Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 1/6/05
By Boo
Proofread By Leigh
Gus: Hi. How are you doing?
Harley: Fine.
Gus: Yeah? How's your cell?
Harley: Oh, don't be nice to me; it's not going to help anyway. I'm doing everything I can just to, you know, get through this. I'm just focusing on my family and the people that I love and just knowing that they're okay and that they're getting on with their lives.
Gus: I have a couple of tricks up my sleeve, okay?
Harley: Like what?
Gus: Well, I got you another bail hearing.
Harley: Oh, that's what this is? Gus, thank you for all your help really, but you should get on with your life. You're just wasting your time with me.
Jonathan: Oh, this looks great. Hey, could I have more syrup? Hey, that's my... that's my Aunt Cassie and Uncle Eddie. Don't you just... don't you just love weddings? They're so full of surprises. (Laughs)
Tammy: My Mom and Edmund really deserve this. They deserve the best.
Sandy: So do you.
Tammy: After all the bad stuff, she's finally getting a happy ending.
Sandy: Gives you hope, huh?
Tammy: My Mom's happy. That's one less thing I have to worry about. And it's all about me, right?
Sandy: Right. Because you are my favorite subject.
Josh: Edmund, pre-wedding jitters huh?
Edmund: No, no jitters. I'm just terrified.
Josh: Just do it right this time, or else.
Edmund: I know. You'll tear me apart with your bare hands, right?
Josh: You just be good to Cassie and we'll never have any problems.
Edmund: Loud and clear.
Josh: Okay.
Edmund: I just want all of this to be over. I want to be married.
Josh: The wedding will be over before you know it and then you get on to the honeymoon. That's a good thing.
Edmund: I'm looking forward to that.
Reva: Joshua...
Edmund: Something wrong?
Josh: What is it?
Reva: It's Cassie. She's gone.
Jonathan: I have the invitation you gave me right here. You poured that wine last night, you started stripping like an old pro. I mean, what's a man to do?
Jeffrey: Now, I'm going to ask you nicely the first time. Did you or did you not see Edmund come in here and did you see him come up there and hit me with this shovel and start that fire? Cassie... Cassie? Cassie? Okay, you're starting to freak me out here. What's wrong?
Cassie: I can't marry Edmund.
Bill: Well, well, well. Look what they did with this place.
Olivia: Wow, I guess it doesn't matter where you get married as long as you're happy.
Bill: That's right. Do you have any regrets?
Olivia: Nothing wrong with a jailhouse wedding.
Bill: You sure you don't want something like this. A big cake with a mini me and you on it. The white dress, the chicken dance.
Olivia: I think you would like that chicken dance.
Olivia: I would like the chicken dance.
Olivia: I've had a big wedding. It's just an invitation for disaster.
Bill: I liked our wedding, too.
Tammy: Did anyone call the Beacon?
Bill: Hey, what's going on?
Josh: Cassie's Missing.
Bill: Do we know why?
Edmund: No.
Olivia: Well, what are we doing standing here? We need to find her.
Josh: We need to look for Jonathan or Dinah because my guess is one of them had something to do with it.
Bill: My money is on Jonathan. That guy is a wrecking ball.
Reva: Jonathan hasn't been here and he promised me he would stay away.
Tammy: You weren't sure he was telling the truth.
Reva: Well, I believe he was.
Sandy: Tammy's right, Reva have you can't just dismiss Jonathan.
Tammy: Maybe we should call the police.
Edmund: No, Tammy, I don't think we should. Why don't all of you go and look and I'll wait here. Thank you.
Cassie: It wasn't supposed to be like this. But every time I look in Edmund's eyes, every time I see him looking at me I...
Jeffrey: You see what? Okay, you know what? I'm not an expert on the subject but, you know, sometimes you've just got to let the little things slide and let it go.
Cassie: I wish I could. Just, some things are... some things... God, look at me. Sitting here in my wedding dress you must think I'm an idiot.
Jeffrey: No. No, not at all. I know you... you wanted to trust him. You wanted to believe in him.
Cassie: I never trusted him.
Jeffrey: I guess people don't change, do they?
Cassie: Who are you talking about?
Jeffrey: Edmund.
Cassie: I'm the one who did something unforgivable.
Doris: I have an incredible sense of deja vu, counselor, like father, like son.
