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Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 6/24/03
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Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Edmund: Cassie... I fell asleep.
Cassie: Apparently.
Edmund: I didn't mean to spend the night here last night. Nothing happened between us.
Cassie: I think I would have known if it did.
Edmund: Are you feeling okay?
Cassie: (Coughing) Yeah, I'm fine. Fine.
Edmund: Oh, Cassie, you're still burning up.
Cassie: I'm just hot from being under covers. I'm fine.
Edmund: Cassie...
Cassie: I have a busy day. I have so much to much to do today. I've got to... Oh.
Edmund: Cassie!
Beth: Good morning. Nettie said you skipped breakfast.
Lizzie: I did.
Beth: Oh, then you must be hungry.
Lizzie: No, actually I'm not hungry. Thanks.
Beth: Lizzie, is everything okay?
Lizzie: Sure. Why wouldn't it be, Mom?
Beth: I almost forgot to ask: How was Shayne’s party the other night?
Lizzie: It was actually Marina's party. Shayne just threw it for her.
Beth: Oh. So did you have a good time?
Lizzie: Mm-hmm.
Beth: Who was there?
Lizzie: A lot of people.
Beth: So how was the music...
Lizzie: Mom, I'm trying to read here. God.
Beth: Yes, I'd like to be connected to the headmistress's office. Hello, my name is Beth Raines-- Lizzie’s Spaulding mother. I have some questions about the fire at your school.
Gus: All right.
Alan: Well, good morning, son.
Gus: Good morning.
Alan: By the way, congratulations.
Gus: Well, thank you. I wanted to tell you how much it meant to me that you stopped by last night. I'm sorry you had to leave so soon and everything.
Alan: Well, I don't think Harley would have appreciated me being around for the special occasion. Who knows? It may have had a negative effect on the answer.
Gus: Well, you're probably right. Listen, I can't stay very long. I got to get down to the station.
Alan: Station? Whoa, whoa, whoa. I just ordered us breakfast.
Gus: No, it's cool. I'm all right. I got my breakfast to go right here.
Alan: Coffee?
Gus: Yeah.
Alan: It's the most important meal of the day. Besides, it's a very special breakfast.
Gus: Why is that?
Alan: Well, it's your first breakfast as an engaged man. Now, aren't you going to let your father treat you to some congratulatory ham and eggs?
Gus: What is going on here?
Alan: The truth?
Gus: Yeah, the truth.
Alan: Well, I’ve invited your mother to join us. I think it's time that we all got to know each other a little better.
Gus: Oh, hell no.
Eden: Oh, no.
Tony: What? Let me see that.
Eden: Did you see this?
Tony: Page seven? "Springfield Madam Eden August is laying low with Tony Santos while the body count rises in the Garden of Eden murder case. Santos, a former mobster, responded to our questions with his fists. We at the 'Springfield Mirror' will continue to search for the truth. Eden August is one hooker who is not yet off the hook." What is this garbage? This is such garbage. Look at this: "Alien baby found inside Springfield supermarket." Come on.
Eden: This is my fault.
Tony: Look, just forget that. (Knock at the door) Hey.
Danny: Hey.
Eden: I'm sorry, Danny.
Danny: Could you leave us alone, please?
Tony: You don't have to be like that, all right?
Danny: What? Why are you treating her like she's some innocent, helpless little girl? I warned you to stay away from her.
Tony: She's in trouble.
Danny: Really, Tony? You know what? If we continue to get publicity like this, then so are we, and we can kiss the Fifth Street project good-bye. It says in here that you hit the photographer.
Tony: Yeah, the photographer. Yeah, he was way out of line.
Danny: And so were you, when you hit him.
Tony: You know, you didn't seem to mind it so much when we roughed up those drug dealers, Danny.
Danny: What?
Tony: Yeah.
Danny: That was different.
Tony: No, no, no. You told me that was about helping people. Well, that's what I'm doing. I'm helping Eden.
Danny: Tony...
Tony: What? What's gotten into you? Since when is keeping our name clean more important than doing the right thing?
Danny: Tony, there are some causes worth defending, and Eden August is not one of them.
Tony: You know what? I am not going to get into this with you again. I'm not. You know that Eden has done a lot for Marah.
Danny: Oh, right, yeah. I'm still having a little trouble believing that she did that out of the goodness of her heart. That's beside the point. You should know by now, Tony, that you don't go around responding to every situation with your fists. Look, this Garden of Eden mess is not our problem. The cops are dealing with it. She's got a cop for a brother. Let him protect her.
