[an error occurred while processing this directive] GL Transcript Thursday 7/3/03 [an error occurred while processing this directive]
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Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 7/3/03

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Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Olivia: Okay, so let's go over this again. I need you to move the sofa so there's room for the crib. And I also... I need to talk to you about this later, okay?

Hotel manager: Of course, Miss Spencer.

Olivia: If this is about my things at your loft, I’m going to have them picked up today.

Phillip: That's not why I’m here. Is there some place we can talk?

Olivia: What's there to talk about? You threw me out, I'm here. The baby and I are out of your lives. You're a free man, Phillip.

Phillip: Last thing I feel is free. Uh, look, I came by last night to see you.

Olivia: I was here all night.

Phillip: Yeah, I didn't get past the parking lot because I couldn't find the right words. I stayed up all night thinking about the results of the DNA test, and there's some things I would like to explain to you, if you'll give me the chance.

Olivia: I'll give you the same chance you gave me.

Phillip: I'm asking you to be a better person than I was.

Josh: Reva, what are you doing?

Reva: Uh... I was looking at the invitation to Shayne’s graduation. It's...

Josh: Oh.

Reva: What'd you think I was doing? (Laughs)

josh: I don't know, I just... I... I thought maybe you were...

Reva: Opening Pandora’s box? As many times as I’ve been tempted to open this drawer, I haven't done it. Shayne's ticket to the pros or ticket to a really fabulous education at Stanford. It's... it's his decision to make.

Josh: Yeah. So where is he? Is he still sleeping?

Reva: Well, after the night he had last night, I thought that's where he'd be. But, no, he's off and out of here.

Josh: Really? Where did he have to be so early? I mean, it's graduation day and all that.

Reva: I think maybe he's sharing the biggest decision of his life with the best friend he has.

Shayne: Splash of milk, two sugars, right?

Marina: Oh, how did you know that?

Shayne: I pay attention, remember?

Marina: I'm lucky if I can even remember my name at this hour. At least you're caffeinating me, though. That's worth getting up for, huh?

Shayne: Yeah, well, that and also the fact that we're graduating in a few hours.

Marina: I know. God, I can't believe it's today. So did you... Bring me here to get my mind off of everything that happened with Ben last night?

Shayne: Actually, I was kind of hoping that you could help me get my mind off something.

Marina: Oh, yeah, your problems for a change. Hit me. What is it?

Shayne: (Stammers) Graduation's a big enough deal already, right? But today I have to figure out what I’m going to do with the rest of my life. And either way I go, one of my parents is going to be miserable. I just feel like I want to torch both the letters and forget the whole thing.

Marina: Wait, that's your big problem?

Shayne: Yeah.

Marina: Too many fabulous opportunities being thrown at your feet? Well, just cry me a river, Shayne.

Shayne: What?

Marina: I'm serious. Look, you... you... You have such an amazing opportunity here. If you blow this, you're a complete moron.

Shayne: What did you... Did you just call me a moron?

Marah: Shayne's graduation is in a couple of hours.

Tony: Don't worry, we're going to make it on time.

Marah: Tony, are you sure about this?

Tony: Marah, look, somebody's got to bring this thing up. Especially after what your mother said happened last night.

Remy: Hey. What's up, guys?

Bill: What's up? Good morning.

Remy: All right, I want pancakes, lots of pancakes.

Bill: Yeah, well, chow down, because it's Tony’s treat. Look, you got us up this early, you're picking up the check, my friend. (Laughter)

Remy: So what's going on? Okay, so, it's not good news.

Marah: My parents called me and Ben is still a major suspect in the Garden of Eden murders.

Remy: Ah, I guess that explains why Detective Aitoro was at the house asking questions about him.

Marah: Ben showed up last night at the post prom party at the country club.

Bill: So he's a murder suspect because he crashed some high school party?

Marah: Well, he didn't exactly crash it, but he really freaked Marina out.

Tony: Yeah, and if Marah's mom wasn't there...

Bill: Okay, okay, listen, listen. Ben and Marina, they just broke up. He's a little upset about it. Big deal. It doesn't make him a serial killer. All right, that's it. You know what, I’m out of here, okay? I'm not going to talk trash behind Ben’s back.

Tony: We're not done, Bill.

Remy: There's more?