Gus: You know what? You serve the people. I'm a person, she's person. Not so sure about you. Stop your whining, just do your job. Do your job.
Judge: Good, right on time. Ordinarily I never agree to a second bail hearing, but in this case I made an exception. Compel me, Mr. Aitoro.
Gus: Yes, judge. Well, first of all, like I said last time, Miss Cooper is not a flight risk at all and I'm so sure of the fact that I'm willing to put up the entire bail amount myself rather than the standard 10%.
Judge: Anything more?
Gus: Yes, I'm also Miss Cooper's lawyer and I'm a Spaulding and it was my brother who is the victim in this case, so I'd like to go on record saying I speak for my entire family...
Alan: Don't you dare represent Phillip's family while you defend her.
Gus: What are you doing here, Alan? This is a bail hearing. You don't belong here.
Judge: I'm going to allow your father to speak. Go ahead, sir.
Alan: Thank you, your honor. I think it's very clear that my family and I don't share in Gus' opinion of Miss Cooper. We feel very strongly that she's a flight risk.
Judge: And you say this why, Mr. Spaulding?
Alan: Because just this past fall she kidnapped Phillip's son.
Gus: Nonsense, she took them on vacation.
Alan: She disappeared without a trace. What's to stop her from doing the same thing all over again?
Gus: Her family for starters.
Alan: Does she really know meaning of family?
Gus: Are you joking?
Alan: Not at all. I welcomed her into our family more than once. I cared for her. And look what she did to my son.
Gus: All right. That's enough. If anybody's responsible for what happened to Phillip, it's you.
Reva: Hi.
Jonathan: What are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be at the wedding.
Reva: Well, I should be, but the wedding hasn't happened yet.
Jonathan: Why not?
Reva: Cassie took off.
Jonathan: Oh, gee, you must be worried about her.
Reva: Yeah, that's why I'm looking for her.
Jonathan: Well, I haven't seen her around here. Maybe she wised up.
Reva: Wised up about what?
Jonathan: Edmund. Come on, you didn't really want her to marry that guy, did you?
Reva: Well, I don't know about that, but I don't think Edmund had anything to do with Cassie's leaving.
Jonathan: No?
Reva: No. I think it was something else.
Jonathan: Or somebody? You think I did it, that's why you tracked me down.
Reva: No Jonathan, I defended you.
Jonathan: To who? Edmund, Joshua, Tammy?
Reva: Can you blame them for being a little bit suspicious?
Jonathan: What exactly do they think I did?
Reva: I don't know. But I told them you promised me you'd stay away.
Jonathan: And this is me staying away.
Reva: I know. But why is it you don't seem at all surprised there was no wedding?
Olivia: Hey.
Edmund: Hey.
Olivia: We're going to find her.
Edmund: Probably. But does she want to be found?
Olivia: Are you kidding, Edmund, Cassie loves you?
Edmund: Josh and the others are very quick to assume that Dinah or Jonathan had something to do with Cassie's leaving but I think they're forgetting the most obvious reason--me.
Olivia: Oh, no. You know her. I mean, if she had any doubts about you, you would have heard them by now. She's not the shy type.
Edmund: No. But she was also here and then she left without saying a word to me.
Tammy: Has anyone heard anything?
Olivia: No, not yet.
Sandy: We drove all the way to the end of Laurel Falls, nothing.
Tammy: I don't get it. It isn't like Mom to take off like this.
Edmund: No, no, it isn't.
Josh: Edmund, the yard's starting to fill up with cars. Do you want me to start letting people in or...
Edmund: No, Josh, I don't think so. Um... maybe... maybe I should go outside and speak to them.
Olivia: Why don't you just give it another 15 minutes or so?
Tammy: Yeah. Yeah I know she'll be back.
Edmund: Of course she will. Of course she will.
Tammy: I can wait with you.
Edmund: No, Tammy, thanks. I don't think so.
Tammy: Are you sure?
Edmund: Yeah. Yeah, please. Everyone, thank you. Thank you very much. I appreciate everything you've done.
Josh: I'm sorry Edmund.
Edmund: Thank you.
Josh: Sandy, come on outside with me, help me with the guests, will you?
Bill: What the hell do you think you're doing?
