[an error occurred while processing this directive] GL Transcript Tuesday 7/15/03 [an error occurred while processing this directive]
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Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 7/15/03

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Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Josh: So when you pitch your no-hitter, when you're finished, you're going to sign the ball for me?

Cassie: Tammy, your blue hat is over here.

Tammy: I'm not wearing it. I don't think.

Cassie: It's a baseball game.

Tammy: Mom, is this color weird?

Cassie: What makes a color weird?

Tammy: You know what I mean. Does it look okay?

Cassie: I love that shirt on you. You look great.

Tammy: It's not too dressy?

Cassie: It's a baseball game.

Tammy: Yeah, but I don't want to look like one of those girl's whose afraid of getting peanut shells on her shoes or bumped in the head with a foul ball.

Cassie: Then wear your blue hat? See. You look perfect. I've got to get this cooler packed. Got to be ready when Edmund gets here.

Tammy: Actually, I don't need a ride.

Cassie: Come on. Is this your way of saying you don't want to go anywhere with Edmund?

Tammy: It's my way of saying I have a date.

Cassie: Well, great. So then I will probably see you guys at the game tonight then.

Marina: You guys, it's the funniest thing. It's like everyone in this town is talking about the game and how great Shayne is. People who don't even know him.

Frank: Well, the guy's a little celebrity already. He hasn't even thrown a major league pitch yet.

Buzz: When exactly does he report to the team?

Marina: In a month. All right, I’m out of here.

Buzz: Are you?

Marina: Yes, I am. My shift is over and I told him I’ll get down to the field early. He calls me his good luck charm.

Buzz: Dig this.

Frank: Oh. Sounds like a pick up line, doesn't it, Dad?

Marina: Can I help it if I have a positive effect on people?

Frank: Almost everybody.

Marina: Are you not so suddenly expressing your discontent at my having visiting Ben at the hospital last night?

Buzz: You went to see that Ben?

Frank: Wasn't my idea.

Marina: I had to see Ben, because he almost died. Anyway the only trouble is I did kind of dissed Shayne. But that was yesterday and this is today. And today is all about Shayne and the perfect game he is going to pitch.

Frank: And so, what are you? A fortune teller, good luck charm, what?

Marina: Both. I hope. I want this to be a night no one will ever forget. Excuse me.

Frank: Marina, wait a minute.

Marina: Hey, I got to get out of here.

Frank: No, no, hold on a second, honey. Please, please, please. Come on. Please. I'm sorry if I was being a little insensitive in there okay?

Marina: Okay.

Frank: Ben hurt you, you know. And I respect the fact that you're trying to find some closure with him. But I still worry about you. You've been through a lot, honey. I mean not only with Shayne, you know, Ben and...

Marina: Well, Shayne is like the easiest guy in the world to get along with.

Frank: I know. But now he's leaving, right? Just when the two of you are kind of getting something going here, you know what I mean?

Marina: Dad.

Frank: Well, I'm not a totally lame dad.

Marina: All right, look, I'm not going to completely fall apart just because I’m being left behind.

Frank: Well, that's a good thing, right?

Marina: You know, actually I’m really psyched that he's getting out of here. You know he's following his dreams. He's going to be a big star. So the sooner the better, right?

Frank: I guess.

Marina: You know, it's not like I’m going to be sitting around. I mean I have college in the fall.

Frank: You know what? And that is a very big thing because you're about the only Cooper to ever go and try to get a degree. (Cell phone rings)

Marina: Oh, that's probably Shayne. He said he'd call me. Is this the man of the hour?

Ben: No, it's just me. Look, I know this is probably a really bad idea, but I had no one else to call. Marina, are you still there?

Marina: Do you mind?

Frank: Just tell Shayne good luck for me, okay?

Marina: Uh-huh. I'm here.

Ben: I called Holly over and over again. Michelle, too.

Marina: Ben, are you okay?

Ben: You know this is big hospital. You would think there would be doctors and nurses around, but nobody's here. Seems like they're all gone.

Marina: Wait. You're not making any sense.

