GL Transcript Friday 1/7/05

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 1/7/05



By Boo
Proofread By Leigh

Sebastian: Are you stalling, Michelle?

Holly: Leave her alone. She's trying to save your life.

Sebastian: Is she?

Michelle: Okay. It's done.

Sebastian: Yeah?

Michelle: Mm-hmm.

Sebastian: Are you sure?

Michelle: It's exactly as my father's notes specified. Drink up.

Sebastian: What are you keeping from me?

Michelle: Sebastian, it's basic chemistry, okay? This could cure you, or it could kill you. You're just going to have to take your chances.

Sebastian: (Scoffs) No, I'm sorry. Danny's going to have to take his, so you first, Danny, down the hatch.


Gus: You feel that? Free air.

Harley: (Laughs)

Gus: How's that feel?

Harley: It feels temporary.

Gus: Yeah, well, you're not going back.

Harley: Gus...

Gus: You're never going back. I'm going to find out who killed Phillip, and you can just get back to your life.

Harley: Yeah, my life. My life. Oh, my gosh, Cassie's wedding. How did I forget?

Blake: Hi.

Harley: Hi.

Blake: You're out. Oh, you're free, honey. Congratulations.

Harley: Gosh. So what is going on? How was the wedding?

Ross: Um, the wedding wasn't.

Harley: What?

Blake: Cassie never showed.

Ross: Yeah. And so Edmund sent everybody home. I guess Cassie couldn't go through with it.

Harley: Oh, my. Well, could this year have a worse start?


Josh: What did you do?

Jonathan: As of this morning, I woke up and...

Josh: What did you do to your mother?

Reva: Joshua.

Josh: Did he hurt you?

Jonathan: Why do you always assume the worst? Maybe you walked in on a poignant conversation between a mother and her son.

Josh: No, no. I don't think so.

Reva: It's okay.

Josh: Reva, this is not okay. This was supposed to be a special day for Cassie and Edmund.

Reva: Jonathan had nothing to do with that wedding being called off.

Josh: Really? Are you sure about that?

Reva: I can't take it.

Josh: Reva...

Reva: I can't take this anymore. I can't beat it into your head. He's here, and we're trying to work through this. And if you don't want to be a part of that, then...

Josh: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Where are you going?

Reva: I'm going to try to find Cassie, because if I can't keep my own world from flying apart, maybe I can save someone else's.

Jonathan: Nice. Nice play, Joshua. Maybe Cassie's lucky. From what I'm seeing, marriage really sucks.

Josh: If you did something, I'm going to find out what it was.


Cassie: So what do you say? Do you still want to get married?

Edmund: Right now?

Cassie: Right now.

Edmund: Then let's get married.

Cassie: Um, there's something that you should know.

Edmund: No, I don't. I don't need to know anything. You're here right now, and that's all I need to know. Unfortunately, nobody else is, which means Ross isn't, which means we have no one to perform the ceremony.

Cassie: We have to find someone else to do it. If Ross isn't here, that's fine. But we have to find someone else to marry us. There's is nothing that I want more in my life than to marry you right now, and to put everything behind us and to start our new life together.

Jeffrey: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I couldn't help but overhear. If you're looking for someone to marry you, well, I am qualified to do the job.

Cassie: You would really marry us?

Jeffrey: Sure. Why not?

Cassie: Well, after everything that...

Jeffrey: After everything that the three of us have been through together? Well, I can deal with it if you can. Besides, I know how much you want this.

Edmund: This is very kind of you, Mr. O'Neill.

Jeffrey: Well, who am I to stand in the way of true love? I'm not exactly the marrying kind, but I can recognize happiness when I see it, and you two have happiness just pouring out of your ears. So what do you say, Eddie boy? You ready to make an honest woman out of this beautiful bride of yours?

Cassie: Thank you.

Jeffrey: No, no, please. Please. Save it. Save it for later. Look, all we need is a bible; we can get this show on the road.

Cassie: Okay. In the house, I can show you....

Jeffrey: No, no, no. Please. You two stay together. Enjoy your last few moments of freedom together, and I'll find the bible.

