[an error occurred while processing this directive] GL Transcript Friday 7/4/03 [an error occurred while processing this directive]
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Guiding Light Transcript Friday 7/4/03

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Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Josh: That pie smells fantastic. Maybe we should just, you know, keep it here, eat it ourselves later on. What do you think? Okay, then. I guess it's time to go. The Bauer barbecue waits for no one. You know, Reva, I really don't want to go to this thing and be that couple.

Reva: What couple?

Josh: That tense couple that smiles real stiff through their teeth and makes people feel really uncomfortable. You know what I'm saying?

Reva: Oh, I'm not tense. No. I'm not going to miss Fourth of July-- motherhood, baseball, and apple pie. And you're right. It's time to go.

Josh: Reva, I can't believe you're still upset with me.

Reva: It was yesterday.

Josh: I know that, so why don't we just talk about it, okay? Or you can yell at me if that's what you want to do. Why don't we do whatever it takes to get through this, because these long silences punctuated by sarcastic remarks, they're just not you.

Reva: And your taking this decision out of Shayne’s hands is not you.

Josh: Shayne didn't make the decision you wanted him to make. That's not my fault.

Reva: Shayne didn't get a chance to make a decision because you made it for him. And if you can't see that, then I don't know what to say.

Shayne: Hi.

Reva: Hi.

Josh: Hey. How's my major league baseball player, huh?

Shayne: Still pretty pumped. Can't wait to hang this little thing on my rearview mirror.

Reva: I can't tell you how great it was to see you up on that stage getting your diploma. Very proud of you. (Laughs)

Shayne: You think you're ever going to be that proud of me on the pitcher's mound?

Reva: Honey, of course I will be.

Shayne: Yeah, but you're still kind of upset about the college thing, right? I mean, that would have been your choice.

Reva: What matters is your choice, sweetheart. Not mine, not your father’s. And I will back you 100%. Now, we have a barbecue to get to.

Shayne: Let's go. I've waited until now to tell Marina I'm going to be a Cub. I can't wait to see the look on her face. She's going to flip.

Reva: Well...

Shayne: You guys okay?

Reva: Yea yeah. We're going to have the best fourth of July ever. Aren't we, Joshua?

Josh: Absolutely, yes.

Ed: Hey, sweetie, just...

Mel: Over here?

Ed: Put it over here.

Mel: Here? Okay.

Marah: Are you ready for this?

Tony: I guess so.

Marah: Isn't it romantic?

Tony: Yes, it is.

Rick: Hey, hey, hey. Behave yourself guys.

Tony: Hey, Rick.

Marah: Hi. Hey!

Ed: Marah, Tony, welcome. Thank you for forcing me to do the barbecue this year. Probably would have anyway. But you didn't have to bring all that stuff.

Rick: So, what have you got in the bag?

Tony: You need to stay away from the bags, Rick.

Rick: Fireworks? Oh, man, I love fireworks.

Ed: Please, keep him away from anything that explodes. We don't want the fire department here again this year.

Rick: That was three years ago. I haven't burned anything in a long time. (Laughter) They're fireworks, aren't they? What's in the bag? Seriously.

Marah: It's a surprise.

Tony: Yeah, a surprise.

Mel: Ooh, I love a good surprise. Well, you guys make yourselves comfortable.

Marah: Thank you.

Ross: Hey, Bauer! Dr. Edward Bauer!

Rick: Oh, it's the Marler's. Hi, guys.

Tony: Well, Marah, we could let the Bauer’s in on our little secret. It'd make things a lot easier.

Marah: No way. Are you kidding? This isn't just a surprise for Danny and Michelle, it's a surprise for the whole family. You see how excited they get over fireworks? Now imagine when they find out Danny and Michelle are going to be saying "I do," instead of the pledge of allegiance. This is going to be the best Bauer barbecue ever. (Laughter)

Blake: You are a genius, Mel.

Rick: For marrying me?

Blake: No, no, no, no. Actually, for hiring a sitter. Those of us with little ones can have a real independence day. I plan on doing some serious pool time.