Tony: Look, I can't. I can't just kick her out into the street.
Danny: Yes, you can. All right. All right, fine, you let her live here, if that is so important to you. But this? Don't let it happen again.
Alan: Please hear me out.
Gus: No. You... you cannot just throw me and you and Lucia all together like a little family. It doesn't work that way, okay?
Alan: I know that. I'm not suggesting that. Please, son. Please. In no way do I think that we could ever take the place of your adoptive parents.
Gus: Well, good, because they... they were my parents, and I can’t...
Alan: I understand this. Families take time to build relationships. Now, we have had a couple of months to build our relationship to where it is now. Now, don't you think that Regina deserves at least a chance?
Gus: First of all, her name is Lucia, and she's the one that bailed, okay, a long time ago. She ran away. What is she doing in Springfield anyway still?
Alan: She's hoping to work things out with you.
Gus: Yeah, well, you know... No offense to her, to Lucia, but I can only deal with one real new parent at a time, you know. So she... I don't hate her or anything like that. I just... I don't know exactly where we left everything off. But I don't really... I can't deal with it right now.
Alan: So not dealing is your solution, is that what you're saying?
Gus: No, don't do that either to me. Don't do the reverse-psychology, up-the-middle trick. I know that. (Phone ringing) Hello, it's Aitoro.
Danny: It's Danny Santos. I need to see you. It's about your sister.
Gus: I can't meet you or do that. I got to be at the station, like, ten minutes ago.
Danny: I'm heading over to the Beacon. Can you meet me at Olivia’s bar?
Gus: What did I just say?
Danny: It's important.
Gus: All right, but it's going to be quick. Alan, I got to go.
Alan: Information on the case?
Gus: Look, I thank you for trying to put the family breakfast thing together, you know. And... I don't know. Maybe we'll do it another time.
Alan: Look, why don't you stop here after the meeting, on your way back to the station?
Gus: You are a stubborn...
Alan: Spaulding. And I wouldn't have it any other way.
Gus: You're a piece of work. I'll think about it.
Alan: Good.
Lucia: Thanks for trying anyway. I told you so.
Alan: You're not out of the game yet. Gus left because of work.
Lucia: Oh, Alan, you know he left because of me: The nice lady down the block who disappeared on him one day.
Alan: No, the mother who gave him up for all the right reasons.
Lucia: I appreciate that. But I don't think Gus will ever understand that. I don't think he ever will. I should go. I've got packing to do.
Alan: Wait, wait, wait. You're not leaving, are you?
Lucia: It's what I do best.
Edmund: You know, I didn't intend to stay the night, but I have to say, I learned quite a bit. I did. For one, you are a shameless bed hog.
Cassie: I am not.
Edmund: Shh, shh. No talking. And for another thing, you really are very beautiful when you're asleep, even when you're sick. And you are very sick. You have a temperature of 103.1.
Cassie: Oh, no way. I can't be sick. I have so much to do today.
Edmund: No, you're sick. If you can't do it from this bed, cancel it.
Cassie: I can't cancel it, you know. Will has a playgroup, R.J. has to go to day camp, and I promised Tammy that I would take her shopping for a prom dress.
Edmund: Cassie, it all can wait. It can wait. Take the day off.
Cassie: Moms don't get the day off.
Edmund: Listen, Cassie... (Knock at the door) stay right there. And you stay. Well, hello, you two. I thought you had a sleepover.
Tammy: I did. I just got back with the boys. You're a mess, Uncle Edmund.
Edmund: Well, your mother wasn't feeling well, so I stayed here last... Well, I didn't mean to stay last night.
Tammy: Please, I don't want to know. Mom, you're sick?
Cassie: (Coughing) I am fine.
Tammy: You are so not fine. Uncle Edmund, what did you to her?
Edmund: I didn't do anything to her.
Cassie: Hey. He took care of me, okay?
Edmund: And now I’m going to take care of you.
Tammy: What?
Edmund: You're going to take the day off, and so I'll look after you today.
Tammy: Oh, you don't have to. We'll get by.
Edmund: No, really. Your mother told me you have a very full day ahead of you, and so I’m just going to give you a hand.
Cassie: Edmund, are you sure?
Edmund: Positive. I've got it all covered.
Beth: Yes, well, thank you for your concern. Good-bye. Lizzie, we need to talk.
Lizzie: I was just going to finish this magazine on the patio, but maybe later?
