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Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 6/19/03
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Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Shayne: Hey, am I happy to see you.
Lizzie: Really, me?
Shayne: Yeah, you. Can you grab that mop over there? My dad is on the warpath, because this mess we made at Marina's party last night. Yes, there is a first time for everything.
Lizzie: I'll have you know I used to play housekeeping. That is till Grandpa caught me. I haven't touched a household cleaner since.
Shayne: Well, yeah, in this house, cleaning up is the price we pay for partying.
Lizzie: Well, then you owe me a party.
Shayne: Hmm?
Lizzie: I wasn't there. (Laughs)
Shayne: Oh, and now I’m making you clean up.
Lizzie: That's all right. I guess I really am becoming invisible girl, right?
Shayne: No, don't say that. I just... I mean, there was a lot going on last night. I didn't know who was here and who wasn't.
Lizzie: Bet you knew Marina was here. It was her party though.
Shayne: So what... I mean, why didn't you show up? What happened?
Lizzie: It was too last minute. Beside I probably would have trashed the party anyway, right?
Shayne: Never. What's going on?
Lizzie: My parents.
Shayne: Oh, I hear you there.
Lizzie: No, you don't. I mean, your dad may boss you around a little bit...
Shayne: Oh, no, you don't know the half of it.
Lizzie: Well, at least he's not off with his girlfriend forgetting you even exist.
Olivia: Phillip? You didn't bring me here to start over did you? You brought me here to say good- bye. (Crying)
Alexandra: Table for two, please. Oh, and black coffee. No, no. Make it champagne.
Bartender: Oh, celebrating.
Alexandra: Yes, as matter of fact I am. Things are going along better than I expected. Well, I came to town hoping to put things right with my family. I'm almost there, thanks to my nephew Phillip. (Chuckles) One more little detail to take care of. Thank you. Well, here's to you, Gus Aitoro. You may be Alan’s favorite right now, but you're never going to take Phillip’s place in this family.
Frank: No matter how long I stare at it, I can't figure it out.
Gus: Keep staring, Frank. I might have forgotten something.
Frank: Somynol. Somynol was the drug used to kill the fourth victim, Ariana. What I can't figure out is why would the killer use an anesthetic that was difficult to get?
Gus: The killer's got a connection to the hospital somehow. Important clue is that he injected number four with one of those one-shot hypodermics, the type that diabetics use.
Frank: Yeah, which is our connection to Mrs. Hendon, the diabetic. I think Harley hit a homerun with this one. It seems to me that the killer uses some element in the killings and then takes it to the next, like he's perfecting his method.
Gus: And the pin that Alan noticed was missing on number four has still yet to show up.
Frank: Yeah, well, I got a bad feeling it's going show up on our next victim if we don't find the killer soon. That was a good catch on Alan’s part.
Gus: Yeah, pretty good instincts for an amateur, huh? But way too close when number four got killed. So as far as I’m concerned, Alan Spaulding’s crime fighting days are over.
Alan: You must be Nicole. I'm Alan Spaulding.
Nicole: Hello, Mr. Spaulding. I took the liberty. I think it fits. Scotch straight up?
Alan: Well, a woman after my own heart. I think we should get right down to business. Reputation proceeds you, and I think you are exactly what I’m looking for.
Nicole: And I’ve heard beneath that charm, you can be quite demanding. But I love a challenge, Mr. Spaulding.
Alan: Alan.
Nicole: Alan. I think I can make you very happy-- or die trying.
Alan: Try not to say "die" too loudly. Someone might take you seriously. Discretion is very important to me, Nicole.
Nicole: Discretion is part of my job.
Alan: Good. Because I don't want my family to know anything about this.
Nicole: Well, I won't tell a soul. But, Alan, we aren't exactly in a private place. Anyone could see us here.
Alan: And anyone would think that I’m just having a drink with a very beautiful woman. Of course, you and I both know that it's much more than that.
Gus: The one common denominator with all these murders, Frank, is my sister Eden.
Frank: Well, my guess is somebody definitely wants her out of the escort business, but the question is, who?
Gus: Yeah. All right. You got Vinnie Salerno. Now that's Eden’s ex-boss. He's a mob guy on the rise and maybe he's got a grudge against Eden for striking out on her own.
Frank: Okay, so why don't you kill Eden and take over her business? I mean, why would you want to lose potential profits by killing off all your employees? Doesn't make sense to me.
