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Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 7/10/03
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Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Reva: (Groans)
Josh: I'm not sure if that thing will work in Milan.
Reva: Oh, really?
Josh: Yeah.
Reva: Oh, well, you have the number at the hotel, right? You know, I can't seem to remember if it's a seven or an eight hour time difference.
Josh: I'll find you. You sure you want to do this?
Reva: Yes. I think that the conference will really help with the work that Chris and I are doing together.
Josh: Well, you'll miss Shayne痴 all-star game-- you know, his last start as an amateur.
Reva: Don't. I've been to every single one of his games in the past two years, and there will always be more now that he's going pro, right?
Josh: Well, I知 sure he'll miss you at this one.
Reva: Well, it's like you said last night. I'm not really good at hiding my feelings, and I don't want to rain on his parade, and I want to keep our promise between us, because that's the way it should be.
Josh: Reva, if you really believe that, why don't you just stay here and fight it out with me then-- okay?-- Because this is not like you. You're not just going away like it's some vacation or something. You're running away, Reva.
Tony: Sorry I知 late. What is that? A souvenir from last night?
Marah: I thought that Danny and Michelle might want to keep it.
Tony: Or we could recycle it. Joke. It's only a joke.
Marah: No, it's not that.
Tony: What's wrong? You look so down.
Marah: It's everything. My parents, mostly Ben. Gosh, you know, he could have died last night. And when I think of how quick we all were to accuse him of murder...
Tony: Whoa, whoa, whoa. We weren't quick. Okay, the guy gave us a lot of reasons to suspect him as the killer.
Marah: Yeah, but we were wrong.
Marina: Yeah, you were. Hope you guys are happy now, because Ben nearly died last night, because no one believed him.
Mel: Ben, you're at Cedars hospital. You've been hurt, but we're taking good care of you, okay? I just want you to relax. Holly's here. Ross is here. They're all here to take care of you, be with you.
Frank: You guys get any sleep last night?
Ross: Oh, hi. Thank you. No, I just went home and changed my clothes, and then I came right back here.
Frank: Holly? Coffee?
Holly: You want to be my friend now, Frank, or you just want to know if Ben woke up?
Frank: Well, I know he hadn't because I gave them instructions to call me if he did.
Holly: So have you been out looking for the real killers since now know you know it can't be Ben? How is he?
Mel: He's stable. I think he's out of the woods.
Frank: Do you have any idea when he'll gain consciousness?
Mel: Well, that's hard to say, but he was stirring.
Frank: It's okay if I ask him some questions?
Ross: You can't question my client in his condition.
Frank: Well, Ross, you know what? You can be right there with me, because right now we need all the help that Ben can give us.
Holly: You have evidence to work on, right? You got fingerprints on the ice pick, footprints in the bushes.
Frank: Unfortunately, holly, that all came up clean. Mel, is there any sign that Ben could've been drugged?
Mel: It's hard to say when he's out cold like this, but we ordered a tox screen.
Ross: Frank, why do you think he was drugged?
Frank: Well, Ben was drugged. If there was something on the tip of that ice pick, then it wouldn't have taken brute force to drag him into the hot tub. Any man could have done it-- or woman.
Gus: You might want to take a seat.
Eden: Take a seat? Oh, you... you sent a uniform cop to my apartment and have him drag me down to...
Gus: Take a seat or I can just have you go down to the station. Would you prefer that?
Eden: To the station? Gus, what is going on here?
Gus: What is going on here? What's the matter? You don't like crime scenes? Is it too nasty for you? You don't like the smell of blood? Or is this just a guilty look that I see on your face?
Eden: I had nothing to do with Ben痴 incident.
Gus: Oh, incident, please. This was another one of your escorts that almost got killed. This was my number-one suspect that almost got killed. Do you know what this leaves me with? Do you?
Eden: Me, right? You know, Harley has got you so twisted that you actually think that I...
Gus: No, I think for myself, Eden. Can I make a little suggestion to you? Do you want to help yourself? Then you have got to help me. You have got to stop stonewalling me, because I swear, sister or no sister, I will take you down.