Jeffrey: Cassie, you are the most honest, decent person I that know so I can't imagine you doing something unforgivable.
Cassie: Imagine it.
Jeffrey: Okay. So what? You know, people make mistakes.
Cassie: Not for whole world to see.
Jeffrey: The whole world?
Cassie: Yeah. The whole world.
Jeffrey: Okay. So what? Who cares?
Cassie: I do. Everyone is going to hate me.
Jeffrey: Do you think you might be blowing this out of proportion a little bit?
Cassie: I was just trying to protect my family. I thought I was in control and then I wasn't, and then he...
Jeffrey: He? Cassie, did someone hurt you?
Gus: Look, Alan, we all know why you're here. It's because you feel guilty.
Alan: I don't feel guilty about anything. I loved Phillip very much your honor, and I would have done anything to help him.
Gus: Help him what? Become what? The type of guy that takes children away from their mothers? Or the kind of guy that destroys people's homes? Or the kind of guy that everybody in town wanted to kill?
Judge: Gentlemen, please. Mr. Aitoro, do you wish to add anything of relevance?
Gus: Yes. Yes, judge, thank you, I would actually. Yes. I know Harley Cooper, okay? This woman, her family means everything to her. She would never do anything to jeopardize that. She'd never do anything as stupid as killing another person. Not to mention the fact that she has spent her entire life protecting other people. This is a line that she just wouldn't cross. It's not in her nature. She did not do this and she deserves a chance to clear her name.
Judge: Ms. Wolfe?
Doris Wolfe: Your honor, Mr. Aitoro makes a heart felt plea, but I have to keep telling myself that he was once engaged to the defendant. The state still opposes granting bail in this case, your honor. We sincerely believe that Miss Cooper is a flying risk, as Mr. Spaulding stated and she proved just months ago.
Judge: Very well. I've heard enough. I'll be back shortly with my decision.
Gus: Thank you, judge.
Harley: Listen, what you said before to the judge...
Alan: Was very eloquent, but it won't do any good. Your fate is sealed.
Gus: Just leave her alone okay?
Alan: Think of your sons, Harley.
Gus: Enough, enough.
Harley: No, let him. He'll get it out one way or another anyway.
Alan: Do you want to drag your sons through a murder trial?
Gus: No, she does not.
Alan: Harley?
Harley: No, Alan.
Alan: Then confess.
Gus: Are you out of your mind?
Alan: Not at all. All you have to do, Harley, is confess, throw yourself at the mercies of the court and me and perhaps they'll show leniency and give you a shorter sentence. Because if you don't, you will spend the rest of your life in the state prison.
Jonathan: Oh, look, I'm a pretty good judge of character and I had a feeling that this wedding wasn't going to happen.
Reva: Why? Is there something you know about Cassie that you're not telling me?
Jonathan: Gee, Mom, for somebody who just defended me from the angry mob, you're acting pretty damn suspicious.
Reva: I want to believe that you had nothing to do with this.
Jonathan: But, what, you can't help yourself?
Reva: Look, hey, we're just learning to trust each other. It's going to take some time.
Jonathan: All right. Well, I think Edmund did it. A guy like that can't change, you know? Maybe Cassie wised up at the last second.
Reva: I understand why you'd think that way.
Jonathan: You understand? The guy tried to kill me when I was a baby.
Reva: I know. And I'll never forget that and I hate him for that. But he's different with Cassie. He loves her.
Jonathan: So now you're right back to pointing the finger at me.
Reva: Hey...
Tammy: Aunt Reva?
Reva: Honey, has anyone heard from your Mom?
Tammy: No. Can I talk to you for a minute alone?
Jonathan: I'm sorry to hear about your Mom's wedding, Tammy.
Sandy: Don't even say her name.
Jonathan: Okay. I tried to be nice.
Reva: Jonathan, wait! Just... stay right here.
Sandy: Are you okay?
Tammy: No! Should I be?
Reva: Hey. For what it's worth, I do believe you.
Jonathan: Thanks.
Reva: It's just that I'm worried sick about Cassie, and I'm not thinking straight.
Jonathan: Yeah. Well, you know, maybe Cassie and Edmund weren't as solid as they wanted everybody to believe. Everybody's got their ugly secrets. Maybe they have their theirs.
