[an error occurred while processing this directive] GL Transcript Friday 6/20/03 [an error occurred while processing this directive]
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Guiding Light Transcript Friday 6/20/03

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Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Reva: Ooh! Hi. I thought I heard someone.

Courier: Sorry for using this entrance. I had to park on the side street.

Reva: That's okay. What do you have? Oh, "Mr. Shayne Lewis." Well, Mr. Shayne Lewis is in the other room watching "The Matrix" for about the 974th time. (Laughs) But I can sign for him.

Courier: Sign right here.

Reva: Thanks.

Josh: What's that?

Reva: Um... Thank you. I appreciate it. It's something from that agent... That Devries that's interested in Shayne.

Josh: Really? Hmm.

Reva: Were you expecting this?

Josh: No. Not at all. Why do you ask?

Reva: Well, you don't seem surprised.

Josh: Well, Devries is pursuing Shayne. That's what agents do when they find new, young talent.

Reva: I wonder what's in it.

Josh: There's one way to find out. Shayne.

Reva: No, honey, don’t.

Josh: No, no, no, that's all right. Son, come on in here for a minute.

Reva: Don't call him down here, really. It's not...

Josh: Hey, this just arrived for you. It's from Harrison Devries. Why don't you open it up?

Shayne: Oh, it's probably more details about the offer. Whoa! This is a full pro contract.

Reva: You're kidding me? Well, that's really presumptuous of the man.

Josh: Well, now the man knows what he wants, though. I mean in this case he knows who he wants, right? What is it, son? What's wrong?

Shayne: All I have to do is just sign this and I’m headed for the pros.

Reva: Or? Or? Or you could just... You could sign this and be heading to one of the best colleges in the country on a full athletic scholarship, sweetheart. Stanford is not going to hold your place forever.

Josh: That's true. Of course, though, the same could be said for this deal, you know. This Devries guy, he's top-notch and he only represents a small roster of players. So as much I know you hate hearing this: This is it, son. You... you have to make a decision.

(Knock at the door)

Harley: Gus forgot his keys again? Hi! You got... Alan.

Alan: Hello, Harley. I brought you these because it was my way of saying thank you for what I’m sure is going to be a wonderful evening.

Harley: Oh, thanks. Weren't you and Gus supposed to come together?

Alan: Yes. He had to make a quick stop. He'll be here shortly.

Harley: Oh. Well, if the stop's at the station, it won't be quick.

Alan: Well, I’m sure that you and I can entertain each other until he arrives.

Harley: Actually, we can do more than that. We can use this time to set up some ground rules.

Alan: Ground rules?

Harley: Uh-huh. Look around you, Alan. You're on my turf now.

Cassie: Okay. Well, our last convention guest checked in. Now all we have to do is feed them. Oh, God! A hot bath and early bed would be so wonderful right now. But I have dinner with... Raoul. You know, we can't keep meeting like this.

Edmund: But you are so very beautiful, Senora. I just can't help myself.

Cassie: Edmund!

Edmund: You never would have guessed.

Cassie: (Laughs) You're right. It was a test. I just, you know, don't want you taking me for granted.

Edmund: Cassie, how I could possibly ever take you for granted? And to prove that, I’ve made a very special reservation for us for two tonight at Bistro Daniel. I thought a little food, a little wine. Forget about the food, a little more wine. Good idea.

Cassie: Well, you read my mind. But I was thinking that we could save the drive across town and we could have dinner here in my suite.

Edmund: The kids will be joining us?

Cassie: R.J. and Will will be asleep by then and Tammy’s spending the night with Lizzie.

Edmund: Just the two of us then. How will we pass the time?

Jeffrey: Oh, there's Mrs. Winslow now. Yeah, we need you a sec. You don't mind, do you? Thanks. Danny and I have this wager and you are the one that can settle it, so...

Cassie: What's the wager?

Danny: Mayor Hamilton. The other night he was in your restaurant entertaining some friends, and it was clearly social. So the question is, did he put the tab on his official credit card or his personal one?

