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Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 12/17/03
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Provided by Boo
Proofread by Hijrah
Cassie: Absolutely delicious.
Edmund: Well, shall we place another order?
Cassie: I'm sorry. It didn't seem like you were very hungry.
Edmund: No.
Cassie: Besides I've have got to get all stocked up on the carbs. It is that time of year, you know.
Tammy: Oh, no. It's starting.
Edmund: What is it?
Tammy: Oh, the shopping the, the caroling, the list making, the decorating. Mom gets a little crazy at Christmas time ( Laughs)... but it's great.
Cassie: I am serious about Christmas.
Edmund: Well, I'm glad. Because in a way this will be my first Christmas.
Tammy: Why do you say that?
Edmund: Because it'll be the first time I'm spending it with family.
Cassie: Guess who gets to wear the Santa hat?
Edmund: Oh. Does that mean I also get to decide who's been naughty and nice?
Cassie: No. I get to make that list. And you better not on my bad side.
Edmund: Hmm.
Tammy: She means that.
Cassie: (Laughs)
Frank: You know I've always been afraid of your mother.
Cassie: Hey, I like that in a man. (Laughter ) Hey, you know what? I think we need the check. We got to get Juliet to rehearsal. And then...
Edmund: And then what?
Cassie: Christmas shopping!
Edmund: Oh.
Cassie: (Laughs)
Frank: Here you go.
Edmund: Thanks, Frank.
Frank: Okay.
Buzz: What are you doing lurking around here? I mean I have plenty of help, it's not busy, and there's a rumor you're the Chief of Police.
Frank: Just because I'm living with a woman now doesn't mean I can't come by and see my family here. Besides, I was hoping to run into Marina.
Buzz: She should be around here in a while.
Frank: Good. She's cancelled out on the last two movie nights and I'm feeling a little rejected.
Buzz: Frank, be glad you have a daughter that makes dates with you in the first place. I mean there are plenty of kids out there that don't know what it likes to have a normal relationship with their parents.
Sandy: Okay, you know what? Joey, watching Kill Bill three times does not qualify as practice for the sword fight.
Joey: Yeah, but that movie really kills...
Sandy: You have to think fencing, not samurai.
Joey: Okay. So what do we got to do?
Sandy: We have to choreograph this thing.
Joey: There's no way I'm dancing with you, man.
Sandy: I'm not asking. Look, we just have to make it look believable and keep it safe. All right, I don't get college credit if anyone dies on my watch.
Joey: All right. So you know how to fence?
Sandy: Well, I rented a video and I think it looks a little bit like this. So en garde, Romeo. Pick up the sword.
Marah: What were we thinking agreeing to this? I thought it was going to be one simple question and that's it. But that's not it.
Michelle: I don't want to push my dad anymore. I mean the mere mention of Maryanne Caruthers' name, and he just shuts down. I've never ever seen him like this.
Marina: Yeah, my grandfather has never been this evasive before.
Marah: And my dad has enough to deal with, with Shayne.
Marina: You guys, look, maybe the key is just bringing it up without actually bringing it up.
Marah: Oh, and how would we do that, exactly?
Marina: You know, just like slip it in the conversation some how.
Marah: “Yeah, hey, dad, how are you doing? Oh, and by the way, how were you doing in the late '70s?”
Carrie: Don't tell me, you girls, have lost your nerve already. I was expecting more grit from the three of you. After all, it's only one little question.
Michelle: I think we all know that it's bigger than that.
Marina: Yeah, I mean going through cemeteries and archives is one thing, but dragging my grandfather and Dr. Bauer back into a past they want nothing to do with...
Michelle: Yeah, I know we made a commitment, but I hate doing this.
Marah: You know, we just need to get this over with. As soon as possible for everybody's sake.
Carrie: Well, fine. That's what I expected of you. No more and no less.
Josh: When are you going to learn to keep the door locked, young lady?
Marah: Locked, unlocked, people can get in anyway if they really want to.
Josh: Well, thank you. That makes me feel a whole lot better. So my beautiful daughter wants to take me out to brunch. Where are we off to?
Marah: Well, actually I bought food, so I figured we could just eat here if that's okay with you?
Josh: Sure. Sounds good.
