[an error occurred while processing this directive] GL Transcript Friday 7/18/03 [an error occurred while processing this directive]
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Guiding Light Transcript Friday 7/18/03

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Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Marina: What, are you on celebrity time now?

Shayne: I had to sneak out of my own house.

Marina: Excuse me.

Shayne: You think Springfield had never seen a baseball player before.

Marina: Well, they haven’t. Not one like you.

Shayne: But it's like everybody wants a piece of me. I got these reporters calling my house non-stop. I even had one of those, like sports vans outside of my house.

Marina: Oh, my God. Which one?

Shayne: I don't know, because I just ducked into my mom's car and took off.

Marina: What? You don't want to stay for your close-up? Shayne, how could you pass that up?

Shayne: Because I had something better waiting for me here.

Marina: Oh. You know, you're going to have to get used to this whole celebrity thing. You're going to be baseball's new backstreet boy.

Shayne: How about we do that later? And we got one month left. Just the two of us. I want to be just with you.

Marina: Alone?

Shayne: Alone. How about this? Picture this, all right. Me and you, top down. We're just driving... We keep on driving, okay, until we get somewhere where nobody knows my name, except for you.

Marina: That sounds really great. But... (Groans)

Shayne: Hmm?

Marina: We're not really going be going anywhere. I'm really sorry. Just please don't hate me.

Shayne: I'll never hate you. You want to tell me why?

Marina: I'll explain it inside.

Shayne: Here's fine.

Marina: Nah, just come on.

All: Surprise! (Cheers and applause)

Ben: Look, my grandmother is dying.

Mel: I know. I know, Ben. I'm sorry.

Ben: No, I have to go see her. Look, I'll sign whatever you want me to sign, all right. Just let me go. This is my grandmother. She is the only connection to my mother that I have. I mean, don't you have a grandmother?

Mel: I lost mine a long time. But, Ben, that's not the point.

Holly: Look, Mel, we just need the all-clear from you so that we can go to the nursing home. Is he physically up to it?

Mel: I am the last person that wants to keep you from saying good bye, Ben. But even if I can release you, the police won't.

Ross: Mel, I can handle the police.

Mel: Ben, there is a killer out there who already came this close. Can you really afford to put yourself in jeopardy again?

Holly: She has a point there.

Ben: I have to get out of here, all right. Not tomorrow, not the next week, but right now.

Holly: None of us want to see you get hurt.

Ben: I'm not going to get hurt. It's not going to happen.

Mel: How could you be so sure?

Edmund: It's me, Edmund. I need to see you right away. Olivia's bar in an hour. Yes, it's very important. Thank you. Bye.

Cassie: Hey.

Edmund: Hi.

Cassie: So what happened to your important business?

Edmund: You are my important business.

Cassie: Oh. Good answer. So are you ready to get out of these clothes? Our swim, remember?

Edmund: Oh, right. How could I forget. Unfortunately there is a piece of business I have to take care of before we take the plunge.

Cassie: What could be more important than me?

Jeffrey: Me. Hi.

Cassie: Cute.

Jeffrey: So how was Tammy’s first date with the felon?

Cassie: He's seventeen. A juvenile record doesn't make you a felon.

Jeffrey: Future felon.

Cassie: Joey is making up for his mistakes. And Tammy is generous enough to understand that and give him another chance.

Jeffrey: Or she's setting herself up for a huge fall. Hey, like mother like daughter.

Edmund: Mr. O’Neill, I fail to see how Tammy’s choices or Cassie’s choices are any of your business.

Cassie: It's okay, Edmund. Let him finish.

Jeffrey: I'm done.

Cassie: Are you sure?

Jeffrey: Mm-hmm.

Cassie: Because you better say everything that you have to say. It's the last time you get to share your opinions with us. I want you out of my hotel and I want you out of my life, Mr. O’Neill. So consider yourself evicted.

Jeffrey: You're throwing me out? On what grounds?

Cassie: I don't need any grounds. You know that. You're a lawyer. But we can call it disturbing the peace.

Jeffrey: Okay. Fine. I'll leave. Just give me a little time to pack and to find another place to live.

Cassie: Those things aren't my problem. You have till 7:00 sharp.

Jeffrey: I have boxes and boxes of stuff in storage, okay. I've got case files, I’ve got books. These are things that I need to do my work. And I also need to book movers.