Ed: You're going to be all alone down at the pool. I have a job for your husband.

Ross: Assistant to the grill master, no doubt.

Ed: No. It's even more important than that. You're going to do the honors this year. The hat and apron, they're all yours.

Ross: I'm going to be the grill master? Really?

Ed: Yeah. This is payback for all those times when you stood in for me with my family. Thank you.

Ross: You're welcome, but Ed, you've always been the grill master. For years and years...

Ed: I know

Ross: It's the hat, isn't it, Ed?

Ed: Yeah.

Ross: You don't think you look dignified in the hat, do you?

Ed: (Laughs) Well...

Ross: It's the hat, isn't it, Ed? You don't think anybody can look dignified in this hat?

Ed: There you go. There it is. That's what we've been waiting for, isn't it?

Blake: Okay. I'm going to let you guys argue over this one. I'm going to take this into the kitchen. That's cute.

Mel: Hand it right over to Harley because she volunteered for set-up.

Blake: Oh, perfect. Just the woman I'm looking for.

Ed: Yeah, right. You go, Ross.

Blake: Hey, guys.

Marah: Hey.

Blake: Wow, look at you. Wait a minute. I see a cooking show in your future.

Harley: (Laughs sarcastically) Look, I am not a chef, okay? This is the way I chop, so sue me.

Blake: I need to talk to you.

Harley: Uh-huh.

Blake: Ross tells me that Gus is not going to stop until he gets Ben behind bars.

Harley: Honey, I know how upsetting this whole thing is to you but can we just table it for today? It's the Bauer barbecue, you know? It should be a case-free zone, don't you think?

Blake: This is not just a case. Ben is my family.

Harley: I know. I get that. I know how much it hurts you. I do. But Gus would not be pursuing Ben if he didn't have cause, and he does have cause.

Blake: Oh, yeah. I know his cause: Eden. You know, if he doesn't nail Ben, then his only other option is to arrest his sister. Gus wouldn't want that, would he?

Olivia: I know this is awkward, Alan.

Alan: Olivia, don’t. We both dodged the bullet on that one. I'm here because my sister seems to have forgotten how to answer the phone.

Olivia: She left town.

Alan: I'll bet she did. Hm.

Gus: Hey. Glad I caught you before the two of you went out shopping for high chairs and strollers and everything.

Olivia: Goodbye, Alan.

Gus: Sorry. I guess it's going to take a little time for her to get used to the fact that, well, you're the proud papa.

Alan: Time's not the issue. It seems the baby's not mine after all.

Phillip: Hello, ladies.

Beth: Thank you for coming over so quickly. I'm sorry to drag you away from Olivia before the barbecue.

Lizzie: Not as sorry as I am. Sorry.

Phillip: Okay. Somebody want to tell me what's going on?

Lizzie: Yeah. Mom thinks I need to check my emotional temperature.

Beth: Honey, getting things out in the open is important for you. It's important for everyone. Isn't that right, Phillip?

Phillip: Yeah. Actually, it is. And with that in mind, let me give you both an update. I'm not taking Olivia to the barbecue. As a matter of fact, Olivia and I are not together, period.

Lizzie: Wow. No more Olivia? That’s...

Beth: Lizzie, why don't you give your dad and I a few minutes alone?

Lizzie: No.

Phillip: No?

Lizzie: I mean, well, you guys expect me to share all of my feelings so that you and Dad and my therapist can dissect them, but me, no, I have to wait and hear about my family on the evening news. Look, whatever happens to Dad happens to me, too.

Phillip: She's got a point. Remember when secrets have ever done this family any good.

Beth: You're right. You're right. Okay. I'm guessing that Olivia got the paternity test results back. So, what happened? I thought the two of you were in it for the long haul no matter who the father is.

Phillip: The baby is mine.

Beth: But... but I thought...

Phillip: Yeah, so did I. But the baby's mine. So, Lizzie, it looks like you're going to be a sister again.

Lizzie: Oh. That's great, Dad.

Beth: Congratulations, Phillip. I know that having a child can really bind two people together. So why aren't you together?