Gus: Hmm. All right. You've got your Ben Reade. Now, Ben was either near or at every single crime scene, and he's got motive to want to off number three. Motive and opportunity-- Mrs. Hendon.
Frank: Believe me, I'd like nothing better than put Ben Reade behind bars for breaking my daughter's heart, but Ben’s motive applies only to Mrs. Hendon. Now, why would he kill three other people to cover his tracks? We had him. We had him in jail, but we didn't have enough evidence to keep him. He's back in the pool.
Gus: All right. Well, then there's Mr. Hendon. Now, Mr. Hendon was an ex-marine in desperate need of an anger management class-- with good cause, his wife was hiring escorts from Eden’s service.
Frank: Yeah, well, you know what? Mr. Hendon's going back in the box, too. Check out this fax. Mr. Hendon was visiting Mrs. Hendon's family in California. So, he was there at the time of the fourth murder. So, if we're trying to link him or anybody else for all the four murders, he's not our man.
Gus: Not if the fourth link could be a copycat, Frank.
Frank: No, it doesn't fit our pattern.
Gus: Okay. Well, we have forensics that is less than conclusive. I mean, Harley’s theory aside, we have nothing that connects all these murders.
Frank: My gut tell me they are, and so does yours.
Gus: All right, Frank, let's work backwards. Ariana. Who in Ariana’s life has got something against her?
Frank: Ariana's clean. No enemies, no record. We're starting back to square one.
Gus: No, no, we're not, Frank. Because this killer has got something against escorts. He's got something against Eden. He's got access to medical supplies. He's just showing off now. He's accelerating. The time between kills is getting less and less. (Cell phone ringing) Sorry, Frank. Detective Aitoro.
Officer Clegg: It's Officer Clegg. And per your orders, I’ve been watching Alan Spaulding.
Gus: Yeah, and? Damn! All right, all right, I'm on my way. Thank you.
Frank: Don't tell me another murder.
Gus: No, it's Alan Spaulding. He decided to play Sherlock without us. I'm going to go catch up with him before he gets himself killed.
Tammy: Hey, busy day?
Marina: Busy as in a lot of work? Yes. Busy as in big money for Marina? No, not really so much.
Tammy: So I guess I can't convince you to take a trip to the mall then, huh?
Marina: No, well, you definitely could, if I didn't have this big paper I have to finish for my English final. I was supposed to do it last night, but...
Tammy: You were busy being the guest of honor at your surprise party.
Marina: Yeah, something like that.
Tammy: Well, it was a really cool party, Marina.
Marina: Thanks.
Tammy: Your family is really fun to hang out with. I told my mom about everybody playing Twister, and she was really upset that she wasn't there.
Marina: Oh, yeah? Maybe we should have a game night at her next birthday, huh? Can you imagine your Uncle Edmund playing twister?
Tammy: Ugh. Well, Shayne really did throw you a perfect party. It was just right.
Marina: Yeah, I know. I know.
Tammy: Not like Ben would have done, huh? And he was really happy to see you happy.
Marina: Yeah, I know that, too.
Tammy: So?
Marina: So... so what? Am I ready to, like, take the plunge with Shayne and make it official? I don't know.
Tammy: He really is a good guy, Marina. And I'm not just saying that because he's my cousin. He really likes you.
Marina: I know, I know. I'm aware of that. Oh, just think how happy my family would be.
Tammy: Is that why you're holding back?
Marina: Who says I'm holding back? Okay, last night, after the party, we sort of kissed.
Tammy: "Sort of"?
Marina: Yeah, sort of. What do you want me to do, describe it to you in detail?
Tammy: Okay.
Marina: Uh...
Tammy: Oh, well, what's the big deal? Shayne kissed you before, right?
Marina: I know, I know. This was just different. I mean, I... I kissed him back. And it wasn't just because he threw me this party, and it wasn't just because he likes me. It was because I wanted to. I never thought I'd want to kiss anybody else after Ben, and it was really nice. Okay, please do not look at me like that. It really wasn't that big of a deal.
Tammy: It wasn't?
Marina: No. I mean, I... I don't know. It's really weird. I just don't want to think about it too much, and I guess the only way I’m going to really know how I feel about it is... Well, is if I see Shayne. You know what? Let's get out of here.
Tammy: Where are we going?
