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Guiding Light Transcript Friday 7/11/03
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Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Bellhop: Shall I put these with the others, Miss Spencer?
Olivia: Yeah. Well, I'm sure the employee restroom must look like a greenhouse by now. Wait a sec. You know what? On second thought, I have a better ideas for those. Could I? Thanks. Whoa! (Laughs) Yeah, they would just spill on me, wouldn't they? Let's see. "I won't give up you or on us, Phillip. " I think that's sweet. Well, think what you want, because I have given up on you.
(Glass breaking)
Phillip: Yeah, you're the man, Alan. You're the man.
Secretary: Here are those revised noted you wanted.
Phillip: Becky, I asked you to get rid of all my father's things and I’m still looking at them.
Secretary: I'm sorry, Mr. Spaulding. Building services is ready to come in and move everything. They're just waiting for the room to be free.
Phillip: They can do it while I’m here. It's okay. I don't mind.
Secretary: Yes.
Phillip: Thanks. Oh, did you send those flowers to Miss Spencer?
Secretary: She received them first thing this morning.
Phillip: And she hasn't called, right?
Harley: Whoa.
Blake: Good. I'm glad you're here.
Harley: Hey.
Blake: Listen, your sitter told me you were here. I need to... Actually, I need you to do something for me.
Harley: Oh, I wish I could but I have errands to run. I got to get the kids.
Blake: Yeah, yeah. See Ben, all right.
Harley: What?
Blake: I need you to go to the hospital with me to see Ben.
Harley: Okay, wait a second. First of all, are you sure he's even seeing visitors? And if he is, don't you think the police should have first crack at him?
Blake: Harley, Harley, Harley.
Harley: What? Somebody stabbed Ben and left him to die in the Bauer hot tub. And if we don't find that person fast, they may try to finish the job.
Gus: Hey, Mel, can you show me exactly how Ben Reade was attacked?
Mel: Well, like Ben said, someone came up from behind him.
Gus: But I mean the angle of entry, how the ice pick would actually have gone into his body. With anything at all.
Mel: Like this.
Gus: This is the angle?
Mel: Yes.
Gus: Just like this?
Mel: Yes.
Gus: Like this? So it's at this angle. Is Ben Reade right-handed?
Frank: Yes, he is.
Mel: So you think...
Gus: It's possible.
Frank: That Ben Reade’s stab wound was self-inflicted.
Marina: You guys cannot be serious. Look, Ben nearly died. How could you say that he would do that to himself?
Frank: Marina, nobody's accusing Ben of anything right now.
Marina: That's not what it sounded like.
Frank: The fact remains that he said that he didn't see anybody that assaulted him. Now that doesn't help his cause.
Marina: He didn't see anyone?
Frank: No. I questioned him. He said he was attacked from behind and knocked out.
Marina: Well, okay, then that's what happened.
Frank: Well, maybe he didn't see anybody, because there was no one there to begin with.
Marina: Dad, that's crazy.
Frank: Marina, Ben Reade is the prime suspect. Maybe he thought if he became a victim, it would help him get off the hook.
Marina: Okay, look, if he wanted to do something like that, he'd do something that didn't hurt as much, like, I don't know, hit himself over the head. He would stab himself and then drag himself into a hot tub. I mean, come on. Dad, I know that Ben isn't your favorite person...
Frank: I am not making this personal.
Marina: Right. Yeah, Ben has done some really stupid things and, yeah, he did really hurt me. But he almost died last night. And I think that you should show him a little compassion.
Frank: You know, I really hope...
Shayne: Hey.
Marina: Hey, can you give us a minute here? We're kind of in the middle of something.
Frank: Please.
Shayne: Sure.
Frank: I hope you're right. I hope that Ben didn't hurt himself on purpose or anybody else for that matter. But the facts will prove that.
Marina: Yeah, the facts will prove that, if you look at all of the facts and not just the ones that you want to see.
Frank: Do you really think I’m that biased towards Ben?
Marina: Well, you know, I think you are really protective of me. And you're really mad at Ben. And, yeah, yeah, I do think that could affect your judgment.
