[an error occurred while processing this directive] GL Transcript Thursday 6/26/03 [an error occurred while processing this directive]
[an error occurred while processing this directive]

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 6/26/03

[an error occurred while processing this directive]

Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Olivia: Phillip, did you hear what I said?

Phillip: Say it again. I want to be sure.

Olivia: You can be sure. This is great news. This is what we wanted. This is your baby. We can celebrate. What's wrong? I don't understand.

Phillip: I do. I understand exactly what's happening here.

Olivia: This.. This is the news that we wanted.

Phillip: The news that you were so afraid of.

Olivia: What?

Phillip: You told me. Remember, you told me that you were terrified that you were going to find out that that this was Alan’s baby.

Olivia: Yeah, I was scared. But I'm not...

Phillip: And I told you that it would be okay. Don't do this. Tell me the truth.

Olivia: What are you talking about?

Phillip: I gave you my word and I meant it. So now is the time. And, Olivia, this is the last time. If this goes on another second, I don't think I will forget it. So tell me the truth.

Olivia: The truth is that this is your baby. How could you even question me about this?

Phillip: Well, that's... that's what you were counting on, wasn't it? Of course I believe you. That's what you were doing up at the cabin. Did you know about this then?

Olivia: No, I didn't know.

Phillip: I'll be damned. You really covered your bases, didn't you? That little confession about how you thought about fixing the test results, but you just couldn't do that to me.

Olivia: No, I couldn't, and I wouldn't. I didn't. I don't know what you're talking about.

Phillip: Stop. This is Alan’s baby and we both know it.

Olivia: No.

Phillip: I was willing to try to deal with it.

Olivia: No, this is not Alan’s baby.

Phillip: Just stop.

Olivia: No, not until you listen to me. This...

Phillip: Stop.

Olivia: No, this is your baby!

Phillip: Stop!

Olivia: Why don't you listen to me?

Tony: Now that is the perfect way to start a day.

Marah: Mm-hmm. Can I ask you something?

Tony: Anything.

Marah: So if the whole blowing in my face thing didn't work, what would you have done?

Tony: You were awake?

Marah: (Laughs)

Tony: Oh.

Marah: The whole time. "Oh, I was dreaming that we were on a beach making love and you looked so beautiful." Tell me, do all those lame lines work with other girls?

Tony: (Laughs) Well, it worked on you, didn't it?

Marah: Only because I wanted you.

Tony: Hey, I was counting on that.

Marah: (Laughs) So you take me for granted?

Tony: No. Marah, I wake up every morning and I just... I feel so blessed to be near you.

Marah: Oh, and it gets worse. What is this? Lame lines all day and all night?

Tony: Bella mi amore. Mi amore. You are the light of my life.

Marah: (Laughs) Oh, my gosh, if you break out in song, I'm getting in the shower first. No hot water for you.

Tony: Uh... Darling, is there something you want to tell me?

Marah: Those aren't for us.

Tony: Really.

Marah: Yes.

Tony: So what? You doodle wedding dresses in your spare time?

Marah: It was from Michelle. Remember she wanted me to design her wedding dress? It was before they decided not to have a wedding.

Tony: Yeah. That's too bad. They're really nice. It's too bad they went to waste.

Marah: Do you think they'll ever get married again?

Tony: Well, I know Danny really wants to, but he doesn't know what to do now, you know. What about Michelle? You think...

Marah: Oh, she really wants to. But I don't know, with the whole ceremony it just got... I think she thought about it too much, you know?

Tony: Yeah, it's nuts, you know. What's up with them? You know what we should do? We should snatch them both, we'll throw them in front of Ray, and he'll do his priest thing, and before they know it, they won't know what hit them and they'll be married. Bam.

Marah: I think that's not such a bad idea.

Tony: Yeah. I know it sounds good here, but...

Marah: No, it's a good idea. Why don't we...

Tony: What? Everybody should be gone by now, shouldn't they?

Marah: Yeah.

Tony: Well, I hear people.

Eden: My possession?

