Guiding Light Transcript Monday 1/10/05
By Boo
Proofread By Leigh
Danny: Michelle? That wasn't a dream. It was a memory. It really happened. A couple of years ago, I took you on a hot-air balloon ride.
Michelle: A memory?
Danny: A real one, of our past. Is that the first one that you've had, of us?
Michelle: No.
Tony: Michelle?! Michelle!
Michelle: Tony!
Tony: Are you all right?
Sebastian: Why is it I am suddenly feeling so excluded?
Reva: Hey!
Jeffrey: Hey there.
Reva: It seems that the happy couple has slipped away, and who can blame them? It is their wedding night.
Jeffrey: Just as well. Too much happiness makes me break out into a rash.
Reva: Yeah, yeah. You're a cynic. We all know that. Well, I'm glad you were there to perform the ceremony. It meant the world to Cassie.
Jeffrey: Well, I consider it a debt paid in full. Now Mrs. Winslow has Mr. Winslow to look after her.
Reva: Let me ask you something: How did you know to be at the barn when we all thought that the wedding had been called off?
Jeffrey: Well... oh, look who's here. Hello, Dinah.
Dinah: Well. What did I miss? This looks like a party.
Reva: Something like that.
Dinah: Well, I hope that your sister wasn't too emotional about the whole thing.
Reva: You know, I think I managed to do most of the crying.
Jeffrey: (Laughs)
Dinah: Really? Well, Reva, I know that you've got an awfully large heart, so I'm sure you can teach Cassie how to mend her broken one.
Reva: Dinah, what are you talking about? Cassie's never been happier.
Dinah: Well, I find it hard to believe that Cassie got over Edmund that quickly. I understand what you're doing, keeping the wagons circling for the sake of the family, keeping up the appearances, but this wedding just wasn't meant to be.
Reva: Wasn't meant to be what? I don't know what gossip you've been listening to or what gossip you've been spreading, but you should mark this date down in your personal calendar as an anniversary. Cassie and Edmund got married today.
Jeffrey: Didn't see that one coming did you?
Cassie: I don't want this night to end.
Edmund: Good, considering it's just beginning.
Cassie: Can we talk about it again?
Edmund: (Laughs) Cassie, I was there. Why do women want to rehash every single detail?
Cassie: So it doesn't fade. Wasn't the wedding amazing? And our first dance as husband and wife.
Edmund: It was like floating on air.
Cassie: Edmund, you're so incredible. After everything I've put you through.
Edmund: Cassie, you have put me through the best day of my life, and that is all I remember. You're shivering. Come on let's go inside. We have a honeymoon suite awaiting, and we can start our new life together, and from that point, we can put everything bad that happened before behind us.
Cassie: Edmund, I can't. I have to tell you something.
Josh: Get up to the roof where we can get a little privacy, huh?
Jonathan: What is your problem?
Josh: You. You are my problem. You may think that you have Reva in your hip pocket, but not me. I've been on to you from the start.
Jonathan: I have as much right to be here as anybody else.
Josh: No, you have no rights, none whatsoever. You have hurt my family for the last time, and I'm not going to sit around and wait for the other shoe to drop.
Jonathan: Yeah. On your head!
Josh: Get up those stairs!
Jonathan: Oh, thank God for people like you, Josh. Otherwise the world wouldn't be safe from people like me.
Josh: You're done in this town. Do you hear me? I want you gone.
Jonathan: Oh.
Josh: Gone.
Jonathan: Oh, if only wishing made it so! Get out of my way.
Josh: You are a cancer to Reva and to this town.
Jonathan: Let's get Mom up here and see what she has to say about that. Let's see what she thinks I'm supposed to do.
Josh: No. Nothing is going to be that easy for you again.
Jonathan: Hey, I'm trying to make a life for myself here, and I am tired of abusive bullies pushing me around. So get out of my way.
Josh: Don't play that game with me.
Tammy: What did you do?
Tony: You know, I would ask you what I missed, but since you aren't dead yet, it doesn't really matter.