Marina: We're going to see Shayne.
Alexandra: Another champagne, please.
Baitinger: I'll have what she's having. Thank you for meeting me.
Alexandra: Well, you can imagine my surprise-- since I thought I had paid you quite handsomely never to have to see you again.
Baitinger: Really? I thought our agreement had more to do with me keeping quiet about Olivia Spaulding’s paternity test?
Alexandra: (Sighs)
Bartender: Shall I start a tab?
Baitinger: Put it on Ms. Spaulding’s.
Alexandra: (Laughs) And that is the last thing I intend to pay for.
Baitinger: Phillip hired me to work at Spaulding lab, and while he's been very generous...
Alexandra: If you're trying to shake me down, you can just forget it.
Baitinger: Well, unfortunately for you, I have a very good memory. I wonder what your nephew would give me if I told him what you paid me to do.
Alexandra: Well, you can't do that, because Phillip can never...
Baitinger: I wonder what he would give if he found out the baby was his.
Phillip: Hey.
Olivia: Hi. I thought that you were...
Phillip: No, I didn't want to wake you up. I had something that I wanted to do.
Olivia: You're here. That's all that matters.
Phillip: Since neither one of us particularly do it well-- coffee for me, tea for you.
Olivia: Thank you.
Phillip: And this.
Olivia: It's a tree.
Phillip: It is.
Olivia: You got me a tree.
Phillip: I did. I was thinking, baby's born, plant this. It'll grow up with him. Before you know it, he'll be climbing it. He gets a little older, he can get his first kiss underneath it, maybe carve the initials of some girl that he likes in it.
Olivia: Okay, wait, just wait, wait. What if it's a girl?
Phillip: Well, I think she can do pretty much all the same things. The point is, it's not a stock option. It's not a silver spoon. It's something real. You hate it.
Olivia: I love it. I... I love it. You just surprised me, that's all. I guess you're planning on hanging around and taking care of that tree, aren't you?
Phillip: (Laughs) I'm not going anywhere. No, you're stuck with me.
Olivia: No matter what?
Phillip: No matter what.
Olivia: It's really good to hear you say it all. And I love the tree, but...
Phillip: No "buts."
Olivia: I need to know one thing.
Phillip: What?
Olivia: In a couple of days, we're going to find out who this baby's father is. If it's Alan’s, I need to know that you can live with that.
Lizzie: Yeah, well, you don't know how lucky you really are. This baseball thing put you at the top of the food chain at school, and you're going to go to the big leagues, Shayne. Your parents, they can't stop loving each other-- or you.
Shayne: Yeah, and they can't stop thinking they know what's best for me. I mean, you don't do so bad. Look at you. You're pretty, you're smart, your family's got a lot of money.
Lizzie: Yeah. Well, I'd give it all up for a set of normal parents and a normal life.
Shayne: Okay, first of all, have you seen my parents? And second of all, I’ve seen you around Phillip, okay? The guy's crazy about you, and so is your mom.
Lizzie: Yeah, well, he's only there to pick up the pieces when I screw up. Otherwise, he's not around.
Shayne: Where is he?
Lizzie: Wherever Olivia is. It's like she put some spell on him and it turned him into mush.
Shayne: Lizzie...
Lizzie: I know she's not a witch, but... It's like she has this power over my dad to forget anything and everyone except for her. He chose to go on a trip with her than look at schools with me. That's not like my dad, Shayne.
Shayne: I had her first, remember.
Lizzie: Yeah, and since she hasn't been your stepmother, your life's been pretty close to perfect.
Shayne: Look, I know Olivia takes up a lot of space, but when my dad was with Olivia, I mean, he always managed to keep me and Marah on the top of his priority list. And my guess is your dad's going to do the exact same thing.
Lizzie: Yeah, well, I can be in the same room with my dad, and I miss him. She did that to him and my dad let her.
Shayne: Come on, cut him some slack. I mean, maybe he's just in love.
Lizzie: Love? Love doesn't make you forget anything and everyone else in your life. Or does it? Is that the way that Marina makes you feel? I'm sorry, it’s... it's none of my business. I should get out of here. I shouldn't be dumping my stupid problems on you, anyway.
Shayne: Lizzie, your problems aren't stupid, okay? Look, I'd love to say something to make all your problems go away. I just can't.
Lizzie: Well, you have helped me out just by listening.