Ben: They bought me down for some tests and they just forgot about me. I'm serious. I mean I don't even know what floor I'm on right now. Listen to me. How pathetic is that? Like I can't find my way back to my room. Look, just forget I called okay?

Marina: Wait. Ben, don't hang up, okay? All right, I’m coming over.

Ben: No, this was a mistake.

Marina: Ben, I'm right across the street. I can be there in two minutes.

Ben: I never should have called you.

Marina: All right, just look around the room. Do you see a sign or anything?

Ben: There's an arrow pointing to radiology.

Marina: Just don't move.

Shayne: What are you doing here so early?

Josh: Well, I figured you'd be the first one to the field. And I also know you'd be finding that note.

Shayne: Mom.

Josh: Yeah.

Shayne: I can't believed that she remembered this dog whistle thing.

Josh: Why don't you read it, son?

Shayne: "So if the game gets tough, blow on that whistle and I’ll hear you. I'll be thinking of you. I'm so proud of you, Shayne. And I'll see you very, very soon. Love, Mom."

Josh: She was really sorry that she couldn't be here for you.

Shayne: Yeah, it's in here, too. So, how are you guys now? Are you guys, okay? Is everything, all right?

Josh: Well, we've had a little bit of a bump in the road, but we'll be okay. We've been there before.

Shayne: Yeah, no kidding.

Josh: Son, you don't have to worry about us, okay? Not tonight.

Shayne: When you guys fell in love, you guys were younger than I am now, right?

Josh: Very much so, yes.

Shayne: So did you know right away that that's what it was? That it was love? Or did it take a little while to kind of figure it out?

Josh: You know I can't help but get the feeling that this doesn't have much to do with our family history. This is about Marina. Is that right?

Shayne: What? And she's like a distraction again? Now you're going to tell me she's a distraction?

Josh: I think she's a very nice girl, son.

Shayne: Yeah, she's a nice girl, but she's not nice enough to stand in the way of my big plans, right?

Josh: You know, you're sounding pretty angry right now.

Shayne: I'm not. I'm just trying to figure some things out.

Josh: Like how to deal with your old man for instance? Listen, I've already told you that I walked away from baseball when I was your age. I walked away from a lot of things that were important to me. And I did it because I was trying to prove to my old man that I was not going to live a life that wasn't 100% of my choices.

Shayne: You told me. You said it was a mistake, right?

Josh: It was. It was a big mistake. But as far as being with your mom goes, the life we've had together, loving your mom, I have not regretted one moment of that time. Now you have to ask yourself, how much do you really like Marina? Or is it passed that stage?

Shayne: Or it's way past that. It's way past that.

Josh: Okay. Well, you also have to remember that this dream of glory was your dream from the beginning. It wasn't mine. It's your dream. Now you have to follow that dream, son. You have to see where it leads you.

Shayne: As in, like, away from Springfield and away from Marina?

Josh: No, not necessarily. It may seem that way at first, but if what you and Marina have together is real, if it's true and it's honest, then she won't an obstruction in your life. She'd be a part of your life. Okay?

Shayne: Yeah. Warm me up?

Josh: I'd be honored to.

Cassie: You have a date? With a boy?

Tammy: Well, I'm not two anymore, Mom.

Cassie: Well, who is he? What's his name?

Tammy: Well, if you're going to grill me...

Cassie: Hello? This is your first official date ever?

Tammy: Yeah.

Cassie: So how can I not, you know, I mean how can I not ask it?

Tammy: I knew you were going to do this.

Cassie: A special date.

Tammy: I knew it. His name is Joey. Joey Lupo. He's going to be a senior and he's the catcher on the baseball team. And he's really good. He's playing tonight.

Cassie: Oh, he's an all-star. (Laughter)

Tammy: Yeah, and he's cute.

Cassie: Okay, when do I get to meet this good, cute boy?

Tammy: Mom...

Cassie: What do you mean, "Mom"? I am your mother. I don't think it's outrageous that I want to meet the boy that you go on your first date with.

Tammy: Yeah, but you're making it like, sound like a state occasion. Like, signing a treaty or inauguration or something.

Cassie: This is a really big deal, Tammy.

