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Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 12/24/03
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Proofread by Hijrah
Cassie: Hey. You can't be down here. Marah made you especially for Santa.
Reva: Oh, it's looks beautiful.
Cassie: Doesn't it look great.
Reva: Where's the blushing bride?
Cassie: Oh, getting dressed with Harley.
Reva: Oh. Is she nervous?
Cassie: Just happy. And me, too.
Reva: (Laughs) I mean, we've got something celebrate. Why shouldn't we be happy?
Cassie: I know.
Reva: Oh, Sis, Merry Christmas.
Cassie: Oh, Merry Christmas, Reva.
Group: Joy to the world - The Lord has come - Let Earth receive her king - Let every heart prepare him room...
Marah: Cut. Cut, cut, cut. All right, guys, it's Christmas. Where's the joy? Where is the mirth and peace on earth?
Nico: It's kind of hard to be joyful when someone's always on your case.
Tammy and Lizzie: Hint, hint.
Marah: Well, excuse me for wanting everybody to be the very best that they can be. Fine. We will take a five and have some hot chocolate, and then we'll head over to the Beacon.
Sandy: Synchronize your watches, people.
Remy: Yes, 4:59... 4:58...
Nico: Check. Marina?
Marina: Yeah?
Nico: I thought Shayne was coming tonight.
Marina: Yeah, Shayne changed his mind. He's having a little trouble getting into the Christmas spirit this year.
Shayne: You know, Pam, you really don't have to stick around. My dad's coming.
Nurse Pam: I'll stay till he gets here.
Shayne: No. No, forget it. Look, go home to your family, please. It's Christmas Eve.
Nurse Pam: Are you sure?
Shayne: I'm positive. Go ahead. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?
Nurse Pam: Merry Christmas, Shayne.
Shayne: Merry Christmas to you, too.
Cassie: I am so happy that you're tying the knot. (Laughs) Whoa!
Harley: I'm so happy you're not making me wear an awful bridesmaid dress.
Blake: Oh, I know, and I'm so happy you guys are here to share it with me.
Reva: Hey, are we having fun, or are we getting dressed?
Blake: Oh, we're just doing great. We're doing great. Is my mother here?
Reva: Oh, ta-da...
Holly: Hello, there, sweetheart. Darling, you look beautiful.
Blake: Thank you.
Holly: So are we are on schedule?
Ross: Hey.
Holly: No, Ross...
(Ladies screaming)
Holly: Turn around. Turn around.
Ross: Oh, no, no, no.
Holly: Out, out, out, out, out.
Ross: Come on, Holly. Holly, come on, we're a little too old for silly traditions, don't you think?
Holly: Too old? Speak for yourself, Ross. Now me, I will take all the tradition I can get.
Ross: Look, it's Christmas Eve. I haven't seen Blake since this morning.
Holly: Use it. You cannot see her until you walk down the aisle with her.
Ross: Ed, you tell how absurd this is. Tell her.
Holly: Ross, Ross, with everything that you and Blake have been through to get here, do you really want to tempt fate? If seeing her now could in any way mean bad luck, why do it?
Ed: She has a point. I'll see you out there, cutie. Come on. Here we go.
Ross: You're suppose to be on my side.
Ed: Here we go.
Blake: Hey, what harm can it do just for a minute?
Harley/Reva/Cassie: Oh, no. No, no, no.
Reva: You know, think about something else. Think about Clarissa. Is she going to be your flower girl?
Blake: Well, you know, that was the plan, but then we nixed, because the poor thing has been so upset all day over the rumor about, you know, Santa not being real. Thank you. We figured she'd get half way down the aisle and probably burst into tears. So...
Cassie: Yeah. Same thing with RJ. He's keeps hiding underneath the table.
Harley: I know. Zach, too.
Blake: What are we going to do? I mean, how are we going to get the sparkle back in our kids eyes?
Reva: Oh, no problem.
Harley and Reva: I've already taken care of it.
Gus: Ho, ho, ho, Merry Christmas, everybody. Ho, ho, ho. Easy, buddy. Watch yourself. Merry Christmas. Merry...
Edmund: Ho, ho, ho. Ho, ho, ho.
Gus: That's my line. Who are you?
