[an error occurred while processing this directive] GL Transcript Tuesday 12/23/03 [an error occurred while processing this directive]
[an error occurred while processing this directive]

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 12/23/03

[an error occurred while processing this directive]

Provided by Boo
Proofread by Hijrah

Mole: Ho-ho-ho! Come on, folks, Christmas is all about the ka-ching. And the only thing stuffing in your stockings this year will be a credit bill. Because we all know there is no such thing as Santa Claus! Ha!

Edmund: Okay, it has to be straight, Tammy. So you're going to open your fingers.

Tammy: Okay. Just a little more over to the right.

Edmund: Okay.

Tammy: Almost.

Edmund: (Moans)

Tammy: Okay, okay.

Edmund: Hold on. Please. What do you think?

Cassie: Pssst.

Edmund: What? RJ? He doesn't like the tree? Can he even see the tree?

Cassie: It's not the tree. Someone told him that there's no such thing as Santa Claus.

Edmund: No such thing as Santa Claus. Well, that's ridiculous. Who do you think leaves the presents under the tree every year? And who gobbles up the cookies you leave out every Christmas Eve? Santa, that's who.

Cassie: You got anything else?

Edmund: That's all I got. I thought it was pretty good, too.

Cassie: It didn't work.

Edmund: Well, obviously. Can he even breath that way?

Cassie: Edmund?

Edmund: What do you want me to about it, Cassie?

Cassie: I don't know. But it's Christmas Eve. I have a wedding to prep for, presents to wrap, a child that has a Santa complex. Will you please do something?

Harley: He finally fell asleep.

Blake: Poor kid. The Grinch hit my house, too. Look... you know what? I don't understand. If Kevin and Jason tease her about Santa Claus, I'm going to ground them for the rest of their lives. Well, then who... all right. You know what? Never mind. Could you just put Clarissa on the phone, please, Mom.

Ross: Harley, it's good to get married at Christmas time because...

Harley: You're on your own here, Ross.

Ross: That's what I thought.

Blake: No, sweetheart, please stop crying, Clarissa. Honey, tonight, we're going to have a big wedding with a big white cake. And Santa is coming later. And on top of that, you are the birthday girl. Oh, yes, Mommy is personal close friends with Santa Claus. And I know for a fact that you're getting a lot of presents. A lot of them. Yes. No, Santa Claus is definitely coming to town. All right, sweetie. I will to talk to you later.

Michelle: No, your kids, too?

Ross: Yeah.

Michelle: Robbie can't stop crying. Well, you know what? Danny's got it covered. I sent him on a mission to save Christmas.

Harley: Forget about saving Christmas, you better worry about saving whoever put out this “No Santa” garbage. Because when I get my hands on them...

Reva: Hello. You are a piece of work.

Sandy: Merry Christmas to you, too.

Reva: No. Do not “Merry Christmas” me.

Sandy: Okay, you're fired up. What about?

Reva: You tell me. What exactly did you say on the radio this morning?

Gus: Was that yesterday's news?

Alan: Just catching up a little.

Gus: Right. All right, let's spread some Spaulding cheer. Ready? I cannot believe I'm doing PR for the holidays. That was not in my job description.

Alan: Gus, promise me something. You will never be afraid to admit you made a mistake.

Gus: Well, yeah... what did I do?

Alan: It doesn't matter. False pride is a terrible thing.

Gus: Okay. Where is this coming from?

Alan: Never mind. Let's get going, huh?

Gus: Yeah, let's get going. Where are we going?

Alan: You'll see.

Gus: Okay.

Alan: Yes, we're on our way. So stay put. No, no, I think this is a very good idea. So just wait for us there and... Hello? Hello? Can you hear me?

Reva: The Mole is going to go back on the air and take everything he said back. He's going to tell the children of Springfield that, yes, there is a fat man in red suit who will shimmy down their chimneys tonight. Understood?

