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Guiding Light Transcript Monday 6/30/03
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Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Edmund: Cassie, I just... I just... I couldn't take the chance...
Cassie: Sh.
Edmund: I mean, anything could have happened on the way out of town. The car could have run out of gas. The hotel... hotel could have burned down.
Cassie: Sh. I don't want to talk about that right now. I just want you.
Edmund: Cassie, are you sure you're ready? Because this is about the craziest thing in the world.
Cassie: Shut up and kiss me.
Lizzie: Hi, Grandpa. Have I had any calls?
Alan: Uh, I don't know sweetheart. I just came home myself.
Lizzie: Oh. Was everything okay?
Alan: Well, yes, everything's fine now that I've... Now that I see you. By the way, tonight is the big night, isn't it?
Lizzie: Yes, it is. I snagged a hot prom dress. Now I'm all set.
Alan: Well, not quite. I have something very special for you for this special occasion.
Lizzie: Oh, my gosh, it's beautiful.
Alan: (Laughs) Yes, beautiful things for beautiful young ladies. Now, I’ll get you a set of matching earrings next year for your senior prom, huh? I can't tell you how happy I am that Tammy convinced you to go along to the prom with her.
Lizzie: Yes. Tammy rocks.
Alan: "Rocks"?
Lizzie: Oh, that's a good thing.
Alan: Oh.
Lizzie: (Laughs)
Alan: Tell me, are there going to be any guys at the prom that... Rock?
Lizzie: Well, maybe one. (Laughs)
Alan: One, huh?
Beth: Who might that be?
Lizzie: Oh, uh, you don't know him, Mom. It's just a guy.
Josh: Uh-uh-uh-uh. Stop right there.
Shayne: Hey, Dad, what's up?
Josh: Not much. You going somewhere?
Shayne: No. Um... Well, I mean, yeah, I was just going out...
Josh: Eh, sorry, nice try. Try again. This is prom night, son.
Shayne: I know. I was just going to go hit the pitching machine for a little bit...
Josh: Ah.
Shayne: ...And then I can shower and change at school in the locker room, so...
Josh: Really?
Shayne: Yeah. Come on, Dad, you're not going to stand in between a boy and his pitching machine, are you?
Josh: That was an excellent effort, it really was. But you know what? Your mother would have my head. Prom night is very important to her...
Shayne: Dad, I don’t... You know what she's going to do?
Josh: Let me just take...
Shayne: No.
Josh: Just give... give me the suit. Thank you. What is this? I mean, it's a very interesting look and all that, but what happened? I mean, I thought you were going to go traditional, you know, with the white jacket, studs...
Shayne: Yeah, well, if I ever get invited to the social outcast ball, I promise, that will be my outfit. Dad, come on, no, look, I want to look good.
Josh: You know what, you got to trust me, okay? Just let me work with you for a little bit, and you'll look suave, you'll look sophisticated. You'll look like Cary Grant.
Shayne: That's great, a dead guy.
Josh: (Laughs)
Buzz: I want the grill clean enough so you can, you know, eat off it. You got it? Well, Frank, you know, unless there's a mad rush on the baklava, I think I got it covered.
Frank: You know, parents leave their baby-sitters fewer instructions.
Buzz: This restaurant is my baby.
Marina: Hey, what's going on?
Frank: Oh, hey, honey. Hi.
Buzz: Prom's tonight.
Marina: Yes, and it is my prom, not yours.
Buzz: That's what you think.
Frank: Oh, that's great, Dad. Way to break it to her gently.
Marina: Wait, wait, wait. Breaking what, what? What's broken?
Buzz: Well, a couple of the chaperones, they sort of backed out and that... You know...
Marina: Oh, no.
Frank: Honey, look, we'll stay out of your way.
Marina: No. Wait, both of you?
Frank: Well, we... we sort of got roped into it...
Marina: Well, you need to un-rope yourself. There's no way I’m going to prom with my dad and my grandfather!
Frank: Look, I know that this is kind of... Hold on, honey...
Marina: That's like a fate worse than death! This is my worst nightmare! (Groans)
Frank: All right, all right, we get the idea that you're upset about this. But the faculty prom committee called, they were looking for help and trying all the parents, and, well...
Marina: Yeah, I guess snagging a parent who's chief of police is like hitting the chaperone jackpot, huh?
Frank: I couldn't say no. Besides, your... your grandfather here was really looking forward to it.