Frank: Affect my judgment. What about your judgment? You were the one that was so close to him.
Marina: I never thought that he was the killer. Look, the Ben that I knew, the Ben that I went out with for I don't even how long, he was the nicest, most loving, caring sweet guy.
Frank: Yeah, the guy who ends up sleeping with a married woman behind your back and getting paid for it.
Marina: Well, that was because, because he...
Frank: Marina. He did it on the night of your 18th birthday. This is the guy that you cared so much about, that you were willing to trust him with everything. If this guy is capable of that kind of deceit, then I don't think you know him as well as you think you do.
Marina: Okay, Dad, and you're not going to like hearing this, but I was really the one that pushed everything at the Beacon. Ben would have been willing to wait a little bit longer. And the point is, it was just, in Ben’s head, you know, he was tying himself up in knots so much trying to please me.
Frank: By being a hustler?
Marina: Then I rejected him and that is when he started acting all desperate and weird. And it's gotten to this point now where he almost died.
Frank: Young lady, don't you dare for one second feel sorry or blame yourself at all for anything that happened to him. That guy made his bed, literally. Don't forget what he did to you. (Pager beeps) Don't you dare forget what he did to you, because you're feeling sorry for him. I've got to get back to the station. I'm sorry.
Marina: Okay.
Frank: We'll talk about this later. What are you doing here anyway?
Marina: I came by to see Ben.
Frank: Don’t. Please, don’t.
Marina: Dad, he doesn't have anyone to visit him.
Frank: Oh, man. What are you talking about? He had Holly. He had Ross. Michelle, Bill.
Marina: You should go. I'm fine.
Frank: We'll talk about this, okay?
Marina: Okay.
Frank: Hey, Shayne. You're gonna pitch a no-hitter, buddy, in that all-star game?
Shayne: Absolutely.
Frank: That a boy.
Shayne: Buzz said he saw you coming over here.
Marina: Yeah, I came by to see Ben. Look, I was really close to the guy for a long time. Okay, if it were you in there, I would have been over here in a heartbeat.
Shayne: If I had hurt you the way that Ben did, I'd hope you'd want nothing to do with me.
Marina: Well, now Ben is the one that's hurting. And the fact that he's in that room right now proves that while he may be a lot a things, he's not a killer.
Shayne: Oh, yeah, is that what your dad thinks?
Marina: We were all so hard on him.
Shayne: Yeah, we were hard on him because he was acting guilty.
Marina: All right, I'm just going to... I'm going to go and I’m just going to pop my head in and say hi, just so that he knows someone cares.
Shayne: Okay, fine. We'll go in there and we'll care about the guy.
Marina: Shayne, no offense, but I need to see Ben alone.
Harley: I know that you're worried about Ben because...
Blake: He's family, all right? And maybe if I had spent more time with him before this happened...
Harley: Oh, come on, Blake, he could have called you, too, all right. And, you know I would love to help you, but we should let the police do their job.
Blake: Okay, Harley.
Harley: Because the last time we stuck our noses into it, things didn't turn out so well. Am I the only person that remembers that?
Blake: Actually, you're wrong. And, no offense, but I don't think the police have all that much interest in clearing Ben, especially your fiancé.
Harley: That is not true.
Blake: Yeah, but if Ben is not their number-one prime suspect, who's the other candidate?
Harley: Eden.
Blake: Eden. All right. Gus' sister.
Harley: Yes, he is investigating her, too.
Blake: As aggressively as he's investigating Ben?
Harley: Yes, he is. I'm telling you, Gus and Frank, they're not pulling any punches. I'm being honest with you. You have my word, okay?
Blake: Well, I've got to tell you, if I'm doubting it, can you imagine what Ben is feeling? And I... I don't blame him for not trusting the police. And maybe... maybe he's just withholding information that he has.
Harley: Do you think that's what's happening? Do you think that he knows something and he's just not saying it?
Blake: I don't know. Maybe. That's why I think we should talk to him.
Harley: Let me... Let me clear it with Gus first, okay?
