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Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 7/2/03
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Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Alan: Alexandra, I'm delighted you accepted my invitation.
Alexandra: Well, shall we just get it over with, Alan? Obviously you want something from me, so...
Alan: No. As a matter of fact, Alexandra, just the opposite. I want to give you something: Fair warning -- which is more than you deserve.
Alexandra: You've lost me, dear.
Alan: Could I get you a drink?
Alexandra: (Laughs)
Alan: You may need one. It's about Olivia’s baby. Phillip came to me and told me that I was the father of this child, and for a brief moment I believed that I was. But now I know otherwise.
Alexandra: Afraid I don't understand.
Alan: It seems someone purposely misinformed Phillip, led him to believe that he wasn't the father of this child.
Alexandra: Well, good heavens. Who on earth would do such a thing?
Alan: Exactly. Who would do something so conniving?
Phillip: Okay, I've dropped everything and I’m here. It better be important.
(Dance music playing)
Josh: Yes, of course Shayne is excited about it. He's going to be playing baseball for the Cubs. What are you talking about? They're a great team. And once he's on board, I think they're going to be even better. So, when... when exactly does he sign this contract? Great. Listen, Harris, thank you again. Just thank you so much. Good-bye. Hey, nice to see him dancing with somebody besides Marina. I mean, I like her and all that, but, you know, he should really keep his options open, don't you think? Reva, hello, hi?
Reva: Oh, I’m sorry. You were saying something about Shayne and leaving his options open, which is why we're going to defer the big pro-ball- versus-college decision until tomorrow.
Josh: Right, yes, yes, exactly. That's true. We agreed on that. Yeah. Listen, I... Honey? Reva, look at me. Okay. There's something I have to tell you, okay?
Frank: Someone came forward with new information on Ben Reade?
Gus: Yes. We put an APB out on him.
Frank: Who is it?
Jeffrey: This music is driving me crazy! We got to find someplace quieter to talk, please.
Frank: No, no. Look, we got to stay put. I'm chaperoning, okay? My date is over there, and my daughter's around here somewhere, so... Who is this new informant you found?
Gus: It is a girl. She came to us. She's from Oakdale. She's got a friend named Bridget Waters. Apparently this friend went missing mysteriously. She thinks it's foul play.
Jeffrey: Courtesy of Ben Reade.
Lizzie: Hey, I'm glad you kept your promise.
Shayne: Promise?
Lizzie: Yes, to save me a dance, remember? It's great Marina's so cool about it. It's not like there's anything to be jealous about, right?
Shayne: Yeah, have you seen Marina?
Lizzie: You know, I’m sure she's around here somewhere.
Marina: Ben...
Ben: Sorry if I scared you. Wow, you look beautiful.
Marina: Thanks.
Ben: No, stay here. I... I need to talk to you without a bunch of people around telling you lies about me, trying to turn you against me.
Marina: Okay, we probably... We probably should talk. I don't know. Could we do it... could we do it, like, tomorrow though? Could we have breakfast or something? It's just... it's my prom right now, and it's kind of a really big deal for me, and I...
Ben: And what? You don't want me to ruin it?
Marina: I didn't say that.
Ben: What about my life, Marina? You want to talk about something that's ruined?
Marina: Okay, why don't you meet me tomorrow at Company?
Ben: Do not turn your back on me again, or I don't know what I’ll do.
Marina: Okay, can you let go of me, Ben? You're a little bit stronger than me you know.
Ben: I'm sorry. Did I hurt you?
Marina: It's okay.
Ben: Because that is the last thing I would ever want to do. Look, I know I messed things up between us, but I was under so much pressure I panicked. If I could just make you understand...
Marina: Okay, go ahead.
Ben: Go ahead?
Marina: Yeah. Yeah, go ahead. Explain it to me, make me understand.
Ben: Thank you. Could we sit over here underneath the tree?
Marina: No, we can talk right here.