Gus: Hm. Excuse me.
Alan: Oh.
Gus: What exactly do you think you're doing?
Alan: Well, Nicole and I are doing a little business, that's all.
Gus: Wow. Well, at least I know where I get my stubbornness from. It's a good thing I have you tailed.
Alan: So, you were checking up on me, huh?
Gus: Well, someone's got to protect you from yourself.
Alan: Well, I think... I think you've got the wrong idea.
Gus: No, I think you have the wrong idea. I think you think that you're still working on a case here. Is that right? That's what you think. Well, let me tell you-- Nicole, was it? I'm sorry, Al here, he's not going to need your services. I'm sorry it was a waste of your time and everything, but let me just take care of this for you. I'm sure that's enough to cover you.
Nicole: Actually, that only takes care of the first 15 minutes.
Gus: Wow. Prices have gone up. Okay, well, I'm sure you're very good at what you do.
Nicole: I'm the best.
Alan: Yeah, she'd better be. Gus, I’d like for you to meet Nicole Adams. She's my lawyer.
Alexandra: Well, I can certainly see that you have developed a taste for the good life.
Baitinger: Well, I have to keep my conscience quiet, and things help.
Alexandra: Mm-hmm. And what do you want? (Laughs) That's outrageous.
Baitinger: No more than paying someone to fake DNA results. I just want to be compensated for the risk that I've taken-- that I continue to take.
Alexandra: And if I did this, it would be a one-time offer and you'd have to make it last.
Baitinger: I'd like to think of it as more of an installment plan.
Alexandra: You listen to me, because Phillip would never compensate you after what you've done. No, and this is the last dime you're going to make off this, so I’m going to consider that I paid you in full for your silence so that there will be no way that Phillip can ever find out that that baby is his.
Baitinger: Anyone could get a lock of that baby's hair.
Alexandra: Well, there won't be any reason to, because by the time that baby is born, Olivia will be out of Phillip’s life for good.
Olivia: Will you be able to handle the truth about this baby? Phillip? Because I can't wake up every morning wondering whether you're going to be here or not. I know that truth and honesty mean everything to you, but when it comes down to it, this isn't some principle that you believe in, right? This is a baby. It's going to be a living reminder of my relationship with your father. And if it's Alan’s baby...
Phillip: Olivia... Would I rather this baby were mine? Yes. Of course. I can live with whatever the results are. I can accept it. I already have.
Gus: Can we just start all over, okay? I'm Detective Aitoro. It's my job, to be protective. And Alan here was working on a case with us, and I thought maybe he was striking out on his own here.
Nicole: Well, I assure you, my interest in Mr. Spaulding is purely professional.
Alan: Well, I’d like to think, you don't know me well enough to make that assessment yet. Besides, wasn't it fun playing the mystery woman?
Nicole: Who says I'm not?
Gus: What kind of law is it that you practice?
Nicole: That's privileged. Lawyer-client confidentiality?
Gus: Oh, right. Right, well, we got some father-son confidentiality going here.
Nicole: Is this your son?
Alan: Yes, this is my son Gus.
Gus: Alan, may I ask you something, please? Remember our whole full disclosure thing that we talked about? I mean, is that on the level, or is it not?
Alan: Yes, it's on the level. I just didn't expect you to take me up on it where business is concerned.
Gus: Well, I thought when it comes to you, business and family, it's all, you know, hand-in-hand.
Alan: It is. And your Aunt Alex has decided to play hardball. She has the audacity to use my temporary insanity-- that she induced-- to try to take away the company permanently.
Gus: She cannot do that. Okay? We could put her away for what she's done to you.
Alan: Yes, but she's banking on the idea that I won't hurt the company and cause any more scandal.
Gus: So she would actually use how you feel about your own company against you? There's nothing that this woman will not do.
Nicole: Well, we won't let her get away with it. So, I'll get to work on what we've discussed so far. You're lucky to have such a protective son.
Alan: Yes, I am.
Nicole: You know, I didn't see the resemblance before, but I see it now. There's definitely something-- the same... Spark. Oh. In case you ever need a lawyer.
Gus: Right, thanks. All right, look. I'm talking about, you know, being protective and looking out for you. I think maybe you want to cut your losses.
Alan: What are you talking about?
Gus: I'm talking about, you've been out of the business for a while, away from Spaulding. It seems to do you good. You seem a lot happier.
