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Guiding Light Transcript Monday 7/14/03

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Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Danny: Say it again.

Michelle: Say what again?

Danny: You know, that married part.

Michelle: We are married. You and I are married for real, for keeps, married, married, married. I don't know why we dragged our feet on this for so long.

Danny: We, what?

Michelle: I miss being married to you.

Danny: Well, good because this is it, I知 serious. We're done with all this. This is forever. I mean it.

Michelle: I know one thing that won't last forever.

Danny: What?

Michelle: The honeymoon.

Danny: Want to bet?

Tony: Hello.

Eden: Hey, you. What are you doing here all by your lonesome?

Tony: Danny and Michelle are checking out of the honeymoon suite and I thought I would ease the transition by playing chauffeur. They're not down yet but I can't exactly knock on their door.

Eden: So romantic. Misguided but romantic all the same.

Tony: Excuse me?

Eden: Your heart is in the right place but I think you can do better. You know what? Come with me. You will thank me later.

Alan: Well, I hear that you redecorated my office.

Phillip: You mean my office?

Alan: You told building services to remove all traces of me.

Phillip: Well, yeah, as I said before, it's mine now.

Alan: So, Phillip, I guess now you have everything that you want. Everything.

Nora: Okay. Everyone, I壇 like to get started. We have a lot of ground to cover today. So, grab your partners and-- hey I知 Nora.

Olivia. Hi.

Nora: Welcome, Olivia. Welcome everyone to introductory birthing class. Sign-in sheets by the door. Is your partner parking the car?

Olivia: No, no. I'm alone. I don't have a partner.

Harley: He's in there.

Gus: I know.

Harley: Scram.

Gus: What do you mean scram?  

Harley: Get lost, skedaddle, whatever. Honey, I appreciate your being protective but this is what we have to do to get what we need. We agreed. My dad is in there. He won't try anything.

Gus: He will be embarrassed because of your daddy? I'll just haul him down and we'll take our chances.

Harley: Piss him off in the process? Then we will never know if Hendon's special ops ring is what caused the mark on Ben痴 neck or on Mrs. Hendon痴 when she was killed, come on. Let's get this guy today. Wait. Where are you going to be?

Gus: I'm going to be worrying about whether sending you in to talk to a murderer is a huge mistake or not.

Mr. Hendon: I'm a mess, Buzz. My wife is dead and her affair with that trust fund wanna be is splattered all over the front page. Wherever I am, the way people look at me.

Buzz: You don't have to worry about that here.

Mr. Hendon: Thanks. But I don't care as long as the maniac gets caught.

Buzz: The sooner the better.

Mr. Hendon: You know what else needs to be over? The Garden of Eden. Police need to close that place down. If it hadn't been available, those places prey on people. Nothing more than legalized prostitution rings. I can't help but thinking Ramona would still be alive if she hadn't got mixed up with those people.

Harley: Hey, Dad.

Buzz: You know my daughter, Harley.

Mr. Hendon: Detective Cooper, right?

Harley: Actually, it's ex-detective Cooper. I've left the force. I'm choosing to concentrate on things closer to home. I'm sorry about your loss, Mr. Hendon.

Mr. Hendon: Thanks.

Harley: You took off your wedding ring, I couldn't help but notice.

Buzz: Harley.

Mr. Hendon: No, that's okay. I'm still wearing it.

Harley: I'm sorry. With your hands crossed, I thought I was looking at your ring finger, wedding ring finger.

Mr. Hendon: I used to wear a different ring on that hand.

Buzz: Special ops ring welded to your hand. What happened to it?

Mr. Hendon: I guess I lost it.

Hot in here. Like when your car is left in the sun all day without cracking a window.

Well I値l tell you what, you turn on the air once, you tell me what we're doing here?

Well, I wanted to see what they did to this place.

You are such a piece of work.

Come on. They can't come home to this.

I'll turn on the air. By the time they get here, the place will be cooled down.

When they walk through that threshold, they have to come into something special.

They have that, their whole life is going to be great.

I'm not getting through to you, am I?

No, you're not. Why don't you help me out a and be a little more specific.

You have to have a big banner that says welcome home Danny and Michelle and balloons all over the place and flowers. You know, it sounds really corny but in this instance I think it's okay to be corny.

That's an awful lot of stuff. They're going to be home in a little bit.

We'll just do the foyer area.

Sounds like a plan. I guess it's better than a ride home. Fine, you win. I don't know what to do about this wedding stuff. Marah is not here.

I think Marah would agree with me. Okay, we have to get moving so I知 going to buy supplies and you stay here and clean up and would you please open some windows?