Bill: Gus, what are you saying? You think that Eden is...

Gus: Bill, I'll ask the questions, okay. So just give me the answers.

Eden: Well, I don't have them, because I never saw that pin before.

Gus: Well, it was on your shirt. It belonged to Ariana. It was taken from her body the night she was killed.

Bill: Why are you poking around her things anyway?

Harley: Nobody had to poke. It was right out in plain sight.

Bill: So what, now you're investigating? When did you get back on the force?

Gus: No, I'm doing the investigating, okay. Help me out here. Please.

Eden: I can't.

Bill: Look, that stuff has been sitting there since yesterday.

Eden: And when I packed it yesterday there was no pin in there. You don't believe me. You think I killed her?

Gus: I'm trying to do my job. I'm trying to eliminate...

Bill: Suspects?

Gus: There are only a few people that cannot be accounted for when the lights went down.

Bill: Oh, I see. So Eden is one of them. So that makes her... Oh, you're a piece of work. I can't believe you're accusing your own sister...

Gus: I'm not accusing her of anything, all right?

Harley: Okay, let's just take a deep breath here, guys.

Bill: What? And watch Gus railroad his own sister? Because that's what's going on here.

Gus: Bill, I appreciate the stand that you're taking. I do, okay. I appreciate. I just got to ask these questions, okay? I have to ask the questions.

Eden: Well, I don't have the answers.

Bill: Look, why don't you ask who else was here? Why don't you... you know what? Just forget it. Forget it. Eden, do not talk to this guy until I get back, okay?

Eden: Wait. Where are you going?

Bill: I'm going to go and find Ross Marler, because something tells me, you need a lawyer.

Eden: I don't understand, Gus.

Gus: No, I don't understand. You said you never saw this pin before. Fine. We're going to fingerprint it.

Eden: Well, I’ve been to Ariana’s place. What if my fingerprints are on there?

Gus: But I don't understand. You just said you never seen this pin before so how could you have touched it?

Eden: What if I accidentally did? Or what if the guy that planted that pin put my fingerprints on there somehow?

Harley: He couldn't do that without your knowledge.

Gus: How does that happen?

Eden: How do you know that? They killed a girl with a roomful of cops. So how do you know he can't do that?

Harley: Okay, look calm down. Okay, calm down. We're just asking you these questions because...

Eden: What is that? Is that a ring? Are you...?

Harley: Yes, we're engaged.

Gus: We... I was going to tell you. It's just not appropriate right now.

Eden: Oh, what, you're a little too busy accusing me of murder?

Gus: Let's just focus. Let's just focus on your story. Calmly.

Eden: What story? There is no story, Gus. So why don't you just leave?

Gus: Excuse me?

Eden: What? Am I arrested? Do you have a warrant?

Gus: Look, this is not the way to go, Eden, all right?

Eden: Yeah, then why are you going there, huh? Why don't you just leave?

Harley: Why don't...

Eden: Just leave.

Harley: Okay, okay. Let's leave, okay. We're not going to get anything. She's upset. Let's go.

Marah: Hey.

Tony: What is going on?

Marah: Was that Gus?

Eden: Yeah.

Marah: Eden, what's...

Eden: Don't worry. I'm going to be out of here.

Marah: Wait. We're not worried.

Eden: Well, you should be because there is a murderer in your house.

Marah: All right, this one looks ugly.

Tony: Yeah, count on it.

Marah: You go?

Tony: Yeah.

Alexandra: Lizzie, darling you are very kind to come visit your old aunt. But the truth is, I miss the household gossip. How are things going over there?

Lizzie: It's fine.

Alexandra: Fine?

Lizzie: Oh, don't you start now. Fine. It's just fine.

Alexandra: All right, all right. (Laughs)

Lizzie: I'm sorry, Aunt Alex.

Alexandra: Here you go, darling? Well, who doesn't like it when you're fine?

Lizzie: My mom. The shrink. Because of course I can't be fine. So I’ll just sit there and make-up problems and waste my time.

