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Guiding Light Transcript Friday 12/19/03
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Provided by Boo
Proofread by Hijrah
Marina: I am so excited that Shayne is checking out acupuncture. I mean, it is so great that Dr. Yuan agreed to meet with him and your folks tonight.
Marah: Nontraditional medicine, nontraditional appointment time. Michelle?
Michelle: Hi. I let myself in. I hope you guys don't mind.
Marina: Oh, your living room wasn't big enough to pace in?
Michelle: No. I needed to talk. Okay, when I left here earlier tonight, I was really done with this whole dig-in-the-past thing.
Marah: Yeah, we could tell.
Marina: Yeah. Carrie didn't even have a comeback.
Michelle: Right. Well, you know, she just dumped this whole mystery into our laps, and I don't know, it seemed to me like it was just getting too...
Marah: Hard.
Michelle: Yeah. Exactly. I mean, at first I found the whole thing to be really interesting and Carrie really pulled me in. But now, sneaking around behind my dad's back, trying to prove that he was part of something that, if anything at all... it's just too much.
Marah: So you don't think Ed was involved?
Michelle: Well, I don't want to believe that he was involved in it, any more than you want to believe that Buzz or Josh was a part of whatever happened.
Marah: Okay. So?
Michelle: So, I just think it seems like we're all doing a really disloyal thing. Okay, just tell me that I'm wrong.
Ed: It's hard to know what's right in a situation like this.
Jeffrey and Dr. Yuan: (Speaking in Chinese)
Jeffrey: Dr. Yuan says that it's normal for western doctors to be skeptical about acupuncture.
Ed: Well, not because there's any danger involved, you understand. It's just because it...
Rick: It might not work, as we all hope it would.
Jeffrey and Dr. Yuan: (Speaking Chinese)
Jeffrey: The free flow of energy in the body, or the chi, is crucial for health in the body.
Dr. Yuan: (Speaking Chinese)
Jeffrey: If there's a blockage to this chi, then these needles might be able to help to restore a balance to the body.
Josh: You know what? I have an open mind about this, I really do. Otherwise I wouldn't be standing here right now. I have questions, though, concerns, still. How does he think acupuncture is going to help Shayne? What results can we expect?
Jeffrey: Okay. (Speaking Chinese)
Dr. Yuan: (Speaking Chinese)
Jeffrey: He says that the whole goal is just to restore a free flow of energy to Shayne's body.
Reva: Oh, hi. I'm so sorry we're late. You must be Dr. Yuan.
Jeffrey: This is Shayne's mother, Reva Lewis.
Reva: I've heard so many wonderful things about you. And this is Shayne.
Shayne: Hi.
Dr. Yuan: (Speaking Chinese)
Reva: What did he say?
Jeffrey: He says rather than tell you what he can do for Shayne, he'd like to show you, right now.
Harley: Finally, a place I can work and no one will bother me.
Bill: Hey, there.
Harley: Hey, Bill. How's it going?
Bill: Well, for an ex-cop, you sure do scare easy.
Harley: No, I was just engrossed.
Bill: I can see that. I bet you anything I know what you've got in that folder there.
Olivia: Phillip.
Phillip: I did it. I killed her.
Olivia: No, you can't even think that.
Phillip: I killed my little girl.
Olivia: No.
Phillip: She's dead.
Olivia: No. No, no, no. It's not true. It's not true. You didn't kill her. Did you hear what I said? Did you hear what I said? You didn't kill her. It's not true. (Sobbing) God, why didn't I just stay away? Listen to me. Did you hear me? You didn't do anything. Phillip, you didn't do anything. Help him.
Christopher: Phillip? Phillip, how are you feeling? I'm sorry that Olivia had to give you such bad news. I know it was hard for you to hear. Come on.
Olivia: You can't just leave him like this.
Christopher: Let's just step out into the hallway. Phillip needs to rest now. Come on.
Olivia: (Sobbing)
Christopher: Olivia?