Sebastian: Oh, but you would have been so proud of Michelle. She made the perfect guinea pig.
Holly: Tony...
Sebastian: I intended to use Danny, but Michelle wouldn't have it, no. She couldn't stand the idea of her husband dying. Ain't love grand?
Danny: What are you waiting for, Sebastian? You've got your cure.
Holly: Take it. Just take it and let us go.
Sebastian: "Us"?
Holly: You've got to stop all this rage and paranoia, Sebastian.
Sebastian: Well, you know what they say. You're not paranoid if they're really after you. Here's to hope, happiness and health. Nothing. Nothing's happening. I feel the same. Nothing. There's nothing! Nothing's happening! Michelle, what did you do? Switch the formula? Huh? Well now, you know what? Everybody's going to pay for your little charade.
Tammy: Oh, my God.
Josh: He's breathing.
Tammy: What did you do? You pushed him down the stairs.
Josh: I did not push him down the stairs. I wasn't trying to hurt him. I don't... I don't know what happened. His pulse is strong. His leg looks pretty messed up...
Tammy: What were you arguing about? What happened? Oh, JB.
Jonathan: Stay away from me. Ow. What the hell are you trying to do, finish me off?
Josh: Just let me help you. Just let me help you, okay?
Jonathan: No. Keep him away from me. Tammy, please. I'm too weak to fight back.
Josh: Look, I know you're hurt. Just let me get you to the hospital.
Tammy: I'll take him.
Josh: No, Tammy.
Tammy: Don't you think you've done enough, Josh? Just call an ambulance.
Jonathan: No, no, no. Nobody tell Reva. She didn't want anything to mess up Cassie's big day. I don't want anybody to think I ruined the reception.
Josh: That's really big of you. Just let us get you to the hospital, okay? Can you walk?
Jonathan: No, I can't walk. My leg is broken.
Josh: Okay, fine. I'll call an ambulance.
Jonathan: I'm not going anywhere with you, Josh.
Tammy: I'll go, too.
Jonathan: All right. Thank you, Tammy. I'd feel safer if you were around.
Reva: You want the details? It was fantastic. In fact, Jeffrey performed the ceremony himself.
Dinah: No kidding. So you convinced Cassie to marry Edmund.
Jeffrey: Well, I had to make my quota of one good deed for the year. Cassie had the jitters. What bride doesn't?
Dinah: So you talked her off the ledge?
Jeffrey: Well, it was easy for Cassie to decide that she wanted to marry the man that she was in love with.
Reva: Okay, now, back to you, Dinah. How did you know that Cassie had run off before the wedding?
Dinah: Well, word travels fast, Reva.
Reva: Especially when you're the spreader.
Dinah: You know, believe it or not, I have better things to do than obsess over Cassie.
Reva: Really? Since when?
Dinah: I didn't lay a finger to ruin her big day. Why bother? You know, you should tell her guests to not be offended when Cassie returns all the wedding presents, because this marriage is not going to last.
Edmund: Cassie?
Cassie: Edmund, you know that I love you more than anything.
Edmund: But?
Cassie: There's no "but."
Edmund: No, no, there's always a "but." What is it? Is it my singing in the shower? My snoring?
Cassie: I love your snoring. I love all of your annoying qualities.
Edmund: Annoying? Me? No, never.
Cassie: Edmund. Oh, Edmund. You're going to hurt your back.
Edmund: Oh, I don't care. I'm going to carry you across the threshold. It's what I've been thinking about all day. Besides, I am freezing out here. Let's go. You know, for all the time we've spent in here, it just somehow feels different.
Cassie: That's because we were living in sin before.
Edmund: Ooh. Is that it?
Cassie: I love you so much.
Edmund: I love you, too. You know, when you didn't show up earlier today, I thought, "that's it, I've lost her; I don't deserve to be happy."
Cassie: No, don't say that. Please don't say that, because I want to spend every day for the rest of my life making you happy. Edmund, don't you want to know why I almost walked out?