Alexandra: Oh, well, actually I will find it very difficult to spill my guts to a total stranger, too.

Lizzie: That's because you're smart. You have lots of life experience.

Alexandra: (Laughs) Is that an enduring way of saying again that I'm old? ( Laughs)

Lizzie: I didn't say that. You did. Twice now, actually.

Alexandra: You're right. I did. Well, sounds rotten doesn't it?

Lizzie: But it's not true either.

Alexandra: Well, yes, I like that "life experience" expression much better. You're good, Lizzie.

Lizzie: What?

Alexandra: Well, was that just the warm-up for me to talk to your mother to work on her about this therapy? Hmm. You want to drop it?

Lizzie: Well, even you admitted it was a waste of time. You wouldn't go.

Alexandra: But I'm not your mother. It's not for me to decide. I don't meddle... I don't meddle much. (Laughter) And only when it's absolutely necessary. Really. Oh, come on now. I don't think this therapy could hurt you, even if you don't need it, darling. I mean, well, if it'll make your mother happy, what is it? An hour a week? I mean, why not? Come on, let's see a little smile. Oh, please forget it. Forget it. That's worse. (Laughs) No, darling. Sorry, I pushed.

Lizzie: Oh, no, you don't push, not as much as you meddle.

Alexandra: Oh, you're entirely too smart, young lady. You have to remind your father bring you down to bring your daughter to work day. In a few years you're going to be running the company.

Lizzie: Yeah, unless my new fake brother or sister is.

Alexandra: Fake? What does that mean?

Lizzie: Can I ask you a question?

Alexandra: Of course, darling.

Lizzie: Okay, say you hear something, not because you're sneaking around or anything, but just because you were there. Is it okay to repeat it?

Alexandra: To me? Absolutely.

Lizzie: Olivia's baby. It isn't Dad's. It's Grandpa's child.

Alexandra: Really.

Lizzie: Yet, you know, it's crazy because the baby's going to be in my family no matter what. I just feel bad for Dad, because... I mean I don't know why he's with her. He was obligated before because he thought it was his, but it's not.

Alexandra: All right...

Lizzie: What is he doing?

Alexandra: Listen, darling, I know this is confusing and it's hard, but, you know, things do have a way of working out.

Phillip: Is that how you want this to end? With a lie?

Olivia: I'm not... End? No, we're not... This is... This is our beginning. Don't you get it? What is wrong with you?

Phillip: (Laughs) What is wrong with me is that I trusted you. God knows why, but I did. I push down everything inside of me. They told me I couldn't live with Alan’s baby. But it had to be honest. Couldn't you see that? After everything that happened, it didn't have a chance unless it was honest.

Olivia: I could see that. That's why I got the test done so you would know one way or the other.

Phillip: Oh, no. No, not one way or the other. Only if it turned out a certain way. No, you didn't trust me. You thought that I would back out on you. So you figured you'd get yourself an angle.

Olivia: You know what? I don't even know how to answer you. This is ridiculous. I can't deal with this.

Phillip: No, it's not ridiculous, Olivia. It's a life. It's a child's life. And it's one that you're willing to play with to get what you want.

Olivia: Maybe you'd like to have this conversation with yourself, because you seem to be doing that anyway.

Phillip: You knew how I felt about this. You knew that my entire life was controlled by the fact that I didn't know who my father was growing up, and yet you did it anyway. Why? Go ahead. It's done. You may as well tell me now. Was it the business? Was it so that you could get your fair share of Spaulding Enterprises?

Olivia: Is that what you think I care about?

Phillip: Well, I don't know. It's the one common denominator that I’ve established.

Olivia: Yeah.

Phillip: First, Alan then me.

Olivia: This is a horrible mistake. I don't know why you're so sure, but you are wrong. You are dead wrong. I have told you the truth.

Phillip: Don’t.

Olivia: I don't care if you don't like it. Hell, right now I hate it, but it's the truth. This is your baby, Phillip!

Phillip: I'm going out for a walk. Don't be here when I get back.