Marina: Okay. (Groans) Well, Shayne already told me that his parents are chaperoning, so what's another two pair of eyes staring us down? However, there will be some ground rules.
Frank: Wait a minute. Aren't parents the ones supposed to lay the ground rules here?
Marina: Not tonight. Sit, gentlemen. It's time for a little prom 101.
Buzz: I... I think I flunked prom 101 the first time around.
Frank: Sorry, Pop, just hang in there. I'll get you through it.
Buzz: Okay.
Eden: Hello?
Ben: Hello, Eden. Nice night, isn't it?
Marina: Rule number one: No direct eye contact. Ha ha. I'm serious.
Frank: Okay, fine. What else you got?
Marina: No acknowledgment whatsoever that we are related.
Frank: Oh, man.
Buzz: Oh.
Marina: Well, it is only for a couple of hours. So do not... Do not casually drop in on my conversations, tell my friends how fetching they look, give Shayne the third degree, or do anything that could possibly bring about the public humiliation of me.
Buzz: I think these rules apply mostly to you.
Marina: And you.
Frank: Yeah.
Marina: No requests for Greek music to the D.J. (Laughter)
Buzz: All right. Okay, but you guys don't know what you're missing.
Frank: All right, all right, all right, so are we done here? Because, you know, young lady, you need to start getting ready.
Marina: Wait, I forgot one.
Frank: Here it goes.
Marina: No dancing.
Frank: What?
Buzz: No dancing? We've been practicing. Now come on.
Marina: I've seen the two of you on the dance floor. Enough said, okay?
Buzz: Well, I guess we're just going to have to entertain ourselves.
Frank: Well, I guess so. Unbelievable.
Buzz: No dancing?
Frank: I know. (Laughs)
Darci: Hi.
Frank: Oh, hey, Darci. How are you?
Darci: I'm good.
Frank: You look very pretty.
Darci: Well, thank you.
Frank: Well, you know what, you shouldn't have.
Darci: Oh, well, I didn't. This is for you, Marina.
Marina: Oh, my gosh. Thank you, Darci. I love presents. Oh, wow. Oh, this is going to go perfectly with my dress.
Darci: The dress, I know. Frank described it to me.
Marina: Oh, really, accurately?
Frank: Excuse me, I happen to know a thing or two about fashion.
Marina: (Laughs)
Frank: I do.
Darci: So there's a purse that matches, but I thought that that might be overkill. It's in the car if you're interested.
Marina: Oh, yeah, definitely. Can you give me just a sec?
Darci: Yeah, sure.
Frank: How cool is that?
Marina: Dad?
Frank: Yes.
Marina: You remember that girl who was a little cranky about her dad crashing her prom?
Frank: Rings a bell.
Marina: Yeah, you want to make it up to her?
Frank: What would I have to do?
Marina: Invite Darci.
Frank: Ooh, not that. Twist my arm. Ow, ow, ow. Young lady, one thing, though. You're going to have lift the ban on dancing.
Marina: We will see.
Reva: Oh, good. I thought you would have changed. I want to get before and after pictures.
Josh: You are just in time. Shayne was trying to sneak out on us, get out of the prom night ritual and get dressed in the locker room.
Reva: Oh, fine. (Laughs) Now he's my son?
Josh: Yeah.
Reva: When he's winning ball games and impressing girls...
Josh: Then he's my son. So, what's the deal, son? Are you going to show her what you were planning on wearing tonight?
Shayne: No, that's okay, thanks.
Reva: Let me guess. Not your conventional tuxedo?
Shayne: Mom, it's actually... It's really all about perspective. It's the way you look at it.
Reva: Right. Shayne, your father and I are very proud of you. We are. You've grown into a fine young man who we also know is very capable and mature enough to make his own decisions.
Shayne: Thanks. So then I can wear whatever I'd like, right?
Reva: And cheat me of the opportunity to straighten your tie and adjust your cummerbund and relish in all of the pre-prom parental humiliations we're entitled to? I don't think so. (Laughs)
Shayne: You guys are both crazy.
Reva: Yeah. But crazy in a good way.
Shayne: Yeah, whatever. All right, okay, fine. You know what? I'll go along with your little wardrobe suggestions here, but I’m not totally giving in, okay? If you're going to make me wear some monkey suit, then you have to meet me halfway, all right?
Josh: We are open to negotiations.
Reva: Sure. I mean, it is your prom. So what do you want?