Olivia: (Sobbing) Why did I let you talk me into this?
Christopher: I know that was painful. That doesn't mean it wasn't beneficial.
Olivia: How can you say that?
Christopher: He'll be fine. He'll get through this.
Olivia: I was wrong to come here.
Christopher: I don't think so. Just... I'll be right back. Phillip? Phillip, I know it seems like your whole world is coming apart now, but the truth is that the worst has passed, because you know the truth. And that's where we can start our work together: with the truth.
Nurse: Yes, Dr. Langham?
Christopher: Yes. I'd like you to spend a few minutes with Mr. Spaulding, keep him company.
Nurse: Sure. We'll have a nice time.
Christopher: As difficult as that was, I think it was absolutely necessary.
Olivia: Yeah. The wonderful world of priorities.
Christopher: You want to sit down?
Olivia: No.
Christopher: I have a better idea. Let's get you out of here.
Olivia: No. Phillip is...
Christopher: Phillip is fine. There's a nurse in with him now. I'm more concerned about you at the moment.
Olivia: Then call another nurse.
Christopher: Why don't we go?
Josh: Wait a second. You want to start the whole thing right now? The needles and everything?
Jeffrey: Well, that's what he's here for. Right?
Reva: And it's not like the doctor doesn't know Shayne's condition. He's read his charts.
Josh: Yeah, I just figured we should talk about things, you know? Details.
Reva: Well, if the doctor knows where to go from here, why wait?
Ed: Maybe Dr. Yuan could just spell out the course of treatments?
Reva: You know, Cassie talked about how acupuncture was low risk. I mean, if there's virtually no harm in trying it, then maybe the doctor's got the right idea?
Josh: I'm just afraid it might be too soon.
Jeffrey: I hate to step out of my role as translator, but I can assure you that Dr. Yuan wouldn't be doing this unless he knew it was in the boy's best interest.
Josh: You know what? I understand that, I appreciate it, but ultimately, this is going to be a family decision, right? The doctor must understand that. So, why don't we just step aside here and just talk about it in private for just a minute, okay?
Shayne: Hey! I'm part of this family too, aren't I? Weren't you going to ask me what I thought?
Reva: Of course we are. What do you think of all this?
Shayne: If it's going to help me, you know, get better and walk, I'll try anything. Let's do it.
Harley: I would bet money you'd be so wrong.
Bill: Come on, admit it. You know, Michelle and Ben and I, we used to find those things under your bed all the time. I mean, this was years ago, back when you would baby-sit for Shayne and Marah. You've got one of those romance novels. That's what it is. The dirty kind.
Harley: Yes, I wish you were so right. But no, all the reading I do lately is work related. But what were you guys doing under my bed and what else did you find?
Bill: Ah... nothing. Speaking of work... ( Clears throat) ...I just came from the office, set up a photo shoot with the candidate's wife, hard at work on the crisis hot-line.
Harley: Really?
Bill: Mm-hmm.
Harley: How did Michelle feel about being exploited for the sake of the campaign?
Bill: Didn't like it too much.
Harley: Yeah.
Bill: No. In fact, I wish you were there. You could have talked her down.
Harley: Don't look at me. I don't blame her for freaking out. I would hate to have to play the candidate's wife.
Bill: What?
Harley: Isn't it kind of weird for you?
Bill: Hm?
Harley: I mean, having to play up the whole "Danny for Mayor" thing? Gung-ho?
Bill: What are you talking? What's so weird about it? I think Danny would be great for Springfield. I mean, look what he did for Fifth Street. I mean, here's a guy who turned his life around, a complete 180. And I will go so far as to say this: Danny Santos, Future of Springfield.
Harley: Okay, you can pull back on the political cliché stuff, okay? I like Danny, I really do, and I appreciate everything he's done for Fifth Street. I was actually talking a lot more about the personal aspect.
Bill: Hm. What do you mean?
Harley: You know. You know.
Bill: What?
Harley: How he, you know, married your woman.