Olivia: Don't. Don't leave. Don't leave me. Don’t. (Crying)

Rick: Hey.

Phillip: You don't want to talk to me right now.

Rick: You look like hell.

Phillip: Yeah, and I'm lousy company at the moment.

Rick: So what else is new? So what is it this time? Is Alex, Alan, Lizzie? Who is it? Olivia? That's surprising, because I thought, you know, things went well with Olivia.

Phillip: You know, the really amazing thing is that I was ready to do this. Even though I knew that it was Alan’s baby, I was ready to try to make this work. And not just for the child's sake, but for everybody.

Rick: Okay. So what happened?

Phillip: (Laughs) I don't know, Rick. Maybe it's just history coming back to haunt me. Maybe Olivia looked at Beth and looked at Harley and figured "The only thing I can count on is that he'll protect his own child." Maybe I can't blame her. But I sure as hell can't live with it either.

Tony: Eden, wait. Eden. Stop. Will you just stop? Please?

Eden: Leave me alone.

Tony: All right. Okay, whatever... whatever it is, it's bad, right?

Eden: Look, it is not your problem, okay?

Tony: Yeah, yeah. Okay, okay, okay. So what... What's going on? What?

Eden: Gus thinks I'm the killer.

Tony: Whoa! Okay, yeah, that's bad. Okay. Okay, come on. Just come in here. Will you just relax? Calm down. Wait a second. All right, I’m sorry. Go ahead and sit.

Eden: Hey, you know what? I shouldn't be in here.

Tony: Will you just... Will you just sit down please? Please sit. All right, look, I’m sorry. About Gus.

Eden: Look this isn't your problem, and I don't want you to get in any trouble.

Tony: Well, is it real? Are you sure it's trouble?

Eden: No, it is me. Trouble follows me wherever I go. And now I've brought it into your house. So it's just better if I am alone.

Tony: No, you're not going to be alone.

Eden: Look if I’m alone no one gets hurt, all right?

Tony: No, you do. Listen you're not going to be alone, all right? Marah and me are on your side.

Bill: Eden? Eden?

Marah: Just me.

Bill: Marah, what's going on? Did Gus arrest her?

Marah: She's in the back. Arrest? What do you mean, arrest? What's going on? Were you here?

Bill: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Gus was here, he's asking all these questions. Apparently he found a pin from the last murder with Eden’s stuff, and then it just... It got ugly.

Marah: Yeah. She was really upset.

Bill: Yeah, well, I went to find Ross Marler, but he wasn't there. Look, I've got to go talk to her about this stuff.

Marah: Whoa, whoa. Give it a minute because Tony’s talking to her right now. They'll probably be out soon.

Bill: Oh.

Marah: What?

Bill: Nothing it's just my idea for Eden to come here, and it feels like I haven't been here when she needed it.

Marah: Well, you were here earlier when Gus was here.

Bill: Yeah, but, you know, I wasn't here when the sleaze-bag photographer jumped in her face or when she nearly got hit by that car.

Marah: Yeah, well, with Eden, there's plenty of work to go around. And weren't you just getting her a lawyer?

Bill: Yeah, but it's not...

Marah: But what? What? You have nothing to worry about.

Eden: Gus is convinced I'm hiding something from him. I can tell. He doesn't believe me.

Tony: Come on, that doesn't make any sense. Why would you go and ruin your own business? I mean, he's got to ask questions.

Eden: Yeah, so he said.

Tony: No, he's got to. I mean, they found the pin in your bag, and that's...

Eden: What? So you believe him? What, do you think...?

Tony: Calm down. I believe you. And he will, too.

Eden: Yeah, when? And how?

Tony: When they find out who the killer is.

Eden: Yeah, if they ever do.

Tony: Yeah, yeah. You know? And you know what? From the start, I thought it was Salerno. I mean, I thought this was a business thing. But you're being set up, and that's personal. Real personal. So that makes me wonder, Eden? Is there a reason that this would be personal for Salerno?