Ben: Marina, I care about you more than I've ever cared about anyone in my life. You know that, right? And everything I did-- all those stupid mistakes I made-- I swear I only made them for the right reason: To make you happy.
Marina: Okay.
Ben: Why do you say it like that?
Marina: Why do I say it like that?
Ben: Like you don't believe me.
Marina: Well, because I think it's a crock, because I think it is a bold-faced lie!
Ben: How could you say that? I did it all for you.
Marina: How could you say that? You need to stop saying that. You did what for me? You... you slept with another woman for me? You became Ramona Hendon's boy toy for me?
Ben: Yes, so I could make money to give you things like the car. You loved the car.
Marina: No. No! Ben, yeah, I loved the car when I thought that you gave it to me honestly! But you slept with another woman. You were a male escort. You had sex for money! How can you possibly think that that is okay?!
Ben: Look, I told you I messed up! I made the wrong choice.
Marina: But you messed up more than once, Ben.
Ben: But I learned from my mistakes, see, because you always told me... You always told me that you only cared about me and not the money, and I never believed you, but I do now. Marina, I do. So you have to.
Marina: I have to what?
Ben: Give me another chance.
Marina: You cannot be serious.
Ben: I know you want to.
Marina: Where would you get a crazy idea like that? Ben, we are over. We are done.
Ben: No.
Marina: We are past tense.
Ben: No!
Marina: We are finished!
Ben: No, I'm not going to let this happen! Not again. It is always like this. Always!
Marina: Like what?
Ben: I try so hard to do the right thing, to give them exactly what they want, and they shove me away. They turn their back on me.
Marina: What? Ben, who are you talking about?
Frank: Okay, at least we can hear now. All right, this girl-- what made her think that Ben Reade was capable of violence? Did he physically abused Bridget?
Jeffrey: No, but he lost his temper with her, and the girl witnessed it. He got pretty intense according to her. He's also exhibited signs of controlling behavior.
Frank: Okay, come on, Jeffrey, that's one hell of a leap, isn't it? I mean, going from controlling and intense to what, serial killer?
Jeffrey: Maybe. All right, we don't have enough to hold him, but I... I'd like Gus to question him one more time armed with this new information. You just spring it on him, see how he reacts.
Frank: All right, go for it. See what happens.
Jeffrey: Okay, first I want to hit the friends and the acquaintances, ask them if they've seen Ben act weird with any other girls, starting with your daughter.
Frank: No, that's just not going to happen tonight.
Jeffrey: Frank...
Frank: Tonight's my daughter's prom. I promised her I’d stay out of her way, let her have some fun. She's had one hell of a time lately. You can do this tomorrow.
Gus: Frank, what if Marina could help save one more young girl's life?
Frank: How old was this Bridget before she disappeared?
Gus: She was your daughter's age.
Frank: Let's do it, all right? But we do it discreetly. I do not want to embarrass my daughter in front of her friends.
Jeffrey: Okay.
(Dance music playing)
Frank: Darci, have you seen Marina?
Darci: No, I've purposely been trying not to keep my eye on her. Is there a problem?
Frank: No, I just... I just need to find her.
Darci: I'll help you find her. She can't be far.
Frank: Thanks.
Lizzie: Hey, you know, I owe you a big thanks.
Shayne: For what?
Lizzie: The advice you gave me on my dad. It really did work. Is everything okay between you and your dad now?
Shayne: I think he finally understands it's my life and it's my choice what I'm going to do with it, you know?
Josh: No ice.
Reva: Thanks.
Josh: Okay, I was about to tell you, Reva, that... Hello? Reva? (Laughs) Remember we were talking about Shayne and this big decision he's got to make, right?
Reva: Right, and I thought we were going to wait until tomorrow and let him have tonight to have one more regular-kid kind of night.
Josh: Yes, that's true, and I want him to have fun tonight just as much as you do, but... but see, I want him to also understand-- and you to understand-- that when you're talking about the draft in the majors, you know, things can happen very fast, okay?