Jeffrey: Yeah. Huh?

Cassie: Neither. He paid cash.

Danny: Yes!

Jeffrey: Wait, wait, wait. No.

Danny: Yes. No.

Jeffrey: We did not consider the obvious.

Danny: No. Same difference. He didn't expense it. I win. I win the bet.

Jeffrey: You're going to take it on that technicality?

Danny: Oh, please, like you haven’t... Like haven't heard that one before.

Jeffrey: Okay, fine. You want ten bucks that bad? Fine. Here's ten bucks.

Danny: Thank you. Thank you very much.

Jeffrey: I'm running real low. Thanks a lot.

Edmund: Gentlemen, I hate to interrupt this pressing topic, but if you're off the clock, Mr. O’Neill, I’d love to buy you a drink.

Jeffrey: Why would you love to do that? You don't like me.

Edmund: Oh, don't look at it that way. I just have some time to kill before having dinner with the lovely lady, and I’d like to kill it with you. Besides, there is a topic I’d like to discuss with you. So if it's all right with you.

Jeffrey: Sure. Why not?

Edmund: Fantastic. I'll see you in a bit.

Cassie: Can't wait.

Jeffrey: Same time next week? Handball?

Danny: You're on.

Cassie: I hate that man.

Danny: Who? Edmund?

Cassie: He is the epitome of obnoxiousness.

Danny: Epitome. That's a good word.

Cassie: What would possess you to play handball with him?

Danny: Excuse me. It's called networking. What would possess you to get so cozy with Lex Luther?

Cassie: My late husband's brother?

Danny: Uh-huh.

Cassie: My children's uncle?

Danny: Yeah.

Cassie: A man who has been very kind and supportive of me for the past few months.

Danny: So sue me, okay? Cassie, come on. I'm your business partner. I'm your friend. I don't want to see you get hurt.

Cassie: Well, then if you're my friend, be happy for me. Because I am. Very.

Jeffrey: So tell me, Eddie, what's the real reason you're dragging me in here?

Edmund: Beg your pardon, Jeffy?

Jeffrey: Oh, I'm sorry. Edmund. I didn't know you were such a stickler about those things.

Edmund: Well, I’m a stickler for a number of things, Mr. O’Neill. My privacy is one of them.

Jeffrey: Are you still upset about the other night when I interrupted you and... Your princess? Whatever you were doing. Listen, I told you, it was a murder investigation.

Edmund: Oh. And you just had to come to Cassie’s door personally? You couldn't have, oh, let's say, sent the police officer on his own?

Jeffrey: It was professional courtesy, Edmund.

Edmund: Yeah.

Jeffrey: And you know, you've seem to have gotten over it. You got another hot date with her tonight, don't you?

Edmund: Yes, location of which I plan on keeping on Q.T., just in case you feel possessed to solve another crime.

Jeffrey: Oh, was there a joke in there? Because if there was, I missed it.

Edmund: You seem to derive great pleasure out of annoying Cassie and me, Mr. O’Neill. And I just can fathom why.

Jeffrey: Winslow, I got news for you. You and Blondie aren't even on my radar.

Edmund: So then your continual obtrusive behavior towards the two of us is just an unpleasant coincidence. That's good to know, Mr. O’Neill. Because if it were otherwise, we would have a problem.

Shayne: This is such a huge decision.

Reva: Yes, it is. And that's why I think that the athletic scholarship makes the most sense, because you'll have the best of both worlds, sweetheart. You'll have a great education and being able to play ball.

Josh: College ball.

Reva: Well, yes. And if you still want to go pro, you can do it after you graduate.

Josh: That's true. But on the other hand, there's a buzz about you right now, son. There's an interest in you and there's no way of knowing if that interest will still be there four years from now. And if you get hurt playing college ball, you may never make it to the majors.

Reva: He could just as easily get hurt in his first week of pro ball, too, and then what does he have? He doesn't have a Stanford education or a career. I mean, it's a dog-eat-dog world out there in professional sports, you know that.