Tony: About our roommate situation.

Bill: What about it?

Tony: Well, maybe it's time we rethink it, that's all.

Bill: Wait a minute, you want to throw Ben out of the house?

Ben: Yeah, I'd like to hear the answer to that one myself.

Frank: (Whistles) You know, you tell us you want an arrest in the Garden of Eden murders.

Gus: You said that I could bring Reade in here for questioning. Do you remember that conversation?

Frank: But then you go and you tie our hands.

Gus: How am I going to poke a hole through his story when I don't even know what his story is.

Jeffrey: I'm trying to focus here!

Gus: Well, then could you just focus on this, please?

Jeffrey: Do you guys like fishing?

Frank: What the hell does that have to do with anything? (Intercom buzzes)

Jeffrey: If that's him, send him in. I like fishing. I don't like cleaning the fish. I don't like scaling the fish. I don't even like eating the fish, but I like fishing.

Gus: Are you saying... You got a point?

Jeffrey: Yeah, yeah. I know that in order to catch the big ones, you got to know where to drop your line. Right this way. Detective Aitoro, Chief Cooper, I want you to meet the man who's going to help you catch your fish-- hook, line and sinker.

Jeffrey: This is Detective Drummond. He's retired now, but he was working the Bridget Waters missing persons case.

Gus: How you doing?

Frank: So you knew Ben Reade?

Drummond: I had the pleasure.

Jeffrey: After we questioned Bridget’s friend, we had Gus run a cross check through the computer.

Drummond: One of my buddies in the force tipped me off that you were interested in the same girl I’d been looking for all this time.

Frank: Mr. Drummond, was this case personal for you?

Drummond: It got to be. Bridget's parents spent every dime they had searching for their daughter. And I spent the last years of my career trying to find her.

Gus: And then you came up empty?

Drummond: Until recently. Jed Simmons called me a few months back.

Frank: Yeah, our former coroner. We pulled him out of the lake.

Drummond: Simmons remembered that I was looking for a teenage girl and wondered if there was a match.

Gus: A match with what?

Drummond: The bones. You mean, you don't know? Simmons found some bones.

Ben: What do they say? "With friends like these, who needs enemies?"

Marah: We're not your enemies, Ben.

Ben: Right, you just want to kick me out of the house.

Bill: Look, no one's throwing you out of the house, all right?

Ben: I think Tony has something to say about that.

Tony: Yeah, it's a safety thing, Ben. Gus removed Eden from the house because she's connected to the murders. And the cops have connected you to the murders, so...

Ben: Eden was never one of our roommates. And before Marah dragged you along, neither were you.

Marah: Guys, come on, please don't do this.

Ben: Wait, is this about last night? What did your mom tell you? I swear, I didn't do anything to Marina. I just wanted to talk to her. Believe me?

Marah: Look, Ben, when I saw you kissing your boss at the Beacon and you told me nothing was going on, I believed you then.

Ben: All right...

Bill: Wait, look, look, he told you he had to find Marina to talk to her. There's no crime in that.

Remy: Hey, can we forget about who talked to who about what and focus on the big stuff here? Why are you still a murder suspect?

Ben: Because Springfield’s finest are clueless. The body count is rising. They can't find a killer. They don't care who they pin these murders on. All they care about is crossing this whole mess off their to-do list. Ben Reade, done.

Remy: Oh, so they've got nothing on you.

Ben: No. They didn't arrest me last night. They didn't even bring me in for questioning.

Tony: So where'd you spend the rest of the night?

Ben: I crashed at Holly's.

Tony: Oh, you know, maybe you should make a habit out of that, Ben. Because whether the cops have anything on you or not, you're not welcome in the house.

Shayne: (Laughs)

Marina: Hey, don't laugh at me.

Shayne: I know, it's okay, it's cool because you took my mind off things. "Cry me a river"? Where'd you get that one from?

Marina: Sorry. Your life, your call.

Shayne: You know what, look, I know I’m lucky that I can make the call. I just... I feel so stressed about it, I could puke. But I know I’m lucky.

Marina: Thanks for the visual. I don't know, I'm probably just jealous.

Shayne: No, come on, you're like my biggest fan. What have we got here? This is a little piece of fan mail for me?

Marina: Yeah, just read it. It was waiting for you when I got home last night.

