[an error occurred while processing this directive] GL Transcript Monday 7/21/03 [an error occurred while processing this directive]
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Guiding Light Transcript Monday 7/21/03

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Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Cassie: Mr. Hendon? Can I help you with something? Everything all right?

Mitch: Hello Mrs. Winslow. This isn't your problem.

Cassie: This is my hotel. Everything that happens here is my problem. Why don't we go inside and we'll talk about it, all right?

Mitch: Stop. You don’t understand.

Cassie: Yes, I do.

Edmund: Good seeing you. You take care. Excuse me. Have you seen Cassie anywhere?

Josh: I haven't seen her.

Edmund: She should be here any minute now. We have a date.

Josh: Really? Well that's great. Good for you. Nice seeing you.

Edmund: Wait, Josh, Josh. I have a proposition for you. May I buy you a drink?

Josh: Sure, why not?

Edmund: Great, you want a beer?

Josh: No, actually I'll have a vodka martini straight up.

Edmund: I'll have a beer. Remember these? You drew them up for Cassie.

Josh: The plans for the Jessup farm. Richard and Cassie wanted to move in there.

Edmund: How would you feel about taking on the job now.

Josh: For you?

Edmund: For Cassie’s kids. I want them to have a yard to play in and a place to grow up.

Josh: Are you asking me to renovate the farm for you and Cassie?

Tony: Here, go ahead. This is what we are going to do. We are going to get a pen and a pad and write down all your alibis on paper, all right?

Eden: You don't have to do this.

Tony: I have to do this. That's the only way to convince the cops that you're not a killer.

Eden: Bill thinks I’m a liar, Gus thinks I’m a liar.

Tony: I don't want to you worry about it. I'm going to handle it.

Marah: Hey, I’m back!

Olivia: What are you doing here?

Phillip: Waiting for to you take a break.

Olivia: I'm the boss lady. I don't take a break.

Phillip: Olivia, I know the next birthing class is soon. I'll pick you up.

Olivia: You're not my partner.

Phillip: You need a partner for those classes.

Olivia: Not you.

Phillip: You need a partner for those classes.

Olivia: I have a partner:.

Phillip: Oh, yeah? Who.

Olivia: Cassie. Cassie's my new coach.

Gus: The way things are coming down, we have to rearrange... The police lineup just to get a formal I.D..

Jeffrey: In the meantime we have Hendon's statement. Counselor, how are you? Are you here officially?

Ross: I'm representing Mitch Hendon at the arrest and arraignment. That's all.

Jeffrey: Okay, good. Is he ready to go?

Ross: He wants to cooperate fully.

Jeffrey: Well, great. Where is he?

Ross: He's in there making a call. He will be done in a minute.

Cassie: Excuse me.

Mitch: Make everything for after 2:00.

Cassie: Thanks. Okay. Let's just hang on a minute, Mr. Hendon. May I call you Mitch? I think if we calm down for a minute, we could... No need to call the cops. They're already on the way. Is that the problem?

Mitch: Not mine. By the time they get here, it will be too late.

Cassie: That door locks from the inside.

Mitch: I can't let you go for help. Nobody can stop me, lady. Nobody.

Gus: Come on, Ross, where is he?

Ross: I told Mitch that you were on your way. He'll be here.

Jeffrey: Phillip. Good to see you. What are you up to?

Phillip: Just hanging out, watching the boss lady work.

Jeffrey: The other boss lady. I've only had the pleasure of dealing with the charming Mrs. Winslow.

Phillip: Cassie is a lovely person.

Jeffrey: If you say so.

Phillip: No, Olivia is her partner, Olivia Spencer.

Jeffrey: Right. Will you excuse me? Hello.

Olivia: Mr. O’Neill. What can we do for you?

Jeffrey: Well, you know, it's something you might be able to do for yourself.

Olivia: Really, what's that?

Jeffrey: Put your partner on a leash. Okay? She's irrational and her silly grudges are going to cost you business. They already have.

Olivia: I've heard. Your things are already out of your room, Mr. O’Neill.

Jeffrey: Already?

Olivia: Cassie wanted things out by 7:00 P.M.. I have to tell you. I have never seen her look so happy and from what I understand you've earned it.

Jeffrey: Oh, great. So where are my things? Throw them out on the curb?

Olivia: Of course not. We can't put boxes in front of the building. That would ruin the view and really cost us business.