Eden: Well, yeah, maybe. A long time ago we, you know, kind of had a thing.

Tony: Yeah. So you did do more than just work for him. Eden, guys like that they really don't take rejection well.

Eden: You know what? I should have... I should have talked to him when he first wanted to.

Tony: Yeah, right. (Laughs) What are you talking about? The guy tried to whack you before you got to your car. I'm sure he was in the mood for a little chitchat.

Eden: No, I know, but I should have forced him to, just to talk to him, to get it out in the open.

Tony: Oh, yeah, yeah. That would have been a real stellar move.

Eden: Stellar?

Tony: Eden. Eden, they would have found your body floating in the lake. You don't go to a guy like that with...

Eden: What?

Tony: You don't go to a guy like Salerno alone. But you should definitely go. With me.

Gus: I've got to get over to Forensics. Take that pin over there as soon as I can. This is kind of fun talking to myself. You haven't said three words to me in, what, an hour?

Harley: There's not much to say.

Gus: Oh, yeah. I'm sure you got plenty to say, you just don't want to say it.

Harley: You want me to make a list?

Gus: Hmm. I'm sure you have a list already when it comes to my father. Maybe you just don't want to pile anything on by accusing my sister of murder.

Harley: You're a good cop. You do the math.

Gus: I want to marry you. Mostly because I love you. But I trust you, so don't be afraid to be honest with me.

Harley: It doesn't look good.

Gus: No, it doesn't. No, it doesn't. And it's not just because of the pin.

Harley: It's because of the way she reacted to it.

Gus: Yes. Now, I’m used to a little bit of attitude but that...

Harley: This was more.

Gus: ...A lot more. A lot more. I just wish we had more viable suspects.

Harley: You've got Ben Reade.

Gus: Yeah, we have Ben Reade. We have Ben Reade, and he's got motive. I mean, why would my sister do something like this?

Harley: To get attention? To get herself out of a bad situation? Right? Hey, she's got this "legitimate" business. Maybe she thinks it takes the heat off of her if they're busy looking for a murderer. I don't know. You know her better than I do.

Gus: No, I used to know her. I don't think I know her anymore.

Harley: It doesn't make sense.

Gus: No, it doesn't. Ben Reade, that's motive, that's clean, that's simple. He cannot stand Eden.

Harley: He hates her enough to kill four people? Three that he never even met?

Gus: I don't know.

Rick: Wow. Look, I mean, is there a chance that the test results could have gotten mixed up, and Olivia thought she was telling the truth?

Phillip: Do you get a lot of false DNA matches? Aren't the odds on that, like, millions to one?

Rick: Good point.

Phillip: No, no, it makes sense. Trust me. It all makes sense. I don't know if it was just fear or whether or not she felt like she needed some kind of an angle, but either way, it doesn't really make any difference. The point is she felt like she couldn't trust the truth.

Rick: Well, maybe that's a hard thing in her life to face, buddy. You know?

Phillip: Yeah, and that's going to change? I don't think so. No, and this is the best, this is the best: She sets me up.

Rick: How?

Phillip: She gets me up to the cabin-- this is a couple days ago-- she looks me right in the face and says to me, "You know, I've got to tell you, I even thought about fixing the test results, but I just couldn't do that to you."

Rick: So you thought she was telling the truth, and you never questioned it.

Phillip: Yeah, of course.

Rick: Oh, my gosh. That's good. That's... Alex would be proud of that one.

Phillip: Yes. Yes! That's exactly it. It's exactly the kind of thing that my family does. The kind of thing I've been living with all my life. It's those kind of lies, those kind of knives in the back, that kind of manipulation. Hell, I ought to be used to it by now. I just... I can’t. I can't live that way.

Rick: You know what? You need an honest girl.

Phillip: Yes.

