GL Transcript Tuesday 1/4/05

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 1/4/05



By Boo
Proofread By Leigh

Michelle: Oh, come on. You can't do this. Danny could be out there dying right now. You've got to let me out so that I can find him.

Sebastian: Whoever was in that plane is beyond help, Michelle. You heard the crash.

Michelle: You are a monster.

Holly: They could have survived, you know. They could need our help. You have to do something.

Sebastian: Sorry, no one to send. I dismissed my staff.

Michelle: Then let me go, okay. If it's Danny out there, I need to find him.

Sebastian: You need to make sure I stay alive until your boyfriend Tony gets back with the cure. Forget Danny.

Holly: Then let me go. You don't need me. Come on, Sebastian. Let me go.

Sebastian: (Scoffs) Yeah, as if I could ever trust you again.

Holly: Michelle has got to find out if Danny is in there, and I just can't believe that you would want to cause an innocent person's death. That's not who you are.

Sebastian: You don't know who the hell I am.

Holly: Yes, I do.

Sebastian: Okay. I'll go look for Danny.

Holly: No, but you can't go alone. What if you don't make it back?

Sebastian: Well, then you'd better start praying, girls, because I am Danny's only hope, and yours.


Dinah: Jeffrey, pick up. All right, I'm getting ready to drink alone and I don't want to do that. Look, okay, I know you freaked out. This is a difficult decision. Do you let Cassie marry a man who assaulted you with a shovel, or do you walk away and let the woman you love marry Edmund? It's tough, I know. But I need you to call me. Daddy. What are you doing here alone?

Ross: Blake decided to turn in early this evening. I've been wanting... are you all right?

Dinah: No, but nothing a martini can't fix, I hope.

Ross: Oh. Well, I've been meaning to talk to you seeing that Cassie and Edmund are getting married tomorrow.

Dinah: No worries. I am so fine. Okay? Now come on, I'll meet you inside.

Ross: Okay.

Reva: Ross, wait, wait. Hi.

Ross: Oh, hi, Reva. How was Cassie's bachelorette party? Blake was sorry that she missed it.

Reva: I know. It was so much fun, and we missed Blake, too. But we did have a party crasher.

Ross: Don't tell me...

Reva: Oh, no, no, no. It wasn't Dinah. It was actually my son, Jonathan. But I'm glad you brought it up, because I do have a favor to ask you. I really want to keep him and Dinah...

Ross: Reva, say no more. You want me to keep Dinah away from the wedding.

Reva: I just don't want Dinah or Jonathan to spoil the day for Cassie. So I will keep my son away, and I would appreciate it if you'd do the same.

Ross: Right.


Jonathan: (Blows party horn) Happy New Year, folks. Oh, it's cool, ma'am. This is for the owner. Here.

Dinah: Could life really be that good?

Cassie: Hello?

Reva: Cassie, it's me. I'm just checking to make sure you're still awake.

Cassie: Oh, yeah, I'm awake and I'm rip-roaring to go. (Laughs) Where are you?

Reva: Downstairs. I ran into Ross, but I'll be up in a few minutes. That is if you still want company.

Cassie: Yeah, why wouldn't I?

Reva: Well, I don't know. I thought maybe Edmund showed up and you invited him to share your bed.

Cassie: Nope, that's bad luck. So get up here. I'll keep the champagne flowing.

Reva: No. No champagne. No alcohol, period. A hung over bride is not a pretty sight.

Cassie: Hey, I'm fine, big sister. I have everything under control. At least I hope I do. Reva, I hate this. But I have to do it. I have to show you what a monster Jonathan is.


Beth: Hi.

Rick: Oh, Beth. Hey, I am so sorry. You've called me a millions times, and I haven't returned any of your phone calls. I really...

Beth: No, no. It's fine, it's fine.

Rick: Sit down.

Beth: Are you okay?

Rick: It's just all this news about Harley. You know, it's... about her arrest. It's everywhere. It's in the newspapers, it's on the radio, it's television, it's just...

Beth: I know. I know. It's terrible.

Rick: "The Murdering Mistress of Disguise." These people are idiots.

