[an error occurred while processing this directive] GL Transcript Thursday 12/18/03 [an error occurred while processing this directive]
[an error occurred while processing this directive]

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 12/18/03

[an error occurred while processing this directive]

Provided by Boo
Proofread by Hijrah

Michelle: I know, I know. I know you're scared, okay, but it's really good that you called here. No, just... It's going to be okay. We're going to help you. What are you doing?

Photographer: My job, same as you.

Bill: Oh. Oh, oh, oh, I got it, I got it. I got it.

Michelle: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Don't hang up. I'm here, I'm here. No, look, I'm going transfer you over to the clinic and there's going to be a doctor there who can talk to you, okay? You're going to be all right, I promise. Just hold on. Hold on, okay? Will you get him out of here?

Bill: Yeah. I'll take care of it. I'll take care of it. You guys, just... I'll be with you in just a minute, okay?

Photographer: She's all yours.

Bill: Thanks a lot. Thank you. Could you close that? There’s...

Michelle: Bill? What is going on? I had a kid coming down off drugs. I could have lost her.

Bill: You did? I'm sorry. It's just, I've been waiting so long for this photo op.

Michelle: What do you mean, "photo op"? Bill, you and I, we started this crisis center as a safe haven for kids in trouble. Why are you bringing the press here?

Bill: Well, why do you think?

Photographer: Mr. Santos. Yes.

Danny: Right here? How's this?

Christopher: Hello, Phillip. I told you I'd stop by again tonight. I just wanted to make sure that you're doing okay, after we took you off a lot of that medication. I'm going to check your eyes for a second, all right? Is there anything you need, Phillip? Anything you want? Do you remember Gus telling you about Olivia? That she stopped by your room at Cedars? She was there, Phillip. She was real. You didn't imagine her.

Phillip: She was there?

Christopher: Yeah.

Phillip: She's back with my daughter? With my little girl? Thank you, God.

Olivia: Like father, like son. You burning the midnight oil already?

Gus: What are you doing here at this hour?

Olivia: You know, Gus, you really haven't done too badly -- going from detective to VP in one simple step.

Gus: I'm just keeping the seat warm for Phillip. A couple of weeks, tops.

Olivia: Well, it's just that no one would really blame you for wanting to take that seat while Phillip is out of the picture. I mean, why wouldn't you want a bigger piece of the action after everything that's been denied to you after all these years?

(Cell phone rings)

Harley: (Laughs bitterly) Wouldn't you know it? Hello?

Jeffrey: Evening, Terrier.

Harley: What do you want, Dog Catcher?

Jeffrey: It's nice to hear that you missed me.

Harley: Yeah, but next time my aim will be so much better.

Jeffrey: Are you ready for your next shot at our next target?

Harley: Not Brad Green again.

Jeffrey: Actually, I was thinking of something a little closer to home. Your next mark happens to be the new vice president at Spaulding Enterprises.

Harley: Why Gus? He doesn't know anything.

Jeffrey: Now, now, now. Let's try not to be negative. Your fiancée happens to be sitting on a gold mine of information that could be invaluable to us.

Harley: "Us"? Did you say "us"? You and who else?

Jeffrey: Carpe diem, Cooper. Seize the day. And while you're wasting time asking me all these questions that you know I'm not going to answer, you could be with your fiancée, who happens to be holed up in his new executive office at Spaulding Enterprises surrounded by some important documents.

Harley: And how exactly do you know that?

Jeffrey: The same way I know that you're standing outside of your daddy's eatery right now.

Harley: Where the hell are you?

Jeffrey: That's not important. Now, why don't you go back inside, order Gus' favorite late-night snack, and go take it to him personally?

Harley: And then what? What? Plant a bug in the office? Hack into the computer files?

Jeffrey: That's not our style.

Harley: Oh, because the Feds are so above that.

Jeffrey: Let's just say that there are... better ways.

Harley: This sucks.

Jeffrey: Cooper, all I'm asking you to do is just to keep your eyes and your ears open, okay?