Edmund: Mr. O'Neill?

Jeffrey: Yes?

Edmund: Thank you.

Cassie: (Sighs) I'm sorry. I'm so sorry that I almost ruined this day for us.

Edmund: Cassie, we're going to get married, and I could ask for nothing more.

Cassie: How about honesty? Aren't you dying to know why I ran away?


Jonathan: Hey, good move. Get 'em while they're needy.

Sandy: All right, that's it.

Tammy: Sandy, no.

Sandy: You don't know when to quit, do you?

Jonathan: My Dad told me never to be a quitter.

Sandy: You really should go.

Jonathan: You want a piece of me? Come on.

Tammy: No, Sandy, don't.

Jonathan: Come on. What's stopping you? Come on.

Sandy: I do.

Tammy: Hey. Hey. No, no, no. Please don't.

Sandy: All right, but not now. Tammy's had enough drama for the day.

Jonathan: (Laughs) Ah, don't hide behind the girl. Sandy, you must have made some impression, but how did you do it without getting her clothes off?

Sandy: All right, that's it. Come on.

Tammy: No, that's enough.

Sandy: Okay, then Tammy, I'll take you home.

Tammy: Um, I need to talk to Jonathan for a minute.

Sandy: Excuse me?

Jonathan: I think you heard her.

Tammy: Please, Sandy. It's okay. I just... I need to do this.

Jonathan: Did I mention how good you look today?

Tammy: Did I mention you're pathetic?

Jonathan: Did I mention how good you look today?

Tammy: Did I mention you're pathetic?

Jonathan: What did I do to deserve that? Sandy attacked me again.

Tammy: You were gloating about my Mom's wedding.

Jonathan: Did you really want her to marry Uncle Eddie anyway? I mean, after everything's he's done? How do you think my father Richard would feel about that?

Tammy: You don't know anything about Richard.

Jonathan: Whose fault is that?

Tammy: Look, people change. Edmund made some mistakes and did some horrible things, but he loves my Mom.

Jonathan: You think that's all it takes to change someone?

Tammy: Some people can't change. Some things you can't make up for.

Jonathan: Yeah. I hear that.

Tammy: You ever thought maybe you're just getting what you deserve?

Jonathan: Yeah, every day. But no one gets what they deserve anyway, so... it doesn't mean you should stop trying.


Edmund: Cassie, I don't need to know why you ran away. The truth is, you don't have to tell me a thing. Just marry me.

Cassie: That's enough for you?

Edmund: Of course it is. Do you know... do you know what almost everyone is thinking right now? "What is she doing? What is she doing? The virtuous Cassie is marrying the black prince of San Cristobal, a man without a heart.

Cassie: They don't know. Edmund, they don't know.

Edmund: No, they don't. Not really, at any rate. God, you do. You saw everything.

Everything. And yet here you are.

Cassie: Here I am.

Edmund: Yeah. So the question really isn't "why did you run away?" It's "why are you here at all?" And just asking it terrifies me because I feel as though I'm going to jinx us somehow.

Cassie: No. You... you couldn't do that. You... I just... we're wasting more time. Where the heck is Jeffrey?

Jeffrey: Cassie, Cassie, Cassie. Are you sure you want to go through with this without your friends and family? We can wait.

Cassie: No, I don't want to wait. I don't want to wait. I... I'm just so afraid.

Edmund: Afraid? Afraid of what?

Cassie: I'm just, um... I just don't want to waste anymore time, and I'm just afraid that I'm not going to spend the rest of my life with you.

Edmund: That is never going to happen.


Michelle: Sebastian, just take the medicine.

Sebastian: No, Danny first, he's my guinea pig.

Michelle: He is not sick.

Sebastian: Give him a swig, Michelle.

Michelle: We don't know how it's going to react on him.

Holly: Would you put the gun away? Just...

Sebastian: Holly, get out of the way.

Holly: Just take this. Take this...

Sebastian: Holly...

Holly: ...And stop putting us through your insanity.

Sebastian: Holly.

Danny: Everybody, please just stop. Stop. I will take it.

