[an error occurred while processing this directive] GL Transcript Monday 12/22/03 [an error occurred while processing this directive]
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Guiding Light Transcript Monday 12/22/03

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Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Hijrah

Josh: Rusty, I'm just telling you that I wouldn't have believed it myself if I hadn't been there to see it. I mean, this acupuncturist, Dr. Yuan, he got Shayne to feel something in his legs. Yeah. He said it was like a tingling sensation or something. Absolutely. Best Christmas present we could have ever hoped for. Yeah, I will. I'll keep you posted on his treatments. We'll miss you, too. All right, I'll talk to you soon. What's this?

Billy: Look at the headline. Somebody's out to get us, and they damn well may do it.

Marah: Oh, boy. What have we gotten ourselves into?

Reva: Ready to roll? Okay, it's all ready to roll. Oh, oh, oh, let's get two at a time! Here we go. Push hard, push hard. Push hard.

Marah: Hey. What's that?

Reva: Oh, it's the attack of the flour people! (Laughs) Do you mind if I turn the music down just a decibel or two?

Marah: Yeah, down, but not off. Shayne and I have been listening to this Christmas track since we were kids. It's tradition.

Zach: What's tradition?

Marah: Well, it’s... it's this. It's making ornaments out of dough. I've been doing it since I was your age, Zach. And your age, RJ. And even your age, Robbie!


Marah: In fact, most of the ornaments I made are on that tree right there.

Reva: And you know what? After today, you guys are going to have snowmen and angels of your own that you can hang on your own Christmas trees.

Marah: What are we missing?

Reva: Cookie cutters.

Marah: Uh... in the sink.

Reva: Okay. You know something? You're a natural.

Marah: For what?

Reva: Motherhood.


Marah: Wait till I find the right guy first.

Reva: That's okay, as long as there's not a DA on the end of his last name.

Marah: Mom, it's Christmas. Be nice.

Reva: Could I just...

Marah: No.

Reva: ...Say -- say -- how nice it is to be doing this with you?

Marah: Well, some traditions stand the test of time, even if we don't agree on everything else.

Boys: Cookies. Cookies. Cookies. Cookies.

Reva: Cookies?

Marah: Okay.

Boys: Cookies! Cookies!

Blake: All right, I promised myself that today would be the last day I spend in this office until after the holidays. Although I'm so worried I'm not going to be able to get any work done at home with the boys out of school and all. Hey, Ross, are you going to be spending any time at home this week? Ross?

Ross: Hmm?

Blake: So, Ross, you know that bobsled and the team of huskies that I bought for the children? Well, they're ready to be picked up today.

Ross: That's good, dear.

Blake: Yeah. Okay, honey? Out with it.

Ross: Oh. I'm sorry. I was just reading the mayor's annual holiday letter to the town. It's actually pretty good this year.

Blake: And next year won't be?

Ross: I didn't say that.

Blake: (Laughs knowingly) You didn't have to. I don't see your "Danny Santos for Mayor" button anywhere in evidence.

Ross: Yes. I'm going to have to get going. I have to get behind that campaign, don't I?

Blake: Why? You're the one who should be running for mayor. I know it, you know it, the whole town knows it. When are you going to do something about it?

Ed: You know, at first I wasn't all that comfortable with you using Cedars as a political platform, but I have to admit you were really good with the patients in that ward.

Danny: All I did was listen.

Ed: People in chronic care don't get nearly enough of that.

Danny: I know. I know. And if I'm elected, I really want to work on improving health care funding for people like them.

Ed: Sounds suspiciously like the beginning of a campaign speech. (Laughs)

Danny: No. Ed, look, I don't blame you for having reservations about me.

Ed: Not you, you in this particular office.

Danny: Okay. Well, whether I'm Springfield's next mayor or not, I would like the hospital to have this. I was going to drop it off at your office on the way out, but I guess now is as good a time as any.

Ed: Oh, wow.

Danny: I'd like it to go toward the patients in the chronic care ward, and I want it to be a gift in Robbie's name.

Ed: You wouldn't be trying to buy my vote, now, would you?

Danny: Is it for sale?


Ed: Look, I know we've had our differences about you running for mayor, but I've always known that your heart is in the right place. This will be put to very good use. Thank you, man.

Danny: Great. You're welcome.

Ed: Thank you.