Eden: I am not some criminal. I mean, do you think I am capable of murder? Sure, yeah, if someone was coming after you, you bet. But... but this? What, I'm going to go kill a bunch of people that I work with and destroy my business? Why?
Cop: This is all the paper we collected. Everything the warrant stipulated. You want it here?
Gus: Thank you. No, no, I'm going to take it down to the station. I'll log it myself when I'm done, all right? I'm going to take the girl home myself, so you can split.
Eden: That is... is that my stuff?
Gus: I know what it is. I had the officers go into your place the minute I got you out of there.
Eden: You tricked me?
Gus: No. I am executing a search warrant. Search and seize anything and everything to do with the Garden of Eden. Read it if you want to.
Eden: You... you... So you ransacked my apartment?
Gus: Do you think this is fun for me? Do you think I enjoy this?
Eden: No, this sucks, Nicky. You didn't tell me that you were...
Gus: Oh, I'm going to tell you that I知 going to search your place, so you can destroy the evidence? I'm not an idiot.
Eden: This is harassment and you know it.
Gus: No, I know that I don't know anything because you won't tell me. You won稚... Look, all I asked was for your business records. You swore to me they don't exist, right? But you and I both know that's... that's a lie. It's a lie. I'm sick of your lies.
Eden: Give... give that to me.
Gus: What, what? This is... What? I thought this was just Marah's sketches. What are they still doing at your apartment?
Eden: Well, I promised I would go show it around to some people.
Gus: "My life"?
Eden: Yes, and it has nothing to do with your case.
Gus: Yeah, but you lied about this, too. Why are you lying about everything? Why?
Tony: Marina, I知 sorry that Ben got hurt.
Marina: Well, you should be sorry for how you treated him.
Tony: What about how he treated you? Remember the night of prom? He practically scared you to death.
Marah: Be honest, Marina. You had reasons to doubt him. We all did.
Tony: Yeah. What is up with that?
Marah: She feels guilty, just like I do.
Tony: Don't. Babe, okay, maybe the guy's not the killer, but I still don't trust him. I mean, he was going crazy. In public he was threatening people and drinking like a fish all hours of the day.
Marah: I never saw drinking.
Tony: Well, I did. Of course you didn't. I mean, you only... You only see the good in people. But I saw him. I heard. When I checked up on him...
Marah: You checked up on Ben?
Tony: Well, yeah. Babe, the guy lives under our roof. You think... I look out for you. You think I'm going to let him try to pull some...
Marah: Always watch your back, right? Yeah, I know you walk into a room, check every door, check every exit, know where everyone is. I see you do it, babe.
Tony: It's old habits, you know.
Marah: Yeah, but I wish that I could be the one to change that for you, to make all of the darkness go away.
Tony: It's not darkness. Baby, you make everything go away.
Marah: Don't lie. Well, you know what? Maybe I can at least make that true for a couple of people. Would you... Would you mind waiting here for a little while?
Tony: Why? I thought we were going to have breakfast?
Mar: I know, I know, but I didn't realize how late it was, and I... I want to go check on my parents before my dad gets to work.
Tony: Things are still rocky with Josh and Reva?
Marah: Yeah, I hope not.
Tony: Hey, hey, hey, wait a second. We're okay, right?
Marah: (Laughs) Yeah, of course we are.
Tony: Okay, good.
Reva: I'm not running away; I'm moving towards something. I really feel like I need to get a handle on these things that I see and the sensations that I get. I don't think you understand how hard it is to live with that?
Josh: That's because you don't talk to me about it.
Reva: I will-- when I can, when I know more. And that's how Chris can help me.
Josh: But I can't. Listen, just out of... Just out of curiosity, if it weren't for this thing with Shayne, would you still be going?
Reva: Yes. This has nothing to do with you or Shayne. It's not some kind of punishment.
Josh: So it's just coincidental that it feels exactly like that?
Reva: I think it's a blessing in disguise. I mean, what do you really want to do here, Joshua? You want to keep going round and round with this, having the same fight over and over again? I think what you did about Shayne was wrong. You think what you did was right, and you'd do it again. And that won't change.
