[an error occurred while processing this directive] GL Transcript Thursday 7/17/03 [an error occurred while processing this directive]
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Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 7/17/03

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Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Edmund: Here.

Cassie: Seriously?

Edmund: What's wrong with here?

Cassie: Nothing. I just thought that when you said you wanted to go on a picnic, that we were going to go to a park or a lake or something. I... I thought we were cutting through the baseball field to get to the picnic area.

Edmund: Hmm. No.

Cassie: So is there a game here today? Someone playing?

Edmund: Yeah.

Cassie: Really? Who?

Edmund: Us.

Cassie: If you don't use more than one syllable...

Edmund: (Laughs) Cassie. Cassie, in San Cristobel I didn't grow up with baseball. And going to Shayne’s all-star game last night, I... I think... I think I'm becoming a bit of a fan. Besides, I mean really, where'd you think we were going?

Cassie: I don't know. I thought you were just going for the casual look, I guess.

Edmund: Really, really? Is it working for me?

Cassie: I have no complaints.

Edmund: Good. Good. Anyhow, all you need for a picnic is plenty of sunshine and plenty of grass, and we got plenty of all that right here. But if you'd really like, I'd be more than happy to take all of you to the lake.

R.J. and Will: No!

Edmund: No?

Cassie: No? You want to stay here and have a picnic?

R.J. and Will: Yes!

Cassie: Well, then I guess we're going to stay here and have a picnic.

Edmund: Cassie, if you'd really like, I can... I can take you to the lake.

Ben: "Super Shayne wins the game, gets the girl." Must be a slow news day.

Nurse: Mr. Reade? You should be back in your room resting.

Ben: I don't want to rest.

Nurse: You're still recovering from major surgery.

Ben: Yeah, well, I'd recover a lot better at home. I want out of this hospital.

Nurse: Not until the doctor says so.

Ben: (Sighs) (telephone ringing) Come on, Marina, pick up. Oh! (Coughs)

Bill: Hey. Hey, hey, hey.

Michelle: Ben, hey, you all right?

Ben: Yeah, I'm great. I'm fine. Just get me out of here.

Frank: All right, Jeffrey, you ready to do this? You're not Jeffrey.

Gus: Oh, oh, Frank, your detective skills-- they're getting sharp.

Frank: Looks like somebody got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

Gus: No, Frank. No, I'm sick. Very sick, got the flu. I was here all night trying to crack this case open with O’Neill. Can we get anything, anything that would stick in court. You kidding me? I sent him home, told him to take a little rest for himself. (Groans) Frank, help me. Frank. Ow.

Frank: You know what? Maybe you should've done the same.

Gus: No, Frank. I need this. I need this arrest.

Frank: Well, you know what? We both do, but we've been down this road before.

Gus: Yeah, we've been down the road, and we just cannot make this Ben Reade arrest stick. And you know why? Because he's only one piece of the puzzle-- one of three other pieces.

Frank: Yeah, we got Mitch Hendon. He's got motive, and he's got opportunity.

Gus: Yeah, that's right. And then I got him coming down here with his lawyer in a few minutes.

Frank: And the other piece?

Gus: Well, the other piece, that'd be my sister.

Tony: Oh, wait, Eden, I owe you...

Eden: Oh, no. No, no, no, no. Breakfast was my idea, so it's my treat.

Tony: Eden, you don't have to treat me.

Eden: I know, but it's the least I could do for you taking care of me yesterday.

Tony: Taking care of you? We hung out at a baseball game.

Eden: Yeah, but, you know, I felt like we really connected when we were talking about how, you know, we both come from the same place and how, you know, other people don't understand the way we live our lives.

Tony: Come on, come on, come on. I'm not the only person that you connect with. What about you and Marah? You guys have all that... That fashion stuff that you talk about.

Eden: Yeah, but it's not the same. You know, Marah didn't come from the same place that we did.

Tony: You are getting really deep for this early in the morning.

Eden: Okay, fine. Let's talk about something else. How is Italy?

Tony: What?