Danny: I'll see you later.

Bill: (Clears throat)

Danny: Hey.

Bill: What the heck are you doing?

Danny: Uh, making a donation to the hospital? A good thing to do, last time I heard.

Bill: It's a great thing to do, Danny, but it's even better when there are cameras around. You know what I'm talking about?

Cassie: Olivia still hasn't shown up and she has been gone all night.

Christopher: I've just been in with Phillip. I'm concerned about Olivia's frame of mind. She seemed to believe that she was very much alone in the world.

Cassie: Well, you know, I can't stand here speculating, all right? I have Harley Cooper here. She's going to go out looking for her. Now, I want you to tell Harley everything that happened between Olivia and Phillip last night at Ravenwood.

Christopher: Put her on.

Harley: Hi, Dr. Langham. Cassie already filled me in on a little bit. I know that Olivia told Phillip that the baby died.

Christopher: It was devastating for both of them, even more so for Olivia because of the way Phillip reacted. She shut down. I couldn't get her to talk at all.

Harley: Olivia just walked in.

Cassie: Oh, thank God.

Harley: I'll call you back.

Cassie: Hey.

Olivia: Hi.

Cassie: Are you okay?

Olivia: Yeah, I'm fine.

Cassie: I was supposed to bring you home from Company last night. I went out there, you disappeared. I mean, I didn't know what to think.

Olivia: I'm sorry. I just... I needed to be alone. But I should have called you.

Harley: Well, where have you been, Olivia?

Olivia: Um... I don't really remember, exactly. Just driving around.

Harley: All night?

Olivia: Yeah. Yeah. Why? What's with the third degree?

Harley: It's not. Just concerned, that's all.

Cassie: Yeah. You haven't slept, you haven't eaten. Anything could have happened to you.

Olivia: The driving helped. I just... I lost track of time. I'm sorry.

Harley: I'm sorry, but I don't believe that.

Olivia: So, what's your theory? That I was hanging out at some roadside pub all night, belting back depression?

Harley: No, not even close. I understand what it must have been like for you after you told Phillip about the baby. And I just think if I had been where you were, if I was feeling that, I would want to be with him. I would want to be with the father of my child. Did you go to Ravenwood?

Olivia: I got as far as the parking lot.

Cassie: But you didn't go inside?

Olivia: No. I just... I just... I sat outside because I needed to be close to him. He was just so upset about the baby.

Cassie: Yeah, but so were you. And you know what? Phillip has Christopher and the Spauldings to help him get through this, and you need some help, too.

Harley: I'm sorry about all of this. I know you've been through a lot.

Cassie: Look, you... sometimes you've got to take care of yourself first. And I know what you're going through. I know how it feels to lose a baby, and you cannot get through it alone.

Olivia: Cassie...

Cassie: You can’t. Come on. You're going to go upstairs, you're going to take a bath, and you're going to order some breakfast. You need to take care of yourself.

(Cell phone rings)

Olivia: Is somebody going to get that?

Harley: Too late.

Cassie: See? It's Dr. Langham. He's worried about you, too. He's calling from Ravenwood.

Olivia: Maybe I should talk to him.

Cassie: Great. You can call from upstairs.

Olivia: No, no. I'm going to go back because there might be some news on Phillip.

Harley: Olivia.

Olivia: No, no...

Harley: You need rest.

Olivia: I need to do this. I need to do this.

Cassie: Okay. But you're not driving. You're going to take one of the hotel cars. Will you get her a car?

Olivia: Yeah, that's fine. That's a great idea. And thank you both. Thank you. I'll call you, okay?

Harley: Boy, oh, boy, oh, boy. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Cassie: That this is going to get worse before it gets better? Oh, yeah.

Christopher: Well, there's no medication or treatment for the kind of grief that you're going through, Phillip. You just have to work your way through it. I know you can hear me. If nothing else gets through, you have to know that you're not responsible for your baby's death. That's what Olivia told you, and it's the truth. Believe it.

Reva: Is that star for your daddy?

Zach: He's sick.

Reva: Yeah. I know he's sick. But you know what? That star is going to make him feel a whole lot better. You want to cook it? Let's go bake it. Come on. Come up here. Ooh, come here. Right here. Put it down here. We'll put some more flour on it.

Marah: Good job! Now we're going to put the hooks in them because they go in the oven, too. And then after that, they'll be ready to paint and put on your Christmas tree.