Josh: I just don't see how it's going to help anything if you're half a world away, Reva.
Reva: Because it'll give us time, and it'll give us space. I love you, Bud, and I know that you love me, and that... That's not going to change. I'll be back, I promise.
Josh: Do you really? You promise?
Reva: Yes. This isn't some dangerous mission I'm going on. And besides, I知 going to be in Italy. It's not like I'm going to starve to death. (Laughs) You have nothing to worry about. I have to finish packing.
Josh: Do you need a ride to the airport?
Reva: No. Actually, Chris has a car coming for me.
Josh: I love you, Reva. I love you.
Marah: Hey, what's up? You going on a business trip?
Josh: No. Actually, your mom is.
Marah: What?
Josh: She's going on a... To a conference with this Dr. Langham guy in Milan.
Marah: Now? Today? She didn't say anything about it yesterday.
Josh: She... she just found out about it recently.
Marah: Are you kidding? Dad, this is not good.
Josh: Honey, she didn't... didn't even know about the conference until a couple days ago, and she just made her choice, you know.
Marah: Just... just like that? Just today? And now she's getting on a plane?
Josh: Yeah, it痴...
Marah: Dad...
Josh: It's okay. Really it is. It's okay. She... she just needs to work some things out with this psychic deal, you know?
Reva: Oh. Hey, sweetheart. Good, I'm glad you're here. You saved me a call.
Marah: Well, I'm glad to know you were going to call me before you went out of the country.
Reva: It's a short trip. But I'm so pressed for time right now, but... There's a car coming to get me.
Marah: Mom...
Josh: You know what? I'll let you two talk.
Reva: Thanks.
Marah: Your sunscreen. You're going to Milan. I thought you were going to be in a conference room or whatever.
Reva: It's summer in Milan. There's a pool at the hotel. What? I won't get too much sun, I promise. Sweetheart, this trip is no big deal. Don't worry.
Marah: No, no, I won't worry, because I'm going to come with you.
Tony: Marina.
Marina: Yeah?
Tony: This isn't what I ordered.
Marina: Yeah, it is.
Tony: No.
Marina: Oh. Oh, I'm sorry. My brain is just chicken-fried today.
Tony: Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. Why don't you sit down, take a load off? All right, you're still worried about Ben, right?
Marina: Okay, I don't... I don't really think that... I mean, I know what you think of him.
Tony: Yeah, from the moment we first spoke, remember? Last summer at the beach?
Marina: Yeah, and you didn't like him then either.
Tony: No, because I know guys like that. You know, they are never going to be straight with you.
Marina: Well, he changed.
Tony: Did he? You know, everything I said that day, it still rings true. Guilty, not guilty-- he's not good enough for you. He never will be. You know that, right?
Marina: Yeah.
Lizzie: Oh, my God, I just heard about Ben. Is he okay?
Marina: I don't know. I called the hospital. They won't tell me anything. I know I知 stupid to even call-- right?-- After the way he treated me.
Lizzie: You don't stop caring just because you break up-- at least adults don't.
Marina: You know, that's very true. I don't know why everyone doesn't realize that. They all think I知 stupid to be worrying about him. But Ben is a human being. He's someone that I did really care about, you know?
Lizzie: You still care about him.
Marina: And just because he lied to me doesn't mean...
Lizzie: He didn't lie about everything, Marina.
Marina: That's true. He was actually in danger.
Lizzie: You know, he really does care about you; I know that. I mean, he loves you.
Ross: So, Ben is still out?
Holly: He moved though; I知 sure of it. So at least we know he's going to be okay.
Frank: What we need is for him to be awake.
Ross: Oh, geez, Frank.
Frank: Come on, you guys, give me a break. Look, I'm not the enemy. I'm trying to investigate a crime here.
Holly: If you hadn't been so busy hounding him for so long, you might have come up with your real killer by now.
Frank: I know you're upset, Holly, but we had surveillance on him.
Holly: To trap him-- you were so sure he was the murderer. Don't try and come off as if you were helping him.
