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Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 6/18/03
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Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Reva: Thanks for making the time, Christopher.
Christopher: Well, I'm happy to. You know I’ve been anxious to work with you, so...
Reva: So let's get started.
Christopher: Right now?
Reva: The sooner the better. I need to understand what I saw, right now. It's my family. I think we're in trouble.
Announcer: On the mound for Tulsa south, all-county pitcher Joshua Lewis. Good. (Cheers and applause)
Billy: I think it's a mite late for a comeback, little brother.
Gus: All right, so what do you got?
Rick: It's like we thought. Automatic injection in the arm. Probably happened when the lights turned out. Cause of death: Respiratory arrest.
Gus: Okay, okay. And your tox screen, what poison did it show?
Rick: No poison.
Gus: No poison? What?
Rick: It wasn't poison that killed this woman. We're looking at a whole new set of problems here, Gus.
Buzz: You're looking at that autopsy report over there like it's a t-bone steak and you're starving.
Harley: Well, you know, Dad, I was in the room with the girl when she died. I was supposed to protect her. Of course I want to nail this guy.
Buzz: Harley, it's police business.
Harley: Yes, it is.
Buzz: Harley...
Harley: I know, I quit. I meant that.
Buzz: And you can live with that?
Harley: Well, some things are easier to live with than others. Gus is on the job. Don't bother him now, okay, Alan?
Alan: Well, hello to you, too. Buzz, I was craving one of those fabulous sandwiches that you gave me the other day.
Buzz: We have several.
Alan: Yeah. Well, it was the big stuffed one. Looked like Thanksgiving dinner between two pieces of bread.
Harley: He wants you to make it the way Gus likes it, Dad. That is what you want, isn't it, Alan?
Phillip: Okay, you rest while I unpack.
Olivia: I'm fine.
Phillip: Oh, you know what? There are actually extra pillows and blankets in the closet in case you get cold.
Olivia: I'm okay.
Phillip: Because it actually can get cold up here even in the sun.
Olivia: You know, maybe... maybe we shouldn't try so hard at this.
Phillip: No, I just... You know, I promised you a break from all the Alan wars and from all the problems with Lizzie and some real attention.
Olivia: Well, attention didn't used to be work for us; it was staying away from each other that was difficult. I have an idea. Maybe... maybe you could keep me and the baby warm. (Knock at the door) We have guests.
Alexandra: (Moans)
Phillip: Aunt Alex. What are you doing here?
Alexandra: (Laughs) Well, I brought you a gift-- something I should've given you a long time ago.
Phillip: What's that?
Alexandra: Freedom from your father.
Phillip: Well, Aunt Alex, I’m sure whatever it is you're selling, it could've waited until we got back.
Alexandra: I am sorry to interrupt.
Olivia: Of course you are.
Alexandra: It's just that this couldn't wait another day.
Phillip: What's that?
Alexandra: I put the controlling shares of Spaulding stock in both our names, Phillip, and I’ve named you my successor as CEO. All you have to do is sign the papers.
Phillip: You want to share controlling interest in the company with me?
Alexandra: That's right.
Phillip: No, that wouldn't free me from Alan. That would guarantee that I would be locked in a dog fight with him for the rest of my life.
Alexandra: Oh, come on, you're there already right now anyway. I mean, this just evens the game a little bit. No matter what Alan does, he can't throw you out. And between the two of us, well, we'll have enough power to block anything he tries.
Phillip: He said that he would have you thrown in jail if you try to fight him for the company.
Alexandra: (Laughs) Yes, well, let him try. At this point I... I'm quite prepared to take my chances.
Phillip: Why? What's so urgent right now?
Alexandra: Alan's lost his mind.
Olivia: Really? Again. What drug did you use this time?
Alexandra: (Sighs)
Phillip: Fair question.
Alexandra: I didn't do anything. No, he's gone ga-ga over his new heir all by himself. Did you know that your father is working undercover for the police?
Phillip: (Laughs) He's doing what?