Reva: Yeah, that's good. What are you making over there?

Marah: I am making a Christmas angel, and I was even thinking of putting a red dress on her because it's a gift for Santa.

Reva: But it's not a cookie to eat! No!

Marah: Yuck!

Reva: No, it's not a cookie to eat! But we leave those under the tree for Santa Claus later.

Marah: And then you'll have your ornaments, and you'll be able to use them year after year after year.

Reva: And every year, you're going to be able to hang those ornaments on the Christmas tree and know exactly what you were doing this year on Christmas. Guys? I forgot to get the sprinkles. You want to go get them? Back in that room where you got them last time? Oh, yeah, go get the sprinkles. You remember where they were?

Marah: Go, go, go, go, go.

Reva: There you go.

Marah: Thank you.

Reva: There you go. Don't run, don't run. Okay. (Sigh of relief)

Marah: Well, that was nice, what you said about memories.

Reva: Yeah, well, it's easy to hold onto memories when everyone's together and healthy and happy. It's just going to be a little different this year.

Marah: Because of Shayne?

Reva: Yeah. And your dad not being in the house.

Marah: Well, you guys don't have to be apart for the holidays, you know?

Reva: We're working on it.

Marah: You know, sometimes Dad needs a little bit of prodding when it comes to opening up on his feelings.

Reva: Sometimes.

Marah: Especially when it comes to things from the past.

Reva: Yeah, unlike your granddaddy, who loved nothing more than to have people ask him about the good old days.

Marah: Well, what was he like when he was younger? Before Shayne and I were in the picture?

Reva: Pretty much what you see is what it was. I mean, he's a little more contained now than when we were younger, but he's a dad, you know? And with that has come a lot for him. Good things, mostly.

Marah: So he was never bad? He never got into trouble? Or...

Reva: Well, I wouldn't go that far. Maybe once or twice, but he was usually busy bailing out the rest of us, you know, including your Uncle Billy, who was always in trouble. He was always dragging your daddy into all of his messes.

Josh: Actually, you know what?

Billy: Just give us a minute. Thank you. Josh, that's the car.

Josh: Billy, you have not seen this car in 30 years.

Billy: Come on, Josh. That is the car. How is it they know exactly where it is after all this time?

Josh: I don't know. Maybe some construction company was dredging that area of the lake and, you know, we're in that business. We dig up buried stuff all the time, Billy.

Billy: You're covering for Marah, aren't you?

Josh: Shut up. Marah doesn't know anything.

Billy: Okay, well, what about those other two detectives?

Josh: I don't know.

Billy: What about... what about Buzz and Ed?

Josh: No, I...

Billy: No?

Josh: Nobody talked.

Billy: Nobody talked?

Josh: No.

Billy: What? What?

Josh: Reva. She... she had one of those flashy vision things. It was right after I had been talking to Ed about... about Maryanne Caruthers. She said she saw a graveyard.

Billy: Oh, this is great. She's reading your mind.

Josh: (Sighs) Oh, come on. Please!

Billy: Josh, you're going to have to control what you... no, no, no. You're just going to have to stay away from her. That's it.

Josh: What? That's going to make her even more suspicious.

Billy: Well, it's better she's suspicious than she hits the nail on the head, because if she does, we're in trouble. We're in big trouble. And don't forget it.

Olivia: Hi.

Christopher: Olivia, you're here.

Olivia: I don't know where else to be.

Christopher: You know, when he comes out of this, he's going to need you.

Olivia: When is that going to happen?

Christopher: Well, it might be a while. Medicine isn't an exact science.

Olivia: Yeah, well, that's a really lousy excuse for letting a man go through hell.

Christopher: On top of everything else Phillip's going through, he's also going through the process of grieving. That can take some time.

Olivia: Is that medical science speaking or personal experience?

Christopher: I lost my wife.

Olivia: Recently?

Christopher: It feels like yesterday.

Olivia: I'm so sorry. I... then you know.

Christopher: When she died, my life didn't have any meaning. I felt like Phillip on the inside. I was going through all the motions but true feeling and caring took a long time to come back.

Olivia: But everything you do is about caring.

Christopher: I don't think we can prevent terrible accidents from happening, but I think it's possible to work through loss and come out even stronger than we were before.

