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Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 7/8/03
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Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
(Pop music playing)
An American boy...
Reva: Sweetie, I know how disappointed you are.
Marah: How can I throw Danny and Michelle a surprise wedding if they don't even show up?
Red, white and blue from my head to my toes I’m an American boy.
Marina: Hey, have you seen Dad?
Buzz: Yeah, he’s... Well, where'd he go?
Eden: No, Darci and I don't know each other. It just so happened that we both, you know, used to hang out in the same neighborhoods in Chicago.
Frank: Well, what a coincidence. Just seemed that you were talking about something a lot heavier than just geography.
Eden: No, we were just... We were just surprised that...
Darci: Eden, can you give us a few minutes?
Frank: You want to tell me what's going on?
Darci: Yeah. There's something I... I need to tell you, Frank, one-on-one.
Frank: I'm not going to like it, am I?
Darci: You'll hate it. Just try not to hate me.
An American boy... an American boy... I'm an American boy... (Laughter)
(Guests chattering)
Marah: Hey, Michelle, it's Marah. We were just wondering if you guys were going to make it to the barbecue. Because if you don't, everyone will be seriously bummed, and I mean everyone. So, when you get this, can you please just give me a call? Or you know what? Better yet, just come.
Tony: What do you want to do?
Josh: Is there a plan "B"?
Reva: Well, sometimes people just insist on plan "A."
Marah: You know what? I guess there's only one thing left to do. Um, excuse me, everyone! Hello. Come on over. Tony and I had a little surprise, actually, a big surprised planned here today for Danny and Michelle.
Tony: Yeah, we had a few surprises, but the main one was that we finally decided it was time that they get married once and for all.
Marah: Right here at the Bauer barbecue.
Woman: Aw! (Scattered applause) Yeah, great! Well that can't really happen if they don't show up. So does anyone, anyone know where they are?
All: No.
Marina: Did you call?
Marah: Yeah, I called.
Tony: I'm sorry, babe.
Ed: Surprise wedding at the barbecue? That's never happened before.
Marah: Yeah, well, it still can if they get here sometime soon. So did Michelle mention anything to you?
Ed: Not a word, not a word.
Marah: You have no kind of hints, no clue, no nothing?
Ed: Your guess is as good as mine.
("Here comes the bride" plays in background)
Danny: Hey. You okay?
Michelle: I just have never been very good at waiting.
Danny: (Laughs) No kidding. It shouldn't be much longer.
Man: You're the greatest thing ever!
Woman: No, you are. You are. (Both laugh)
Man: Thanks, guys.
Ida: Da dum da dum...
Clem: Ah... Sanders?
Danny: Santos.
Frank: Darci, just tell me what's going on.
Darci: It's about how we met.
Frank: What? We were at Company, we just started talking.
Darci: It wasn't an accident, Frank. Maybe fate, but not an accident.
Frank: You want to explain that to me?
Darci: I was asked to chat you up. By Eden.
Frank: What?
Darci: She and I do know each other and have for a very, very long time, Frank. You might say that we met on the job, in Chicago.
Frank: You're a working girl?
Darci: I'm not proud of that time in my life, Frank, and I want you to know that I have made so many changes.
Frank: And now you just chat people up on demand.
Darci: Please, Frank, don't make this any harder for me.
Frank: Well, you know what? You know what? You're absolutely right. Forgive me. Forgive my manners. Your job was to act interested in me?
Darci: Oh, Frank, I didn't have to act.
Frank: Well, I'm glad it was an easy gig for you.
Darci: No. Look, Frank, I didn't have to tell you the truth. I could have... I could have kept it all up when you saw Eden and I talking.
Frank: So exactly why did Eden call you in? To distract me. To distract the chief of police. To keep me away from her and all of her activities.
Darci: Obviously you're a good cop.
Frank: So what did you do? You came up with a couple things that we had in common and made some up yourself? And then what? Bingo! My mind would be just on you? Let me guess: Your dad's not a cop. I think I've heard enough.
Darci: Look, Frank, you forced the issue when you saw Eden and I talking, but I was going to tell you. I promise. Sooner or later.
Frank: Why is that?