Edmund: I'm Santa Claus. Who are you?
Josh: Ho, ho, ho, ho... Oh, we... Oops.
Gus: I'll... Mm-hmm. Yeah. I'll handle it, boys. (Laughs) North pole? We got a serious problem.
Alan: In field as they lay - In field where they lay keeping their sheep - On a cold winter's night that was so deep - Noel, noel, noel, noel...
Alexandra: Oh, don't stop on my account, Alan. I love hearing you sing, darling. Oh. Not that I've heard it for many years. (Laughs)
Alan: What do you have in the bag? A gift for me?
Alexandra: As a matter of fact, I do.
Alan: Oh, wonderful.
Alexandra: Yes. It's a lovely red suit, Alan. Lovely red suit just in your size with a lovely, cute, fluffy, white beard. Oh, you're going to play Santa Claus tonight.
Alan: You really think so?
Alexandra: Alan, today, some nasty person is spreading the rumor that Santa Claus doesn't really exist. And James, your grandson, has gone absolutely ballistic.
Alan: What kind of a demented mind would tell a three-year-old child that?
Alexandra: I don't know. I don't know, but he's been inconsolable.
Alan: Why wasn't I informed about this earlier?
Alexandra: I'm informing you right now, darling. So you have the right, you have the privilege to make everything okay, to stop his misery for heaven sake. All you have to is put on this little outfit.
Alan: (Sighs)
Alexandra: Say a few ho, ho, hoes. Or Buzz... I could ask Buzz. He's a pretty good Santa Claus. Oh, Buzz?
Alan: All right. Okay, okay, okay. I'll do it. Under one condition. This is a one shot deal. That's all. And don't expect me to put on some bunny costume in April, okay? (Laughs)
Alexandra: Okay, deal.
Alan: All right, Alex, from now on think of me as Santa Claus.
Alexandra: Ho, ho, ho...
Gus: Right. I'll tell them. Okay, kids, it's like this. See, I know we all look like Santa, but the fact of the matter is only one of us is really Santa, because the other two...
Josh: Are his identical brothers.
Gus: Yeah.
Josh: We are triplets. Triplets.
Gus: That's what we are.
Josh: See because the world has gotten to be such a big place that...
Gus: Big place.
Josh: That it's hard...
Edmund: Hard for Santa to get around to every child's house on Christmas Eve.
Josh: That's right.
Gus: We fill in. We're Filler Santas. That's what we do.
Michelle: Oh, no.
Gus: Right.
Josh: What?
Michelle: Oh...
Danny: Ho, ho, ho, ho...
Josh: Oh, yes, did I say triplets? I meant quadruplets.
Gus: Brothers.
Josh: Excuse us for just one moment please. What... what... what are we doing?
Gus: Planning, huh? Planning.
Edmund: We start a barber shop quartet.
(Santas Laugh)
Michelle: Quintet?
Gus: Look, there's a lot of us. And...
Rick: What?
Michelle: Don't ask. Santa? Come here.
Rick: How did I get myself in this spot?
Michelle: I don't know. I don't know, Rick, but this is not good. I mean, first the kids are told there is no Santa. Now there's five of them? How do we make this better?
Rick: I don't know. I'm itching. These kids are going to need therapy. Well, at least Ross and Blake are going to get some nice wedding photos out of this.
Michelle: Yeah. (Laughs)
Ed: Is it me or is every man entering man entering the Beacon dressed as Santa Claus?
Ross: It's you.
Ed: Okay.
Ross: Listen, I need you to do something for me. And you're my best man, so you can't refuse.
Ed: I wouldn't anyway.
Ross: I need to talk to Blake before the wedding. Now I don't care how you finagle it, lock Holly in the closet if you have to, but get Blake out here.
Reva: Are you the Santa from Oklahoma?
Josh: Hey, sexy lady.
Gus: As I was saying before I was interrupted...
Josh: How’s...
Reva: Oh. Oh.
Josh: Oh.
Reva: I recognize that nose.
Josh: Well, hello, little girl. Come down here with me. So it appears that every woman in Springfield had the same bright idea for how to get the kids to believe in Santa again.
Reva: I guess. I'm so sorry.