Edmund: No, because nothing good can come of it. Cassie, you have my ring on your finger, and that's all I need to know.
Cassie: You need to know the truth, Edmund. And I love you too much not to tell you.
Michelle: Sebastian, I did exactly what you asked me to do, all right? It's not going to kick in all at once. Give it a moment. Look at you. You're shaking. You've got to be feeling something. Tell me you're not feeling anything different.
Sebastian: No. No. (Groans) Oh, God. Oh. (Groaning)
Danny: Hey, Michelle? Michelle, what are you doing?
Tony: Michelle?
Michelle: Okay, his pulse is weak, but he still has one.
Tony: Step away. It's time to go, you too, Holly.
Michelle: Tony, I am not going to leave until I know what this drug is going to do to him.
Tony: Michelle, let the drug do what it's going to do, okay? You catch the plane with Danny. Holly you too, I'll catch up.
Danny: Let's go.
Holly: What are you going to do to him?
Tony: I'm going to make sure that Sebastian never hurts anyone again.
Cassie: Edmund, you know that you mean the world to me and that I would do just about anything for the people I care about. And sometimes that commitment makes me blind to certain things and that I might do something without really thinking.
Edmund: I know.
Cassie: Well, I'm telling you this because, um...
Edmund: Cassie really, you don't owe me an explanation. You love me. I love you. You fought very hard for the love we have; so have I. That's enough.
Cassie: Edmund, sometimes...
Edmund: Cassie, Cassie, Cassie. I wrote the book on feeling unworthy. You're not even a footnote. You have been so positive. You have questions. It's perfectly natural to have questions after our history together.
Cassie: I've never questioned you, Edmund.
Edmund: Cassie, Cassie, there is nothing you could have thought or done that I haven't thought about already.
Cassie: Look, neither one of us came into this marriage as innocents. I've hurt you; you've hurt me. I made a mistake, Edmund.
Edmund: Cassie, you've done nothing wrong.
Cassie: You have no idea.
Edmund: Cassie, I know everything I need to know.
Dinah: Well. Hart, this is exactly the place that you and I were supposed to get married, my love: This very barn. Then, of course, along came Cassie and ruined everything. Here comes the bride with a lot to hide here comes the groom walking to his doom. (Laughs) Oh, man. This is pathetic. This should be mine. This should be mine! God! It's amazing. Why do I always have to look at life from the other side of the glass? And no one ever seems to be jealous of me. You want to know why? I'll tell you why, because you're a loser, Dinah. You will always be a loser. And it's not fair. It's not fair! It's not fair that that slut the night before her wedding doesn't even care and she still gets what she wants!
Cassie: Did you hear something?
Edmund: No. (Distant rattling)
Cassie: It was in the barn, Edmund. I heard something.
Edmund: No, there's nothing in the barn. It was probably just the wind. Look, I haven't fixed the south wall of the barn, so maybe it was just the wind.
Cassie: It wasn't the wind.
Edmund: All right, all right...
Cassie: Someone's out there.
Edmund: All right. I'll go and see. I'll go and see. But when I come back, I want you in a different mood. I want you in one with a little less talking and a lot more honeymooning. Whoa.
Lillian: Josh and Tammy, could you come with me while the doctor finishes his exam?
Jonathan: Um, Tammy, could you stick around, please?
Dr. Aziz: We're almost done here, Jonathan, but your girlfriend can stay.
Tammy: Oh, I'm not...
Lillian: Josh, um, will you come with me? Josh, I'm going to need a few things for Jonathan's chart. He never told the doctor, so will you tell me how the accident happened please?
Josh: Jonathan and I were in the stairwell at Towers. He was reluctant to leave Cassie's wedding reception. I was showing him the way out, and I guess he, uh... slipped.
Lillian: Okay.
Josh: You don't have to be here. Why don't you let me drive you home?
Tammy: Part of me feels like I... I should stay.