Reva: Okay.
Josh: Okay. Now, do you remember, Reva, do you remember the other night when Shayne was saying how much he's struggling with this choice he has to make and how much he... he almost doesn't want to make the choice on his own; he'd rather have somebody make it for him. Well, I was listening to him, see, and I was really feeling for him...
Reva: What are they doing here?!
Josh: I... I really don't know. I know Frank's...
Reva: Gus and Jeffrey O’Neill.
Josh: Wait a minute. They'll tell us if there's a problem. Reva.
Reva: What... what are you two doing here? What are you doing here?
Jeffrey: You don't know? I was just about to ask you to use your psychic powers.
Reva: Does this have something to do with Marina Cooper?
Jeffrey: Do you know where she is?
Reva: No, I haven't seen her in a while now.
Jeffrey: Well, if you find out or if you hear anything, please let me know, okay? Thanks.
Reva: Yeah.
Josh: Reva, honey...
Reva: Will you hold that for a minute? I have to go find someone.
Alan: Well, welcome Phillip. Can I get you a drink?
Phillip: No, thanks.
Alan: As you can imagine, I've been on quite an emotional roller coaster since you informed me that I was going to be a father again.
Phillip: And I'm sure gloating all the way-- and you as well.
Alan: Hmm.
Alexandra: Phillip, I don't think you should listen to one word...
Alan: And your aunt here has been enjoying herself, too, but all of that's about to end very soon. Phillip, it seems that you had been misinformed. I am not the father; you are.
Phillip: Well, gee, let me take a wild guess who would tell you something like that. Olivia!
Alan: Yes, as a matter of fact.
Phillip: Okay, well, let me tell you something. I'm not interested in hearing anymore of Olivia’s lies or any... any twisted logic that would lead you to buy into them.
Alexandra: All right, good for you...
Phillip: And I don't trust you anymore than I trust him.
Alan: Olivia showed me the results, the official results, and there is no question...
Phillip: There's no question? Do you have any idea how many ways there are to fake test results?
Alan: And you think that's what she did?
Phillip: Who else?
Alan: Well, she's not above such a thing like that, but neither are some other people.
Alexandra: All right, Phillip, Phillip, I think...
Alan: Why do you think that I am the father?
Phillip: I have my reasons.
Alan: Yeah, what'd you do? Run a paternity test yourself that conflicts with Olivia?
Phillip: Okay, good night.
Alan: You know, Phillip, if these tests are so easily falsified, why are you so certain that yours is right? Maybe Olivia’s is the real McCoy and yours is the fake.
Phillip: That doesn't make any sense.
Alan: Why not?
Phillip: Well, who else besides Olivia would want to fake the results? Who else stands anything to gain?
Alan: Ah, who indeed?
Alan: Yes, who would purposely misinform you, Phillip? I wish I knew the answer. Perhaps a lab technician who saw the name Spaulding and thought payday.
Alexandra: Oh, for heaven's sakes. I mean, you know, this could be an honest mistake in a lab technician who's merely inept.
Alan: No, Alexandra, DNA tests are not a simple positive and negative. It takes someone who is very skilled. I know because I considered paying someone to change the lab test myself.
Phillip: Oh, I'm shocked. What stopped you?
Alan: Why would I want to claim a child who wasn't mine?
Phillip: Didn't seem to matter when you still wanted Olivia.
Alan: I'm trying to be a better person these days, Phillip.
Phillip: (Laughs)
Alan: And now that we know the answer and the truth to this paternity test, we can all get on with our lives. You can go back to Olivia and the new life that you're creating, and I can get on with my new family.
Phillip: Meaning Gus. I knew we would find our way back to this somehow. This is such classic Alan. It's the olive branch in one hand the switchblade in the other. You know what? You're wasting your time. The kid is yours, Gus is yours, and you're welcome to all of it because I don't care about any of it-- except the company. The company's mine.