Marah: Because I sort of need your help with a project.
Josh: Really?
Marah: Yeah.
Josh: Isn't that more your mom's department? (Laughs)
Marah: Oh, you under estimate yourself. You have very good taste. Besides this is more of a history project. History fashion...
Josh: Oh, my. Yes, okay, well, I will admit to at one time owning pants just like that. But in my defense, everybody was wearing them in those days.
Marah: Good. Good. That's what I want to know what the real people were wearing, not the people that went to Studio 54.
Josh: Well, except for this pants, you know, I was pretty much a basic, you know, button down shirt kind of guy. I mean, I... Your mother on the hand...
Marah: So you were Mr. Average College Guy back then?
Josh: Yes, I was exactly like I am right now -- only younger of course. You know, if this is leading to that conversation about whether or not I inhaled, I'd rather not go there.
Marah: No, Dad, it has nothing to do with that. I want to get a feel for the time.
Josh: Okay.
Marah: Did you ever visit Springfield back then?
Josh: Yes, I did. Once or twice because Billy was researching the possibility of doing business here.
Marah: Oh. Well, that must have been fun, you two hanging out?
Josh: Yeah, it was okay.
Marah: Tell me about it.
Josh: (Laughs nervously) This is not about fashion in the '70s, is it? You just... you want to know more about my life back then.
Ed: I'm not going to lick envelopes.
Michelle: Well, who asked you to? See, that’s what this little spongy thing is for.
Ed: I thought we kind of agreed I was going to steer clear of the campaign.
Michelle: Well, I never agreed to that.
Ed: Honey, why are you making this so difficult?
Michelle: It doesn't have to be.
Ed: Yeah, sure, as long as I do what you tell me to do. Jump on the Danny for Mayor band wagon, right?
Michelle: Oh, Dad.
Ed: Honey, I'm not a political animal. I'm just a doctor, you know. Maybe if one of the candidates needs a conscience I'll arrange for a transplant.
Michelle: Well, Danny’s not a politician. And he's got a heart and he's got a conscience. And he's going to do great things for Springfield with or without the support of his father-in-law.
Ed: I wasn't talking about Danny. Look, I'll just... I'll leave the cheesy jokes to your brother, okay?
Michelle: Okay, good. Because I didn't ask you here to talk about Danny’s campaign. I actually need your help with something else.
Ed: (Sighs) Thank God. All right, shoot. Go ahead.
Michelle: Well, you know, I've been spending a lot of hours working at the hotline center, and I've been getting a lot of calls from young people struggling with addictions, which is very upsetting.
Ed: Must be.
Michelle: And I just realized that I don't really know as much as I should. You know, you and Mom, I think protected me a lot when things weren't so good.
Ed: We tried.
Michelle: I was just hoping that maybe you could help me understand what drives a person to alcohol or drugs or even gambling, all the same loss of control, right?
Ed: Pretty much.
Michelle: And I just want to understand what triggers it. What makes a person want something that they know that they shouldn't have.
Ed: Alcoholism is a disease. I mean I can't speak for the others.
Michelle: Okay, well, then... then in your own experience, in your own situation, was there certain things that maybe sent you... were guarantees to send you back into drinking, or was it like an escape?
Edmund: Yeah. Escape is a big part of it.
Michelle: I'm sorry if this is painful for you.
Ed: It's all right. I mean if it helps somebody else, that's fine.
Michelle: I know that a lot of your rough times happened before I was born, like, you know, in the '70s. How was your life then?
Frank: Yeah, I don't mind. Seriously. I...
Marina: Hey, Daddy. Hey, Grandpa.
Frank: Hey, there's my little girl.
Marina: Oh, God, it's dead in here.
Buzz: Good.
Marina: Yeah, I need some peace and quiet, and the scarf is stuck in my earring.
Frank: Well, let me help you. You're right, it is stuck in your earring. There you go.
Marina: Thanks. Bye, Dad.
(Buzz laughs)
Frank: What? Oh, no, you don’t.
(Marina laughs)
Frank: You can't get rid of me that easily.
Marina: No, I just... I have a lot of stuff to do and I don't have very much time. So...
Frank: Well, then I'll just stay here and by quiet. What? You don't think I can stay here and by quiet? Come on, give me a break.