Eden: Italy. You know, Marah's in Italy. What? Haven't you talk to her yet?

Tony: Well, we've been playing phone tag. This time difference has been killing us.

Eden: Oh, so you don't even know when she's coming back?

Tony: No.

Eden: You know what? I have a great idea. I know how I can cheer you up. Let's go for a drive up to the lake, and we'll go swimming. It's a beautiful day, so we can, like, pack a lunch and...

Tony: Eden, don't do this.

Eden: Don't do this? Don't do what?

Tony: Look, I had fun decorating Danny and Michelle’s place with you, all right. We had a good time at Shayne’s baseball game.

Eden: Yeah, and we had that nice talk afterwards.

Tony: What talk? We spent half the time not talking. You got mad at me because I talked about your job with Salerno.

Eden: Yeah, and you just brought it up again. Thank you very much.

Tony: All right, Eden, what do you want me to say? What do you want me to say, that I like spending time with you? I do. Okay, and it's true what you said, that we're a lot alike, you know. Not just that we come from Chicago. You know what I mean.

Eden: Yeah, I do. I get you. So what is the big deal?

Tony: The big deal is that I’m with Marah and you are with Bill.

Eden: I know that. What? You think I don't know that? Oh, my God, did you think I was hitting on you just now?

Tony: I just think that we've been kind of just thrown together these past few days.

Eden: And that's my fault?

Tony: No. Look, Eden, we've been hanging around a lot these past few days. We don't need to go down to the lake.

Eden: Yeah, you're right, we don't need to go down to the lake. I just thought it would be fun. You know, we didn't need to have breakfast either. You know, I'm sorry I invited you.

Tony: Eden. Eden, just...

Eden: Look, no. No, no, no, it's okay. I just... I just thought that you were one of those type of guys that could be friends with a girl. You know kind of like "When Harry Met Sally." But I guess I was wrong.

Tony: But they hooked up at the end of that movie.

Eden: You know what? Just forget about it, all right? Just forget that I invited you to breakfast and to go to the lake. Just forget about that I said anything, okay?

Frank: Oh, is that the coroner’s lawsuit?

Gus: Yeah. You know, Frank, let me tell you something, this little file, this changes everything. It blows my mind that Jed Simmons, the dead coroner would actually risk his reputation on suing Eden and the Garden of Eden escorts.

Frank: Okay, well, let's say that one of Eden’s escorts wanted to blackmail him. Well, you know, he's going to get exposed one way or the other. So talk about a rock and a hard place.

Gus: Yeah, well, let me tell you something. Jed Simmons should have been smart enough to stick between his rock and his hard place, otherwise he wouldn't have been found floating face down in the lake.

Frank: Do you know what? That lawsuit right there, sheds new light on our case.

Gus: Uh-huh. Yeah, sure. And that light is shining brightly on who? My sister.

Frank: All right, you know what? My money is still on Ben Reade.

Gus: Hey, Frank, please. I would like nothing more than to pin all four murders on Ben Reade, but he practically became victim number five himself. I mean honestly.

Frank: Okay, there we are. We're back to two different killers.

Gus: Yeah. So the murder of Ramona Hendon and Ben Reade’s attack, I think it's looking more and more like Mr. Hendon's dirty work.

Frank: Well, doesn't it make sense? I mean, honestly. If Mitch Hendon wanted to kill his wife and kill her little boy toy, too, then what a better way then to cover your tracks then to, you know, make it look like part of a serial of killings? I mean if we could prove that Mitch Hendon really did kill Ramona and was going after Ben, we would still have to prove a motive for the three other murders.

Gus: Yeah, and after a long night of kung pao chicken and four pots of black coffee, I think I found a motive.

Michelle: Hey, maybe we should get you back to your room.

Ben: I am fine, Michelle, really. Come on.

Bill: Let's sit down, all right. Sit down.

Michelle: Sorry. It's just an occupational hazard. You know, "Must get patient back to bed."

Ben: No, it's okay. It's okay. It feels nice to have somebody care.

Michelle: Hey, there a lot of people who care, Ben.