Tammy: Well, you're right. (Laughs) I couldn't believe that Joey Lupo asked me to come watch him play. Me.

Cassie: Why couldn't you believe that? You know you happen to be very cute and very good yourself. Oh, my God. My baby's going on a date. I can't believe it. I feel so old.

Tammy: Well, you are old. I'd better go. Joey's probably waiting.

Cassie: Hey. Hey, I want to met him!

Jeffrey: Look, I didn't mean to be laughing at you like that. It's just that, you know, you look... Well, you look so American. You look so terminally casual.

Edmund: Well, you certainly ought to know having well more than mastered casual.

Jeffrey: What? These are my ,clothes. You, you're making a statement there.

Edmund: Maybe I decided it was time again for one of my famous changes.

Jeffrey: And maybe the tag is still on your shirt?

Edmund: Really?

Tammy: Joey, hi.

Joey: Hey. Let's go, okay?

Tammy: Yeah.

Jeffrey: Is that Tammy’s boyfriend?

Edmund: I have no idea. I've never seen the kid before.

Jeffrey: Yeah, well, I have. So I guess there's a game tonight, huh? He's in his uniform and you're... Well, you're in your fan costume.

Edmund: All-star game. Cassie's nephew is pitching.

Jeffrey: Oh, yeah. Is he any good?

Edmund: Well, there's talk of him pursuing it professionally.

Jeffrey: Oh.

Edmund: What about this kid that Tammy just left with...

Alexandra: Oh, my. That's an interesting look.

Edmund: Ambassador's sash is at the cleaners.

Alexandra: We have met before.

Jeffrey: We had a meaningful moment at the country club recently.

Alexandra: No, no. No, no. I mean I thought about this that whole night. But I have definitely met you somewhere else.

Jeffrey: You know, I had an interesting experience the other day at a fourth of July barbecue, and your brother was there.

Alexandra: Alan?

Jeffrey: That's the one, yeah. And he was having a grand old time. He was walking around, talking with people, eating, drinking-- just like a normal, sane person.

Alexandra: Well, Alan is quite a sociable man, you know.

Jeffrey: Yes, and it's remarkable, especially considering that he was found legally incompetent just a couple of months ago, so unstable that he was unable to stand trial for some rather serious crimes: Stalking, breaking and entering...

Alexandra: You know, the family is absolutely thrilled that he's recovered so quickly. I mean, we actually think it's somewhat of a miracle.

Jeffrey: A miracle? Yeah, that's...

Alexandra: Yeah.

Jeffrey: ...That is one explanation, yeah. Alan did get awfully well, awfully fast, didn't he? You know, I think I'm going to have to look into that case again. Yeah, just to satisfy my own curiosity.

Alexandra: Well, of course you have to do what you must.

Jeffrey: That's the O’Neill motto. (Laughs) Yeah. And you know, hey, Alan called me the other day and left me a message. You wouldn't happen to know what he wanted?

Alexandra: Well, no.

Jeffrey: Listen, it was nice meeting you. Buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks.

Alexandra: He's going to come after me, because I can feel it.

Darci: Frank?

Frank: Yeah?

Darci: Thank you for bringing me to this game tonight. It really means a lot to me. I know that right now you're probably not even sure you want to be around me anymore, so...

Frank: Look, Darci, the other day you caught me off guard. You totally took me by surprise. You lied to me. I appreciated the fact that you came clean with me when you told me how you feel. God knows I've made a lot of mistakes in my life. So why don't we just... Why don't we just take this whole thing nice and slow, one day at a time, okay?

Darci: Okay. So Marina was telling me how excited she is for Shayne.

Frank: Yeah. I just want her to watch a nice baseball game with no complications or problems, eat some popcorn.

Darci: Yeah, she's had a really hard time lately.

Frank: Yeah. And I don't understand how someone her age can be hit with so much life stuff right now.

Darci: Yeah. Well, like college-- that's about to start. That's a big one.

Frank: Yeah, like her ex-boyfriend who's in the hospital right now, who was almost killed, who she insisted on seeing yesterday; and her new boyfriend now who's going to be leaving in a couple weeks to go off and play professional baseball.

