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Guiding Light Transcript Monday 6/23/03
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Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Jeffrey: Just give me... Give me...
Cassie: Give me the towel! Look, I fell asleep and my bathtub overflowed, and I woke up to him pounding on my door waking me up.
Jeffrey: Yeah. I usually wait till the morning to take my showers, but she didn't give me much choice.
Edmund: You must have been exhausted.
Cassie: Yeah. Yes. And everything is a mess. And his room is trashed, and it's going to cost me a thousand dollars in sheet rocking.
Jeffrey: Oh, you think?
Cassie: Hi, it's me. Look, my bathtub overflowed. There is a waterfall in Mr. O誰eill痴 room. Can you please send Pete or Mike up here to check everything out? Great. Thank you. They're working on it.
Jeffrey: Well, how long are they going to be working on it?
Cassie: I don't know, Mr. O誰eill. We don't know how much damage has been done, okay?
Jeffrey: And what am I supposed to do in the meantime?
Edmund: Why don't you go down to the lobby, Mr. O誰eill, and have a drink on me?
Jeffrey: Put your money away, Mr. Ambassador. I can't work with people coming in and out.
Cassie: Fine. But I will move you to another room.
Jeffrey: Oh, that's just great. That's just great.
Cassie: Good morning, it's Cassie.
Jeffrey: I'm inconvenienced because you can't figure out how to turn your own bath water off. Wonderful, Mrs. Winslow. Another evening completely ruined because of you. I changed my mind about that drink.
Harley: It's so shiny.
Gus: Let me see that thing.
Harley: (Squeaks)
Gus: It's nice. It's perfect. Does it fit you?
Harley: It's just perfect. It's great.
Gus: You've got to keep it clean, okay?
Harley: (Laughs)
Gus: Do you remember once I said to you that I would... I'd always check in with you and ask you if you were happy?
Harley: Mm-hmm.
Gus: Are you happy?
Harley: I guess. (Laughing)
Gus: What?
Harley: I'm sorry.
Gus: I asked you to marry me, and you say, "You guess"?
Harley: (Laughs)
Gus: Are you kidding me? You're joking me, right?
Harley: All right, how about this? I love you. I love you. I have never been happier. I love you. I've never been more in love with anyone in my whole life. How's that?
Gus: Is that right? That's a little better.
Harley: I have to say this, though. I just... I think that my cop instincts have really gotten a little more rusty than I thought, because I just... I didn't see this coming at all.
Gus: Right. Well, that's because we've been very preoccupied with things that are so less important than us. And we have to kind of get back to you and me, you know.
Harley: Me and you.
Gus: Absolutely.
Harley: You and me.
Gus: Mm-hmm.
Harley: Growing old together.
Gus: That's right. I'll love you still.
Harley: Yeah? (Knocking at the door)
Gus: Go away. Don't get that... Don't get... Don't get that. They'll go away.
Harley: Maybe I should get that.
Gus: They'll go away, trust me.
Harley: It's just I think I know who it is.
Gus: (Groans)
Harley: Let me see if I can get rid of her.
Gus: Excuse me. "Her"?
Harley: Her.
Gus: Who's "her"?
Blake: Congratulations, you guys. Let me see the ring. Let me see! (Screams) (laughter)
Michelle: Hey, we have some live music tonight.
Danny: Goodie.
Michelle: That's one good thing about us not getting married again.
Danny: Why?
Michelle: Well, we won't become so lax about our date night.
Danny: Oh, come on, Michelle, we've been really good about keeping the romance alive.
Michelle: I suppose. I suppose.
Danny: Yeah.
Michelle: But you know the curse of the old married couple.
Danny: I do.
Michelle: They start taking each other for granted, things get a little stale. See, now we don't have no excuses.
Danny: Hey, that works both ways, you know.
Michelle: I know. But you know we don't have to worry about that, because we skipped the married part and things will stay fresh.
Danny: Free from the curse.