Olivia: I'd like to see him.

Blake: The silence is deafening, Counselor. What's this?

Ross: My good luck charm. It's a little worse for wear but I think the thoughts have held up over the years.

Blake: Your acceptance speech.

Ross: From when I ran for the senate, yes. It's wordy. It's a little wordy, but I was, you know, younger then.

Blake: It's still strong. Still has your ideals.

Ross: Yes, and I wanted to turn those ideals into reality and I truly believed that I could.

Blake: Second chances are a good thing, Counselor. Ross, you have been dreaming of serving in public office for years. You walked away from that dream, you walked away from that win, for me.

Ross: (Laughs) Yeah, of course, I did. That was the best thing that I... best trade I ever made.

Blake: Well, I hope so. You could win again. There's nothing standing in your way this time.

Ross: Yeah, I'm afraid there is. (Laughs) There's a couple of people who are very important to us, Danny and Michelle, and Ed. He's my best friend.

Blake: Any friend would want you to go for your dream.

Ross: Blake, you know, don't you, that this would throw our family life into total chaos?

Blake: I can take it if you can.

Ross: Are you serious?

Blake: You know me, Ross. I'm always up for a good fight.

Ross: Well, that's what you'd get, because it's going to be a battle.

Blake: Oh, honey, this town needs you. You could make such a difference at a crucial time, and I would be so proud to help you. If that's what you really want.

Ross: I didn't know how you feel about it, but yeah, I do. It's what I want.

Blake: Yes! I knew it! I knew it. I knew it. (Laughs) Okay. There's just one bit of unfinished business that we need to attend to.

Ross: Whatever could that be?

Blake: Nothing that we can't wrap up in a heartbeat.

*   *   *   *   *

Bill: Hey, Danny, you want to be the next mayor of this town?

Danny: That's the plan, Bill.

Bill: Yeah, well, you could have fooled me.

Danny: Hey, there are no cell phones in the hospital. Come on.

Bill: Oh, right. Uh, all right. Well, look, I really wish you wore a tie today, you know?

Danny: Bill.

Bill: Look, I'm going to get a news team down here. You and Ed can do that whole donation transaction again and get it... I can't even get an outside line here. What's going...? Hey, what are you doing?

Danny: I'm hanging up the phone, what do you think I'm doing?

Bill: Danny, look, you just gave a five-figure donation. Don't you think that's worth a little news blurb?

Danny: The question is, do we settle for a handshake in the tabloids, or do we do this the way I planned?

Bill: Which is?

Danny: The hospital cashes my check. Then my campaign manager leaks word about my donation to all the local people, not just the second-string tabloids.

Bill: You are good.

Danny: Yeah.

Bill: Mm-hmm.

Danny: But, remember, I never expected this to be made public.

Nurse: Dr. Bauer?

Ed: Yeah?

Nurse: You left your mail at the desk earlier.

Ed: Oh, thank you.

Nurse: And the newspaper.

Ed: Thank you again. Oh, my God.

Reva: Oh, look at that. Look at... don't touch. Don't touch it. Look at, look at, fresh, fresh batch.


Reva: Fresh from the oven.


Reva: But don't touch it because it's really hot. Look at these. They're so cool. RJ, look at your snowman. It's great.

RJ: It's a cat.

Reva: It's what?

Marah: I think Aunt Reva was looking at it upside down.

Reva: Of course. Look at that. It's a cat. ( Laughs)

Marah: They're wonderful.

Reva: They are.

Marah: Once they cool down, we'll be able to paint them.

Reva: Oh, the paints. Why don't we get the bag of paints?

Marah: Oh, yeah.

Reva: Why don't you guys go get the bag of paints? Okay, don't knock me over. There you go. Go back and get the paints. ( Laughs) Don't fall. (Sighs)

Marah: You know, Mom, you can make this holiday whatever you want it to be.

Reva: You think so?

Marah: Dad wants to be with you. I know he does.

Reva: Honey, I don't know. He says that he's not really ready for that yet.

Marah: Well, why don't you try a little harder?

Reva: I don't know, you know? There are times, like, when we look at each other that the closeness is there. Like yesterday, at the hospital, when Shayne responded to the acupuncture treatment. But there's just... there's so much that's unsaid, and it seems like the more time that goes by, the harder it gets.