Ben: Yeah, yeah, they're lining up around the block.

Bill: Come on, man, don't talk like that.

Ben: Why not? Half this town still wants to lock me up and throw away the key, man. I mean, you know, you think getting stabbed at the barbecue would change a few minds, but...

Michelle: You are just as much a victim as anyone else here. I mean, I don't think anyone seriously thinks that you're the murderer.

Ben: Thank you. But after all the times I've screwed up, I can't blame people for thinking I got exactly what I deserved. No offense, Michelle, but I kind of wish I skipped you and Danny’s wedding.

Michelle: That's why you came back to the barbecue?

Ben: Yeah. Well, I mean I was going to leave after Frank kicked me out, but when I figured out what was going on, I wanted to stay to see you guys get married. That's the first one I made it to.

Michelle: Wow, I didn't even realize...

Ben: Yeah. Well, I'm happy for you guys. Well, after everything you've been through, it's kind of nice to see two people working things out.

Bill: You know, Marina's father never should have kicked you out, Ben. He shouldn't have. He shouldn't have.

Ben: No, come on, man. I should have known to just go. It's weird, but it's like it made me look guilty while Eden was there and she...

Bill: What about Eden?

Ben: Nothing. Nothing. Forget it, man. Forget it.

Bill: No, I know she was at the Bauer barbecue, but she left man. She didn't go back. What?!

Ben: She came back, Bill. I don't remember a whole lot from that night, but one of the last thing I do remember is seeing Eden right before I was attacked.

Edmund: Yes.

Cassie: (Laughs) Great. Okay, so one baseball game and you're an expert now?

Edmund: Well, I wouldn't say that I’m an expert. I'm a fan. Besides, I think your boys have a lot of potential.

Cassie: They're a little young.

Edmund: Hmm, don't look at it that way. The way R.J. throws a ball and Will. I mean he may be a toddler, but he's got great motor skills and I think he's going to make an excellent short stop.

Cassie: Short stop?

Edmund: Right.

Cassie: You know what? I don't know if you're a fan of the game or a fan of my boys?

Edmund: I think I’m a fan of both. And I know I’m a big fan of their mother's. Your children are very lucky to have you, Cassie.

Cassie: I don't know about Tammy. I'm not doing such a great job with her.

Edmund: But Joey is. Come on, Cassie, Tammy’s doing just fine.

Cassie: I was so out of control last night. I called almost every mother to get information on Joey.

Edmund: That's perfectly understandably. She's your daughter and he's got a rap sheet.

Cassie: So does Tammy.

Edmund: That's a good point.

Cassie: And I know that she's a good kid and now I know Joey’s a good kid.

Edmund: Yeah. He had her home on time last night.

Cassie: (Laughs) That's because you put the fear of God in him.

Edmund: Yeah, I did, didn't I? Well, you know, a little fear sometimes is pretty good.

Cassie: Thanks. Thanks for looking out for her.

Edmund: You know, before you Cassie, I never looked out for anyone, but myself. Well, I mean I did, but it was more about control than... Well, I'm glad for the opportunity to look out for you and your kids. Hey, look.

Cassie: Oh.

Edmund: R.J.’s showing Will how to hold a bat.

Cassie: Oh, my God, I wish I brought my camera. They're so adorable, aren't they?

Edmund: You know, before we came back at the Beacon, I was thinking...

Cassie: Hey, hey, hey. R.J., don't do that.

Edmund: R.J. don't hit your brother with the bat. (Will crying)

Cassie: R.J., you know better than to hit your brother with a bat.

Edmund: May I? Hey, buddy, come here. Okay, R.J., I'm new at this setting a good example kind of thing so you're going to have bare with me, okay? I think you and I have a lot in common. I was always the brother who was getting into trouble. And I think it's because I always thought my brother had the things that I wanted and that kind of made me kind of jealous. And that's a bad feeling. And it makes you do bad things, like whacking your brother with a plastic baseball bat. But you know what? I think I was lucky to have my brother. And I wished I treated him better. I think you're pretty lucky, too, R.J., to have a brother like Will you could play with and share things with. So I’ll tell you what. If your mamma lets you go back out there and play, you think you could play nice with your brother?