Bill: What are you talking about? Michelle?
Harley: Yeah.
Bill: Michelle and I have been done for a long time. In fact, we never even got started. And besides, she's with Danny and she's very happy. And I'm with Eden, very happy. So, we're all happy.
Harley: Right. If you say so.
Bill: And what is that supposed to mean?
Michelle: Okay. Go on, convince me that I should stick with this whole Carrie thing.
Marina: I just want to help Buzz.
Marah: And I want to help my dad.
Michelle: Except that you hit a brick wall when you tried to talk to them about this, right? Just like I did with my dad. You mention Maryanne Caruthers' name and they all shut down. Because they don't want our help.
Marah: Michelle, when Carrie first appeared to us, I thought that it was kind of cool. You know? I mean, here's this really interesting woman with this Nancy Drew type of mystery for us to solve.
Marina: Except we haven't done that yet.
Marah: No, but, you know, we're making progress, and we're putting things together, and I, for one, am not going to stop.
Michelle: Because you're so sure that your dad does need your help?
Marah: Look, when I mention the name Maryanne Caruthers to him, does he shake his head and say, "Oh, poor Maryanne, died in '77?" No. No. He won't even acknowledge that this woman existed, let alone that he knows how she died.
Marina: My grandpa, too.
Michelle: And my dad, too.
Marah: Okay. So what does that say to me about him? It says that whatever he knows, he doesn't know what to do about it. So, I'm going to stick with it.
Michelle: Because you want to find out what the big secret is. But how does that help your dad?
Marah: Maybe I will find out something that he doesn't know and it'll help him fill in some of the blanks.
Michelle: Ease his mind.
Marah: Yeah. And maybe this Maryanne Caruthers thing has been weighing on him so much that it has put tension between him and my mom's relationship, especially since this thing happened with Shayne.
Marina: So, you want to help your whole family?
Marah: If I can.
Marina: Yeah, I mean, I want to help Buzz, too. I'm just... I'm really afraid if I push him too much on this that he's going to go away again.
Michelle: Why? Why? Why would he go away?
Marina: Well, because that's what he does, or that's what he used to do, you know, when things got to be too much. And I don't know, maybe this Maryanne thing was the whole reason he stayed away so long before. I just... I know I want him to be okay.
Michelle: So, that's it. Those are your reasons?
Marah: Yeah. So are you in or are you out?
Michelle: So, I was working at the hot-line earlier tonight and the door flies open and this photographer comes in and starts snapping pictures of me. Apparently it was some photo op that Bill had set up, but it seemed to me like they were trying to exploit this image of "good wife does good works." So I, you know, went a little nuts and Danny had to calm me down. And we were talking, and something really struck a chord with me.
Marina: What's that?
Michelle: Well, we were talking about the past and what should and shouldn't be made public. And Danny made me realize there's no point in trying to hide the past, because it's all going to come out anyway.
Marah: Okay. Meaning?
Michelle: Meaning, you might as well face the truth head-on because... secrets don't just go away because you want them to. So, what if I walk away from the one chance I get to help my dad deal with this secret that's been eating him up. I mean, Buzz, when things get tough for him, he just goes away, and Josh maybe fights a little more with Reva. My dad? He starts drinking again. And that could kill him.
Marah: Does he really seem that shaky to you?
Michelle: No, not at this point. But if I turn my back on a situation that could be hurting him and he spins out of control, I would never forgive myself.
Marah: So you want to get back in this with us?
Michelle: I'm in.
Carrie: Thank God that's been settled.
Marah: How do you do this?
Marina: You just appear.
Carrie: Well, it's simple. I'm always where I need to be. Oh, I'm so relieved. For our little project to work out, you three have to be united. In order for everything to go forward.
Michelle: Forward into the past.
Carrie: The past -- unexplored territory, but not for long.
Jeffrey: The doctor wants you to know that this isn't going to be an instant cure, and it's going to take time and you'll have to visit him on a regular basis.