Marina: Look, I'll call you... I'll call you as I'm done, okay? The sooner I get done, the sooner I'm going to call you.
Frank: All right, well, I'll just check in with you later then.
Marina: Okay. Go buy me a Christmas present. I like clothes.
Buzz: So what do you've got there?
Marina: I'm doing a paper from my history class, politics of the '70s. I don't want it to really, you know, just be about politics though. I kind of would like for it to be about people and the culture.
Buzz: Well, that would be more interesting.
Marina: Yeah.
Buzz: What's the problem?
Marina: I can't really write if I wasn't alive then. You were alive then.
Buzz: Yes, I was. Amazing, huh?
Marina: Yeah, you think I could pick your brain a little?
Buzz: There's not much left to pick. What do you want to know?
Marina: Everything. You know, we're supposed to, like, paint a picture of a person's life and I'd really like for that person to be you.
Buzz: Oh, no, no, no...
Marina: Okay, okay. Let's start with pop culture. Do you like the Bee Gees or ABBA?
Buzz: Led Zeppelin.
Marina: Led Zeppelin was around back then?
Buzz: Yes.
Marina: Was it on eight track?
Buzz: Yes.
Marina: Oh. Bionic Woman or Wonder Woman?
Buzz: Neither.
Marina: Yeah, you're right. That's too girly. All In the Family or M*A*S*H?
Buzz: Neither. I didn't catch much television back then, you know.
Marina: That's right. You were in Vietnam for most the ‘70s, right?
Buzz: The ‘70s, yeah. And then I sort of went underground for a while. Quite a while.
Maria: So are saying you weren't in Springfield at all in the '70s?
Sandy: Grab, spin, push off. Okay. It's not a bat. Don't swing it.
Joey: I know.
Sandy: Think: cut to it, not through it. You know what? Star Wars. There we go. Think light saber. How about that?
Joey: All right.
Sandy: Okay. Let's try again. You know what? Good sound effects. But apparently the force is not with us today.
Cassie: Okay, you know what? Why don't you go and put him out of his misery, please.
Edmund: Right.
Cassie: Mm-hmm.
Edmund: Joey, at this rate I don't think Romeo is going to have a chance to die for love.
Joey: Why can't we just have a fist fight like normal people?
Edmund: Because you can’t. Now, left arm up behind you for balance.
Joey: Like that?
Edmund: Close. Step back. Behind you, tilt forward, sword up. Better. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interfere.
Sandy: No, please. Interfere. You'll be doing me a favor.
Joey: And me.
Edmund: All right. Think of it as an extension of your arm. I'm going to strike once at your body. Just go slowly. Shoulder, knee shoulder, knee. Shoulder, knee. Relax. Thrust. Thrust. Thrust. Keep locked there. Turn around. Drop my arm. There. Not bad. Shoulder, knee. Shoulder, knee. Shoulder, knee. Thrust. Thrust. Stick it. Good. Corps-a-corps. Come through. And tibble.
Joey: Thanks. You really helped.
Edmund: Well, I'm glad. Keep practicing. It'll get easier.
Sandy: Thank you.
Edmund: My pleasure.
Sandy: Okay, everyone in Act Three, see me over in the corner.
Tammy: Hey, you. You and Edmund look good up there.
Joey: What's this?
Tammy: What does it look like? It's a present from Juliet to her Romeo.
Joey: It's not Christmas yet.
Tammy: I can take it back.
Joey: Wait a second. This looks just like...
Tammy: I bought one for Edmund and it just looked so nice on him that I thought...
Joey: Tammy, it's nothing like me.
Tammy: It could be.
Joey: Tam, seriously.
Tammy: I think you look great. But if you go out, I thought maybe you might want to dress up a little bit more, like, if we went to the country club.
Joey: Country club?
Tammy: Who knows, it could be fun. I thought you'd like the scarf.
Joey: Why? Because Edmund did? Tammy, we're nothing alike. I'm as far from a prince as you can get. Thanks for the present though.
Cassie: Looks like Tammy's trying to give Joey a make-over.
Edmund: You know, I seem to recall Joey's mother trying to give me a manicure.
Lizzie: Nice scarf.