Dinah: Hey, nice to see you, too, little brother.
Bill: Are you responsible for this?
Dinah: For this, do you mean Cassie running off and leaving Edmund just standing there at the altar?
Bill: How did you know that?
Dinah: Bill, I had absolutely nothing to do with this.
Bill: Then what are you doing here?
Dinah: I was just curious. You know, I wanted to see if they'd actually make it down the aisle.
Bill: Give me more credit than that, would you?
Dinah: I wanted to see if I could catch the bouquet. And the cake's wonderful.
Bill: Yeah, keep trying.
Dinah: You're just like Mom. You sound just like Mom. You have no faith in me, you know? Look, I had this feeling that Cassie was going to screw it up.
Bill: You, a feeling Dinah? You shouldn't be here.
Dinah: Guaranteed Edmund is going to need me. He's my friend.
Bill: He is not your friend. He doesn't want you here. I can't believe I defended you.
Dinah: I can. I love the fact that you stuck up for me.
Bill: Yeah, well, listen, I love you, which is why you have to leave now. Now come on.
Dinah: No. I am not leaving. I have every right to be here.
Bill: What right do you have to be here.
Dinah: Because I love the guy! I love Edmund.
Cassie: I need you, Edmund.
Edmund: Cassie...
Cassie: And you need me.
Jeffrey: Cassie, you can tell me. Did somebody hurt you? You're safe now, you know. I'm not going to let anything happen to you. You know that, right?
Cassie: I know.
Jeffrey: Okay. Because I want to help. Now, did somebody...
Cassie: No. No.
Jeffrey: Maybe you want to talk to someone else. A woman.
Cassie: It's not like that Jeffrey.
Jeffrey: Oh, good, because you said that...
Cassie: I know. I said... God. I did something so stupid.
Jeffrey: So you're sure...
Cassie: I'm sure that I screwed up.
Jeffrey: Okay. Well, first of all, that's... that's not you, okay? That's not the real you, you don't talk like that.
Cassie: Yes, I do.
Jeffrey: No. The real you is a smart, strong, intelligent woman. Successful, okay, who deserves somebody that's going to take care of her the rest of her life and that is going to do anything in the world for her.
Cassie: I don't deserve that.
Jeffrey: You know? I can't do this. I can't sit here and watch you beat yourself up knowing...
Cassie: Knowing what?
Jeffrey: Knowing what I know about Edmund. Okay, he doesn't deserve you, Cassie!
Alan: Take it or leave it, Harley, but I want your decision now.
Gus: She's innocent, Al.
Alan: What's it going to be? Are you going to except my offer?
Harley: No.
Alan: Very well. I don't want us to be enemies, Gus, but that's exactly where we're headed if you don't come to your senses.
Gus: Well, I have... finally.
Harley: You can't do this. I know what that family means to you. I... you gave us up for them.
Gus: Yeah. Biggest mistake of my life. And I'm not going to make it again.
Alan: I want it ready by tomorrow.
Judge: All right, everybody. I'm ready to rule on this matter.
Woman: Excuse me. Aren't you one of the owners?
Olivia: Yes, I am.
Woman: I thought so. Your hotel is exquisite. Fabulous work you've done renovating. It it's all in the detail.
Olivia: Thank you very much. Are you a guest here?
Woman: I am.
Olivia: Enjoy your stay.
Woman: I also wanted to offer my condolences. I'm so sorry about your little girl's father.
Olivia: Thank you.
Woman: Such a sad situation, isn't it?
Olivia: I'm sorry. When did you check in? I don't remember seeing you before. Mrs....
Josh: Olivia?
Olivia: Hi, Josh.
Josh: Any word on Cassie yet?
Olivia: No.
Josh: How about Jonathan?
Olivia: No, I just got here.
Josh: Okay, I'm going to look for him.
Olivia: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Cut the kid some slack.
Josh: He's a menace.
Olivia: He's endured a lot. None of which I knew about or else I would have stopped it.
Josh: You thought he was going into a good home. We all did. There's no defending this kid to me. I pretty much got him all figured out.
Olivia: What if you're wrong about him?
Josh: Then I'll apologize. But I don't think I am wrong, I think I'm right. One day I think Reva will see that and cut this boy out of our lives for good.
Reva: It makes me sad that you find the world to be such a horrible place.