Josh: What, for him? Why? Tammy, I know what it must have looked like.
Tammy: I saw what I saw, Uncle Josh.
Josh: I'm going to go find a phone and call Reva.
Reva: Tammy! Why are you here? Did you bring him in?
Tammy: Aunt Reva yeah, I came in with him. He's being checked out by the doctor right now.
Reva: Well, how bad is it? I mean I don't even know what happened. I got a call on my cell phone, and all they said was that they were bringing him in.
Tammy: Who told you? Who did you...?
Reva: The hospital. And then my battery went dead and all I heard was Cedars and Joshua Lewis.
Tammy: Oh, Aunt Reva, Josh wasn't hurt.
Reva: He wasn't? Oh, thank God.
Tammy: Jonathan was.
Sebastian: Oh, boy. Two peas in a pod--that's you and me, Tony Santos.
Tony: Not even close. Not even close.
Sebastian: Yeah, yeah, close. Driven, Ruthless, protective, willing to kill in the name of the game.
Tony: One difference is, you lost this time.
Michelle: No, Tony. No, okay? You pull that trigger, and you lose. You lose it all. And I'm not pleading for Sebastian's life here, okay? I am trying to save yours. We don't even know if he's strong enough to survive this cure. Come on, Tony. Come on, honey, let's go. Come on, let's go.
Tony: You live, man. You know that? You live; it's what you deserve: Misery and loneliness.
Dinah: Huh? Happy? Happy?
Edmund: Holy... hey, you could have stayed in the house.
Cassie: I didn't want to be away from you. Wow.
Edmund: Yeah, wow.
Cassie: Man, it looks like a tornado hit this place.
Jeffrey: (Whistling) Yeah. Sorry, that would be my fault.
Edmund: Jeffrey O'Neill.
Jeffrey: Yeah. I thought I'd hang back and clean up a bit, you know?
Cassie: Wow. Well, you are a man of many talents and you're a brilliant attorney, but with the cleaning up thing? Not so much.
Jeffrey: Well, your sister can be very convincing.
Edmund: Reva asked you to clean up?
Jeffrey: Asked me? (Laughs) More like forced me. You should see what she's making Josh do. Was I making too much noise?
Edmund: Actually, yes, but that's not the point. Mr. O'Neill, I appreciate what you're doing here, but I think you're making more of a mess than anything else.
Jeffrey: I'm sorry. All right, let me just take out this last wheelbarrow here, and I'll let you guys get back to whatever newlyweds do on their wedding night.
Cassie: Play checkers. (Weak laughter)
Jeffrey: Okay, well, there's a joke in there somewhere, but I won't touch it.
Cassie: Jeffrey O'Neill pushing a wheelbarrow. Hm.
Edmund: Yes, yes. Wonders never cease.
Jeffrey: All right, come on. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't throw you out with the rest of the trash.
Reva: How badly is he hurt?
Tammy: I don't know.
Reva: How did it happen?
Tammy: I don't know. JB showed up at the reception uninvited, and Josh took him out to the stairs to get him to leave.
Reva: You know, I told him to stay away. Did he start mouthing off?
Tammy: No. No, JB wasn't being... I don't know. He was being JB. And I don't know, he said some things that I couldn't hear, and then it looked like he was walking back towards the party, I guess. Well, at least that's how it looked to me. But, um...
Reva: But what?
Tammy: I don't want to get Uncle Josh in trouble.
Josh: Tammy? Why don't you go find Lillian and ask her if Reva can see her son?
Reva: Did you push my son down the stairs?
Josh: How can you even ask me that question?
Reva: Because Tammy said...
Josh: It's genius you know that? It really is. Somehow, he knew that you would be standing here asking me that exact question if he played it right, and he played it perfect.
Reva: And did Jonathan's master plan include throwing himself down a flight of stairs?
Josh: If I told you the truth, would you believe me?
Reva: Did you deliberately push him down the stairs, Joshua?
Josh: What difference does it make, Reva? No matter how I answer that question, he wins.