Darci: Because I like you. And I like who I am when I’m with you. Frank, this wasn't supposed to turn into anything or go anywhere, but it did.
Frank: Well, at least you got the lying part down right.
Darci: Yeah. I... I can't blame you if you want to walk away right now, Frank, but I have to let you know that I am so sorry that I have a past. But it's part of who I am, Frank, and I can't lie about it anymore. I can't lie to you anymore. And unless I’m completely off the mark here, Frank, I think you've become as invested in me as I have been in you. I'm not willing to walk away without giving this a fight. Are you?
Marina: Okay, what is going on in there?
Eden: Where?
Marina: In the kitchen. In the kitchen with my dad. What's going on?
Gus: Excuse me.
Marina: Yeah!
Gus: Can I borrow my sister?
Marina: Okay, yeah, you can, but she needs to...
Reva: I'm just sorry that I jumped to the conclusion that I did.
Josh: Well, we're all quick to judge sometimes, aren't we?
Reva: Sometimes it's warranted, but I am sorry that I assumed that it was you and Tony that were the bride and groom today.
Marah: It's okay, Mom. I just wish we could figure out a way to get this wedding back on track.
Josh: You're not going to be able to do that without them on hand, right?
Uncle Sam: I've heard stories about the Bauer barbecue, but now I know they're true. This is great, but I’ve got to go.
Marah: Now? Why?
Uncle Sam: You hired me to perform a wedding, but the couple is a no-show. I've got another ceremony to perform across town. These crazy kids want to say their vows as the fireworks go off.
Tony: Can't you just stay another half an hour? 20 minutes?
Uncle Sam: I'm sorry.
Marah: Please?
Uncle Sam: I'm sorry. I'm already cutting it close. Thanks for the feed.
Tony: There's more.
Uncle Sam: Killer corn.
Marah: (Sighs) So much for my brilliant idea.
Jeffrey: Hi.
Mel: Did you hear about the judge?
Jeffrey: What, that he's fond of corn?
Mel: No, that he had to leave.
Jeffrey: Oh, yeah. No.
Mel: Wait a minute.
Jeffrey: Don't even think about it.
Mel: Didn't you tell me that you served as a judge once in New York?
Jeffrey: That was strictly by default, okay? It was someone's moronic idea of filling vacation spots.
Mel: Yeah, but you're qualified to perform a wedding ceremony.
Jeffrey: I'm also qualified to shoot firearms but you don't see me blasting away at the watermelon, do you?
Mel: Oh, come on. What are you afraid of? Flubbing a line?
Jeffrey: Think what it would do for my reputation.
Mel: It might improve it.
Jeffrey: Exactly. No weddings.
Mel: But... Come on.
Jeffrey: It's a moot point, anyway. We're shy a bride and groom, hmm?
Marah: Hey, Michelle, it's me again. I was just wondering if you were going to make it to the barbecue. Let me know.
Tony: Hey, it's not your fault.
Marah: I know, but this was going to be so perfect, and it would have been so special for them, and that's all I wanted was something special.
Clem: Welcome to Shady Tree Wedding Chapel!
Michelle: Thank you.
Ida: We don't usually get much business on the fourth of July.
Clem: Except from those who just gots to get hitched, if you catch my drift. (Both laughing)
Danny: Caught it. Can I have a second? I want to talk to Michelle.
Clem: Oh, sure. You go right ahead. Just don't gab too long.
Danny: Hey. Are you sure this isn’t...
Michelle: A mistake?
Danny: It did cross my mind.
Michelle: I have been to more romantic places.
Danny: Do you think?
Michelle: But this isn't about romance, right? This is about getting it over with.
Danny: Right. Then we can go back to everybody and just say, "It's over. We did it."
Michelle: And everything will be the same. We'll just be...
Danny: Married.
Michelle: Again.
Danny: Just when I'm getting used to living in sin.
Michelle: You know, and that really wouldn't bother me if it weren't for Robbie.
Danny: Honey, you know I always want to be married to you.
Michelle: And I guess that's why, you know, when I saw that ad in the paper this morning, I took it as a sign to make it official.
Clem: I hope you brought that ad with you. It's 5% off if you did.