Harley: This is not what I signed on for. I'm not spying on Gus.

Jeffrey: Would you just calm down? Just go over there and check it out. See what's going on. Check out the departments, get a feel for the players, that's all.

Harley: Spying, spying.

Jeffrey: Consider it protecting -- protecting your investment, okay? If there is something going down at Spaulding, you'll be keeping Gus out of trouble.

Harley: Gus can keep himself out of trouble.

Jeffrey: If he sees it coming. If he doesn't, he'll be as vulnerable as everybody else. Are you there, Cooper?

Harley: I'm here. Okay, look, I'll take the ribs and the fries and I'll go over to Spaulding, but just to make sure that Gus is okay. No lurking, no sniffing, no 007. You got it?

Jeffrey: Go, Terrier.

Gus: Why don't you go stir some trouble up someplace else, Olivia?

Olivia: Because. I have Phillip's best interest at heart, Gus.

Gus: Are we talking about the same guy? The guy that you bailed on? The guy that you didn't even say goodbye to? That Phillip?

Olivia: There were reasons for that.

Gus: Ah.

Olivia: Mm-hmm. How is he?

Gus: I really can't answer that for you, honey. Nobody can talk to him since they moved him to Ravenwood.

Olivia: I just can imagine that he feels very alone, and I hate to think of him like that.

Gus: Yeah, well, he knows that I've got his back. He's also got the support of people like Beth and Harley and Rick, and Alan especially.

Olivia: Alan? Yeah, there's a good one. I'm sure he's just devastated that Phillip's out of commission.

Gus: Why don't you watch your...

Olivia: I'm so sorry, I don't mean to insult your dear old dad.

Gus: Why are we having this conversation?

Olivia: Because I want you to know that I'm keeping an eye on you. Phillip will be back, so don't get too comfortable.

Gus: Olivia, let me tell you something: If I decided tomorrow that I want the Spaulding CEO title -- and I don't, but if I did -- there's not a damn thing in the world that you could do about it.

Bill: Hey, guys, just get a little closer here.

Danny: Okay. Nice, nice.

Bill: Very nice.

Michelle: You are going to pay for this.

Danny: Oh, I know.

Photographer: This way, Mrs. Santos.

Michelle: Since when did exploitation become your thing?

Danny: Exploitation? What are you talking about? This campaign is going to bring nothing but good things for the work you're doing on the hotline.

Michelle: Is that why you're doing this? To help us?

Bill: Whoa! What are you doing? Turn around. You're going to ruin the photo.

Danny: I'm extremely proud of the work you're doing. If I didn't want to support you, we'd be doing this photo op at a construction site or the hospital or...

Photographer: Aw! Perfect.

Reporter: You see that, people?

Photographer: Perfect. Keep going. That's a keeper.

Bill: You got it? You got it? Sure?

Danny: Smile. We're being immortalized.

Bill: Thank you, people. Thank you. Let’s... Please, everyone, let's move it over to this side. We'll get some photos over here. Thank you. In the corner, please.

Michelle: I'm sorry. I was just so freaked out. I thought it was just all a political thing.

Bill: Michelle, there's nothing wrong with Danny, showing him helping the people, you know?

Michelle: The people?

Bill: Yeah.

Danny: We will handle things better in the future. Right?

Bill: Yeah. Yeah. But can I get you over here? I want to get a shot of you over by the scales of justice. That'd be nice.

Danny: Come on, are you serious?

Bill: Absolutely. Get over here. Come on. Can we just get a shot over here, please? Right here. Yeah. Right in the corner. Come on, it's nice, it's nice.

Rick: So is this a private party or can anybody crash?

Michelle: Oh, you can. You can, anytime.

Bill: All right. I'm going to go check on Danny, make sure he's doing okay. All right?

Michelle: Okay.

Rick: So Mrs. Santos, what's it like living in a fish bowl?

Michelle: Oh, God. If I didn't think that Danny could do good things for this town, I'd be heading for the hills. It's too much.

Rick: I know, I know. Nothing lasts forever, thank goodness.