Marah: Well, why don't you just say it? I mean, what's the worst that can happen? You two are already living apart. You should say it sooner rather than later.

Reva: You think you can handle this painting crew yourself?

Marah: Ooh. That depends on where you're going.

Reva: Um, I am going to go and try to get this Christmas back on track. Have fun.

Marah: All right, good luck.

Reva: Bye, guys.

Boys: Bye!

Reva: See you later! Don't eat all the cookies!

Marah: (Sighs)


Cassie: Oh, my gosh!

Harley: How long have you and Ross been sitting on this secret?

Blake: Oh, come on. It's no secret that, you know, I proposed to Ross, like, a year ago. But, uh, we just... we did just decide to make our living arrangement legal.

Cassie: You're getting married.

Blake: Yeah.

Cassie: Oh, I'm so happy for you.

Harley: Me, too.

Cassie: Okay, so how did he propose this time?

Harley: Yeah. What was it? Was it a formal dinner, romantic candles, all that?

Blake: It was spontaneous.

Harley: Listen, you have my blessing. You have my permission to get married before me and Gus.

Blake: Oh, yeah. Well, I'm getting there first, definitely.

Cassie: Oh, well, there's no rush. Right?

Harley: Is there?

Cassie: (Gasps) Oh, my gosh, are you...

Cassie and Harley: ...Pregnant?

Blake: No! No. No, no, no. No! (Laughs) No. It's just that, well, everything Ross and I have been... what we've gone through in the last couple of years, it's just, we don't want to tempt fate.

Cassie: Okay, well, you know, we're going to have to start planning this wedding right after Christmas.

Harley: It's going to be the greatest party since Reva and Josh said "I do."

Cassie: Oh, my gosh! First we have to pick a date. I mean, the date is very important.

Harley: What about the spring? You would make the cutest little Easter bunny bride.

Cassie: Wouldn't that be so cute?

(Talking at the same time)

Cassie: So, it's a theme. It's an Easter theme.

(Talking at the same time)

Blake: Guys.

Cassie: The kids could wear...

Harley: Oh, that's cute.


Blake: (Whistles) Ross and I were kind of thinking of doing this sooner.

Harley: Well, how much sooner?

Cassie: How soon?

Blake: Before the snow melts.

Harley: You've got to be kidding.

Blake: Soon, simple, small. That's our motto.

Cassie: What? Small? And why so soon? I mean, you guys have waited so long. Why not savor the moment?

Harley: Yeah, I don't understand. What is the big rush, Blake?

Blake: Let's just say it has something to do with dreams coming true.

Ross: Hey, Bill.

Bill: Hey.

Ross: I hope you guys have a couple of minutes to discuss the campaign, because I don't feel comfortable the way we left things the other day after that meeting with Daggert and Hodge.

Danny: They're the political king-makers.

Bill: The king-makers, and they've got Danny's back 100%. So?

Ross: Um, I'm quite sure that they will back him, yes, but to be honest, Bill, you have never run a campaign, and obviously, Danny, you've never been in one, and you could make a lot of promises to guys just like Daggert and Hodge, and if you're fortunate enough to win the election, you'd have to make good on them.

Danny: Right.

Bill: So what are you saying, Ross?

Ross: I'm just trying to point out that that's just one of many traps you might fall into.

Danny: That's right. That's why we need you, so that doesn't happen.

Bill: Yeah. So are you with us, counselor?

Ross: Danny, I know that you want what's best for Springfield, but that wonderful sentiment could get you mixed up in deals that look good at the time, but a little while later they're not so good and you're haunted by them.

Danny: Are you suggesting that I would use some of my old contacts to get myself elected?

Ross: No, not at all.

Bill: Uh, Ross, I get the feeling you're not here to back up our next mayor of Springfield. So why are you here?

Reva: Hey. Wanda told me you were here. Do you have a minute?

Josh: No, actually I don’t.

Reva: Oh, well, there's something I need to tell you about what happened the other day. When I saw the flash? The graveyard?

Josh: (Laughs nervously)

Reva: Maybe you don't remember?

Josh: Actually, I do remember.

Reva: Oh. Well, I figured out what it all means.

Josh: I thought we already figured out what it means. I thought we decided it meant nothing.

Reva: No, I was wrong. I was so wrong. But we have to talk this out. We can't let it slide or we can't pretend that it didn't happen, because your future and mine depends on it. It scared me at first when I saw it, but there it was, you know, when you got closer to me: Graveyard.