Danny: Actually, no, I didn't, but that's okay. We can do without it. Uh... So we're good? Yeah? Okay, where do we stand?
Ida: Nowhere yet.
Clem: You haven't picked your package yet.
Danny: Our package?
Clem: Yes. We have plans starting from the Jack Benny special...
Ida: Plain-wrap wedding, no frills.
Clem: ...All the way up to the super-duper extravaganza, where as far as music goes, you got your processional at the beginning and your recessional at the end, and in between, you get to pick your own incidental music.
Ida: And that includes the ceremony, plus flowers for the bride, 100% silk.
Clem: And you get your rice thrown at you all the way out to the car. And to top it all off, Ida here videotapes the whole thing for posterity. All for $39.95. I know it's a little pricey.
Danny: What the hell! Honey, let's splurge a little. Okay.
Boy: Whoa!
Ed: (Laughs)
Holly: So, everybody's trying to decide whether to go to the lake or stay here and see if Danny and Michelle show up.
Ed: I wish I knew what to tell them.
Holly: How do you want this to turn out?
Ed: I want Michelle to be happy, you know?
Holly: I know.
Tony: Hey.
Ray: Bro!
Tony: How are you?
Ray: I got your message, made a couple of phone calls. Nobody's seen Danny. Oh, and by the way, thanks a lot for giving me the head's up in advance. A justice of the peace.
Tony: Hey. It was Marah's plan. She swore me to secrecy.
Ray: Well, the way it's looking now, nobody's getting married today.
Jeffrey: Going for the pie, huh?
Reva: Well, Mr. O’Neill!
Jeffrey: Hi.
Reva: Growing your beard back again, I see.
Jeffrey: Mm-hmm.
Reva: What, are you tired of people telling you you look like Richard?
Jeffrey: Something like that. Actually, it's more of a vote for personal freedom. There you go.
Reva: How about a vote for cleanliness?
Jeffrey: What?
Reva: You've got corn stuck in your freedom.
Eden: Look, I don't want to talk about this again.
Gus: I need information from you.
Eden: Look, my life has been hell ever since you found Ariana’s pin in my stuff. Look, you need to come up with some evidence to take the pressure off. Unless you think that I'm the killer.
Gus: Look, I go where the leads take me, okay, and I’ve got several leads that I’m working on
Eden: Yeah, but you're not even close to solving this murder, are you?
Gus: Yes. No, I'm not. That's correct.
Eden: Well, would you get on it, because I am the one that is twisting in the air here.
Gus: I am only human, okay? I'm going as fast as I can.
Eden: Well, if you need some help, why don't you get it?
Gus: Well, I could get some help from you if you would just be cooperative.
Eden: What can I do?
Gus: What can you do? I'm going to show you what you can do.
Harley: Oh, nice. That's pretty. Hey.
Rick: If I can interrupt your eating, can I talk to you for a second?
Harley: Oh, yeah. Don't eat my part.
Rick: Just a second.
Harley: Uh-huh? What?
Rick: I just want to apologize for jumping down your throat about these autopsy photos. It's just that, you know, since you're off the force, it's a breach, a serious breach for you to see those photos. And I hope you don't mind, I just...
Harley: No. No, no, no. I totally understand. I mean, it was my decision to leave the force. I have to deal with the consequences.
Rick: As long as there are no hard feelings.
Harley: None. None at all. (Laughs)
Rick: I'm sorry. Okay.
Blake: He's apologizing to you? Are you crazy? I mean, at least he could let you see the pictures.
Harley: I guess you accidentally overheard the conversation.
Blake: Look, look, look. Ben's future, his life, is at stake here. If we can find anything that will clear him.
Harley: Then we should do it. I know. How about this? I got the pictures, or copies of them, anyway. Yes, I took them out of Rick’s briefcase, and I used Ed's copier. I feel terrible.
Blake: You are so good. Let's go. Come on, let's go.
Harley: What? And just walk out of this party without telling... What am I supposed to tell Gus? What am I supposed to tell him?
Gus: Hi.
Harley: Hi.
Buzz: You in a hurry?