Michelle: So tell me about you and Mel. How's she feeling?

Rick: Oh, she's doing great. I mean, she's moved right from morning sickness to nursery planning just like that.

Michelle: Oh, tell me she's not taking on all that decorating for the holidays.

Rick: No, no. Not if I can help it.

Michelle: Good.

Rick: Do you have a minute, or is this a bad time?

Michelle: I'm actually all done here. I'm all yours.

Rick: It's about Dad. He's just... He's been acting weird.

Michelle: Weird?

Rick: Yeah. Just, quiet, secretive. I mean, absolutely no sense of humor at all.

Michelle: Yeah, he has been keeping his distance.

Rick: Well, I'm just... I'm worried about him, Michelle. Do you think there may be some problems that he and Holly might be having?

Michelle: No, I don't think it's Holly.

Rick: Well, it's something. Something's not right. I mean, he came looking for me the other day, and he did not look well.

Michelle: What did he say?

Rick: He asked me to do something for him, something that he asked me not to talk about with anybody. Do you have any clues at all about this?

Michelle: Rick, how much do you remember about Dad's behavior in the '70s. He was drinking heavily then, wasn't he?

Tony: Hey.

Eden: Hi. Don't stop on my account.

Tony: Thought I was the only one that liked to work out late.

Eden: You know, I think I'm going to go for a run. It's a great night.

Tony: It's a great night? Are you crazy? It's freezing, Eden.

Eden: The cold will keep me going. See you.

Tony: You can't even be in the same room with me, can you?

Eden: You know, Tony, everything is just not about you, all right?

Tony: Whoa, whoa. Listen, all I'm just trying to say is that... All right, look, I've been rough on you since I got back to down. I know that. And I'm sorry.

Eden: Yeah, just a little.

Tony: Let me finish, please. I watched you and Bill over at Danny's, okay? I saw the look in your eye. It's the real thing. All right?

Eden: That's what I've been trying to tell you.

Tony: So I am backing off.

Eden: You're going to stay away from me?

Tony: Yeah. Friends? Hmm?

Eden: Friends. Nothing more.

Tony: You have my word. Shake on it? Come on, Eden. What do you have to lose?

Eden: Fine.

Olivia: Harley. Hi. Don't tell me you work here, too.

Harley: Uh, no. Strictly the delivery person. How are you, Olivia?

Olivia: I'm fine, thank you very much. Just... I have to go.

Harley: Listen, Olivia, if there's ever anything I can do.

Olivia: Thank you, but really, I'm fine. I'm really fine, and I do have to go. I'm so sorry.

Harley: See you.

(Knocks on door)

Gus: Yeah?

Harley: Ready for dinner?

Gus: Baby. Yeah, you bet I am. Wow.

Harley: Hi. Well, I figured the Spaulding Executive Dining Room might be closed, so...

Gus: Thank you. My favorite kind of food: The kind that sweats in the bag before you open it.

Harley: Exactly. So how are you, Hon?

Gus: I'm all right.

Harley: Did you buy and sell any small countries today?

Gus: No, that's tomorrow at 4:00. I do that. How's it going for you? What have you been up to?

Harley: My day was pretty uneventful.

Gus: Really?

Harley: Well, not everybody can luck into a successful high-powered job, like you. So how are the other suits dealing with your arrival?

Gus: Not bad. Pretty much Alexandra's the only one that's really gunning for me, you know?

Harley: At least she's living up to your expectations. How about everybody else?

Gus: They're friendly enough, I guess, you know? I guess I'm not as popular as you are.

Harley: What do you mean?

Gus: I mean, oh, your workout partner stopped by. What are you doing, letting Brad Green get so cozy with you?

Harley: I was just doing a favor for Mel. She's representing Marie Green. Otherwise, I wouldn't give Brad Green the time of day.

Gus: Yeah. Apparently you really turned him on. Brad Green couldn't stop talking about you. Maybe it's what you chose to wear at the gym, I don't know.

Harley: He was just spotting me while I was weightlifting.