Cassie: Your boxes will be safe until you make other arrangements.

Jeffrey: Thank you. I'm glad your reconsidering.

Cassie: You didn't let me finish. They will be safe until 7:00 P.M. Then I’m going to put them on the curb with the rest of your stuff.

Edmund: Has anyone ever told that you are remarkably beautiful when you're bossing people around.

Cassie: Shut up and kiss me.

Edmund: I have to go. There's something I have to do.

Cassie: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Can't it wait?

Edmund: No.

Marah: I feel kind of bad doing this to you. I mean I’m sure it's so, not your mood, you know, being around a bunch of people.

Shayne: Oh, come on. Are you kidding me? It doesn't exactly suck to be me right now. And besides... besides my parents and Marah is, like, the only people I feel normal around.

Remy: So you're using us because we knew you when?

Shayne: Pretty much. No, but it's like, you know, I don't have anybody here asking me about my fastball or asking me for an autograph. It's kind of nice.

Remy: Actually. What? It's going to be worth a lot of money one day.

Joey: You better start practicing your signature. Me, I already got my autograph down. Of course I'm going the college route so I’ve got some more time.

Lizzie: And that's just the beginning. People are going to want a lot more than your autograph, Shayne. They're going to want you.

Shayne: What are you talking about?

Lizzie: Well, girls are going to be throwing themselves on you and they're not going to be subtle either.

Shayne: Let's not get crazy. Let's not get carried away, Elizabeth.

Lizzie: Okay, well, what happens when a girl ask you to sign her underwear? What are you going to say?

Marina: He'll say he doesn't have a pen. (Laughter)

Buzz: Excuse me.

Shayne: Thanks, Buzz. I didn't order any food.

Buzz: Yeah, I know you didn't. This isn't just any sandwich. It's...

Shayne: It's not?

Buzz: No, I mean, you know, you got a lot of perks along the way. People like you for the way you throw the ball, but at the end of the day what matters is what's, you know, real. This is real.

Shayne: It was a sandwich.

Buzz: We've established that. (Laughter) It is a sandwich. It isn't just any sandwich, though. This is... This is Shayne’s sub... (Gasps) ...To join Buzz's burger, Frank's furter.

Marina: And my personal favorite, Marina's mozzarella and tomato. (Laughter)

Buzz: So no matter where you go, no matter how well you do, you'll always know that there's a place where you're always on the menu.

Shayne: That is awesome. Thank you, Buzz, thank you. That's great. You know what, it never even felt real until now. You know, the draft was great. Being on the Buzz menu, now I've hit the big time.

Buzz: Yo. (Laughter)

Shayne: Thanks, Buzz.

Lizzie: Oh, you know, this is great for everyone around here.

Marina: Yeah. I know, he does really look happy, doesn't he?

Lizzie: Yeah, and so do you. This thing's been great for getting you over Ben.

Marina: Excuse me?

Lizzie: Well, I mean, I know you've moved on and everything, but like it must have been hard for you to see Ben in the hospital like that. Oh, my god, you did tell Shayne you went to visit Ben, right? You didn't? I'm... I'm so sorry. I really don't want to mess anything up between you two.

Gus: Let's go!

Eden: This is crazy. If you want to question me, take me down to the station.

Gus: What's the matter, you don't like it up here?

Eden: We're on the roof of the Beacon and you are... Out of your mind. No, I do not like this.

Gus: Well, I just thought that rooftops had a special place in our history, Eden. You know, some kids they got backyards or they got tree houses. We got rooftops, remember? We were up on one of these rooftops and you changed the entire course of our lives. Remember that?

Eden: What is this? Are you taking me down memory lane so that you're going to totally throw me off course so I incriminate myself?

Gus: No, I just thought maybe you would remember how it used to be between us.

Eden: Well, I know what it's like right now. You are the cop and I am the suspect.

Gus: No, we're still brother and sister. I just wanted to see if you remember how we used to be, how we used to speak to each other in the same language. How we used to do things to defend each other. How we depended on each other for survival. And then we came up to one of these rooftops in our lives, in the past, and you changed the entire course of our lives and now you're doing it again.

Eden: I did that for us, and you know that.

Gus: No, that did not need to be done. It was done for vengeance. Let's get that straight.

Eden: For our father's murder. I did it because I knew that you...