Beth: No, no, not later. Now. I just got off the phone with the headmistress from Allston. Is there anything you'd like to tell me?
Lizzie: Well, if you were still on the phone with her, I guess I would tell you to tell her I said hi.
Beth: It seems that she's called here several times over the last few weeks and left messages for your father and for me.
Lizzie: That's weird.
Beth: No, what's weird is that I haven't gotten any of those messages.
Lizzie: Look, Mom, if you're accusing me of...
Beth: I'm not accusing anyone. I just want to know if you took those messages. Did you?
Lizzie: You know, it's amazing. Some stranger can call up talking about me and you're going to take their word over your own daughter.
Beth: I called her. Now stop stalling and just answer the question.
Lizzie: I'm sorry, Mom. I'm so sorry. Please don't hate me.
Beth: It's okay. Everything is going to be okay. Everything is going to be fine.
Edmund: All right, there you go, R.J..
R.J.: Crusts?
Tammy: He wants to know if you took the crust off his sandwich like Mom does.
Edmund: Oh, I didn't know that.
Tammy: Well, just rip them off later, okay, R.J.?
Edmund: Right. Just rip them off later. Very, very good. Thank you very much, Tammy. R.J., there's your bus. So come on, it's off to day camp. Have a very good day at camp.
Tammy: Have fun.
Edmund: And I will see you later, okay, buddy? See you.
Tammy: Bye.
Edmund: Have fun. Bye-bye. Very good. Now let's see. Will? Good. You're all strapped in, and it is off to the play party.
Tammy: Playgroup.
Edmund: Right. It's off to the playgroup. Oh, and I'll be back to take you shopping, okay? See you.
Tammy: Oh, that's okay, Uncle Edmund. Shopping for prom dresses probably isn't your thing.
Edmund: You know, Tammy, perhaps you don't know this, but my impeccable eye for fashion is celebrated-- that, and I promised your mother.
Tammy: Okay. You want me to take Will to playgroup?
Edmund: No. No, it's all right, I've got it. Well, if you insist.
Tammy: Catch you later, Uncle Edmund.
Edmund: Great. And while you're gone, I’ll take care of that whole prom dress thing; just give me a chance.
Tammy: Just give me your credit card.
Edmund: Ah! (Laughs) See you. I think I can do better than that.
Beth: Why did you hide those messages?
Lizzie: Because, Mom, I'm over that school. I already told you, I'm all about the now.
Beth: No. No. That answer won't cut it anymore.
Lizzie: Please, Mom, I just want to start fresh. I'm going to keep going to therapy, and I’m trying to get better.
Beth: Better? Better than what? Fine? That's your answer to everything these days. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me. I'm cool with everything." Well, something is obviously going on with you, and I need to know what it is.
Lizzie: I don't know what you mean.
Beth: Then let me make it clear to you. You're setting fires and destroying messages.
Lizzie: I... I told you, I had nothing to do with that fire.
Beth: Yes, well, the headmistress at your school seems to think that you did. You're lucky she's more concerned than she is angry, and she's not going to pursue the issue.
Lizzie: Of course she's not. She doesn't have any proof. I told you, Karen and Veronica set the fire. They didn’t... I wouldn't smoke with them, so they just pinned the whole thing on me. Mom, all those girls at Allston have it in for me.
Beth: So you didn't call anyone? You didn't ask for help? Instead you... you run away in the middle of the night and you hitchhike home? That doesn't add up.
Lizzie: I was scared. I just panicked.
Beth: You know better than to do something that crazy.
Lizzie: Oh, now I’m crazy.
Beth: I didn't say that.
Lizzie: No, Mom, I get it. Your crazy daughter comes home from boarding school and you don't know what to do. Am I cramping your style or something? It's like you and Dad can't wait to just ship me off.
Beth: Lizzie, stop it. Now, something is bothering you. And whatever it is, we'll deal with it, but you have to talk to me. Tell me what's wrong.
Lizzie: I'm fine.
Beth: Yes. Yes, you're fine. You're... Lizzie, I can tell that you're hurting.
Lizzie: No, I’m not. You treat me like I'm some charity case. I'm not hurting. I'm not someone you should feel bad for. I'm not weak like...
Beth: Like? Me?
Gus: I see this joint is really jumping.
Danny: Yeah, I wanted some privacy.
Gus: Mm-hmm.
Danny: Check out the "Springfield Mirror" this morning?