Wait a second. I just want to know one thing. I don't understand why you're doing this. It's note like you're close to Michelle or anything.

I'm a girl. Even though Michelle and I are different, I know what girls like.

If you say so.

When I comes to love, I know what a woman wants.

So you're doing this for women everywhere? That's it?

Well, that and...

All right. You win. Let's get cracking.

Phillip: You're right. I am the man that has everything. At the moment I'm the man who has a meeting. So if you'll excuse me.

Alan: Is that what you call them now, you and Olivia. Meetings? It's not very original.

Phillip: We're not meeting at all these days. I have to go.

Alan: I'm really surprised at you, Phillip. Quitting so easily. I mean you're a lot of things but being a quitter is not one of them.

Phillip: I guess you're entitled to enjoy this one to know that you've really gotten what you wanted.

Alan: I'm not going to deny that I take some satisfaction in knowing she turned her back on you. What I知 concerned with is the way you've handled it.

Phillip: I'm awfully sorry to hear that.

Alan: I mean, you can take Olivia or leave her. Women come and go. That's not the issue. The issue is your children. They're the one thing in life you don't give up on now if Olivia were carrying my child...

Phillip: No, of course. You want control of the situation. That's your primary instinct. Same old Alan.

Alan: Call it whatever you want.

Phillip: But I知 not like you.

Alan: No, you're not like me at all. Because you've always chased castles in the air.

Phillip: What is that supposed to mean?

Alan: You have these standards, these ideals about life, love and family that no one can live up to. Not me, not Olivia, not even you. Look what's it's brought you. Nothing. Now if Olivia doesn't come back to you, it is because she will realize it is impossible to make a life with you.

Phillip: As much as I appreciate these father insights and observations, you can keep them to yourself because I don't need anything that you have to offer me.

Alan: I think you need it now more than ever. What am I thinking? Giving you advice? I'm the last person on earth you would take advice from. After all, we're not flesh and blood. Or so you keep reminding me.

Receptionist: Miss Spencer is out for the day. Her first birthing class. I'd pay to see her breathe, too. Can I help you?

Phillip: You already have.

Nora: As you can see, we've come a long way from the days of having the machine wait in the waiting rooms with their cigars. While your partner cannot have the baby for you, he can at least be in the room with you while you do. And he can support you. Listen, I didn't want to put you on the spot before but the point of these classes is really to work with a partner. I mean if you don't have one, we can make arrangements.

Olivia: I think I知 fine on my own.

Nora: The baby is coming no matter what. This class is a lot more about helping the parents. You need to have someone...

Olivia: No, I don't need anyone. And I really don't need you to judge my choice.

Nora: Sweetie, I知 not judging you. This is just a little experience look, having someone to hold your hand, to breathe with you, to guide you through the process. Trust me, you don't want to do this alone.

Phillip: She won't have to. Hi. I'm Phillip Spaulding. I'm the father. I hope I知 not too late.

Nora: No, not at all.

Michelle: What would you say if we spend the rest of our lives in bed.

Danny: Sounds good to me. Although there is the small matter of our son.

Michelle: We can give him an adjoining room. Robbie would have a blast here.

Danny: There's your dream house. What are we going to do about that?

Michelle: We could visit. I just want to stretch our honeymoon out to the edge. Our little family with no interruptions from the outside world. Except for room service. And us. I love us.

Danny: I love us, too. I don't know if I should tell you this.

Michelle: What? What is it?

Danny: Never mind.

Michelle: Danny? Hey.

Danny: Look, I really debated whether I should tell you this or not. It's about Ben.

Michelle: I turned on the TV when you got in the shower. He is going to be fine.

Danny: He was attacked at the barbecue just after we left.

Michelle. What do you mean attacked?

Danny: He is going to be fine. I just thought you should know.

Michelle: We have to go there. Danny I need to be there.

Danny: It is still an open case. The cops don't want any visitors there. I'm sure Ben wouldn't want you to be there.

Michelle: I think he would.

Danny: The killer is still out there.

Michelle: He needs to know that people care about him.

Danny: I'm sure he knows. He is going to be fine. I thought you should know. There is nothing you can do right now. You can call him later, okay? Later. Come here.

Michelle: Now I never, ever want to leave this room.

Danny: I know. We can't run away from the world.

Michelle: I just want it to be you and me for a while.

Danny: We can keep it simple. I believe we can handle anything now that we're married. Good stuff, not good stuff. We can get through it as long as we stay together, right? What?

Michelle: I know...

Danny: It's true. It's only going to get better for us. It is. Nothing but better. I promise.