Ed: That's true of any course of treatment, though.
Shayne: All right, well, what am I supposed to do while he's doing this?
Jeffrey and Dr. Yuan: (Speaking Chinese)
Jeffrey: Try not to do anything. Just breathe and relax.
Dr. Yuan: (Speaking Chinese)
Jeffrey: It might be hard for you to believe, being an athlete, but you can make progress even though you're not going through the hard work of exercise.
Rick: I just can't wrap my mind around this.
Dr. Yuan: (Speaking Chinese)
Jeffrey: His body is working, it's just not working in a way that he's used to.
Reva: Thank you.
Josh: For what?
Reva: For agreeing to this.
Josh: Well, it's Shayne's call.
Reva: I really think it's worth trying.
Josh: Look, we both want him out of that chair. We've never argued about that.
Rick: I just don't understand why you changed your work schedule so you could avoid being around Michelle.
Ed: Rick, I'm watching this...
Rick: Was it something that happened, Dad, that made you not want to work with her? I'm just trying to understand.
Ed: Not now.
Rick: Okay, fine.
Shayne: All right. Well, ask him how many of those he needs to use.
Jeffrey: (Speaking Chinese)
Dr. Yuan: (Speaking Chinese)
Jeffrey: It's going to depend on sessions. Every session's going to be different. About seven or eight.
Shayne: Seven or eight! You know what? I think I might have said yes too quickly. Not that I think this is bogus, but I... I have a problem with needles.
Josh: That's true, actually. He does, ever since he was a toddler. The doctor used to have to chase him around just to give him his shots.
Shayne: Not that I'm going to be doing much running now, but I might faint or something, mess everything up.
Dr. Yuan: (Speaking Chinese)
Jeffrey: So, these aren't pediatric needles, Shayne. They're not hollow, so they can be very slender.
Shayne: A needle's a needle.
Jeffrey: You're not going to even feel it go in. Trust me.
Shayne: Oh, yeah. Right. Thanks.
Jeffrey: It'll be like an insect bite or something.
Shayne: All right. Well, you know, I don't feel like getting bitten by anything right now, so let’s... let's just forget about it.
Jeffrey: Shayne, he's a master.
Shayne: I don't care what he is. He's not the one getting stuck with seven or eight needles. It's me. There's no needle that doesn't hurt. I know this is going to hurt.
Dr. Yuan: (Speaking Chinese)
Jeffrey: Shayne, he wants to know if that one hurts.
Shayne: What?
Reva: Oh. My.
Shayne: You've got to be kidding me.
Dr. Yuan: Okay, yes?
Shayne: It’s... bring it on. I can handle this.
* * * * *
Olivia: You know what? It's okay. I'm all right, thanks.
Christopher: Are you? I don't think so.
Cassie: Hey. Olivia. Oh, God, what happened?
Christopher: Cassie, Olivia's been through quite an ordeal tonight. We need just a few minutes.
Cassie: You told him, didn't you?
Christopher: Cassie? Not now.
Cassie: Okay. All right, listen to me. I'm going to go and I'm going to give you all the time you need, but I'm not leaving, all right? I'm going to stay here and wait for you.
Christopher: Let's go inside. My guess is that you haven't eaten today, so here. My treat.
Olivia: I'm not hungry.
Christopher: You seem awfully unsteady on your feet.
Olivia: Maybe it has something to do with telling the father of my child that our baby is dead.
Christopher: I warned you going in, Olivia, that Phillip's grief was liable to be intense.
Olivia: You didn't say it would paralyze him.
Christopher: His reaction was much more profound than I expected.
Olivia: Well, you wanted him to face the truth. Now he's facing it. Are you happy?
Christopher: Look, I stand by what I said before, that grief sometimes has a way of jarring a person back to reality.
Olivia: Just not this time, right?
Christopher: Olivia, I'm sorry if it was an emotional event. And if I led you to believe that Phillip would somehow instantaneously be jolted back to himself, I'm sorry for that, too. It was not my intention.