Gus: Oh. Get the information that you needed?

Harley: It's a start.

Gus: Start for what?

Harley: Are you jealous?

Gus: The guy's a womanizer. The guy's an embezzler.

Harley: It doesn't make him an ax murderer. And I will have you know, sweetheart, that even after the awful stunt that his wife pulled, he still cares about what happens to her. He wants to make sure she doesn't go to prison, that's it.

Gus: Who's this guy? What, does that make him a hero?

Harley: Food's getting cold. Go ahead.

Gus: Are you staying to dinner? I mean...

Harley: Well, I thought you would never ask.

Gus: Because I don't want to eat by myself.

Harley: Okay.

Gus: All right.

Harley: Don't be jealous. Oh, shoot. I didn't bring anything to drink.

Gus: I'll get something.

Harley: Thanks.

Jeffrey: All I'm asking is that you keep your eyes and ears open. See what Gus is working on.

Tony: Here.

Eden: Thanks.

Tony: You're awfully tan, you know?

Eden: Barbados.

Tony: Barbados, huh? How'd you and Bill manage to fit a trip in to Barbados?

Eden: Bill didn't go. I was there on business.

Tony: Business on the beach. That's not bad.

Eden: Yeah. I was trying to raise interest and support for an idea I have to market a whole new line of Bad Girl products all geared to women 18 to 25.

Tony: Sounds like a money-maker.

Eden: Too bad you're not Spaulding Pharmaceuticals' money man. Their CFO, Brad Green, won't fund any new products until I can prove young consumers relate to Bad Girl and that I can draw them in.

Tony: That's a pretty big challenge, don't you think?

Eden: Oh, I know I can do it. I've got this new ad campaign all worked out: Bad Girl with a "Survivor” kind of edge -- challenging women to take it to the extreme.

Tony: Well, good for you. It's a great idea, Eden. Go for it.

Eden: I wish. You know, Alex and I, we blew our budget on the perfume campaign. We don't even have enough money to scout for a new location.

Tony: Wait a second. All you need's a location?

Eden: Yeah.

Tony: Okay. Well, what about the ranch?

Eden: Your ranch?

Tony: Yeah, why not? It's the best nature can offer, plus it's yours, free of charge, if you want it. What do you say?

Eden: What's the hitch?

Tony: No hitch. There is no hitch. I think you've got a great idea. You're on to something, I want to see it go. Okay?

Eden: Thanks.

Tony: We've got a deal?

Eden: Yeah. We've got a deal. (Laughs) You got it.

Danny: Take care. Relax, it's over. You did a great job.

Bill: Well, thank you. But look, Danny, we need to talk before the next media event.

Danny: Why? What's the matter? Problems?

Bill: Yeah, well, one. And it could prove to be a major stumbling block.

Danny: What? What is it?

Bill: Michelle.

Danny: What? What are you talking about? You saw her here tonight. She was great. She won over everybody.

Bill: I mean, she did. She pulled it together. But you weren't here when she had a little run-in with the photographers.

Danny: What do you mean? What happened?

Bill: Well, the guy started snapping photos, she got caught off-guard, and went off on him. Danny, we cannot have that. She's got to realize that you are both in the public eye. There's going to be many times when the media catches her off- guard, but she can't be showing anger or sounding off on them. We can't have that.

Danny: What'd she do to the guy? Throw a punch?

Bill: No. She didn't punch him, but she doesn't have to do that to have this thing blow up in our face. I'm serious about this. They were cool about it, but next time we might not be so lucky. Then we're looking at a headline that says: Santos' Wife Opposes Mayor Run, you know? Something like that. Because they twist these things and make us look bad.

Danny: Hmm.

Bill: I think you ought to sit her down, just talk to her and make her understand that when there are cameras around, she cannot lose her cool.

Danny: No, no way.

Bill: Danny.

Danny: I'm not even going to try.

Bill: Why?

Danny: Bill, I'm not going to start micro-managing my wife just so I can win this election, you know?

