, okay? I need to do this, okay? ???

Buzz: Pick it up. You know how to use it.

Harley: "It's loaded."

Buzz: It's loaded.

Harley: And then he takes the gun, he puts it in my hand and he's holding onto it. "What's in your heart? What do you want more than anything in the world?"

Buzz: At this moment, at that moment, what do you want more than anything else in the world? (Cell phone ringing)

Harley: Uh... okay. Well, we struggled. I know we struggled, but who had the gun? See, this is the part where I'm always blocked. Who could... oh. What?

Gus: Hi, it's me. I need you to do me a favor.

Harley: Please, not now.

Gus: Yes, right now. Look, I am with Beth and I'm on to something. I think that she actually might be our killer. She just got rid of a dress that she wore, I think maybe the night that Phillip was shot, okay? It's blue. She had one of her maids toss it in the charity box. You know the charity box on Fifth Street near Harley's Angels?

Harley: Yeah, yeah.

Gus: Maybe that dress is stained with Phillip's blood. Now, I am with Beth right now, so I can't leave, so I need you to go down to Fifth Street.

Harley: Okay. Well, I'm nearby. I'll be there in five minutes.

Gus: Okay, good. Call me when...

Harley: I'm sorry. We're going to have to do this another time.

Buzz: Why? Who was that?

Harley: I love you. Thank you.


Reva: Do you remember when you first came to town, Cassie? You had an agenda. Everybody told me not to trust you, but did I listen? No, because I was trying to understand you, and I encouraged everyone else to do the same.

Cassie: You cannot be comparing me to him.

Reva: You told me over and over again how grateful you were that I backed you up back then, and now I am trying to give my own son the benefit of the doubt, and suddenly that's not okay with you?

Cassie: Because he's got to deserve it first, Reva.

Reva: People told me you didn't deserve it, either, but I still stuck by you.

Cassie: It's not the same.

Reva: No? If Tammy had come out of foster care different from the kid you remembered, if she had come out scarred and angry and lashing out, would you have abandoned her.

Cassie: It's not the same thing.

Reva: No?

Cassie: No.

Reva: Oh, really? How is it different?

Cassie: Because everything he does is evil and manipulative. That's why.

Reva: I know. But since the thing with Tammy happened, he's had to be on the defensive. First Josh setting him up with the wallet, and then the fall down the stairs, and now...

Cassie: Reva, come on. You cannot...

Reva: No. I am sick of it! And until you can learn to accept my son...

Cassie: What? And what if I can't? What if I never can? Are you really going to choose him over me?

Reva: I think maybe we should just steer clear of each other for a while. Jonathan, I'll talk to you later.

Cassie: (Sighs)

Jonathan: Little life lesson, Cassie: You better make sure you have all your ducks in a row before you mess with mama bear and her cub.

Jonathan: Listen, Cassie, I know that this is eating you up, so I'm going to do you a favor and put your mind at ease. We didn't do the deed. I wasn't even tempted. Well, that's a lie. That lingerie... I thought this little trick of mine would give me a lot more satisfaction, so...

Cassie: And why should I believe you?

Jonathan: That's actually a good point. Why should you believe me, after I've lied to you about so much? Well, I guess it's just going to be one of those things that you never really know, and it's going to gnaw at you and haunt you in your dreams. Sleep tight.

Cassie: Where are you going?

Jonathan: I'm going to leave you alone. I think you need time to sit with yourself and think about your mistakes. But, hey, look on the bright side: At least now you know what it's like to be set up. Hey, Reva. Reva, I really didn't want you to see that tape.

Reva: Then why did you keep it? You went to her room, you had a drink, you kissed her.

Jonathan: Well, excuse me, but didn't you see...

Reva: You should have turned around and walked away.

Jonathan: I'm a guy.

Reva: You should have left. You're far from innocent in this whole situation, but you're not as guilty as Cassie is making you out to be. And you're my son, and I'll stick by you. Just don't make me regret it.


Olivia: Get out of my way, Alan.

Alan: Olivia, that TV show wasn't that far off the mark, was it?

Olivia: It was off the mark. I didn't conspire with Ruth. I didn't even know Harley was Ruth until everyone else did.

Alan: No, but Bill did, and he knew it from the very beginning. Now, didn't your husband ever take you into his confidence? What kind of a so-called marriage is this, anyway?

Olivia: It's not a so-called marriage, it's the real thing, and the reason he didn't tell me was to protect me.

Alan: Oh, is that what he told you? Well, even if it were true...

Olivia: It is true.

Alan: Even if it were true, how could you listen to a man who lies to you that easily?

Olivia: You know what? Listen to me. I know what you're doing. You just want to bad-mouth him. Go ahead. It doesn't matter, because I know who he is, and I know how lucky I am.

Alan: If you say so. But you know something? I've never thought he was the man for you, and he's certainly not suitable to be a stepfather to Emma. But as long as he's in your life, I will occasionally pull one of these stunts. Now, if you want to take him out of the picture...

Olivia: You seriously think that I'm going to dump Bill just to get you off my back?

Bill: Olivia, are you coming?

Olivia: As fast as I can.


Gus: Where are you going?

Beth: Um, my...

Gus: Come on, now.

Beth: My headache has come back. I really need to go home and lie down.

Gus: I just got you a little glass of wine so you can unwind a little bit, okay? Please, sit down.

Beth: No, Gus, I really...

Gus: I promise you Beth, if talking about... sit, sit. Talking about Phillip and everything has gotten you upset, I'm sorry. There's a million other things that we can talk about. A zillion. (Laughs)

Beth: Like what?

Gus: Like anything. Like Lizzie. Like how can we get her to stop feeding that dog at our family dinners? I mean, it's enough already, don't you think? A little bit? No? That dog is going to have its own throne before you know it. See? There is plenty for us to talk about.


Harley: Okay, if this doesn't pan out, it's Gus's neck. I really hope it's only clothes in there. Well. Huh. He tells me it's a blue dress, but is it peacock blue? Is it midnight blue? Men are so colorblind when it comes to this stuff. Well, hello.


Next, on "Guiding Light."

Jonathan: How was your wedding night, by the way? Did you even have one?

Edmund: I beg your pardon.

Jonathan: Some brides will go and party so hard the night before their wedding...

Dinah: You've only been married a day and now this?

Cassie: There is no "this," okay?

Dinah: Then why are you so upset and shouting?

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