Lillian: Well, the doctor just gave him a painkiller so he's a little woozy.
Tammy: Can he hear me?
Lillian: Oh, sure.
Tammy: I should just let him rest.
Tony: What am I doing, Danny? I agreed not to kill the guy. I never agreed to baby-sit him. I'm going to go check on the plane.
Danny: Michelle, come on. He can get his medical care in prison.
Sebastian: Prison? No, I'm not going to prison. I own this island.
Michelle: You carry your own prison with you, Sebastian. What kind of life are you actually going to have now, huh? You've alienated every single person who would possibly care about you.
Sebastian: Is that true, Holly? Am I beyond redemption?
Tony: All right, I just radioed the pilot. We're out of here. Holly, Michelle, let's go.
Danny: Come on, Michelle.
Tony: Let's catch the plane let's go.
Danny: Let's go.
Sebastian: Holly, you're not leaving?
Michelle: Holly, you don't owe him anything.
Danny: Holly, come on, let's go.
Holly: Well, I have a little unfinished business.
Danny: What, you want us to leave you here, alone with him?
Holly: It'll just take a minute. I'll be fine. I'll be fine.
Danny: All right, we're going to wait. We'll wait at the plane.
Sebastian: I knew it. I knew you would never leave me.
Dinah: I know how much you love me shackled, but would you take these cuffs off, please? Unless you're planning on arresting me?
Jeffrey: Well, I could have you arrested, as a matter of fact. How does breaking and entering sound? Or trespassing? I could have any charge in the world trumped up if I want to. Or better yet, why don't I just tell Edmund and Cassie how pathetic you really are?
Dinah: Do you really want to play this game?
Jeffrey: Oh, what game is that?
Dinah: The knife fight that we seem to be in. You know: See who can cut each other the deepest? You tell Cassie about me and I tell her what you haven't been able to tell her.
Jeffrey: And what would that be?
Dinah: Well, let's see. When it comes to the princess, you are as raw as sushi, my friend. What do you think her life would be like if she found out that her husband almost knocked your head off with a shovel? And almost roasting little RJ and Cassie?
Jeffrey: Yeah, well, I am not going to tell her.
Dinah: Because you are a coward. If you told her what Edmund did to you, she would turn to you. Then you can move in, but no, you had to do the good thing, the noble thing, for once in your life.
Jeffrey: She loves him, Dinah, okay? You get that? She loves him; he loves her. That's all there is to it.
Dinah: Oh, come on. They love an illusion. It's not real, Jeffrey.
Jeffrey: Well, maybe that's all love is, huh? Maybe love is just an illusion. That's why you and I will never have it: Because we're permanently broken. We've seen too much.
Edmund: Now, may we please pick up where we left off?
Cassie: Me being moody?
Edmund: No, you being in the mood. Big difference.
Cassie: Why do you think Jeffrey was out in the barn?
Edmund: Oh, I don't care. I don't care. Cassie, I'd rather not think about the man at all, but if I have to, I promise to have nothing but good thoughts, because without him, you wouldn't be my wife right now. Cassie, I don't know what he said to you, and I don't know why he came back, but I know that you came back, and the rest I don't care about.
Cassie: He listened to a nervous bride and reminded her how much she loved her future husband.
Edmund: Then remind me never to have a bad word about the man again. Cassie, whatever we've been or whatever we've done, this day was meant to be. We were meant to be, and nothing in the world is ever going to come between us.
Tammy: JB, let go.
Jonathan: Tammy, I don't want you to go. Josh almost offed me. If you hadn't been there...
Tammy: Okay. But that does not mean that I think you're completely innocent, okay? You push people's buttons. That's what you do.
Jonathan: So now this is my fault.
Tammy: Oh, what, are you going to cry because somebody's finally calling you on all your garbage? Uncle Josh might have overreacted, but you provoked him.
Jonathan: Yeah. That's just what Alfred used to say: That I was asking for it.