Phillip: It’s... it's all messed up. Surprise, surprise. Anyway, enough about me. I'm here to talk about my favorite daughter.

Beth: Are you sure that you don't want to talk?

Phillip: There's nothing to talk about, Beth. There really isn’t. I made a mistake and now I'm stuck...

Beth: Mistake? Olivia has made mistakes, but in the end it's about whether you choose to let those mistakes get in the way of what you have. Phillip, I know you. You don't normally give up without a fight.

Phillip: I'm not giving up. I can’t. She's carrying my child. So one way or another, Olivia and I will work things out, no matter how long it takes.

Gus: I thought that DNA tests were just about 100% accurate.

Alan: Phillip was misinformed.

Gus: Are you saying that somebody switched the results?

Alan: Mm-hmm.

Gus: On purpose? (Sighs) Wow. Who would do something like that to you?

Alan: Take a guess.

Gus: Wow. So Alexandra strikes again, huh? I'm sure it was in the name of family. But I'll tell you something, that's breaking the law. You want me to haul her in? I'll take her downtown.

Alan: As much as I would enjoy that, she seems to have flown the coop.

Gus: Wow. I'm really sorry, because I know that you were looking forward to the child being yours and everything.

Alan: For about a minute, yes, I was ready to break out the cigars. But only for a minute.

Gus: Alan, I think that anybody would feel the way that you feel. They would have felt that way.

Alan: You see, Gus, I've got all the family I need right now. You and I are building a wonderful relationship. You see, everything turned out just the way it should.

Gus: Are you sure you shouldn't be having this conversation with Phillip?

Alan: Phillip doesn't want to hear anything I have to say.

Gus: Well, maybe yes, maybe no, but I would give him a chance if I were you. You know what? Let's get out of here. Come on. Let's go.

Alan: Where are we going?

Gus: Where are we going? It is the fourth of July, my friend. Fourth of July. There's only one place to be.

Blake: Okay, the only crime that we actually can link Ben to is Mrs. Hendon. That's the only one that he even has a possible motive for.

Harley: Yes. Because he doesn't want Marina to know about her.

Blake: Yeah, but why would he off her with Marina across the hall? That doesn't make sense.

Harley: Hm... he panicked. You know? Maybe it was the thrill of it.

Blake: Yeah, or maybe he just didn't do it, you know because Eden has just as much of a connection to Mrs. Hendon, you know? She was a client.

Harley: Yeah, well, Eden has an alibi for that one.

Blake: Maybe she hired somebody else to do it.

Harley: Serial killers don't usually hire out their kills.

Blake: Yeah, well, they do if they want to frame somebody.

Harley: Okay. Okay. I will review the entire Hendon case. How's that?

Blake: Thank you.

Harley: Hey, I can start with the M.E. He's right outside.

Blake: Well, good. If anybody can drag a detail out of Rick, it's you.

Harley: Yes.

Blake: Do me a favor, okay?

Harley: Hm?

Blake: Let's just keep Gus out of this.

Harley: Well, it's his case.

Blake: You're not his partner anymore; you're mine.

Harley: Blake, I will not lie to him again.

Blake: I'm not asking you to lie. Just don't volunteer.

Harley: Okay, look. If I find anything that takes us one step closer to finding this killer, I'm going to give that to Gus. I don't care who it incriminates.

Ed: Who is that guy over there?

Mel: I don't know. I can't place him. I thought maybe you invited him.

Ed: No.

Mel: Well, maybe he's one of Michelle’s guests.

Marah: What part of surprise wedding do you think the justice of the peace did not understand?

Tony: Let's just hope our other guests don't show up before they're supposed to.

Marah: Somebody's going to recognize him.

Tony: Not if I have something to do about it.

Marah: What are you going to do, put a bag over his head?

Tony: Oh, I'll figure something out.

Marah: I know you will. That's why I love you. (Laughs) Okay, okay. Let's do this.

Tony: Are you ready?

Marah: Yes. Ready? Ready?

Reva: Hey! Hi.