R.J.: Yes.

Edmund: Good.

Cassie: Yes. Just listen to what Edmund said, okay? Go on.

Edmund: Go on.

Cassie: Go ahead.

Edmund: Go out and play.

Cassie: Thank you.

Edmund: Don't thank me yet. He may be drop-kicking something including his brother across the field in about five minutes.

Cassie: Oh, God. At least they're getting to play out in the field, you know. I know they love living at the hotel, but they're all cooped up inside. Before Richard died, we were planning on fixing up the farm.

Edmund: How far did you guys get with that?

Cassie: Well, we had the plans drawn up and we did submit them for permits. But I don't know. When Richard died, the dream died, you know. So there went the house, the farm, the field.

Edmund: Hmm. Field of dreams.

Cassie: What, like if I build it, we will come. (Laughs)

Ben: Hey. Hey. Look I did not want to start any trouble with you and Eden, man. I figured she would've told she was coming back to the Bauer’s.

Bill: Yeah, it must have slipped her mind. Look, I got to go, but take care of yourself, all right.

Ben: Okay. Is he okay? Look I can not afford to be on anybody's else's bad side right now, Michelle.

Michelle: I'm going to deal with Bill. Okay, you've got enough to do. You just listen to your doctors and you get yourself better.

Ben: Hey, you have some pull here. Can you get me out of here quicker?

Michelle: And risk sending you back into a surgery again? I don't think you want that.

Ben: What I want is my life back.

Nurse: Hello, again, Mr. Reade. I need to prep you for another test.

Ben: Another one?

Nurse: Yes, indeed.

Ben: All right.

Michelle: Just roll with it. You'll be home soon, okay? Hey.

Bill: I know what you're going to say, all right. And just because Ben needs to believe that Eden is the reason for his troubles, it doesn't make it true.

Michelle: Wow. I just said hey, that's all.

Bill: Sorry.

Michelle: That's okay. But maybe it is time for you to accept that Eden could be--

Bill: (Groans) Oh, Michelle. Please just don't, all right? Just don't.

Gus: Take a look at this, Frank. It's Renee Peter’s rap sheet.

Frank: Our victim number two.

Gus: Oh, yeah, she has a long history of solicitation and extortion. I'm thinking she's the one that was trying to shake the coroner.

Frank: Okay, well. It's possible.

Gus: Just follow me here. I'm thinking the coroner is thinking that it was Eden that was trying to blackmail him when it was actually Renee. So he gets mad at Eden, he tries to sue Eden and her business.

Frank: Okay, you know what? You may not like this. But what happens if it was Eden’s idea? I mean she ran that game in Chicago.

Gus: No, but, Frank, I think it was Renee. I think Renee was after a little extra cash. Just say she was a little, you know, looking for a little extra money, little extra business for herself on the side.

Frank: Just like Ben Reade was looking for a little extra business or money on the side, sleeping with Mrs. Hendon.

Gus: Exactly. Exactly. That's what I'm trying to... That's what I'm trying to say, Frank. And if she hadn't been cocky about it, she just might have gotten away with it.

Frank: What are talking about?

Gus: No, Frank, I talked to the bartenders at Olivia’s. It turns out that Ariana and Renee weren't just roommates, they were regulars at Olivia’s bar. Now follow this. Bartender tells me that they come down one night and they have too many martinis and they're bragging about knowing all about the coroner and his case load.

Frank: It doesn't seem like something that someone would brag about though.

Gus: Yeah, but that doesn't matter, Frank. That doesn't matter. Listen to this. I go in and check all the receipts from that night. Now whose there beside my sister of course? Ben Reade. Now thinking Ben Reade is sitting there. Maybe he over hears Renee talking about the coroner, how she's digging around in his case load, right? Finding these bones better linked to what? The missing girl that are linked to what and who? Ben Reade.

Frank: So if Ben knew that maybe Ariana and Renee and the coroner were on to him then maybe he would be scared to death that they could link him to the missing girl, Bridget.

