Guiding Light Transcript Monday 1/3/05
By Boo
Proofread By Leigh
Bill: (Laughing) Oh, nurse, nurse. Pretty little nurse, will you come over here quick? Guess what I'm thinking.
Nurse Spector: What?
Bill: Quick, guess.
Nurse Spector: I don't know. Do I get a hint?
Bill: It's orange.
Nurse Spector: Um...
Bill: Too late. It's an orange. (Laughs)
Nurse Spector: Good one, William.
Bill: Thank you.
Olivia: You're scaring me.
Bill: What?
Olivia: I can't believe you checked yourself in here just for me. And you're enjoying this way too much.
Bill: Hey, hey, hey. You're just jealous because I'm crazier than you are.
Olivia: Oh, yeah, that's it. Or maybe it's the fact that we're not going to get out of here.
Bill: Hey. No pouting, okay? I may be crazy enough to get myself in here, but I'm not crazy enough to get myself locked in here without a backup plan.
Olivia: You have a backup plan? What is it?
Bill: I'm working on it, okay? I'm working on it. But seriously, do not worry. Before you know it, you're going to be with your daughter, Emma, and no one can stop me, not even Alan Spaulding.
Alan: Billy?
Billy: Yeah, that's me.
Alan: May I join you?
Billy: Not unless you want to be part of Edmund's bachelor party. How come you're still pushing little Emma around? Don't tell me that Olivia's still up at Ravenwood.
Alan: Well, I guess she's sicker than we thought, Billy.
Billy: Alan, she's as sharp as a tack and she needs her little girl.
Alan: You're not defending her, are you? Billy, you couldn't seriously want Bill to stay with Olivia and adopt little Emma here, would you? Olivia will ruin his life if she hasn't already.
Jeffrey: Wow, you're in a good mood tonight, huh? How many of those have you had?
Edmund: Enough to celebrate that tomorrow I marry the most wonderful woman in the world, which means not even you can bring me down tonight, O'Neill.
Jeffrey: Did Edmund hit me with that shovel and start that fire, or is this just a figment of RJ's imagination?
Dinah: Let me go.
Jeffrey: Tell me, Dinah! Did he?
Dinah: Yes.
Jeffrey: Yeah, well I wonder if you'd be feeling so optimistic if Cassie knew the whole truth about you.
Edmund: And what "whole truth" would that be?
Jeffrey: Something you did, Edmund. Something that would make any bride change her mind.
Jonathan: So, Cassie... tomorrow's the big day. You excited?
Cassie: I don't think you heard me, Jonathan. I told you to stay the hell away from my daughter or you were a dead man.
Jonathan: Chill, Cass. I'm not here to talk to your daughter. I'm here to shoot pool. Can I ask you something?
Cassie: No, you can't.
Jonathan: Come on. Do you know how incredibly hot you look right now?
Cassie: You're disgusting.
Jonathan: Maybe it's the whole pre-wedding night thing, and you being so far away from the groom-to-be. It's so sweet and innocent. It's almost like you're a virgin all over again. And we know how much virgins turn me on.
Bill: So, that's everything. I mean that's why I'm here. I mean I just feel like I'm living in a musical sometimes. And I have my highs I have my lows I have my highs I have my lows I have my highs and my lows. Speaking of who's low, you know who's really low is that lady over there. Olivia.
Olivia: I don't know if I'm ever going to see her again. Somebody's got to help me, please. Can you help me?
Bill: She had to leave her daughter behind and she misses her like all get out.
Nurse Spector: That's so sad.
Bill: It is sad. It's very sad. In fact, she wanted to call the grandparents to find out how her daughter is doing, but I guess she's not allowed to. And then she asked me if I could help, and I said, "well, there's nothing I can do," but I thought maybe, just... I don't know maybe there's something that you can do. What do you say? Would you help a mother in need? You know, holiday spirit and all that? (Giggles)
Nurse Spector: Is it a local call?
Bill: Oh, yes.
Nurse Spector: Okay, but two minutes and that's it. There's your outside line.
Bill: Bless you bless you bless you. Dad, it's me.
Billy: Where are you? You were supposed to have sprung Olivia out of Ravenwood a couple days ago.