Frank: If he hadn't shaken the guy, maybe he wouldn't be here right now.
Ross: It's not Ben痴 fault your surveillance failed.
Frank: Ross, no one is here to hound him.
Holly: Right.
Mel: Hey, hey, take it easy, okay? Don't try to speak.
Holly: He's awake.
Frank: Excuse me. Business first. Is he conscious?
Mel: Yes, but barely.
Frank: Well, this can't wait. Ben, can you hear me? Who did this to you?
Gus: This is just your scrapbook, right?
Eden: Yes, and it is private.
Gus: Well, nothing for you is private anymore! Where are your business records? What's the matter? Are they pasted between the pages of this? Is that why you keep lying to me? Just tell me.
Eden: Look, okay, I am sorry that I lied to you, all right? But please... I just... I feel stupid telling you this. I feel like a little kid or something. Look, you have got your friends-- all right?-- And a life. I don't, and all I致e got is this silly little book. So will you just please give it back...
Gus: Where are your business records?
Eden: There's nothing in there...
Gus: Where are your business records? Where are they?
Eden: My business diary.
Gus: (Sighs) Was that so hard?
Eden: But I bet you don't have a warrant to search my person, do you?. Because that's separate unless I知 under arrest. I know the law.
Gus: I'll trade you.
Eden: Done.
Gus: Let me tell you something. You're not going anywhere with this book until I find out if this is real. Got it? Okay, client notations. Client names. Oh, look. Good old Jed Simmons, our buddy the dead coroner. You swore he wasn't a client, didn't you?
Eden: I told you...
Gus: Uh-huh. You got little initials here. Little initials next to the clients. R.P. R.P.? Help me out. R.P. Renee Peters. Oh, Renee Peters, the second victim. Isn't that right? Yes. Oh, and that would mean that the second victim knew the first victim. You could've told us that.
Eden: I... I thought I told you that.
Gus: When are you going to get it through your thick skull? People are dying out there. So your... your version of the truth, your half truths, your lies, they're going to stop, and they're going to stop right now.
Cassie: Did you say, "egg toss"?
Eden: Like protect my clients and my girls.
Gus: Please, Renee and the coroner are dead. I think they hardly care about their reputation at this point.
Eden: You're right, the coroner was Renee's client. They went out.
Gus: Good thank you how many times, one time, three times, four times?
Eden: Yeah.
Gus: Yeah, did you say anything about it, any notes, was she naughty, nice, did he like her?
Eden: I don't know. I keep that up here. Renee said he was a nice guy. They were friends. He was trying to get her to go back to school.
Gus: That's very sweet.
Eden: He even got her a college catalog and was going to help her fill out the application.
Gus: Did she follow through?
Eden: I don't know. I took her off payroll.
Gus: Why?
Eden: Because she has a record for solicitation.
Gus: You wouldn't do that in your line of work. The last time I知 going to ask you this, is this everything?
Eden: Yes.
Gus: Then take your book and go.
Eden: Thank you.
Holly: Have you heard anything about Ben?
Mel: Looks like he'll make it.
Ross: Good.
Holly: Lucky for you. Because another person dead is the last thing you need isn't it?
Frank: Ben who did this to you?
Mel: Do you want some ice chips. We can't give you water right now.
Ben: Water. I dreamed I was in the ocean but there was no air in it. I couldn't breathe.
Ross: Frank, he's in no condition to answer your question.
Mel: Can we give him a minute, please?
You're not in the water anymore, you're okay.
Frank: Holly, Mel, can I ask some questions?
Mel: You can try but if it looks like he's in trouble I値l call it to a stop.
Frank: Can you hear me, Ben? Do you know who this is?
Ben: Marina?
Frank: No it's not Marina.
Ben: Her dad.
Frank: That's exactly right, Ben. I'm Marina's dad. I'm also a cop. Somebody hurt you, Ben. And I want to know who.
Reva: You want to come with me to Milan? Italy, today, right now?
Marah: Why not. I'm not going to bother you at the conference. It's Milan. Where my handbag is in production. I could meet the designer. I've been waiting to go any way and it gives met perfect excuse.