Tony: Hey. How are you? A pie. That's so sweet. Hey. You know, today's going to be really special. Yeah. I'll see you guys, okay? I've got to go.

Reva: Is he all right?

Marah: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He just wants everything to go perfect today, because, you know, this only happens once a year. Hey, little brother!

Shayne: You want to watch the arm, please?

Marah: You know, just remember that when you're on sports net, you're still my dorky little brother.

Shayne: Is that your way of saying you're happy for me?

Marah: Exactly.

Shayne: Thank you.

Reva: Is it just me or do Marah and Tony seem a little strange?

Josh: Well, I don't really know, but... actually it's you that I'm worried about.

Ross: All right. Reva, time to pay attention here. Make a decision. What do you want: Hot dogs or hamburgers?

Reva: You know, ask him. He makes all the decisions for us.

Phillip: Well, Lizzie, once again your parents' crises have sucked all the air out of the room.

Beth: Speak for yourself.

Lizzie: You know what? I don't have to be sheltered. Look, I know I acted like a brat with this whole stuff between you and Olivia and the baby, but I really do want you to be happy. And you know if Olivia and the baby do that, then go for it, Daddy.

Phillip: Thank you, darling. I appreciate it. We won't talk about this anymore, okay? You know what? You want to know what makes me happy? You are my pride and joy and you make me happy, all the time.

Lizzie: (Laughs) Do you think we can table an "all about Lizzie" discussion today? Please?

Phillip: What do you think?

Beth: Yeah. Why don't we all go over to the Bauer barbecue?

Phillip: Yeah. Oh! Let's get there before Rick takes over the grill.

Beth: Yes!

Lizzie: I want to go in the three-legged race.

Beth: Hold on. I distinctly remember you saying last year you were too old for the Bauer Olympics.

Lizzie: Let's just say I revised my opinion. Last one there's a rotten egg! (Laughter)

Josh: It looks great, thank you.

Ross: You're welcome.

Reva: Maybe we should call a truce for the barbecue.

Josh: A truce, but not a cease-fire.

Reva: I just don't want our friends to feel uncomfortable.

Josh: Reva, I don't want us to feel uncomfortable.

Reva: Well, maybe you should have thought about that before you did what you did. That's the best I can do.

Marah: Hey.

Tony: Hey.

Marah: Should we synchronize our watches?

Tony: Funny. Funny. What about the music? We've got the music?

Marah: Check. Check. Cake?

Tony: Good, check.

Marah: Jop?

Tony: Right there.

Marah: (Gasps) Tony Santos, today you are helping make a girl's dream come true. (Laughs)

Alan: Wow. Good lord, I feel like the devil at a baptism. I'm not sure this is a good idea.

Gus: Calm down, okay? This is a family event. We are family, right?

Alan: Mm-hmm.

Gus: So let's just enjoy ourselves. We'll have a beer, we'll have a burger. It'll be fine.

Alan: Huh.

Gus: Here you go.

Alan: Hello, everyone. Happy fourth of July to you all.

Ross: Thank you. Hello, Alan. Gus. Hot dog or hamburger?

Alan: That's my choice? (Laughs) Ross, so I understand that you are the unfortunate lawyer who is defending Gus' prime suspect. Is that true?

Ross: Ben Reade hasn't been charged.

Alan: Well, he soon will be because my boy gets his man, no matter what the means.

Blake: Man or woman. Right, Gus?

(Cell phone rings)

Mel: I'm sorry. Excuse me one second. I'm on call. Hello. Mr. O’Neill? Are you serious? No. Of course I'm still interested in clerking without, but today? I'm on my way.

Rick: You're on your way? Honey, you're a Bauer. This is the Bauer barbecue.

Mel: Mr. O’Neill just offered me the job.

Rick: I'm thrilled about that, sweetheart, but just because that man doesn't have a life doesn't mean that we don't have to have a life.

Mel: Honey, I know you think that he is strange, but this is a great opportunity for me.

Rick: This time last year, we didn't know if I was going to make it to the fourth of July. I think that's a message for us just to stop and start smelling the roses, honey.