Josh: So what exactly are you driving at?

Reva: It's about us, Joshua. We've been killing everything good between us. That was the death, that I was given the warning of the death. It started happening even before Shayne was injured and it got even worse after the accident, you know. And I think it's because you've been carrying around all the blame and guilt for what happened to him.

Josh: Well, I am to blame.

Reva: Well, then so am I, for turning away from you, for using my fear and anger and letting it come between us. But it's time that we forgave each other and forgave ourselves.

Josh: Reva, our son may be crippled for the rest of his life and it's my fault. How do I forgive that?

Reva: Well, you can now because Shayne has forgiven you. And I forgive you, too. Lord knows you've forgiven me more times than I care to remember. But it's time, Joshua. It's time for you to forgive yourself. Please tell me that you can.

Marah: Uncle Billy!

Billy: Come here.

Marah: Hey.

Billy: Wow. Who trashed your place?

Marah: Oh, three little elves that are hard at work. You want to say hello?

Billy: Uh, well, maybe. Once we take care of our business.

Marah: What business?

Billy: Well, don't break your Uncle Billy's heart and tell me that you've forgotten.

Marah: (Gasps) Never.


Billy: You go ahead, open it.

Marah: You always did like to beat Saint Nick to the punch, huh?

Billy: Oh, yeah. Honey, nothing against the little guy, but I hate to see my stuff get lost in the Christmas morning shuffle.

Marah: Your stuff could never get lost in the Christmas morning shuffle.

Billy: Ooh.

Marah: (Laughs) A lighthouse. It's beautiful.

Billy: A charm for your bracelet.

Marah: You've given me one ever since I can remember. This is... I love it. Thank you.

Billy: And remember that you follow the light and it will set you free.

Marah: Where'd you get that?

Billy: It's from my book of wisdom.

Marah: Oh. Oh, well, I like it.

Billy: Okay.

Marah: I hope Mom and Dad can take a page out of your book and follow the light back to each other.

Billy: Well, that might just take a little longer.

Marah: Yeah. They need to set themselves free of the blame and guilt and secrecy first.

Billy: Well, I don't think there's any secret about them disagreeing on Shayne's treatment.

Marah: Well, no, I wasn't talking about that. I was thinking more along the lines of something Dad might be keeping, you know? Do you know anything about Maryanne Caruthers?

Christopher: Are you okay?

Olivia: He's worse. Yesterday, he knew who I was. What are you doing in there to him? He's not even moving.

Christopher: I tried to prepare you.

Olivia: No, I shouldn't have told him. It was too soon.

Christopher: That was my call. Phillip needed to hear the truth before he could start to heal, but I'm beginning to think it was a mistake to bring you in on this.

Olivia: No, no. No. Don't even make it about me. It's about him. Just tell me what I have to do to get him better.

Christopher: You are still mourning the loss of a child.

Olivia: You want to know the truth? I'm scared. I'm scared for him. What's going to happen when he walks out of here, Doc? Huh? Will you send him back to his normal life? To whose loving arms?

Christopher: His family’s. The people who care for him.

Olivia: What, the Spauldings? Only the walking dead survive in that house. If Phillip is the least bit vulnerable, his loving daddy and his Auntie Alex are going to go for his jugular before he's unpacked. I know what I'm talking about. It's toxic in that house, Doctor. It's toxic.

Christopher: You can't leave him to that, Olivia. Stay. Help him to recover. I know you want to help him.

Olivia: I want to believe that I can help him, but I can't get sucked back in.

Christopher: You and Phillip are going through the same grief. You can help each other to heal. It could be the best thing for both of you.

Harley: To love.

Cassie: To love.

Blake: To love.


Harley: That's good.

Blake: To simple, small and soon.

Harley: Mm-hmm. I'll drink to that. Thank you very much. Cheers.

Blake: Cheers.

Cassie: I have a lot of ideas.

Harley: You are so about to lose control of this wedding. You go, Cass.

Cassie: I think you and Ross should do something that you're going to remember for the rest of your lives.

Blake: It's not like we haven't been married before.

Harley: It doesn't count if you marry the same guy again.

Blake: Oh, I so don't stand a chance here, do I?

Harley and Cassie: No.