Sandy: No can do. Look, I'm sorry if people are upset, but I believe every word I said. The mall starts hanging tinsel in October. Before Thanksgiving turkey's cold, people are already rushing off to the stores beating each other up for a spot in line to snatch the hottest toy, the must-have gift of the season. When it's all done, all we have are exorbitant credit card bills, sweaters that don't fit, bricks of stale fruit cake and the age old question, "Do I return it or do I re-gift it to someone else next year?" Face it, Reva, Christmas is a commercialized crock. In some parts of the world holiday joy would be a second bowl of rice.

Reva: I get that. But you're not in some parts of the world. You're here. Try again.

Sandy: Okay, fine. I'm putting aside my warm fuzzy feelings about Christmas. We, as members of the media, have an obligation to the truth. So isn't time we focused on the true spirit of Christmas?

Reva: You wouldn't know the true sprit Christmas if it jumped up and bit you. Now that may be partially my fault. But it doesn't mean I can't do something about it now.

Sandy: Whoa, whoa, where are we going?

Reva: I'm going to go find you a little Christmas spirit, Santa Claus.

Marina: Come on, let's go caroling with your sister.

Shayne: No way.

Marina: It'll be fun.

Shayne: Hey, Dr. Bauer, can you write me a doctor's note to get me out of this?

Ed: Your resting pulse has elevated, Shayne.

Marina: What does that mean?

Ed: It means his heart is sending him a message. It's been working too hard. Shayne, Dr. Yuan and I are in complete agreement about this. No more strenuous workouts.

Shayne: No, but I...

Ed: Shayne, period. Okay?

Shayne: I told you, though. The acupuncture's working. I can feel tingling in my legs right now.

Ed: And that is a very good sign. But you have got to listen to what your body is trying to tell you. Now you can't blow the progress you've made by pushing yourself too hard.

Marina: Okay, okay. So, let's go find Marah and we will indulge in some very non- strenuous, low-key caroling.

Ed: Sounds good.

Marina: See?

Shayne: Yeah, well, you know what? Take Dr. Bauer, because I'm not going.

Marina: Shayne...

Shayne: Look, there's going to be too many steps and curbs and things.

Marina: Okay, so you know what? We'll deal. It's not just going to be the three of us gong. There's going to be a group. We'll get you around.

Shayne: It's enough talking. I don't feel like singing.

Marina: Yeah, it's not about singing though, you know, it's just about doing something fun. You don't have to sing.

Shayne: I don't have to sing. I know, I can sit there. Because that's what people really want to see around the holidays, some cripple hanging out on their front porch.

Marina: I can't believe you just called yourself that.

Shayne: Why? That's what I am. Where are you going?

Marina: I'm going to find my boyfriend, because you're not him.

Edmund: What? You don't like it?

Tammy: No one is suppose to make a move on that tree without permission.

Edmund: Whose permission?

Marah: Hey, everyone, I brought... Who put that there?

Edmund: (Laughing) You've got to be kidding?

Marah: Aunt Cassie?

Cassie: Hey, I know better.

Edmund: You know I don’t.

Tammy: Marah takes Christmas very seriously.

Edmund: Marah needs medical attention. You're no fun.

Marah: Oh, this is going to be very fun.

Cassie: That's an order.

Marah: All right, this year's Christmas is good old fashioned Victorian Christmas.

Edmund: There's a theme?

Marah: Yes.

Cassie: Shhh!

Marah: All right, now we're going to start with the lights and I want only the white ones and I don't want any of the cord showing. So we're going to have tuck them under the branches, okay? And then once we're done with that, we'll figure out the ornaments. Any questions? Good. Now who wants to get started with the lights?

Cassie: I'm going to organize some of these ornaments properly.

Tammy: I'll help, Mom.

Marah: Okay. Edmund. Get to work. I expect big things from you.

Tammy: She expects big things from you. So you better get to work. Chop-chop.

Harley: Mission accomplished. He's going to meet us at the Beacon as soon as he and Alan finish spreading Christmas Spaulding cheer.

Blake: Spaulding cheer. Is there such a thing?

Harley: Well, consider that a Christmas miracle.