Josh: True, but the same could be said for college ball. Think of all the scandals we've read about recently.

Reva: Scandals! What are you talking...

Josh: And, son, you'll be a scholarship student. That means you'll be required to perform well academically as well as athletically.

Reva: Yeah, but he'll be getting an education, not burning bridges.

Josh: You know, you never went to college. I don't think it hurt you.

Reva: Well, now, we know that's debatable. The point is, is that Shayne will be able to get an education and have a career. There's no downside. You know, we're going around and around in circles here, and ultimately it's Shayne’s choice to make, isn't it?

Josh: That's true, it is. Absolutely.

Reva: So, I have an idea. We can take this and sign both documents, you know? The letter of intent from Stanford and the agreement from Devries, and then we can just slip them both into the drawer and then Shayne can go out and have fun for a few days.

Shayne: Oh, "fun"? Fun, what's that?

Reva: Well, fun, you know? Maybe going to your prom. Graduation. Hanging out with your friends, you know? Partying-- safely, of course. And the whole time, you can be thinking about what it is you really want to do. And then after prom, you can tell us which letter that we should mail away or which one we should tear up, but ultimately it's your decision, sweetheart. And we promise that we will abide by whatever decision you make. That's the end of the story. How does that sound? Sound fair?

Shayne: Yeah. Sounds good. All right.

Josh: Works for me.

Reva: Good. After you.

Josh: Okay. There we go.

Harley: These really are very pretty, Alan. Thank you. You know, I do have wine if you'd prefer.

Alan: No, this beer is fine. And something smells delicious. What is it? Quiche Lorraine?

Harley: Macaroni and cheese.

Alan: Oh, yes, Gus said that's your specialty: Good, solid comfort food.

Harley: Yes. Good, solid comfort food for good, solid peasants-- like us. Right?

Alan: Did I say that?

Harley: No.

Alan: Do you think I implied it?

Harley: Why don't you tell me?

Alan: Harley, I can assure you I didn't.

Harley: Not intentionally, anyway. Right? Okay, look, let's just... Let's just say all of this and get it out of the way, all right? Here's the scoop...

Alan: Why do I think that now you're going to tell me about the ground rules you alluded to earlier?

Harley: I just think we need to get a few things straight...

Alan: Well, go ahead. By all means.

Harley: ...Starting with this one major point: Gus and I and the kids, we've built something solid here, something that you are very welcome to be a part of. What you're not welcome to do, however, is to try to change it in any way, shape or form.

Alan: Well, I can assure you, I have no intention of doing that.

Harley: See, we lead a very different life here, in this house, than you lead in yours. It's a simpler life, and we like it like that.

Alan: Well, Phillip led a simpler life when he was here with you.

Harley: Yes, and you belittled it every chance you got. Things are going to be different this time, Alan. I want you to look around. I want you to take a good look around at, well, what you're drinking, for instance, and what you'll be having for dinner. I want you to see the toys that are strewn on the floor and the faucet that's dripping in the kitchen. I want you to feel the lump that's in the cushion underneath your rich rear end.

Alan: (Laughs)

Harley: And I want you to remember it, because this is who we are. Gus is a detective first grade working towards his pension. I'm a homemaker now. We barbecue in the backyard, we eat chips out of the bag, we take the kids to the town pool swimming on the weekends. At night, we watch a little TV-- that is, if we don't have any bills to pay and we can keep our eyes open. Simple tastes and simple needs. And, as I said before, we like it that way.

Alan: I get your point.

Harley: Good, because it's a whole new ballgame, Alan. See, this time, you're the outsider. You're welcome in my home anytime-- truly. That is, if you don't try to change me and Gus and the kids or manipulate us in any way, because if you do, I’ll call you on it. I'll call you on it right in front of Gus, and you will be out that door just as fast as you waltzed in here. You got me?

Gus: Harley? I'm home. Hey... Did I miss anything?

Jeffrey: All right, listen up, Eddie boy-- oh, sorry, Edmund-- I hate to intrude on your paranoid fantasies, but you got things a little backwards here.