Bill: Well, that was the plan but it didn't work, so I had to get myself admitted and now I'm stuck in here with her.
Billy: Okay, just sit tight and I'll figure something to get you out.
Bill: Now, Dad, when you say "you," you mean Olivia and me, right?
Billy: Yes. Yes, of course. You and Olivia just sit tight and I'll work on it right away. Of course, what exactly I'm going to do, I don't know.
Sandy: Hey, Billy. Is there a party here for Edmund tonight?
Billy: Yeah. What's it to you?
Sandy: Well, I got a present for him.
Billy: Well, you don't give up, do you, boy?
Sandy: No, I don't. Truth be known, Edmund was a big help to me when I was directing the play, so I just thought I would...
Billy: Oh, yes.
Sandy: What?
Billy: Wait a minute, wait a minute. That's right, you were in the theater. You know where to get props and costumes and things like that this late at night, right?
Sandy: Maybe...
Billy: No! "Yes, I sure do, Billy," is what you should say if you want to get in good with the Lewis family. Let me hear it.
Sandy and Billy: Yes, I sure do, Billy.
Billy: Good, good. Okay. Well, we've got a lot of work to do. Come on, let's go. This way. Here we go.
Edmund: Cassie knows all my misdeeds, O'Neill. If she hasn't left me already, she's not going to.
Jeffrey: All your misdeeds?
Edmund: Mm-hmm.
Jeffrey: Well, it must be nice to be so certain about something.
Edmund: Yes, it is. And I'm also certain that she loves me, and she's proving that to me by marrying me tomorrow. So say anything you like to her, Mr. O'Neill. Not even you can threaten me tonight.
Jeffrey: Well, that's funny because back around the time that the barn burned down, you felt very threatened by me, didn't you?
Edmund: It's funny you remember that. What I remember about that night was saving your life.
Jeffrey: Oh, well, you see, I can't remember that because I was unconscious. Something hit me on the head. What was it again?
Edmund: A beam from the ceiling.
Jeffrey: A beam from the ceiling. I knew it was something, something like that.
Tammy: Aunt Reva, are you sure that JB's not coming to the wedding?
Reva: Is he bothering you?
Tammy: What does he want?
Reva: Oh, Tammy, I don't even think he knows what he wants. I mean, at first, I thought he wanted a family and then there are times when I think all he wants to do is hurt people before they hurt him.
Tammy: That's a horrible way to live.
Reva: Yes, it is. It's especially horrible when you're told everywhere you're go that you're not wanted by the people who are supposed to be your family.
Tammy: Look, just keep him away from the wedding, okay? Because he'll ruin it for Mom and she doesn't deserve that. She deserves a beautiful, perfect wedding.
Reva: Yeah. She does. And I'll see to it that she has that.
Cassie: You've put my daughter through hell and she's just starting to climb out of it. If you ever do anything to hurt her again...
Jonathan: How did we get back to talking about Tammy?
Cassie: Did you hear what I said about Tammy?
Jonathan: Yeah, I heard what you said about Tammy. Why would I want an inexperienced girl like Tammy when I could have a real woman like you? Come on, babe. What do you say? Last night before your wedding, last chance for last chances. You can taste something you've never gotten to taste before. What do you say? You and me tonight, one final fling.
Jonathan: You and me? We'll have some fun tonight?
Cassie: You're serious.
Jonathan: I'm just throwing out an offer, like I did with Tammy. You know, she and I are pretty cool now.
Cassie: No, you're not.
Jonathan: Oh, yeah. Yeah, we are. We are. As mad as she was with me about that thing, she's coming around, and I think that she and I can be really close again. And I think that you and I could be real close, too.
Reva: Hey! Hey, get over here! You've got presents to open. Come on, come on, come on.
Mel: Hey.
Cassie: Hey. Hey, Mel, how's it going? Thank you so much for coming.
Mel: Oh, I wouldn't miss it.
Reva: I ordered you a margarita, like you like it, with that white tequila.
Cassie: Yeah.
Tammy: Oh, hey. Go easy on the booze, okay? I don't want to have to carry you down the aisle.
Reva: Like your last wedding?
Cassie: Okay, I think I'll be fine. I have everything under control.