Alan: I am happier.
Gus: Yeah.
Alan: I found my son, we're working together, building a wonderful relationship with you, and...
Gus: I'm talking about just letting it go. Let the company go. You know, you've got more money than you could use in three lifetimes. You know, isn't there something else that you want to do?
Alan: Wait a minute, wait a minute, just like that? Let them steal the company that I have worked my entire life to build up? No, I'm not going to do that. And besides, I owe it to you.
Gus: No. Whoa-ho. If you're hanging on to this company and you're trying to stay on top for me, please, please just forget it.
Phillip: This baby's going to be healthy and strong, just like it's mother. You've got a lot to look forward to. You need to relax and start to concentrate on being a mother.
Olivia: Okay. Okay. Then I need a plan. I should... I should make a list.
Phillip: I don't think you need to start right now.
Olivia: Well, the baby needs some place to sleep.
Phillip: That's all right, I'll hire a decorator. You won't have to do anything.
Olivia: No, I’ll do it. I want to do it, okay? I've even had some thoughts on a loft extension. Do you want to see?
Phillip: Sure. Love to.
Olivia: Change what you want to. I just, you know, thought this was my first present to my baby and this nursery is going to be his or her first home, so... What do you think?
Phillip: Well, if you're going to give the kid a home, give the kid a home. I think a couple stories ought to do it, big back yard. Where do you think I’m going to plant a tree, on the fire escape?
Olivia: Are you talking about a house?
Phillip: Well, the loft is great, but it's no place to raise a child.
Olivia: Well, you know, if Ed would just let us have this place, I’d say we just come up here and set up housekeeping. Maybe then the rest of the world would just leave us alone.
Phillip: I don't think we need to hide out to keep what we have. No, I think the best way to protect ourselves is from a position of strength, and running Spaulding the right way will accomplish that. The same goes for family. Alan and Alex will just have to fend for themselves.
Olivia: I like the sound of that. All right, Springfield here we come.
Phillip: There's one more thing that we have to discuss before we can take another step. Lizzie.
Olivia: (Sighs)
Lizzie: Shayne and I were just... You know, it's funny what a small world it is. Here I was, bummed about my own dad problems, and Shayne had his own dad issues. It's good to know I'm not alone, right?
Marina: I can see that you're not alone.
Shayne: It's good you guys showed up when you did.
Marina: Oh, yeah? Why is that?
Shayne: Because Lizzie and I were stuck on cleanup duty all by ourselves, which is not exactly entirely fair considering it was your party.
Marina: (Laughs) I thought I offered to help you clean up yesterday. I've got to clean up all the time at Company. Now you expect me to clean up after my own party?
Shayne: Party's over, girl.
Marina: Oh, thanks, pal. Thanks a lot.
Tammy: Come on, you guys. I swear, you're worse than my little brothers. Marina, I think you forgot a present last night.
Lizzie: No, actually, that one's from me. I couldn't make it, and I just want to let you know I still remembered you.
Marina: Oh, wow. Lizzie, you didn't have to do that. Except you did. Wow. These are beautiful.
Lizzie: Yeah, I know you don't have anything like them, and they're not like you're usual style.
Marina: That's because I can't afford your style. Thank you.
Lizzie: Well, it's one of the perks of being a Spaulding. I can buy whatever I want, right? Oh, speaking of which, my grandpa's secretary is forever getting me concert tickets, and I just scored two tickets to the Linkin Park concert in Chicago.
Tammy: I love them! But I'm not allowed in a car with either of you, let alone outside the city limits.
Lizzie: Yeah, my mom kind of had the same idea. That's why I was thinking maybe the parent-friendly Shayne can accompany me, you know? Keep me out of trouble.
Shayne: Oh. I would, but I already planned on going with Marina.
Lizzie: Oh! You have a date. See, I miss one party, I’m completely behind on the social...
Marina: No, no. It was just, I had an extra ticket leftover from the man who was formerly my boyfriend, and Shayne agreed to go. We could, like, all go together. I'm sure it'd be really fun.
Lizzie: No, I don't want to interrupt anything. Besides, I can just scalp them and make a mint. They're not really my favorite anyway.
Tammy: You love them.
Lizzie: I loved them. It's past tense. I'm completely over them. Besides, we should get this placed cleaned up. Will you help me?
Tammy: Yeah.