Jonathan: People are hypocrites.
Reva: Not everyone.
Jonathan: Most of them are. Look at the losers who raised me. You know, Alfred beat me up so bad sometimes I couldn't go to school. And then he'd go to work like nothing happened, you know. Smile at the mailman. Shake hands with the preacher on Sunday. And then the wifey standing right next to him like it's okay, honey, nothing's wrong here.
Reva: That isn't normal.
Jonathan: It's my normal. It's all I ever knew.
Reva: I'm sorry.
Jonathan: All right. I'm not looking for an apology. I'm definitely not looking for you to turn on the water works. I just want to tell you what I know.
Reva: Well, not everybody leads a double life.
Jonathan: All right. Enough about me. Why do you think Cassie bailed?
Reva: I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I wish I did.
Jonathan: You guys used to tell each other everything, right?
Reva: Yeah. We're sisters.
Jonathan: I think that might be over now.
Reva: Why would you say that?
Jonathan: Why else? Because of me.
Dinah: I'm in love with Edmund.
Bill: He's marrying Cassie!
Dinah: Can you be so sure of that?
Bill: You're scaring me.
Dinah: Why? I am opening up, Bill.
Bill: This is not good.
Dinah: Yes, it is. And I want you to be happy for me.
Bill: How can you be in love with a guy that doesn't even like you. I'm sorry, Dinah, he doesn't even like you.
Dinah: Trust me. He likes me. And I love him.
Bill: He's never going to love you!
Dinah: Do you understand that Edmund is the kind of guy that I need.
Bill: Oh, really. Unavailable and uninterested?
Dinah: Bill, he has seen me for who I am and he has not judged me. Do you even know what that feels like?
Bill: Dinah, you're living in a fantasy. This is Hart all over again.
Dinah: It is not Hart! It is not the same thing!
Bill: This is about Cassie, isn't it?
Dinah: Maybe at one point it was, but it's not anymore. I have to go talk to Edmund.
Bill: Listen to me. If you go in there... Dinah if you go in there you are going to get hurt.
Dinah: So what? If I get hurt, so what? Come on, at least he'll know how much I care.
Bill: Listen to me. Will you just save yourself the heartache and go home? Please?
Dinah: All right. Maybe... maybe you're right. I'll do it another time.
Bill: Yeah, another time. Another time. This is no good. In fact, I've got to go find Olivia. Can I give you a ride someplace?
Dinah: No, no. I've got my car. Thank you.
Cassie: I'm the one who doesn't deserve Edmund.
Jeffrey: Oh, come on. That's the craziest thing I've ever heard. After everything he's done, Cassie.
Cassie: Edmund isn't perfect, Jeffrey. He's better than perfect. He's real.
Edmund: Cassie...
Cassie: There was a time when I thought I would never love again. When I thought my life was over, that I would never smile again. That I would never wake up feeling anything, but empty and numb and there he was. And he seemed all wrong and exactly right all at the same time. And he made me feel scared, confused, and angry. But you know what? He made me feel again. And he gave me another crack at a life. And it can be a really great life, but I have screwed everything up.
Jeffrey: You love him. And you haven't screwed anything up okay, because as much as I don't like the guy, whatever it is you think you've done, Edmund will forgive you because he loves you. Think of all the stuff that you've survived, the two of you already, hmm? Stuff that would have broken up any normal couple, but not you, no, you didn't break up. He's devoted to you and he'll do anything for you, which is why you have to go to him with the truth, trust him and tell him the truth.
Cassie: I can't.
Jeffrey: Yes, you can. Come on. Let me take you. Let me take you to Edmund.
Cassie: I can't...
Jeffrey: I can. I'll take you.
Cassie: I can't go. I can't. I couldn't take the way he looks at me with so much love and trust.
Jeffrey: You love him, right?
Cassie: More than anything.
Jeffrey: Did you mean to hurt him?
Cassie: No.
Jeffrey: Okay. So just go to him and tell him the truth, that's all.
Cassie: I'm scared.
Jeffrey: Well, yeah, you're scared. Getting married is a scary proposition. That's why you don't see me doing it. But you're a lot braver than I am.
Cassie: I'm not.
Jeffrey: You want to flip a coin? We'll flip a coin if you like. Heads you go; tails you don't.