Tammy: I just want tomorrow to be perfect, that's all.
Cassie: Well, you know what? It's going to be, because I have all of you and the rest of my family and friends, right? So... and I'm also going to be marrying the most wonderful man in the world.
Reva: Oh, no, we can't cheers. No, no, no cheers, no cheers. I've got to get this all on tape. I promised Harley and Blake that I would get all of this so that they could see it. Okay? So we have to repeat all that action, you know? Turn this on, to... there we go. To Cassie and Edmund. May they have many years of happiness together. Cheers.
All: Cheers.
Tammy: No, no, no, Mom.
Cassie: What?
Tammy: It's bad luck to drink when you're the one being toasted.
Cassie: Well, too bad. Where did all those presents come from?
Mel: Why don't you open them and find out?
Tammy: Mine first, mine first.
Reva: There you go.
Cassie: Ooh. I almost opened it. (Laughter)
Reva: Smile. Hi. Say "hi."
All: Hi. (Laughter)
Cassie: Is this from you? "To my Mom on her wedding day. All my love, Tammy." Oh, my gosh. It's a photo album.
Reva: She spent so much time working on that for you.
Tammy: I left a bunch of blank pages at the end for after tomorrow, when you and Edmund start making your own memories.
Cassie: This is so beautiful and thoughtful. Come here.
Reva: Okay, okay. What's next? Enough, enough, enough. On. Onward.
Mel: Open this one from Blake.
Cassie: Should we open hers in public? (Laughter)
Reva: I don't know. Open it and find out.
Cassie: Okay. Oh, my gosh. (Cheering)
Reva: Whoa! Close-up on that. Come on, model it.
Cassie: Model it?
Reva: Hold it up to yourself so I can get this. (Cheering)
Reva: My, my, my. I'll handle this.
Alan: I'm just making sure that everyone sees me out and about with little Emma. Sees me doting on her, sees how well we get along, how bonded we are. Unlike her mother, who abandoned her.
Lawyer: As far as we know, Mrs. Lewis has admitted herself to a psychiatric hospital. Legally, that is not abandonment, Mr. Spaulding. If that's what you're trying to prove, it's not...
Alan: I'm trying to prove... Mr. Slott, we will prove that Olivia is unfit to be Emma's mother.
Lawyer: The courts still generally favor the mothers on this.
Alan: Not this court, they won't. (Cell phone rings) excuse me. Yes? Really? Well, that's great news. Thank you. You know, I told you that Bill, Olivia's husband, was wanting to adopt little Emma. Well, it seems he checked himself into Ravenwood. It's perfect. Now Olivia will have one more strike against her custody battle.
Edmund: Now, I have a party to get back to, if you'll excuse me, Mr. O'Neill.
Jeffrey: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. A little tipsy there, Eddie?
Edmund: It's all this talk of Cassie. It makes me weak in the knees.
Jeffrey: Yeah, you do tend to get worked up about her, don't you? Do things that no one would ever expect. Well, maybe they would expect it. If I were you, I'd go easy. You're going to need your wits about you tomorrow.
Dinah: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy there, big fellow. What's wrong?
Reva: This is Cassie's bachelorette party.
Jonathan: Oh. I didn't know.
Reva: Yes, you did.
Jonathan: All right. I'll keep a low profile. Oh, since you're here, I've been meaning to give this to you. I've been carrying it around with me. It's your Christmas present. I meant to give it to you on Christmas, but I wasn't involved with the family festivities, so... what? Am I the kind of monster who doesn't even buy his own mother a present?
Reva: You really want me to answer that?
Jonathan: I really want you to open the gift.
Reva: Jonathan.
Jonathan: Remember I gave you one when I was little, when you and Richard visited me on San Jamar?
Reva: I remember.
Cassie: Jonathan does his "aw, shucks" routine for Reva and she falls for it every time.
Tammy: Don't look, okay? I mean it. You said you wouldn't let JB get to you.
Cassie: I won't if you won't.
Tammy: I told you, I'm past that. I know how to handle him now.
Cassie: What does that mean?
Tammy: It means I understand him enough.
Cassie: I don't want you to understand him, Tammy. God. God, I can't stand this. All of you need to see him for who he is.