Gus: No, I don't read the "Springfield Mirror." I thought we were going to talk about my sister. What's going on? "Madams and Mobsters." That's really nice. When did this happen?
Danny: Mm-hmm. Yesterday. Yeah. Up until now, we've been able to keep Eden’s location pretty quiet. Now everybody in town can track her right back to Tony and the museum.
Gus: Yeah, so, your point?
Danny: So everybody living in the museum is in danger. I mean, it's obvious that Eden is at the center of these murders. She's a walking target.
Gus: I don't really think that's true. And if the killer wanted to take her out, he would have done it by now.
Danny: You sure about that? We need to get Eden out of the museum.
Gus: Danny, I...
Danny: What is it? You said that you were going to look into her past and figure out why the killer was targeting the Garden of Eden. You haven't even asked her about Vinnie Salerno, have you?
Gus: I don't need to ask her about Vinnie Salerno. I know all about Vinnie Salerno. She used to work with the guy. She doesn't work for the guy anymore. She's over it.
Danny: So she says. Look, Aitoro, I know she's your sister, and believe me, I know the kind of hold families can have on you. But you're overlooking Eden’s part in this.
Gus: I'm not overlooking anything, and especially my sister. Okay, maybe this isn't just about your friends at the Fifth Street museum.
Danny: What else would it be about?
Gus: I don't know, Danny. Maybe it's got something to do with your new squeaky-clean family name being dragged through the mud. And I know you don't like that one single little bit.
Danny: Right now, my main concern is those people living in the museum. Now, my cousin and his friends are doing Eden a huge favor, letting her live there.
Gus: Yeah, I know that.
Danny: So I don't want any of them getting caught in the crossfire if this killer decides to come after Eden. So somebody has got to convince her to get out. You really want it to be me?
Gus: (Sighs) I'll see what I can do.
Alan: Leaving your son is no way to develop a relationship with him.
Lucia: Alan, I abandoned my little boy, and when I came back into his life, I lied to him about who his father really was. I don’t... I don't know how he could ever trust me again.
Alan: I don't blame you for all of this, Regina. I blame my sister. She's the one that set this whole situation up.
Lucia: Thank you.
Alan: But it's not too late to reach out to Gus. I mean, not only for your sake, but his, too. What?
Lucia: This is the Alan that I remember. I thought he was gone forever.
Alan: I just want to give Gus something he's missing: A family. Not that we could ever be like his adoptive parents, Joe and Angela, but maybe we could be parents that are his friends.
Lucia: Yeah.
Alan: Now, he's going to be returning here in just a few minutes. You can talk with him, or you can get on a bus and go back to the convent. Now, that is up to you.
Edmund: Wow, what do you think?
Tammy: Uncle Edmund, what have you done?
Edmund: Thank you very much.
Shopper: You're quite welcome, Mr. Winslow.
Edmund: Well, I had the Beacon's private shopper round up a few selections from the best shops in Springfield. Take a look. Ah, a wise choice. You'll be the belle of the ball.
Tammy: Or the pariah of the prom. Pouffy's out this year.
Edmund: Well, that's why there's a selection. How about this one? Stunning.
Tammy: How about this?
Edmund: Well, that top's a little nonexistent. I thought maybe you could use a little accessory.
Tammy: This is perfect.
Edmund: It is?
Tammy: Yeah. I'm going to go try it on. Thank you, Uncle Edmund.
Edmund: Cassie's going go kill me.
(Knock at the door)
Eden: Who is it?
Gus: Me.
Eden: Hey.
Gus: Hey. How are you?
Eden: Good. What's going on?
Gus: I'm going to ask you something, okay, and you're going to be perfectly straight with me, and there's not going to be any games.
Eden: Okay.
Gus: Okay.
Eden: What is it?
Gus: Good. I want you to tell me all about you and Vinnie Salerno.
Eden: But there's nothing to tell. I mean, I used to work for him, but you knew that.
Gus: Right. So now maybe Vinnie was disappointed that you left him and he didn't want you to make it out on your own and do business.
Eden: No, no. No, Vinnie's not like that.
Gus: Oh, Vinnie’s not like that?
Eden: Why are you saying it like that?
Gus: Well, because Vinnie's a mobster, and you don't seem to think he's connected to any of the murders, right?
Eden: No, he's not. Forget about him.
Gus: Hmm.
Eden: What?
Gus: Did you and Vinnie... I mean, you know, when you spent time together, just did you and... Did you...
Eden: What?