Alexandra: Oh, yes, yes. It's true. He's so anxious to bond with Gus that he's put himself out there as bait to catch a killer.
Phillip: Well, I guess if he's having fun...
Alexandra: No, no, a woman was murdered not two feet away from him.
Olivia: Wait a minute. At the country club and Alan was there?
Alexandra: Yes, and it could have been him.
Phillip: That's a big risk even for Alan to take.
Alexandra: You see.
Phillip: Oh, I see; I see that it's extreme, and I see that he wants to reel Gus in. Other than that, it's actually fairly classic Alan. That’s what he does. You know this is what he does. He puts himself there, nothing he won't do for you, and then he springs the trap. Why do you do this? I don't want to see this junk. I don't want to be anywhere around it.
Alexandra: Oh, Phillip, you've been there your whole life. Come on, up until now Alan’s always pulled the strings. I'm giving you a way out.
Phillip: This looks real.
Alexandra: Well, yes, I’m serious. You just sign these and Alan can never hurt you again.
Olivia: Can I talk to you?
Phillip: Sure.
Olivia: If this is something you really want, then why are you hesitating?
Phillip: Because it's Alan. You don't make any sudden moves.
Olivia: Could it be worse? He's here, Phillip. He's always in the room with us. I know it's why you can't make love to me, and I know it's why you pulled away when I reached out to you before. Maybe this can't cure that, but if you can get him out of some part of your life, you know, maybe even a little corner... (Sighs)
Rick: It's a drug called Somynol.
Gus: I've never heard of that.
Rick: It's a blocking agent used in a hospital as an anesthetic. It's administered in I.V. in very small doses.
Gus: And what, it puts people to sleep?
Rick: Or it blocks pain in very small doses.
Gus: And in high doses?
Rick: Paralysis and then respiratory arrest. Gus, our victim died almost instantaneously.
Gus: Oh, God. And where does somebody gets access to a drug like this?
Rick: Nobody can get it over the counter. I mean, in a hospital it would be a doctor or nurse.
Gus: Okay, so, or a lab tech or somebody that has access to a med cart or a janitor at the hospital.
Rick: If they're able to steal a key, yeah, anybody who knew what they were looking for-- as our guy obviously did.
Gus: I don't like this. This guy was able to kill somebody in a room full of cops. It's just too easy. It's too easy for him.
Alan: Any luck with the case?
Gus: Hey.
Rick: Hi.
Gus: So anything else?
Rick: That's it. That's the highlights. I got a copy for you. I got to go.
Gus: Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Rick: Alan, always good to see you.
Alan: Bye, Rick.
Rick: Excuse me. Thanks.
Alan: Well, I have a feeling that you are just about to crack this case.
Gus: No, far from it.
Alan: Well, then I think I should go undercover again.
Gus: Alan...
Alan: All you have to do is just line me up some clients, and I will take them out and we will...
Gus: Alan, Alan, Alan, I appreciate all of your help. I really do. But this partnership is over.
Christopher: Now begin to relax, starting with your feet. Feel the heaviness in your ankles.
Reva: I've got something.
Christopher: Already?
Reva: It's the same as this morning.
Christopher: What?
Reva: I can't.
Christopher: Okay, tell me what you feel.
Reva: Anxiety, and there's a sound, a whoosh, wind, or something flying past me that I can't stop, but I want it to stop.
Christopher: Take a deep breath and concentrate.
Reva: Why won't it stop?
Christopher: Because you're afraid of it. Remember, it's only information; it can't hurt you. Deep breath.
Reva: It's Shayne.
Christopher: Your son?
Reva: Yes. He's rushing, or something's going by him, or... Damn it, why can't I see it?
Christopher: Stop right now, Reva. We need to stop.
Josh: Hey. What brings you here?
Billy: Well, I just came down to see if you were plum all out crazy, that's all.
Josh: Oh, really?
Billy: Yes.
Josh: Really? So that's the report from the field, huh? Crazed sports dad redeems his own failures through his son. (Laughs)
Billy: It's something like that, you know. Hey, but seeing you down here like this, I mean, it certainly couldn't be true.