Alan: Phillip, you're the father. Get a copy of the results if you need to, have a third test run. Why not? What's the downside to this?
Alexandra: All right, Alan, what was that all about?
Alan: You don't know?
Alexandra: Well, I know that you did everything but stopped right short of telling him that I was involved somehow, you know, responsible for the discrepancy in Olivia’s pregnancy test, which is utter nonsense, ludicrous.
Alan: Utter nonsense, huh?
Alexandra: But you seem to believe it, dear. What stopped you, Alan? You could've... You had the opportunity to lace right into me there.
Alan: Alexandra, that would've been too easy. I don't want to inflict pain on you in the present. I want you to suffer for the rest of your life. And you will.
(Dance music playing)
Josh: Excuse me. Shayne, son, I just... Can I just have a minute, that's all.
Shayne: Yeah, Dad, after I find Marina, okay?
Lizzie: You know what? I'll just find her for you, okay?
Josh: Great.
Shayne: Can you bring her back here?
Josh: Thank you very much. Come with me.
Tammy: Hey, I saw you dancing with Shayne. How'd you pull that off?
Lizzie: Well, when you want something bad enough, you can make it happen.
Tammy: Do you get the feeling something weird is going on?
Lizzie: Weird like how?
Tammy: Trouble weird. I mean, what are a police detective and the D.A. doing at a high-school party?
Frank: Darci, did you find Marina?
Darci: No, and no one else has seen her for a while either.
Jeffrey: No sign of her.
Gus: Me, either.
Frank: I don't like this.
Jeffrey: Well, maybe she went out for a smoke.
Frank: Marina doesn't smoke.
Gus: Aitoro.
Jeffrey: Well, maybe she split and didn't tell anyone.
Frank: She would never leave her date like that. Listen...
Gus: Huh?
Frank: ...Would you check the ladies room please?
Darci: Yeah, I'll... I'll go check again.
Gus: Thank you.
Frank: What? What have you got?
Gus: The APB I put out on Ben Reade-- a cruiser just spotted his car.
Jeffrey: Well, that was fast.
Gus: It's in the parking lot of this building.
Frank: Ben Reade’s here?
Gus: Somewhere.
Frank: He's here at the country club?
Gus: Yes, somewhere.
Josh: Son, I know we agreed we weren't going to talk about baseball tonight, but... but an opportunity has come up, see.
Frank: Excuse me. Shayne, have you seen Marina?
Shayne: I was looking for her. Lizzie just went off to look for her, too. Is everything all right? What's going on?
Frank: We think Ben Reade’s here.
Jeffrey: Marina may be in danger.
Ben: You know, women always say they want commitment, and the second you give it to them, they're out the door. I mean, that's how they all were, and you are no different.
Marina: What... what women?
Ben: Well, not this time, Marina. I am not going to let you walk away from me, because I know... I know if I can just have some time with you alone, then you'll see. I can make you remember how good it was between us. But this isn't the right place. Let's go in my car. You want to go to my car?
Marina: Yeah, okay, okay, okay. I think that that could be a good idea because then... then we can talk and then we can sort things out, okay. But I need to go back into the party, okay, because I need to say good-bye to my dad because he's chaperoning, and I promised I wouldn't leave without telling him. And I should also be polite, and I need to say good-bye to Shayne...
Ben: Oh, right, Shayne, your date.
Marina: No, he's not...
Ben: Oh, don't give me that! I know you've been seeing him.
Marina: Ben, I haven't been...
Ben: Please, he has always had a thing for you. You know, the second I was out of the picture, he moved right in, and you didn't mind at all, did you, Marina?
Marina: First of all...
Ben: And you say I betrayed you! Have you slept with him?!
Marina: No.
Ben: Don't lie to me! Have you slept with him?
Reva: Ben! Let her go.