Mel: This coming from a man with two jobs.

Rick: I'm... that’s... I'm talking to both of us now. Our schedules are completely and totally out of control. We never see each other, ever. And... I'm being an idiot, right?

Mel: A cute idiot. Listen, honey, I think what we learned last year, is to make the most of every moment and we've done that. You know, with our relationship and you with you’re new job and now me, with mine.

Rick: You're going to make a good attorney.

Mel: I'll be back before the fireworks.

Rick: Man, I'm popular.

Gus: I am not targeting Ben Reade. Okay? I just want the truth.

Blake: That makes two of us, dear.

Gus: I... no problem. Have yourself some juice. I just don't want to talk shop, that's all I'm saying. Hey, have you seen my wife-to- be?

Blake: In the kitchen, cooking up something we all need, hopefully.

Rick: Ooh. Looking for some taste testers?

Harley: No, and don't touch anything. Give me that.

Rick: Don't touch it? Why, did you cook it?

Harley: Yes.

Rick: Then don't worry, I'll stay away from it. So, what's up?

Harley: Nothing.

Rick: Nothing, huh?

Harley: How's the old slice-and-dice business been treating you.

Rick: Sorry, Harley. Autopsies, bad food and bad jokes don't mix.

Harley: I know. I know. Sorry. I just meant... I mean, what a job. Autopsies are so fascinating, you know, because they all tell a story. Like this Mrs. Hendon case, right? This gorgeous woman who was murdered. The killer gives her a whole makeover so when the cops find her, she looks pretty. That's fascinating.

Rick: That is fascinating. So, is that why we're talking shop? So, I won't yell at you for not telling me that you're engaged? Hm?

Harley: Didn't I tell you?

Rick: No. No, you didn't tell me. I had to hear it through the Blake-vine.

Harley: (Laughs)

Rick: Congratulations.

Harley: Thank you.

Rick: That's wonderful.

Harley: Thank you.

Rick: So... (laughter) Why aren't you out there buying bridal magazines instead of sniffing around this case?

Harley: Can you keep a secret?

Rick: That's an absolute maybe.

Harley: Blake and I are doing a little P.I. work. The murders. What? We're a good team.

Rick: Mm-hmm. You drag me into my kitchen, you wave food under my nose just so you can pump me for information.

Harley: This case is very important to Blake and a lot of other people. I want it solved now.

Rick: So do I.

Harley: So then spill it. Come on, I know you know something. I can keep a secret.

Rick: (Sighs) Mrs. Hendon had a bruise on her neck. Initial autopsy didn't show it. It happens sometimes.

Harley: Mm-hmm. From somebody holding her under?

Rick: No, it wasn't from a hand or a finger.

Harley: Mm-hmm. Pictures?

Rick: In my briefcase.

Harley: That one there?

Rick: Gus has seen them. Ask Gus.

Harley: Well, see, I haven't seen them. You know? And sometimes I think all it takes is a fresh eye to really crack a case.

Rick: You're not seeing the pictures, Harley.

Gus: Excuse me, what... what pictures?

Ed: Hey, Rick, the natives are getting restless. Are you here eating or helping?

Harley: Neither. And actually, that's ready to go and so is this. See you.

Rick: Alright.

Gus: See you in a minute.

Rick: What?

Gus: I've got to ask you a favor, okay? It's some information on a case that your predecessor was working on.

Rick: Which one?

Gus: Well, the case that probably got him killed.

Phillip: It is so good to walk in here and see you.

Beth: Hey, you.

Ed: Lizzie, I can't think of the last time I saw you here.

Lizzie: Yeah. It's nice us all being together like this again.

Beth: Yes, it is. Isn't it? You're beautiful, isn't she?

Blake: Hi, guys. How are you doing? Sweetheart, you know what? All the kids are... somewhere around here. I saw Shayne.

Lizzie: Oh. Well, do you mind if I go?

Beth: No, no. Go have fun.

Lizzie: Okay. (Laughs)

Blake: Ooh, your little girl has a crush.