Michelle: Danny, no.

Danny: Quiet. If I'm going to be your lab rat, I want something in return.

Sebastian: Like what?

Danny: Let them go.

Sebastian: Oh, just like that, huh?

Danny: You don't need them anymore, Sebastian. You've got Ed Bauer's cure and you've got your taste tester. Let them go.

Sebastian: Okay. All right. You've got yourself a deal.

Danny: Good. Michelle...

Michelle: No.

Danny: Hey, Michelle.

Holly: (Gasps)

Danny: No! What are you doing?

Holly: Michelle.


Jeffrey: All right. All right. Break it up. Save it for the honeymoon, okay? All right, I found the family bible.

Cassie: We don't have a family bible.

Jeffrey: All right, it's RJ's popup bible, but it'll have to do. We have to make sure that it remains shut so that nothing pops up. Okay. So, ready? Let's do this.

Cassie: Okay.

Edmund: Wait. Wait.

Cassie: What?

Jeffrey: Rings. Rings. We don't have... oh, just a second. Mr. O'Neill.

Jeffrey: Garden hose washers.

Cassie: (Laughs)

Jeffrey: Well, you're nothing if not resourceful, Edmund.

Edmund: Thank you.

Cassie: I think they're perfect.

Jeffrey: All right. So then like water through a garden hose, may you shower each other with love. So that should... that should do it, I think.

Edmund: Are you all right?

Jeffrey: It's just... never mind. Look, I think we can dispense with the "Dearly Beloved" stuff since there's no one else here. And I think you're both familiar with the sanctity of marriage bit, right?

Edmund: Don't worry. We'll be faithful to each other our whole lives.

Jeffrey: I know you will. And I know that also neither of you is going into this lightly. So that brings us to the vows. There is something that I would like to include in the ceremony beyond the basic love, cherish, and obey--something that I believe should be in every ceremony.

Edmund: All right. What's that?

Jeffrey: A little something called forgiveness. Simple forgiveness. All of us are flawed in one way or another. And without forgiveness, I think that there would be a lot of lonely people in this world and in this room. So with that in mind, I could go with the basic "do you" and "do you" vows, but I think the two of you would do a much better job of it yourselves, so go for it.

Cassie: Oh. But I didn't, um... I mean I didn't...

Jeffrey: Cassie, just say what you feel.

Edmund: I'll go first, if you're all right with that.

Cassie: Okay, please.

Edmund: Okay. Cassie, thank you. Thank you for saving me. Thank you for bringing light into an utterly dark world. Thank you for giving me humanity. Thank you for giving me the chance to love you, and to love your children. Cassie, because of you and Tammy and RJ and Will, I finally have a life. I have... I have something to look forward to when I wake up in the morning, and that's something I never had before. It's something I never even dreamed of. When you didn't show up here earlier, I... well, I wasn't really all that surprised. I think I've spent almost all of our relationship waiting for you to wise up and leave me anyway. So thank you for coming back. And I'm determined to make that the smartest decision you've ever made.

Cassie: Oh, Edmund. I'm so sorry I ran away. I wanted to be the one person who didn't let you down, who made you feel safe. I never felt safe growing up, even when I was grown up. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop or for everything to fall apart. But you... you wrap your love around like a big, warm blanket, and you make me feel safe. And you love me and accept me for who I am. You're a wonderful father to my children. I love my life here with you. And I love our days and our nights here with our family. I hope... I hope that I'm enough for you. And I want to spend every day of the rest of my life making you happy. Okay, I'm done.

Jeffrey: Okay. Cassie Winslow, do you take Edmund...

Cassie: I do. I do. Of course I do.

Jeffrey: And Edmund?

Edmund: Right. Right. Forsaking all others as long as we both shall live. I do.

Jeffrey: All right. Well, well done. By the power vested in me by the state of Illinois, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Edmund, you may kiss your bride.

Jeffrey: Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Mr. And Mrs. Edmund Winslow. (Cheers)

Reva: Congratulations.

Ross: Congratulations.

Josh: Congratulations.

Gus: Hey. Go on. Get in there. I'm sure she'd love to see you.