Gus: Exactly. Exactly. He would need to shut all three of them up.

Frank: We got a problem. Actually, we got two problems. The first one is the theory's got to many what-if's in it.

Gus: Uh-huh. And the second?

Frank: The second one. There was someone else there be side Ben. Your sister Eden. Okay, what happens if Jeffrey O’Neill is right? What happens if Eden is the one that started this whole blackmail? Then maybe she would feel the need to shut some people up herself.

Tony: Eden, what are you doing?

Eden: Well, I don't want to stand too close to you, because someone might see us breathing the same air and go report back to Marah.

Tony: Come on, give me a break.

Eden: No, no, no. Why don't you give me a break, huh? Instead of accusing me of hitting on you when your girlfriend and my only friend is out of the country.

Tony: I wasn't accusing you. It's like you said before. Okay, we're a lot alike. Growing up we made up our own rules. It didn't matter who we stepped on to get what we wanted, right?

Eden: So what are you saying? That I’m going to go hurt Marah and Bill?

Tony: Not on purpose. I just think that you've been under a lot pressure these past few days because of the murder investigation and the cops are questioning you. And your brother, he thinks that you're a suspect.

Eden: So what? I go out and I hurt people that I care about?

Tony: No. But you probably want someone to come along and make it better. And that someone can not be me.

Eden: Oh, please. Do not flatter yourself. If I was going to pick someone to help me feel better, I would choose Bill over you any day.

Tony: Then what are you doing here with me?

Eden: Good question.

Ben: Hey. Holly.

Holly: I come bearing gifts.

Ben: Oh, you didn't have to do that.

Holly: No, I wanted to.

Ben: All right. What do we got here?

Holly: Magazines, cd's, portable DVD player.

Ben: Rope ladder?

Holly: Is it that bad?

Ben: Worse. You know, I can not wait to get out of here and go home. I keep saying, but I don't even know where that is anymore.

Holly: How about me? As soon as you're released, why don't you come back to live at the house? Don't even think about going back to the museum.

Ben: Oh, no.

Holly: It way too intense there. I have a proposition for you.

Ben: Proposition?

Holly: I will stop worrying about all my mistakes as a step-mom, if you will stop beating yourself about all the choices you have made from here on out. No regrets, clean slate, no looking back.

Ben: Sounds good.

Holly: Come on, where's the enthusiasm? You can go back to grad school, get your career started. If you're lucky, I will even put on my matchmaking hat and find the right girl for you.

Ben: No. I already found her. I just lost her.

Holly: How about a vacation? Summer in Maui is suppose to be fantastic.

Ben: Come on, Holly, what are you talking about? I'm wanted for murder. I can't go to Maui. I can't even leave this zip code.

Holly: Well today maybe, but soon. Listen, I got a tip from my contact at the police department. Mitch Hendon was taken in for questioning today. He is still the prime suspect in his wife's murder which makes him the odds-on favorite to be the one who tried to kill you.

Gus: Gentlemen, come on in. Come on in. Frank, Ross. Thank you very much for bringing Mr. Hendon down here voluntarily.

Mr. Hendon: Voluntarily? More like a summons.

Ross: This will go very fast, Mitch, if you cooperate-- which he will. He's got nothing to hide.

Gus: Good. Excellent. Well, we'll try to make this as painless as possible. So Mr. Hendon, where were you the night your wife was murdered?

Mitch: I told you a dozen times, I was with my buddy Buzz Cooper. Just ask your dad.

Frank: And you weren't with him the whole time. There's still about 20 minutes unaccounted for.

Gus: In that 20 minutes, sir, you could have gone up to your wife's hotel room and drown her in the bathtub.

Mitch: Do I have to listen to this?

Ross: It's okay, Mitch. Just answer their questions.

Mitch: They didn't ask one. You're too busy throwing accusations while Ben Reade’s walking around a free man. He's the one who killed Ramona.

Frank: Actually, Ben, isn't walking anywhere, sir. He's off laid up in a hospital.