Phillip: Dr. Sedwick?
Dr. Sedwick: Oh, hello, Phillip.
Phillip: Hi. I... I need to speak with you for a moment. It's about the results of Olivia’s paternity test.
Dr. Sedwick: Oh, Phillip, I’m sure that you know that those are confidential.
Phillip: She already told me that the tests say that I'm the baby's father. Okay. Look, I did something a while back that I'm not necessarily proud of. Do you remember when she was having the amnio done, she wasn't ready at that point to find out who the father was?
Dr. Sedwick: Yes, whether it was you or your father.
Phillip: Right. But I really needed to know, so I paid a lab tech at Cedars to run a paternity test for me privately. The results of that test said that Alan was this child's father.
Dr. Sedwick: So you were the one. I wondered.
Phillip: You knew?
Dr. Sedwick: Mm-hmm.
Phillip: Okay. At any rate, as you might imagine, I’m a bit confused. She tells me that the test that you ran came back with the opposite result, that I'm this child's father. So I just need to know the truth here.
Dr. Sedwick: Well, don't look to me.
Phillip: If I’m the father, you don't think I have a right to know?
Dr. Sedwick: Olivia is my patient. That overrides everything else, Phillip. I'm sorry.
Phillip: Okay, just tell me this. Is it possible that my technician just made an honest mistake? Could that have happened? So you'll... You're standing by your results?
Dr. Sedwick: Yes, yes, I do.
Phillip: Okay. Well, then that means that my lab guy must be lying to me. Why would he do that?
Dr. Sedwick: Let me put it this way. If it was so easy for you to persuade Mr. Baitinger, why couldn't someone else do the same thing? And before you rush out of here and try and find him, he's left town, and he did not leave a forwarding address. Now, is that the behavior of someone who has nothing to hide? You have your answer? Good. Now, if you don't mind...
Phillip: Thank you.
Ben: Are you okay?
Marina: Yeah.
Reva: Is this the way you talk to people by grabbing them? What were you thinking? I know things have been rough for you lately.
Ben: Oh, you know. No offense, Reva but you don't know anything.
Reva: Maybe I don't. But feeling sorry for yourself won't help matters here and neither is taking it out on other people. Especially since you are partially responsible for what's going on here right now.
Ben: Are you my mother?
Shayne: Mom, what's going on!
Reva: I’m not sure.
Ben: Nothing is going on.
Marina: We are not talking right now.
Shayne: She said no.
Ben: Go to hell, man.
Shayne: Leave her alone.
Reva: Stop it! Both of you. Ben, I think maybe you should get out of here now.
Marina: I think maybe you should go too before there is any trouble. I will call you tomorrow.
Shayne: Promise?
Marina: Yes I promise.
Shayne: Okay. I'll go.
Ben: Not so fast.
Alan: I could have told Phillip you paid a lab technician to give him the wrong results but what fun would that have been? All he would have done was lash out at you and get angry with you. He would have felt humiliated. Well, now that would have been appealing on one level but, no, this is better.
Alexandra: This? What is better?
Alan: This way, Phillip won't focus on punishing you. Because when it's confirmed that he is the father of this child, he will do nothing but focus on Olivia and this baby. He will shower them with love and affection and devotion. Who knows? He might even marry her. Yes, Alexandra, your great hope for saving Spaulding Enterprises will be with the witch that you moved heaven and earth to keep him away from, and you will be powerless to do anything about it.
Rick: Do I need to call the trauma unit?
Phillip: Well, things are messed up enough for it.
Rick: Great. What did you mess up this time?
Phillip: Do you remember when I told you that I ran a paternity test without telling Olivia?
Rick: Yeah, I remember that.
Phillip: Mm-hmm. That she finally got around to running one of her own, and the results of hers say that I am the baby's father.
Rick: Oh, no, that can't be possible.
Phillip: Yeah, it is.
Rick: No.