Reva: Yeah, but you can't pick up and go.
Marah: Why, you are and I can use your frequent flier miles, won't cost a dime and we'll have fun. We're not working.
Reva: Marah, that would be great but what about Tony?
Marah: He will be fine, and I don't know, how much time do I have to pack?
Reva: Not a lot. You have to be quick about it because a car is on its way to get me.
Marah: I have things to get together and talk to Tony and I have things to get at Company, can you meet me?
Reva: Sure. Marah, honey, wait, are you wanting to come with me because you're afraid I won't come back?
Marah: No. Mom, I know that you'll come home.
Reva: Of course because you're coming with me but you don't have to, sweetheart, really or do you think I need a chaperon?
Marah: Do you?
Reva: No. That's not what this is at all.
Marah: Good. Then we'll go and have a lot of fun and you know, around here it's been all about the guys any way, all about Dad, whatever it's boring, and I want some girl time. Don't you?
Reva: Yeah. Girl time rocks, yeah.
Marah: I can't believe you just said that.
Reva: Yeah. Because I知 hopeless. Go, this will be great. Go.
Tony: Hey.
Eden: Hey.
Tony: What's up, what is that?
Eden: Nothing. Well, it was evidence.
Tony: What?
Eden: Yeah Gus had a search warrant for my apartment.
Tony: That guy... I don't understand him.
Eden: Well, he has got a lot of pressure on him. His number one suspect was attacked and leaves his number two suspect, which is me.
Tony: All right, let's not even talk about why that doesn't make any sense. Even what... I know Gus is your brother but next time you talk to him, I wouldn't do it without a lawyer.
Eden: No. It's going to be okay. At least now I have you as my alibi for when Ben got attacked. I just hope you don't get in any trouble for that.
Tony: Why? I mean I didn稚... I didn't exactly lie. I mean I saw you. And you were with me from the moment you got there.
Eden: Yeah, but I wasn't with you when Ben was attacked.
Tony: Still. I mean why would I blame you for that? Why would anybody blame you for that?
Eden: Why would anyone blame me? That doesn't actually sound like you think I'm innocent? What? Do you think that I did it?
Lizzie: Marina, stop.
Marina: I don't want to think about it right now, okay?
Lizzie: Well, it's not going to go away. I mean, yeah, it could have gone away. Ben could have been killed. Would that have made things easier?
Marina: No. No, I never wanted him to... Okay, maybe I did wish that, but I never really meant it. I mean, he really hurt me.
Lizzie: Yeah, well, he paid for it. You know what? I bet you Ben, right now wishes he was dead. No one's been to visit him.
Marina: He can't count on that. All of his friends are still on the fence as to whether or not he's a murderer. I mean no one will cut him a break.
Lizzie: Well, and that kills you, doesn't it? Go see him. It's right across the street.
Marina: I mean I can see how he is, right?
Lizzie: Right.
Marina: Okay, and I am not a total pathetic loser for doing this?
Lizzie: No. Go. It'll make you feel better.
Marina: Okay. Thanks.
Bill: You tell me.
Marina: Bill, hey, is Ben okay?
Bill: They won't even let me near him. I just asked Gus, how long is it going to be? He said we'd be done when we're done. Sorry he hurt you like that.
Marina: I guess I kind of deserved it.
Bill: What are you talking about?
Marina: I don't know. I don't mean it the way it sounds. I知 just thinking about what a jerk I made out of myself when I was chasing him around in the beginning.
Bill: Yeah. Oh, you really got to him. You did. And I mean that in a good way. But, you know, I don't know. You kind of opened him up, you know, made him happier again. It was good... good to see that. He was like his old self again, you know.
Marina: Stop. Stop. Because I really can't think about Ben in this way right now.
Bill: I'm... I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I know what you're talking about. I do. Michelle just married Danny for what, like the 20th time yesterday? Probably at home planning the 21st and 22nd, right?
Marina: Yeah, it's kind of weird, huh?
Bill: No, I知 okay with it. I am.
Marah: Mm. I guess you have Eden August.