Phillip: My little girl doesn't get crushes yet.

Beth: If I remember correctly, I was just about her age when I first had a crush on you.

Ed: Oh, and that's scary, isn't it?

Phillip: That's enough of this. I'm going to get a beer.

Beth: Phillip. Phillip.

Phillip: What?

Beth: Why don't you say hello to Alan on your way over?

Phillip: What the hell is he doing here?

Beth: Well, I don't know, but maybe it's a sign that you should talk.

Phillip: Oh, yeah, I'm going to give that a lot of thought. On my way to the fridge.

Marina: Shayne! Hey! I'm so sorry. I know I'm late.

Shayne: You look so good. Happy fourth of July.

Marina: So, what's it going to be? Come on, spill.

Shayne: Let's play ball. Pro ball, that is.

Marina: Are you serious? Wow, that is so exciting! Congratulations. So, when do you ship out?

Shayne: In a month.

Marina: A month?

Shayne: Yeah.

Marina: Wow, that's really soon. Quick, come on. Say something funny.

Shayne: I'm going to miss you, too.

Marina: A month, huh? Well, we'll make it count. Starting right now. Come on.

Phillip: Don't hang up.

Olivia: Let's not do this.

Phillip: I'm at the Bauer barbecue. Why don't you just come over for a while.

Olivia: It's Independence Day, right? I'm taking my independence from you very seriously. Now, I have to go.

Lizzie: Hey.

Beth: Hey. Did you find your friends?

Lizzie: No, I actually haven't found them yet, but I forgot my bathing suit at home. Can I get the car?

Beth: Sure. Here. Hold this. Let me find the keys. There you go.

Lizzie: Thank you. Love you.

Beth: Love you.

Lizzie: Bye.

Alan: That guy looks familiar, but I can't seem to place where I've seen him.

Ross: Actually, he looks an awful lot like a judge I used to know.

Alan: Must be his day job.

Marah: How did you get him to dress up like that?

Tony: Well, you know, he knows we don't want to ruin the surprise.

Marah: You know, if only Danny and Michelle could get here.

Tony: Yeah. They should be here shortly.

Marah: Okay.

Reva: No, you don’t. Not so fast. We have to have a little chat.

Marah: What's going on? I'm really busy.

Reva: Yeah, I can see that. You know, I'm starting to feel like an outsider in my own family. I was hoping maybe you might be able to help me out with that.

Marah: Well, yeah. Shayne told me that Dad made the decision for him.

Reva: Yeah. He did.

Marah: And, you know, I was thinking, even though it's a very unlike-dad thing to do, I think Shayne is going to be fine and that's the most important thing.

Reva: I hope so. What about you? I mean, I couldn't help notice that you and Tony have been whispering together a lot, so what's going on with the two of you?

Marah: Nothing's going on. You and Dad whisper all the time. It's usually like you're in your own little world.

Reva: It's more than that, Marah. Are you pregnant?

Marah: (Laughs)

Reva: No, I mean it. It's not funny, sweetheart.

Marah: Yes, it's funny. No, no. Don't worry. You won't be having another grandchild any time soon, I promise.

Josh: So did you figure out the mystery?

Reva: Well, she's not pregnant.

Josh: (Choking) I'm sorry, I didn't realize that was a possibility.

Reva: Yeah, well, there's something more. And I'm gong to find out what it is.

Josh: Okay. (Coughing)

Alan: Beth. Beth.

Beth: Alan, hi.

Alan: Where have you stashed my favorite granddaughter?

Beth: Oh, she went back to the house. She forgot her bathing suit.

Alan: Well, I hope she hurries back soon because I need a friend.

Beth: What about me? Won't I do?

Alan: Well, of course you'll do. By the way, Beth, how is she... how is she doing?

Beth: Oh, Alan. You know that I'm worried about her. And now that summer's here, I just... I don't want her to be at loose ends.

Alan: Hm. Well, maybe she should start to work at Spaulding. What do you think?

Beth: She's a little young for executive training, don't you think?