Michelle: Yes, and uncomplicated. Besides, you know, if we're happy, that's all that matters, right?
Danny: Right. Right. It's just a formality anyway.
Michelle: Yeah, it's one that we've already experienced.
Danny: Right.
Michelle: We made the right decision, Danny. We did.
Danny: Yeah.
Man: To my beautiful wife: One year down, and 60 to go.
Woman: Only 60?
Man: I love you, honey.
Woman: I love you.
Eden: Thank you again for bringing the food.
Bill: Well, you're welcome again.
Eden: I just wish we could get out of this place. I'm just feeling so stir-crazy here.
Bill: Hey, hey, hey. Soon. Very, very soon. As soon as your brother catches that sicko, okay?
Eden: Yeah, if he catches him.
Bill: Hey, listen to me. You have to think positively, all right? They're going to catch this guy. And when they do, we can go anyplace, we can do anything we want. Mm-hmm.
Eden: Well, why can't we do anything we want right now?
Bill: Well, we can. But I have to do something first, okay?
Eden: What could be more important than having dessert with me right now?
Bill: All right, I will hurry. Okay, I'll be back soon. I promise.
Eden: What? No appetite?
Bill: You know me. I always have an appetite, okay? But I've got to do this first, all right?
Eden: Okay. But you promise you'll hurry back?
Bill: I will hurry. I will hurry, okay? I'm hurrying right now. And if you need anything, you call me on the cell, okay?
Eden: I will. But I'm sure I値l be fine. Tony and Marah are on their way home.
Bill: All right. Eden, lock this door.
Eden: Okay.
Bill: Okay. (Knocking at the door)
Eden: What did you forget now? (Screams)
Photographer: Who do you think is doing this to you, Eden?
Eden: Stop this.
Photographer: Huh? You think you're next on the killer's list?
Eden: Get out of here!
Tony: Hey!
Michelle: They're cute.
Danny: What? I guess. A little too cute, don't you think? I mean...
Michelle: Well, it's their first anniversary, you know. It's special.
Danny: Well, you're right. You're right.
Michelle: I guess somebody ought to tell them the honeymoon's almost over.
Danny: Oh, now who's starting to sound a little jaded, huh?
Michelle: No, I知 just realistic, because life has a way of throwing you some wicked curb balls.
Danny: True. But we've knocked most of ours out of the park.
Michelle: We did. We went through a lot.
Danny: And then some.
Michelle: But it was never easy.
Danny: No. Michelle, we can... We can get through anything that comes our way. You know that, right?
Michelle: Right.
Danny: Honey? Hey, listen to me. I don't want you to think that our life is just one drama after another, and that you've got to be prepared for anything to happen, because that's in our past. I'm going to make sure that... That Springfield and our lives stay very calm.
Michelle: Well, not too calm, I hope.
Danny: Oh, no, you'll never be bored with me.
Michelle: Well, that I wasn't really worried about. You know, I do... I like the fact that we're not totally traditional.
Danny: What? Since when?
Michelle: I know. In the beginning, it scared me. But now, I wouldn't change anything about us, not anymore.
Danny: Marital status included?
Michelle: We don't need that. We're going to go straight to the happily ever after.
Danny: No pit stop at the altar?
Michelle: Nope.
Danny: You sure?
Michelle: I'm positive.
Blake: It's gorgeous. It is just gorgeous.
Harley: Well, I think so.
Gus: Yeah, I picked... I picked...
Blake: Whoa! You went all out, didn't you? Mm-hmm. Let me see the training ring.
Harley: Here, other hand. Honorable mention.
Blake: Also very pretty.
Harley: Yeah.
Blake: Very, very pretty. But, you know, your dad had good taste. So do you.
Gus: But she deserved her very own ring.
Harley: You're so sweet.
Blake: Yeah, yeah, yeah, sugar.