Beth: Rick, you don't think that she did it? Even with all the evidence that's against her?

Rick: Beth, I can't believe that you would say that?

Beth: Well, maybe it's because I understand, maybe because in the end there's nothing that I wouldn't have done.


Michelle: Listen, Holly, you've got to tell me about Danny, okay. I've got to know more about him, please. You were around when we first got together, right? Just can you tell me about it, please?

Holly: Yeah. Right. Danny... he fought everybody, especially his mother, to keep you alive. He married you to keep you alive. And that's when you fell in love, and you stayed in love.

Michelle: God, I wish I could have...

Holly: Mm-hmm.

Michelle: Why can't I remember that? You know if I remembered I think things would be different. We would put our family back together and I wouldn't have hurt Danny by being with Tony.

Holly: Oh. We can't control who we love.

Michelle: I wanted to love Danny. I really did. I really did. I tried. Oh, God. If he dies trying to save me... how am I going to live with that?


Reva: Please tell me we weren't always this boring?

Ross: Oh, come on. Is this really so bad?

Reva: No, it's good.

Ross: Yeah.

Reva: So, Ross, do you think Dinah and Jonathan are payback for our misspent youth, you know? There are kids that were bad as we were, wanting probably the same things we wanted.

Ross: Dinah wants love. She's just not quite sure how to get it.

Reva: Spoken like a guilty parent.

Ross: Yes. By chance am I speaking to another one?

Reva: I don't know. You know, he's trying. He really is trying, and sometimes I feel I am making a dent.

Ross: Yeah. And yet you're always waiting for the next disaster.

Reva: Oh, I have this gut feeling that Jonathan's going to show up at Cassie's wedding and just ruin it. And I don't want that. I want the day to perfect for her.

Ross: On the other hand you wish that your son could be there.

Reva: Yeah. What is wrong with me?

Ross: You want everybody you love to be happy. But it can't always be that way.

Reva: Will it ever be that way?

Ross: Oh, who knows. You know, there was a time when not many people held out hope for either one of us. So who knows. Someday Jonathan and Dinah might be sitting right here like us having cocoa on a cold winter's night.

Reva: Dinah and Jonathan. That truly is a terrifying thought.

Ross: (Laughs) (knock at the door)


Cassie: Coming. Come on, Cassie, show time. Well, look who it is.

Jonathan: Are you surprised?

Cassie: A little.

Jonathan: This invitation isn't for real?

Cassie: Well, that's my handwriting. So it must be real, huh?

Jonathan: You're going to ask me in or you're going to make me beg?

Cassie: I have to warn you I do get into trouble after I've been drinking.

Jonathan: Wow. Then I'm glad I brought my friend around. Cassie this is trouble, trouble this is Cassie.

Cassie: Nice to see you again.

Dinah: Oh, my God. You slut. I don't know what I did to deserve this, but thank you.


Rick: How could you think that Harley could kill Phillip?

Beth: Rick, under the right circumstances anyone is capable of doing horrible...

Rick: No. I can't believe that. I can't believe Harley would do something like that.

Beth: Okay, okay. I understand that you protect her and you don't want to believe that she did this. But Phillip took so much from her. And when he took her two boys, don't under estimate a desperate mother.

Rick: I'm sorry I'm just stunned. I can't believe that you would say this about Harley. I thought you guys were friends.

Beth: We are. It's not about that. It's about accepting what is and moving on.

Rick: So what does that mean? We just ignore Harley? We just forget about her?

Beth: No, no.

Rick: What does it mean?

Beth: But you were just as relieved as I was when we thought Ruth Karloff was the killer. And why? Because we had some closure, and like it or not … not that much has changed.

Rick: Everything has changed. We know, Harley. Beth, come on, we know her. She's a good friend, she's a good Mom. She stands by her family.

Beth: Yes, and sometimes standing by your family means doing something that you never thought...

Rick: What?

Beth: No. You know what? Let's just drop this.

Rick: Okay, fine. Let's just talk about you. How long do you think you could keep on running, Beth?


Michelle: God, where is he?

Holly: It hasn't been that long. It just feels that way in this place.