Olivia: Why can't things just be simple?
Christopher: Life is not simple.
Olivia: I want it to be. I just wanted to walk in there and tell him what happened and have him snap out of this spell that he's in. It would have all been over.
Christopher: Not necessarily.
Olivia: My part. I know it sounds selfish. I just want him to get better.
Christopher: That's what we all want. Olivia, it's going to take time. There's no magic cure. You really care for Phillip, don't you?
Olivia: Oh, please. He's the father of my...
Christopher: Child, yes, I know. I was very moved by what you said to Phillip.
Olivia: Really?
Christopher: When he started blaming himself for killing the baby, the child being dead. You said, "No, that isn't true. You didn't kill the baby."
Olivia: Nobody killed her.
Christopher: It was just an interesting choice of words.
Olivia: Why?
Christopher: Because when you say, "It's not true," that could mean that it's not Phillip's fault that the baby's dead, or it could mean that the baby isn't dead.
Olivia: How dare you?
Christopher: Olivia...
Olivia: What am I? Some unfeeling thing that you can pick apart? I'm a human being, not your next clinical paper.
Christopher: I'm sorry. I really...
Olivia: Do you even have anyone in your life, or is everyone just another case study?
Christopher: Just calm down, would you?
Olivia: Why don't you go to hell?!
Christopher: I did not mean to imply that you're lying...
Olivia: Well, I wish I could have lied to Phillip. Did you see his face when I told him about our daughter? Did you?
Christopher: Yes. He was crushed.
Olivia: He was destroyed. I would have said anything to make him feel less guilty. I don't even remember what it was. All I really wanted to tell him was that we have a beautiful, healthy new little girl.
Christopher: Well, that must be what I picked up on, then, your compassion for Phillip.
Olivia: Let me tell you something: I would have lied up one side and down the other to spare him this agony.
Christopher: You went through it, too. Don't forget that.
Olivia: I'll never forget it. And thank you for a wonderful evening, Doc. Don't you dare drag Cassie into this.
Christopher: Don't worry. I think it was a mistake to bring you here. You belong at home in bed, and that's exactly where you're going.
Shayne: This is so cool.
Reva: So much for your alleged needle phobia.
Shayne: Yeah, well, I guess he cured me. Now if only this can help me walk.
Josh: Rick, is your dad still on the phone?
Rick: Yeah, I think so.
Josh: I'm going to get him. I'm sure he wants to see this.
Rick: Yeah, okay.
Josh: They've started.
Ed: Are you okay with this?
Josh: Yeah, I guess so. I mean, if he wants to be a human pincushion, I guess I can watch him do that. Listen... listen, I heard you and Rick talking about Michelle earlier?
Ed: I changed my shift at the hospital so I don't have to run into Michelle. I know that that's a little extreme.
Josh: Uh-huh.
Ed: But it's easier than just trying to deal with all her questions about...
Josh: About Maryanne. Yeah. So Michelle won't let it go?
Ed: No.
Josh: Neither has Marah.
Ed: I don't understand what the hell is going on.
Marah: If you need all three of us, you've got us -- again -- but I think that there's something we need from you.
Carrie: There is?
Marah: Mm-hmm. We've done everything you asked. We have dug through files, we've grilled our fathers.
Marina: Yeah, and my grandfather.
Marah: And we even researched the bridge where you said the accident occurred.
Carrie: Well, I'm so glad you've been able to keep busy.
Marah: But we have found no proof of the accident happening.
Carrie: But I told you.
Marah: I know. But there's no concrete, solid evidence. And I'm not saying we don't believe you, because we do, but a headstone with the name "Maryanne Caruthers" on it, it doesn't exactly make the case.
Marina: Yeah, and there's no record of Maryanne's death or the accident.
Michelle: Right. So it's impossible to tie the two things together.
Marah: Now, if something this horrible happened to Maryanne, there should be something somewhere about it, some sort of clue, but there isn’t.