Alan: She's not too young to be an intern. She'll have a place to go every day, people who will welcome her.

Beth: You know, that's not a bad idea. Would you talk to her about that?

Alan: I'll talk to her, but I think you need to run it by Phillip because I don't want to make a decision behind his back.

Beth: Why don't you fill him in?

Alan: I don't think so.

Beth: Alan, you two need to talk.

Alan: Do we?

Beth: Yes!

Alan: I'll tell you what I need. I need a drink. Can I get you one?

Beth: You're so stubborn, you know that? Stubborn.

Harley: Hey.

Phillip: Hey. Hey! Congratulations!

Harley: Oh, yeah. Thanks.

Phillip: I hope you'll be happy.

Harley: Thanks. Speaking of me and Gus, actually, what's going on with you and Alan?

Phillip: Distance equals peace.

Harley: Right. But see, I need your help.

Phillip: Mm-hmm.

Harley: Because if you don't help me, then Alan will monopolize Gus all afternoon.

Phillip: Right. Which is the way he wants it. (Laughs) Have you seen Rick?

Harley: (Sighs) He's in the kitchen. Where else?

Phillip: Where else? That's where I'm headed. I'll see you.

Harley: See you.

Rick: You've got to be kidding me. You actually think you can connect Ben to the coroner's death?

Gus: Well, no, I was actually hoping that you could do that for me. See, the missing person? That was Ben Reade’s ex-girlfriend.

Rick: Well, that doesn't mean Ben killed her.

Gus: Well, it could mean whatever it means. I'm just asking you to help me out here to look into it.

Rick: Sure. I can do it.

Gus: All right, good. I also would like it if you could just leave Harley out of it. She doesn't need to know.

Rick: Why? I thought she was actually coming up with some good ideas.

Gus: Well, no, she always comes up with good ideas and leads and everything. You see, we thought that the coroner was killed because he was a client of the escort service. I'm thinking he was killed because he was onto the killer. So we could be looking for our man out there. Our man could be out there staking out whoever's looking for him, and I think that could be Cooper on any given day. I'm just saying, please, I want her off the radar.

Rick: That's easier said than done.

Gus: Well, I'm going to keep my eye out on her and I'm going to keep my eye out on you as well.

Rick: Me, why? You think I'm on his hit list, too?

Gus: Well, your predecessor isn't around to tell the tale, you know? I wouldn't like that happening to you.

Alan: Am I interrupting anything?

Gus: No. No, not at all. Hey. We are ready to go out there and get the party started. You down for that?

Alan: I just came in to get a beer, that's all.

Rick: A beer?

Alan: Mm-hmm.

Rick: Whoa. I thought I'd never see the day. Oh, and don't worry, Alan, we have imported in the cooler.

Lizzie: No one should spend the holiday alone, not even you. My mom always loved these. Not that, you know, pregnancy cravings are universal or anything.

Olivia: Well, in this case, you're right. You didn't have to do this, you know. Your father and I are no longer together.

Lizzie: Yeah, I know. I'm not here to gloat.

Olivia: No? Really?

Lizzie: I just think it's not really fair me being mad at you because I had some stupid fantasy of my parents actually getting back together.

Olivia: Well, I wasn't exactly innocent on that score, so why don't we just call it a day, okay?

Lizzie: You know, I know you think that you and my dad are completely history, but you have a baby together.

Olivia: That's all we have together.

Lizzie: Well, that's a lot. And it's going to be my little brother or sister, and I... I'd really like to make this up to you. I mean, I'm for real. Do you want me to run you some errands or something?

Olivia: Maybe. Reparations?

Lizzie: Is that when, like, addicts have to go back and apologize to everyone they hurt?

Olivia: Yeah.

Lizzie: (Laughs)

Olivia: Why don't I call you if I need you? Your dad didn't send you over here, did he?

Lizzie: No, I sent myself.

Olivia: Good. I'm going to go upstairs and rest. You have a party to get to, so...

Lizzie: Oh. Why don't I walk you up? Oh, look out, though. There's a rip in the carpet. Tammy and I saw it last week.