Michelle: Holly, he should have never gone out there alone in his condition. If he drops...

Sebastian: Thanks for your concern.

Michelle: Where's Danny? Did you find him? Did you find him or not?

Sebastian: I found the plane.

Holly: And Danny?

Sebastian: No one could have saved him, Michelle. I'm sorry.

Michelle: What?

Sebastian: Danny's dead.


Ross: So Reva, how about this time we make a martini?

Reva: Oh, you know what, Ross? I'd really love that, but I've got to go. It's 12:15. I promised Cassie that I'd be upstairs.

Ross: Oh, okay.

Reva: But I'll take a rain check.

Ross: All right. So this is a "reap what you sew" reunion?

Reva: Oh, you have such a way go to bed. Get your beauty rest. I don't want any trouble when it comes to the "I now pronounce you" stuff.

Ross: Oh, don't worry. I'm old pro.

Reva: Yeah, well, till tomorrow then.

Ross: All right. I'm going to go rest in here. (Laughter)

Reva: Okay. Thanks, Ross.

Ross: Bye.

Dinah: Hey.

Reva: What are you doing lurking around here?

Dinah: Lurking? Reva, lighten up. This is a public place.

Reva: Not for you. In case you've forgotten, Blake has a restraining order out on you.

Dinah: I didn't get anywhere near Daddy's and Blake's suite.

Reva: Then what were you doing?

Dinah: Nothing.

Reva: Were you bothering Cassie?

Dinah: Cassie, Cassie, Cassie. Could I get through a day without hearing Cassie's name.

Reva: Oh, no you don't.


Cassie: Whoa. Oh, man, I guess I'm just still really tipsy. Why don't you do the honors?

Jonathan: My pleasure.

Cassie: That's what tonight's about.

Jonathan: Whatever you say.

Cassie: We need glasses.

Jonathan: That is some outfit.

Cassie: I just got it. Bachelorette gift.

Jonathan: Yeah, I remember. It's very becoming on you.

Cassie: Wow, and here I thought you were only into the young and innocent type like Tammy.

Jonathan: I didn't come here to talk about Tammy. Okay. Maybe I should just go.

Cassie: Wow, I guess that come on in the alley was all talk and no play. I should have known.

Jonathan: You're the one who looks scared.

Cassie: Do I? Isn't this what you wanted when you pinned me against the wall and you offered me one last chance?

Jonathan: What do you want? That's the question?

Cassie: Join the party and find out.

Jonathan: Whatever you say. Is that not what you had in mind?

Cassie: Don't go anywhere. I'll be right back. God. Oh, Reva. You're suppose to be here.

Jonathan: Don't be too long in there. Or I'll come in after you. Hmm, looks like Aunt Cassie plays dirtier than I thought.


Beth: Are you accusing me of something?

Rick: Like what?

Beth: Well, I don't know. But you just said that you thought I was running. What do you think that I'm running from? I mean if anybody's running it's you.

Rick: Me?

Beth: Yes. Aren't you the one that said that you wanted to bail out, you wanted to leave town, you wanted to forget about Phillip and sail around the world? I actually...

Rick: What?

Beth: I got something for you. I thought it would help you make your dream come true.


Michelle: I swear to you. I swear to you. I will kill you myself. You will pay for this.

Holly: Listen if Danny is gone this is not going to help.

Michelle: You believe him? He's done nothing but lie to us since day one.

Sebastian: None of this would have happened had you done what I asked.

Holly: You have got to take her to that plane. She's got to see for herself.

Sebastian: No, that's not going to happen.

Michelle: I have to go.

Sebastian: Why? So you could run away? No, I don't think so.

Holly: Well, then let me go. I won't run away. I give you my word.

Sebastian: Your word.

Holly: Please? If you want her to help you survive, you have got to do this.

Sebastian: You are not going to like what you see.

Holly: I'll get back as soon as I can.

Michelle: Thank you. Oh, God. Oh, God, please don't let this be true. I am so sorry, Danny. Oh, my God. Oh, my God, Danny. Oh, my God, Danny.


Dinah: You're playing watchdog, Reva?