Gus: Okay, so you were doing it to protect me? Great. Thank you. You're doing it now to protect me? Oh, what did you do? Just tell me what you did.

Eden: I did not kill anyone. Why don't you believe me?

Gus: I... I don't know what to believe anymore.

Eden: Will you believe in me?

Gus: But you don't hold anything sacred, Eden. I ask you for the truth and you give me little teeny bits of truth because you know I am desperate for it. And you used that.

Eden: I never ever use you.

Gus: Listen to me, three people are dead-- Ariana, Renee and the coroner. And there's only one thing that connects all three of those things, and that is you! So, either you are the killer or you know who is. And we are not going to leave this place until you tell me which one!

Alexandra: Hello there.

Edmund: Please.

Alexandra: Well, I certainly hope you've ordered some champagne for this good news.

Edmund: Yes, well I thought I’d wait until after I pop the question.

Alexandra: Oh.

Edmund: It's not that question.

Alexandra: Oh.

Edmund: I need your help, Alexandra. I'd like to make a dream of Cassie’s come true and I just can't do it without you.

Alexandra: (Laughs) So I’m to play, what, the part of the role of the good Godmother or something? (Laughs)

Edmund: Well, just hear me out.

Alexandra: Oh, my. My, my, my. And what am I looking at?

Edmund: These are the plans to the farm that Cassie and Richard never got the chance to restore. I want to complete the work for them, and then make a present of it to Cassie and Tammy and the boys. Once more, out back a place for them all to play. I want to build them a real field of dreams.

Alexandra: (Laughs) Oh, you're serious, aren't you?

Edmund: (Laughs) Yes, I am.

Alexandra: (Laughs)

Edmund: Alexandra, when I see R.J. and Will, I see me and Richard. But Richard and I had a whole island as a playground.

Alexandra: You know, somehow I just can't imagine you and Richard playing together as children.

Edmund: We were very close when we were young. R.J. and Will are going to have more memories to grow on then just their childhood. I'm going to see that nothing comes in between those two.

Alexandra: Well, all right, all right. Good heavens. Good heavens. You know, I certainly wish that someone had taken such an interest in Alan and me when we were growing up. So how much, darling?

Edmund: No, no, no. I don't want your money, Alexandra.

Alexandra: Hmm?

Edmund: No, I wanted to do this all out of my own pocket.

Alexandra: (Laughs)

Edmund: Hold on, what I need... What I need is your advice. Cassie is a very proud woman. It's one of her qualities that I admire most. So I need to know is this too much, too fast? Am I going to scare her off? What do you think?

Alexandra: Lord, I think you are truly smitten.

Edmund: (Laughs) Cute. What do you think about the farm?

Alexandra: You bought it. (Laughter) I'm going to tell you something. It's been so long since I have given any thought at all to matters of the heart. (Laughs)

Edmund: But you know something about being a strong, beautiful woman, so, please, Alexandra, what do you think?

Alexandra: (Laughs)

Edmund: What is so funny, really? What is so funny about all this?

Alexandra: I'm laughing at myself. Look, if all you need from me is advice, darling, well, I’ve lost my luck and my leverage, haven't I?

Edmund: No. Just tell me what it is you need. If you need something I'll do it. What is it?

Alexandra: All right. I need you to get off this high road and help me go after Jeffrey O’Neill.

Cassie: I don't care if I have to carry out every single box myself. I want all traces of Mr. O’Neill out of this hotel by 7:00. (Phone rings) Thanks. Beacon hotel?

Jeffrey: Oh, perfect. Mrs. Winslow, this is Jeffrey O’Neill.

Cassie: Clock's ticking, Mr. O’Neill.

Jeffrey: Now hang on, slow down, okay. All right, maybe... maybe I shouldn't have said those things I said about Tammy and her little hoodlum friend... I mean, her... her baseball player friend.

Cassie: You haven't' found a mover yet?

Jeffrey: About that, I was sort of hoping you would reconsider.

Cassie: Are you begging, Counselor?

Jeffrey: No, I am not begging, Mrs. Winslow. I don't beg. I'm trying to reason with you. You always handled my honesty with such spirit, you know. I'm sorry if I always seem to hit a nerve with you.

Cassie: Well, I’m sorry if you think we have anything else to say to each other.