Gus: Don't make me say it out loud. You're my sister. It makes me kind of... Eww. Just... Did you? Did you?
Eden: Okay, yes. We did. But it was for like two seconds, and it was a long, long time ago.
Gus: Oh, Eden, Eden, Eden. Oh, my... Is there anything else I should know?
Eden: Like?
Gus: Like, did you hear anything, was there anything ever said? Was there something ever off? Anything at all that would help me with this case?
Eden: You know, actually I got some mail when I first opened up Garden of Eden.
Gus: You got some what? Some mail? Where's the mail? What kind of mail?
Eden: They were letters. They were like saying that I single-handedly was responsible for the moral downfall of the people of Springfield. And I just... I really didn't think of it. I just thought it was, you know, just your normal freak stuff.
Gus: All right. Where's the mail?
Eden: I'll go look for it.
Gus: All right. Great. Now we're getting somewhere.
Eden: Nicky, put that down. Put that down.
Gus: What?
Eden: Give that to me.
Gus: What is the problem? What, do you got the secrets to the universe in that book?
Eden: No.
Gus: Show me that book.
Eden: No, it’s... They are Marah's designs, and if I showed them to you before she was done, she would kill me.
Gus: Okay. Whatever. Fine. Tell me about the letters. You got the letters?
Eden: You know what? I think I left them at my apartment.
Gus: All right. Well, we'll check them out when you bring all your stuff back home.
Eden: What do you mean?
Gus: Well, that's the other reason I came over here, okay? I think you should move back to your own house. I think it would be safer. I could protect you better if you were in your own house. This place is big, honey. There's too many variables, you know?
Eden: Well, I don't want to go back to my apartment. I'm... I'm scared to be there alone.
Gus: Okay, well, you don't have to be scared. I'll put a uniformed cop by your house.
Eden: Well, why can't you put a uniformed cop here?
Gus: Because, honey, this is not your place.
Eden: Yeah, but the people here won't care. You read the paper, didn't you?
Gus: Well, this wasn't very nice. And the problem is Danny Santos read the paper, and he showed it to me, and he's worried about everybody that lives here, and the guy's got a point.
Eden: Oh, yeah, I understand Danny’s point. He doesn't want me around Tony.
Gus: Honey, you're putting all... Forget Tony. You've got all the other roommates. There at risk if you're here. You've got to go home.
Eden: These people are my friends, Nicky. You can't make me give that up.
Gus: I'm not going to make you give up your friends, okay? Do you really want it on your head, though, if anything were to happen to them? I mean, honestly. They are your friends. If they're your friends, they can visit you at your house, or you can come over here once in a while. But look: Just let me catch the person that's committing these crimes, okay? And then... You're going home. That's just the way it's going to be, okay? Till further notice.
Cassie: I really am feeling better.
Edmund: I'm glad to hear it. But you're not getting out of that bed till tomorrow morning, and no arguments.
Cassie: So how has everything been going today?
Edmund: You say that as if you fully expect some disaster to have taken place. Cassie, I told you, everything is covered.
Cassie: I know what you told me.
Edmund: R.J. is going to be met at the bus after I pick up Will from playgroup.
Cassie: I forgot to tell you, R.J....
Edmund: R.J. likes the crusts cut off of his sandwich. Now, I didn't do that because I didn't know it, but Tammy told him he could rip off the crusts later on. So I’m telling you, everything, it's all good.
Cassie: It's all good?
Edmund: It's all good.
Cassie: It's all good. You've been hanging around my kids. (Laughter) Thank you. Thank you. This means a lot to me. I'm impressed. Not one screw-up. It's amazing. (Knock at the door)
Edmund: Okay, Cassie, before you say anything to her...
Cassie: You look amazing.
Edmund: You like it?
Cassie: Yes.
Tammy: What? Don't you like it?
Edmund: No, Tammy, you really look incredible. It's just I thought we could show your mother a few...
Cassie: No, no, no. You look so cool. I love this.
Tammy: Thanks, Mom.
Edmund: No, sick mother alert. Do you want you and that cool dress to be at the prom?
Tammy: Thank you.
Lizzie: Look, Mom, I'm not trying to say that you're weak. It's just... I'm...
Beth: Fine?
Lizzie: Yeah.