Blake: This ceremony is a mere formality.

Cassie: That's exactly what I'm talking about -- formal.

Blake: No.

Harley: Put me on the list as a bridesmaid, at least.

Blake: No.

Cassie: I am talking about a Christmas wedding!

Harley: Are you talking about this Christmas?

Cassie: Yeah. Why shouldn't the Marlers have an all-purpose holiday? Right? Christmas, Clarissa's birthday and your wedding anniversary. What do you think?

Blake: I think it's perfect timing.

Cassie: And I think the Beacon is a perfect place to have it. I'm having a huge Christmas bash. Everyone in town is going to be here.

Harley: So we don't have to worry about invitations!

Cassie: Exactly! Look, this is great. Okay, now, you have to get downtown, you have to get a license.

Blake: Whoa.

Cassie: I am going to call Ray, and I'm going to have him here.

Blake: Okay, yes. Yes.

Cassie: And Marah. We've got to get in touch with Marah, because she...

(Talking at the same time)

Blake: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait, wait, wait. What happened to "simple and small?"

Harley: You got "soon," Blake. You can't have everything.

Cassie: That's right. Going, going, gone!

Blake: Yes, I'm going to do it, an all-out bash of a wedding that no one's ever going to forget.

(Cheers and laughter)

Bill: Ross, I just hope you're willing to work with us. I mean, we need you. You've been down this road before, and we can only benefit from your experience.

Ross: Yes, that's partly why I'm here.

Danny: Oh. That's great.

Ross: But please, hear me out. I have been through several campaigns and I've finally decided -- today, in fact -- that my experience should be put to good use -- not counseling you, but trying to help this city work. I've decided to run for mayor.

Danny: What the hell are you talking about?

Ross: I thought I owed it to you, Danny, to tell you first.

Billy: You don't think your dad's got a girlfriend, though, do you?

Marah: No, no, no. It's nothing like that. It’s... this Maryanne Caruthers would have been a woman from his past, someone you might have known as well.

Billy: Doesn't ring any bells. Say, you don't remember where you heard this from, do you? The name?

Marah: Uh, you know, I can't remember where I first heard it.

Billy: You've been asking your dad about his past, is that it?

Marah: Well, yeah, I've been trying, but he doesn't seem to remember.

Billy: Well, you know, he had a lot of girlfriends. I mean, I remember Mona. And then there were a couple of weekends with Mary Sue, but I don't remember any Maryanne. Hey, the only important thing is his first girlfriend and his last girlfriend: Your adorable mom, bless her big, stubborn heart.

Marah: Well, you know what? I've got one more question.

Billy: Sweetie, I really can't stay. So enjoy your Christmas gift and remember that little saying about the light. And I love you.

Marah: I love you, too.

Josh: Reva, I can't forgive myself. You just... you don't understand. I...

Marah: Try me. Please. You know, why don't we just take a break for the holidays? You know? Let all the hurt go and celebrate, together, as a family, with the kids. I think they'd really appreciate that.

Billy: Reva's reading your mind. You're going to have to control what you... no, no, no. You're just going to have to stay away from her. Stay away from her.

Reva: Joshua?

Josh: It's Christmas. That's why you're here talking to me like this right now about togetherness, because of the holidays.

Reva: Well, yeah. I mean, I'm sure that's part of it.

Josh: That's all of it, Reva. I know you. I know that you're just emotionally caught up in the holiday season right now, but if we're not careful, we're going to make a big mistake here.

Reva: What is wrong with you?

Josh: Look, if you can say these same things to me after the holidays are over, then maybe we'll have someplace that we can start from. But not like this, not today.

Reva: I mean everything I'm saying.

Josh: I know you think you do.

Reva: Why are you doing this to us?

Josh: I'm sorry. It's just... this is the way it has to be. I'm sorry.

Next, on Guiding Light...

Reva: You are a piece of work.

Sandy: Merry Christmas to you, too.

Reva: No, do not "Merry Christmas" me. What exactly did you say on the radio this morning?

Cassie: What? What is it?

Blake: Vows. I forgot to write my vows.

Ed: Merry Christmas.

Michelle: I know your secret.

Ed: You what?

Michelle: Don't worry. I'm going to take it with me to the grave.

Shayne: So when did it happen?

Marina: What?

Shayne: When did you give up on me?

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