Jeffrey: Unlike evicting good honest paying guests. Never mind. This is why women should never be in charge.

Olivia: Or this is why you shouldn't tick off the women who own the roof over your head. Your things are in a storage locker upstairs, Mr. O’Neill. Drop the key off on your way out will you? I'll be at Company.

Jeffrey: I'll call you if you need you.  

Tony: So how was your trip?

Marah: It was a perfect, and there's even a possibility of a winter show with my designs.

Tony: That's fantastic.

Marah: Yeah, that's great.

Tony: So why did you come home so early? Did your mom come, too?

Marah: No, she's hard at work.

Eden: Looks like you were hard at work, too. Congratulations.

Marah: Without your contacts, Eden, it wouldn't have worked out at all. What did I miss around here.

Tony: It has been a barrel of fun. They're coming after Eden for the murder...

Eden: Let's not talk about that.

Tony: It's important we let Marah know what is going on.

Eden: I want to forget it. I want to hear about all your good news.

Marah: So, what's up with you?

Tony: Nothing.

Marah: You let left the door open. We have to be more careful until they find the killer. Okay. Hey, I missed you.

Tony: I missed you, too.

Marah: Are we okay?

Tony: Sure.

Marah: Then why do I get the feeling I’m not-- you're not happy to see me.

Tony: I'm happy with every minute I have with you.

Marah: Then why do you make it seem like we don't have much time or something. What's up with you? I mean you were acting weird before I left, too. Is this about the whole barbecue thing, the majority thing? Do we need to sit down?

Tony: No, no. I'm fine with that. No. Really, fine. Let's concentrate on more important problems, like Eden’s, okay?

Josh: Thank you.

Edmund: The farm would be for Cassie and the kids, josh, not me.

Josh: So you'll just stop by from time to time. Maybe what, bring a covered dish for Sunday brunch?

Edmund: Covered dish?

Josh: Yes.

Edmund: Something about a covered dish?

Josh: What are you after, Edmund?

Edmund: Josh, all I want to do is make Cassie happy.

Josh: Why is it I have a hard time believing that?

Edmund: I would imagine because of all the grief I’ve caused you and your family over the years.

Josh: That must be it, yeah.

Edmund: I can sit here and tell you how I've changed.

Josh: Please, don't. Reva and Cassie have talked about that at nauseum, you don't believe it?

Edmund: You feel I’m after something, take advantage, hurt Cassie-somehow I’m not really worried about Cassie. You see, I have this thing where I feel like I know Cassie pretty well because she is so much like Reva and like Reva, she is not going to let anybody push her in a direction she doesn't want to go in, and like Reva, if you cross her, she's going to hurt you.

Josh: You're comfortable with all of that?

Edmund: Reva and Cassie, they're a lot alike, aren't they. Good. Then I have a shot.

Josh: At what?

Edmund: At what you and Reva have. Josh, your marriage, your life, you're an inspiration. That's what I want for me and Cassie.

Cassie: You know whatever happened, Mitch, I’m sure it can't be that bad.

Mitch: Right?

Cassie: Is it about money? Money is no reason?

Mitch: I'm about to be arrested. I won't go back.

Cassie: To jail? Have you been in jail before?

Mitch: Prison camp in Nam. I was a P.O.W.. I won't be locked up again.

Cassie: Well don't be a coward. Cowards jump.

Mitch: You think this is easy? Nothing is easy.

Cassie: Sure it is. You take a dive, you're free and clear. What about the people who have to clean up your mess? What about the people who love you who have to survive.

Mitch: Lady, you don't have a clue.

Cassie: Yes, I do. I know what it's like to be left behind, Mitch. I'm going to leave this roof in a few minutes. Are you coming with me?

Mitch: I'll be off your roof soon enough. And if you get in my way, I’ll take you with me.

Marina: How did you know I’d be here?

Ben: What makes you think I did?

Marina: You did. How did you get here first, I left before you. What do you want?

Ben: I get everywhere fast because I have a driver and I don't have to park and what do I want? Is that a Buzz burger.

Marina: This is it, your new plan? You are going to follow me around and harass me until I take you back?

Ross: Lucky Cassie didn't throw all his things out the window. How did we end up with this guy?

Frank: I don't know. But I heard he is a hell of a prosecutor.

Ross: I heard that, too.

Frank: Is that why you're bringing your client Mitch Hendon to the table to strike a deal?