Bill: You know what I can't believe? That my cousin let you come here all by yourself.
Marina: She doesn't know I'm here. All right, I知 going in.
Bill: You know what? I wouldn't even bother. You're just going to get in the way. I won't even...
Marina: Well, it wouldn't be the first time, it won't be the last. I'll see you around, Bill.
Bill: You blew it, Reade.
Frank: Okay, Ben, you were at the Bauer痴, came to the barbecue and then you left.
Ben: I was thrown out.
Frank: Right. You were asked to leave. Did you?
Ben: Go.
Frank: Go. What does that mean? You left?
Ben: They said to go.
Ross: Frank, he is not even tracking.
Frank: Ross. Ben, did you leave? If you're having trouble talking just raise one finger for yes, two for no. Do you understand?
Ben: I can talk.
Ross: Ben, you don't have to do it if you don't want.
Holly: If you're tired, you can rest. Mel.
Mel: No, it's normal. It's actually good for him to focus. It'll help clear his head.
Holly: Are you sure?
Mel: Yes.
Frank: Okay, Ben, let's go back. You're at the Bauer痴, you were asked to leave, did you? Okay, so you stayed? Where?
Ben: I was in the bushes. I watched... I watched the wedding.
Frank: Very good. You saw the wedding. Okay. You saw Danny and Michelle, you saw the wedding, it was over. You saw them leave and you saw that?
Ben: Yes.
Frank: All right, good. Now we're at the point when you were attacked. Just take your time. Think real hard. What happened next, Ben?
Ben: There were hands on my neck. Shoulders...
Frank: You saw shoulders?
Ben: No, behind me there were hands on my shoulders.
Frank: All right then what?
Ben: On my neck.
Frank: Then what?
Ben: It was black.
Frank: Okay, it was black because why? You forgot or you don't remember?
Ben: I don't know. I don't know. It was black.
Frank: Okay, well, what about... You remember being stabbed though.
Ben: In my stomach.
Frank: That's exactly right, Ben. You were stabbed in the stomach. You remember that.
Ben: No, no. I feel it here.
Frank: Mel, what's going on?
Mel: It's his blood pressure.
Holly: His blood pressure. He's been stabbed.
Mel: The movement, the exertion. Frank, I知 going to have to say stop. You're going to have to leave the room, okay?
Holly: Yes.
Gus: Well, he gave us absolutely nothing.
Ross: Gus, he gave you everything he remembers.
Holly: You both heard him. Can you say he's not a suspect now? Don't you have anything to say to me? Or more importantly to Ben?
Gus: No.
Holly: Perfect.
Ross: Holly, wait up. Frank, do not go back in there without me.
Mel: Why aren't you guys answering her question? I mean, is Ben still a suspect?
Gus: Well, that depends.
Mel: On what?
Gus: On what you're about to tell us.
Reva: "Dear Shayne, I'm sorry I'll miss your all-star game, but I値l be with you in spirit. Remember the magic mom whistle-- the one I gave you in sixth grade when you were worried about your science test? Well, I found it last night, and I知 going to give it to you again. Yeah, I know you're old enough now to know it's... it's really a dog whistle, but it still works; I promise. And if you ever get nervous or scared, if the game gets tough, just blow on the whistle and I値l be there with you, and I'll be thinking of you. I'm so very, very proud of you, Shayne. And I'll see you soon. Love, Mom."
Josh: Your car's here.
Reva: Thanks. I'll be back soon.
Josh: You better be.
Reva: Well, you know what? I have to hurry. (Laughs) Chris doesn't even know we're picking Marah up yet.
Josh: Okay. I'm... I'm glad you're going to have her along with you.
Reva: What, do you think I need a chaperone? (Laughs)
Josh: Have a good time.
Reva: I will. You and Shayne, too. Arrivederci.
Tony: Do I think that you're strong enough to take out Ben Reade then dump his body in a hot tub, and dumb enough to... to turn around two seconds later and show up after we find the body? No.
Eden: Okay, so I could be the killer, but I would choose a different method, and I would be smarter about it.
Tony: Absolutely.
Marah: Tony, thank goodness you're still here.