Josh: Don't be sorry. Your heart was in the right place. (Laughs)
Reva: Oh, that sounds familiar.
Josh: So, how does the tree look this year?
Reva: The tree looks empty.
Josh: Thank you.
Reva: You know, I didn't want to put Marah and Shayne's ornaments up without them, but they said that maybe they'd come over after the wedding tonight.
Josh: Oh, Shayne's going to be here tonight?
Reva: I don't know whether he's going to make it this far, but Marah and Marina did get him to go out Christmas caroling. Hopefully that will put some Christmas spirit into him.
Josh: You know he had hoped to be walking by now. He wanted to surprise Marina.
Reva: Well, maybe he still will. That's what Christmas is about, right? Miracles?
Josh: All the Santa's in the center of the room, excuse us. Time for a meeting. All right.
Reva: Let's leave them to talk.
Gus: Santa time.
Frank: You know it seems that the good children of Springfield are having a hard time believing that Santa exists this year.
Rick: So our better halves decided to remedy the situation.
Danny: Yeah, but I think they forgot to compare notes.
Josh: Yes, and the end result has been too many Santa's too many.
Buzz: Sorry I asked.
Josh: Well, the question is, what do we do about it?
Frank: Right.
Jeffrey: Wow, I almost wore the same thing. That would have been really embarrassing.
Josh: So anyway...
Holly: You look lovely. Just perfect.
Blake: Well, I hope so, because this is the last time I'm ever doing this.
Holly: We could only hope so. You know, you two were made for each other.
Blake: Don't you dare start crying on me, Mom.
Holly: No.
Blake: You have to save those tears for when I throw that bouquet to you.
Holly: Don't you dare do that to me.
Holly: Oh, sweetie. Oh, look who's here.
Ed: Hi, girls.
Blake: Hey.
Holly: Hey.
Ed: So we're pretty much set out there. How's the bride?
Blake: Never better.
Ed: Listen, I don't want to seem pushy or anything, but I was just wondering if you wanted someone to walk you down the aisle?
Blake: Only if that someone is you. But aren't you the best man?
Ed: I can handle both jobs.
Holly: (Laughs) You're so sweet. Thank you. Where have you been all my life?
Ed: (Laughs)
Holly: I will see you out there.
Ed: Let's go.
Marina: Hey, Pam, it's Marina. Is Shayne there? I wanted to... his father? The gym? Oh, no. No, that's my mistake. Thanks.
Josh: Does this outfit make me look fat?
Shayne: Come on. Move! Just... just one step!
(Breathing heavily)
Ed: All right, here she is. Don't be long.
Ross: Thank you, Ed. Thank you very much. Turn around.
Blake: Ross, what's wrong?
Ross: Why are we doing this now?
Blake: What?
Ross: You heard me. Why are we getting married tonight? If I weren't running for mayor, if we didn't have to do something respectable, would we be standing here right now?
Blake: Well, you tell me.
Ross: Of course we would.
Blake: (Laughs) Oh, right answer.
Ross: Do you know why?
Blake: Why? Yes, but you... you tell me.
Ross: Because even after all these years, you are still the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. You excite me, you thrill me, and you frustrate me beyond belief.
Blake: Oh, well, frustration's good for someone. Did you know that?
Ross: And I hate all the time that we wasted being apart. But I don't regret any of it, because some way, somehow, it brought us to where we are right now, Blake. And do you know where we are right now?
Blake: Where?
Ross: Stop with the questions, we're in love. And we have never been more in love. Yes?
Blake: Yes. Yes. We haven't tempted fate, have we? I mean, seeing each other before the ceremony. I'm just... I'm a little... Hey, Santa, will you give me a sign up there and tell us that we're safe, okay? Look, look, there's a shooting star.
Ross: That's his sleigh. God speed, Santa. And, Santa, thank you!
All Santas: You're welcome! Ho-ho-ho!
Santa: Oh, Ross, you're welcome. Ho-ho-ho!
Marah: This corner a little bit, because the ceremony's going to be happening right here, okay? Perfect. Thank you. Hey. I didn't know you were invited.
Jeffrey: Yeah, I'm performing the ceremony. And if I'd known, I would have worn my Santa suit. (Laughs)
Marah: (Laughs) Well, that's nice.