Ross: No, I believe that Mitch just wants all of this to be over with.

Frank: I mean how many calls does the guy have to make?

Ross: I don't know.

Frank: You don't think that?

Ross: Frank, no, it is not a ploy. The man is going to turn himself in, okay?

Frank: Well, now, I’m glad to hear it, Ross, but I’m going to meet the guy halfway.

Josh: Whatever it is you and Cassie have together, it's new and right now you think it is walking in the park and holding hands?

Edmund: Of course not. I'm wobbling about the hand holding part.

Josh: My point is that it is not always going to be like that there. There are going to be tough times, times when you despise each other and times when you're bored with each other and everything, anything you can possibly think of. So the question becomes this. Are you prepared for that?

Edmund: I am. Will I have my doubts? Of course I will. You do, don't you? But I'm here. And I’m going to stay. So will you do the renovations?

Josh: You know these plans were drawn up a long time ago. Is the site still in the same condition?  

Edmund: Excuse me?

Josh: Have you seen the farm lately?

Edmund: In person.

Josh: Yes. You know, might want to think about taking a look at this place. You know, it's just a little east of here.

Edmund: Oh, well that's good to know. Can I make a copy of these for you?

Josh: I think I have a copy somewhere.

Edmund: Great.

Josh: Okay.

Edmund: Thanks, Josh.

Josh: You're welcome. Excuse me. Yes, la Señora Reva Lewis, por favor. Oh, hi. I just realized that it's probably the middle of the night where you are right now, so that explains the voice mail. I guess I’m just sitting here and I wanted to call you because I’m thinking about you.

Cassie: You can't do this. Mitch, you can't do this. I mean I can't stand this.

Mitch: You hardly know me. Don't pretend you care.

Cassie: Do I care. You'll ruin my business.

Mitch: What?

Cassie: My hotel. The Beacon will be known as the place where they jumped! Everybody's going to think it's bad luck. There already tourists outside taking pictures. You can't do that. It will ruin my business. Do I deserve that?

Mitch: Life sucks, lady. Get a helmet. Nobody gets what they deserve.

Cassie: That's what I’m supposed to tell my your family, your friends, the people who are going to miss and care about you?

Mitch: There's nobody.

Cassie: No friends?

Mitch: No family. My friends? Once they know, they won't get it.

Cassie: Get what?

Mitch: My wife.

Cassie: I understand, you know, you miss your wife. You miss her very much.

Mitch: I love her. Nobody will believe that.

Cassie: I believe you. I believe you loved her a lot. I do.

Mitch: Too much.

Cassie: They'll understand. They'll understand. And everything's going to be okay.

Mitch: I guess life is still going to be a riot, Cassie. I've gone around the bend.

Ross: We're all waiting for you downstairs, Mitch.

Mitch: I know.

Ross: I guess that's why you're up here.

Cassie: Good timing, O’Neill.

Jeffrey: Mrs. Winslow, give me a big favor. I found my stuff in storage so go downstairs and prepare my bill so can I leave this dump.

Cassie: Both of you leave.

Jeffrey: I can't leave, Mitch, you know that.

Cassie: I can't, either.

Jeffrey: I got a job to do, Mitch.

Mitch: Right! You want to lock me up.

Jeffrey: Well, you know there’s some work to do. You know, we can make a deal. You know, but the deal's downstairs, Mitch. We can't headache a deal up here. Let's talk to your lawyer. You've got a really good lawyer, Ross Marler. Go down there and hash this thing out. What do you say?

Cassie: Is this the prosecutor. He'll never win in court. People will take one look at this guy and they'll hate his guts. The jury is going to want to put him in prison by the time they're through. I threw him out of the hotel. I told him he had until tonight to get him out of my hotel.

Jeffrey: Here to get my stuff.

Cassie: I wanted to toss it out the window. Too bad you didn't bring it with you. We could have thrown it from here.

Jeffrey: I got a lot of fans. I know. But Mitch, let's go downstairs and watch your lawyer work me over. Mitch, let her go. Mitch, let her go.

Mitch: She's got hold of me!

Jeffrey: What? What do you think you're doing? Would you let him go?

Cassie: No.

Jeffrey: This man killed his wife. Do you understand that. He tried to do the same thing to Ben Reade do. You think he is going to hesitate to take you over with him?

Cassie: Yes.

Mitch: Listen to the man!