Phillip: Yeah, it is. It's very possible...
Rick: How?
Phillip: If the lab guy that I paid off to do my test double-crossed me.
Rick: And why would he do...
Phillip: Because somebody paid him more money to lie to me.
Rick: Oh. And who would do something like that? Your father?
Phillip: Obvious suspect, but no. Actually, I think it was Alexandra. Haven't quite figured out why yet. When I do, I will deal with her. But, no, actually, it gets better. I... I didn't have any of this information last night when Olivia told me the news about the baby being mine. So, naturally, I assumed that she was lying to me and that she had gotten some fake test to try to trick me.
Rick: Don't...
Phillip: Oh, yes. Oh, yes. I jumped all the way down her throat. It was ugly. Kicked her out. She tried to explain to me; I didn't listen. She called me later, blew her off completely. And now I find out...
Rick: She was telling you the truth.
Phillip: ...She was telling me the truth. Unfortunately, I had already taken the word of some money-grubbing dirt bag instead of her.
Rick: Great.
Phillip: Mm-hmm.
Rick: So what are you going to do about this?
Phillip: I don't know what to do about it, Rick? Maybe this is one I should just let go. Maybe this baby deserves somebody better than me, somebody who's operating on a higher plane-- not quite so quick to judge.
Rick: So that's it? You're just going to give up the opportunity to know your own child because you're a jerk and you're too weak to change yourself.
Phillip: Do you have any suggestions?
Rick: Yeah. For starters, I would go find Olivia. I would apologize. I would grovel if I have to. Where is she?
Phillip: I don't know where she is. She's probably at the Beacon.
Rick: Then you need to go to the Beacon... (Cell phone rings) ...And find her. Oh, God. I'm being summoned to city hall again.
Phillip: Well, let me drop you off on my way to the Beacon.
Alexandra: Oh, Alan, what in your miserable life could ever satisfy you, hmm? Oh, yes, the prodigal son, Gus. Ah, there's a prize.
Alan: Don't you ever underestimate Gus. He's a diamond in the rough.
Alexandra: Well, he'll never take Phillip’s place at Spaulding nor in your heart either.
Alan: Never say never.
Alexandra: Oh, well, I think I just did. Now excuse me.
Alan: Fine, Alexandra! But if you think you have gotten off unscathed, you are dead wrong and you will find out very soon.
Beth: Hey, there.
Buzz: Whoa, Jesus!
Beth: Coffee?
Buzz: Oh, sure, it's on the house.
Beth: I was wondering who was running this place tonight.
Buzz: You know, I half expected to see you on my dance card.
Beth: Dance card?
Buzz: The prom. Frank and I chaperoned.
Beth: Hmm, that was nice of you and Frank.
Buzz: I was drafted.
Beth: Funny, they didn't ask me.
Buzz: They must've begged alphabetically.
Beth: Hmm. It's just as well they didn't ask me. I wouldn't have been able to resist, and Lizzie wouldn't have liked that. She thinks I’m all over her these days.
Buzz: It's called being a teenager.
Beth: Hmm, I suppose; I don't really remember.
Buzz: Oh, come on, it wasn't that long ago-- for you anyway.
Beth: Maybe it just seems like that long ago. So what are you doing here? Is the prom already over?
Buzz: Yes! It's over. It's over. So I snuck back here so I could get my hearing back.
Beth: That loud, huh?
Buzz: Oh, yeah! But actually, it was sort of an uneventful night, really. You know, our kids-- Shayne, Marina, Tammy, Lizzie-- they all had a pretty nice, normal prom night.
Ben: What do you want, Aitoro?
Gus: Nothing major. Just want to work out a little problem, and I was hoping you could help me.
Ben: About the murders?
Gus: Indirectly.
Ben: Look, I already answered all your questions, and I'm not going to answer anymore unless my lawyer is present.
Gus: Fine, I'm just...
Ben: What did I just tell you?!