Mitch: Oh, that's too bad.

Frank: Mr. Hendon, exactly where were you the night that we found Ben Reade floating in the Bauer hot tub?

Mitch: I don't know. I can't keep track of every second of every day while you two try to figure out how to do your job.

Ross: Listen, my client is still grieving for his wife. And the only reason that he came here today was to help you two find out whose responsible for killing her.

Gus: Oh, good. Well, we're all for that, Mr. Marler.

Ross: Good.

Gus: Aren't we, Frank?

Frank: Yep.

Gus: All right, Mr. Hendon, let me ask you this if you can not remember where you were when your wife was killed and you can not remember where you were when Ben Reade was attacked, can you by any chance remember where you were when you found out that Ben Reade was screwing around with your wife behind your back?

Mitch: You're trying to bait me. It won't work. Ramona and I had an understanding.

Gus: Oh.

Mitch: Enough said.

Gus: They had an understanding, Frank.

Ross: Yes, enough said, Gus. This meeting is over.

Gus: Okay. Well, thank you very much. But Mr. Hendon, before you go, does this look familiar to you at all?

Mitch: Looks like the ring I got when I was in special ops.

Frank: Looks like? Why don't you take a good look at that ring, Mr. Hendon. It's got your initials engraved in it.

Mitch: You don't say? I've been looking for this ring for a week or so. I thought I lost.

Gus: Thought you lost it where, sir? In the drain at the bottom of the Jacuzzi at the Bauer house where Ben Reade was almost murdered? What is that, some sort of coincidence?

Bill: I got your message. What's wrong?

Eden: Nothing's wrong. I just wanted to see you.

Bill: Well, I’m here. I was just at hospital visiting Ben.

Eden: Oh, good. How is he?

Bill: Pretty well, considering. He's getting his memory back, so that's good.

Eden: Yeah, that is good,

Bill: It turns out he was hanging around the Bauer’s the night he was attacked just so he wouldn't miss Danny and Michelle’s wedding. See, now, isn't that.. That’s loyalty right there. The guy's willing to hang out on the bushes just so he wouldn't miss his friend's wedding.

Eden: Yeah, that's loyalty.

Bill: But you weren't there, right? Because you said you were long gone.

Eden: Yeah, I had already left. What?

Bill: You know, lying was your survival technique; I get that. But what I don't get is why you're lying to me right now.

Edmund: Yes, I know it's last minute, but it needs to get done. So do it, and I'll see you there, all right? Thank you so much.

Cassie: Hey.

Edmund: Hey.

Cassie: So did you find it?

Edmund: Find what?

Cassie: The plastic wiffle ball you were looking for?

Edmund: Oh, no, no, I didn’t. But I can buy the boys another one.

Cassie: Oh. Well, you know what? They are on a major sugar high right now. And not that I am not so enjoying this picnic-- because I am-- I need to get these guys home for a nap. (Will crying) See.

Edmund: Hey. Hey, there's no crying in baseball.

Michelle: Hi. Has Danny Santos arrived yet?

Desk clerk: Uh-uh.

Tony: Hey.

Michelle: Hey.

Tony: How are you doing?

Michelle: Good.

Tony: Danny left word that you should meet him and Robbie down by the lake. He said that he rented you a row boat or something.

Michelle: (Laughs) Oh, God, he is too much.

Tony: I don't know, Michelle. You know, before you and Danny got back together, he was all work, no play. Now he's buying you houses, he's renting you rowboats.

Michelle: This is his idea of holding onto the endless honeymoon, you know.

Tony: Yeah.

Michelle: I could see you doing the same thing in the not so distant future.

Tony: Oh, no, no, no. Marah and I are a long, long way from getting married.

Michelle: And you're okay with that?

Tony: Sure.

Michelle: You know, Danny and Robbie can entertain themselves for a little while. You want to sit and grab something to eat?

Tony: I already ate. Eden invited me out to breakfast.

Michelle: Oh. Are you sure you're okay?

Tony: Yeah. Yeah, it's just... You know, before Marah took off with her mother to Italy to look at her design stuff, we kind of had this... This thing.