Joey: You think so?
Lizzie: (Laughs)
Joey: It was really nice of Tammy to get me a gift and everything, but...
Lizzie: It's not you, though, is it?
Joey: Not even close. You know, I feel like she's trying to change me.
Lizzie: Why would she ever want to do that? You're so great the way you are. (Laughs)
Edmund: Oh, no, you don’t.
Cassie: That little brat. She's trying to make a move on Joey while Tammy's running her lines.
Edmund: Tammy has nothing to worry about.
Cassie: Yeah. Oh, no.
Lizzie: (Laughs)
Edmund: Where do you think you're going?
Cassie: I'm going to straighten out Lizzie Spaulding once and for all.
Edmund: You think Tammy will appreciate you straightening out Lizzie Spaulding in a roomful of her peers?
Cassie: Maybe not.
Edmund: Definitely not. And watch this.
Cassie: I cannot stand here and watch this.
Edmund: Obviously not. As it is my job to keep you in the Christmas spirit and distracted, let's get out of here. Now.
(Knock at the door)
Harley: Hi.
Frank: Come on. Let's go do some Christmas shopping. You haven't even finished Christmas tree yet. Then I know you haven't done any Christmas shopping.
Harley: Well, you don't know that.
Frank: I know that.
Harley: All right, I haven't done any Christmas shopping. What?
Frank: Well, come on. Listen, I'm going to take you shopping, all right. And I'm going to take my favorite little sister, going get some lunch, maybe to a movie. I'm going to get you back in perfect time to pick up the boys from Blake’s. Now come on, get your coat.
Harley: I can’t.
Frank: Yes. What do you mean you can't?
Harley: I'm working. Look, I'm working. That's why the boys are at Blake’s.
Frank: Oh, come on, Sis. Great. Well, that means I've been rejected by every family member now. At least you're not acting as weird as Dad and Marina.
Harley: Yeah, what is up with Dad and Marina anyway? Every time I ask him just a simple question, they get all spooky on me.
Frank: I don't know. But I'm giving them plenty of time to work things through, but they better hurry up, because the clock is ticking here and I don't want them put a damper on the old Cooper Christmas.
Harley: Don't you mean your first Christmas with Darci, your honey bunny?
Frank: Sis, shut up.
Harley: (Baby talk) Did you buy her a present yet?
Frank: Shut up.
Harley: (Laughs)
Frank: You're so weird. No, I was hoping you could help me out with that.
Harley: I'll help. Sure. What do you want to get, like, fun and practical, or you're thinking jewelry? You're thinking jewelry. Oh, my gosh. This is serious. Oh, that's cool. I like her. But more importantly I like it that we're both happy at the same time. When's the last time that's happened?
Frank: No, no, you're right. But that's why I want Dad and Marina to be happy, too.
Harley: Oh, honey, you can't solve everybody's problems. But you can buy their love. And mine’s especially is for sale. So when you're out there and you're fighting the masses think pink and think cashmere.
(Frank laughs)
Harley: Thank you. (Laughs)
Frank: I love you. See you.
Harley: I'll see you. Have fun.
Frank: Oh, pray.
Michelle: What happened back then, Dad? I mean, I think I'm old enough to know now, right?
Ed: Honey, you know that I am not proud of the life that I lived back then.
Michelle: Was it because of something that you did?
Ed: More something that I didn't do, you know. I checked out. I checked out from my friends, my family. I checked out from entire life practically.
Michelle: Dad, you always give me the broad strokes. Why is that?
Edmund: Maybe because I feel that I've told you everything that you really need to know. The important thing is what keeps me from drinking now. Not what started it. You already know that I'm a recovering alcoholic. You know that I live my life one day at a time. It's this emphasis on the past that is irrelevant that I don't understand.
Michelle: Well, it relevant to me. I mean, it's relevant to my callers.
Ed: Okay. All right.
Michelle: Now you went back and forth between drinking and not drinking. So what makes a man who fought so hard to stay on the wagon fall off the wagon again? I mean what is it? What is it that set you off?
Ed: In the first place, what make you so sure that's just one thing?
Michelle: I'm not. I'm not. I mean I'm just asking.