Edmund: Do I?

Jeffrey: Yeah, you do. Okay? Because I'm not the one that's bugging Mrs. Winslow. It's Mrs. Winslow, the one that's bugging me. Okay? She walks around like a spacy klutz, like a Mac truck mowing people over. I can't tell you how many times she's nearly knocked me down. Then there's her kid, okay? The infant from hell.

Edmund: My nephew.

Jeffrey: Yeah, whatever. He races go-carts on my ceiling at night at all hours of the evening.

Edmund: Just before he goes to bed at 8:00.

Jeffrey: Then there's this hotel, okay? The scene of one murder already, harboring the suspect in another.

Edmund: How is that remotely Cassie’s fault?

Jeffrey: And if that's not bad enough, every time I turn around, everyone's looking at me and saying, "Oh, my gosh, you look just like Prince Humperdinck."

Edmund: His name was Richard, and what that has to do with Cassie, I have no idea.

Jeffrey: Well, I'm way beyond Cassie now, okay? I'm on to general annoyances, and you, Eddie boy, are at the top of my list. Yeah, you're a real piece of work, aren't you? You were a real nice guy to your brother, hmm? All the way up until he died. Now you've suddenly found religion in his wife's bed. Ick. You know, maybe you think you can really change, hmm? And maybe you think you can make up for all the crap you've pulled over the years, but save it for someone who cares.

Edmund: How did someone like you achieve public office?

Jeffrey: Let's see: By working hard and by kicking butts. And I'm not talking about poofed-up ambassadors in $2,000 suits.

Edmund: It's a $3,000 suit, Mr. O’Neill. And one of the great perks of being an ambassador is that you get diplomatic immunity, which means you can do absolutely awful things to people and never even be charged for it.

Jeffrey: Is that a threat?

Edmund: It's an observation, Mr. O’Neill.

Jeffrey: That sounded like a threat.

Edmund: All right, then. Here's a suggestion: The next time you have someone to pursue or a complaint to lodge, come to me, Jeffy boy, not Cassie. Better yet, save us all the inconvenience and find somewhere else to live-- preferably on the other side of town.


Alan: Did you tell her about the little faux pas today?

Gus: No, no. I didn't. No.

Alan: Come on.

Gus: No, but go ahead.

Alan: Harley, let me tell you. Gus walked in and I was having a meeting with my very bright, very intelligent, Harvard-educated lawyer.

Gus: Yeah.

Alan: And Gus thought she was one of his sister's escorts.

Gus: No, no. First of all, you were all over her like a cheap suit, Al.

Alan: I was not!

Gus: Yes, you were. You were. You were practically sitting in her lap. What, are you kidding me?

Alan: We were conducting some very sensitive business, that's why.

Gus: Oh, very sensitive business. He's got to make sure that he hangs onto Spaulding Enterprises for our children, right, see, in case they want to rule the world someday. Look, I told him, honey, that we're not... Thank you, but no thank you. Didn't I say that? Right? Didn't I?

Harley: You don't say?

Alan: Would you lookie here? My plate is empty. Might I have seconds, please?

Gus: I didn't even see him eat all of that.

Alan: Mm. Delicious.

Harley: My pleasure.

Gus: Mm.

Jeffrey: Of course. After you.

Cassie: No, after you.

Jeffrey: Look, why don't we call a truce, okay? I'll stay out of your way; you stay out of mine.

Cassie: Music to my ears.

Jeffrey: Deal?

Cassie: Deal.

Jeffrey: Great.

Cassie: Great.

Jeffrey: Oh, and if there's another murder here tonight, you'll be the last to know, don't worry.

Harley: Alan, while I appreciate your concern for our future and for the future of our children, as you know, Zach and Jude and Susan are already well provided for. And as for Gus and me, well, we don't talk to much about marriage yet.

Alan: Yes, but someday you will want to start a family of your own, I'm sure of that. And it's a well-known fact that police officers are woefully underpaid.