Michelle: Thing? What do you mean?

Tony: Well, not a thing exactly, but... (Sighs) you know, with you and Danny getting married and everything, it made us take a step back and look at our relationship.

Michelle: You're just not ready for that yet, that's all.

Tony: No, I am. But she's not.

Michelle: Really?

Tony: Yeah. Michelle, and I'm cool with that, you know. But after she left town, Eden’s been hanging around a lot, and we've been kind of spending a lot of time together.

Michelle: Oh, Tony. You and Eden didn’t...

Tony: No, no, nothing like that.

Michelle: (Sighs)

Tony: Okay, but I think that Eden got the wrong idea, and I’m worried that I might have given it to her.

Michelle: Okay, how do you mean?

Tony: Well, we've been, you know, decorating your house together, and we went to Shayne’s baseball game. That's the kind of stuff that I would've done with Marah if she were in town. But she's not. And maybe I'm a little upset about that. And instead I chose to do it all with Eden.

Michelle: But you didn't say or do anything to lead her on?

Tony: No, no. As soon as I caught on that she might think that something was going on between us, I told her, "Look, I’m with Marah, and you're with Bill," you know.

Michelle: Oh, I know.

Tony: But then she got all mad at me because she couldn't believe that I would accuse her of coming after me like that.

Michelle: Yeah, well, it wouldn't be her first time.

Tony: No, I know. But, Michelle, listen, things are different between Marah and myself and Eden now, you know? And I'm just worried that... I just... I feel like such a tool for coming down on her so hard.

Michelle: You're not a tool, Tony; you're a gentleman. If Eden doesn't get that, that's her problem. But I would suggest maybe keeping your distance from her for a little while. Probably wouldn't be a bad idea for Bill to do the same thing.

Eden: I wasn't lying to you, Bill.

Bill: No? Then what would you call it?

Eden: What?

Bill: See, don't do that? You know what I'm talking about. Danny and Michelle’s wedding at the barbecue, Holly found Ben unconscious in the hot tub. Is that starting to ring a bell?

Eden: Yes. And what about it?

Bill: You never told me that you were there. And not only were you there, you were questioned by the police as a possible suspect.

Eden: So I didn't tell you. It's not like I was trying not to tell you. Come on, why are you acting so suspicious? It's like you're looking for the worst in me.

Bill: I'm looking for the... No, I'm not. Believe me, I'm not. Okay, but when you start leaving me in the dark about things, I got to wonder.

Eden: Wonder what?

Bill: Why you would do that if you had nothing to hide.

Eden: Come on, Bill, let's not do this. Let's just... Let's go to my place, and once we're alone...

Bill: Look, stop it, will you? Just stop. It's not going to work anymore.

Cassie: Great. Thanks.

Edmund: You need some help putting the boys down for their nap?

Cassie: No, I think I got it from here. But I can have the nanny sit with them and I'll meet you later.

Edmund: Oh, good. You boys have nice naps. And I will call you as soon as I take care of a few business matters.

Cassie: Business matters?

Edmund: Oh, you know, things to do on an ambassador to-do list. Nothing very important, and I'll see you in bit.

Cassie: Okay. Bye. Hey, come here. Come here. What do you guys think of your Uncle Edmund, huh?

R.J.: I like him, Mommy.

Cassie: (Laughs) Come here. You know what? I like him, too.

Edmund: Are those?

Commissioner: Here there are, Ambassador. If I may ask, Ambassador Winslow...

Edmund: Yes?

Commissioner: Well, these are plans for the renovation of a rundown farm. Why would they interest the country of San Cristobel?

Edmund: Well, let's just say they have something to do with making a dream deferred be a dream come true.

Ben: Thanks again for coming, Holly.

Holly: Of course.

Ben: I wish you could take me out of here with you.

Holly: Be patient. Mitch Hendon will be indicted, your name will be cleared, and you will walk out of here a free man.

Ben: You say that like you're sure it's going to happen.

Holly: I'm a firm believer in occasional happy endings. Oh, I... I wish all my news could be good.