Ed: I mean my life was a mess for a lot of reason, not just one thing. You know, alcohol there is sort of numbing, you know, it makes you forget.
Michelle: Forget what? Forget what?
Ed: (Laughs) Forget a lot of things.
Michelle: Like what things? One of things may be Maryanne Caruthers.
Ed: Michelle, we've gone over this and over this. I don't know anybody by that name. See, I don't know a Maryanne Caruthers. What I don't understand is why the hell you keep bringing her up.
Marina: What's wrong with me wanting to know about your life?
Buzz: Nothing. I'm pleased. That's sweet. But I want you to know the man I am now. I wouldn't want you hanging around the guy I was back then.
Marina: I love you, past, present and future. You know that.
Buzz: I really don't want to remember the guy I was back then.
Marina: Just tell me a few stories then.
Buzz: I went AWOL from the Marines. I came back to Springfield for a couple of days and I went AWOL from my family for 15 years. That's the end of the story.
Marina: But you saw Dad and Aunt Harley and Grandma. How could you leave after that?
Buzz: Never saw them. I didn't even know Harley existed at that point.
Marina: Well, why didn't you see them? What happened?
Buzz: I was in trouble. I didn't want to bring them into it.
Marina: What kind of trouble were you in?
Buzz: (Laughs) I went AWOL. They didn't know that. They thought I was a hero. I wanted to leave with that impression. Nothing could have been farther from the truth.
Marina: So, what were you doing in Springfield if you weren't with the family?
Buzz: I was just around.
Marina: Was Maryanne Caruthers around then, too?
Buzz: Why do you keep bring up that name? Did someone put you up to this?
Josh: So why the sudden interest in my past?
Marah: I'm just curious. You know, you had a life before you had me and I really don't know much about it. You know, I know you played baseball and Uncle Billy played football, but what did you like? What kind of classes did you take?
Josh: Okay. All right. Okay. I used to read a lot. I liked Dickens and Faulkner. I'll tell you something, though. I didn't know the difference between a Monet and a Renoir in spite of all the slides we used to look at in class. In fact, I'm guessing that your artistic talent did not come from me.
Marah: Right. What about... what about friends? What about girls?
Josh: (Laughs) I didn't really date a whole lot in those days. I mean your mother and I were not really... There wasn't anybody special, let's put it that way.
Marah: Well, what about someone not so special? I mean I'm sure you broke a lot of hearts.
Josh: Not really. No.
Marah: What about Maryanne Caruthers?
Josh: Marah, sweetheart...
Marah: What?
Josh: You don't really want know more about your dear, old dad, do you? You just want to know more about this woman. This woman that I've already told you I have never even met.
Marah: Dad, that's not...
Josh: I said that I don't know her. And I want to know why you keep bringing her up. I want to know right now.
Marah: If I'd known I was going to upset you...
Josh: I'm not upset. I'm curious, that's all. In the same way that you're curious. Why are you so stuck on this woman?
Marah: I'm not stuck on her. I don't even care about Maryanne Caruthers. I care about you. I just... I wanted to know more.
Josh: Why don't I believe that?
Marah: I don't know. Dad, you always taught us to question.
Josh: I thought I also taught you about respect, Marah.
Marah: Dad.
Josh: I don't want to hear this woman's name again. You understand that? Ever again. Is that clear?
Marah: Okay.
Josh: Thank you. I appreciate that. I have to go. I'll be back later to see Shayne.
(Door Shuts) yeah, it's me. I just went another round with Marah. (Sighs)
Josh: Yeah, I know that, Billy. I just... Well, she's getting a lot closer. She's got a time frame now. We keep shutting the door, but somebody obviously keeps opening it. Yeah. Yeah, I hear you, okay. Okay.
Michelle: Dad, what is it? Every time I mention Maryanne Caruthers's name, it's like... it's like you're a different person.
Ed: I'm not a different person. I'm just wondering when my word stopped meaning anything to you.
Michelle: It didn’t. It didn’t. It means everything to me. But you were drinking back then so maybe... maybe you don't remember everything.
Ed: I remember everything.
Michelle: Then why is it that I feel like you're hiding something from me?
Ed: Maybe because I am.
Michelle: Dad.