Gus: Let me ask you something, because, it's just... I've got to... You know, I知 thinking to myself. I just proposed 20 minutes ago, and then, bang, you're at the door, and you're looking at... Checking out the rock. What, are you like the... You got the Reva Lewis thing? Whoa! You got that going on?
Blake: Oh, she called me.
Gus: Who called you? You called her?
Harley: When you were doing the dishes? It was really quick.
Gus: Is that right?
Harley: I just didn't think you were going to be coming over so soon, Blake.
Gus: Oh.
Blake: Yeah, but I just thought that Alan was still here.
Gus: No, you see, I thought it would be best if my father wasn't here, because it was kind of killing the mood. But...
Blake: I'm sorry. I... Um... Oh, I don't know what I was thinking.
Gus: It's all right. Forget about it.
Blake: Gee, obviously I wasn't...
Harley: Well, I want you to see the ring.
Gus: It's fine.
Harley: But not tonight.
Blake: Okay, you know what? (Clears her throat) Go back to whatever it is that you were doing, and I will just make my ungraceful exit out of here.
Harley: (Laughs)
Gus: I wasn't...
Harley: She's going. (Knock at the door)
Gus: Who's that? Who'd you call now? Cassie?
Harley: I didn't call... I didn't call Cassie.
Gus: Right.
Bill: Hey, Gus, you got a minute?
Gus: Bill. Yeah, sure, sure. Bye.
Harley: What in the heck could Bill want?
Blake: I am so sorry.
Harley: Oh, don't sweat it.
Blake: I am. But I'm just so excited. I mean, wow, this means Gus is not mad at us for messing up his investigation anymore. He proposed.
Harley: Yes, he did. I'm engaged. (Laughs)
Blake: I ought to help you mess up more often. Next time you'll get a pair of earrings out of it.
Gus: All right. So what's up?
Bill: Well, I need to talk to you about your sister.
Gus: Yeah. What about her?
Bill: I'm just starting to wonder if you're doing everything you can to make sure she's safe.
Tony: Get up. Get up.
Eden: Be careful.
Tony: You know I should break that camera, you know.
Photographer: You break it, you buy it, man.
Marah: Tony.
Tony: Shut up!
Marah: Tony!
Tony: Get his information. Get his wallet. Let's see who this jerk is. Stop moving.
Marah: Careful.
Eden: His name is Steve Waldron, and he lives on Ninth Street.
Tony: That's it? There's no work I.D.? Nothing?
Eden: No.
Photographer: I'm a freelance photographer.
Eden: He goes to the highest bidder.
Tony: Well, you know what? You ain't going to sell any pictures. I'm going to break that camera. Give me the camera.
Marah: Tony. Tony, Tony! Please just let him go. Let him go.
Photographer: You know, if you're smart, man, you'd listen to your girlfriend.
Marah: Please, Tony, let him go.
Tony: I don't want to see your face around here again. Are you okay? Are you all right?
Eden: Yeah.
Tony: He didn't touch you or anything?
Eden: No.
Tony: Hey, scumbag.
Marah: Tony! Let's just go inside, okay?
Tony: Why? Why would you open the door to some guy? Huh?
Eden: I thought it was Bill.
Tony: Did you ask?
Eden: Well, it was like five seconds after he left.
Tony: Eden, Eden, you have to think.
Marah: Tony.
Tony: She's lucky. You know, she's lucky that the guy was a reporter.
Marah: I think she knows that.
Tony: What if it was the killer, huh? What if it was the killer? What would have happened?
Eden: I don't know.
Tony: What would you have done?
Eden: I don't know.
Tony: You could be dead right now, Eden. Dead.
Eden: I know.
Jeffrey: I've got a 9:00 A.M. with a federal judge, okay? I didn't ask to have my suite turned into Niagara Falls.
Edmund: Then why don't you put on some dry clothes and get back to work?
Jeffrey: I would like to get back to work as soon as your girly friend finds me a room-- if she ever finds me a room.