Jeffrey: Come on, Mrs. Winslow! All right, listen, I... I questioned your little boyfriend's ability to turn over a new leaf. And you can throw me out on my ear just to prove me wrong? Don't you think you're behaving a little immaturely here?

Cassie: Tick tock, tick tock.

Jeffrey: I'm trying to be a nice guy!

Cassie: You wouldn't know nice if it slapped you in the face.

Jeffrey: Yeah says the person who wouldn't even give me time to pack my bags.

Cassie: I'm hanging up on you now.

Jeffrey: Well, you can't hang up on me because I’m hanging up on you first.

Cassie: (Grunts) Oh, oh, Mr. Hendon, hi there. I... I haven't seen you since...

Mitch: Since my wife was murdered upstairs?

Cassie: I thought you were leaving town.

Mitch: Seems the police have other ideas. They don't want me to leave town right now. It's looking like I'm a suspect.

Cassie: I... I'm sure that's just part of the routine investigation.

Mitch: It's a little more than that, Mrs. Winslow. But I set them straight. Now it's time for them to find the real murderer before somebody else gets killed.

Eden: Nothing I know can help you.

Gus: Just take a deep breath, okay. You let me be the judge of that. You give me something. Think. Give me something. Give me anything. Give me a name. Give me Vinny Salerno.

Eden: No, no. Vinnie did not do this...

Gus: Yes, yes, yes, you give me Vinnie Salerno, okay? Here's the story. Vinnie Salerno's angry at you. He's coming after you because you have a side business going. Because he wants to... He wants to teach you a lesson.

Eden: No, Vinnie does not want to teach me a lesson, because he doesn't care about my escort service. As long as I kept away from the extortion side of it, I was okay. So when Renee started going after the coroner, she was putting me and everything I have ever worked for in danger. So what am I supposed to do, go to the cops with that? What?

Gus: Did you just hear what you said? Did you hear? Honey, you just gave me motive. You just gave me motive for killing three people. For killing Renee, for killing Ariana, for killing the coroner. To keep Vinny Salerno away from you. Honey, it makes sense. Listen. I mean this is the way you've been running your life anyway, isn't it? Kill or be killed, that's you.

Eden: No, no it's not.

Gus: I told the D.A. I told the D.A. that you weren't capable of murder, but... That you didn't have a motive. And now I see that you did have a motive.

Eden: No, Gus, you... You've got it all wrong.

Gus: No, I've got it right! I've got it right! I didn't want to know this! (Cell phone rings) Yeah?

Ross: Gus, it's Ross Marler.

Gus: It's not a very good time.

Ross: I'm sorry. I just wanted to let you know that I’m at Cedars Hospital with Ben Reade. And Ben’s grandmother is on her deathbed, and obviously he wants to say his good-byes. I'm assuming you won't stand in the way of that?

Gus: I'll be right there. You give me something. Or you turn yourself in.

Eden: I have nothing to give, I swear.

Gus: You swear on what, Eden. You don't hold anything sacred. Nothing is sacred to you.

Eden: I swear on us.

Gus: You know, we stood on a rooftop like this once before. And you did something that changed the course of our entire lives.

Eden: Yeah, we turned out okay. Look at us.

Gus: I took the fall for you back then. I can't do that now. This time you have to save yourself.

Alexandra: Edmund, go ahead and build this... This stadium for Cassie and her children. She is a mother first and I can see that, okay? And the way to her heart is through her children of course. So I think it's a very, very nice strategy.

Edmund: This isn't a strategy, Alexandra. I actually care about Cassie and the children.

Alexandra: Yeah. (Laughs) It's just that you pick a hell of a time to go all sentimental on me. And you know, speaking of matters of the heart, we have a lot to lose in this, too. Don't you think you should go about protecting yourself?

Edmund: Well, as far as Jeffrey O’Neill is concerned, you're the one who needs protection not me.

Alexandra: Yes, and unfortunately, I haven't been on my best behavior ever since I came back to town. And I've got this feeling it's all about to catch up with me because of that pit bull district attorney.

Edmund: You always end up on top, Alexandra. Why should things be any different this time?

Alexandra: Because I have a very bad feeling about that guy. And you know, so should you. He's the spitting image of the love of Cassie’s life, and he's living right under her roof.

Edmund: Yes, but not for long. And Cassie can see that he's no Richard.

Alexandra: (Laughs) Neither are you. Sorry. But don't you think you'd be far better off... You know if we could find out about those missing years of Jeffrey’s...