Josh: Wait, wait, wait. Let me guess. Reva asked you to come down here to convince me that Shayne would be better off playing college ball than he would be playing in the pros, right?
Billy: No. No, she'd lose on that one because I think he should be in the pros because the kid's got an arm.
Josh: Yes, he does. I never had a curve ball like he has.
Billy: Yeah, but, little brother, you threw pure smoke.
Josh: (Laughs) Thank you. I appreciate that. But Shayne’s in a whole different league, you know. I mean, it's a... It's a thrill to watch somebody who's truly gifted.
Bill: It's definitely a pretty sight. You should be proud.
Josh: I am. I am. He's much better than I ever would have been, Billy. So I just want to make sure that he has a shot, you know.
Billy: Hey, who wouldn't?
Josh: Well, thank you. I appreciate that. Finally somebody on my side.
Billy: I am on your side, yeah.
Josh: So... so why are you here?
Billy: Shayne called me.
Josh: He did?
Billy: Yeah. Yeah, he said you're making him crazy, and he just wanted me to come down and jolly you up a little bit. (Laughs)
Josh: Okay, all right. Well, yes, I have been pushing him a little bit, you know, I mean, over practice and some other things. I mean, he's a kid. He needs some help with focus and perseverance.
Billy: Yeah, yeah, just like we did when we were 18 -- I mean, all that encouragement that H.B. gave you for baseball.
Josh: (Laughs)
Billy: Hey, the kid... The kid told me, Josh. I mean, it's like... Yeah, see, the trouble is now he feels like he's not only got you on his back, but he's got H.B. on his back, because you were both so sorry that you didn't go on and become a pro.
Josh: Billy...
Billy: Don't say anything, Josh. Just turn and look at me for a second, will you please? Why did you have to go and tell the kid a lie like that?
Josh: Billy, I believe with all my heart that Daddy only wanted what was best for both of us.
Billy: What he thought was best. Look, Josh, I don't see the problem. I mean, don't you want Shayne to know that the old man wasn't just that jolly old guy who read Christmas stories? He can't handle the truth? Or is it you that can't handle the truth?
Josh: Where is this coming from?
Billy: I'll tell you where it's coming from. Your senior year, Easter dinner. Hamp and I came home from college, and the old man was sitting at the head table and he went on for hours and hours about some Podunk team that our football team had beaten five months ago.
Josh: Yeah, well, you were the star.
Billy: Yeah, well, that was my role. Thank you very much. Meanwhile you are sitting there, you've just taken your high school baseball team to the state championship. You did it single-handedly, Josh. You did it single-handedly. The old man didn't say one word to you. He didn't give a damn about your baseball career.
Josh: That's not the way I remember it.
Billy: Yeah, well, I was on my third bourbon and branch, and I remember how awful it was, because I knew you were sitting there hurt.
Josh: You sure it was only three?
Billy: Okay. Yeah, it probably was a lot more before the night was through. That's true.
Josh: Usually was. So why is it that you think you remember that night so much better than I remember that night, Billy?
Billy: Because some things you just don't forget. God knows I tried, right?
Josh: Yes, you did.
Billy: Yeah. That's the funny thing about the pressure to fill the place that H.B. had set for us. Some of us drank away a couple of decades, and some of us hightailed it out of there as fast as we could.
Josh: Billy, look, maybe you want to blame H.B. for your life. That's fine. That's your deal. But that's not me.
Billy: I don't want to blame H.B., Josh, I don’t. I just want to make it clear as when he handed us a lifesaver and when he handed us a lead weight. H.B. had one plan for you and one plan only: Take over Lewis Oil. And with H.B. it was his way or the highway. So you split because he didn't listen to you, Josh. And that's exactly what you're doing with Shayne.
Josh: That's not true. That is absolutely not true. I have been listening to Shayne. He loves baseball. It's what he wants. It's his choice. And I'm going to do whatever it takes, Billy, to make sure that he gets his shot.