Harley: No, I don't want this to become about me. This is Cassie's big day, and nothing should spoil your wedding day.

Gus: Yeah.

Harley: Okay, that's enough. I saw my best friend get married. We should go.

Gus: Sure.

Josh: Okay. Don't forget. I'm sorry.

Reva: I know.

Josh: It's just hard for me.

Reva: I know.

Josh: (Laughs) What?

Reva: It's not easy for me either, you know, or for Jonathan.

Josh: I know.

Reva: And what Jeffrey said about forgiveness, he's right. I forgive you. But you have to give it a shot too.

Josh: Okay. I forgive you.

Reva: You know what I mean.

Josh: I'll try.

Reva: Maybe I can get you to swear to that on Jeffrey's bible.

Josh: Don't push it.

Reva: Oh, I'll push... you in the hay.

Josh: Bring it on.

Reva: (Laughs)

Tammy: I love you, Mom.

Cassie: I love you too, baby.

Josh: Mr. And Mrs. Winslow, I have rings for you. Here you go.

Edmund: Oh, no, just as Cassie was getting attached to the rubber one.

Cassie: Oh, my. (Laughter)

Josh: And RJ has something for you, Edmund.

Edmund: Thank you.

Reva: Okay, everyone, let's head over to Towers, because we have a reception to get to.

Josh: All right. Let's do it. (All talking at once)

Cassie: Thank you.

Jeffrey: Sure. My pleasure. And I meant what I said about forgiveness.

Cassie: Yeah. Some things are easier to ask for than others, though.


Holly: Look what you've done. Are you happy?

Sebastian: Ecstatic, Holly.

Holly: You care about nothing but yourself.

Sebastian: I didn't force her to drink it.

Holly: Yeah? Who did? Whose island is this? Who brought us here? Who's got the gun?

Sebastian: Stop it. Please just stop.

Holly: No. I had a life. I had everything in order. Everything was together, and all the pain and the drama were behind me. And I thought that curse was finally broken. Do you have any idea what you did to me, to all of us?

Sebastian: What do you want me to say? I'm sorry. I'm...

Holly: You're sorry? (Laughs) Oh, man. I don't want your apology or your self-serving hypocrisy. You tortured me, all the time saying that you cared.

Sebastian: Yeah, what about your hypocrisy?

Holly: What?

Sebastian: You cannot admit to yourself that you wanted to be here. You could have escaped, but you came back.

Harley: To save your miserable life.

Sebastian: Or maybe to save yours. You can't imagine going back to Springfield, Holly, even now. You can't fathom going back to that life.

Danny: Michelle? Hey? Come on. I know you can hear me. You're heart's beating. Your heart's beating. You're breathing. Come on. We've been here before, you know. You came back to me before, and you can do it now. Stand up.

Danny: Michelle? Hey, can you hear me? Michelle, can you open your eyes?

Michelle: (Groans)

Sebastian: Is she conscious?

Danny: Yeah, I think so. Michelle?

Michelle: Danny?

Danny: Yeah, it's me. Hey, are you okay? Huh? Take it easy. Take it easy. Keep your head down.

Michelle: How long was I out?

Danny: You know that was a really stupid thing for you to do.

Michelle: I know. I know. But it's better me than you.

Sebastian: Michelle, are you all right?

Holly: What do you care? Well, now you can see she didn't try and poison you.

Sebastian: Michelle? Michelle? Where's the rest of the...

Danny: Hey!

Sebastian: Where's the rest of the medicine?

Danny: Hey! Get back. Get back.

Sebastian: You would have done the same thing in my position. I didn't know if that medicine was safe.

Danny: Take it. Take it. Choke on it. Take it! Just stay the hell away from Michelle.

Holly: What are you waiting for?

Sebastian: I don't know.

Michelle: Oh.

Danny: Do you want to sit up?

Michelle: That was so weird, so weird. I think it was like I was having a dream.

Danny: Are you sure you're okay?

Michelle: Oh, my head feels like a lead brick, but...

Danny: All right, take it easy.