Reva: Jonathan is... I don't know, desperate. But that you could get so angry that you'd push him down some stairs...
Josh: We were pushing each other, Reva. I didn't want him to fall down the stairs.
Reva: So now you're saying he jumped?
Josh: I don't know. Anything is possible--or have you forgotten a woman named Annie Dutton?
Reva: My son is not a psychopath.
Josh: He's already been battered a few times in his life. He fell off the side of a mountain and survived. He was beaten on a regular basis by his adoptive father, and he survived that. What's a little tumble down the stairs, huh?
Reva: This is sick. I can understand him pushing you down a flight of stairs, but not himself.
Josh: I'm asking you to trust me, Reva.
Tammy: Aunt Reva, he wants to see you.
Reva: You can't fly, you know.
Jonathan: I keep forgetting that. Do me a favor?
Reva: What?
Jonathan: Don't blame Josh. It's not all his fault. He didn't know what he was doing.
Sebastian: Let them go back. Let them go to their mundane, safe existences. You and I, we can be so much more.
Holly: So much more what?
Sebastian: Well, whatever we want. We can go anywhere; we can do anything. We can... we can go around the world a thousand times if you want to, together.
Holly: Yeah, well, my unfinished business is not about going around the world with you.
Sebastian: What is it? What is it, then?
Holly: Just to say good-bye.
Sebastian: Good-bye?
Holly: Say good-bye, yeah. I don't... I don't want to have anything to do with you ever again. I know you brought me here to save your life, but I can't save your soul.
Sebastian: Holly, no.
Holly: From the minute you met me, you have been playing on my feelings for your father.
Sebastian: No. That's not true. I helped you get past Roger.
Holly: It's more like you fed my addiction to lost causes. I'd been carrying that little bit of hell around with me, and I didn't know I could let it go. I should thank you for that. I thank you for helping me to end this sick dance I've had with my memories and my regrets. I've said good-bye to Roger, and I can say good-bye to you.
Sebastian: No. Don't leave me. I... we've just been through so much together, and I... you need to forgive me, because I didn't intend to hurt you, and... I couldn't see through this fever, through this illness. I couldn't see straight and so I made some mistakes, and I'm begging you to forgive me, Holly, because I can't live without you. I don't want to live without you. Please.
Holly: You should have thought about that before you took the cure. Now you've got some time to figure out how to live without me.
Sebastian: No. No, I didn't... I didn't cheat death just to lose you.
Holly: You used me to cheat death. That's okay. I forgive you. Now I'm taking my life back.
Reva: Tammy gave me one version of events, and Josh gave me another.
Jonathan: I'll bet he did. I don't blame Josh, though. Every time he sees me, he goes ballistic. I think I... I think I bring out the worst in everybody, except you.
Reva: I was starting to think that I brought out the worst in you.
Jonathan: You think you've... (laughs) You think you've seen my worst?
Reva: God, I hope so.
Jonathan: (Laughs)
Reva: Can I get you anything?
Jonathan: No, I'm fine.
Reva: I'm sorry.
Jonathan: For what?
Reva: That so many people want you out of my life.
Jonathan: Go figure. (Groans)
Reva: I'll go get Lillian.
Jonathan: No. (Groans) No, that's fine. No more painkillers. Do me a favor, though. Just... you go. Go home. Go be with Josh. He's going to be worried.
Reva: No. You get some rest, and I'll be here when you wake up.
(Baby coos) Cassie: (Sighs) Edmund, after waiting so long, we've... we've been blessed. I think we conceived around the time of our wedding. Maybe even on our wedding night. Isn't she so beautiful?
Jonathan: She has my eyes.
Edmund: Hey. Cassie. It's just a bad dream. Come on. It's okay. It's okay.
Next, on "Guiding Light"...
Holly: Stop the plane! Don't take off! Please don't take off! Please don't...
Sebastian: Holly, it won't do you any good. The pilot belongs to me now.
Holly: Where are you taking me?
Tony: You made your choice. You know, I think you should be with the guy you love.
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