Cassie: Hold a second. We're booked solid, okay? There's a court reporters' convention.
Jeffrey: In Springfield?
Edmund: Why don't you try the Regency, Mr. O誰eill? It's really much closer to your office.
Cassie: Right.
Jeffrey: Do I intimidate you or something, Winslow?
Edmund: Hardly.
Cassie: Mm-hmm.
Jeffrey: Because, you know, let me just let you in on a little secret. Chicks, they don't like insecure guys. Big turnoff.
Edmund: Are you giving me dating advice?
Jeffrey: I'm just trying to help, man.
Edmund: Do me a favor-- don稚.
Jeffrey: Well, don't get your undies all in a twist, okay?
Edmund: What?
Jeffrey: Look, I know what it must have looked like when you walked in here, but I can assure you that she's not my type, all right?
Cassie: Well, you're not my type either, all right? Look, and by the way, I don't have a room for you tonight.
Jeffrey: Wonderful.
Cassie: I'll get you one first thing in the morning.
Jeffrey: Okay, you know what? Don't bother, okay? You've wasted enough of my time already.
Edmund: Then how about the Regency? Here, Mr. O誰eill, let me show you the door. Don't bump your head on the way out, and have a very good night.
Gus: You're kidding me with what you just said, right?
Bill: No. Look, Gus, I need to know.
Gus: Well, Bill, there's a whack job out there after my sister, and even if I wasn't a cop, I壇 never let anything ever happen to her.
Bill: Right. Right. Look, I'm sorry. I guess I just needed to hear you say it.
Gus: But don't get me wrong. I mean, it's very nice to hear somebody else concerned about her well-being.
Bill: Yeah. Yeah, I care about her. It's just driving me nuts that something could happen, you know. And it's driving me nuts that she feels so cooped up all the time.
Gus: Well, my sister is not easy to keep in one place very long.
Bill: Right. But I'm thinking maybe we could fix that.
Gus: Well, what did you have in mind?
Bill: Four-dollar movie house down on Route 59, the one by the old skating rink.
Gus: Now, Bill, Bill...
Bill: Gus, it's not a high-traffic area.
Gus: No, no, no, no.
Bill: On weeknights you're going to find maybe ten, 12 people there, tops.
Gus: Movie theaters are dark. There's a lot people there. Why?
Bill: Well, why not?
Gus: All right. You know what happened at the country club? Lights go out. I mean, come on, do we have to go through this stuff?
Bill: Yeah, but look, you know what I could do? I could rent the place out for a night.
Gus: Well, that's a very nice thought and everything.
Bill: Gus, your sister, she needs normal, okay? And she needs cheering up. I mean, I know she puts on this tough act, but underneath it all she's scared.
Gus: You can tell that, huh?
Bill: Yeah. She needs a diversion. In fact, I think we both do.
Gus: You care about my sister?
Bill: Yeah, I do. I do. And I'm going to do everything I can to make sure she's okay.
Blake: You know, how does someone cut off the power, they sneak in, find their victim in the dark, steal her jewelry, kill her, and then get out of there without getting caught?
Harley: With a great deal of calculation.
Blake: Yeah, well, we should be talking about who was in that room.
Harley: Well, we know it wasn't us.
Blake: Yeah, or Frank or Gus. Hey, what about Frank's date?
Harley: Darci? Well, she was alone in the dark when Frank went to investigate, but they were together when the lights went out.
Blake: Yeah. What about Alex痴 date? He was pretty creepy.
Harley: Yeah, that's a real possibility, except it turns out he's got alibis for two of the murders.
Blake: Yeah, well, we should be making a list.
Harley: I've got a name we can put on that list. What about Ben?
Blake: Oh, no, I don't think so.
Harley: Blake, come on.
Blake: Oh, I know that he's had his moments since he's come to town, but he's not a killer.
Harley: He was in the room.
Blake: So was Eden.
Harley: Let's skip Eden.