Darci: Marina's a strong kid, Frank.

Frank: Yeah, I just got this horrible feeling she's going to get sucked right back into this murder case, and there's really nothing I can do about it.

Darci: Well, so this isn't all just about Marina, is it, Frank? It's about you, too.

Frank: Maybe, a little.

Darci: You know that feeling of helplessness you have, Frank? I think it's progress.

Frank: You're kidding, right?

Darci: No. Every parent needs to go through this at some point, letting their kids make their own choices.

Frank: Yeah, well, what if they're lousy choices?

Darci: Are you kidding me? Marina's going away to college. I mean, last year at this time it seemed like a complete impossibility. You told me so yourself.

Frank: That's true. She did buckle down and get her grades up, so...

Darci: She's going away to college. Wow.

Frank: Well, not necessarily. She's going to Springfield U., so she'll be staying at home, which is a good thing. I'm very glad about that. I wasn't looking forward to her leaving. I didn't really want to be left alone again.

Darci: You don't have to be alone anymore, Frank.

Audience: Let's go, pitcher. Let's go. Let's go! Let's go!

(Cheers and applause)

Joey: I wish I was two people.

Tammy: Why?

Joey: Well, one of me could catch, and the other could sit with you in the stands.

Tammy: I wish my mom could've heard that. I can't believe I just said that.

Joey: It's cool, it's cool. So do you think your mom would like me?

Tammy: I think we're going to find out. She's going to be at the game today.

Joey: Well, what I won't tell her: The things that go through my head whenever I look at you.

Tammy: Good. (Laughs)

Josh: Hello, hello.

Tammy: Hi.

Josh: How we doing? Listen, you've got to keep him focused, all right? Okay, good. How you doing? You in there?

Shayne: Yeah.

Josh: This is it. This is what it's all about, son. You can almost feel the charge in the air. This is exactly why. This is the moment. This is why I've been pressing you so hard, okay? I mean, just... just look out at the field right now. It starts out empty. Score is 0-0. The ump calls, "play ball!" And anything can happen. You can make anything happen tonight. This is the kind of day you never forget.

Shayne: You sure you don't want to suit up, Dad?

Josh: (Laughs) Well, I'm thinking about it, but I’m going to do the next best thing, all right? I'm going to be right up there in the stands, and I’m going to send a little piece of me out to you on the mound. You have a good game, all right? I am very proud of you. Have fun.

Shayne: Yeah.

Josh: Okay.

Shayne: Hey, hey. Did you guys come together?

Tammy: Surprise.

Shayne: Did you talk to Marina today?

Tammy: No, but I'm sure she'll be here.

Shayne: She was supposed to be here already.

Tammy: Oh, like she would miss this.

Ben: Hello?

Lizzie: Hey, how are you? Did you get my flowers?

Ben: Lizzie, what do you want?

Lizzie: Well, I was just checking on you. Have you heard from Marina lately?

Ben: She's on her way over here right now, okay? I can't talk right now.

(Cheers and applause)

Coach: Johnny, hit them two. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Greg, get up here. All right.

(Cheers and applause)

Coach: Yeah, that's it. (Cheers and applause)

Shayne: Hey, Buzz.

Buzz: Hey, how's the arm feel?

Shayne: It's good, thanks. Where's Marina?

Buzz: She's not here? She left Company before I did.

Shayne: That's weird.

Lizzie: Hey, Shayne, good luck.

Shayne: Thanks.

Buzz: She'll show up. Don't worry.

Lizzie: She absolutely will. I bet you she's just waiting for him to fall asleep.

Shayne: Who?

Lizzie: Ben. Oh, didn't... didn't you know? She went to go visit Ben in the hospital.

Jeffrey: Oh. Hi, Frank.

Frank: Jeffrey.

Jeffrey: Ms. Matthews. Listen, I've been looking for you.

Frank: Why is that?

Jeffrey: Well, I was going over the murder case files, and I made some notes.

Frank: Ah, some notes?

Jeffrey: Yeah, some notes. I like to keep tabs on current murder investigations, especially when there's not a suspect in custody yet. Who knows, Frank, I just might stumble upon something you haven't figured out yet.