Carrie: Oh, there is. That's why I decided to drop in on you today. I wanted to make a suggestion that perhaps it's time for us to go.
Marah: Go where?
Carrie: To Cutter's Bridge. It's time. I've made a few arrangements. I think it's time that you all saw for yourselves.
Bill: Well, it just hurts, that's all. You don't think I'm good enough for your future sister-in-law.
Harley: Right. Future sister-in-law. Thank you for reminding me of that. No, no. It's not that. I just think it's interesting, you know? Michelle. Eden. Michelle. Eden. I mean, that's an interesting journey, I think. Interesting.
Bill: Yes, well, wait one minute, okay? You forgot about Beth. No, I'm serious. Look, if Michelle and I got together, yes, it would have been great, families would have been very happy, "Look at the two kids, they were gaga over each other when all they could say was 'gaga,'" but that's just it. But that's just it. We'd always be Little Bill and Little Michelle. And I don't think we would ever challenge each other to grow or stretch.
Harley: So Eden stretches you, does she?
Bill: A little bit. But never mind that. Just think of all the fun family dinners we're going to have in the future. I mean, you and Gus, me and Eden. It's going to be great. In fact, heck, you know what? Why wait? I think we should all go out one of these nights?
Harley: How about right now?
Bill: Yeah, let's do it! I can see how excited you are about it.
Harley: Yeah.
Bill: No, but I think you should know this.
Harley: What?
Bill: I'm a very lucky man.
Harley: Hm?
Bill: Mm-hmm. Because Eden is the first person in my life who's ever challenged me, dared me to try new things, set higher goals.
Harley: Well, you sound like you're having fun.
Bill: I am. I just... I love what I'm doing right now. I mean, I'm working on Danny’s campaign, working for Lewis. I mean, I'm busy as hell, but things are great.
Harley: And you're stretching. I can see it.
Bill: Yes, I am stretching, and I couldn't do it without Eden.
Harley: Well, maybe you could thank your parents, too.
Bill: Hm.
Harley: You know, you do have Billy and Vanessa’s genes. You have that, you-can-do-whatever-you-set-your-mind-to thing.
Bill: Is that right?
Harley: Yeah.
Bill: Really? Well, could I get you to cough up a little cash for Danny Santos' campaign?
Harley: You are so bad.
Bill: No, no, no. I'm so good.
Harley: (Laughs)
Cassie: Are you ready to go home?
Olivia: Yeah. You know what? I just need to get some air first.
Cassie: I think you need to eat.
Olivia: I can't eat, Cassie.
Cassie: Okay, look. You're so pale, Olivia. At least eat some soup, you know? Buzz makes the best chicken soup.
Olivia: What are you going to do? Are you going to tuck me in bed when we get back to the Beacon?
Cassie: No. But I may read you a book if you're lucky. So, why is it so hard for you to let somebody help you?
Olivia: I haven't had much practice.
Christopher: Well, now's your chance. We'll see you outside.
Cassie: Bread or crackers with that soup?
Olivia: Surprise me.
Cassie: Okay.
Olivia: It's really warm for winter.
Christopher: Let's sit down for a minute. You think you'll be able to sleep?
Olivia: What, with soup and a story? Are you kidding? I don't know, maybe.
Christopher: I could... if you need...
Olivia: What?
Christopher: I could give you a couple of pills, a sedative, just to help you through the next couple of days. Something mild.
Olivia: Thanks, but no thanks. (Laughs)
Christopher: I get the idea that maybe you don't want to sleep.
Olivia: (Sighs)
Christopher: Maybe you're just not looking forward to the dreams.
Olivia: Do me a favor? You have to let me out from underneath that microscope of yours, okay? I just want to sit here and breathe and not think.
Christopher: Okay. In that case, I should go back inside, call Ravenwood and check on Phillip.
Olivia: All right. I'll wait for Cassie.
Christopher: I'm just a phone call away, Olivia. If you need anything, don't forget. Good-night.