Eden: Looking good.

Tony: Yes, ma'am.

Eden: Please do not call me ma'am.

Tony: Yes, sir. How's that?

Eden: Did you turn on the air conditioner yet?

Tony: I did but think about it. It is going to take forever to cool this place down.

Eden: Well, when in Rome...

Tony: You know, we have people that do that for you. They're called florist.

Eden: I am a woman of many talents.

Tony: Yeah. But I never thought of you as a flower type. I don't know how many times I spent my last five bucks on flowers. Where do did you learn how to do that?

Eden: Well, there was this shop, a flower shop in the old neighborhood, and this really grouchy woman owned it, but she was actually....

Tony: Grouchy when you met her.

Eden: I was going to say she was an artist. How did you know Mrs. Gennaro.

Tony: I used to go to her shop every week. I can't believe you liked her.

Eden: She was lonely. Once you got to know her she wasn't that bad. Anyway, that's where I learned how to arrange flowers. Why were you going there every week if you didn't like her?

Tony: My father used to have me get flowers for my mother.

Eden: He must have screwed up a lot.

Tony: No, no. He bought her flowers on the first date and he never stopped.

Eden: How sweet. It was sweet of you to pick them up.

Tony: It was next to the chocolate store.

Eden: I used to love those. Did you know his name was not really Giorgio.

Tony: Yeah, it was.

Eden: No, it wasn稚. That's okay. Even though you cannot remember anything, I really can't believe that you and I never crossed paths.

Tony: Maybe we did.

Eden: Maybe we did.

Tony: Of all things, taking a trip down memory lane with Eden August is not what I thought I would be doing today. Funny. Really funny. After all the things we've been through.

Eden: I don't think it's funny. I don't think it's funny at all.

Buzz: I never thought I壇 see you without that ring.

Mr. Hendon: I know. It just doesn't seem so important right now. It will show up. Somewhere.

Buzz: Last thing you need to worry is about a ring.

Harley: I have to go. I'm sorry. I just remembered something really important.

Buzz: What?

Harley: Jude. I don't want Rick to be late for work. I have to pick him up. Again Mr. Hendon. I'm sorry for your loss. I'm sure they'll catch whoever did this very, very soon. See you later, Dad, okay? Pick up, pick up, Gus. Hey, it痴... Hey, it's me. Listen, call me. When you get the message, call me. You are not going to believe it. Bye. I think I got something. I mean it's just a hunch.

Harley: Mr. Hendon. Are you taking off?

Mr. Hendon: Actually, I wanted to talk to you.

Harley: I wish I could, but like I said, I知 late. I need to pick up my son.

Mr. Hendon: I'm guessing your son is what your hunch was about.

Harley: Exactly. It's a little embarrassing.

Mr. Hendon: Try me.

Harley: It's the case of the missing bear. Actually my littlest one, he lost his stuffed teddy bear and I got this feeling, well this, hunch, that it might be my older son who took it, so I知 thinking we should try his favorite hiding spot.

Mr. Hendon: Sounds like you're a pretty good detective. You always get your man.

Harley: Or bear, as the case may be. Mr. Hendon, I realize there's so much anxiety involved in this thing with your life, but like I said, I can't help you with that anymore. The only hunches I have are about my own children.

Mr. Hendon: But you can still help me.

Harley: How?

Mr. Hendon: You're not a cop anymore but your boyfriend is. I need you to tell him something for me.

Harley: Sure.

Mr. Hendon: Tell him to find the killer. I know I haven't be been the biggest help in this investigation, but I want justice.

Harley: Of course you do and I知 sure Gus will do everything he can to help...

Mr. Hendon: Victims families are often forgot in this process, but I won't be forgotten. Tell Aitoro to catch this guy, whoever it is, but I think we all know who it is.

Harley: You do?

Mr. Hendon: Ben Reade.

Harley: Actually, Ben Reade is in the hospital. Someone tried to kill him. Pretty shaken up. So it appears he's more of a victim than a suspect.

Mr. Hendon: Maybe that's what he wants you to think.

Harley: I know how upsetting this whole thing is for you Mr. Hendon. I will tell Gus what you said, every word.

Mr. Hendon: Thank you, Harley.

Harley: I hope that you heard that. I hope when you get this message that will you meet me at the Bauer痴 because like I said, I think I've got something.

Olivia: What part of on my own do you not get.

Phillip: I heard were you we-- I was at the Beacon and I heard you were here.

Olivia: It would be easier if you weren't here.

Phillip: All is fair in love and war.

Olivia: You know what you can do with your love.