Edmund: The best way to handle Jeffrey O’Neill is to ignore him. And he's doing a bang-up job about showing Cassie just how unlike my brother he is. And I'm just going to let him keep on doing that.

Alexandra: So you're going to stay on this high road?

Edmund: If I've learned one thing about Cassie, Alexandra, it's that what I do is important. That's what matters. So I’m sorry, I just can't help you.

Cassie: Can't help what?

Tammy: So don't forget your favorite cousin when all those big checks start rolling in.

Joey: Hey, man, it's going to be tough to try and spend all that money.

Remy: Oh, I feel for you, Shayne.

Shayne: Yeah, well, come on. You know what, you guys are going to have to worry about the same thing pretty soon, a couple years.

Remy: You're kidding, right? Basketball's just a means to an end for me. It keeps my dad off my back while I get to study what I really want.

Shayne: Oh, man, you know what... Remy, I hate to sound like your dad and I definitely hate to sound like my dad, but what a waste of talent, man.

Remy: But you have to have heart for it, and mine is elsewhere. Music.

Tammy: Okay, so while you and Marina are off becoming big rock stars, Joey’s going to follow in Shayne’s footsteps. Can you like put in a good word for him or something? I mean, not that you need one.

Joey: It doesn't work that way. And don't worry about me. There are perks to being local.

Buzz: It's Marina, isn't it?

Shayne: You know, Buzz, all I want to do is play baseball, you know. Why does all this other stuff have to come... come along with it?

Buzz: Stuff. The stuff you can handle, except I think for one thing.

Shayne: What one thing is that?

Buzz: I think chasing your dream is going to take you away from my granddaughter.

Shayne: No, that's not going to happen. Look, we can visit each other all the time. We're going to stay tight, believe me. But, yeah, it would be nice to put her in my suitcase and bring her along to training camp with me.

Marina: Are you guys talking about me?

Buzz: Oh, well, who else?

Marina: Look, I just wanted to say, you know, about Lizzie...

Shayne: Don't worry. I mean Lizzie’s just... Being Lizzie.

Marina: I know, I know, I know. But I just don't... I don't want you think that, like, this is, you know, some kind of rebound thing for me.

Shayne: You know what I think? I think that you are you, and you're here and that's good enough for me. Oh, man, you know what? I'll give you an exclusive. Just please leave us alone right now.

Reporter: I'm a big fan, but I’m here to ask Miss Cooper about her ex. I can see you've traded up. Does that mean you believe Ben Reade is capable of murder?

Gus: Hey, your grandma sick?

Ben: Look, she's the only connection to my mother that I have. All right, I just want a chance to say good-bye.

Holly: And I'm going with him. A nurse will be going along as well.

Gus: Hmm, good, well, that will protect Ben from the world. But what's going to protect the world from Ben?

Holly: Are you kidding me?

Gus: Do I look like I’m kidding you?

Ross: Look, Gus, I think the situation calls for a police escort.

Gus: Fine, done, no problem. Look, I got a couple of questions to ask you about the attack.

Holly: Come on, Detective. You are standing between an innocent, young man and his grandmother. Now, you can play the interrogation game tomorrow.

Ben: What is that?

Gus: What's what?

Ben: That cologne or after shave that you're wearing right now. What is that?

Gus: It's funny you should ask. I did that interview earlier with somebody who was wearing... (Whistles) ...Way too much cologne. Put his jacket on for second... Why, what's it to you?

Ben: I smelled that before.

Gus: When?

Ben: This... This is going to sound strange, but it was right before I was attacked. It's one of the last things I remember before I woke up in the hospital.

Holly: Are you sure?

Ben: Yes, yes. It's an aftershave or something, right?

Ross: Ben, think it through. What actually happened?

Ben: (Sighs) I didn't hear anybody approach, but I remember that smell. And before I could turn around, there were hands around my neck. I tried to pull them off but they were too strong...

Gus: You feel any metal? Was there a ring around this person's neck?

Ben: I don't know. It happened... It happened too fast, I don’t... But I do remember when I pulled the hand off, I felt something on it. That might have been it, but I don't know. That's when I blacked out.

Ross: Gus, I've heard enough. Do you want to talk?

Ben: You know who did this to me.

Gus: Oh, yeah. Mitch Hendon tried to kill you.