Jeffrey: What?
Marah: You getting all into the Christmas spirit. You know, I'm still waiting.
Jeffrey: For what?
Marah: For my present from you. One little private detail about yourself. One teeny, weenie, little glimpse into that soul of yours.
Jeffrey: Marah, Marah, I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed.
Josh: I take it you saw the newspaper?
Alan: I'll handle it, Josh.
Buzz: Like you handled it last time?
Alan: What's done is done. Don't feel guilty about it. Gentlemen, Merry Christmas. Excuse me.
Ray: Miss, the services don't start for another hour. Olivia.
Olivia: Hi. Father, I just... I wanted to come in and have a few minutes before everyone else got here.
Ray: Oh, of course. I'm sorry. I'll leave you to your prayers.
Olivia: Could I ask you something?
Ray: Sure.
Olivia: Do you believe that God punishes people for the mistakes that they make? You know, the bad things... When bad things happen to us, that it's because we deserve them?
Ray: No, I don't think God punishes us. I think we punish ourselves. Are you okay?
Olivia: Yes, I'm fine. It's, you know, just this time of the year.
Ray: I know, it's hard for all of us. We tend to think about all we've lost, might've been. But Christmas, Olivia, is about birth, new beginnings. Going forth with love in your heart. With love not only for others, but for ourselves as well.
Olivia: Thank you. Merry Christmas.
Ray: Merry Christmas.
Reva: Hey. Make my Christmas. Tell me that you'll come home tonight... I mean, hoping that Marah and Shayne will come back to the house, too. Spend the night. I've made up the guest room for you already. We'll wake up in the morning, Christmas morning, all of us together as a family.
Sandy: I don't know. I haven't even gotten you a Christmas gift yet.
Reva: You're my gift, Sandy. Having you here after all these years. You're my Christmas miracle. Say yes?
Marah: Hey, sorry, Mom, but I have to steal my tenor.
Reva: Okay.
Marah: Let's go. Come on, come on.
(O Come All Ye Faithful playing)
(Indistinct conversation)
Jeffrey: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here tonight to unite Blake and Ross in the bond of holy matrimony before family and friends, and what looks like to be about a dozen Santa Clauses.
Jeffrey: Ross and Blake have chosen to say their own vows. Blake?
Blake: Ross, you know what I noticed when I first came down those stairs just now?
Ross: A lot of red suits?
Blake: Besides that. That star on top of the tree. So high up there, shining down on us. When I was getting ready this evening, my girlfriends kept asking me, "How does it feel, Blake? Does it feel different getting married to Ross this time?" And I have to say, yes. And no. Yes, because, well, I suppose we're a few years older. Everyone's wearing Santa Claus suits. (Laughs) And you have gotten even more handsome.
Ross: Incredible, but so true.
Blake: And I am just so radiant. I don't know how I do it.
Blake: This time, though, we are blessed with three beautiful, beautiful children. And here we are making those same promises that we made before, but this time we know. We know how hard it is to honor those vows. The kind of work and dedication and trust it takes to love each other day in and day out in the face of adversity. And despite that, maybe even because of it, we are here reaffirming our commitment to each other. And that's why that star caught my eye, because stars are constant and unwavering, just like our love for each other. They're up there all the time, Ross, even when you can't see them. They're guiding us and lighting our way. Those stars are forever. And so are we.
Jeffrey: Ross?
Ross: Blake, I have to admit that as you were coming down those stairs, I was not looking at the star on top of the Christmas tree. For how could I when I only have eyes for you. I have never seen you look more beautiful than you do this evening, and it's saying a lot. But before you came down, I was looking at these handsome gentlemen in their fine, red suits, and thinking how well they represent faith. And on Christmas eve, I think we can all admit, we need an awful lot of faith to believe that reindeer not only know how to fly, but can make all those stops in their trip around the globe in one magnificent evening. And it takes a lot of faith to believe that an overweight gentlemen can shimmy his way down the chimney, and even more faith to believe that he can shimmy his way back up...