Shayne: No pictures. (Laughter)
Beth: Well, if there's someone you're interested in, it can't hurt to tell us his name.
Lizzie: Like I said, you don't know him.
Beth: Lizzie, it's not like your grandfather and I are going to stalk you at the prom and embarrass you if you're with him.
Lizzie: I know. I just don't want to jinx it. And if anything happens, you'll know. And if it doesn't, then whatever. Who cares, right?
Beth: Sure. Sure, of course. It's your business. Just that you've been keeping so many secrets lately. (Doorbell ringing)
Lizzie: Oh, I’ll get that.
Beth: Nolan can get that.
Lizzie: Oh, but it's probably Tammy.
Beth: I don't know what is going on with her.
Alan: Well, I don't know what's going on with you, Beth. I mean, you're turning an innocent schoolgirl crush into some kind of federal case or something.
Beth: Alan, I’m worried about her.
Alan: I don't think you have to worry about Elizabeth. She is just fine. I mean, she's going to her first prom. Now, just lighten up a bit.
Tammy: Is the limo outside for us?
Lizzie: Well, you got the tickets, so I got the limo-- or Grandpa did.
Tammy: Thanks, Mr. Spaulding.
Alan: Well, my pleasure. After all, senior proms only happen once a year.
Lizzie: Hey, it's a junior/senior prom.
Alan: Oh, that's right. I guess I'll have to spring for another one next year, huh?
Lizzie: Oh, no. I think we'll just take the jet. (Laughter)
Beth: How's your mother, Tammy?
Tammy: She's good. She had to go out of town.
Alan: Oh. Well, I guess that means we'll have to take lots of pictures for her then. Now, you two young ladies need to start getting ready, don't you?
Beth: Mind if we get a preview?
Tammy: You should have seen me flipping out earlier. I couldn't find it. I forgot I left it in Will and R.J.’s room. Oh, no!
Eden: What are you doing here?
Ben: I thought I'd enjoy my country club membership before it runs out. I'm a little strapped for cash. You know how it is. Oh, wait. You don’t. What are you doing here, Eden?
Eden: I'm meeting a client.
Ben: Good for you. I'm glad all these murders haven't cramped your style.
Eden: Yeah, well, actually, it has cramped my style. My brother thinks that I’m involved in all of this mess.
Ben: Oh, right, right. The pin. That's pretty sloppy, Eden-- I mean, leaving evidence from the last murder lying around like that, right on top of your things in the museum.
Eden: Yeah, and how did you know about the pin?
Ben: I hear things.
Eden: Oh, really? Do you hear things? Or do you do things?
Ben: What do you mean?
Eden: Oh, come on. You live in the museum. You could have easily put that in my stuff.
Ben: Me? How could I have the pin? Unless I’m the killer. Is that what you're suggesting?
Cassie: Okay. Now?
Edmund: Now? Now?
Cassie: Now you can explain to me how you had this great idea to bag our trip and have me come here so we could... Well, you know.
Edmund: Oh. Well, I... I... I couldn't wait any longer.
Cassie: Neither could I. Thank you for being patient.
Edmund: I just said I couldn't wait any longer.
Cassie: No, no.
Edmund: (Laughs)
Cassie: I meant, just now, you know? For taking it slow.
Edmund: Oh. Well, you're welcome. Cassie...
Cassie: Oh, wait. Sh.
Edmund: You're shushing me again.
Cassie: Yeah, I am.
Edmund: You're shushing me.
Cassie: I want to say something, and I want to make sure I get this right, so... You know, some people never have what I had, and it was precious and it was perfect, and it hurt so much when I had to let it go. I mean, I never thought that I was going to feel alive again, Edmund, and I never imagined that I could be with someone...
Edmund: With someone? My God, Cassie, with me.
Cassie: Yes. You were the... It was... Yeah. (Laughter) But I didn't expect this, you know? I just... I didn't expect this.
Edmund: This, it...
Cassie: I don't know. I guess I don't feel like people get second chances at things, and...
Edmund: Cassie. Cassie, I'm the lucky one here. Do you know that? You have so much to give-- I think a lot more than you know.
Cassie: So do you. (Cell phone ringing)
Edmund: It's not mine. I turned mine off.
Cassie: It's mine. The kids. Hello?
Tammy: Mom? I'm so sorry. I know you're away with... Well, I know tonight's important, but the prom, my dress.
Cassie: Okay, Tammy, slow down. What is it?
Tammy: Juice. There's juice all over my dress.