Dinah: You're playing watchdog, Reva? You walk me over to Towers and tuck me in for a good night sleep?

Reva: I'd like to tuck you into a prison cot.

Dinah: Well, Cassie got over it, maybe you should try it.

Reva: I don't want you doing anything to ruin her wedding day.

Dinah: I don't think you really need to worry about me. Are you sure that Jonathan is tucked away safely tonight, Mommy?


Cassie: Reva, you're suppose to be here already. All right, Cassie, you just hold on till she gets here. You can do this.

Jonathan: Hey, come on, I'm getting lonely out here. Is everything okay?

Cassie: Wow. You were worried. I'm touched.

Jonathan: I thought I scared you.

Cassie: With one kiss? It's going to take a lot more than that.

Jonathan: How much more?

Cassie: Pour me a drink and you'll find out.

Jonathan: You're a rough trade, huh? Like mother, like daughter. Tell me something, does Edmund still turn you on or did he lose sex appeal when he lost his bad boy image?


Reva: Jonathan has his troubles, but he's not out to get Cassie. That's your hobby. If you take one step anywhere near that wedding, you'll have me to contend with.

Dinah: Ooh, shaking.

Reva: Well, you should be.

Dinah: I'm not going anywhere near Cassie's stupid barnyard wedding. If anything happens, it'll be her doing.


Jonathan: See you were never so squeaky clean yourself.

Cassie: Oh, is that the turn on for you? That I used to be a stripper.

Jonathan: Nah, it's more the mother/daughter thing that appeals to me.

Cassie: (Laughs) Wow. You know, only the weakest kind of guy who preys on an innocent kid like Tammy. But I'm different. You can't handle me.

Jonathan: You want to bet?


Reva: Nighty-night, Dinah. Don't forget what I told you.

Dinah: Reva, wait.


Cassie: What's it going to be, little boy?

Jonathan: I'm not leaving here until I get what I came for.

Cassie: Which is?

Jonathan: First, a drink. How about you?

Cassie: You know me, I like trouble.


Dinah: Look, you're right about me. When I first came to Springfield, I wanted to get back at Cassie. But that wasn't the only reason.

Reva: Don't give me that looking for love stuff.

Dinah: Reva, I did something.

Reva: Something?

Dinah: Something that could ruin Cassie's wedding.


Jonathan: Here's to bad boys and bad girls. Takes one to know one. you?


Rick: I cannot believe it.

Beth: (Laughs) I got it for that trip around the world you keep talking about, Captain Bauer.

Rick: Do sailors wear hats like this?

Beth: I don't know. I think they're very becoming. So is your dream.

Rick: That's what I like to see.

Beth: (Laughs)

Rick: That was very sweet. Very sweet, but I can't. I can't do this right now. I have to put this dream on the back burner.

Beth: Why?

Rick: Because Harley's facing murder charges. I can't go.

Beth: Harley's family will take care of her.

Rick: Harley is a good friend, Beth, and she's the mother of my son. I can't leave her.

Beth: You have to do what's right for you and your kids.

Rick: She needs my support. That's what she needs.

Beth: Time is running out. Don't you see that? That is the legacy that Phillip left us. How many more people have to be hurt before this thing is finally over and done with?

Rick: As many as it takes the person who did this to him.

Beth: I wanted justice as much as you do, but the price is too high. The best thing for everyone would be if they would just close the door on this whole mess before things get any worse, before anyone else gets hurt.


Cassie: That's good.

Jonathan: Yeah. Yes, it is.

Cassie: Where's Reva?

Jonathan: You invited Reva to this party?

Cassie: She's suppose to spend the night with me.

Jonathan: That could get weird. But there's been a change of plans. Okay, I'm going to stay with you tonight.

Cassie: Edmund. You're not suppose to see me until tomorrow.

Jonathan: I couldn't stay away.

Cassie: I'm glad you're here. Oh, wow. I almost did the stupidest thing.

Jonathan: What?

Cassie: I had to prove to Reva that Jonathan was a monster. So I almost...

Jonathan: What? What did you almost do?

Cassie: It doesn't matter. You're here.

Jonathan: Mm-hmm.