Harley: Hmm. So pretty soon Gus should think about pulling out of the force and doing something that's a little more lucrative. Like, say, for example, working at Spaulding Enterprises. Like you never thought of that before.

Gus: Honey, I talked to Alan about this and he knows that I like my life the way it is and he would never try to change it.

Harley: Uh-huh.

Gus: Or me. Isn't that right?

Alan: Absolutely. I like you just the way you are. I respect you that-- enormously, as a matter of fact.

Gus: Thank you, sir. Thank you. You see, he gets it, baby. He gets it.

Harley: Mm-hmm.

Alan: You know, I think I’m going to get me another beer.

Harley: No, I’ll get it.

Alan: No, no. I'm family. Nothing special, Harley.

Gus: I think it's going pretty well, don't you?

Harley: Great.

Marina: Your parents really said that to you? You have until prom and then you have to decide?

Shayne: Yep. It's not just them, though. I mean, Stanford, they need a decision. The scout's not going to wait around forever.

Marina: Yeah, well, Shayne, either choice you make is going to be awesome.

Shayne: Yeah, but either choice I make, I’m going to have to leave Springfield. I'm going to have to go. I bet you'll be happy to get rid of me, right?

Marina: Oh, yeah. I can't stand the sight of you. That's why I’m here right now.

Shayne: How would you really feel? Would you...

Marina: Would I what? What?

Shayne: If I left, would you miss me?

Marina: Tons.

Shayne: Really?

Marina: Really. But, look, what I want doesn't matter.

Shayne: It does. It really does. Believe me.

Marina: Look, Shayne, you have two amazing, amazing opportunities here, and either one is going to set you on a major course in your life. Look, you've just got to go for it.

Shayne: Yeah, but if I leave, I mean, there’s... It's not going to...

Marina: Yeah, well, everyone is making changes right now. You know? That's what graduation is about. That's just what happens. Look, you go to Stanford, and you're still going to come home for breaks and, you know, maybe I’ll, like, come and visit you or something if I have a break from school. Or if you go to the pros, you've just got to make sure that you get drafted by the Cubs or the White Sox, and that way you're close by.

Shayne: It's not going to be the same.

Marina: No, no, it won't be the same. But, I mean, what's your other option? You're going to stick around in Springfield?

Shayne: (Sighs)

Marina: Because that would be a total waste of your talent.

Shayne: I'm hating this right now. I mean, I... I know I should be grateful, you know, for these amazing opportunities I have. I see that. I just... I feel kind of miserable.

Marina: Well, you think you have a tough decision to make, you don't even know the half of it.

Shayne: Why? What happened?

Marina: Well, I am in the middle of a major crossroads in my life that could really alter the very course of my existence. The prom. Do I go with the pumps? Or do I go with the stilettos?

Cassie: Feet. I know you're thinking, fuzzy slippers, but they don't exactly say "hot date." (Sighs) Oh, I hope I start feeling better before tonight. I am just going to close my eyes for a few minutes, take a bath and then I’ll feel better and Edmund will come over and we'll have dinner and... (Sighs) ...Champagne, and...

Gus: All right. We've got cookies and ice cream coming. I mean, it's nothing fancy, but it's, you know...

Alan: It works for me.

Gus: It works for me, too.

Alan: How about a cigar? Ecuadorian, not Cuban, Officer.

Gus: Well, that's Detective to you. Oh, you remember when I took your very precious contraband away from you.

Alan: You know, it's funny, these cigars used to be very important to me, but now they're very trivial. Just things.

Gus: Well, they were very expensive. I understand that.

Alan: No, I mean... I mean it. I mean, being around you for the last couple of months-- watching you in action-- has really changed my perspective on what is really important in life. You taught me a lot.

Gus: Yeah? What? Things like what you do when you go undercover?

Alan: No. Like how to be a man, a real man-- someone who is admired and respected for who he is, not how much money he makes or what he owns. Being here in your home, having you accept me-- and Harley, too- - it's been a very special night for me tonight.