Cassie: How?
Tammy: R.J. must have spilled it when I laid it out on the bed in the boys' room. I can't wear it. And there's no time. I'm going to be the only one in my class who misses the prom.
Cassie: Okay, where are you?
Tammy: Lizzie's house.
Cassie: I want you to meet me at the Beacon in ten minutes, okay? I'll be right there.
Tammy: Well, wait. What about your trip?
Cassie: Don't worry about my trip. I'm already on my way.
Tammy: I have to go.
Edmund: You have to go.
Cassie: I've got to go.
Edmund: Yeah.
Ben: You know, I love a good murder mystery. Don't you? Now, what do we need here, Eden? Come on, help me out. I know you want to. You a little shy tonight? All right, I’ll start. First, we need a good detective, like your brother, Gus. But I mean, really, how good can he be if he hasn't cracked this case when you seem to have it all figured out already?
Eden: Look, I told you, I wasn't accusing you.
Ben: Sure you were. Now, I guess we need a murder. Oh, good for us-- we have four. What's next, Eden? Come on! I know you want to play.
Eden: All right, you need a killer.
Ben: Right. Now, let's go with your theory and say that hypothetically I'm guilty of all these murders. It'd be a crummy thing to do-- to you, not to mention all the victims. But why would I go out of my way to screw up your life?
Eden: All right, you know what? That is enough, okay?
Ben: Oh, wait. Wait, it's coming to me. You turned your back on me when I needed your help. I wanted out of your creepy little business, and you said, "Ben, you're on your own." Never mind how much I pleaded or how trapped I felt by that blackmailing psychopath you hooked me up with. Hey, you know what we're missing?
Eden: What?
Ben: Motive. I guess I got a pretty good one, huh? I mean, I lost Marina, the only girl I’ve ever really cared about. Yeah, she hates me now, so... Whoa, where are you going? Oh, no. No, no. This is just getting good. Four murders and counting, plus whatever bonus points I have racked up for framing you. I mean, that's how this started, right? You accused me of framing you.
Eden: No. Look, I told you, I am not accusing you.
Ben: Which brings me to an interesting point. Every good murder mystery has a twist. So, what if I didn't do it at all? I mean, sure I have plenty of reasons to hate you, but would it drive me to kill? Maybe. Maybe just framing you would be enough. If I happened to notice that pin on the floor at the last crime scene, if I happened to scoop it up before the cops noticed, I could be setting you up and be totally innocent. But I guess you'll never know whether I did it or not. Yeah. I love a good murder mystery.
Cassie: Edmund, I am so sorry. I wouldn't leave if it wasn't important. I mean, not that this isn't important, because this is very important...
Edmund: Cassie, Cassie, I understand.
Cassie: Tonight's the prom. I mean, how could I leave my daughter alone the night of the prom? I'm the worst mother in the world.
Edmund: Cassie...
Cassie: I can't believe I did this.
Edmund: Cassie, you're a wonderful mother, and of course Tammy needs you right now.
Cassie: I loved being here with you. I did.
Edmund: Good. Me, too. So, go.
Cassie: Go.
Edmund: You have a dress crisis. Go, go, go. Hey.
Reva: Is he ready yet?
Marina: Almost!
Beth: Lizzie, hurry up!
(Robert Palmer's "Simply Irresistible" playing)
How can it be permissible she compromise my principle yeah yeah
that kind of love is mythical she's anything but typical
she's a craze you'd endorse she's a powerful force
you're obliged to conform when there's no other course
she used to look good to me but now I find her
simply irresistible simply irresistible
her loving is so powerful, huh it's simply unavoidable, whoa
the trend is irreversible the woman is invincible
she's a natural law and she leaves me in awe
she deserves the applause I surrender because
she used to look good to me but now I find her
simply irresistible simply irresistible simply irresistible
she's so fine there's no telling where the money went
simply irresistible she's all mine there's no other way to go
she's unavoidable I’m backed against the wall
she gives me feelings that I never felt before
I’m breaking promises she's breaking every law
she used to look good to me now I find her
simply irresistible she's so fine
there's no telling where the money went
simply irresistible she's all mine there's no other way to go
her methods are inscrutable the proof is irrefutable, ooh
she's so completely kissable huh
our lives are indivisible yeah, yeah
she's a craze you'd endorse she's a powerful force
you're obliged to conform when there's no other course
well, she used to look good to me but now I find her
simply irresistible she's so fine
there's no telling where the money went
simply irresistible she's all mine
there's no other way to go simply irresistible.