Bill: Danny, this could be detrimental to what we're...

Danny: I'm serious. I'm not going to ask Michelle to be someone she's not just so that I can be elected mayor. No. And neither are you. Got it?

Bill: Your call. Your call.

Danny: That's right, it's my call. There's something I want to talk to you about.

Rick: So you think Dad has started drinking again, don't you?

Michelle: No. No, I'm not saying that. I just think that he's acting different.

Rick: All right. Then, what do you think the connection is with the 1970s, then?

Michelle: Well, I just think that everything in his life now seems to be okay, then maybe he's looking back and remembering something from the past. Having regrets.

Rick: It's possible. I mean, I don't remember the consequences of his drinking back then because I was pretty young myself. I do know that he was suspended from the hospital for a while. Could this be connected to the years that he was away, working outside of the country?

Michelle: No, I don’t... I don't think that's it.

Rick: But the fact is, he had a very tough time making the transition back into life here, Michelle.

Michelle: Yeah, but he's really worked through all those issues.

Rick: Michelle, we need to do something here. All right? We need to make some time for our father. So why don't we go up to the Bauer cabin, just the three of us, and it will give him the opportunity to possibly open up to us. What do you say?

Michelle: I think he might think that's entrapment.

Rick: Entrapment. That's just what I need, another lawyer in the family.

Michelle: No, I'm just saying that maybe we shouldn't push him, because if we drag up something he's trying to forget, it might make things worse. A lot worse.

Rick: So why do I get this feeling that you know more than what you're saying?

Michelle: I just think that some people feel that some things are better left buried. That's all.

Harley: Sweetie, dinner's getting cold.

Gus: Okay.

Harley: Oh, to hell with you, O’Neill.

Gus: Oh, man. I ran into this guy in the hallway and he's, like, the head of marketing or something. He wants to talk to me real quick. If I could just find the right file.

Harley: Now?

Gus: Yeah. It won't take a second.

Harley: You're awfully into this, aren't you?

Gus: It's just that, you know, Alan has put so much trust in me. I'm, like, a part of the whole decision-making process right now, you know? He lets me see all the files, all the confidential stuff as well. You know, it's just making me realize I really am a part of all this.

Harley: Yeah, you really are. Go... go talk to your guy. I'm just going to call and check on the kids.

Gus: Just a minute. All right. That's cool.

Harley: Wow, that was fast.

Gus: Yeah. He's on the phone, long-distance, so we're going to just do it later or something. Okay. Ribs.

Harley: You know what, sweetie? I've got to go home. I've got to get back. The sitter's got to go. But you enjoy it. I got it for you.

Gus: Okay, but...

Harley: So enjoy it, and I love you. And don't work too late.

Gus: Okay.

Harley: Okay? (Laughs)

Gus: Thanks for dinner, baby.

Harley: Love you.

Gus: Love you, too.

Jeffrey: Your timing's a little off.

Tony: I get the job done.

Jeffrey: Is that a family trait?

Tony: Do you want the bag or not? If you don't, can the small talk. It gets on my nerves.

Jeffrey: I can wait. Unless you want me to hold the bag for you. You're dropping your guard there. So I heard you bought the Whiskers Fanelli place.

Tony: Yeah, that's right.

Jeffrey: Well. It's funny, I never figured you for a ranch hand.

Tony: I've got a staff.

Jeffrey: It's a big change for a city boy like you.

Tony: Is there a point somewhere in this, huh?

Jeffrey: I'm just admiring, you know, the reformation your family seems to be undergoing?

Tony: You're annoying. You're like one of those little bugs, you know what I mean?

Jeffrey: You mean like a gnat?

Tony: Yeah, that's right. The ones you can spray.

Jeffrey: Hmm. Or swat? Of course you're out of the business now, right -- of taking things out that annoy you?

Tony: We both are. Danny's got his, I've got mine.

Jeffrey: No more errand boy?

Tony: Oh, I'm sorry, man. Did I hurt you? Good recovery, though.

Jeffrey: Thanks. I'm good at holding my turf.