Blake: Oh, I don't think so. You of all people have to admit to that possibility.
Harley: I do not-- not if I want to marry her brother, I do not.
Marah: Here, can I get you guys some iced tea or something?
Eden: Yeah.
Tony: Sounds good. Look, I'm sorry I snapped.
Eden: No, you don't have to apologize. You did the right thing. Marah just doesn't understand.
Tony: No.
Eden: I mean, it's the life. She just... She doesn't get it.
Tony: You have to do what you have to do to stay alive, right?
Eden: Right. And to protect your friends.
Tony: And my girlfriend. It's just that this reminds her of a really bad time for us, and that kills me.
Eden: I'm sorry, Tony.
Tony: Yeah, me, too. You think... What, you think I like scanning the license plates of cars before we go into a restaurant? You think I like figuring out the best exit?
Eden: Well, that's what you've got to do, right, to stay alive? Do you think I wanted this life, Tony? No, I hate it.
Cassie: It's just been so crazy, Edmund. It's been so crazy with the kids and the hotel. I mean, there's just been one thing after another.
Edmund: It's all right. I understand.
Cassie: And I didn't mean to fall sleep. I did not mean to fall asleep.
Edmund: I know. I know.
Cassie: And there's that jerk, Jeffrey O誰eill. He is so irritating.
Edmund: Yes, I know that, too.
Cassie: What is it with him? I mean, that man is never satisfied with anything.
Edmund: Cassie, you flooded his suite.
Cassie: So? You know, what goes around comes around.
Edmund: Yes, I know that.
Cassie: I mean, everything with Tammy. You know, he was such a jerk after that, and all stuff with R.J. and his toys, and now this. I mean, he is so irritating!
Edmund: Yes, I think we've established that.
Cassie: I'm babbling.
Edmund: Madly. But it's very cute.
Cassie: I'm sorry.
Edmund: Don't be. Are you nervous?
Cassie: Very.
Edmund: Well, just try and relax. The evening started off a little wet. There's nothing wrong with that. It doesn't matter. So just relax. Does that feel better?
Cassie: Yeah.
Edmund: Cassie, all day long you've been doing for others, and I think it's time someone took care of you.
Cassie: I don't even know what that feels like anymore.
Edmund: All right, then let me remind you. How many meals did you serve in the hotel? A hundred?
Cassie: A lot. Not a hundred.
Edmund: All right, all right. Regardless, did you take any time out in all that time to feed yourself? A snack even?
Cassie: No. There wasn't time. There was no time.
Edmund: All right. All right then. Come on.
Cassie: Thank you.
Edmund: You're welcome.
Cassie: Aren't you going to join me?
Edmund: I will, in a minute. But right now, I知 enjoying this far too much.
Cassie: That feels so good. You have no idea.
Edmund: Good. I'm glad.
Cassie: Don't stop.
Edmund: I have no intentions of stopping, not until you tell me to.
Danny: I think the celebration ended a little early, don't you?
Michelle: No, I think I heard them say they're getting a room upstairs.
Danny: Well, they've got all night. What's the rush?
Michelle: Oh, you really don't know?
Danny: Oh, please. I know that a woman wants her man to take his time, reel her in.
Michelle: Uh-huh. Are you know this from experience, Mr. Santos?
Danny: Maybe.
Michelle: Are you trying to make me blush?
Danny: I don't need to try. Look at you. You're already getting red.
Michelle: Stop.
Danny: I've only just begun.
Michelle: Maybe we should get ourselves a little room upstairs.
Danny: Mm. This is good.
Michelle: It's better than good, actually.
Danny: I was so miserable when we weren't together. I don't know what I would have done.
Michelle: Shh. Hey, we're together now. And I am yours and nobody else's.
Eden: I am just so sick of this. I'm just so sick of everything being so messed up. I mean, I was... I was this close to having it all.
Tony: Eden, you run an escort service.