Tammy: Mom.
Cassie: Oh, no, no, no. Don't cry, don't cry. It'll mess up your makeup, and you don't want puffy eyes for the prom, okay?
Tammy: But I can't go. I can’t.
Cassie: Yes, you can. Don't say you can’t. Come on, let's go.
Tammy: Where are we going?
Cassie: I have a closet full of dresses from San Cristobel, and if they are good enough for dignitaries and state dinners, then they are certainly good enough for Springfield’s junior/senior prom.
Tammy: But Mom, then I'll just look like a kid playing dress-up.
Cassie: No, you're not. I have the Beacon's best seamstress upstairs, and she is ready to change anything you want to change on any of my dresses. It's going to cost us an arm and a leg, but who cares? Come on.
Tammy: Wait, Mom. But how did you get back so fast. Did you, like, beam back from wherever you were?
Cassie: I didn't go.
Tammy: What happened? I didn't want to take you away from...
Cassie: You didn't take me away from anything. You brought me back where I belong, and that's home, here, with you. This is the prom, right? Prom is a big deal.
Tammy: Not really. I mean, it's not like I have a date or anything.
Cassie: Well, maybe you'll meet someone there.
Tammy: I don't think so. It's all the same kids from school. I'll probably just end up being the official purse-watcher again.
Cassie: The what?
Tammy: You know, the girl who never has a date, always sits and watches her friends' stuff while they go dance with their dates. That's what happened at homecoming and the Valentine's Day dance.
Cassie: I'm sorry.
Tammy: It's not like it's breaking news or anything. I just don't have very good luck in the boy department. Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever meet someone.
Cassie: I know how you feel. But you know what? When you do, it's great. Come on.
Beth: You know, I have always looked forward to your prom.
Lizzie: Why? It's just a dance.
Beth: Oh, I mean, I’ve always looked forward to these moments. When you were little, it was first steps, and then first day of school, and now it's your prom.
Lizzie: It's only my junior prom.
Beth: Oh, still, honey, these are special mother-daughter moments. I remember my prom so clearly. Nana was so excited for me.
Lizzie: And that's the night you and Dad...
Beth: Yeah. That was a pretty special night for us. That was the night that we acknowledged we loved each other. But that was a long time ago. And, you know, nights like this remind moms...
Lizzie: That you're old now.
Beth: No, I hope not. It reminds us how lucky we are to have children we love. Honey, our relationship is so precious to me, and spending time with you on days like this, it just makes me treasure you more. Now, I know that things have been a little distant between us lately, and I don't want to push. I just want you to know...
Lizzie: That you love me. I know, Mom. I love you, too.
Buzz: Whoa.
Reva: Hi.
Frank: Hey, Josh.
Buzz: Shayne.
Frank: Looking sharp, buddy, looking sharp.
Buzz: Looking fine.
Reva: Yeah, well, you know, it was a team effort.
Shayne: Mom...
Josh: Hello. How are you, Buzz?
Frank: Looking good, buddy.
Buzz: Where is she? Come on! Honey, come on, let's get the show on the road.
Marina: I've got 30 more seconds!
Shayne: Hi.
Marina: Hi.
Eden: Ben, look. I know everything is really screwed up right now, and it has become such a huge mess.
Ben: You think?
Eden: Ben...
Ben: What?
Eden: Look, you just seem like you're really confused, and I know it feels like there is no way out, but I know how you feel, and I can help you.
Ben: Now you want to help me? I think that falls under "too little, too late," Eden.
Eden: No, it's not too late. Look, how much do you want?
Ben: (Scoffs) You want to give me money?
Eden: Well, you said you were strapped for cash.
Ben: Oh, okay, I get it. Ben can be bought, so let me just whip out my fat checkbook and make it all better. I don't think so, Eden.
Eden: Look... look, this is just a friendly gesture, okay? We don't have to be enemies here, okay?
Ben: Yeah, you can file that under "too late" as well.
Eden: How much?
Ben: Are you listening to me? I know you didn't when I came to you for help the first time. Do you seriously think that a couple of bucks from you will take care of everything? Will it give me my life back? My reputation? Marina?
Eden: Look, I can't help you with Marina. But maybe you could go to her and just tell her that you didn't mean to hurt her. Ben...
Ben: Get out of here, Eden. I said get out!
Tammy: Well, Mom? Say something.