Michelle: Well, you know, it might take a miracle to get Father Ray to perform your wedding tonight, because he's in high demand at the church and he's getting ready to go to Rome. So I hope you guys have a back-up plan?

Ross: (Laughs) A back-up plan? We don't have a plan. But we'll think of something.

Blake: It's all right. We could just, you know, marry ourselves. It almost worked last time. But thank you, Michelle, for coming by and letting us know.

Michelle: Well, and actually there's something else. I haven't had a chance to speak to you guys since Danny told me that you're running against him.

Harley: You're what?

Michelle: Oh. Sorry.

Ross: No, Michelle, that's perfectly all right. Because the whole town will know pretty soon.

Blake: Marler for Mayor. Isn't it exciting?

Harley: Well, it certainly explains small, simple, soon. But no, of course, it's exciting. And I wish you the best, Ross. That's great.

Ross: Thank you.

Harley: And you. Both of you. Everybody. ( Laughs) I wish everybody who's running the best. I'm sure you're all in it for the best of intentions.

Michelle: Me, too. Me, too. And I just wanted to wish us both a great campaign. And there are no hard feelings.

Ross: Michelle, you know how much I care about you and Danny. There's nothing personal about this in any way, all right. And no more talk about politics tonight. Because tonight is Christmas Eve. I've got a red head to marry.

Blake: Whoo-hoo!

Ross: And I still have to find my best man.

Harley: Well, then you know what? You better go do that, Ross. Because we have some dress issues we need to work out. It could get ugly.

Ross: Oh.

Blake: Marah sent over about dozen dresses to choose from.


Michelle: Ross... so out you go.

Blake: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yes.

Ross: I'm going.

Harley: Bye.

Ross: I'm going.

Blake: I will see you at the Beacon.

Ross: Yeah, when you get there, look for a debonair man with stars in his eyes. Then start looking for me. See you.

Blake: (Laughs)

Ross: Good luck.

Blake: Oh, you're so cute. Okay, girls, let's find me a dress.

Michelle: Oh, right, right, right.

Alan: Hey, what's wrong?

Gus: Nothing's wrong. Go ahead. Take care of your business.

Alan: You told me that you came here.

Gus: I do come here. This is where I come. Right here. So I don't have to go in there, you know, and deal with certain people.

Lucia: Alan Spaulding. I begged you not to put him through this.

Gus: Oh, wow. Are you... are you serious? And I thought you really had some corporate charity stuff to do. Oh, boy.

Lucia: You lied to him to get him to come here?

Gus: Yes, he lied to me to get me to come here to a church. Now don't you go to hell for that? Isn't that a mortal sin or something?

Lucia: I think so.

Gus: Yes.

Lucia: Although I don't think it's ever been done before.

Gus: Yeah, well, leave it to him to set a precedent. Unbelievable. What?

Alan: I just like seeing you two together. That's all.

Gus: You like that. Like this?

Alan: Whatever it takes. You see holidays are the one time of the year when dysfunctional families get together. And here we are.

Lucia: Merry Christmas, Gus. I appreciate you're coming to see me. Now go home to Harley and you have a wonderful holiday.

Alan: Lucia, we just got here.

Lucia: But clearly Gus would rather be any place than this church. Oh, Alan, the holidays are suppose to be a happy time. And I will not put him through this if he doesn't want to be here. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a mass to prepare for.

Gus: Why do you do this? Why?

Alan: Because, Gus, it may be too late for to make amends with your mother and bond with her.

Gus: But do you...

Alan: Now let me tell you something. I don't want you to look back on this time with regrets.

Gus: Do you hear what you're ... Did you hear that sentence? “Bond with your mother”? Isn't there something wrong with that? I think it's a little too late.

Alan: Well, look at us. We got a late start and we're doing just fine.

Gus: Yeah, yeah, look at us. Look at us. We're fighting in a church.

Alan: Look, all I'm asking you is to give your mother the same chance that you gave me. It's your choice. Don't blow it.

Gus: This is not... this... you know, you've got to give me a break. Because this is not about me. This is all about you.