Beth: Honey, it doesn't matter how fine you are. Even the best of us hit a rough patch once in a while. And sometimes I think your young life has been one long rough patch. You were forced to being... Into being the grownup when you were still on a bike with training wheels. But I'm in a better place now. And you know that grownup gig? I want it back. You don't have to protect me anymore. In fact, you can count on me to protect you. I will be there for you whenever you need me for whatever reason.
Lizzie: Do you even listen to me when I talk to you? Nothing is wrong. That's it.
Beth: Lizzie, Lizzie, I want you to...
Alan: Well...
Lizzie: Grandpa, hey.
Alan: Sweetheart. (Laughs) Where are you off to in such a rush?
Lizzie: I'm just meeting up with some friends, that's all.
Beth: Lizzie, we need to talk.
Lizzie: I... I really got to go, Mom. I love you.
Alan: Good night.
Tony: Well, the sidewalks look really good.
Danny: Yeah. We might want to think about repaving the whole block.
Tony: Well, yeah, let's think about that after we eat. Hey, Eden, do you know if there's cold cuts in the fridge?
Eden: I don't know.
Tony: All right, well, you know what? Let's just go out. And what are you doing?
Eden: I'm packing. I'm going to move back into my apartment.
Tony: Why?
Eden: Because Gus thinks it's a good idea.
Tony: No, that's actually a terrible idea. They still haven't caught the killer. What's with your brother? No, can't do that.
Eden: I don't know. Why don't you ask your cousin?
Tony: You had something to do with this?
Danny: Aitoro and I had a little talk earlier.
Eden: It's okay, Tony, I understand Danny’s concerns. It's, you know, selfish for me to stay here and put you guys in danger. I mean, I'll miss you guys, but I could be the next target.
Tony: Well, you know if you ever need anything from me and Marah, you can count on us.
Eden: All right. Well, be careful what you say, because I may hold you to it.
Tony: (Laughs)
Danny: You need a lift, Eden?
Eden: No, that's okay. Gus is going to come by and pick me up later.
Tony: Well, great. That means that you can come and get a sandwich with us.
Eden: After I finish packing.
Tony: All right.
Lucia: Hi. You came back.
Gus: Mm.
Lucia: Alan said you might. Look, I felt we were making some progress before I stupidly lied to you about Miguel Santos being your father.
Gus: Yeah, we made a little bit of progress.
Lucia: All right, I know I'm asking a lot here, but I was wondering if we could just move past the lie just for now, and maybe talk for a few minutes? Oh, boy. Why is it so hard? When you were a little boy, it was so easy just to ask, "Hey, how was your day today?"
Gus: Yeah, I remember that. You used to make me feel important, like what I said mattered.
Lucia: You bet it mattered. So, how was your day today?
Gus: It was busy. Stressed. I'm tired. But last night was pretty special.
Lucia: Why? What happened?
Gus: Well, you are looking at an officially engaged guy.
Lucia: (Gasps) Nicolas. That's wonderful. Congratulations. I want to hear everything. Everything. Sorry. That is, only if you want to tell me.
Gus: Well, Harley really didn't even see it coming.
Alan: Are you all right, Beth? You seem to be out of sorts.
Beth: Oh, Alan, it's Lizzie. I'm worried about her.
Alan: Why? She seemed to be fine just now.
Beth: Yes, exactly. She seemed fine, but rewind a few minutes and she was in such a rush to get out of the room, she almost knocked me down. She shoved me-- hard, Alan.
Alan: Really? I think you may be reacting too sensitively. She's a teenager. She doesn't realize her strength. Look, this a classic case of teenage rebellion. She's just like her father. There's nothing to worry about.
Beth: Yes, well, the headmistress at Allston seems to think otherwise.
Alan: Well, the smartest thing she could ever do was run away from that place.
Beth: She ran away because of the fire, which the administration still thinks she set.
Alan: I will never believe that.
Beth: Well, I don't want to believe it either, Alan, but that school has been trying to get in touch with us for weeks, and Lizzie has been destroying the messages.
Alan: It's because she's embarrassed. She wants to put it behind her. Just give me the number of that headmistress, and I'll take care of the situation for you.
Beth: There is nothing to take care of, except Lizzie. And I don't know what to do with her.
Alan: Nothing. And stop trying to find trouble. And also stop waiting for the next shoe to drop.
Beth: Yes, well, around here, it usually does drop, with a giant thud.
Next on "Guiding Light" --
No, what am I talking about? That's not an engagement ring, because someone would have told me about that.
Harley: Blake, I think I found something.
Dr. Sedwick: I have the results of the paternity test.
Olivia: Who's the father?
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