Blake: (Laughs) Why? You're visiting a friend's sick relative. Why do you have to clear that with anybody?
Harley: All right, let me get this straight, not only do you want me to go to the hospital and pump Ben for information, you want me to do all of this behind Gus' back?
Blake: Basically yeah.
Cassie: Can you give us a minute?
Edmund: Yeah.
Cassie: Nice shot.
Olivia: Thanks.
Cassie: Phillip must have bought out the entire florist. The employees love the restroom. Do you want to tell me what's going on?
Olivia: Uh, well, I would, but, you know, we're partners and we're not... We're not pals, so...
Cassie: No, we're not. But I have been where you are-- alone, having to take care of a little one. It's pretty scary. It's pretty huge.
Olivia: Yeah. But I'm not alone, you know, not really-- even though it may feel that way sometimes.
Phillip: Hi, sweetheart.
Lizzie: Hi, how are you?
Phillip: How are you? Good. You look great.
Lizzie: Thank you.
Alexandra: Well, I can see you're putting your stamp on the place. Out with the old, in with the new?
Phillip: Mm-hmm. So, to what do I owe this honor?
Beth: Oh, well, you know that your daughter is thinking of interning here at Spaulding this summer.
Phillip: I have heard rumors to that effect, yes. Have you decided what department you might like to work in?
Alexandra: No, actually, she hasn't. So we thought a field trip would be in order. By the time we show Lizzie around everywhere, she can decide where she'd fit into the mix.
Lizzie: Yes, and Aunt Alex volunteered to be the tour guide.
Alexandra: (Laughs) Well, unofficially, of course, dear. I mean, since I'm no longer directly involved with Spaulding. But, of course, if you don't mind.
Phillip: Oh, no, don't mind at all. Look around to your heart's content. Find something you like. I really want to have you here working with me.
Lizzie: Thanks.
Alexandra: Yes, well, I was thinking about the pharmaceutical and cosmetics department.
Phillip: Oh, I don’t... I don’t... I don't think that you would care for that, honey. That's nothing but lipstick and eye shadow and fragrances.
Alexandra: (Laughs)
Phillip: What would you do with all the samples?
Lizzie: Lead the way, Aunt Alex. (Laughter) We'll be back to bug you when we're done.
Phillip: Go have fun.
Beth: I'll catch up with you in just a minute.
Phillip: Oh, no.
Beth: No, I just see that you're putting your stamp on the place. Guess that means you're settling in for the long haul.
Phillip: There is so much potential here, Beth. It's just unrealized. It's always been there. Yeah, I am, I'm jazzed. I'm jazzed about it.
Beth: Okay. As long as you don't get so jazzed you forget you have a few children scattered about who need your attention.
Phillip: Oh, come on, now you know I always make time for my kids. I always have, I always will. Is there... Is something with Lizzie going on?
Beth: You know, she's just going through a lot of changes. She needs our support.
Phillip: Uh-huh.
Beth: And your plate is fuller than usual, and I’m not just talking about work.
Phillip: Obviously, you must mean Olivia.
Beth: Ah, Phillip. When are you going to give up on her? Or are you going to keep banging your head against the wall forever?
Phillip: I'm not quite sure I know how to respond to that question.
Beth: It's probably because I shouldn't have asked it. But now that I have...
Phillip: Well, hang on a second. Let me ask you a question. Why are you so interested in what happens with Olivia? Is it just because Lizzie doesn't like her?
Beth: No, I mean... I mean, yes, of course. Look, she didn't like it when I was going out with Bill, either. Okay, okay, maybe that's not the best example to use, considering how things turned out. But, Phillip, the point is, it's the uncertainty, it's the being in limbo. That's what I think is hard on Lizzie.
Phillip: Wow. She's not the only one.
Beth: And with everything else that's up in the air in her life right now, I think that she needs the two of us to be stable, especially you because you've always been her rock.
Phillip: And I will continue to be.
Beth: Okay. But you understand it's not going to be as easy as it used to be, right? She's not a little girl anymore. You can't just read her a bedtime story and everything's going to be okay. She's a teenager on the verge of adulthood, and what's going on inside her head and her heart right now is pretty complicated.