Ross: Edward? I'm sorry. Expecting the Ghost of Christmas Past or something?

Ed: That's just what I need, ghost from the past looking me up.

Ross: Well, you're in luck. I'm here about Christmas future. The very near future I might add. What are you doing later today? I'm in need of a best man.

Ed: It's been way too long. Oh, man. (Laughs )

Ross: I knew that you'd approve. Can you be at the Beacon Hotel tonight, six o'clock?

Ed: You're going so fast. Does Blake even know about this?

Ross: Oh, yeah, believe me. She knows. She does. So will you be there for me?

Ed: I would be honored.

Shayne: You don't know what it's like dealing with people.

Marina: So tell me.

Shayne: It's like half the time I feel like... like I need to make them okay with me being the chair. It's not my job to make people feel better about it.

Marina: Okay, so, so, you know, instead of going caroling and dealing with people, you'd rather, what, stay here, hold up yourself, workout till you drop?

Shayne: Yeah.

Marina: Oh, that’s... that's good, Shayne. Yeah, that's really healthy.

Shayne: Just back off, okay?

Marina: No, I mean, yeah, I think that's fabulous. You know, shut off the people who love you, the people who want to help you.

Shayne: Enough.

Marina: And just hold yourself up in hospitals and wait for some miracle that may never --

Shayne: Go ahead. You could say it. Some miracle that may never happen.

Cassie: RJ, please come out from underneath the table.

RJ: No.

Cassie: Well, I have your birthday present you could open up.

RJ: No.

Cassie: I have a gingerbread cookie with your name written all over it.

RJ: No.

Jeffrey: What's going on here, Mrs. Winslow?

Cassie: Oh... Marah's a Christmas freak. So we just like to humor her.

Jeffrey: Actually I'm meant to...

Cassie: Oh, yeah. And that's RJ.

Jeffrey: Say no more.

Marah: How are the ornaments coming?

Tammy: All systems go.

Edmund: Hey.

Marah: Oh, sorry, Edmund. The theme's Victorian, remember? Little elves need not apply.

Cassie: Oh, you can keep him if you want. ( Laughs)

Edmund: Makeshift mistletoe. Use your imagination.

Marah: Oh. Okay, break it up you two. I need everything red and velvet out of these boxes now. Let's go.

Edmund: Red and velvet.

Marah: Let's go. Hi.

Jeffrey: Hi. What about this? Does this qualify?

Marah: Well, that is a very special angel that I made for Santa.

Reva: Oh, look, how beautiful. Marah? Honey? I have a recruit for you.

Marah: Well, if it isn't the Mole Who Stole Christmas.

Sandy: Mm-hmm.

Reva: Sandy is so happy to be able to give you a hand today, Marah.

Sandy: No, he's not.

Reva: Yeah, he is. He mentioned it. He said he loves heavy lifting. So if you need help moving around those big crates of ornaments, or if the tree starts to shed, he loves to sweep up messes.

Sandy: Admittedly I don't know a whole lot about Christmas spirit, but I don't think it involves lifting and sweeping.

Marah: Oh, you know what else it doesn't involve? Ruining Christmas for every kid in town. You see that little table over there? My cousin has been stuck under it for the last half an hour because he is afraid of coming out to a world where there is no Santa Claus. Now who gave him that ridiculous idea? You.

Sandy: Actually it was the Mole...

Marah: Don't you even go there.

Reva: See? Warned you.

Marah: Look, you are very lucky that I am feeling all “world peace on earth” and “good will towards men” right, because if I wasn't, I would expose as the Mole to all the mothers in Springfield. Imagine hundreds of her on your case.

Reva: (Laughs)

Sandy: No, thank you. Look, I didn't mean to hurt anyone's feeling. I just was trying to make a point about rampant consumerism.

Marah: Blah, blah, blah...

Sandy: And look at all this stuff, Marah. This is exactly what I'm talking about. You're like the poster child for everything that's wrong with Christmas.

Marah: Okay, Sandy, you know, I am sorry that you feel you grew up cheated out of Christmas. But that doesn't mean you need to spoil it for the rest of us. So you either stay here and you help out, or you go and leave and be all miserable by yourself, all right? It's your choice.