Harley: Actually, dad, I am. Sorry. (Laughs)
Ben: Feel like something to drink?
Darci: Frank, listen to me...
Frank: Darci, don't.
Darci: Frank. Not everything I’ve said to you has been a lie. When I told you how much I love being with you and your family, that was the truth. And when we kissed, Frank, how sweet that was. That's the truth, too. I don't know what to say. I admit it, I am a great liar. I had so much to lie about growing up. I got a lot of practice. My dad was a... Deadbeat. My mom was so cross-addicted, she was out of her mind. I didn't have the life that you've given Marina.
Frank: I'm sorry to hear that.
Darci: Don’t. Please. Don't be. I came out stronger. I am not a victim. I realized very early on that I can either wallow in it or reinvent myself. Frank, there is such a fine line between just being a little creative and lying. When I made up who I was and where I came from, I didn't get those degrading looks of pity from people when they found out the truth about me. I can't stand it when people pity me, Frank, so please don’t.
Frank: So you don't want me to pity you, but you want me to forgive you, is that it?
Darci: I want you to be mad at me for as long as you need. Just don't write me off. I finally found a reason to stop lying when I met you, Frank. I need to know, is that worth anything to you?
Shayne: Hey! Get out of here, Reade! (Commotion) I said get out of here. (Men arguing)
Josh: Hey, hey, hey, come on! Shayne! Shayne!
Frank: Get away from my daughter! Get him out of here! How many times do I have to tell you?
Josh: Just settle down. Settle down.
Frank: If you can't leave the party yourself, I'll throw you out.
Bill: Relax! Relax, I got it covered. Come on, man. Come on.
Josh: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
Ed: Cool off, Frank.
Bill: Relax.
Ben: Let me know what lie you end up feeding Frank to get him to chill. I'm sure it's going to be great.
Bill: I'm not going to tell him anything, Ben. I think you should get out of here.
(Music warbling on tape recorder)
Ida: Any time you're ready.
Clem: Okey-dokey. Now, you're sure you don't want to start from back there? I know it's only a short aisle, but you can still walk down it smiling. Get you in the mood.
Michelle: Oh, my mood is fine right here. Let's just...
Clem: Get rolling.
Michelle: Yeah.
Danny: If you don't mind.
Clem: Yes, sir.
(Tape recording pauses)
Clem: Excuse me.
(Recording restarts)
Clem: There. Now, we're all ready? All ready? Okay. Dearly beloved, we are gathered here together to celebrate the joyous union of...? Oh...
Michelle: Michelle Santos.
Danny: Danny. Daniel. Danny Santos.
Clem: You both have the same name?
Danny: Yeah, we've... we've been married before.
Clem: Oh. Gotcha. All right. To celebrate the joyous union of Michelle and Danny Santos. Danny, do you take Michelle to be your lawful wedded wife? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, respect, honor and keep her in your heart above all others for as long as you both shall live?
Danny: I do.
Clem: Michelle, do you take Danny to be your wedded husband? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, respect, honor and keep him in your heart above all others for as long as you both shall live?
Michelle: I'm sorry. I can't do this.
Josh: Hold it, son. Son!
Ben: Now you're bailing on me? That's great, man. You're a great friend.
Bill: I am your friend, Ben, all right? And right now I am thinking of what's best for you.
Ben: Yeah, and that's leaving.
Bill: Look, if you stick around here, it's like you're asking for trouble. Seriously, man, how much fun are you going to have with everyone looking at you like this? Look, does it suck? Yes. But it's not going to be like this forever. You are going to be cleared of all this.
Ben: I already was. The cops let me go, remember? I mean, whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?
Bill: Ben, it's been replaced by guilty until your image is rehabbed. All right? Just hang in there, all right? Things are going to be back to normal very soon.
Ben: So all I have to do is wait until my friends get used to the idea that I’m not a murderer. That's great, man.
Bill: Hey, come on. I...
Holly: Ben, wait...
Ben: Leave me alone, Holly.
Holly: Oh, you can’t...
Ben: Don't say anything. It's not worth it anymore.
Ed: That must have been hard to go through.
Holly: It's getting worse and worse for him.
Ed: I was talking about you, not him.