Tony: Why? What's wrong?
Marah: Nothing, nothing, but I知 on my way out of town and the car's going to be here any minute.
Tony: What? Whoa!
Marah: I'm going to Milan with my mom.
Tony: Milan, Italy?
Eden: That's great. Oh, my gosh, you can check on your design house while you're there.
Marah: I know, exactly. And I've been wanting to do that anyway.
Tony: Wait. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay, you're going with Reva to Milan, Italy, in, like, an hour? Marah. Wait a minute. We didn't even talk about this.
Marah: Yeah, yeah, I know, I know. I'm sorry. We just decided at the house. And when she mentioned it, I knew I had to go.
Tony: How long are you going for?
Marah: I don't know, I don't know. Maybe a week.
Eden: You know, that's great. You know, I'll give you a couple of numbers. This is going to be great for your career.
Marah: I know. Thank you so much. Just e-mail me, and I'll find a computer at the hotel.
Eden: No problem. I'll even make a couple of calls ahead of time for you.
Marah: Eden, you're the best. Thank you.
Eden: Why don't I go get a cup of coffee, give you two a minute.
Marah: Babe, I'm sorry. I know this is quick, but aren't you happy for me?
Tony: Yeah, sure I'm happy. I didn't know you wanted to go to Milan. I would've taken you there.
Marah: I know. I know you would've, but this just happened so fast, and it'll give me some good quality time to spend with my mom, who really needs it.
Tony: What, things are still rocky with her and Josh?
Marah: Yeah, I think so, but now I will know for sure. And you know what? I didn't want her going on this trip alone.
Tony: So you are going to take care of Reva, and I知 sure that shopping is a big key in this, isn't it?
Marah: Oh, maybe a little. But, no, I get to work, and I get to see my designs being made. How cool is that?
Tony: That's great. So that's it?
(Car horn honks)
Marah: Babe, I got to go. I'm... I'm sorry. You behave while I知 gone.
Tony: Me? Me behave? You're the one who's going to be off with some hot Italian guy, doing your thing.
Marah: Oh, no. Baby, you know you're the only man for me. I love you. I got to go.
Tony: Wait.
Marah: I'll call you as soon as I get in.
Tony: We're okay, right?
Marah: We're perfect, all right? I got to go.
Tony: Okay, bye.
Marah: Bye.
Tony: Have fun-- a little bit of fun.
Marah: Okay, just a little. Bye, Eden. Bye, guys.
Eden: Bye, and knock them dead, and everything will be great here.
Gus: It's just too sketchy, Frank. First of all, the guy was not knocked out, right? He wasn't unconscious. He's not under any kind of painkillers that are going to make his memory all foggy.
Mel: No, he didn't have a concussion, but it's possible that the attack itself could cause amnesia.
Frank: No, sounds too convenient.
Gus: Mm-hmm.
Frank: What happens if the guy was drugged first?
Gus: How?
Frank: Well, the ice pick. What happens if the tip of the ice pick was drugged? He would've dropped right there. Anybody could've done it.
Gus: Tox screen come back?
Frank: No, not yet.
Gus: So let's just assume it was a straight stabbing. Unless... You know what I'm thinking?
Frank: Depends on the angle.
Mel: What are you guys talking about?
Gus: Mel, can you just show me how Ben was attacked?
Mel: Well, like he said, the guy came up from behind.
Gus: Okay, but on my body just show me the angle of entry any way that you can, how the ice pick would've gone into his body.
Mel: Like this.
Gus: Just like this?
Mel: Yeah.
Gus: Okay, this is the angle. This is the angle-- right?-- The exact angle?
Mel: Yeah.
Gus: Is Ben Reade right-handed?
Frank: He's right-handed.
Mel: So you're thinking...
Gus: It's possible.
Frank: It's possible that Ben痴 stab wound was self-inflicted.
Next on "Guiding Light"...
Beth: When are you going to give up on her?
Phillip: Why are you so interested in what happens with Olivia?
Gus: Well hello, ladies. So you want to tell me what gives.
Ben: Marina? You came.
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