Ben: Oh, don't tell me. Shayne signed some multimillion dollar contract with a shoe company. That was a joke. It was a lame one, but... What?

Holly: Your grandmother Stoddard. They called from the nursing home. She's had a stroke.

Ben: (Sighs) What did they say? Is she going to be okay?

Holly: They... They don't think she has a lot of time left. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I know. She was... She always had a soft spot for you.

Ben: Yeah. Yeah, likewise. (Sighs)

Holly: I'm sorry I had to tell you this now with all that you're dealing with, but I thought you'd want to know.

Ben: No, no. I'm glad you told me. It's just when my mom died, she was the one who was really, really there for me, you know? I just wish there was some way I could be there for her right now.

Bill: You know all you had to do was tell me the truth.

Eden: Well, come on. The truth hurts sometimes.

Bill: You know what, Eden? I don't want excuses, and I sure as hell don't want cliches, okay?

Eden: Come on. Wait. Please, come on, just let me explain.

Bill: Explain, or lie to me again? Look, you know what? Whatever the truth was-- whether you're having trouble with your business, with the law-- I would have stood by you. But you never gave me that chance. Instead you lie to me, and then when I call you on it, your brilliant solution to fix everything is to go off someplace and have sex.

Eden: What's wrong with that?

Bill: Hey, you know what? It hurts to admit that used to work for us. But not anymore.

Eden: Oh, come on, come on. Come on. I know you still want me, and once we make love, it'll make everything all better.

Bill: Eden, it's like putting a band-aid on our problems, okay, and I'm through doing that.

Eden: Bill, come on. Don't leave like this.

Bill: Hey, you know what? When you're ready to be honest with me, you give me a call.

Gus: So, Mr. Hendon, do you mind explaining exactly how your special ops ring ended up at the bottom of the hot tub where Ben Reade was almost murdered? Did it jump in there by itself?

Ross: Stop harassing my client, Detective.

Gus: Harassing your client. Sir, Mr. Hendon, let me ask you this. Was it more exciting for you to attack Ben Reade or a little more thrilling to attack your own wife?

Ross: Gus, that's enough.

Gus: Did it make you feel more like a man with Ben Reade or more like a husband...

Mitch: That kid took my wife away from me! He deserved it!

Gus: He deserved what, Mr. Hendon? Death by ice pick?

Ross: Don't say another word. Gus, there are countless explanations as to how that ring got in the hot tub. And since you seem to be behind the curve on this, I will give you one possibility. Listen carefully. Somebody stole it and they planted it there. Okay, once you've examined that possibility and if you have something to say that's intelligent and legal, perhaps we can continue this conversation. Until then I’m calling off this witch hunt. Mitch, come on.

Gus: Mr. Hendon, can I have the ring please? Part of an ongoing investigation.

Frank: Damn, I thought we had him.

Gus: Yeah, me, too.

Frank: What are you doing?

Gus: I'm going to air the place out, Frank. It reeks.

Frank: Stench of guilt?

Gus: Hendon's aftershave. I got to tell you, Ross is right. Finding that ring, it doesn't mean anything. It doesn't mean that Hendon was wearing it. It doesn't mean anything.

Frank: It doesn't mean that he tried to kill his wife, Ramona, or tried to kill Ben.

Gus: Just got to keep the pressure on him.

Frank: And unravel three other murders. What are you doing? Where you going?

Gus: I'm going to go have a little talk with the last piece of this puzzle: My sister. I think she has danced around the truth long enough, don't you?

Frank: You know what? Why don't you let me question, Eden, okay? You're a little too close to her.

Gus: I got to be the one to do it. I know her better than anybody. I know when she's lying.

Frank: How's that?

Gus: (Sighs) Her lips are moving.

Next on "Guiding Light"...

Alexandra: I need you to get off this high road and help me go after Jeffrey O’Neill.

Cassie: I want you out of my hotel, and I want out of my life, Mr. O’Neill.

Gus: So either you are the killer or you know who is, and we are not going to leave this place until you tell me which one!

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