Holly: Me? I'm just great. Considering I'm probably a major cause of all of this.
Ed: You can't seriously blame yourself for this, Holly.
Holly: I have... I've done nothing for him, zero. Not that he holds it against me. He's almost unbearably gentle towards me.
Ed: Sweetie, you're his stepmother.
Holly: I am the closest thing to a mother he's got. Not that I’ve acted like one. Unless you count using it as a crutch. Lord knows I’ve done that.
Ed: This isn't getting you anywhere.
Holly: I'm just doing a little personal inventory. It's too bad that I haven't been a better parent to him. If I had been, maybe he wouldn't be going through this right now.
Gus: I need information.
Eden: About what?
Gus: About the Garden of Eden. I want to know all about it. I want to know how you run it, who you deal with. I want to know about every single escort that you have, and I want to know about all the clients-- especially the clients.
Eden: I can't give you any names.
Gus: Oh, yes, you can. You can and you will.
Eden: What? If I tell you who uses my services, I will have no business.
Gus: I am not concerned about your business right now.
Eden: You know what? It is never enough for you, is it? I gave you a full account of what I was doing and where I was at when the murders took place, but no, it is never enough for Nicky.
Gus: Look at this, all right? Look at this. Look at this. This is why I brought you down here.
Eden: What is this?
Gus: Okay?
Eden: These are bones!
Gus: Yes, they are bones. They are bones. It's all that's left of a beautiful young girl that I think was Ben Reade’s first victim. Look at it. Look at these.
Eden: Would you just stop it?
Gus: I want you to look at these!
Eden: Stop it! Would you quit trying to guilt me into giving you these names? Look, you're trying to get me worried about who the next victim is. I can hear it now. You're going to be saying, "Oh, it could be this girl or that girl."
Gus: No, not this girl, that girl, you. You.
Eden: What?
Gus: Yeah. I want you to worry about the next victim, but it's not some anonymous girl. It's you. It's you, you dingbat. I'm worried about you.
Blake: No, Ross. Why would I be gone if you're there? Uh-uh. What? What happened? He did? Wow. Well, I missed a lot, didn't I? All right. I'm going to see you soon. Bye. Ben showed up at the Bauer’s'.
Harley: No.
Blake: Yeah, yeah. And Ross said that Frank went crazy.
Harley: What was Ben thinking?
Blake: Gee, I don't know. You know, maybe he just showed up because he's innocent.
Harley: Well, it would be great if we could prove that beyond a doubt. Wouldn't it?
Blake: Yeah.
Harley: This is weird.
Blake: What?
Harley: This bruise on Ramona Hendon's neck.
Blake: Oh, honey, she's dead. I mean, what's so weird about a bruise?
Harley: Because Rick said the mark was unusual, and it is. I mean, look at that thing. That was not caused by a thumb or a finger.
Blake: Well, she was drowned, right? Maybe the murderer used some sort of tool or something to hold her underwater.
Harley: I don't think so. See, it looks like to me... Give me your arm.
Blake: What? (Yells)
Harley: See? See?
Blake: Yeah, yeah!
Harley: See that? See that? I think this was caused by a ring.
Blake: Hello? That's about twice as big as that!
Harley: Well, it was a bigger ring.
Blake: A man's ring.
Harley: A man's signet ring. And I know just what kind might have done it.
Michelle: This just isn't right. I'm sorry.
Clem: I don't know much about your fellow, here, but he seems nice enough.
Michelle: No, no. It's not about Danny. I mean, it's just complicated.
Danny: Give us a second. What? It's not what you had in mind?
Michelle: No, I know I was the one who was all gung-ho about a quickie wedding, but now I’m backing out.
Danny: What's the matter? You camera shy?
Michelle: She did shove that thing in my face.
Danny: (Laughs)
Michelle: But at the same time, I mean, nobody's watching. Nobody's here that we know. I'm sorry.
Danny: No, don't be. I feel the same way.
Michelle: You do?
Danny: I do. Yeah. It's just... It's not right. Okay? I'm gonna pay them, and we'll get out of here. Sound good?
Michelle: Yeah.