Shayne: Northwestern? I didn't even know that you applied there.

Marina: Well, it was like more of a dream than an application anyway. I mean, I got wait-listed last April, and I just wanted to wait until the "maybe" was a "yes" before I told anyone. It's a "yes."

Shayne: Are you kidding me? You got in? That's awesome. You know, I heard Northwestern has like one of the best theater programs. That's what you want to do, right?

Marina: Yeah.

Shayne: That's so... Why aren't you... you look like you should be doing cartwheels. Why aren't you thrilled about this? What about your dad? What did he say? He must be so happy.

Marina: I... I... I didn't tell him.

Shayne: Why not?

Marina: Well, read the fine print; there's no financial aid. So unless I win the lottery or something.

Shayne: No, Frank and Buzz, they'll figure it out. They love you.

Marina: Yeah, well, love doesn't pay tuition. I just want to save them the agony over telling me they can't afford it, you know. I mean, I picture the two of them like at the kitchen table, hunkered down over a calculator pulling out their hair, because they can't figure out a way to make it work.

Shayne: Yeah, well, I mean, what about... What about Eleni?

Marina: My mom doesn't have that kind of money.

Shayne: I'm so sorry.

Marina: Well, don't be. Springfield U. Is a good school. You know, I mean, I'll work at Company and I'll save up money and... Some day I'll make it. I'll be somebody.

Shayne: You are somebody. You are. I can't believe we're graduating.

Marina: Uh, I know, right. I can just hear the keynote speaker now: "This is not an end, it's a beginning, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah."

Shayne: You know what, I am a moron.

Marina: What?

Shayne: You know, forget what my parents said, I know what I want to do and I’m going to tell them.

Olivia: Let me tell you my theory. I didn't want to know who my baby's father was. You decided you didn't like my decision. How am I doing so far?

Phillip: Well, I had to know. And not just for my sake, for the baby's sake. A child has a right to know who their father is.

Olivia: Okay, but instead of telling me how you felt, you went behind my back to get a DNA test. And my guess is this oh-so-trustworthy person told you it was Alan’s baby.

Phillip: Somebody bribed the lab tech.

Olivia: Really?

Phillip: Um-hmm.

Olivia: Before you did? Busy guy.

Phillip: Well, think about it. Think about who wants you out of this family more than anybody. Um-hmm. And I think I can prove it. Unfortunately, the lab tech is long gone, which is probably also her doing.

Olivia: Still, you have no one to blame but yourself.

Phillip: I know that. That's why I’m here. To tell you that I was wrong. I was wrong to go behind your back to get the test results. I was wrong to trust someone so easily bribed. I was wrong not to listen to you when you told me that the baby was mine.

Olivia: You were wrong to act just like your father would have.

Phillip: Okay. Well, you can kick me out of here right now. You can do the same thing to me that I did to you. I hope that you won’t.

Gus: So, he found bones. What, dinosaur bones? Dog bones? Sir, could you... Could you be more specific?

Jeffrey: Where'd you find these bones?

Frank: And how did he link them to the missing girl?

Drummond: The coroner and I were to supposed to meet up, so that I could ask him the kind of questions you just asked me. But... Before our meeting...

Gus: What, the coroner showed up dead.

Drummond: You said it yourself, Chief Cooper. You pulled Simmons' body out of the lake.

Frank: Well, Mr. Drummond, do you have any idea who might have had a reason to do that to him?

Drummond: (Sighs) I questioned Ben Reade when Bridget first disappeared. He was just a kid, but... (Laughs) ...Man, he was slick. Couldn't touch him.

Gus: No, what, sir, are you saying that you think Reade killed the girl?

Drummond: Well, if he didn't, five will get you ten, he knows who did.

Ben: I've lost my appetite.

Marah: Don't do this, Ben, all right. We're not accusing you of anything. But considering everything that's going on, it might be a good idea if you do stay away from Marina for a little while.

Ben: Right, so your brother can move right in.

Tony: Oh, now, we're back to you. It's all about Ben. Forget that four people have been murdered. "Poor me, oh, I'm the victim."

Ben: Yeah, I am! And I have the threatening letters to prove it. Or wasn't that included in Officer Reva’s official report?