Ed: I have never kept my drinking a secret from you, but that doesn't mean that I feel obligated to paint you a picture.
Michelle: I understand that, but it still weighs on you and I can see it...
Ed: Of course it weighs on me! I mean, I practically destroyed my life. But what I don't understand is why you leap to this assumption, right, that all my problems, all my troubles are because of this one person!
Michelle: Because I've received that letter. I received it for a reason. It has to mean something.
Ed: Well, it doesn't mean anything to me. Except maybe that my daughter now believes an anonymous scrap of paper about some made-up person and not me.
Michelle: So you think she's not real?
Ed: I think she's not real to me.
Michelle: Dad.
Ed: She is not real to me.
Michelle: I'm sorry, Dad.
Buzz: Where is all this coming from?
Marina: I don't know. Look, it was just an anonymous note, okay. It's not a big deal. I'm allowed to be curious. You've had quite a life.
Buzz: Had? I still have a few tents to pitch, young lady. I love that you want to know about my past. Okay. I mean, most grandparents have to pay their kids to listen to them. But, really, in this case, that's all I have to tell.
Marina: Well, then what did that note mean?
Buzz: It meant absolutely nothing to me, like my misspent youth. Now, do you have a paper to finish or were you making that up?
Marina: Of course not.
Buzz: Am I the only person around here who works?
Edmund: All right, three guesses. The first two don't count. Where are we? Inhale.
Cassie: A-ha. The trees give it away. We're at Company. What, are you hungry because I ate all your pancakes?
Edmund: Yes, I am, but that's not why we're here.
Cassie: It's tree time?
Edmund: That's right, little missy. Now, don't open your eyes yet. Don't open your eyes. I want you to imagine. I want you to imagine our tree. The lights twinkling, the baubles baubling. Now, how do you do this?
Cassie: You've never done this before?
Edmund: No, no, it's yet another first in the life of Edmund Winslow.
Cassie: Oh. Okay. The first thing in picking out the best tree is you always got to look in the back, because that's where they put the best ones.
Edmund: All right.
Cassie: Okay, and then we need to look at the height. We need to see how full it is. We need to find a very straight trunk. We haven't even gotten started on the needles. Short or long?
Edmund: Wow. This is complicated business. Should we... should we involve the children?
Cassie: No way.
Edmund: Why not?
Cassie: Well, because they're big fans of Charlie Brown's Christmas, and all they want to do is save the smallest tree.
Edmund: Even Tammy?
Cassie: Especially Tammy.
Edmund: Oh, all right. All right. Let's take the plunge. I'll look for the needles, you look for the best trunk, and I think between the two of us, we'll probably figure out how to get the tree. Do we start in the back and start...
Cassie: (Laughs)
Edmund: Hey, Buzz.
Cassie: Hey, Buzz.
Frank: Hey, Pop, thanks for a great day. Hey, guys.
Edmund: Frank.
Cassie: Someone is not in the Christmas spirit.
Edmund: Uh-huh, no, I know that look.
Cassie: No, not anymore you don't because we're going to find our perfect tree.
Edmund: Right, tree.
Cassie: That's in the front.
Edmund: That's in the front.
Cassie: You're starting wrong.
Tammy: "Oh, Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name..."
Joey: Wait, wait, wait. Hold on one second. I don’t... I don't get it. Why is Juliet asking where I am?
Tammy: She's not asking where. She's asking, "Why are you called Romeo?"
Joey: Well, then why don't we just say that?
Tammy: Because it's Shakespeare. You should hear Edmund explain it.
Joey: Edmund's not here. So do you mind explaining the rest to me about the whole father stuff?
Tammy: She wishes he had a different name.
Joey: Other than Romeo?
Tammy: Other than Montague. See, if he belonged to a different family, he would still be the man she loves, except they wouldn't be torn apart by their families.
Joey: I get it. So, they're hot for each other no matter what. Got it.
Lizzie: Okay, if you have something to say, then just say it.
Rosaline: Oh, we were just talking about how appropriate the casting was.
Lizzie: And how would that be?
Rosaline: You being a nurse. With your dad on the funny farm and all.
Lizzie: Oh, well, lucky thing about the casting. You have no lines. You need to practice in shutting up. I am more than prepared for people to make jokes about me, but not about my dad.