Olivia: Oh. Thanks.

Lizzie: No problem. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you or the baby.

Phillip: Please, take it. It's all yours. Hey!

Rick: Hey, pal. I've got to get the barbecue going.

Gus: I don't think you should be the one lighting the barbecue.

Alan: So, Phillip, you get to be the father and I get the beer. Thanks. Shouldn't Olivia be here?

Phillip: She's not coming.

Alan: Hm. Why? Is she not feeling well?

Phillip: No, she's fine.

Alan: Well, aren't you going to tell me about the happy reunion? I'm sure after the misunderstanding was cleared up, you two were ecstatic.

Phillip: Not now.

Alan: Of course, you told her that it wasn't your fault, that someone poisoned you against her-- and of course, we both know who that someone was.

Phillip: I didn't have to tell her anything. She figured that out all on her own.

Alan: Really?

Phillip: Mm-hmm.

Alan: And of course, that paved the way for you two to be reunited, huh? Let me tell you something, forgiveness does not come easily for Olivia.

Phillip: It'll all work out. She just needs some time, that's all.

Alan: She threw you out. She showed you the door. And you can't stand it. So you refuse to let go. You're going to stand outside, knock on that door until your hands become bloody, because you don't see it.

Phillip: I don't see what?

Alan: She chose you because she wanted something she felt I couldn't give her. Trust. And as it turns out, it's the one thing you can't give her.

Phillip: The baby is mine, so we will work something out sooner or later.

Alan: I'm sure you will. But you know, I feel she doesn't need either one of us. Go ahead, walk away. Convince yourself that everything is my fault. But it's not. You did this all on your own, Phillip.

Marah: Okay.

Tony: Okay.

Marah: My mom is onto us, but she doesn't know what she's onto, so let's just get this party started and hope that her curiosity doesn't get the better of us before Danny and Michelle get here. Okay?

Tony: Okay. Okay. (Laughs) The cake's being delivered out front, but I thought you might want to see this first.

Marah: (Gasps) (squeals with joy) They're perfect! And they even have little smiles on their faces.

Tony: Well, you know what? Let's just hope that Danny and Michelle have smiles on their faces, too. I mean, there's still a chance that they can hate us for taking the wedding out of their hands.

Marah: They'll love it. They'll love it. Stop worrying.

Shayne: What's up, you all?

Tony: Nothing. What's going on?

Shayne: It's time.

Marina: For the raising of the flag.

Marah: Oh. You know, we'll just watch from here.

Marina: No! You guys, it's like the official opening of the barbecue. It's like dropping of the ball, New Year's, Times Square.

Marah: Okay.

Tony: Relax.

Marah: (Laughs)

Tony: Your secret is safe. It's just a little longer, okay?

Ed: Okay, everyone. Let's get this show on the road. Time to do that. Even though there are a couple of Bauer’s missing in action, tradition waits for no one.

Rick: Says the man who wanted to go fishing today.

Ed: All right, okay. Rick is right. I had toyed with the idea of canceling the barbecue this year because I wanted to spend time alone with my family. But then two young, very smart people convinced me that family is bigger than what's in my gene pool. In fact, it's big enough to fill this whole backyard here. And in a time when the world is just, I don't know, turned upside-down, that's what we end up counting on, relying on, that's our family. So, here is to our Springfield family, our American family and our human family. May we please have peace this year. Happy Fourth of July. Rick, do the honors, man.


(Ray Charles' "America" playing)

...Brotherhood from sea to shining sea... you know, I wish I had somebody to help me sing this.

America I love you, America

you see, my God he done shed his grace on thee

and you ought to love him for it because he crowned thy good

he told me he would ever brotherhood

from sea to shining sea oh, Lord

oh, Lord I thank you Lord

shining sea.

Next on "Guiding Light.

Jeffrey: It's a whisker revolution, Mr. Mayor, and if you don't like it, fire me.

Josh: This is going to sound incredible but...

Reva: You're not going to believe this but...

Josh and Reva: ...I think Marah and Tony are getting married.

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