Michelle: Nothing else really hurts. I think I'm all right. Just these images I saw, it was like everything was just out of my reach, you know, and I was floating. And I kept hearing your voice. I couldn't figure out where it was coming from. (Clears throat)

Danny: Yeah? Well, what did you see? Was it like they say? Did you see a light or a tunnel or something?

Michelle: No. I saw you.


Reva: I'd like to propose a toast, to happiness. How something so simple can be so difficult to find sometimes. But it's here tonight, bouncing off the walls. And hopefully we can all grab on to it, take it home, spread it around a little.

Josh: (Chuckles)

Reva: And I want to thank my beautiful sister for letting us share in her happiness, even though you tried to do it without us. I love you very much. And you and Edmund are really good together. I know. I can't believe I'm saying it myself. But you are, believe it or not. Here's to love and life, to you.

Cassie: Cheers.

Sandy: Cheers. Hey, hey. Wow. Nice work.

Reva: Well, you know me, I'm mushy at weddings.

Sandy: You're mushy at pretty much everything.

Reva: You know what? I am.

Sandy: Thank you.

Reva: Sandy...

Sandy: You should have pushed me away, and you didn't. When I came over that night, Josh told you to let me go. I told you to let me go. You didn't. I'm not sure what I did to deserve you, but...

Reva: And here we are.

Sandy: Here we are. You gave me a second chance, and...

Reva: You know I love you. You know, with all that mushy stuff comes some strings.

Sandy: Uh oh, here it comes.

Reva: I want nothing more than for Tammy to be able to move on with her life after what Jonathan did. I want us all to be able to do that. I'd love for her to move back home with her Mom, go back to school. But if she's comfortable with you, then there's some responsibility that comes with that. You have to take care of her. Am I clear?

Sandy: Absolutely.

Edmund: We're married.

Cassie: Yeah, we are.

Edmund: You're my wife.

Cassie: That's what happens after a wedding. (Laughs)

Edmund: I just... (laughs) I can't believe it. There was no disaster, no act of God. Lightning didn't strike as I tried to kiss the bride.

Cassie: It's a beautiful day.

Edmund: Yes, it is. Are you as happy as Reva said?

Cassie: Happier.

Edmund: Do you trust me?

Cassie: With my life.

Edmund: Good. Then follow me.

Cassie: Follow you? But we...

Edmund: Why are you stopping? Just follow me.

Cassie: Well, we just got here. And...

Edmund: It's okay. They'll understand. (Whispers): Trust me.

Blake: Your wife's a sap.

Josh: (Laughs)

Ross: Looks who's talking. She was sobbing so loudly I thought she was going to blow everybody's cover.

Blake: Stop.

Ross: You were.

Blake: What? It was allergies.

Josh: Oh, yeah, a likely story.

Blake: Well, excuse me for being sentimental. But, you know, we just had our anniversary. We're not exactly newlyweds.

Ross: My dear, we'll always be newlyweds so long as we don't let things get in the way.

Blake: Things?

Josh: Speaking of things that get in the way, there's something I need to do. Would you excuse me, please?

Ross: Sure.


Gus: I'm sorry.

Harley: About what?

Gus: Cassie's wedding, and you had to leave.

Harley: Oh, no. That was just the right thing to do. It's her day.

Gus: I think she would have wanted you to be a part of it.

Harley: Oh, yeah, everybody wants their jailbird friend to show up at their wedding.

Gus: Please stop that stuff. Please.

Harley: Come on. Stop telling the truth? Look at me. I'm like a walking tabloid story. I just need to stay away from everybody I know.

Gus: You can't go through this thing with this kind of attitude.

Harley: What choice do I have? This nightmare has already swallowed up my family and my children and my freedom. I don't want it to ruin my friends' lives too.

Gus: Well, first of all, if she's a real friend, she would understand. You should just let her make her own decision.

Harley: I know Cassie. She would welcome me with open arms. That's not the point. The point is a bride shouldn't have to. A bride shouldn't have to worry about anything.

Gus: Yeah.

Harley: Shut up. I know what you're thinking.