Phillip: I know that. Why do you think I’ve been spending more time with her recently? Why do you think I suggested that she do the internship here? I know Alan’s trying to hog credit for that idea. It was actually my idea.
Beth: No, I know that. I know that. But...
Phillip: What?
Beth: You know what? You're right, just forget it. I'm going to... I'm going to...
Phillip: (Laughs) Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. Too late. Obviously, you have something that you want to say. Go ahead.
Beth: Okay, okay. (Sighs) I asked where things stand between you and Olivia, not just for Lizzie’s sake, but...
Phillip: For yours?
Beth: No. No. No. You wish, no. I asked for your sake, Phillip. I know how dogged you can be when you set your mind on something, and I just hope that Olivia’s worth it. More importantly, I hope that you don't get hurt along the way.
Olivia: You know, why don't we just move on, because self-pity is really unappealing.
Cassie: Yeah, if it's self-pity. You could just miss the guy. And if that's the case, why are you working so hard to push him away?
Olivia: Oh, well, if you want a list, let's start with the fact that he doesn't trust me. Phillip doesn't believe me or believe in me.
Cassie: Come on, you know, whatever misunderstanding you guys have had, can't you just sit down and talk about it? Can't you work it out?
Olivia: Yeah, Cassie, we could sit down and work it out. And sooner or later, the same thing is going to happen again. I just don't want to do certain things anymore, okay? I... I won't be that kind of woman who needs a man to define herself, you know, to feel complete.
Cassie: (Laughs) you are so not that kind of woman.
Olivia: Oh, come on, why would you say that?
Cassie: Because! Look at you. Look at everything you've done. You opened this hotel with me on your own. You've had other businesses on your own. You're ready to have this baby on your own, despite Phillip and his overtures. I mean, come on, what?
Olivia: Yeah, this is how you see me.
Cassie: Okay, how do you see you?
Olivia: As a basket case... Of a person who aspires to be the kind of woman you describe. But instead I lurch from one messed-up relationship to another, barely a minute to reflect on any of them. I've gone from Richard to Josh to... Josh to Alan, Alan to Rick... Phillip.
Cassie: Wow, I guess you're right. I see it all. I'm teasing.
Olivia: Look, this is my chance to finally break a pattern, okay? I finally get to... to take a stand for me, to go it alone and feel good about it. Only it couldn't come at a worse time, because I'm not really alone. I've got this guy to worry about. And I... I... His or her needs are always going to come first now for the rest of my life.
Cassie: Yeah, they are. And if you're not in love with Phillip, or he's not in love with you...
Olivia: Love isn't a little problem for me. Besides there's everything else that got in the way. I just... I don't want to feel insecure anymore, and I certainly don't want to have to prove myself to him.
Cassie: And you shouldn't.
Olivia: Okay, but at the same time, I think, well, maybe, you know, if we want this badly enough, both of us, maybe if we both worked at it, maybe something could work. I don't know. I just keep going back to the same thing, which is, he's my baby's father. And what kind of mother would I be if I didn't give this child at least a shot to have two parents? (Sighs) I don't know.
Shayne: No, no way, forget about it.
Marina: Excuse me?
Shayne: You heard me. I'm not going to let you go in there and be alone with Ben. Come on, Marina, are you forgetting all the sleazy things the guy's done to you? Not to mention how about the way he was acting when he got you alone after prom? I mean, who knows what would have happened if my mom didn't come right then?
Marina: Oh, so you're forbidding me to see him?
Shayne: No, I’m protecting you.
Marina: Shayne, he's on a lot of painkillers right now, so the likelihood of him jumping out of bed and chasing me around is pretty slim.
Shayne: It's not just... I'm not worried about just what he could do. I mean, it's what he could say. The guy knows how to twist stuff around. He knows how to get to you, Marina.
Marina: All right, don't fight me on this. This is something that I need to do. This is something that I am going to do, with or without your blessing.
Shayne: Okay, fine. Look, I'll be out here if you need me, okay?