Frank: Well, you know what, Jeffrey? We're doing the best that we can.

Jeffrey: Sure you are, Frank.

Edmund: Jeffrey O’Neill is never going to be able to pin Reva’s stalking on you. Lloyd has been sent away, and Alan’s not going to say anything to him, especially since he'll be able to keep you in check by lording the truth over you.

Alexandra: Well, Alan’s the least of my worries, actually.

Edmund: Really? What could be more worrisome than potentially serving jail time?

Alexandra: Well, let's talk about the threat to you: Mr. O’Neill. Surely you can't feel very safe or even comfortable around that man. I mean, he's the virtual double of Cassie’s beloved Richard.

Edmund: Yes, but he's more than around here; he's living under Cassie’s roof.

Alexandra: (Sighs) And you stopped pursuing, you know, to find out anything you can use against him, hmm?

Edmund: Well, I’m not insane, just tired, Alexandra. I'm tired of the paranoid life. I'm tired of looking over my shoulder every five minutes and seeing a threat and feeling as if I have to act hard and fast. I've become annihilated.

Alexandra: Really? Well, that's quite a turnabout for you.

Edmund: I'm also happy, and that's quite a turnaround as well.

Alexandra (laughing): Oh, well. Yeah, well, be careful my darling. It's just that it’s... it's been my experience that the moment I felt really happy, that's the moment the bottom fell out.

Edmund: Here, here, let me help you with that.

Cassie: Oh, great. There is enough food in there to feed the whole team and everyone watching. Wow! You look like a fan.

Edmund: Well, I think I am.

Cassie: Wow. You look very cute.

Edmund: Thanks.

Cassie: Lose the hat.

Edmund: Oh. All right.

Cassie: (Laughs)

Edmund: Well, I’ll take this out to the car.

Cassie: Okay. Oh, okay.

Jeffrey: Mrs. Winslow, you got a second? I have a question for you.

Cassie: What's that?

Jeffrey: Do you let your daughter just go out with anyone?

Cassie: What are you talking about?

Jeffrey: Well, I guess I'm talking about, you know, your parenting.

Cassie: Here we go again.

Jeffrey: Look, excuse me, but, you know, I’m not the one whose 17-year-old just walked out the door with Joey Lupo.

Cassie: What's wrong with that?

Jeffrey: See, this is what I’m... This is what I'm talking about. You know, a mother who doesn't know or just doesn't care who her daughter's seeing.

Cassie: Mr. O’Neill, he is a nice guy, okay? He's on the all-star baseball team.

Jeffrey: All-star baseball team.

Cassie: Yes.

Jeffrey: Well, maybe you should get a program to check out who the players are, okay? You want to hear some stats? Got some stats for you. "Joey Lupo, 18. January: Driving without a license. February: Possession of a fake I.D. March and April-- oh, this is good; he's been busy-- illegal consumption of alcohol by a minor, creating a public nuisance, disorderly behavior, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. You know, Joey Lupo is an all- star on the baseball team, but you sure as hell ain't going to make any all-star mom team, are you?

Cassie: I trust my daughter's judgment.

Jeffrey: Well, it's not hers that's in question; it's yours.

Cassie: I think you should mind your own business.

Jeffrey: Oh, do you? Well, the facts speak for themselves.

Cassie: Her date's going to be just fine.

Jeffrey: Well, if you're willing to take that chance, you're an even lousier mother than I thought.

Coach: Shayne. You in there?

Shayne: Huh?

Coach: Hey, you've got to focus, man. Big game today. Let's go, all right?

Shayne: Don't worry, I'm not going to let anybody down.

(Cheers and applause)

Eden: Hey, Tony.

Tony: Hey.

Eden: How's the view up here?

Tony: I didn't know that you liked baseball.

Eden: Well, I just wanted to see if Shayne is as good as everyone says, and I knew you'd be here with his family, without Marah, so I thought you might like some company.

Tony: Have a seat.

Buzz: The proud papa!

Josh: Hey, how are you? You bet I'm proud. Hey, I’ve been waiting 18 years for this, are you kidding?

Buzz: You have? 18 years?