Cassie: Oh, I feel so funny.

Jonathan: Funny?

Cassie: In a good way. How about you?

Jonathan: No. No. I don't feel funny at all.

Cassie: (Laughs) (screams) (laughs) Whoo! Wow. Did I tell how happy I am that you're here?

Jonathan: Yeah, actually you did. And that's why I think you had too many drinks at that bachorlette party.

Cassie: Okay, okay. Maybe I did. Yes, I did. Shhh. You can't tell anybody about this, okay?

Jonathan: I'll never tell.

Cassie: I mean what's wrong with having a little bit of fun before your wedding, right?

Jonathan: Cassie, maybe it's time that you go to bed.

Cassie: Hmm. Hey, that's right. I'm so glad we're on the same wave... wave...

Jonathan: Length?

Cassie: That's it. (Laughs)

Jonathan: (Laughs)

Cassie: Let's do it.

Jonathan: All right. Cassie. Cassie, look. Now you don't want to do this.

Cassie: Yeah, I do. (Laughs)

Jonathan: No.

Cassie: Yes. You want this as much as I do.


Reva: Dinah, what are you talking about?

Dinah: I knew that Edmund was planning to be here tonight, even though it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding.

Reva: So Edmund is here.

Dinah: Well, I don't know. But when I was on my way back from placing papers in Jeffrey's room, I walked by Cassie's suite and I overheard her speaking to Edmund or leaving a message. I'm not sure which.

Reva: And you were able to do that because you had your ear pressed up against her door?

Dinah: Will you let me finish, please? Can I get it out?

Reva: Oh, really? Knock yourself out.

Dinah: I didn't mean any harm.

Reva: So what did you do?

Dinah: I called him. I called him. I said that there was...

Reva: You what?

Dinah: I said that there was an emergency. He needed to get to the hotel as soon as possible.

Reva: So he is upstairs.

Dinah: My guess is that he is. Knowing Edmund, he would even risk bad luck for the woman he loves. That's it. I just confessed. I feel better. I'm going to be able to sleep tonight. Have a good night.

Reva: Not so fast.

Dinah: Daddy...

Ross: Hello, sweetheart. What is going on here?

Reva: Ross, she already has her hands dirty.

Dinah: Oh, come on.

Reva: Oh, come on.

Dinah: All I was doing was trying to promote real love.

Reva: (Laughs) Oh, my God.

Ross: Is that so?

Dinah: Yeah.

Reva: I'm going to go check and make sure my sister's okay.

Ross: Why wouldn't Cassie be okay?

Dinah: Well, I don't know. It beats me.

Ross: Really?

Dinah: Daddy, I didn't do anything. Okay, I promised you I was going to be good, and I've been good. Good as gold.


Holly: Shouldn't we be at the crash site by now?

Sebastian: It's dark. I must have lost the trail. I... I don't know. I'm feeling a little disoriented.

Holly: Oh, God, you're burning up. I got to... I'm going to find some water.

Sebastian: No, no. Please. Please don't leave me. Please.

Holly: Look, you are too ill to be doing this.

Sebastian: Yeah. It's over, Holly. It's over. You know it and I know it.

Holly: It's not over till we find Danny.

Sebastian: No, it's too late.

Holly: It's not too late for you. Tony is coming back. You have to believe that.

Sebastian: Do you really believe it?

Holly: Yes.

Sebastian: You haven't stopped caring have you?

Holly: Come on. We've got to keep going.

Sebastian: No, no. Just wait a minute. Just... look, just tell me that what I see in your eyes is the truth. That we belong together. Say it, Holly. I need you...

Holly: How can you talk about this now?

Sebastian: I need to hear you say it. I don't have much time left. I just... I just need to know that you care for me. You do, don't you? You care for me. You see, I knew it. I knew you did. I knew it all along.

Holly: I want you to think about the plane. Think about Danny.

Sebastian: Let me have the time I have left with you. We don't have to go back to the villa.

Holly: What? What do you mean?