Lizzie: Thanks, Tam.
Tammy: Sure.
Marina: You know, sometimes I feel like she's that poor kid who never got picked for sports teams at school, and then I remember that she didn't get picked because she accidentally on purpose got you detention the day before.
Shayne: She's got a lot going on, but she's going to be okay.
Marina: Should we just talk her into going with us? I mean...
Shayne: No, enough about Lizzie.
Marina: What else should we be talking about?
Shayne: Uh... What do you think?
Marina: Um... The concert?
Shayne: No.
Marina: Um, baseball?
Shayne: No.
Marina: Give me a hint.
Shayne: What we've both been thinking about since you walked in here. What happened between us last night?
Marina: Don't worry, Shayne. You're off the hook, okay? I'm not going to get all girly on you.
Shayne: Excuse me, you are a girl.
Marina: I know. I mean, I'm not going to go from a goodnight kiss to, you know, picking out our china patterns and planning our babies' names. I'm just not that girl. And besides, we've been here before. Like, you know, after the pro scout came and talked to you and we were really excited and we kissed, and it was no big deal.
Shayne: This was different, though.
Marina: Yeah, but it was just like we were caught up in the excitement of the moment. You know? You gave me back something that I thought that I’d lost on my 18th birthday.
Shayne: So then, this was just like... Last night was just, like, a thank-you kiss?
Marina: Yes. We can say it was just part of Shayne Lewis' all-service birthday package and leave it at that, okay?
Shayne: What if I don't want to leave it at that?
Marina: Shayne...
Shayne: No, I mean, you know, maybe it was nothing to you, but it was something to me. We've been friends for a long time. You're the only person that gets me, and I'm not talking about just baseball. I mean, everything. I mean, if we were just going to be friends, that would have been fine, because that would have been a lot, but... Last night when we kissed, that wasn't just good night. It was hello. And I don't want to push you. I mean, I know you have a lot to get over after Ben.
Marina: Look, anything that's been happening between you and me has nothing to do with Ben.
Shayne: That's good to know. Whatever happens, I just don't want to lose you as a friend.
Marina: You're not going to lose me, Shayne.
Olivia: You know, I hate that my presence in your life has sent Lizzie into a tailspin.
Phillip: (Sighs) Lizzie has been through more in her 16 years than anyone should have to go through in a lifetime. Beth and I accept full responsibility for that.
Olivia: Well, I’ll do whatever I can to help her along the way.
Phillip: She feels like she has to compete for my attention. She's wrong. But the only way to change her way of thinking is to make her feel more secure in the family, to include her, to make her comfortable. Are you with me on this?
Olivia: Yes, I'm with you on this-- all the way. Look, it might take some time, but she will come around.
Phillip: You sound very confident.
Olivia: Well, that's because you make me feel like anything is possible. I just have one little worry left.
Phillip: Alan.
Gus: Big Al, you know, I want to know you, but as far as the company goes, I don't want anything to do with it. Okay? So if you're trying to hold on to the company for me, please, please don't do that.
Alan: No, I’m not doing that. Besides, I’ve made that mistake once before.
Gus: All right, so that was what I was saying before. You have so much money, you could do anything you want. Isn't there something else that you want to do? Like, when you were a little kid and you were growing up, like, "This is what I want to do?"
Alan: Like be a fireman or something?
Gus: Exactly, anything. Something like that.
Alan: No. This is what I want to do. Now, you're going to have to accept that about me, like I accept that you're not like me.
Gus: All right, so you are doing this for you and for you alone.
Alan: Tell me something: Wouldn't you love to see your Aunt Alex put in her place?
Gus: Okay, so you're doing this for you and for the Alex thing, and that's it?
Alan: That's not all, no.
Gus: Here we go.
Alan: I'm doing it for your kids. Now, you and Harley might enjoy being detectives and police work, but sometimes this thing skips generations.
Gus: No, ho-whoa. My kids are not going to be running around, little suit-wearing Spaulding’s cutting deals, okay? No offense.
Alan: I think they should make that choice.
Gus: So this is a legacy thing, then?
Alan: Exactly.
Gus: Ah. Okay, I get it.
Frank: Hello, Alan. How you doing?
Alan: Just fine, Frank.
Frank: Good. Can I talk to you for a second?
Gus: Yeah, absolutely.
Alan: Don't mind me. Just...
Gus: No...