Bill: All right, look, if it's not Ben, it's Eden. If it's not Eden, it's Ben. The cops, all they're doing right now is pointing fingers and it's splitting us all up. Eden's already moved out. Now, if there's not a place in the house for Ben, then there's not a place in the house for me either.

Remy: I'm with Bill.

Ben: Thanks, guys. But you know, I don't want to stay where I’m not wanted, all right. So I’m going to leave and you guys can just take a vote, whatever you decide, I’ll deal.

Josh: There he is, the graduate. I heard you drive up. Everything okay?

Shayne: Yeah. I made a decision.

Josh: Uh-oh. (Laughs)

Shayne: I'm going pro.

Josh: (Laughs) Come here. That's so great.

Shayne: Yeah, somehow I doubt I’m going to get that same reaction out of Mom.

Josh: You know what, she'll come around. That is absolutely the right decision for you, son. It is the right thing. In fact... In fact, I already knew that.

Shayne: What happened to the letter to the scout?

Josh: I already sent it in before the prom. And it's a good thing I did, because you have already been drafted to the Chicago Cubs, son. In fact, your agent is negotiating right now a signing bonus for you as we speak. Huh? It's okay, you can... You can smile or whatever. You can get excited about this, you know. You're going to be paid well for doing exactly what you've always wanted to do your whole life, son. You're going to be playing pro baseball.

Shayne: What about Stanford?

Josh: What about Stanford?

Shayne: I mean, what if I’d come in here and said I want to go to Stanford.

Josh: Well, you didn’t.

Shayne: Yeah, but I could have. The only thing is then I would have lost my athletic scholarship because you went ahead behind my back and signed with the scout.

Josh: If that's what you wanted to do, that's... I would have figured something out. I would have fixed it and made it happen, son, it...

Shayne: Yeah, you're great at fixing stuff, Dad.

Josh: Wait a minute, what's the big deal here? You're' getting exactly what you've always wanted, Shayne.

Shayne: No, you don't get it, okay, Dad. What I want is to make my own decision and you took it away from me!

Reva: Well, Christopher, hi, what a coincidence.

Christopher: In my lexicon, there are no coincidences.

Reva: Ah, yeah, well, I’m glad I ran into you, because now I can tell you that you were right.

Christopher: Really?

Reva: Um-hmm.

Christopher: I get that a lot.

Reva: (Laughs) I was trying to clear my mind and sort through some images that I was receiving and wait for those images to settle, so that I could find some sort of pattern.

Christopher: And?

Reva: There was a young girl, very good friend of my son's who was in some trouble last night. And once I sifted through all of the sensations, I was able to help her.

Christopher: Ah. (Laughs)

Reva: Don't look so smug. It's... Like I told Joshua, that this gift that I have is what makes me different. And accepting it is like my son, Shayne, having to accept the fact that he happens to throw a ball better than most people can.

Christopher: That is very true. But from what you've told me, Shayne is embracing his gift. Are you ready to embrace yours, Reva, or are you still running scared?

Olivia: You know, I could accept the fact that I loved you more than you will ever love me. But I can't live with a man who thinks the worst of me. I mean, if you think that little of me, I’m better off without you.

Phillip: What about the baby?

Olivia: This baby's going to be fine. Because before I knew whether it was yours or Alan’s, I knew it was mine. And my baby is going to have all the love and encouragement and respect any person could ask for, without having to beg or ask or prove itself to earn it. Because I'm going to give it freely, and without any help from a Spaulding. I have to work now, you'll excuse me.

Phillip: This isn't over. We'll talk again.

Olivia: I can hardly wait.

Phillip: (Sighs)

Alexandra: Phillip, are you all right? Because, well, you look just pale.

Phillip: I just had a talk with Olivia.

Alexandra: Oh, well, that could take the wind out of anyone's sails. (Laughs) Did you find out? Are you Olivia’s baby's father? Did you confirm that?

Phillip: Um-hmm, yeah, I am.

Alexandra: Well, are you happy, Phillip?

Phillip: I'm a lot of things right now, Aunt Alex. Topping the list is confused. I want to tell you a little story. A little while back, I hired a guy at Cedars, a lab tech, to run a DNA test for me. Turns out somebody got to him and offered him, I assume, more money to say that the tests showed that Alan was the baby's father.