Billy: Okay, right there, "Whatever it takes."
Josh: It's not the same thing.
Billy: Well, I hope not, because you're smarter.
Josh: Billy, after all the fighting that H.B. and I did, after all the battles that we had together, look where I ended up in my life.
Billy: Right where H.B. wanted you to.
Josh: Yes, and maybe that's a good thing. Maybe he was right. You ever think about that? Yeah, he was... He was tough on us. But maybe he was.. He was more than just a crazy, old man. Maybe he knew me better than I knew myself at 18 years old.
Billy: Okay. Maybe he did, because, Josh, do you love your life?
Josh: Yes, I do.
Billy: And by the way, you're not pushing Shayne to relive your dreams? No. Folks are dead wrong about that.
Josh: Yes, they are.
Billy: I know that. But I just want you to remember this. You came that close to not having all of this. Not because you didn't love it, but because H.B. pushed you. The direction doesn't make any difference, Josh. It's just the shove.
Josh: Billy, I'm a different dad than the one we had.
Billy: You just better hope that your son is a different son than you were, because if he's not, you both might lose.
Reva: I don't want to stop. I'm worried.
Christopher: I know. Reva, these problems you're having with your family, do they involve Shayne?
Reva: Yes. I think that's why I was so concerned when I saw whatever I saw.
Christopher: Your anxiety. You saw your anxiety.
Reva: No, no, not just that.
Christopher: Well, maybe so, but there's no way that you'll be able to see clearly.
Reva: Well, then what's the point of having a gift if it can't help me...
Christopher: Help you what? Short-circuit your life? Win a family fight? It doesn't work that way, Reva. The more emotionally involved you are, the more confused the impressions will be.
Reva: About everything?
Christopher: Probably. Or you'll see just exactly what you want to see, what you fear, what you expect.
Reva: You mean like the people who only hear what they want to hear no matter what it is you tell them you've seen?
Christopher: I'm afraid so. Reva, it's none of my business, but if you want to see clearly, you'll have to get these.. These personal anxieties out of the way.
Reva: Okay. I can do that.
Christopher: Well, don't be discouraged if you can't. For most people, even people with your gift, your family will always be the biggest mystery of all.
Alexandra: Alone again.
Olivia: Not for long-- maybe not ever again.
Alexandra: (Laughs) If you have your way, huh? You just worked Phillip, didn't you?
Olivia: I don't think I know how to work Phillip.
Alexandra: Oh, come on. You want him head of Spaulding every bit as much as I do.
Olivia: Yes, I do, but not for the same reasons as you. I want him to have peace. And yes, I want security for my baby.
Alexandra: Oh, yes, that's right. The little tyke's going to have quite a bumpy road, isn't he? (Laughs) Well, depending on who his father is.
Olivia: No, that won't matter.
Phillip: I am standing here holding the papers that could send me back to Spaulding for good.
Rick: Well, here's a news flash, buddy. You've always been and always will be involved.
Phillip: In charge, Rick.
Rick: What?
Phillip: Yeah, I don't know if I’d have enough power to actually get rid of Alan, but he could never overrule me again. Of course, I’d be tangled up with Alexandra.
Rick: That's always been the case.
Phillip: Couldn't even nurse the illusion that I would ever get away.
Rick: It seems like a lot of that in your life these days, pal.
Phillip: What?
Rick: Obligation.
Phillip: Now, if you're talking about Olivia and the baby, at least that's one that I chose.
Rick: So is this the point, I just stand here and listen and nod, or do you want some great advice?
Phillip: Well, I hate dead air, but I usually hate your advice more.
Rick: Take care of yourself. Don't think about debt obligation or anything. Just take care of yourself this time. Otherwise, everybody else will go nuts around you.
Phillip: Well, if I do it and my life goes to hell, will the Bauer’s adopt me?
Rick: There's always room at the Bauer house for more vagrants. You're always welcome.
Phillip: Hey, Rick?
Rick: Yeah.
Phillip: Thanks, pal.
Rick: You're welcome, buddy. Take care.