Ross: And it takes a great deal of faith to believe that that jolly old gentlemen can drink all that milk and eat all those cookies that we set out for him every year. You see what great lengths we'll go to to preserve that faith, that hope, that belief, and pass it on to our children, so that they, too, can truly and simply believe. Blake, you and I and a lot of other people in this room know all the grownup reasons why nothing should ever go right between us, and that we are just fools for standing in front of all these people. But as you just said, despite all that, or perhaps because of it, here we are. We're here and we are here because, like all those wise children, we believe. We believe in one another, and we believe in the deep connection that we share. We believe that whatever life puts before us, we can enjoy or overcome, so long as we do it together. We believe that our love always has and always will conquer all things. And in the believing, we make it so. My dear girl, I love you more than words can express, and will till death do us part. I'm honored and blessed to have you as my wife.
Marina: Shayne, whatever possessed you to come out here by yourself, without a spot? You could have gotten seriously hurt.
Shayne: I wanted to.
Marina: You, what, you wanted to... you wanted to what? You wanted to scare me half to death on Christmas Eve?
Shayne: No, I was...
Marina: What? What?
Shayne: I wanted to walk... for you. It was going to be your Christmas present, but I can’t. I can't! I can't do it!
Marina: Shayne. (Sighs) You're going to walk again, okay? You're going to walk again very soon. I know you will.
Jeffrey: By the power vested in me, by the state of Illinois, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Ross, you may kiss the bride.
(Cheers and applause)
Cassie: Okay, okay, all you Santas, you got to put your beards and your hats on for the kids, okay. Hats! Beards! Come on, come on, come on. Hurry up, hurry up! All right, you guys almost ready?
Gus: Yeah, but I can't see.
Cassie: Oh, my, God. Okay. Okay, we're ready. Bring in the kids..
Gus: Oh, they look so happy.
Jeffrey: Thunder.
Marah: (Laughs) What about it?
Jeffrey: It's scared me silly since I was a kid. You asked me to tell you something. Thunder.
Marah: Well, what do you know? Miracles really do happen.
Jeffrey: Marah, your parents are right over there.
Marah: Blame it on the mistletoe.
Jeffrey: What mistletoe?
Marah: Oops, my mistake.
Reva: Hey, Santa.
Josh: Ho-ho-ho. (Laughs)
Reva: Why don't you come home with me tonight? Stay... stay over. So that we can open presents as a family in the morning. It just won't be Christmas without you.
Josh: Or you.
Reva: Is that a yes?
Danny: Look at Robbie. I think he believes in Santa again.
Michelle: Hey, which Santa is that? Is that Rick?
Rick: I'm right here. It's got to be...
Danny: No, it's Buzz.
Buzz: Well, no, I'm here.
Danny: Oh, it's Aitoro.
Gus: What?
Buzz: No.
Gus: I'm right here.
Danny: Well, then who is that?
Harley: Maybe it's Alan.
Michelle: Or Josh?
Zach: Look at what I got, Mommy!
Harley: Okay, you want to open it? Wow, that's the car that you wanted.
Gus: That's great. Who gave you that?
Danny: Oh, hello, there, little boy.
Robbie: Hi, Daddy.
Danny: What'd you call me? Daddy? How did you know?
Robbie: I just knew.
Danny: You just knew?
Cassie: So, you gave him his big present early?
Edmund: I didn't give it to him.
Cassie: Well, if you didn't give it to him, who did?
RJ: Santa.
Cassie: So, you... you know this isn't Santa, you know this is Edmund?
Harley: Honey, you knew that this was Gus all along? How did you know?
Zach: Because that's the real Santa over there.
Michelle: Where'd he go?
Danny: Who?
Marah: Hey, look, my angel, it's gone.
Sandy: And there's something in its place. A note.
Marah: "Thanks for the gift. Merry Christmas. Love, Santa." Now, do you guys believe?
Phillip: Next on Guiding Light…
Bill: The best solution for peace here is if you drop out of the race and throw your support over to Danny Santos.
Ross: (Laughs) Or Danny could drop out and throw his support to me.
Jeffrey: You are in the big leagues now, Harley. Whether you like it or not, you are my responsibility!
Olivia: If my baby had lived, if I had come home with a baby in my arms, would I still have to look over my shoulders where Lizzie's concerned?
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