Buzz: Hey, come on in. Let me buy you a cup of coffee.

Ed: Actually, I'm hoping the cold will shock some sense into me.

Buzz: Like someone said: "The past is too much with us."

Ed: Thanks to my daughter. Every time I see her now, she mentions Maryanne's name.

Buzz: Marina, too.

Ed: Where did they even come up with Maryanne Caruthers?

Buzz: Beats me.

Ed: And I know Michelle. I mean, I know her. She's going to keep digging at this. She's going to go after it and after it until she uncovers what happened. And how I'm connected to it.

Buzz: Just don't let her see it getting to you.

Ed: Too late for that. Oh, it's way too late for that. I mean, I can't even look her in the eyes anymore. I avoid her every chance I get. I have gone so far as to change my work schedule at the hospital so I don't run into my own daughter.

Rick: You did what?

Ed: Hey, Rick.

Rick: Hey. What's going on, Dad? Why would you avoid Michelle?

Ed: It was... (Clears throat) It was a professional decision, that's all.

Rick: Well, why? I mean, we've always been able to balance the family/work deal. I mean, that's always been the plan, right?

Ed: Well, you know, Rick, things don't always work out the way they're planned. Now it's done, it's over. Just back off.

Olivia: You know what? I don't think I can do this. The last time Phillip saw me, he went wild.

Christopher: That's because he wasn't prepared before, but he is now.

Olivia: I just really don't want to hurt him.

Christopher: Listen, right now, at this moment, you are his lifeline. His memories of you, his feelings for you.

Olivia: No, no, no, no. For the baby, you mean.

Christopher: And for the baby.

Olivia: How am I going to do this? How am I going to tell him she's gone?

Christopher: You don't have to do it today. But he does have more and more of a recognition of what's real and what's not.

Olivia: So the sooner he deals with the loss, the better.

Christopher: The sooner you both deal with it, you both grieve together.

Olivia: This is not about me. This is about Phillip.

Christopher: Phillip? Olivia is here.

Olivia: Hi.

Christopher: It's okay, Phillip. She's real.

Phillip: You had the baby. Our little girl.

Tony: So I hear you're supporting Danny for mayor. Is that right?

Jeffrey: Who told you that?

Tony: I got sources.

Jeffrey: Sources, huh?

Tony: Yeah, that's right.

Jeffrey: Well, you better check your sources. All I said was that I wasn't going to oppose him.

Tony: Well, you know what? From you... Coming from you, that's an endorsement.

Jeffrey: Come on, man. You're giving me a bad rap here.

Tony: You know what, Jeffrey? I know you've got a wings full of files on the Santos family. You could hurt Danny if you wanted to. So...

Jeffrey: Why would I want to?

Tony: I don't know, a hard-ass DA like yourself wants a guy with Danny's past for mayor? I don't buy it.

Jeffrey: Why wouldn't I? I mean, he's clean now, right?

Tony: Well, you would know.

Jeffrey: You're right, Tony. I would.

Danny: Okay, that's everything from the trunk. Can we get out of here now? Please?

Michelle: I am ready.

Danny: First, I just want to tell you that you were great tonight, and I really appreciate everything you did. I know it was probably a bit of a surprise to you having the media storm in like that the way they did.

Michelle: Oh, it's not just having them here.

Danny: No? Then what?

Michelle: Well, I mean, what are the limits, Danny? Are there any?

Danny: Limits? Limits to what?

Michelle: I mean, where do we draw the line, you know, between what's ours and what's okay for public consumption? I guess I should have thought of all that before, but I mean, just because you're running for public office, does that give the media the right to not only dig into our past, but pick over our family and shed light on things that might be better left secret?

Danny: What have we got to hide? I mean, the town already knows all about the Santos family, they know about my past, and everything that Carmen has done to this town. I've come clean about all of it.

Michelle: And what if there's more?

Danny: There isn’t. I swear.

Michelle: No. No, not just with you, but with any of us. You know? My family, yours. I mean, we're all going to be under scrutiny when this race starts heating up. How are we going to protect ourselves?