Eden: Yeah, and for me that is a step above of what I was doing. You know, we're both the same. Don't you get that?
Tony: Well, yeah, I mean, we both worked really hard for change. I mean, you wouldn't be here if I didn't believe that. But, what, you think it's going to be a piece of cake? I mean, the way that I look at it, this is just a test, to see if you can really cut it.
Eden: Yeah, believe me, I can cut it.
Bill: It's just that I never dated anyone like your sister.
Gus: Mm-hmm. I bet.
Bill: I mean, we are an unlikely pair, though.
Gus: Mm-hmm.
Bill: You know what they say-- opposites attract, right?
Gus: (Laughs)
Bill: What's so funny?
Gus: I got engaged tonight.
Bill: You got... Congratulations.
Gus: Yeah, thank you.
Bill: Wait, did I just walk in on that?
Gus: No, no.
Bill: Is that what happened here? Because if I did...
Gus: Blake beat you to it, so it's nothing. It's fine.
Bill: I'm sorry. Look, the last thing I want to do is get on Harley痴 bad side, really.
Gus: No, no. I mean, she... Her bark is a lot worse than her bite.
Bill: Yeah, yeah, well, I got one of those, too.
Gus: Yeah. About my sister, she's a little... Well, she's a tough nut to crack. I'm warning you.
Bill: Yeah, well, she's worth it.
Gus: Who would have thought? Me and Eden trying to make a normal life for ourselves. Now, if she could just get out of the hooker business.
Blake: That girl asked for trouble the minute she opened up the Garden of Eden.
Harley: No doubt, Blake. But I cannot go spouting off to the world accusing Eden of murder. I have no proof.
Blake: Since when are you her big protector?
Harley: Okay, obviously there are some things that you need to get off your chest. Go ahead. Just make it quick.
Blake: Fine. Speculation: What if Eden is trying to get Gus' attention?
Harley: By killing four people?
Blake: She's the only person whose tied to all four people.
Harley: It doesn't make sense, Blake.
Blake: No, just hear me out. Okay, Gus enters Spauldingville full-time, right, leaving Eden all alone. She's left behind. How else does she get him back into her universe?
Harley: I don't buy it. First of all, it doesn't fit the M.O. of a serial killer. Second of all, when that girl was drowned, Eden was having a dinner party. She has all these witnesses. Gus saw her himself.
Blake: Well, that's very easy. She hires somebody to do it for her.
Harley: I don't want to hear this anymore. I'm not listening to this anymore. This is me not listening to you anymore. La-la-la la-la-la... See, I can't hear you. La-la-la la-la-la...
Gus: I don't think that's the wedding tune. Is it?
Harley: Don't you need to get going?
Blake: Oh, gee, look at the time. Okay. Congratulations again.
Harley: Bye. (Laughs)
Blake: And you-- you are one lucky guy.
Gus: Yes, I am. Yes, I know. Thank you for coming. Where were we?
Harley: So do you think that Bill went away satisfied with your plan of protection for Eden?
Gus: You don't want to talk about my sister?
Harley: No, I do.
Gus: No.
Harley: You know I can be curious that way.
Gus: Well, if want information you're going to have to work a little harder than that.
Harley: Oh. Well, I think I can do that.
Marah: Eden, were you... Were you crying?
Eden: No.
Tony: Yes. You were.
Eden: No, I just was mad at myself for opening up the door and just being so stupid.
Marah: Don't do that.
Eden: It's okay.
Marah: Look, you made a mistake. You're stressed out. You can't blame yourself for that. Look, once all this is over, everything will get better. I promise.
Eden: Thanks for being so nice to me.
Marah: Well, that's what friends are for. We're supposed to make you feel better.
Eden: And you have. You definitely have.
Cassie: Wow, I could fall asleep.
Edmund: Good. I want you to feel comfortable with me, Cassie.
Cassie: I do.
Edmund: I'm glad. Do you want to eat something else? Are you all right? Is it too much?