Josh: Yes. (Laughs)

Buzz: That's funny. I haven't heard you talk about Shayne and baseball till recently.

Josh: Well, that's kind of how Shayne is, you know.

Buzz: Okay. What do you mean?

Josh: Well, what I mean by that is that Shayne’s always been a low-maintenance kid, you know. He's always done well in school. He's always done well in sports. In fact, he played more lacrosse than baseball growing up. But then, one day last summer, I went to pick him up from baseball practice, and I was there early and I watched him go into his windup, and man, he fired off a pitch; the pop in the glove sounded like a gunshot.

Buzz: Wow.

Josh: And I knew it right then and there that, first of all, not only was he not a boy anymore, he was now a man, but that he had it.

Buzz: Talent for baseball.

Josh: Talent for baseball, absolutely. And I decided... I promised to myself right then and there I was not going to let the opportunity of a lifetime pass him by.

Buzz: Like you think you did.

Josh: (Sighs)

Buzz: Sorry. You're a great dad. You're a great dad. You're here for him; you know, you care. What more can a son ask for? You're a great dad. (Applause)

Coach: Come on, guys. Let's go.

Joey: You think your cousin's into me.

Shayne: What, Tammy? I don't know, man, maybe. It looks like it, I guess.

Joey: I think she is. I feel like I could go yard every at-bat tonight. Nothing like having a babe cheer you on.

Shayne: Yeah.

Coach: You okay?

Shayne: Yeah.

Coach: Let's get out there and warm up, all right?

Joey: It's your world, my man. We're just living in it. Blow them away.

Ben: You know, I don't know what's worse: Being a murder suspect or a target. (Cell phone rings)

Marina: You should really keep that thing turned off in here. (Cell phone rings) Wait, no, I got it. I got it, okay? Hello. Oh, hey. Hey, Holly, Ben’s been trying to get in touch with you.

Ben: ...Talk to her.

Marina: Oh, you have. You did? Really? That's weird. Yeah. I tell you what, I’ll have him give you a call when he gets back to his room, okay? All right, bye. So, Holly said she had her phone with her and it was on all day today, which means you lied to me, Ben.

Ben: I told you this was a mistake.

Marina: Why did you lie?

Ben: Because when I got down here and it hurt too much to walk anymore, there was only one person that I wanted to call. You don't stare at me like I’m a monster or a victim. I'm still just Ben.

Marina: Well, because that's who you are.

Ben: Do you know how that feels to be treated like me? You make it seem like none of this ever happened. Like, I never... never lost my trust fund or started working for Eden. Marina, I know... I know if I hadn't screwed things up so bad you and I, we'd both still be... (Groans)

Marina: All right, come on. Let's get you out of here, okay? Come on.

Ben: Can you help me?

Marina: Yeah. All right.

Ben: (Groans)

(“The Star Spangled Banner” playing)

(Cheers and applause)

Josh: Mr. Messner. Excuse me. Hi. I'm Joshua Lewis. I'm Shayne’s dad.

Messner: Oh, pleased to meet you.

Josh: Thank you.

Messner: A big night for Shayne.

Josh: Yes, yes, it most certainly is. Last night as an amateur. You know, I have to say I'm a little surprised to see you here. I thought since my son was already signed with the Cubs, they wouldn't send anybody out to watch him pitch.

Messner: It's my call as to where Shayne’s assigned once he's on board.

Josh: Ah.

Messner: Now some in the organization want to fast track him to the big club. Others have concerns.

Josh: What concerns?

Messner: Oh, well, don't take this the wrong way, Mr. Lewis. Shayne has all the physical talent you could want. But his control can be a little iffy. Now that's a mental thing. It could be he needs a little work and a double-- maybe even a single-a-level just to work it out.

Josh: You know I really don't think that'll be necessary. He's been throwing everyday. And he's throwing very well.

Messner: Let's just see how he does tonight.

Josh: Okay.