Marina: I'll scream bloody murder. Bad choice of words.
Ben: Marina? You came.
Cassie: Hey, you know, you've got a lot to think about. That's what you should do. You should really think long and hard about this, and you shouldn't let Phillip or even your feelings for Phillip push you into making a decision that you're not ready for.
Olivia: You're right. Thanks. This is getting a little wild, you know, the two of us talking like this. I mean, we've certainly made it a point to... Keep our distance. You know, all we really have in common is this hotel.
Cassie: That's not true. We have Richard. He saw something in both of us.
Olivia: Yeah, polar opposites. Maybe two sides to the same coin?
Cassie: Maybe. But it was something.
Olivia: So, in this... In the spirit of this newfound bond, you wouldn't want to tell me what to do about Phillip, would you?
Cassie: (Laughs) Not on your life. (Laughs)
Edmund: Well, I will. Well, why not, Olivia? You won't be listening to me anyway, so here I go. Take Phillip back, and the sooner the better.
Phillip: Well, that was a short tour.
Alexandra: Yes. Well, actually, the people I wanted Lizzie to meet most of all in cosmetics were off at some presentation.
Phillip: Oh. I could have saved you the trip. I forgot about that. I'm sorry.
Lizzie: I'll just have to come back another time.
Phillip: Yeah. And soon, okay?
Beth: Well, we should let you get back to your work. And, Phillip, what I said before, thanks for taking that in the spirit it was intended.
Phillip: Sure. I'll see you at dinner?
Lizzie: Yeah.
Phillip: Okay. Bye, sweetheart.
Lizzie: Bye. Oh, I forgot my purse back in Dad's office. I'll meet you at the car, okay, Mom?
Phillip: Honey, I heard you. I don't think you did forget your purse. I have...
Lizzie: It's not in here. I sort of lied. I just wanted to get you alone for a minute.
Phillip: Okay. What's up?
Lizzie: Well, it's about Olivia. I heard Mom mention her and I thought that you should know I met up with her.
Phillip: With Olivia?
Lizzie: Yeah.
Phillip: Mm-hmm. When?
Lizzie: The fourth of July.
Phillip: Mm-hmm. Why?
Lizzie: Well, because I knew she'd be alone, and I figured, you know, when the baby gets here, we'll all be family, and it would just be the right thing to do.
Phillip: Oh, honey, that's very thoughtful. How'd it go?
Lizzie: Well, it didn't go as good as I had planned, or I guess it could have gone worse. I'm sorry I wasn't going to tell you, Dad. I just didn't want to change your feelings about Olivia.
Phillip: Well, what changed your mind?
Lizzie: Well, I heard Mom talking about how she doesn't want you to get hurt. And I don't want you to get hurt either, Daddy. I would hate that so much. I'm sorry.
Phillip: That's okay. Don't be sorry. It's okay.
Lizzie: I better go. (Laughs) Bye.
Phillip: I'll see you tonight.
Lizzie: Yeah.
Marina: I'm so sorry this happened to you. How do you feel?
Ben: About as good as I look.
Marina: Look, I just... I just want you to know that, you know, no matter what you did to me or... To yourself, that you don't deserve this.
Ben: I've made such a mess out of things, Marina. And it keeps getting worse and worse.
Marina: No.
Ben: I guess it's the price I have to pay... For hurting you so badly. Maybe all this is a lesson that I’m supposed to learn. And if that's true, then it's okay. (Groans)
Marina: Ben?
Ben: No, I've learned that... Oh, man...
Marina: What, are you okay? Do I need... Do I need to call a nurse or...
Ben: No, I'm fine. I'll be okay.
Marina: Are you sure?
Ben: I'm worried about you.
Marina: Me?
Ben: You have to be careful, Marina. Please. Whoever did this to me, they might go after you, too.
Marina: Why would anybody want to hurt me?
Ben: If anything ever happened to you because of me, I would never forgive myself. I care about you so much. I wish you could believe that.
Marina: I do. I do. Um... Ben, I am...
Harley: Marina, does your father know you're here?