Sandy: It looked like you handled yourself pretty well.
Lizzie: Well, I've been trying, right? But it doesn't mean it matters at all.
Sandy: It matters.
Lizzie: I'm never going to fit in, Sandy.
Sandy: Some of the most... coolest people never fit into high school.
Lizzie: What, like you?
Sandy: Exactly. Look, one day you won't care so much. Until then, keep your hat up. Don't let them see when they get to you.
Lizzie: That's my family's mantra. Thanks for reminding me.
Marina: So how did we all do?
Michelle: Oh, you're asking did I insult my father and strain our otherwise perfect relationship? Then I cleaned up. How about you guys?
Marah: Oh, same here. He shut me down cold.
Marina: You guys, I told my grandfather I was doing a history paper. He actually believed he was helping me and then I dropped this bomb on him. I mean, you should have seen his face. He felt... lousy. You know. I feel like such a bad granddaughter.
Michelle: This is really getting harder and harder. And I don't think it's worth it anymore.
Carrie: Cold feet, ladies? That must be very, very uncomfortable.
Michelle: We're helping a woman that we've never ever met before, while we're hurting the people that we love most in the world.
Marah: I know. These are our dads and grandfather.
Marina: Yeah, and we're lying to them. I don't really care if we ever solve this thing.
Carrie: I see. You don't care. You know that something terrible has happened, and you don't care. What does that say about you?
Michelle: It says that it's none of our business.
Carrie: Oh, I think it's very much your business, so much so that you cannot bear to hear the truth.
Tammy: "Sweet, so would I. Yet I should kill thee with much cherishing. Goodnight, goodnight. Parting is such sweet sorrow that I shall say goodnight till it be morrow."
Sandy: And scene. All right, good work. Bring it in, everyone. Bring it in. Look, Joey did the right thing back there. If you don't know something, ask. And what makes this play still interesting is that it's still real to us.
Rosaline: I don't know any kids who'd die for love.
Sandy: Maybe not, but the play just isn't about love, it's also about hate. And how it divides and hurts everyone involved. Now, we may not use swords anymore, but words can do just as much damage. So let's be kinder to each other. All right? All right. That's a wrap for today. Tomorrow at 4:00, I'll see you all here. You're not early, you're already late.
Tammy: Joey, I'm... About before…
Joey: Stop, don't worry about it. It's not a big deal. I know you just want all this to be perfect. So, just forget about it, okay?
Edmund: Tammy, you ready? Your mother and I have a surprise for you.
Tammy: Joey, I got to go. I'll call you.
Lizzie: So, Joey, you need a ride home? My driver's out front. We can run lines if you want. You can run them on me.
Joey: Thanks, Lizzie.
Lizzie: Oh, uh... you might not want to forget this.
Carrie: Did it never occur to you that your parents and loved ones might do something that you would find incredibly shocking?
Marina: What are you talking about?
Carrie: Have you never looked just below the surface of this sleepy, little town? Things are not what they seem.
Marah: You're implying that our parents are not what they seem. You're wrong. I can't keep hurting somebody who's spent his whole life protecting me.
Carrie: Well, that's his job description. Fathers protect daughters. What do you do for them?
Marah: Not open painful wounds.
Carrie: Well, what if you could heal them? What if keeping this terrible secret all these years has eaten away into their souls? What if shining some light on it would help them to mend? But I'm not here to convince you of anything. You're free to go. You can walk out of here whenever you please. You can forget completely about the name Maryanne Caruthers. You can go back to believing that life here in Springfield is perfect. Go, now's your moment. But I can’t. I'll never go. I have to see this through to the finish. All right, ladies, what's it going to be? Are you in or are you out?
Marina: I'm still in.
Marah: Me, too.
Michelle: Well, I'm out.
Buzz: Don't do this, Ed. Once a year on October 17th. That's what we agreed.
Ed: It's getting harder.
Buzz: I know. Let's go.
Next on Guiding Light...
Gus: Guess I'm not as popular as you are.
Harley: What do you mean?
Gus: Well, I mean, oh, your workout partner stopped by. What are you doing letting Brad Green get so cozy with you?
Phillip: She's back with my daughter. With my little girl?
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