Cassie: I'm going to try her again. Hey, Leslie, hi. This is Cassie Winslow. Tammy's mother. Yeah, I met you at the open house. I remember that you were involved with the sports at the high school-- the Booster Club. Great. Well, I was just wondering if you could give me any information that you might know about a boy named Joey Lupo? Yeah, Tammy seems to think that he's... What's that? Really? Mm-hmm. How many times? No, no. Thanks. Thanks for the warning. Bye.

Edmund: So, O’Neill was right?

Cassie: Yes. Damn him. I got to find Tammy.

Edmund: All right.

Cassie: Excuse me. Excuse me. We need to talk about your date.

Tammy: Mom, the game is about to start.

Cassie: I don't care. Did you know that your friend Joey Lupo has been involved with the police?

Tammy: Yes, I did.

Cassie: Why didn't you tell me? I mean all you said was that he was a nice boy who played ball.

Tammy: Mom, if I told you, you wouldn't have let me go out with him.

Cassie: You're right, I wouldn't have let you gone out with him, Tammy. Maybe I should have grilled you harder.

Tammy: Mom, Joey’s parents got divorced right before Christmas. Some present, huh? He's had a really hard time.

Cassie: Just because you've had a hard time doesn't mean that you need to drink alcohol and have a fake I.D.

Tammy: Mom, has Joey done anything to me? Has he? He is a good guy. Just give him a chance.

Josh: Shayne, Shayne.

Shayne: What's up?

Josh: This guy over here in the Cubs chair. That's Ernie Messner.

Shayne: That's one of the guys that picked me in the draft, right?

Josh: He's actually the guy who's going to decide when and where you start for the Cubs.

Shayne: Thanks for telling me.

Josh: Look, look. The reason I’m telling you is as a reminder.

Shayne: Of what?

Josh: You have to keep your head in the game.

Shayne: You know what? I shouldn't have told you about Marina.

Josh: No, no, you should have. I want to know what you're thinking about and what you care about. But right now the only thing you should be thinking of caring about is your pitching. You have to trust me on this, okay?

Shayne: All right.

P.A. announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Springfield’s Cyclone last all- star game of the 2003 season. Tonight's game between the visiting Bay City Barracudas and the our local Springfield team will feature for the last time in Springfield, our very own Shayne Lewis!

(Cheers and applause)

Audience (chanting): Shayne, Shayne, Shayne...

Darci: Come on, Frank, what's up? What'd the D.A. say that upset you so much?

Frank: It's not important, Darci.

Darci: All right, fine. I just thought it might be nice to talk to someone. Sometimes it helps.

Frank: It's just not easy being police chief. My first day on the job my sister almost gets killed, I’ve got four unsolved murders, I have an attempted murder to deal with and I got a D.A. breathing down my neck.

Darci: Second guessing you.

Frank: No one wants to solve this crime more than I do. But it doesn't seem to make a damn bit of difference to Jeffrey O’Neill.

Darci: Feel better.

Frank: I do. Thanks for letting me get that out.

Darci: You got it, Chief. Let's go.

Cassie: I don't know what to do.

Edmund: Nothing the kid did really sounds all that terrible.

Cassie: Well, that's easy for you to say. She's not your daughter. I'm sorry. That wasn't fair.

Edmund: Cassie, I thought you said you trusted Tammy’s judgment? Why don't you give her and the young man she's with a chance?

Cassie: That's what she said. But you know what? She's 17. She's a baby. She's young.

Edmund: And she's been through a lot more than most girls her age.

Cassie: Yes. And she may be smart and she may be strong, but she's very vulnerable. What if she gets close to this boy, Joey, huh, and he does something stupid again and it blows up in her face? Once you trust someone and they hurt you like that, I don't think you'll ever get over it.

Umpire: Play ball!

Marina: It's okay. Are you okay?

Ben: I'm glad you're here.

(Cheers and applause)

Umpire: Whoa! Oh, she's hurt. Come on out.

(Baseball anthem playing)

Next on "Guiding Light."

Josh: You don't happen to know where his good luck charm is?

Buzz: It's not like Marina to miss a game.

Gus: Frank, all I could say is that your daughter dumped Ben Reade just in the nick of time.

Marina: Ben, stop. Ben, get off of me.

Ben: It's not too late for us.

Marina: Ben it is over between us.

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