Rick: You need an honest girl. I wish I could have been a fly on the wall to listen to that whole conversation. Olivia probably started off something like, you know, doing that little shoulder thing, like, "It's your baby, Phillip." You probably said, "No. It's not. Uh-uh. You're wrong. It's Alan’s." She probably just said something like, "How do you know, Phillip? How do you know?" And you go, "How do I know? I'll tell you how I know. I ran a paternity test behind your back, that's how I know. Yeah, how do you like those apples?" Did you tell her anything about the paternity test?

Phillip: This is good. I'm going to sit here for an hour and justify this to you while you poke holes in it.

Rick: Well, I’m just...

Phillip: No, thanks. I'm tired.

Rick: Will you just...

Phillip: Let me tell you something, I got that test done because I wanted to know the truth. Olivia wanted anything but the truth. There's just a tiny bit of difference there.

Rick: But you hate losing. Right?

Phillip: What are we talking about here?

Rick: You hate losing. I'm just standing here trying to be an observer to help you out.

Phillip: Yeah, that's... You're good that that. I hate it when you do this.

Rick: You know what? It's a burden to be your psychiatrist. You think I like it? Let's go into Company and get a cup of coffee. I'll pay.

Phillip: I don't think I can take any more of your invitations sober.

Rick: Well, then let's just go to Towers and pound a few cocktails. I'm always funnier when you're tanked.

Phillip: No, actually you're not. I just humor you.

Rick: Oh, thanks.

Phillip: Thanks anyway. I am in a really bad mood.

Rick: Really?

Phillip: And I know what I said before. I just want to go home. I want to go home, I want to get back to my place by myself. I'll see you.

Olivia: Is my suite ready?

Clerk: They started to prepare the minute you called, Ms. Spencer. It should be ready soon. Any luggage?

Olivia: Just this for now. I'll need somebody to pick up the rest of my things tomorrow. Could you get a fire under housekeeping? I want to get into my room now.

Lizzie: This could be good.

Alexandra: Yes, it could. There could be trouble in paradise. Well, you sit tight. Olivia, if you need a place to rest, you can take my suite.

Olivia: Yes, I could. Anytime. Don't forget that.

Alexandra: Good heavens, what brought this on? I see you've come in here with a bag, you look absolutely wrung-out, I offer help. Is it the pipes?

Olivia: What?

Alexandra: I mean, the pipes in that old loft. I know Phillip loves that place, but I always expect those pipes to burst at any minute. How long will you be staying here?

Olivia: Just go away, Alex. Now.

Alexandra: Where is Phillip?

Olivia: Leave me alone.

Clerk: Ma'am, I spoke to housekeeping.

Olivia: Right, good. Look, if she even attempts to phone me, I want her out of here. I want her evicted.

Clerk: Ms. Spaulding, you want to evict...

Olivia: It's my hotel. I'll throw her out if I want to. It is so tempting. Relax, Junior, I’m not going to make you do it. Just keep her away from me. Tell the elevator man not to let her off on my floor if she tries to visit me. I don't want to see her face or hear her voice. That is the only good thing that has happened today.

Lizzie: So? Is it true?

Alexandra: Well, it looks like Olivia’s moving in here alone. What did I tell you? All good things come to those who wait.

Lizzie: Yes, waiting is good. Sometimes things need to be pushed a little.

Tony: All right, so what we're going to do is, we're going to play on the picture of us both in that rag. We're going to play it like a couple, right? And if he's got a problem with that, then he's got a problem with me. And if this is a territory thing then he's got a lot more coming to him, all right?

Eden: No, Tony, you are not in that world anymore.

Tony: I mean, what if he doesn't believe that. I mean, hell, look at the paper. Probably everybody in this town still thinks I’m in the mafia.

Eden: Yeah, I know, and that's my fault. So I don't want to cause any more of this...

Tony: No, listen, listen. Eden, I still have a reputation in certain circles. Okay? And if that helps you out with this guy, gets him off your back, then...

Eden: Look... No, Tony. Look, Salerno is too dangerous.

Tony: You think that I'm scared of Salerno? That greasy...

Eden: No, I know, and that's why it's not worth it. I don't want you to get hurt because of me.