Cassie: Well, Alexandra, I guess you're the business meeting Edmund dumped me for.

Edmund: Cassie and I were about to go for a swim.

Alexandra: Well, I... I'm sorry to interfere with your play time. (Laughs) It's just that I needed some advice from Edmund. You see Phillip is thinking of putting me in charge of the pharmaceutical and cosmetics division at Spaulding. And, well, I happen to be putting together a proposal that hopefully he can't refuse. (Laughs) So I enlisted Edmund’s help here.

Edmund: Alexandra wants to take San Cristobel for everything it's worth. Duty market, its water, its salt, its vegetation, everything. And so I’m going to hook her up with someone down there who can help her.

Cassie: But when I showed up it sounded like you were turning down her offer.

Alexandra: No, it's just that Edmund’s a little concerned about the environmental things that go... And I don't blame him. I mean he... he wants to protect his beloved country. So, I guess you could say we still have some negotiating to do. But I'm sure we'll work out something mutually beneficial. We always do.

Edmund: Don't forget your plans.

Alexandra: Oh, yes. (Laughs)

Edmund: Right.

Alexandra: You two have a nice swim.

Edmund: Thank you so much.

Cassie: Wow. You don't think I bought one word of that, now, do you?

Edmund: No, not remotely.

Cassie: You're up to something.

Edmund: Yes, I am. And it's a surprise.

Cassie: Tell me.

Edmund: If I told you it wouldn't' be a surprise. But maybe I will tell you after...

Cassie: After?

Edmund: Dinner.

Cassie: I don't like surprises.

Edmund: Give me a chance. You're going to love this one.

Cassie: All right. I'll change and I'll meet you down here later.

Ben: Why did I not see this before? That grip, Mitch Hendon grabbed me right after Ramona died. It was the same grip. But it was him, I promise you it was him!

Mel: Ben, Ben, you're going to have to calm down if you want to go anywhere.

Holly: So it sounds like you've got your murderer now. You let Ben go. What's the deal here?

Gus: Ross.

Ben: Look, I told you everything I remember. Can I please go see my grandmother?

Ross: You want to bring Mitch Hendon back in for questioning.

Gus: No, it's time for a warrant.

Ross: Gus, I can get him to turn himself in.

Gus: All right, O’Neill’s in one hour, otherwise I'm coming after him myself.

Ross: Thanks. What about Ben?

Gus: What about him? He can go see his grandmother, as long as he's got a police escort, I'm fine with it.

Ross: But Hendon will be locked up by then.

Gus: I know that.

Ross: You think there's another murderer out there?

Gus: Either out there, Marler, or right in there.

Ross: Gus, come on.

Gus: What? His sudden recall, that doesn’t... A little too convenient for me.

Ross: You think he faked his memory lapse?

Gus: I'm thinking a lot of things right now. Look, Reade, he might not have killed Mrs. Hendon but, that guy, he's not innocent.

Eden: (Sighs) Hi, Vinnie Salerno please. Eden August.

Tony: Eden, listen...

Eden: Would you just go away?

Tony: I'm not going to go anywhere.

Eden: Look, I haven't been crying because of you. Just to let you know. Bill and Gus finished what you started earlier. Apparently, when I’m not trying to seduce you, I’m lying to Bill and then when I'm really bored, I start murdering people according to Gus. So, I'm really dangerous. You better just get away from me. Oh, you know, and it's all an act just to get you close to me. And, look, it's working.

Tony: Eden, stop! Okay? I was wrong about what I said earlier. It wasn't about you. It was about me and Marah. You know, we started talking about this marriage thing and then she took off so fast, okay. Look, it's my problem not yours. I'm sorry.

Eden: Well, sorry is just a word. It's not going to get rid of my problems.

Tony: Well, maybe I could find a way that we can. Let me prove your innocence.

Marina: Uh, yeah, yeah, Ben Reade has made some errors in judgment, but he's not a killer. Right now, in fact, he's recovering from an attack by the real killer. So I don't know, maybe if you lay off him, you could focus on finding some leads on who actually killed these people.

Reporter: Sounds like you still care a lot for Mr. Reade.

Marina: Well, I want what's best for him. I want him... I want him to... to get his life back on track. I want him to get it together.

Reporter: It's generous of you.

Marina: Well, I can afford to be.