Danny: Well, she's having some cold feet. So, it looks like there's going to be a little change in plan. I'm really sorry for taking up your time like this, but let me at least pay you for...
Clem: No, no, keep it.
Ida: You put it towards something useful.
Danny: All right.
Michelle: Danny?
Danny: Yeah.
Michelle: Marah just left me a bunch of messages saying that they really want us at the barbecue.
Danny: Why?
Marah: I don't know. She didn't say but it sounds kind of important. You know, we could catch the tail end of it if we leave right now, or maybe even the fireworks.
Danny: Okay. All right, yeah. Let's go. Thanks again.
Michelle: You've been really nice.
Clem: Best of luck to you.
Danny: Thank you.
Michelle: Okay. I'll call Marah, and I’ll tell her we're on our way.
Danny: Okay.
Michelle: Danny, don't say anything to anybody about this, okay?
Danny: (Laughs) No argument from me.
Gus: Look, I think that I can catch this killer if I do it through you.
Eden: Why?
Gus: Well, think about it. All these... All these murders-- the coroner, your girls, Ariana, Renee, Mrs. Hendon-- they all have one thing in common, and that is a connection to you. Now, please, I am asking you, I need to see your records.
Eden: I can't help you, Nicky.
Gus: You're going to end up in a body bag. (Sighs)
Eden: Look, I am not doing this out of spite or stubbornness. I don't have any records.
Gus: Oh, what, are you kidding me? You're kidding me, right?
Eden: No. There is a downside to putting things on paper, especially names, because someday somebody might use it against you.
Gus: Okay. Well, you got it in your head, right? You got all the lists and the files in your head? Give me whatever's in your head.
Eden: What? Like that's going to stand up in a court of law?
Gus: You're right. There's nothing in your head that would stand up in a court of law. Okay, look, forget it. Come on. Let's go. Let's go. You know, you scream for my help. "Oh, help me, Nicky. Help me, Nicky." And then I try to help you and you clam up.
Eden: You know, this makes me sick, but you act like this is my fault.
Gus: (Sighs) Well, honey, I’m starting to wonder if it's your fault.
Blake: Ben doesn't wear a ring.
Harley: My father does.
Blake: Buzz? You're saying that Buzz...
Harley: No, of course I’m not saying that, but I’m saying that my father wears a signet ring from a veterans' group that he belongs to. He wears it every fourth of July. You know who else is in that group? Mitch Hendon.
Blake: The victim's husband?
Harley: Yes. And I bet if we were to compare this... I mean, if the forensics guys compared Mitch Hendon’s ring to this mark on Ramona Hendon’s neck, they would match.
Blake: Right. Right. Which proves that he's probably the murderer and not Ben.
Harley: Well, it proves that a ring like this was at the crime scene, which could be enough to bring Mr. Hendon back in for questioning, where he could collapse and confess, if he's guilty.
Blake: Oh, what? You don't think he is?
Harley: Well, I think that we need evidence, rock-solid hard evidence.
Blake: Okay, all right. You know what? Let's just say that he's the killer. That changes everything.
Harley: It clears Ben, at least from this murder. But that's a start. You cast doubt on one...
Blake and Harley: ...The others will follow.
Danny: I hate holiday traffic.
Michelle: Hey.
Ray: Hey, you guys. You just missed everybody.
Jeffrey: Yeah, fireworks. They went to see the fireworks.
Ray: Fireworks, that's right. Down by the lake.
Danny: Well, the day isn't a total waste. There's leftovers.
Michelle: Yeah. And we saved ourselves $39.95.
Danny: And we learned that we want a wedding with real meaning. That's big.
Michelle: Yeah. It's just too bad we had to lose an afternoon with everyone we love to learn that lesson.
Danny: Well, honey, they're not gone forever. I mean, there’s...
Marah: Hey!
Tony: Look who showed up.
Marah: Hi. Where have you guys been?
Danny: Well...
Michelle: There's a really big fourth of July sale on weddings.
Tony: What?
Michelle: I'm not going to lie. We went to a wedding chapel to get married.
Marah: And?
Michelle: And we backed out.