Tammy: Excuse me.
Cassie: Wait. Where are you going?
Tammy: To the restroom. Chill. Just drink your margarita. Slowly.
Mel: Cassie? Cassie, this is your night, okay? Try to ignore that kid.
Cassie: I know what that kid is capable of. But Reva, and even Tammy, they don't see it. They just don't see it.
Mel: Well, maybe if you just, I don't know, sat them down and explained to them...
Cassie: I've tried. I've tried. It's like Jonathan has cast some spell over both of them. The question is how to break that spell for good. For Tammy and Reva to see exactly who he is. Some way for them to find out the truth, where they can't deny it.
Mel: Cassie? Cassie?
Cassie: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Listen to me griping about... I mean, this is a party, right?
Mel: Yes.
Cassie: This is my party.
Mel: That's right. Let's toast. Come on. Toast. Now, as soon as Reva and Tammy get back, we are going to order some food because I'm starving. I'm going to go get some menus, okay?
Cassie: Will you get me another shot of that white tequila, please?
Mel: Straight up? You sure about that?
Cassie: Yeah. I mean, like you said, it's my party and I'm going to have a damn good time.
Mel: Okay.
Bill: Okay, well, if there's any way to get us out of here tonight, my Dad will find it.
Olivia: You've got to be kidding. My fate is in the hands of a man who hates me: Your father. Come on.
Bill: No.
Olivia: Will you still love me...
Nurse Spector: Everybody, please move down to the other end of the lounge and take a seat. It's time for this evening's entertainment. Olivia, Bill, you too.
Olivia: I don't think so.
Nurse Spector: It's a magic show. It'll lift your spirits. Come on. Is everyone ready? (Applause) Then let's welcome Harlan the magnificent.
Billy: Thank you, thank you, ladies and gentlemen. I am Harlan the magnificent and I am here tonight to do some very serious magic! So, let's get the show on the road. (Cheers and applause) first of all, I need a volunteer. (Patients volunteering)
Bill: Me. Me, me, me. And her.
Billy: That's what I like: Enthusiasm. (Applause)
Olivia: So, what have you got planned for us, Harlan?
Billy: I am going to make the two of you disappear. (Gasps and applause)
Edmund: Nothing's wrong, Dinah. Nothing at all.
Dinah: Are you drunk?
Edmund: Why is everyone so bloody concerned with my relative state of sobriety this evening? You, O'Neill. If you'll excuse me, Dinah Marler, I have a party to attend.
Dinah: Wait, wait, wait. Come here. Come here. Jeffrey was just here? Did you talk to him?
Edmund: Yeah. Strange conversation. The fire. The fire was the gist of it.
Dinah: Wait a minute. Edmund, you didn't tell him what you did to him, did you?
Edmund: What, that I boppied him on the head with a little shovelette? Now, why would I do that and ruin everything?
Dinah: It would ruin everything.
Edmund: Oh, don't be ridiculous, Dinah. I didn't tell him anything. Except for a moment, there, I...
Dinah: What?
Edmund: I thought that he knew. If Cassie were to find out that I was an attempted shovel-murderer, well, that would be that. No wedding for you. You know, no one knows that other than me except you, Dinah. You didn't tell anyone, did you?
Dinah: No. No, I didn't, Edmund. I didn't say anything.
Edmund: Good. Because if I were to find out that you did, you don't want to know what I would do to you. I plan on spending the rest of my life with Cassie. She is the best thing that ever happened to me.
Dinah: You are the best thing that has ever happened to her. You are. You are a very special man. The way that you've turned your life around... you're great.
Edmund: Not me, Dinah. Cassie. It was her love that did it. The love of the right person, Dinah, that's all it takes.
Dinah: Yeah. The love of the right person. I do agree about that. Good night. (Laughter)
Cassie: Hey, go, Reva!
Mel: All right.
Cassie: How about another round? (Cheers and applause)
Reva: More rounds, more rounds.
Tammy: Don't you think you've had enough, young lady? Weddings and hangovers don't mix.
Cassie: You are so cute to worry about me, but I am... I'm fine. I'm fine.
Tammy: Sure you are. I thought you said you weren't going to let JB get to you.