Phillip: I'm here for the baby. Maybe you can hold off on making a scene until after class.

Olivia: Something to look forward to.

Nora: All right, class, they do call it labor for a reason. But it's work that you and your partner share in order to bring a happy, healthy baby into the world. Now, our primary goal to making sure the mother is relaxed. And it's the coach's job to keep you relaxed through massage and through breathing. So if you will all now please assume this position. Okay. Everyone. Did you see what Phillip just did? Notice the closeness between them, the intimacy. This is what we're working to create. As a partner, you have to move in, assist, not watch. This isn't your first, is it?

Phillip: No. But it's our first.

Nora: Well, everyone else is a newbie so feel free to share with us what you know. We're going to like having you around.

Danny: What are you doing? Come here. How many thresholds is this going to be for us.

Michelle: I just want to walk with you side by side, feet on the ground. Okay?

Danny: Okay. Sorry.

Michelle: Wow. It's beautiful. But hot. Really hot.

Tony: You guys just made it. We just finished.

Danny: Wow. This is something.

Tony: You really like it? We only did the hallway. I was going to pick you up from the Beacon and do the whole romantic chauffeur thing but Eden said we should do something different to kick off your married life.

Danny: It's really something.

Michelle: Its great. Thank you.

Tony: You're welcome. Your dad called. Said Robbie was fine and he would be back later.

Michelle: I have to make a call but I値l be back in a second. You'll be here, right?

Tony: She okay?

Danny: Just worried about Ben.

Eden. I just have to get something out of the car. No celebration is good without food.

Tony: Danny, set the record straight. Remember the guy in the old neighborhood, the guy who used to work behind the counter at the store on Ninth Street. What was his name?

Danny: At Giorgio痴? Giorgio.

Tony: Eden thinks there was no Giorgio in the history of Giorgio. She can't get anybody to back her up.

Eden: I can call Gus. He'll back me up.

Danny: You said there was more stuff in the car? Tony, don't make her do the all the work. Help her.

Tony: I'll be right back.

Danny: So, you were really busy.

Eden: Yeah, it was fun.

Danny: It was a nice surprise for Michelle, prolong the celebration. Like I said, she's very worried about Ben.

Eden: We all are. I never wanted something bad like this to happen to him. But you know, it's made me realize what is really important in life are things like you and Michelle.

Danny: Yeah, I know. You know what else I know?

Eden: What?

Danny: That the only reason you did this was to get close to Tony. I'm on to you, Eden.

Harley: Mitch Hendon's ring is probably sitting by his sink somewhere. But if he tried to kill Ben, his ring would be here somewhere. And then we could tie him to Ben and the murder.

Gus: If we don't have a ring, we got nothing. Everybody came through here. We got forensic that came through here, Gardners came through here. The chances of finding the ring, unless I use one of these spades of Judes. I'll dig up this place by myself. I'll get a metal detector. That's what I will do. I'm a genius. What are you doing?

Harley: Cover me. I'm going in.

Phillip: I'm in full expectant father mode. Cracking jokes, going great. So then Dr. Sedgwick turns around and says breathe. I turned around and looked at my wife. She seemed to be breathing fine. It was at this point I noticed I was feeling a little height leded-- lightheaded. She wasn't worried about her. She was looking at me. I'm telling you. It happened. I was so focused on her breathing, I was not breathing. She was seriously worried I was going to pass out.

Nora: Okay. This is the kind of thing we can all look forward to and learn from. Okay. Now it's time for our first homework assignment. How to count your way through a contraction. So take your partner's hand and countdown from ten slowly, encouraging breathing. You're helping her weather the pain, okay? You can begin... And mothers, don't forget, pick a focal point and stay with us. A lot of women pick a point on the wall, but a lot of women choose to focus on their partners. It's your choice. Okay? Begin.

Phillip: Ten, nine, eight, seven, breathe in, breathe out. Seven, not so tight, six, five, four, three, two, one. Nice nails.

Olivia: You know what she said. It's about experiencing the pain.

Nora: Okay. That's it for today. You did a great job. Um, do you mind hitting the lights on your way out. And thanks again.

Phillip: Thank you. This was fun.

Olivia: Easy for you. My fun is about to begin because I知 going to ring your neck!

Phillip: Yeah, I pushed a little.

Olivia: Pushed? You went further. These guys are like your birthing class junkies. You took over the class.

Phillip: You gave me no choice.

Olivia: How is that?

Phillip: I sent letters, flowers. No response.

Olivia: I want nothing to do with you. The letters are in the waste basket. I just want to be alone.