Sebastian: I mean we could go wherever you want to go. Just you and me. I can deal with the fact that I'm dying if I just have you with me. If I know that you love me. You do love me, don't you, Holly? (Knocking at the door)


Michelle: Hello? Is somebody there? Holly? Who's out there? Hello? Danny. Oh, my God, Danny.

Danny: Michelle. Thank God. Help me.

Michelle: Oh, my God, you're alive. Oh, my God.


Rick: Who do you think is going to get hurt, Beth?

Beth: I don't know. I... it could be anyone of us. Rick, live. Live while you can. Take that captain's hat and pack up your family and live your dream before it's too late.

Rick: Beth, I don't want to talk about my dreams. I want to talk about your dreams. What's missing in your life right now?

Beth: I've got to go. It's getting late.

Rick: No, we're finally getting somewhere. Why don't we just talk about this?

Beth: Rick... you know... I'll just... I'll call you.

Rick: What?

Beth: I hope things work out for Harley for your sake as well as for Jude's.

Rick: Beth, don't leave. Beth? Wait a second. Beth?


Dinah: Reva hates me. She's just trying to cause trouble for me.

Ross: Dinah, you said you did something to promote true love. What did you do?

Dinah: I didn't do anything, Daddy?

Ross: Dinah.

Dinah: She was poking at me, okay. So I played on her worst fears, okay?

Ross: (Sighs)

Dinah: She bought it. I'm sorry. I couldn't help it.

Ross: Can't you let Cassie and her family get through this wedding in peace?

Dinah: I didn't do anything. Look, Daddy, I'm tired. I want to go home. And I love you.

Ross: Not now. You're going to make things right with Reva first.

Dinah: Now?

Ross: Now, yes. If you hurry you could cat her before she gets to Cassie's suite.

Dinah: All right, if that's going to make you feel better.

Ross: It will.

Dinah: Okay. All right. Well, you know what? If this wedding goes south, it's not going to be because of me.


Holly: You know that I care about you. And that I don't want you... I don't want you to die.

Sebastian: Then come. Come away with me. I will spend the rest of the time that I have left making up for all of the pain that I've caused you.

Holly: No, no, no. How could you be talking about this now? Somebody out there could be dying, and Michelle is in that cage that you created.

Sebastian: You blame me for the plane crash, don't you? You blame me for Danny's death.

Holly: Sebastian, how could there be anything between us if you won't tell me the truth? Now where is the plane? Where is Danny?

Sebastian: Change of plans. I'm going back to the villa to finish this once and for all.

Holly: Michelle was right. You lied. You don't know where the plane is. You never went to find it.

Sebastian: Are you coming with me or not?

Holly: Danny. You don't know if he's dead.

Sebastian: Danny, Danny. I don't...

Holly: He could be out there. His life is hanging in the balance and you are here wallowing in your self-pity.

Sebastian: I don't care about Danny.

Holly: How could you be so selfish and cruel?

Sebastian: Selfish? Cruel? What about you? Where's my love?! (Holly screams) Where's my loyalty?

Holly: No. Let go of me.

Sebastian: No, no. I will never... never let go of you. You're coming back with me to the villa. You're going to die with me.

Holly: No!

Sebastian: (Moaning) There's nowhere to go. Holly? There's no way off this island. I will never let you go! Never!


Danny: Where's Sebastian?

Michelle: He and Holly went to where the plane crashed. He told us that you were dead.

Danny: Yeah, well, guess again. Maybe this can... come here. Come here. Ow.

Michelle: Danny.

Danny: Hold on. I just I need a second. I just need a second.

Michelle: Danny... Danny, hold on.

Danny: All right.

Michelle: Hold on to the bars, Danny. Listen to me. Danny. You've got to stay with me, Danny. Danny, stay with me.


Jonathan: Cassie, you're going to hate yourself in the morning.

Cassie: Not if I don't tell anybody. (Laughs)

Jonathan: Cassie. Cassie, no.

Cassie: Yes. Yes. Yes.


Reva: Oh, Edmund. You did show up. So much for superstitions, right, sis. Have fun.


Next, on "Guiding Light."

Josh: You think she and Edmund are having a little bit of an early honeymoon right now? Is that it?

Reva: That or she's in bed with another man.

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