Gus: It's been a very special night for me, too, Al. You know, I spent a lot of time alone after my father died-- when Joe died-- and, well, since then, I feel like I have a home now. And after so many years, I feel like I’m actually part of something a lot bigger than myself, like the search is over, you know? Like I don't... I don't need to be alone anymore.

Marina: Oh. I really should not be eating these. I'm not going to be able to fit into my prom dress. You shouldn't either. You're supposed to be in training, Lewis.

Shayne: This is training. Look. Warm-up, curve ball.

Marina: (Laughs) You're really weird. (Laughs) Oh, did you hear about Peter Jacobs? His parents grounded him for throwing that keg party.

Shayne: They totally grounded him?

Marina: Yeah, totally grounded him.

Shayne: You mean, he can't even go to the prom?

Marina: Uh-uh. And that's not even the worst of it. Do you remember the trip that he and Mike and Sean were planning, to go to Fort Lauderdale after graduation? They were going to drive his parents' car?

Shayne: Oh, don't tell me. Don’t.

Marina: They said it was out of the question.

Shayne: That's so cruel.

Marina: I know, right?

Shayne: That's awful.

Marina: He kind of deserved it, though. I mean, it was pretty stupid to throw that party. I, of course, have never, ever done anything that stupid or foolish in my entire life.

Shayne: Oh, never. Not...

Marina: No.

Shayne: You just steal the occasional car.

Marina: Hey.

Shayne: Get kidnapped and hop into bed with your aunt's boyfriend.

Marina: Okay, fine. Well, now that... Now that I am a mature 18-year-old woman, I have mended my childish ways.

Shayne: Mm. Right.

Marina: I have. I'm above all of that silliness now.

Shayne: I hear you. I mean, silliness is just... Silliness is just silly.

Marina: Oh, okay. Okay, I can see that you're really mature.

Shayne: No, don't. Don’t. My mom will kill you if you get it on the rug.

Marina: That's true. It would probably stain.

Shayne: So don't think about it.

Marina: These definitely aren't going to stain, though. (Laughs) Wait, Shayne. Stop it. I am serious.

Shayne: You want to throw chips in my house?

Marina: Okay, that's it, I'm leaving! Shayne! (Laughs) Put me down. (Laughs)

Shayne: So, would you really miss me? Hmm?

Reva: What... Oh. What... What's going on in here? Huh? A fiesta?

Shayne: Marina... Came over to help me with my batting.

Josh: Really?

Shayne: Yeah.

Reva: (Laughs)

Josh: Wait. You know, they made cleats very differently when I was your age.

Marina: Oh, yeah. Shayne was just helping me pick out what shoes I should wear to prom.

Reva: Really? I didn't realize you had such a fashion sense, sweetheart.

Shayne: I don't. She just wants my opinion because we're going to prom together.

Reva: You are? The two of you are going together?

Shayne: Yeah, but it's purely a social experiment.

Marina: Yeah. It's a rite of passage.

Shayne: We figure it's our duty as red-blooded American teenagers.

Reva: Well, I think it's great.

Shayne: You told me to have fun.

Josh: Yes, we did, and we meant it.

Shayne: And then I get to come back from prom and make the biggest decision of my life. No big deal. No sweat.

Josh: Son, sometimes that's what life is about; it's about making decisions.

Shayne: Yeah, I just kind of wish someone would make this one for me.

Reva: Okay, enough with all this seriousness. We've got the grill going outside. Marina, how would you like to stay for dinner?

Marina: Oh, I would love to. Thank you.

Reva: Great. Then let's get the chips and salsa put away so you still have room for some real food. Joshua?

Josh: Yeah, I’ll be there in just a minute.

(Pounding at door)

Jeffrey: Mrs. Winslow! Are you in there?

Cassie: What in the world...? (Pounding on door)

Jeffrey: Mrs. Winslow! Are you...

Cassie: Excuse me. I was napping!

Jeffrey: Well, excuse me, I was drowning.

Cassie: What? Look, I thought we decided we would stay clear... What do you think you're doing?