Alan: What?
Gus: How you doing?
Frank: I've been trying to get into the mind of the killer.
Gus: Yeah, what you got?
Frank: Well, the killer started out in the alley and then moved the murders inside, right? The Beacon, the country club.
Gus: Yeah.
Frank: Right? Well, maybe it's not about the presentation anymore. Maybe it's about the relationship between the killer and the victim. He's not dumping bodies anymore. He's taking them out to dinner.
Gus: What are you saying, Frank?
Frank: What I’m saying, is I that think there's a certain intimacy in the kills. The murders committed have been up close and personal, and I only think it's going to get worse.
Gus: All right, Frank, you might be on to something. Maybe the killer was a victim themselves, maybe they were hurt in some way, maybe they had a grievance of some kind, and this is their sort of sick version of payback.
Alexandra: Drinking alone, Alan? How sad.
Marina: So, what do we do now?
Shayne: I think there's something we should do.
Marina: Oh, yeah? What's that?
Shayne: What would you say to two friends with potential going to the prom together?
Marina: Oh-ho, well. You do realize in the world of high school, that is a pretty serious commitment?
Shayne: I think we can handle it.
Marina: I don't know. The whole thing is, like, so completely lame. I mean, you know, think about it. Me in, like, some poofy pastel dress in dyed shoes?
Shayne: I guess I could see it. Me renting a tux and a limo is a little bit "Saturday Night Fever."
Marina: I think that's actually the theme this year. Everyone tries to act like they're, like, so grown up about it, you know? Spiking punch bowls and sneaking off to rented motel rooms, and...
Shayne: But you know what? Maybe it would be fun just to go so we could make fun of everybody else.
Marina: That's true. That is true. Because, like, everybody acts like it's like, you know, the be-all, end-all, like the biggest deal in the entire world. I mean, we both know so much better than that.
Shayne: Yeah, we do. Well, we could always just use the money for something else really fun.
Marina: Yeah, because, like, anything would be cooler.
Shayne: So I'll rent a tux and you'll dye your shoes?
Marina: Yeah. (Laughs)
Shayne: Okay.
Tammy: He's taken.
Lizzie: She doesn't deserve him.
Olivia: I know that Alan told you that he didn't care who the father of this baby is, but I'm sorry, I don't think he meant it.
Phillip: This child will need to know that Alan is his or her father. I'm not going to let any kid grow up with the lies that I grew up with. But no kids deserve to be a pawn in a war between Alan and me, so I will stand between Alan and this child if I have to, until the child is old enough to know what they want. How's that?
Alan: I'm here meeting my son. You are here all by your lonesome, trying to pick a fight with your brother because you need the attention.
Alexandra: Oh, well, Alan, I really don't blame you for clinging so close to your bastard son because you threw away the love of a good man, like Phillip.
Alan: Let me tell you something. Everything, Alexandra, is exactly the way it should be. I finally have the son that I have always wanted. I will soon have my company back, and to top it all off, I may see you behind bars.
Alexandra: Oh. Well, don't waste your breath trying to threaten me, Alan, because I'm not the one you're going to have to fight this time.
Alan: Oh, really.
Alexandra: Are you really prepared to do battle with the person that you raised to take over Spaulding? Hm? Your son, Phillip?
Gus: What does she want?
Alan: She was just informing me that Phillip is going to try to hurt me.
Gus: Well, is that something new?
Alan: As a matter of fact, it is.
Gus: All right, let's get you out of here. Come on.
Alan: What?
Gus: Yeah, Harley’s going to cook for us.
Alan: Oh.
Gus: We're going to have Mac and cheese. She can't mess that up. Unless, of course, you prefer to have caviar and champagne.
Alan: No. Phillip can have the caviar. I've got everything I want right here.
Gus: I'll go get the car.
Nicole: Your son's really something.
Alan: Yes, he is. He's got brains, spirit, courage, and I’m not going to let them go to waste. That's why I want you to draw up those papers as soon as you can, making Gus my rightful and sole heir.
Nicole: You're the boss.
Alan: Don't you forget it.
Next, on "Guiding Light."
Harley: Look around you, Alan. You're on my turf now.
Alan: (Chuckles)
Shayne: It's a full pro contract!
Josh: You have to make a decision.
Cassie: Excuse me! I was napping!
Jeffrey: Well, excuse me, I was drowning.
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