Tony: Listen, Eden, we're going to go to a meeting with the guy. Nothing's going to happen.

Eden: No. No, please. If... I don't want you to. If anything happened to you, I would feel horrible.

Tony: Okay. All right. We'll think of something else. But you're not going to be alone, okay? You're not alone.

Marah: It's a stupid piece of trash. Nobody believes that stuff.

Bill: Yeah. Marah, why is Tony the one up there right now?

Marah: I sent him. Yeah.

Bill: What?

Marah: Eden was really upset and she was doing her whole defensive thing, so I figured it could be really bad news or something she'd done.

Bill: Wait a minute. Do you think she killed these people? Is that what you...?

Marah: No! No, no. I didn't even know what it was about. Look, we all know that Eden has done some shady stuff in the past that she's not very proud of, and when she talks to people like you or me, she sort of gets embarrassed about it. But with Tony, it's easier for her to open up, you know?

Bill: And that doesn't bother you?

Marah: No. No. I have nothing to worry about. And neither do you.

Gus: I don't know. I don't know. Maybe Ben Reade just snapped or something.

Harley: Well, there is that timeline problem with Ben, though.

Gus: What timeline?

Harley: Well, you know, the one where when at least two murders occurred, he didn't have any trouble with Eden yet.

Gus: Yes. I know, I know, I know.

Harley: We can't just accuse Ben of murder because we don't want it to be Eden.

Gus: I know.

Harley: Okay. Okay. I'm going to get something to drink.

Alexandra: Well, Lizzie darling, do you want me to have the car take you home?

Lizzie: No, actually I'm meeting up with Tammy, and we have prom things to talk about.

Alexandra: Oh, you're going?

Lizzie: Yeah, actually. It's junior and senior and she doesn't have anyone to go with, and, you know, I couldn't decide. So we're going to go together.

Alexandra: Well, sounds like fun, huh? Going to play the field.

Lizzie: Maybe.

Alexandra: (Laughs)

Lizzie: But I’ll call you as soon as I talk to Dad.

Alexandra: Darling, don't talk...

Lizzie: Don't what?

Alexandra: Look, I can see that you're very excited about this, but-- and I can completely understand-- but I don't think your father's going to feel quite the same way as you do about this Olivia thing. So I would give him some time to adjust.

Lizzie: You're right. (Laughs)

Alexandra: All right. Bye, sweetheart.

Lizzie: Bye, Aunt Alex. Ben. Hi.

Ben: You're happy to see me?

Lizzie: Sure.

Ben: That's a first for the day. Probably for the week.

Lizzie: Don't be so negative.

Ben: Oh, you're right, Lizzie. God, I don't know why I didn't think about that before. The whole town thinks I'm killing people right and left, but I'm sure I can overcome that with a little positive thinking.

Lizzie: Not everyone thinks wrong of you. I don’t.

Ben: Well, here's to the one.

Lizzie: Well, Marina doesn't, either.

Ben: Marina hates me.

Lizzie: She's my friend. I know how she feels, no matter what she says.

Ben: I doubt that, Lizzie, very much.

Lizzie: So you're just going to give up when you don't know the answer? You know what? You should show up at prom and...

Ben: Oh, prom. The high school prom. To watch Marina and Shayne exchange corsages? No. No, thank you.

Lizzie: She's only going with Shayne because she can't go with you.

Ben: Well, there's a reason for that, Lizzie. I broke her heart.

Lizzie: Well, fix it, okay? I'll distract Shayne for a few minutes. And what do you have to lose?

Ben: The little dignity that I have left?

Lizzie: Does that keep you warm at night? Stranger things have happened. Even now, it could happen. It could work out.

Ben: I can't get shot down by Marina. Not again.

Lizzie: So you're just going to give up without a fight.

Ben: Yeah. Yeah, actually, that's exactly what I’m going to do. Excuse me.

Next on "Guiding Light" --

Olivia: You really believe that this baby was yours.

Alan: Is this you and Phillip’s way of torturing me more, breaking my heart once again?


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