Sandy: She is tough.

Reva: She's right.

Shayne: So when did it happen?

Marina: What?

Shayne: When did you give up on me?

Marina: Is that what you think? I haven't given up on you, Shayne. I believe that you're going to get better. I believe you're going to walk again. But it's not going to happen tomorrow or the next day or the next, no matter how much we want it to. No matter how hard you try.

Shayne: Right now, I'm trying too hard right now?

Marina: Well, even Dr. Bauer says so.

Shayne: Listen, my first game in little league, I couldn't even get a pitch over the plate. I was walking batter after batter. I mean walking in runs. The other team never had it so good.

Marina: You never told me that.

Shayne: Yeah, well, it's not the kind of thing I like to brag about.

Marina: But you have raw talent.

Shayne: But I had no skill. So I went to the mound every day. Even in the off season. I mean after lacrosse practice I'd go to the baseball field. I'd go in for dinner, come back to the baseball field. Year after year until I started landing all my pitches. That's what got me to the Cubs. Wanting it isn't enough. Trying, it's not enough. And now I've got everybody telling me to stop and I should take it easy. You know who'd I'd be right now if I had done that if I was a little leaguer? I'd be the same scared little kid on the mound walking everybody in.

Marina: Are you're scared now? Scared you're never going to get out of that chair?

Shayne: I have to keep trying. It's all I can think about.

Marina: I know. I know.

Shayne: I hate fighting about it with you.

Marina: Me, too. I'm so sorry, Shayne.

Shayne: Me, too.

Alan: About me, huh? Yes, it's about me. Because I'm your parent. And my happiness depends on your happiness. Now I may not be able to fix all the problems of my children, but when I see a problem that I can fix...

Gus: Wait, wait, wait. Hold on. Who says I've got a problem?

Alan: Gus, I know this is hard for you. But if we're going to get on with our lives, you've got to be willing to put forth an effort.

Gus: Do you hear yourself? You like having an argument with yourself. You're making all the decisions for me, right?

Alan: No. No, I'm not. As a matter of fact, if you want to, you can leave right now.

Gus: You're going to guilt me in a church? You're good. What do you want me to do?

Alan: Just sit with her for minute. That's all.

Gus: Just... just sit with her?

Alan: Yeah. Sit. And if you decide to talk that would be great. But I'll accept just sitting. What do you say?

Gus: Yeah, you know, I can do sitting.

Alan: Lucia, would you please give us a minute of your time and sit with us?

Gus: Yeah, please, can you do that? Can you sit with us?

Alan: Now isn't this nice?

Lucia: All right, all right, all right. I can't take it anymore. I refuse to torture my son this way.

Alan: Who's being tortured, Lucia?

Lucia: You can't force feelings, Alan? No, no, no. No. I know you're used to people doing exactly what you want them to do. But I answer to a higher authority than Alan Spaulding.

Blake: Oh, guys, we are just making this too hard. You know these are all great dresses. We just have to pick one!

Harley: Okay, well, let's pick one. Come on, Bride.

Blake: Okay.

Harley: I'll spin you.

Blake: Oh...spin.

Harley: Round and round she goes. Where she stops, nobody knows where...

Blake: Harley!

Michelle: Uh...it's cute.

Blake: For a Vegas wedding, I guess. But you know, this is kind of a family ordeal. We need a PG wedding.

Harley: Okay, okay. Yeah, this isn't right. Let's talk about this for a second. This is a wedding on Christmas. I mean she's the Christmas bride. Look at her. What does a Christmas bride wear?

Blake: White? Oh, yeah, I can't do that.

Harley: Yeah.

Michelle: Red. Red would be seasonal, right?

Harley: Very nice.

Blake: Too racy.

Harley: What about pink?

Blake: Prissy.

Michelle: Ivory?

Blake: No. Ivory... I don't do ivory. It washes out my skin tones. It's not... it's not good. What am I going to do?