Jeffrey: There's water pouring into my room. The room that's directly underneath this one?

Cassie: The bathtub! Oh, my God. Oh, no! Oh, no! (Screams) Why do you ruin every special evening I plan? Huh? Why?

Jeffrey: Why did I ruin...? Wait a minute, you're the one that couldn't turn off the water in your bathtub, okay? And now my room is soaked, my wardrobe downstairs completely ruined.

Cassie: Your wardrobe? Your wardrobe of 50 pairs of sneakers?

Jeffrey: I could die of pneumonia and all you can think about is your sick sex life.

Cassie: Well, at least I have one... a life.

Jeffrey: Yeah, thanks to me, because I'm the one that went in there and saved your sorry butt because you, like a spastic klutz, slipped on a bar of soap and fell headfirst into the tub, and if I didn't go in there and fish you out-- and thanks, by the way, for pulling me in with you-- you would have drowned!

Cassie: Let's see: Death versus your company? Hmm, that's a hard choice.

Jeffrey: I'm freezing.

Cassie: Well, taking that off isn't going to help. (Sighs)

Jeffrey: And what do you know, anyway, huh? You couldn't even turn the water off in your bathtub. Now give me that.

Cassie: No. I'm not done with it. Look, what do you want from me? I told you that I fell asleep, okay? I have to run this place. I chase three children around. I have to deal with the likes of you. I'm exhausted, okay? And I'm human.

Jeffrey: Yeah, well, I'm human too and I am freezing. Now give me the towel.

Cassie: Get your own towel.

Jeffrey: What is your problem? Give me the towel!

Cassie: No. Give me this towel.

Jeffrey: Give me the tow...

Cassie: You are the most rude, insensitive person I’ve ever met in my entire life!

Jeffrey: And guess what, lady: You're not a prize. Now, give me that.

Cassie: No, you give it to me. Give me the...

Josh: Well, I’m glad you were still in the neighborhood.

Courier: Was there a problem with the delivery I made earlier?

Josh: No. No problem at all. I just want to get this signed contract back to the sender as soon as possible. So Mr. Devries will get this tomorrow morning, right?

Courier: First thing.

Josh: Great. Thank you very much. You said you wanted somebody to make this decision for you, son. One day you'll thank me.

Harley: Well, I guess cookies and ice cream aren't fancy enough for Alan Spaulding to stick around.

Gus: Don't start that, honey. Come on. We had a good time, right? I had a good time. Didn't you have a good time?

Harley: Speak for yourself.

Gus: Don't do this, please. What's wrong? What...

Harley: Listen, are you going to have dessert, or are you going to be bailing out on me, too?

Gus: I didn't say I wasn't going to have dessert. I'm going to...

Harley: Because if you're not, I would like to put the ice cream away.

Gus: What is the matter with you? Just talk to me. Talk to me. What?

Harley: I feel you slipping away from me. I feel it.

Gus: No.

Harley: Yes.

Gus: I would never do that. Does this ring mean anything to you?

Harley: Of course it does. This was your mother's ring. I would never take it off.

Gus: Mm. Well, maybe you should take it off. Yeah, in fact, take it off just like this. Give me that hand. You should put it over here, so you have a little room.

Harley: Room?

Gus: This is why I was late tonight. I had to make a little pit stop at the jeweler's. You know, I was... I was telling Alan outside that I spent a lot of time in my life alone after my dad died. But when I met you, I felt like I had found my home, like, a place where my heart could finally rest. Where my heart... Where my heart was meant to be. I love you. I really love you. And I want to take care of you, and I want to do right by you, and I want to do it for the rest of your life. If you'll let me. So... will you marry me? And will you do me the very great honor of being my wife?

Harley: Yes. Yes. (Laughs happily) Yes. Yes.

Next on "Guiding Light"

Blake: Congratulations, you guys. Let me see the ring. Let me see. (Squeals)

Tony: I know she puts on this tough act, but underneath it all, she's scared.

Gus: You care about my sister? Who do you think is doing this to you, Eden?

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