Shayne: Okay, thanks. I think the interview's over now, so...

Reporter: Then how about an autograph? My nephew wants to grow up to be just like you.

Shayne: All right. What's his name?

Reporter: Uh, just sign your name. That will be fine.

Marina: Yeah, I think the question is: Do you actually have a nephew? The resale value's a lot higher if it's not personalized, right?

Reporter: Thanks for the interview.

Marina: Can you believe that guy?

Shayne: No, you know what I can't believe? I can't believe you. You're amazing. Is there anything you don't know, huh?

Marina: Not much. You know what you were saying before about... Getting away somewhere... Being alone? I think it's a really good idea, where no one knows about Ben.

Shayne: Or me.

Jeffrey: So one whiff of the after shave and it all comes back to him. Are you all right, man?

Gus: Yeah, I'm just fighting the flu. Listen, Ben Reade remembers this ring. Now, that's enough to nail Mr. Hendon for the murder of his wife and for attacking Ben Reade.

Jeffrey: Right. And that's all very convenient, especially considering that little Bennie boy couldn't wait to get his day pass to visit granny. I don't know, Gus. It might be the lead we need.

Gus: Look, I got him coming back down here with Ross in about an hour, so, okay.

Jeffrey: All right. Well, let me know when they get here.

Gus: Yeah.

Jeffrey: And, I got to make a few calls. I got to find a new place to live.

Gus: All right. Oh, why, what happened at the Beacon?

Jeffrey: Well, certain individuals over there don't appreciate honesty.

Gus: (Laughs) Cassie Winslow.

Jeffrey: Yeah, that's the one, our favorite hotelier. Now, I’m out on the street.

Gus: (Laughs) Well, I know the number to a really bad motel if you need it.

Jeffrey: Thanks, Gus. Yeah, this is O’Neill. About that matter we discussed earlier, I’m going to need a pickup. Yeah, well, it can't be helped. Right. And the merchandise must be handled with care. I repeat with care.

Ross: Mitch.

Mitch: Can I buy you a drink?

Ross: Believe me when I say, I should be the one buying this round.

Mitch: Lay it on me, Ross.

Ross: Ben Reade claims to have recalled the attack, and he's identified you as the attacker. Now, Gus is willing to allow you to turn yourself in, but it has to be today. In fact, it has to be right now.

Mitch: Thanks for that. Guess I don't get all the breaks.

Ross: Well, Mitch, this isn't over for you. Obviously a defense can still be built. But I can't be the one to do it. There's this huge conflict of interest and I have to pull out of the whole thing. I will be there, however, for the arrest, the arraignment, and I’ll help you find someone to take care of you.

Mitch: Someone to take care of me. That's a good one. Ross, you've been great. But don't worry about me. I can take care of myself. Whatever happens happens.

Ross: Yeah. So, you're ready?

Mitch: I'd like to make a call to Ramona’s family. I don't want this to come as a surprise.

Ross: All right. Don't take too long. I'll be waiting for you here.

Mitch: I'll be right back.

Cassie: Well, hey, hey. How's it going on moving Mr. O’Neill out?

Bellhop: Well, the basement's all cleared out, but there's more upstairs.

Cassie: There's more upstairs?

Bellhop: Could take hours.

Cassie: (Sighs) Even on his way out, this man is annoying me. All right, let me have the keys. I'm going to check it out myself. Thanks.

Eden: I mean, I... I don't even know where to begin to get Gus back on my side. He thinks now that he's got a motive. Apparently, I'm doing all of this just to keep Vinnie Salerno on my good side.

Tony: Look, I know how it is when people look at you and all they can see is the past.

Eden: Yeah, but this time I’m telling the truth and no one believes me.

Tony: I believe you.

Eden: Really?

Tony: Yeah. I wouldn't' be here if I didn’t. But now you have to act the part. Okay, sitting here isn't going to solve anything.

Eden: Well, what am I supposed to do, single-handedly go out and find out who this killer is on my own?

Tony: Who said anything about you doing this alone?

Cassie: Mr. Hendon?

Next on "Guiding Light."

Olivia: This is your new plan? You're going to follow me around and harass me until I take you back?

Frank: Mitch Hendon's on the roof. Copy. Mitch Hendon’s on the roof. Come on, Ross, we got him.

Mitch: I can't let you go for help. Nobody can stop me, lady, nobody.

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