Harley: You guys, I think we may have a winner here.

Michelle: (Sighs) Oh, Blake. That's it. That's the one. Okay, what color would you call that?

Blake: Hope. I call it the color of hope. And a bright glittery future.


Harley: Yeah.

Michelle: Okay, now that that's settled, I'm off to the Beacon.

Harley and Blake: Thanks, Michelle.

Blake: And remember the wedding's a secret, right?

Michelle: Mm-hmm.

Harley: (Mumbles)


Michelle: And I wish you and Ross the best with everything.

Blake: Thank you. You, too.

Michelle: Okay. Bye, you two.

Blake: Bye.

Harley: See you later.

Blake: Okay. (Humming Here Comes the Bride) Dum, dum, dum, da-dum... dum, dum... Okay, it's all coming back to me. Dum, dum...

Harley: Oh, sure you walked the walk...

(Blake laughs)

Harley: But can you talk the talk? What? What is it?

Blake: Vows. I forgot to write my vows.

Alan: Lucia, I didn't come here to dictate your feelings or Gus’s feelings.

Gus: Yeah, you did.

Alan: No. I came here with one purpose in mind. And that was to give you some money. Gus was just a side project. I didn't lie to you.

Lucia: Do you know the kind of good things our church can do with this money?

Alan: Well, the Spauldings may be spiritually bankrupt, but we're financially sound. I'm glad to help.

Lucia: Mm-hmm. The great debate. Money versus spirituality.

Alan: Don't go back there.

Lucia: Oh, why not? It'll feel like old times. (Laughs) Your father and I used to lose sleep debating the ways in which one could be rich.

Alan: Well, I was a pagan when I was younger. But I'm working on it.

Lucia: Good. I think you have something to do with that, Gus.

Gus: It's funny that you two...

Alan: What's funny?

Lucia: I still love this man. But now it's in a different way. Now we can care about what we want for each other instead of just what's good for ourselves. Alan, listen, they're playing our song.

Alan: We don't have a song.

Lucia: Oh, but they're playing a song. And I'll bet you know all the words. Come on, it's Christmas. Sing for us.

Alan: I don't sing anymore.

Lucia: But you have such a beautiful voice.

Gus: Sing for her.

Alan: That was a long time ago. I don't sing anymore.

(Christmas music playing)

*   *   *   *   *

Marah: Thank you. Now you know what comes next?

Jeffrey: What?

Marah: The angel.

Jeffrey: The angel. Right, the angel. Here you go.

Marah: Voila. All right, let's get the lights.

(Cheers and applause)

Reva: You chose wisely.

Sandy: You mean staying here and helping out with all this Christmas gunk?

Reva: Yes. It's all about getting into the Christmas spirit. Feel it yet?

Sandy: I feel something.

Michelle: Merry Christmas, Dad.

Ed: Hey.

Michelle: Hi.

Ed: Merry Christmas.

Michelle: I know your secret.

Ed: You what?

Michelle: Don't worry, I'm going to take it with me to the grave.

Marina: I am so, so sorry.

Shayne: You don't have to keep saying that.

Marina: I know. I know. But I went too far before.

Shayne: So did I. It's over now. I need you to do something for me, though.

Marina: Yeah, name it.

Shayne: Go caroling with my sister.

Marina: Without you?

Shayne: I need some time to think.

Marina: And you never really wanted to go, anyway.

Shayne: No, not really.

Marina: All right. Well, how are you going to get home?

Shayne: I'll have one of the nurses take me. I'll catch up with you later.

Marina: Are you sure?

Shayne: Yeah. You better get going. They're going to start without you.

Marina: ‘Kay. And look, I really don't want to be a pain about this, but you know Dr. Bauer said that...

Shayne: Said that I need to cut back on my workouts. I know.

Marina: So no workouts.

Shayne: No workouts. Go ahead. I'll catch up with you later, okay? Hi, this is Shayne Lewis from Room 2B. Can you send somebody to get me to the gym? I need to get in another workout before Christmas. Thanks.

Blake: What rhymes with orange?