Phillip: That's my child. I intend to be there for every moment of that child's life. The child deserves to have a father. You don't want to go through this alone.

Olivia. I'm supposed to let you come back into my life.

Phillip. You know how much my children mean to me.

Olivia: You make a grand gesture and I知 supposed to forget about everything. I'm not that easy.

Phillip: I don't know how many ways I can say I知 sorry.

Olivia: I don't want your apologies. I opened myself up to you. I laid myself bare for you. I trusted you. You couldn't do the same. Now I can't do this anymore.

Phillip: You're right. I didn't trust you. That doesn't mean that we can't find a way.

Olivia: To get back what we lost? Well, I don't want that back. I'm not going to spend the rest of my life waiting to decide I知 not good enough for you.

Phillip: That was never the issue.

Olivia: Give me a break. You haven't looked at me the same since you found me with Alan. Even when you said we could get passed that. You have been waiting for the other shoe to drop. I didn't screw up this time. I didn't. It wasn't me. It was you. But let's face it. One of these days, I知 bound to make a big old mistake and you're just going to kick me out of your life again because it's all or nothing with you. And I have this sinking feeling I知 going to be left with nothing, and I can't live with that. I shouldn't have to.

Phillip: Look, I never intended to make you feel that way. You hurt me. I hurt you. That doesn't mean that there's nothing left that we can do.

Olivia: Finally a little honesty.

Phillip: You'll get no argument from me. It has been very difficult for me to get passed what happened with you and Alan.

Olivia: Don't strain yourself because it's too late.

Phillip: I think we need to see if there is something we can do.

Olivia: There was a time I would have jumped at that offer, but, um, see, I decided I知 not going to settle and I would rather be alone than to take this pathetic excuse for love you're handing out.

Phillip: Hey, I will admit that what we had was different than anything that I致e had in relationships in the past.

Olivia. Maybe it's just the air.

Phillip: Just listen to me for a minute, please. Maybe the reason that I am so hard on you is because you remind me of myself. I don't know. Maybe I just can't fall into the comfortable place that I fall into in most other relationships. I don't know and I really don't care. What I do care about is the fact that we are going to have a child. And I think if we decide to do it and commit ourselves and put some effort into it, maybe we can make something good.

Olivia: No guarantees, right?

Phillip: I can't guarantee anything will be different this time. I can guarantee you that I'm not going anywhere. I will wait if I have to.

Olivia: You just have all the right words, don't you.

Phillip: They're not just words. It will hurt me not to be a part of this with you.

Olivia: Well, I think that's just maybe your conscience, you know. Feeling guilty.

Phillip: I'm sorry. I really am. I hope in time you will see that and I will do everything I can to make you see that. The question is are you willing to try? You don't have to give me an answer. Because to be honest with you, regardless of your answer, I知 going to be here for that child.

Olivia: Good. I think you're a good father. And you will be a part of this baby's birth and life, but I知 not going to let you use this to get into my heart ever again. Because you did hurt me a lot.

Eden: Don't you think I could do something nice just to be nice?

Danny: No. Come on, Eden. You didn't do this for me and Michelle. You know that Marah is out of town you saw an opportunity to get alone with Tony and you took it.

Eden: I'm dating Bill. Tony and I are just friends. You know, for a guy who's got the whole town convinced that he is a changed man, you don't leave a lot of room for anyone else, do you?

Danny: You're still in the same business as far as I know, up to the same old tricks.

Eden: Well, you know some people can't just flip a switch and have a brand-new life. Even Tony knows that.

Danny: Something you have in common? Does that make you soul mates?

Eden: We're friends. You know, you don't like me very much. And I don't think you will in the near future, but that doesn't mean you can keep me and Tony part.

Danny: I've got news for you. I'm Tony痴 family and I値l always have his back.

Eden: You don't need to protect him from me.

Danny: Says who, you?

Eden: Tony is a man, you don't get to decide who he likes or what he thinks. You still think of him as a little kid that you can boss around. When will you realize he is a man and can make his own decisions or maybe you just haven't changed as much as you say you have.

Gus: Harley, babe, you know, when you take your clothes off like that and you are kneeling your underwear and you jump in the hot tub, it's hard for me to stay in cop mode, you know? Babe. Harley. Don't stay down too long. There it is. It was caught in the drain. It must have come off him when he was pushing Ben in the hot tub. We got him. Mitch Hendon is the Garden of Eden murderer and he's going down.

Next on Guiding Light.

I have definitely met you somewhere else.

This is about Marina, right?

And she's like a distraction?

I had no one else to call.

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