Danny: Yeah, it wasn't for us. The music was cheesy. They had a whole sort of slam-bam approach to it. Nobody was there for us.
Michelle: You'd think it wouldn't matter, being down that road so many times it's practically our driveway.
Danny: I love how you put things.
Michelle: Well, you know what I mean. It's sort of like a "been there, done that" thing only that it isn’t.
Danny: Right.
Marah: Well, why not?
Michelle: Well, when we were standing there saying our vows, it just seemed so...
Danny: Impersonal.
Michelle: Yeah. And just not right, you know? I never got a chance to look at Danny in the eye and tell him what I was thinking in that moment.
Tony: Which was what?
Danny: Yeah.
Michelle: That I love him.
Danny: Tell me.
Michelle: I love him more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.
Danny: What else?
Michelle: That if all the troubles and pain that we've been through are going to be worth it, we have to know and really understand that what we have is too precious to take for granted. And I can't imagine my life without him.
Danny: That's not what I was thinking.
Michelle: Oh!
Danny: No, come here. I was thinking how lucky I am to have found you. Because without you, I am incomplete. And with you, I am twice the man I ever thought possible.
Marah: Well, you know what? Those sound like vows to me.
Danny: Yeah. See what happens when you get caught up in the idea of it?
Tony: Well, I mean, that's what weddings are about, right? Those ideas. Yo, Ray! Isn't that what weddings are about?
Ray: Uh... Yeah, yeah. The ones I’ve been to.
Jeffrey: Yeah, me too. In fact, I think all that's left to do is to pronounce you two man and wife.
Michelle: (Laughs)
Danny: What... What's going on?
Marah: You still haven't figured it out yet?
Michelle: Uh... Oh, no.
Everyone: Oh, yeah. (Laughter)
Michelle: (Gasps)
(All humming "The Wedding March")
("The Wedding March" music playing)
Harley: Hi.
Gus: Hi. What... what are you doing here?
Harley: I live here.
Gus: Yeah, but I thought that you'd be at the fireworks, like you said.
Harley: I think we're about to have some fireworks of our own.
Gus: Excuse me? Did you say something? What?
Harley: Yeah. I have something for you, but I wasn't going to share it until I had more solid evidence.
Gus: More solid evidence for what?
Harley: I saw evidence today, official evidence, and it could mean that Ben Reade didn't murder Ramona Hendon.
Gus: What are you talking about?
Harley: And if that's the case, then that whole case about him being involved in all of the murders, that would come apart.
Gus: Are you trying to tell me that you're still working on this case even though we talked about this, and you're doing it behind my back?
Harley: Call it a favor for a friend? The point is that if Ben didn't do it, you're going to have to look at another suspect-- Eden, for instance-- and you're going to have to look hard.
Michelle: This is why you wanted us here so badly?
Marah: Yeah.
Michelle: Thank you.
Jeffrey: May I? May I?
Ray: It's your show.
Jeffrey: Okay. Well, it's my show only because our friends here are already married in the eyes of the church, so I’ve been kind of chosen to make it official in the eyes of Uncle Sam, if you will. Uncle Sam-- who was here, by the way, earlier-- I think, he had the...
Tony: Okay, we get it, we get it. Just marry them already, please.
Jeffrey: All right, just marry them. All right, good idea. Who is to give this lovely bride away?
Ed: I am.
Jeffrey: All right, we need... We need rings.
Tony: Oh, I have them.
Danny: Actually, I've got them. Why don't you hold on to those? You might need them yourself someday. (Laughter)
Jeffrey: And this is where you say...
Danny: Michelle... with this ring, I thee wed, again, and forever.
Michelle: Danny, with this ring, I thee wed.
Jeffrey: Well, there is one last thing. It's the law, and it requires me to ask this. Is there anybody here who objects to this union?
All: No!
Jeffrey: Okay. Okay, okay. So by the power vested in me by the state, and forced upon me by certain individuals, I now pronounce you man and wife. And you know what you may do now.
Danny: I've been waiting for this all night.
(Fireworks exploding)
(Cheers and applause)
Next on "Guiding Light"...
Marah: I love you.
Gus: Ben Reade shook the guy that we had tailing him. He's on the loose.
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