Cassie: This isn't about JB--Jonathan, or whatever the hell his name is. I am happy, I am celebrating, and I am the only one that hasn't made a toast. So, Reva, point that video camera this way.
Reva: Uh-oh. That means trouble. Okay. Good idea or bad idea?
Tammy: Bad, definitely. (Cheering) Mom!
Cassie: Hey, bartender! Can you turn the music down a little please?
Reva: He's cute.
Cassie: Isn't he cute? Hi. Hi, everybody. My name is Cassie and well, guess what I'm doing tomorrow?
Mel: What?
Cassie: I'm getting married! (Cheers and applause) So, so, so tomorrow I'm going to be a married woman, so tonight is my last night as a single woman. All right. So I want to make a toast to me. Well, no, try that again. I want to make a toast to the single me. So, tonight, as a wise man so--whoops--eloquently said, is my last chance for last chances.
Reva: Oh. Okay. Woo-hoo.
Mel: All right. (Laughter)
Billy: Prepare yourselves, ladies, to see something amazing, something wonderful, something very special. (Laughter) Dear lady, what's your name?
Olivia: I'm Olivia.
Billy: Olivia! And you, sir?
Bill: Bill. It's Bill.
Billy: Bill. Well, Bill, I want you to tell me what you see right here, Bill.
Bill: (Laughs) I'd say, I don't know, a box?
Billy: A box. Yes. Is it a solid box? Is it an empty box, Bill? Why don't you take a look and make sure it doesn't have a false bottom?
Bill: Seems solid as a rock, Harlan.
Billy: Well, I want you two to climb right in there and get yourselves snuggled up.
Bill: Come on, Olivia. No need to be shy. There.
Billy: There you go. (Cheers and applause) Okay, now, are you all comfy in there?
Olivia: Just peachy.
Billy: Well, just peachy. Okay, close that box, lock that box. Now, we have to have a little spell. (Audience gasps) Oh, great spirit of chains and locks, let's get Olivia and Bill out of my black box. Shazam! (Audience gasps)(audience gasps)
Sandy: I was doing some wiring and I blew a fuse. Nurse, you want to come out back and help me?
Nurse Spector: Of course, of course.
Sandy: Don't worry.
Nurse Spector: We'll be back.
Sandy: The lights will be back on in a jiff.
Billy: (Whispers) Hey. Come on.
Cassie: Come on! Come on! You know what I'm talking about.
Reva: What?
Cassie: This is my last chance for last chances. To taste something I'll never be able to taste again.
Reva: Uh-oh. What's that?
Cassie: Freedom! (Cheering) Here's to freedom. (Cheering) You guys can go back to doing whatever you were doing. (Laughs) (laughter)
Mel: I'll help you down.
Cassie: I do. Thank you very much. Did I make a fool of myself?
Tammy: Oh, not at all. You know, I think it's time for you to switch to water, okay? Please? Because you know what happens when you get drunk.
Cassie: I get drowsy and tired. Right?
Tammy: More like you pass out. See?
Cassie: (Yawns) Oh, I think you're right. My eyes are already getting droopy. You know what I was thinking? I was thinking that we should probably cancel our little girls-only slumber party. What do you think?
Tammy: (Laughs) You think?
Cassie: Yes, yes, yes. Because I'm just going to crash as soon as I get back to the hotel.
Tammy: Well, hey. Believe me, the last thing I want to do is listen to you snore all night.
Cassie: Hey, hey, hey, hey. (Laughs)
Tammy: Well, if this party is going to end, then I'm going to leave, okay? So, you want a ride back to the Beacon?
Cassie: Uh-uh. No. I can call a cab or Reva can take me.
Tammy: Okay, look, just drink a lot of water and take an aspirin. I want you feeling good. I want your wedding to be perfect.
Cassie: It's going to be. I'm going to make sure of it. I love you.
Tammy: I love you, too.
Cassie: Go, go, go.
Tammy: Okay. I'll see you in the morning.
Cassie: Okay.
Reva: Bye, sweetie pie. So, what's up?
Cassie: Oh, change of plans. Change of plans. Because I'm feeling a little tipsy.
Reva: Well, you could have fooled me.