Cassie: (Sneezes) I'm sorry.
Edmund: (Laughs) Do you feel better?
Cassie: Mm-hmm. I'm sorry.
Edmund: It's okay.
Cassie: (Sneezes)
Edmund: Cassie?
Cassie: Oh, my allergies are driving me crazy.
Edmund: Are you all right?
Cassie: Yes, I'm fine. I'm fine.
Edmund: No, you've been wondering around in wet clothes for I don't know how long in air conditioning, and now you feel hot.
Cassie: I do?
Edmund: Yeah. Which I means I think you need to go right into bed.
Marah: Mm. Comfort food.
Eden: Chocolate caramel cheesecake is more than comfort food.
Tony: So you want us to stay up with you?
Eden: No, no, no. That's okay. You guys go to bed.
Marah: All right.
Tony: All right.
Marah: Well, try and get some sleep.
Eden: Yeah, maybe I値l watch some TV or something.
Marah: All right, well, we will just be in the back.
Tony: Yeah, you know. Yell if you need anything, all right?
Eden: Okay. Good night.
Marah: Good night.
Tony: Good night.
Eden: And, you guys, thanks again.
Marah: You're welcome.
Tony: Hey, no problem. Good night.
Marah: See you in the morning.
Tony: I can稚... I can't take
it anymore.
I don't want to hurt her, but
I致e got to be with you.
Eden: But Marah's my friend.
Tony: I know, I know.
I don't want to hurt Marah
either, but I love you.
I love you so much.
I can't take it anymore.
Eden: But we can't.
Tony: We deserve to be happy.
Eden: Oh! You scared me.
Bill: What's wrong? You didn't even hear me come in.
Eden: I guess I was just sleepy or something.
Bill: Wait a minute. You said you were going to wait.
Eden: What?
Bill: Dessert.
Eden: I did.
Bill: Hmm? Mm. Mm. So wait a minute. You don't want to sleep on the couch? No. You don't want to sleep on the couch? Come here.
Michelle: Wow, that was a great song.
Danny: It was good.
Michelle: You want to know something?
Danny: What?
Michelle: Oh, never mind, it's silly.
Danny: What? Come on, tell me.
Michelle: I was just going to say that if our wedding could be... I don't know, as unique as a song, I'd get married again.
Danny: Really?
Michelle: Yeah, in a heartbeat. Isn't this...
Danny: You recognize it?
Michelle: Did you...
Danny: Guilty.
Here you are beside me just the place where you should be
baby, I知 alive anytime I'm with you
love's a turning circle love's eternal like a wheel
and it's never lost when a love is made this true
you're the music of my life baby, let the music play
sometimes lovers always friends
we are the song that never ends
open heart two open hearts
we are finally home we are the river and we know
life is all in learning how to bend
sometimes lovers always friends
dancing to a song that never ends
look at me, I知 seeing my tomorrows in your eyes
baby, you're the wish that my heart was born to make
on and on forever like the stars, the sun the moon
we're a promise heaven is never going to break
you're the music of my life baby, let the music play
sometimes lovers always friends
we are a song that never ends
open heart to open heart we are finely home
we are a river and we know
life is all in learning how to bend
sometimes lovers always friends
dancing to a song that never ends
someday is here just in time to set us free
say yes say yes to me
Gus: Look at that.
Harley: Hmm.
We are the river and we know
life is all in learning how to bend...
Harley: Mrs. ... Harley... Aitoro. August? Should it be August?
Gus: No. Why don't you try Augustino if you like that a little better?
Harley: I don't know. You have so many names to choose from. I can tell you one name that I知 definitely not going to be picking, though. Do you want to know what it is?
Gus: Let me guess.
Harley: Spaulding.
Gus: Hmm. Yeah, I won't be picking that one either. Right. Please hear me out.
You can't treat us all like a family.
I just got off the phone with the headmistress. Is there anything you would like to tell me?
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