Danny: We can’t. We can’t. But whatever the media comes up with, true or not true, we'll handle it together. Okay? Don't look so worried. We're going to face it together. We've faced everything together. There's nothing we can't face together. Don't you know that by now? Come here.

Rick: All right, Dad, look. I didn't mean to push you on this, but I just... I just don't get it. I don't understand what's going on here.

Ed: Right. Rick, look, it's just that our family has always been too big a presence at the hospital, you know? So I don't want other members of the staff coming around and thinking that Michelle is getting special treatment or something like that because she's my daughter.

Rick: But no one's ever complained about that.

Ed: They're not going to complain to you, Rick, are they? I mean, they're going to come to me, and that's why I changed my hours and everything. So what about that envelope I gave you?

Rick: It's right here. Nobody's prints are on there except yours and Michelle’s. So who's prints were you hoping to find?

Ed: It doesn't matter now. Thanks.

Rick: Dad?

Buzz: Ed, wait.

Ed: Not now.

Harley: What's wrong with Ed? Did he have an emergency at the hospital or something?

Buzz: What are you doing here? What, Gus didn't like the House Special?

Harley: No, he loved it. I just need a dad fix, that's all.

Buzz: You came to the right place. Come on.

Harley: It's cold.

Buzz: What is it? Trouble at the home front?

Harley: Oh, I'm having a problem dealing with secrets and lies.

Buzz: Who's been lying to you?

Harley: I'm the liar. I keep telling myself I'm doing it to protect the people that I love, but now I can't look the people I love in the eye. Well, one person, anyway.

Buzz: Well, sometimes it's okay not to be Ms. Tell-It-As-It-Is, you know, if you care about somebody who might hurt.

Harley: That's not what I tell my kids, Dad.

Buzz: And I've been a longtime advocate of lying for a good reason. Just so you don't hurt people.

Harley: What about the guilt?

Buzz: Are we talking conscience? Well, you know, every once in a while, the little bugger will give you a poke or two, just because it doesn't understand that you're doing the wrong thing for the right reason.

Harley: How do you deal with it?

Buzz: Guilt?

Harley: Yes.

Buzz: (Sighs) You would think I would be the one to know how to do that, but I'm not. Not by a long shot.

Eden: Anybody home?

Gus: Nope. Just us corporate types.

Eden: Really? Big change from Springfield PD, huh?

Gus: Yeah. What are you doing here so late?

Eden: I thought Alexandra might still be around. I wanted to give her the good news. Your little sister is going to be a household name soon. And this time next year, I will have an office just like this one, right next to yours.

Gus: Yeah, well, you'll be all alone. I'm not interested. I'm a cop, I'm not a suit.

Eden: Okay. But CEO of Spaulding might not be too tough to take. I could get used to being a mover and shaker.

Gus: I'll cheer you on.

Eden: You know? Look at us, Nicky. We came from the streets, and look where we landed.

Gus: We didn't even have to break in this time, huh?

Eden: Oh, they rolled out the red carpet for you. And you are heir to the throne. You know, if we play our cards right, we could rule this empire.

Gus: What kind of power trip are you on?

Eden: Oh, I'm just kidding, Nicky. (Laughs) Just kidding.

Olivia: (Sobs)

Phillip: Why the tears? This is what I've been waiting for.

Olivia: No, it isn’t.

Phillip: I don't understand.

Christopher: Phillip, just listen.

Olivia: (Sighs) I know how much you loved our baby. We both did.

Phillip: Has something happened to the baby?

Olivia: I'm so sorry, Phillip. I'm so sorry.

Phillip: No.

Olivia: You need to know.

Phillip: No. No. (Whimpering) No. I did it. I killed my child. I killed my child.

Harley: Next, on Guiding Light:

Josh: So Michelle won't let it go.

Ed: I don't understand what the hell is going on.

Phillip: I killed her?

Olivia: No, you can't even think that.

Phillip: I killed my little girl?

Olivia: No.

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