Cassie: I'm just going to go back to the Beacon and take a shower and drink a lot of coffee and water and try to sober up so I can take care of some stuff that I need to take care of.
Reva: What stuff?
Cassie: You know, stuff.
Reva: Isn't it stuff that can wait until the morning?
Cassie: Yeah, it probably can, but I will feel better if I take care of it tonight, so I'll just get up... oh, I have an idea. Why don't you come by and make sure I'm awake?
Reva: Oh, Cassie.
Cassie: Oh, come on, come on, come on.
Reva: Oh, no.
Cassie: You wanted to go by Company to see Josh, so the Beacon's on the way home after you go to Company, so come in and make sure I'm awake.
Reva: This doesn't make any sense.
Cassie: Please? Please, please, please, please, please? Look, I'll set the alarm clock for 12:00. You show up at 12:15, okay, just to make sure I'm awake.
Reva: There isn't any way I can talk you out of this?
Cassie: No. My mind's made up.
Reva: Okay. I'll be there at 12:15.
Cassie: Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Reva: Just for the record, he forgot that your party was here. Otherwise, he would have stayed away. Did you see what he gave me for Christmas? It's just like the locket he gave me when he was, like, nine. He's trying, Cassie. He really is trying.
Sandy: Hey, there. What's new, ingénue?
Tammy: Hi. What are you wearing?
Sandy: Oh, long story. Party still going on strong?
Tammy: No, it's winding down, so I'm going to head home. But I can't find my car keys. Because they're not in here because I didn't drive here, I took a cab. Hello.
Sandy: Somebody party a little too much?
Tammy: Uh, no. No, that would be my Mom. I'm perfectly sober. Just...
Sandy: Just, um...?
Tammy: Oh, not thinking straight. JB's in there.
Sandy: Ah.
Tammy: He's the reason that my Mom was drinking. She says that he doesn't get to her, but he does.
Sandy: Does he still get to you?
Tammy: He did. Until you showed up. Now that you're here, I feel much better. Safer.
Dinah: Hey.
Jeffrey: Hello, Dinah.
Dinah: What happened with Edmund? I know that you spoke to him about the night of the fire, but I also know that you didn't tell him what you know. Why not?
Jeffrey: Because I didn't know the truth until I talked to him. We skirted around the issue. He did it all right. I saw his reaction. He hit me on the head with that shovel and started that fire, left me there to die. Then for some reason, he changed his mind, decided he wanted to come back and save me.
Dinah: Maybe he has a conscience?
Jeffrey: Or maybe he just didn't want to get caught, because he knew that Cassie would leave him.
Dinah: She still would if she knew. Hey. What are you going to do? Are you going to keep this to yourself or are you going to tell Cassie the truth?
Jeffrey: I don't know.
Bill: I can't wait to wipe that smug smile off Alan Spaulding's face.
Olivia: No, Bill, we can't do that. We can't. We can't just waltz in there and create a scene, you know? Alan is going to... tempers are going to flare and then Alan is going to use it against us in this custody fight. We have to be smart about this.
Bill: All right, well what do you want to do?
Olivia: Follow my lead.
Billy: So... oh, hey. There they are now.
Olivia: Emma. My precious little girl. It's Mama. I have missed you so much!
Alan: Olivia, what are you doing here?
Olivia: Thank you so much for looking after her. Well, you look fine. Is she fine? Is she all right?
Alan: Of course she's fine.
Olivia: Yeah? You all right, sweetie? You won't believe what happened. I mean it was a total misunderstanding. Someone misread a name on some paperwork and I got locked into Ravenwood by accident. Bill had to come in and get me out of there. With Billy's help, of course. Everything's fine. Anyway, I'm going to take her home right this very minute.
Alan: You can't do that.
Bill: Well, of course she can. Olivia is Emma's mother. You wouldn't prevent a child from being with her mother, now, would you?
Alan: Have I got a leg to stand on?
Lawyer: You don't even have a toe, Mr. Spaulding.
Olivia: Thank you so much for looking after her, Alan. Hey, Emma, say goodbye to your grandpa. Say bye-bye.
Alan: You were a lot of help.
Bill: Hey, Emma, I missed you. You did good in there. You did real good.