Gus: What? You're the one who keeps saying, "bride this, bride that, bride the other thing."

Harley: I wasn't talking about our wedding.

Gus: Oh.

Harley: I mean, of course I was thinking about it, but can you blame me?

Gus: No, I don't blame you, okay?

Harley: But the thing is, I don't want to think about it anymore. All that's just ancient history.

Gus: Ancient history. Fine. Right.

Harley: You, yes. You are responsible for tearing apart our lives.

Gus: Thanks for reminding me.

Harley: But that is nothing compared to what I... look what I did. I may be the killer the police think I am. I may have killed my son's father.

Gus: Okay, this is what I'm talking about. You didn't do that.

Harley: You don't know that.

Gus: Yes, I do. I do. I do know that.

Harley: No, you just want to wish that it isn't true. But come on. We're cops. Look at the evidence. What are the odds?

Gus: Do you know who you're talking to? You're talking to a cubs fan, okay? I'm the type of moron that will stand at an alter and pray for something that might never happen, ever. (Laughter)

Harley: Don't make me laugh. I don't feel good.

Gus: Listen to me. It's me. It's me. I'm here. I've always been here. And I'm always going to be here. I mean, who else do you know that could wish so hard for something and try to make it go away? Do you want to nominate somebody else for the job? And I'll do a little bit more than just wish.

Harley: Thank you.

Gus: So that's it, you know? I am going to be your lawyer, because I don't... I don't trust anybody else with your life. So that's what I'm trying to say here. This is the relationship, okay? I am the lawyer; you're the client. That's the way it's got to be. We cannot give the prosecution anything, nothing to use against us. This right here? Strictly professional from here on out.

Harley: Well, I mean, do you honestly feel like that you can be that way with me?

Gus: Well, I, you know... I have to, because your life depends on it.


Michelle: We were in the clouds. We were in a balloon.

Danny: A balloon.

Michelle: Yeah, that's what my dream was. We were in a hot air balloon, and we were drinking champagne.

Danny: Michelle, that wasn't a dream. That was a memory. That really happened. A couple of years ago I took you on a hot air balloon ride.

Michelle: That was a memory?

Danny: Yeah, of us, of our past. Was that the first one that you've had of us?

Tony: Michelle? Michelle? Michelle?


Edmund: Sorry to drag you away from the reception, but I think we needed this.

Cassie: What?

Edmund: I love you, my wife. I love you with all my soul.

Cassie: I love you too, my husband.


Josh: What are you doing here?

Jonathan: Oh, man, what is this? Round two?

Josh: If that's the way you want it, sure.

Jonathan: What I want Joshua, is for you to get off my back.

Josh: You're not going to make trouble here. And you're not going to ruin anybody's good time.

Jonathan: Would you lay off, man?


Ross: Thanks.

Reva: You're welcome.


Josh: Let's head up to the roof to get a little privacy, huh?

Jonathan: What is your problem?

Josh: You! You are my problem. You may think that you have Reva in your hip pocket, but not me. I've been on to you from the start.

Jonathan: I have as much right to be here as anybody else.

Josh: No, you have no rights. None whatsoever. You have hurt my family for the last time. And I'm not going to sit around and wait for the other shoe to drop.

Jonathan: Yeah, on your head. Oh, thank God for people like you, Josh. Otherwise the world wouldn't be safe with people like me walking around.

Josh: You're done in this town, you hear me? I want you gone. Gone.

Jonathan: Oh, if only wishing made it so! Get out of my way.

Josh: You are a cancer to Reva and to this town.

Jonathan: Let's get Mom up here and see what she has to say about that. Let's see what she thinks I'm supposed to do.

Josh: No. Nothing is going to be that easy for you again.

Jonathan: Hey, I'm trying to make a life for myself here. And I am tired of abusive bullies pushing me around. So get out of my way.

Josh: Don't play that game with me.


Next, on "Guiding Light"...

Sebastian: Michelle! What did you do, switch the formula? Huh? Everybody's going to pay for your little charade.

Cassie: Don't you want to know why I almost walked out? You need to know the truth, Edmund, and I love you too much not to tell you.

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