Gus: You calm down!
Ben: I'll calm down when you people stop harassing me!
Gus: Nobody is harassing you!
Ben: I want all of you out of here right now so I can talk to Marina alone.
Shayne: Not going to happen.
Ben: Shayne, I don't want to hurt you, man.
Shayne: Well, then go for it. Let's do it. You want to do it?
Gus: Hey!
Frank: Break it up! Shayne, get up!
Reva: Shayne!
Frank: Are you okay, honey?
Marina: Yeah, I’m fine.
Frank: Are you sure you're okay?
Marina: Yes, I'm fine.
Reva: Let Frank take care of this.
Josh: The police are looking for Ben. They think he might still be involved in these murders.
Reva: Yeah, I kind of figured that out myself.
Frank: All right, that's it. You're coming with us.
Ben: Where?
Frank: You're going downtown.
Ben: I'm not going anywhere unless my lawyer is present. And by the way, that is the second time I have requested a lawyer.
Gus: Yeah, I told you it was...
Ben: Yeah, and I told you no! What are you going to do? You're going to come up with some trumped-up charge to arrest me? Go ahead. My stepmother owns a TV station and a newspaper in this town. I'm sure she'd love that story.
Jeffrey: All right. You don't want to cooperate, fine. It's a stupid move. But you made a lot of those recently, haven't you? By the way, you're an official suspect once again, so don't even think about leaving town.
Ben: Whatever. I'm out of here. We'll talk.
Frank: You go near her, and I’ll make sure you never breathe again. You understand me?!
Jeffrey: Whoa.
Frank: Are you all right? You sure?
Marina: Yeah.
Frank: You going to be okay?
Marina: Yes, I'm going to be fine.
Frank: All right. All right, folks, you can go back to the party.
Marina: Actually, Dad, I think I'm going to hang out here for a minute, okay? Ben is gone; he's not coming back; I'll be fine.
Frank: Okay. Just a minute, please.
Marina: Okay. Actually, Lizzie, I need to ask you something. Can you hang out with me for a second?
Lizzie: Yeah, sure. What's up?
Marina: Shayne, it's kind of girl stuff. Do you mind waiting for me over there?
Shayne: Sure.
Lizzie: Man, Ben was acting really weird, right? We were so worried. We didn't know what to do when you disappeared.
Marina: I didn't disappear, Lizzie. I walked right into your trap. You purposely set me up to be alone with Ben.
Phillip: (Sighs)
Parking attendant: Mr. Spaulding, you forgot your parking stub.
Phillip: Oh, thank you.
Parking attendant: Any idea how long you'll be, sir?
Phillip: No. Just keep it out front.
Parking attendant: You got it.
Phillip: Thanks. Because she may not give me the time of day.
Beth: Prom night is something a girl remembers for the rest of her life. First long dress, first corsage. My prom night changed my whole life.
Buzz: Oh, that's right. You married your prom date. Talk about the American dream.
Beth: It was-- for awhile. Life was so much simpler then.
Buzz: It was?
Beth: Oh, Buzz, stop it. You're ruining my selective memory.
Buzz (laughing): I'm sorry. Lizzie was beautiful-- not that she had any choice, you know, with those genes, coming from a line of gorgeous women.
Beth: Thank you very much. We did get a lot of nice pictures. Of course, Phillip took about a hundred in the space of time it ok her to walk from the house to the car.
Buzz: Hmm, must've been hard on him, seeing his little girl as a grown woman.
Beth: I don't really know-- he came and went so fast. I mean, he loves Lizzie so much. Just lately he seems to think he can put her on hold while he gets his life in order.
Buzz: Oh, something to make him feel guilty later.
Beth: Maybe it's just me. Tonight's just one of those nights I really wish I had a normal family-- you know, mom and dad seeing their daughter off to the prom-- not that that was my experience, so don't know why I should've expected anything else when I had kids.