Alexandra: (Stammers) What... Well... Who? I mean, who would do that...

Phillip: I don't know. But I tell you, I got to take my hat off to them. Because this is... I mean, this is pretty good. Because you can imagine, think about Olivia telling me that the baby's mine, and here I've got this proof that it's Alan’s. So, of course, I’m going to jump all over her. I'm going to really let her have it, which I did. So by the time I find out that the baby is mine, it's too late.

Alexandra: Too late?

Phillip: Yeah, no, she didn't want to have anything to do with me now, you know?

Alexandra: Well, Phillip...

Phillip: But, see, here's the thing. See now after all this has happened, now I feel like I really have to try to make it up to her. I feel like that's probably the best way to stick it to whoever did this to me, to make sure that their plan backfired.

Alexandra: Yes, well...

Phillip: You know? Now... now... Now I don't think I have much choice but to try to build a family with Olivia. Congratulations.

Alexandra: For what, dear?

Phillip: You're going to be a great aunt again.

Alexandra: Oh.

Reva: I... I do want to embrace this gift. But I don't want to do it alone. And you happen to be a little too busy with your research at the university right now.

Christopher: Oh, you say it like it's a bad thing. My work is not about "what ifs," it's about "what is." And that's where you come in.

Reva: How's that?

Christopher: The Spaulding foundation has given me a sizable grant to find a practical use for what is too often seen as weird or paranormal. And I want you to be a part of the study.

Reva: I want to control this talent that I have, so that it doesn't control me. But the last thing I want to do is be some freak in a sideshow.

Christopher: Well, I can assure you that won't happen. Just give me three weeks. Three weeks of intense sequestered work.

Reva: I can't. I can't be away from my family for that long, not now.

Christopher: Come on, Reva, throw the doc a bone.

Reva: How's this? I'll talk to Joshua and I'll give you my decision at the Bauer barbecue. Consider yourself invited.

Christopher: What barbecue is this?

Reva: It's the biggest barbecue in town. (Laughs) It's the Bauer family. Every fourth of July they have this huge picnic. I mean, it's Springfield’s initiation day. Think of it like that. And I have to go now because Shayne has a very big day today. (Laughs)

Christopher: Well, I've read about it in the paper this morning. Springfield High's graduation day.

Reva: Yeah. It's also kind of like Shayne’s independence day. He has a very big decision to make. And I have this feeling that whatever path he chooses to go down, we're going to have fireworks at the Lewis household, too. And I'm not talking about the warm and fuzzy kind. I'll see you later.

Josh: Shayne, son, don’t... don't you remember saying that you wished you had somebody who would make this decision for you?

Shayne: Yeah, Dad, I wish a lot of things, okay. I wish I was a couple of inches taller, and I wish the Cubs were having a better season. But it's just talk, you know that. You just went ahead and did exactly what you wanted.

Josh: It wasn't easy for me, son, to send that letter without you knowing it. It wasn't a simple thing to do.

Shayne: Yeah, it was...

Josh: In fact, a part of me has been panicking, thinking that you were going to come in that door just like you just did; but instead want to go to Stanford and kiss the pros good-bye.

Shayne: Yeah, well, I didn't, okay? So I guess you're off the hook. I guess you're lucky.

Josh: Okay. All right. I... I'm sorry.

Shayne: You're really sorry?

Josh: Yes, I'm really sorry...

Shayne: You're sorry?

Josh: I screwed up. But I still believe I did the right thing.

Shayne: That doesn't make any sense. How can you screw up and do the right thing?

Josh: Because, son, you can do the right thing but do it in the wrong way. And that's... that's exactly what I did. See, I believe what I said earlier. I believe that this decision is the right thing for you. It's the right choice for your life, Shayne. I just happened to realize that before you did, that's all.

Shayne: Okay, so now what?

Josh: Now what? (Laughs) Son, now you become a professional baseball player. (Laughter)

Shayne: I'm going to be a pro ball player.

Josh: Yes, you are.

Shayne: Like Mickey Mantle and Jackie Robinson...

Josh: Yes, yes.

Shayne: Dad, I'm going to be on the same team as Sammy Sosa.

Josh: That's right. One of the greatest players the Cubs ever had. And one day, maybe they'll be saying that about you.