Marina: Yeah, I was just leaving.
Ben: You were going to say something.
Marina: No, just... I hope you feel better really soon.
Shayne: Hey, hey...
Marina: I'm done. Can we get out of here?
Shayne: What... what happened? Are you okay? Are you okay?
Ben: What are you two doing here?
Blake: What do you think, sweetie? We were worried about you.
Ben: "We"? Since when?
Harley: Okay, you want to know the truth?
Blake: Harley...
Harley: I wasn't even going to come, but Blake convinced me and... and, as you know, I’m not even on the force anymore. But I am very familiar with your case, Ben...
Ben: Oh, which case is that-- the one where I'm the victim or the one where I'm the suspect?
Blake: You know what, it was my decision that... That we all go over what happened to you together.
Ben: You don't need to do that. I already talked to the cops.
Harley: You did? Did they ask you about that?
Olivia: You want me to take Phillip back? Now, why is that? You hate him.
Edmund: Oh, hate, hate is such a strong word. Dislike intensely I think is more like it.
Olivia: Yeah, I think that's the same thing, Edmund.
Cassie: Come on, so?
Edmund: So? It's my impression that Phillip is the underdog in the situation. And I've always had an infinity for underdogs, having been one so often myself.
Olivia: (Laughs) I don't think so. I know you better than that. You just want to see me miserable.
Edmund: Olivia, I don't know the details and, believe me, I don't need to. But from what I gather, Phillip has treated you shabbily, yes? Doubted your word or something like that?
Olivia: Roughly.
Edmund: And right now, I'd say he's bending over backwards to make amends, right?
Olivia: So it would seem.
Edmund: Okay. So, what has he done, Olivia, really? I mean, at least compared to what I’ve done over the years. Has he declared martial law? Has he subjugated an entire people? Rigged an election? Lined his own pocket with taxpayer dollars?
Olivia: Stole from his own business partner? Not to my knowledge, Edmund...
Edmund: Well, extorted.
Olivia: Extorted.
Edmund: Extorted, I never really stole anything. But recently, someone gave me a chance to redeem myself. So, if I deserve the chance-- me-- I think maybe Phillip does, too. Well, I think I'd have to say you've gotten enough advice from both of us today, so.
Phillip: No, not tomorrow afternoon. I will expect it first thing in the morning.
Alexandra: Phillip?
Phillip: I thought you left.
Alexandra: Well, Beth and Lizzie did. We came in separate cars. Do you have a minute?
Phillip: For what?
Alexandra: Look, I... I realize that... Well, given recent events, it would be superfluous of me to say that I didn't understand why you'd want nothing to do with me right now. Well... And if I were to say that I desperately want to get to... to make things right with you, to get back on your good side, you... You'd probably...
Phillip: Laugh?
Alexandra: Yeah. Well. There you have it. But you know me, dog with a bone, huh? So, anyway, here goes. The pharmaceutical and the cosmetics divisions, Phillip...
Phillip: What about them?
Alexandra: ...As a matter of fact, last night, you fired Greg Littleman, and you're looking for someone to head up that division, so...
Phillip: Is there anything that you don't know?
Alexandra: Well. (Laughs) So, let it be me, Phillip. Please, come on, you know what I did with the European operation. You know, just... Put me in charge. Give me the division. I... I... I... I will raise the bottom line in two quarters, three, tops!
Phillip: Yeah?
Alexandra: I've got some fantastic ideas for co-ventures and...
Phillip: No, go ahead. Like what?
Alexandra: Well, say yes and I’ll tell you.
Phillip: You're unbelievable. I kicked you out, what, a few days ago, and you're already trying to get back in.
Alexandra: Well, come on, Phillip, just give me a shot, huh? What have you got to lose? If I fail, you just boot me out again. No skin off your nose.
Phillip: Oh, Aunt Alex, there's always a catch with you. Always.
Alexandra: You want to know what the catch is? I'll tell you what the catch is. I can't stand being ostracized like this, Phillip. Kept away from every single thing I've known all my life and loved. (Sighs) I mean, what am I? I'm a rich, older woman living in a hotel suite with nothing but time on her hands. I might as well shoot myself.