Fantasy Daughter: I'm going to miss you.
Phillip: It's you.
Fantasy Daughter: Hi.
Phillip: Hi. But you...
Fantasy Daughter: Died? Yeah. I'm sorry.
Phillip: Look at you. You're still so beautiful. You must get that from your mom.
Fantasy Daughter: I think I look like you. You know, it's strange. Everything got all reversed.
Phillip: I don't understand.
Fantasy Daughter: All this time, you were so afraid that you would let me down or fail me.
Phillip: I did.
Fantasy Daughter: No. It turns out this time I can't be here for you. I have to go now. For good.
Phillip: Please don't go. Please.
Fantasy Daughter: It's just the way it has to be.
Phillip: No. I want us to do things together. I want us to get to know each other.
Fantasy Daughter: We're not going to have that chance. You were so worried about me, every time we talked.
Phillip: I'm your father.
Fantasy Daughter: Yeah. And you loved me a lot, huh? Even though you never knew me?
Phillip: So don't go.
Fantasy Daughter: I have to.
Phillip: No. No. There has to be something we can do. There has to be some way that we can change it. Yeah. I love you. There must be some way.
Fantasy Daughter: Can I tell you a secret? You would have been a really good dad and I would have loved you a lot.
Phillip: There's still time. (Sobbing)
Fantasy Daughter: No. We're not going to have that chance and there's nothing anybody can do about it. No one in this room, anyway. I have to go. I'm sorry, Dad. Just rest.
Phillip: Wait. Please don't go. Please don't go.
Cassie: Excuse me. So, how is she doing?
Christopher: Your partner is very strong-willed.
Cassie: That's not really an answer to my question.
Christopher: We all construct a kind of emotional armoring to protect ourselves from the slings and arrows of life.
Cassie: Is that what Olivia's doing?
Christopher: Olivia is used to being in control. Everything about her points to that: Her history, her attitude, her decision-making. But that control is a kind of protection. And when that is threatened or taken away, there's really no telling how far a person will go to get it back.
Cassie: Thank you. And here I'm thinking chicken noodle soup's going to help.
Christopher: You know what they say. It couldn't hurt. I think what Olivia needs most is a good night's sleep.
Cassie: I don't know if she can.
Christopher: She's outside waiting for you on the bench. My car's out back. Cassie, thank you for helping.
Cassie: Yeah. I know what she's going through.
Reva: Does it hurt?
Shayne: No.
Jeffrey: As advertised.
Josh: So, what exactly is happening right now?
Ed: I mean, I can try and explain it from the point of view of western medicine. I mean, the theory is that acupuncture can trigger the release of endorphins, you know, naturally occurring painkillers in the body. It's also purported to alter the amounts of neurotransmitters, like serotonin and certain compounds that cause inflammation.
Josh: So, somehow this stimulates the body to, what, sort of heal itself?
Ed: That's the principle.
Reva: What doesn't it do?
Rick: The placebo effect is another explanation. I mean, if you can convince somebody a needle here and there may heal them, they may actually believe it does.
Reva: Well, I don't care if it's the Placido Domingo effect. If it works, that's what counts. How do you feel, Shayne?
Shayne: Just kind of warm and tingly.
Dr. Yuan: (Speaking Chinese)
Jeffrey: Dr. Yuan says he's going to leave them in for about 20 minutes, Shayne.
Shayne: Hey, you know what? Leave them in for 30.
Marina: So that's it? That's the car that Maryanne was in when she died?
Carrie: Yes. That's the car. No one has set eyes on it for all those years. All those years, it's been hidden at the bottom of that river, hidden like all of the facts of Maryanne's life.
Marah: I guess that changes now.
Carrie: Oh, yes. Tonight, everything changes.
Next, on Guiding Light…
Marina: Do you know anything about Maryanne Caruthers?
Bill: Ross, I get the feeling you're not here to back up our next mayor of Springfield. So why are you here?
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