Cassie: You listen to me. I don't care what you did. Mitch, every life counts, and if I let go of you, I’m helping you die and I will not do that.

Mitch: Would you please give us a couple of minutes, please.

Jeffrey: Yeah.

Mitch: Thanks. Honey, what are you doing?

Tony: Been three guys living here alone here for days. I'm sorry. Okay?

Marah: Okay. So you didn't think I was coming back this soon. Or maybe not at all?

Tony: No, I thought you'd be back.

Marah: This time? Look, if I hurt your feelings about the whole marriage thing, I am sorry.

Tony: You didn't hurt my feelings. Everybody was joking around.

Marah: Okay, then what?

Tony: Just made me think. That's all.

Marah: Think about the last time the M word was brought up? Because Tony, that night at prom when you said what you said, I thought were you trying to get rid of me.

Tony: Because the idea of me marrying you was so ridiculous. I couldn't be serious about it.

Marah: Because the idea of marrying so young didn't make sense to me. And you know that it had nothing to do with you. And that your idea that you weren't good enough or whatever thing it was, you know that that's not true. Tony?

Tony: Yeah.

Marah: Yeah? That's it?

Tony: Marah, everything I said that night was true, and it still is. It's just different for you. That's all.

Marah: That's not true. How can you say that about this?

Tony: Before you, there were other girls.

Marah: Yeah, a lot. Why?  

Tony: A lot of other girls. But that's all they were, you know. They hung around, they looked good on my arm. They were cute. They kept me company when I needed them. But that's it. And for some guys, that's cool. That works out for them, you know. They buy the girl something nice, they're happy. The girl keeps them company, that's it. Like a bargain, okay? But it's not love. It's making time. And I knew that the moment that I saw you. Not before.

Marah: So what are you trying to say?

Tony: When I looked at you at prom night and I told you that you were it, that you were the one that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, I knew what I was saying. And that day at the barbecue, just hit me, you know, I knew that you can't say that.

Marah: That's not....

Tony: Baby. You can’t. In so many ways you are so much younger than me. I mean I’m your first boyfriend. Maybe that's what I am for you. Maybe you're making time with me. Maybe I'm the guy that's going to fill that role until right guy comes along.

Olivia: I don't want you at as my birthing coach. I don't want you at all. You don't love me. You're only here because you can't have me or maybe you're just... Maybe I’m your new project now that Alan is out of the company or maybe you just realized or can't accept it was good old-fashioned lust instead of love because God forbid Phillip Spaulding should let himself go there and make a mess of things let alone another child.

Phillip: You've listen this an awful lot of thoughts, haven't you. That's good. I like that.

Olivia: Not anymore. I'm done.

Phillip: Really? That's good because you're wrong.

Olivia: I'm done with.

Phillip: You for today perhaps.

Olivia: For good.

Phillip: I'm not going to argue with you. I'm just not going away.

Olivia: Let me give you a romantic tip. Stalking is very unappealing.

Phillip: I'm not going to stalk you. I'm just not going to give up. I'm here. I'm that baby that you're carrying. All those things you said before that's garbage. No. I care about you. Sooner or later you'll see.

Marah: Tony, I know that your first love can be the love of your life. I mean look at my parents.

Tony: They've been married like how many times?

Marah: Like 100. Married and divorced and up and down and blah, blah, blah. And that is what I don't want. When I get married, I wanted it to be one time and I want to know that it's right. And that's the only reason I’m not in a hurry.

Tony: Neither am I. Look, I’m not thinking about marriage. I'm not, okay? I don't know why I made such a big deal out of this anyway. What the hell has happened to me?

Marah: You fell in love with me. And obviously it's ruined you.

Tony: Yeah, I know. Do you know that I used to be feared. I walked down the street and people would tremble. Okay, well maybe not tremble but they would be nervous. They would.

Marah: What happened to that guy?

Tony: He came home and started cleaning this mess. You see this? Magazines that Marina left here.

Marah: No, thank you. You did not take the are you the perfect partner quiz?

Tony: No.3 I considered it though.

Marah: Tony.

Tony: There's a bunch of clothes and fashion stuff in here and you know, you're all interested in that kind of stuff

Marah: What was your score?

Tony: I got eight out of ten. I cheated but I know what is going on with us.

Marah: This is really bad. You need to go out with the boys and drink beer and play pool or something.