Cassie: Perfect. You look perfect!
Tammy: Oh, you think so? I was so rushed.
Cassie: No, no. Oh, God, you look absolutely beautiful!
Tammy: Well, it must be your dress.
Cassie: No, it's you.
Tammy: You're just saying that because you're my mom.
Cassie: No, I’m not. You look amazing. You are not going to be watching purses tonight.
Tammy: Thanks.
Cassie: See, that's how you take a compliment. What's wrong? Are you okay? What? What is it?
Tammy: I just feel like I’m forgetting something. I got ready so fast.
Cassie: I don't know what you could have forgotten.
Edmund: Well, I think I might be able to take care of that. I thought something might have been missing in all the confusion, and so I took the liberty. May I?
Tammy: How did you...
Edmund: Call it a man's intuition. You look beautiful. And now, your chariot awaits.
Tammy: What?
Edmund: Well, you missed your ride, didn't you, with Lizzie, so I had the one at the consulate send over a car.
Cassie: Then you better go. It's your night, and you're going to arrive in style.
Tammy: I feel like a princess! I just wish...
Cassie: I know. But he sees. He's watching you.
Tammy: Uncle Edmund, could you take a picture of me and Mom?
Edmund: I'd be honored. Smile.
Tammy: Well, I'd better go.
Cassie: Yes. Go, go. Take tons of pictures and have so much fun. Okay?
Tammy: Okay, I will.
Cassie: Okay.
Tammy: And thanks.
Cassie: Thank you.
Shayne: You look so great.
Marina: Thanks. You look really great, too. I like the suit.
Shayne: Thanks. So, do you want to get out of here?
Marina: Yeah. (Laughs)
Josh: (Clears throat) Son...
Shayne: Oh.
Marina: Oh, yeah.
Shayne: I'll see what I can...
Marina: (Laughs) Okay. And...
Shayne: (Yelps in pain)
Marina: Oh, my gosh, Shayne. I am so sorry. It's the pins.
Shayne: I'm kidding. I'm kidding.
Marina: Oh, ha ha, very funny.
Shayne: Want to leave?
Marina: Yes. Okay, good-bye.
Buzz: Bye. See you later.
Marina: We will see you later, all of you.
Frank: Be careful.
Darci: You look beautiful.
Frank: Be very careful.
Marina: Thank you, guys.
Frank: Have fun.
(Cell phone rings)
Josh: Excuse me. Hi. Yeah, the draft, I know. Have they started yet? Okay. That's good. You know where to reach me, right? Okay, bye.
Marina: Hey, where did your mom go?
Shayne: I don't know.
Reva: Gotcha!
Shayne: Mom!
Reva: Oh, Shayne, rules were made to be broken. Come on. Marina, smile!
Alan: Elizabeth, if you don't get a move on, the prom is going to be over by the time you get there. Oh, my, my. You look absolutely dazzling!
Lizzie: Thanks, Grandpa. Okay, I'm off like a prom dress.
Beth: Lizzie!
Lizzie: Relax. I'm going with Tammy, remember?
Beth: You love to torture me, don't you?
Lizzie: (Laughs)
Beth: Well, let's go out by the limo and get pictures. Your dad just called. He's going to meet us out there.
Lizzie: Talk about torture. Actually, I'll just meet you out there. I've got a couple of adjustments to make.
Alan: On the dress, that's right. Okay.
Ben: Hey, bring me another one of whatever this was, only make it stronger.
Waiter: Sure. (Cell phone rings)
Ben: What?
Lizzie: Ben. Is everything okay? It's Lizzie.
Ben: Lizzie. All of a sudden, it seems as though I’m on your speed dial.
Lizzie: Well, because I care about you.
Ben: Really? Puts you in a very small minority.
Lizzie: Look, I think you should come to the prom. I mean, Marina's going to be there. You can tell her everything you wanted to tell her, and I'm sure she'll listen to you. Ben? Are you still there?
Ben: Yeah. Yeah. Maybe you're right. I have a thing or two I'd like to tell Marina Cooper. But the prom? I don't think so. But I'll tell you what. I'll meet you at the country club at the after-party. How's that?
Lizzie: Great. That sounds great. Thank you.
Next, on "Guiding Light"...
Marah: You and I are going to throw Danny and Michelle a surprise wedding at the barbecue.
Alan: You got a lead on the murder case.
Gus: Maybe.
D.J.: And I have one question for the class of 2003: Are you ready to party?
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