Harley: Nothing rhymes with orange. And can I give you some advice? You don't want your wedding vows to rhyme.

Blake: Yeah, but, you know what? I need something really special. I need something that screams "Blake loves Ross."

Harley: Well, how about I just stand up in the middle of it and yell, "Blake loves Ross."

Blake: You are a true friend, Harley Cooper. You know what? I think I'm finally ready to get out of my own way and be happy. I just hope Ross is.

Harley: Well, that is what marriage is all about, right? You just hold your breath, you take the plunge and you hope for the best.

Blake: I can't breath.

Harley: Well, I didn't mean hold your breath now.

Blake: No, I... I... I'm serious, Harley. I can't do this because marriage just kind... it just makes me screw things up all the time.

Harley: Blake, you just need to calm down, sweetie. That's it.

Blake: Well, you know what? I had an affair with Rick. And then I had an affair with Ben...

Harley: Okay, breath. Breath.

Blake: ...And I lied and I cheated. And...

Harley: Sweetie, stay focused.

Blake: Maybe I'm just not marriage material. Because maybe... what happens if... if Ross and I fail?

Harley: Are you human? It could happen.

Blake: Well, gee, great. Thanks. That's reassuring.

Harley: No, but I don't think it will. I don't think it will, honey. Because you love Ross. And Ross loves you, right? Even through all your screw-ups. And he's had a few.

Blake: Yeah.

Harley: That never changed. No, you're not a couple of wide-eyed kids getting into something you don't know anything about. You know exactly what you're walking in to and you're doing it anyway. That's got to count for something, right? What are you doing now?

Blake: Writing that down. That's good stuff.

Harley: Oh, thanks. So does this mean that I don't have to drag down the aisle in tears?

Blake: You may have to race me to the car. ( Laughs) Come on, honey. I have a date to marry the man of my dreams.

Harley: Hurry. Don't forget this.

Blake: Thanks. Got them. Could you get the door. (Laughs)

Harley: Whoo-hoo.

Lucia: Thank you so much, both of you for coming to see me.

Alan: Well, thank you for not kicking us out.

Lucia: Alan, it's a church. We don't kick anybody out.

Gus: Merry Christmas.

Lucia: Merry Christmas.

Ed: Now listen to me. I don't know what this secret is you think I have, but I'm telling...

Michelle: Dad, the wedding. The wedding. I went and saw Ross and Blake and earlier and he said, you were the best man. Are you, all right?

Ed: Yes. I'm... I'm...

Jeffrey: If you wake him up I'm going to have to play some stupid kid game. So...

Michelle: My design contract came in thanks to you.

Jeffrey: That's great. You're welcome.

Marah: There is the matter of our other contract.

Jeffrey: Come here. Ms. Lewis --

Marah: Oh, how formal.

Jeffrey: You know, I'm afraid there's some other guys out there that are more appropriate for you, you know.

Marah: Well, you see I only heard the beginning of that sentence: The you're afraid part. And you see, Mr. O’Neill, I am not afraid. And I love a good challenge.

Jeffrey: Yeah, I can tell by what you did with that tree.

Marah: When was the last time you had a Christmas tree?

Jeffrey: They shed too much.

Marah: Do you want to know what's on my wish list for Christmas?

Jeffrey: What?

Marah: I want to know something personal about you that nobody else knows. Just one little thing.

Jeffrey: You might as well ask for the world.

Marah: All right, everyone, it's time to go Christmas caroling. Yeah. Grab your song books and your hats.

Edmund: Wait. Don't tell me this Victorian thing extends to costumes?

Sandy: I don't think so.

Reva: Yes.

Cassie: Yes, it does.

Reva: Everybody has a song book.

Cassie: And singing. You have to sing.

Reva: That's right.

Edmund: Oh.

Cassie: La-la-la... Jingle bells.

Group: Jingle bells, jingle bells - Jingle all the way - Oh, what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh - hey - Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way - Oh, what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh - Hey...

Next on Guiding Light...

Olivia: Do you believe that God punishes people for the mistakes that they make?

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