Tony: What was your score?

Marah: I only look at the pictures. Okay. So it was less than yours and that was without cheating. Hey, I’ll get there.

Tony: You promise?

Marah: Yeah, I just got in. Okay. Do you want to meet at Company or something? Okay. Bye.

Tony: What's going on?

Marah: I told my dad I was coming in because I need to have a talk with him about the stuff with my mom. So can I go? Are we okay?

Tony: Yeah, go. You don't need permission from me. Go ahead. Be with your dad.

Marah: I love you. I'll be back soon, okay?

Eden: Hey. I thought I heard the door.

Tony: Marah went off to see her dad.

Eden: Now in.

Tony: Uh-huh. Turns out that's the only reason she came home.

Frank: I need all the reports. Secure the perimeter. We need to do a search.

Ross: What's happened?

Frank: He is nowhere to be found.

Ross is: He is in the hotel.

Frank: We need to start with a five mile grid starting from the Beacon and work our way around the lake. An A.P.B. on Mitch Hendon. He is considered dangerous. I don't know if he is armed. Proceed with caution.

Edmund: Excuse me. Have you seen Mrs. Winslow? I was supposed to meet her a while ago.

Bellhop: Last I saw, she had gone upstairs.

Edmund: How long is that?

Bellhop: A long time. We expected her back already.

Edmund: Okay.

Cassie: Mitch, no matter what you've done, people will listen to you. They'll understand. They'll hear what you've been through. The P.O.W. camp, that does things to people.

Mitch: It does.

Cassie: I can't even imagine.

Mitch: Hell on earth. Five years. 1825 days.

Cassie: Unimaginable.

Mitch: But I never broke my oath. I never gave up a single position, a single soldier. I never betrayed anyone. Never.

Cassie: Because you're brave. You're brave and you're strong. And anyone can see that. Not even the enemy can break you.

Mitch: She could. Ramona.

Cassie: You loved her.

Mitch: I did. Everybody said she was a trophy wife, but she was everything. I did everything she wanted. Whatever I could to make her happy. It was never enough. She always wanted more. I knew she was up to something. That's why I put a man to follow her and she wound up with a boy. A boy. She was a traitor. Traitor to our home. She broke her oath. She betrayed me. People won't understand. That's why I took her out. The same with the boy. Come on, let's go.

Cassie: Because they betrayed you, right? Yeah. But they can't betray you anymore. No, they can't. Because you settled the score.

Mitch: You did-- I did.

Cassie: You need to tell them just like that. You say it just like that and they will understand, okay?

Mitch: You understand.

Cassie: Yes, I do. Come on.

Mitch: I’m coming! You gave away our position.

Cassie: I did not.

Mitch: You're trying to take me down!

Phillip: Top ten reasons I should be your birthing coach. Number ten, you can say every nasty thing you wanted to say to me and blame it on the drugs later. Number nine, Spaulding’s and hospitals satin sheets. Number eight, can Cassie do this? One to seven to follow.

Josh: So, tell me about Milan.

Marah: You have to go.

Josh: What?

Marah: I'm really worried about you two.

Josh: I told you you don't have to worry about us. This thing with Shayne, it will pass just like…

Marah: Maybe for you, but the work that Mom is doing with the doctor is really intense and it's not like she does a test or two and then goes and hangs out for the rest of the day. She is doing tests all day and all night and she is throwing herself into this and it is bringing up a lot of stuff.

Josh: Like what?

Marah: I don't know. She wouldn't say. That's why you have to go because she needs you. Dad, please, will you get on a plane and go?

Eden: Thank you. Tony, you and Marah are going to be fine.

Tony: Yep.

Eden. You guys are a great couple.

Tony: Yeah, we are. We're the best. You know, her parents really like me now. Life is good.

Eden: But?

Tony: What?

Eden: No buts. I love Marah more than anything. It's just different for her. That's all. Sometimes it hits me.

Frank: I got a bad feeling about this.

Bellhop: This piece of tile fell off the roof and there is a guy up there.

Frank: Where? Show me.

Bellhop: There.

Frank: Unit ten, Cooper here. Mitch Hendon is on the roof.

Mitch: You won't take me!

Cassie: No!

Next on Guiding Light:.

This is why I have to ask to you please not tell anyone.

Marina, especially not my dad.

You shouldn't be alone.

Why? What did have you in mind?

My arms! Make it stop!

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