Shayne: I don't care. I don't care. It's enough to be on their roster. But you know what, I’m not forgetting how I got there, okay? I'm still not okay with what you did.

Josh: Okay, okay, okay. You can be angry with me and you can still be excited about your future at the same time. That's all right, son.

Shayne: Okay. So what are we going to do now?

Josh: Well, now, your agent finishes this negotiation and then you report to your new team within the next month. (Laughs)

Shayne: So does that mean that I can't play my last game with my teammates?

Josh: No, you can still play your last game. It will just be your last game as an amateur. I'm so proud of you, son.

Shayne: Dad, I got to go tell Marina.

Josh: Okay. Oh, wait a minute, wait a minute. Don't you have something to do, I mean, like graduate for instance?

Shayne: Yeah, I guess so. (Laughs) I'll tell her there.

Josh: Okay. All right, son.

Shayne: So how'd Mom take it? I mean, she must have flipped out when you told her you sent the letter.

Josh: I haven't told her yet. But...

Shayne: Dad...

Josh: ...That's not your problem, okay? I'm going to tell her the minute she gets home. Don't worry about it, just go and get dressed, get ready because you have a diploma to collect.

Shayne: Okay. Tell me when Mom gets home, okay?

Josh: Okay.

Shayne: I'm going pro. I think she'd want to hear it from me.

Josh: I think so, too.

Ben: Don't worry. I was just on my way out. And I'm about to get kicked out of the museum as well, so you won't have to worry about running into me there either.

Marah: Look, Marina, it's okay. Ben's upset with us right now, not with you.

Ben: Ben is standing right here and can speak for himself. Thanks.

Marah: Isn't the graduation...

Marina: Uh, yeah, yeah, it's soon.

Ben: Marina.

Marina: What, Ben?

Ben: About last night, I thought you should know that, um...

Marina: What?

Ben: Forget it. Happy graduation.

Marah: Ben, we're not going to vote you out of the house, okay? But if you want us to be on your side, then you have to try not to make it so difficult.

Reva: Move it boys, we have a graduation to get to!

Shayne: Hey, Mom.

Reva: Hi. Double chocolate banana cream pie just the way you like it.

Shayne: You may want to put down the pie for this.

Reva: Okay. I'm ready.

Shayne: I've decided I want to play pro ball.

Reva: Okay. If that's what you want... To miss the opportunity to have an education at Stanford.

Shayne: No, Mom, I'm not totally ruling out school. But if I don't give the pros a shot, I'm always going to wonder about it. You know?

Reva: I know. And I'll support you no matter what.

Shayne: I'll bet you wish that I’d gone the other route.

Reva: No, I don't. I love you. And I am so very proud of you. And I'll be your biggest fan on and off the field.

Shayne: I love you, Mom.

Reva: I love you, too, sweetheart. Okay, you know what, this is a day of ceremonies. So what do you say we take the contract from the agent and we go to the post office together and we drop it in the mailbox together as a ceremony?

Shayne: You know, I have to go try on my cap and gown first. So, maybe...

Reva: What did I say?

Josh: Nothing. It's just that we don’t... We don't have to send the contract to the agent, because I already did a few days ago.

Gus: You know that is vandalism.

Ben: Shouldn't you be off writing parking tickets or something?

Gus: Parking tickets, that's guppy stuff. I'm into the big fish.

Ben: Yeah, and since when is carving your initials into a tree a federal offense? People have been doing it here for years.

Gus: Oh, it's kind of cute. "B.R. and M.C." You know what happens when you put that all together? You know what that spells? P.S. Marina hates you. I don't know why you're bothering. (Laughs) I'd put that knife away if I were you, along with your messed-up disillusions.

Ben: You know I’ve got some initials for you, too. D.A. You remember him? The guy who told you to cut me loose and back off?

Gus: Well, I'm not really working right now, Reade. You're just sort of a hobby for me. Like fishing.

Ben: Whatever.

Gus: Yep, whatever. I talked to Detective Drummond. I know that you were in touch with Jed Simmons. Remember Jed Simmons? No? The ex-coroner ended up swimming with the fishes.

Ben: What is it with you and fish today?

Gus: Why can't you just answer a question?

Ben: You didn't ask one.

Gus: Okay. Were you in touch with Jed Simmons?