Olivia: Oh, Alan ain't seen nothing yet. We are going to kill him, Bill. Kill him with kindness.
Reva: Okay. I took the rest of the stuff out to the car. Be careful with that bag because it has the camera in it. You ready to go?
Cassie: Oh, yeah. I sure am, but I'm going to take a cab. I already called one.
Reva: Why can't I drive you?
Cassie: You don't need to come by twice. So just make sure you're there at 12:15. And if I don't answer the door, just let yourself in.
Reva: Okay, but I know you're not going to go through with this plan of yours.
Cassie: What do you mean?
Reva: This plan that you have of you and Edmund being apart tonight.
Cassie: I'm going through with it and I need you to be there at 12:15 or else.
Reva: Okay, but if I see a "do not disturb" sign on the door, I'll know somebody crumbled. (Laughs)
Cassie: 12:15 on the nose.
Reva: Okay. I'll be there.
Cassie: Okay.
Reva: Okay.
Sandy: Hey, if you're not having that slumber party are you still going to stay at the Beacon tonight?
Tammy: Well, I was planning on it, but I could be convinced otherwise.
Sandy: Convinced otherwise. How?
Tammy: Oh, I don't know. Hot chocolate and movies at your place sounds like a lot more fun.
Sandy: Let's do that.
Cassie: Can you give this to the tall guy over there playing pool? With the long, dark hair?
Waiter: Sure. You mean Jonathan?
Cassie: Thanks.
Dinah: What possible reason do you have for not telling Cassie what Edmund did to you?
Jeffrey: Because it would break her heart, Dinah, which is exactly what you want, isn't it? Oh, that and also to have Eddie boy as your little victory prize once Cassie dumps him.
Dinah: You know what? Let me get this straight: You're going to let Cassie walk down the aisle with a guy who nearly killed you and her son, purely out of spite for me? And you thought I was twisted?
Jeffrey: Whatever, Dinah. Whatever.
Dinah: Do you want to know what this is about? I'm going to tell you what this is about. You are holding back because you are afraid that Cassie is not going to believe you. And then when she questions your motives for telling her, well, then it's all going to come out how you feel about her. And Jeffrey, you see, that's not a bad thing. That's a good thing, because it is high time she knew.
Jeffrey: Dinah, go home.
Dinah: If you are waiting for me to tell Cassie, I'm not going to do it. Okay? Edmund would hate me forever. If you want this done, you're going to have to do it yourself. You are the only one that can stop this wedding, Jeffrey.
Reva: Oh, hey. What are you doing out here?
Edmund: Trying to sober up.
Reva: Is Josh inside?
Edmund: No, no. He went home.
Reva: Oh. Oh, okay. Well...
Edmund: Reva, how do you and Josh stay so happy?
Reva: Oh, gosh. We love each other. My heart still skips a beat every time I see him. I mean, we have had our misunderstandings, but we manage to forgive each other and just move on. I don't know it's hard to explain.
Edmund: I think you explained it pretty well.
Reva: My sister loves you, Edmund. And from what I can see, you love her, too. Very much. So call her. You two shouldn't be apart tonight. See you in the morning.
Edmund: 'Night. (Cell phone rings)
Cassie: Hi.
Edmund: Guess who?
Cassie: Where are you?
Edmund: At Company, about to head home. How about you?
Cassie: Just pulling in to the Beacon.
Edmund: Let's not be apart tonight. Why don't you come back to the farm, or I can head over to the Beacon?
Cassie: No. No. Look, I know that you think that I'm being silly about not wanting to see you until the ceremony, but I want it to be great, Edmund. It'll just be so special.
Edmund: I don't think it can get any more special. I want to hold you in my arms, see if you're okay.
Cassie: You will. Tomorrow night, and every night after that for the rest of our lives. Just go home now and get some sleep, okay? I love you.
Edmund: Love you more.
Cassie: Good night.
Cassie: "You and me tonight. Meet me at my suite at the Beacon at midnight."
Next, on "Guiding Light."
Dinah: I don't think you really need to worry about me. Are you sure that Jonathan is tucked away safely tonight?
Cassie: Well. Look who it is.
Jonathan: Are you surprised?
Cassie: Nice to see you again.
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