Phillip: Sure, go ahead.
Alexandra: You don't mean that. I'd expect Alan to say something like that, but not you.
Phillip: I'll think about it.
Alexandra: Thank you. And, you know, Phillip, I do realize that I did some terrible things to get you back into this office. But, sweetheart, you look good in that chair. I know you don't want to hear this either, but even if Olivia doesn't take you back, you'll always have this.
Ben: Did the cops ask me about what?
Harley: About the bruise on your neck. Did you know about it?
Ben: No.
Blake: Want to see it? Look.
Ben: So what?
Blake: Do you remember where you got it?
Ben: Well, I don't know. Maybe when I was being knocked out, drowned, stabbed and left for dead.
Harley: There's nothing in his chart about that bruise. But you know what, it took a while for the other bruise to come up, too, remember?
Ben: What other one? What, I have more than one?
Blake: Can I... Do you mind if I just... I...
Ben: Go ahead.
Blake: You know what, it's the same size.
Harley: Blake, that is the same shape.
Blake: Uh-huh, it could be.
Harley: It definitely could be.
Ben: It could be what?
Harley: Look, I’m not keeping this to myself.
Blake: I'm not asking you to.
Ben: Keep what to yourself? What... Hey. Thank you. Thanks for sharing.
Blake: I know, I know.
Harley: Okay. So you want to tell me what gives?
A heart full of rain and memories
I’m feeling the strain and missing you so desperately
I need the shelter of your arms tonight
oh baby I need you by my side
unkind words blindly spoken faith was broken
and you walked away from this world
our love has created hope has faded
return your flame to this heart full of rain.
Shayne: Here you go. Hey, excuse me, when you get the chance, could we get a couple of sodas?
Waitress: Sure.
Shayne: Thank you.
Marina: Ah, Ben just looked so weak. Yeah, I never seen him like that before.
Shayne: You know, Ben’s going to be fine.
Marina: Oh, are you a doctor now?
Shayne: No, I’m just a regular guy who can't get past what Ben did to you. And you know what? I really, really don't want you to, either.
Marina: Oh, so you think I should just walk around with all the anger and pain for forever?
Shayne: Yeah. I mean, if it's going to make it so you don't see Ben, yeah, maybe you should.
Marina: Shayne, Ben is a human being, okay? He hurts, he bleeds just like you and I do. I mean, I could feel bad for the guy without forgiving him, right?
Shayne: I don't know. Can you?
Marina: Look, I’m not just going to run back to him, because he's in the hospital if that's what you're worried about. Geez, give me a little credit here.
Shayne: Wait.
Harley: We were just coming to track you down.
Blake: We were.
Gus: Is that right? So here I am.
Harley: No, I’m serious. I told you I’ve learned my lesson. I promise I am never withholding evidence...
Blake: She's telling the truth. Okay? She just said in good conscience...
Harley: I just said in there we have to get out of here because I am not...
Gus: All right! I believe you. So what are the two of you doing in Ben’s room?
Blake: We found something. And she's going to tell you all about it.
Gus: (Sighs) All right.
Harley: Ben has a bruise on his neck. The same place that Ramona has a bruise on her neck. Same size, same shape.
Gus: Mm-hmm.
Harley: It was made from Mitch Hendon's ring, just like Ramona’s was.
Gus: Are you sure?
Harley: Well, I mean... To the naked eye, yeah. But once forensics comes in and they take their photos and they compare it, they'll find it's a match.
Gus: So what are you saying, that you think Mitch did both of them?
Harley: I think he did. And you know what else I’m thinking? Somebody has to question Mitch Hendon again.
Gus: Well, yes, that's obvious.
Harley: And I think it's got to be me.
Gus: (Scoffs) In a cold day in hell, honey.
Harley: No, no...
Gus: You're a civilian.
Harley: No...
Gus: Yeah, no... no...
Harley: This is my...
Gus: You don't know him...
Harley: ...This is my thinking. Because if you do it or if Frank does
(missed the end)
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