Ben: Is that what Drummond told you?

Gus: Well, not exactly. But after I get done reading the notes of the ex-coroner, I’ll have a few more questions for you.

Ben: (Scoffs) What notes? There are no notes.

Gus: That's interesting. And you would know that how?

Ben: Because if there were notes and they did point to me, you'd have me in handcuffs right now. Nice bluff, Aitoro. Keep practicing.

Gus: Hey, you know what separates a... a great fisherman from a bad one?

Ben: Luck.

Gus: Patience.

Frank: Wow. Look at my little girl, she's graduating tonight.

Marina: Ah, it's starting already.

Frank: Oh.

Marina: What is it? This isn't just "my little girl's graduating." Something happen at work?

Frank: No. I'm fine. I just want a hug from my favorite daughter.

Marina: Your only daughter. (Laughter)

frank: Yes, you are. Yes, you are. You're the best daughter a father could ever have, you know that?

Marina: Thanks.

Frank: I'm so proud of you. You got a big day, right?

Marina: Yeah.

Frank: Okay, well, we should get going. I'll get your grandfather and then we can pick Darci up on the way to your school, okay? Come on. You okay? Something wrong?

Marina: No. No, I just wanted to tell you I decided to stay here in the fall and go to Springfield U.

Frank: (Laughs) What? You got accepted by so many other schools. I thought you were chomping at the bit to leave this town.

Marina: No, I’m all talk. What I really want to do, I want to stay here. That way I can still work for Grandpa. I can help pay my way, make sure you don't blow things with Darci.

Frank: Honey, I’m being serious here, though. Don't be worrying about us. I want you to go to the college that you want to go to.

Marina: Well, that would be Springfield U. Rumor is they're not going to let me in without a high school diploma. So come on, let's get going. I don't want to miss my own graduation, okay? (Laughs)

Reva: When we got married for the third time, we pledged to trust and share. So much for that.

Josh: I don't see this as a trust issue, Reva. This is about what's best for our son. Now, the draft was last night. That was a very narrow window of opportunity.

Reva: A window that you just squeezed right on through. Was that the important business that you had to take care of at his prom last night?

Josh: Yes. As a matter of fact it was. And I tried to tell you about it last night, if you recall. And then suddenly Marina was missing.

Reva: And so you what, you... you... you what... you missed your... what'd you call it, "window of opportunity," because I blew it by looking for Marina?

Josh: Reva, I understand that you're upset. I get that. But I sent the contract to the agent because I believed in my heart it was what Shayne wanted. Now, he just didn't say that to you because he didn't want to hurt your feelings.

Reva: No. He has you for that.

Josh: Reva, he is so excited about his decision to play pro baseball. He couldn't wait to tell you about it. Now what does that say?

Reva: It says that he's loyal to his daddy, but it still doesn't prove that baseball is what he really wants.

Josh: I thought he had your support, Reva.

Reva: He does. You don’t. Not when you make decisions behind my back that weren't yours to make in the first place.

Josh: Okay, all right, you know what, you can say whatever you want. You can think whatever you want, but this is Shayne’s graduation. I'm asking you don't ruin it for him, please.

Reva: (Laughs) You're worried about me ruining his graduation?

Josh: Reva, where are you going?

Reva: I'll wait outside.

Shayne: Hey, Dad. Catch.

Josh: (Laughs) Look at you.

Shayne: So where's Mom?

Josh: She's outside. She's just waiting outside, that's all. So I’m going to get the camera and we'll go.

Shayne: How'd she take it?

Josh: She'll come around.

Reva: Christopher, it's Reva.

Christopher: Reva, if you're calling to uninvite me to the Bauer barbecue...

Reva: Actually, I’m calling to make sure you'll be there... So that we can plan our work together.

Christopher: You'll participate in my study?

Reva: You bet.

Christopher: So your husband is all for it then?

Reva: No, I didn't ask him. After all, it's my life, it's my gift and it's my decision.

Next on "Guiding Light."

Gus: It's some information on a case that your predecessor was working on.

Rick: Which one?

Gus: Well, the case that probably got him killed.

Josh: Reva, I don't want us to feel uncomfortable.

Reva: Well, maybe you should have thought about that before you did what you did.

Marah: This is going to be the best Bauer barbecue ever.

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