Cassie: Don't bother.
Edmund: What are you doing here.
Dinah: I heard about Cassie leaving and I thought... I thought you might need me.
Edmund: You heard about it or you engineered it?
Dinah: No, I didn't. I swear. Look, okay, I admit I did some snooping around, but I... she was gone before I got here.
Edmund: And I suppose you're just thrilled by the outcome.
Dinah: No. I'm not. Not if you're unhappy.
Edmund: I don't know what I expected. I tried to change but in the end she couldn't forget, I suppose.
Dinah: Is that what she told you?
Edmund: She didn't say anything. She just ran, didn't she? Who can blame her, really? Look at me. Look at me. I haven't changed. I'm still the same miserable human being I used to be. You saw me right here in this barn in all my glory.
Dinah: Edmund, Jeffrey provoked you.
Edmund: I hit him from behind Dinah.
Dinah: He was going after Cassie so much, that's hard.
Edmund: Don't. Don't. I just don't have the energy for it right now, all right? Just please leave.
Dinah: You shouldn't be alone.
Edmund: I don't want you here. Can I make it any clearer?
Dinah: If you need anything I...
Edmund: If I do it won't be from you.
Woman: Um, excuse me.
Bill: Yeah.
Woman: Do you have a nice restaurant nearby?
Bill: Well, the restaurant here is pretty good.
Woman: Well I was hoping to see more of the town.
Bill: Well, there's Towers downtown. You can't miss it. Tallest building in Springfield. Food there is pretty good.
Woman: Sounds wonderful. Would you like to join me?
Bill: I'm married.
Woman: Doesn't stop most guys.
Bill: Well, let me rephrase that. I'm happily married. That's... yeah.
Woman: Well, your wife must be a very lucky woman. What's she like, anyway?
Bill: I'm... huh?
Woman: Your wife, tell me about her.
Bill: Why would you want to know?
Woman: On second thought, I'm just going to run. But thanks for the info.
Bill: Yeah, sure.
Oliva: Bill, what did that woman say to you?
Bill: I thought she was hitting on me, but then she started asking questions about you.
Olivia: She was pumping me for information about Phillip earlier.
Bill: Who do you think she is?
Olivia: That's a good question.
Judge: Therefore, I have reconsidered my position in this case. Bail is granted at $1 million. This hearing is adjourned.
Gus: Thank you, your honor.
Harley: We did it. Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you.
Gus: You're welcome.
Harley: There's just one small problem.
Gus: What is it?
Harley: I don't have a million dollars.
Gus: I do.
Alan: You're treading on thin ice, Gus.
Gus: That's all right. I'm a good swimmer.
Alan: Harley, enjoy your freedom while you can because it won't last forever.
Gus: Don't worry about him. We have a lot of work to do.
Harley: I hope you've got your checkbook.
Gus: I do right here. Let's get you home to the kids.
Jonathan: Cassie's pushing you away because she's still mad at me for what I did to Tammy.
Reva: Well there's nothing harder to forgive than somebody who's hurt your child. Believe me, I understand that.
Jonathan: She hates me. She'd probably do anything to get rid of me.
Reva: I don't know why you would say something like that.
Jonathan: Wouldn't you if you were in her shoes?
Reva: I don't know.
Jonathan: Yeah, you do.
Reva: Where are you going?
Jonathan: I'm going to split. You've got to look for Cassie.
Reva: No, I... I should look for her.
Jonathan: Hey, I don't know if it matters at all. I'm here for you.
Reva: That means a lot to me.
Jonathan: No.
Josh: When? When is this going to stop?
Cassie: I'm sorry.
Edmund: Don't be.
Cassie: I missed the wedding.
Edmund: You're here now.
Cassie: I love you, Edmund.
Edmund: I love you, too.
Cassie: So what do you say? Do you still want to get married?
Edmund: Right now?
Cassie: Right now.
Edmund: Let's get married.
Next, on "Guiding Light"...
Cassie: I'm so sorry I almost ruined this day.
Edmund: We're going to get married and I could ask for nothing more.
Cassie: Aren't you dying to know why I ran away?
Jonathan: Sandy, you must have made some impression, but how did you do it without getting her clothes off?
Sandy: That's it. Come on.
Tammy: No, that's enough!
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