Buzz: Same thing hit me when Frank got married. I wished so much to be part of that. Want to be up there with Deenie, being proud of our son together.
Beth: Oh, Buzz, you made up for all of that.
Buzz: I know. (Sighs) Nadine’s not here. I missed her tonight. She was a great dance partner.
Beth: That's nice to have a dance partner.
Buzz: Mm-hmm. When it's the right dance partner-- you know, moves to the music the way you do.
Beth: Doesn't step on your toes. (Laughter) Do you think you'll ever find that again, Buzz? The right partner?
Buzz: Why do you ask?
Beth (laughing): Curious.
Buzz: I don't know. I don’t... If I don't, my life has been pretty lucky anyway, you know? It's turned out two amazing women have loved me. I made amends with my kids.
Beth: Life's good.
Buzz: Good, simple, no intrigues, no secrets.
Beth: Ooh, I don't know about that. I always thought of you as a pretty complicated guy with lots and lots of secrets.
Buzz: (Laughs) No, I'm just simple, uncomplicated me. I just like it that way. I sleep better. I better go home to bed to sleep.
Beth: Oh, yeah. Me, too; me, too. I should be home when Lizzie returns.
Buzz: May I dance you to your car?
Beth: I would like that very much. (Laughs) Boy, I hope Lizzie finds a dance partner like you tonight. (Laughs)
Buzz: Shall we?
Beth: (Laughs)
Lizzie: I set you up? How do you figure that?
Marina: Well, you told me to wait by the oak tree, you told me that you'd tell Shayne where I was, and you knew that Ben would be here.
Lizzie: Do you think I have time to keep track of you and your little guys? No. And I was going to tell Shayne that you were out here.
Marina: Yeah, right.
Lizzie: You know what? This is all just a big excuse to get me looking bad to Shayne. That's it.
Shayne: Ready to go back to the party?
Marina: Yeah, you bet. I'm not going to let Ben or anyone else ruin my evening. Come on, Shayne, you owe me a dance.
Ben: Marina was right.
Lizzie: What are you still doing here?
Ben: You are a liar. You told me Marina still cared about me.
Lizzie: She does, Ben.
Ben: Oh, yeah. Yeah, clearly.
Lizzie: She really does care about you. She just... She doesn't admit it yet.
Ben: No.
Lizzie: Yes. If she didn't care about you, she would've just told her dad that you roughed her up or something, and he would've arrested you right there. But she didn't, and that's because she still cares about you.
Ben: Yeah, then why was she hanging all over Shayne?
Lizzie: Because he's a kid; he's there for her, okay? But she really wants you. You just need to get her alone. I mean really alone this time, and you'll see what I'm saying is true, I promise.
(Dance music playing)
Shayne: So you want to dance?
Marina: Absolutely.
Joey: Oh, sorry. What's up, Shayne?
Shayne: Are you sure you're okay?
Marina: Yeah, I already told you I'm fine.
Shayne: Because if you want to go, I’m totally cool with it.
Marina: No. No. Come midnight, we turn into grownups, okay? So there's no way I'm giving that up. Come on, I really like this song. Let's dance.
Darci: Well, she seems to be doing all right, huh? Of course, if we were out there dancing, maybe we could keep a closer eye on her. Or not. Frank?
Frank: I'm sorry, Darci. What did you just say?
Darci: You're thinking about Ben Reade, aren't you?
Frank: I was just thinking what Ben might have done to Marina if Reva hadn't been out there, and I hope I never find out.
Rick: Got your page. What's up?
Jeffrey: Yeah, well, we got a new lead in the Garden of Eden murders. Ben Reade’s looking good to us again.
Next on "Guiding Light"...
Josh: What's the big deal here?
Shayne: What I want is to make my own decision, and you took it away from me.
Tony: Whether they got anything on you or not, you're not welcome in the house.
Phillip: Give me another chance.
Olivia: I'll give you the same chance you gave me.
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