Phillip: Got a pen?
Alexandra: Oh, yeah. Well... You'll sign them?
Phillip: Yeah, with one change.
Alexandra: Well...
Phillip: I'm your successor as CEO.
Alexandra: Well, yes, of course. I mean, it's already in there. It's written in.
Phillip: No, now. I want you out of the company now.
Buzz: No matter how rotten Alan is, Gus is his son; he's going to give him a chance. Surely you get that.
Harley: Why me?
Buzz: Well, when I came to town, you gave me a chance, didn't you? You didn't want to. You even tried hating me. But you couldn't, could you?
Harley: Yeah, but you're you. That's Alan Spaulding.
Buzz: Uh-huh. Gus will see that if you don't get in the way.
Harley: Me?
Buzz: Yeah, you. Look, he's missed having a father. It's the biggest hole in his life to date, right?
Harley: Well, that's why this kills me, because there are so many ways that Alan could break his heart.
Buzz: Well, maybe, you know. But one thing is for sure. He's left an opening for his father, right? The more you attack his father, the more he defends, pushes you two apart. Then he goes to his daddy-- who loves you to pieces, by the way-- and daddy is all sympathy.
Harley: And I end up looking like the bad guy.
Buzz: I think that's the way it plays out. So you'd be doing Alan’s work for him.
Harley: So I should just sit around and watch Alan play Gus like a violin?
Buzz: It is Alan Spaulding. You give him enough rope, he'll shoot himself in the foot.
Harley: How do you shoot yourself in the foot with a rope?
Buzz: You're paying for your own lunch. You know what I meant.
Harley: Yeah, I know.
Gus: You know, the killer that got Ariana-- that's victim number four-- that could've just as easily have been you.
Alan: I am not afraid.
Gus: Well, you should be afraid. I cannot protect you.
Alan: You don't have to protect me.
Gus: Yes, I do have to protect you. That's my job. Listen, if anything happened to you, I put your life on the line, if something happens, I couldn't live with myself. I know it's hard. I mean, I know that a girl died in front of you and you want to get to the bottom of it. I understand.
Alan: That's not all. Don't you understand? I like and enjoy working with you. Now, if you want me to sign a waiver or something, I’ll be happy to sign one.
Gus: Alan, listen to me. That's it, okay? It's over. You done good. You did a great... You done good, but you got to just let it go.
Alan: Thank you.
Gus: For what?
Alan: I cannot remember the last time anyone said to me that I done good. Certainly not one of my sons. I never met Phillip’s standards. Maybe that's the difference with having a real son like...
Gus: All right. Can I just make something perfectly clear, okay? I am not nor do I ever want to be a replacement for your other son.
Alexandra: So you're going to run the company alone?
Phillip: Yeah. Why not? Or you know what? Maybe this time I'll see if Gus wants to help me.
Alexandra: (Laughs) Don't even joke about that.
Phillip: Why? Is this a conditional offer? Is this Phillip, you're free to do anything you'd like as long as you keep Gus out of the family and as long as you vote this way on this deal. Because if that's the plan, I won't have any part of it. The only way I’ll do it is if it's clean and honest with no strings attached.
Alexandra: Clean and honest. Well, that's something I don't feel you have much around you these days.
Phillip: Aunt Alex, that's my offer. Take it or leave it. If you want me in the company, you have to get out.
Alexandra: Fine. The company's yours. It's the way I’ve always wanted it, Phillip. That was the whole point.
Phillip: So you've always said. And now it'll be true. Okay. Succession effective immediately. You need to initial that.
Alexandra: Oh.
Phillip: I'll keep this and I’ll make sure you get copies. And we're done.
Alexandra: Well, I really should...
Phillip: Going. You should be going.
Olivia: (Screams) Why don't never have a camera when I need one? That was so amazing? (Laughs) I mean do you feel good about that? That was so right. That was perfect.
Phillip: About time. Okay. Okay. Listen about the crack that she made about the honesty...
Olivia: Oh, no, don't worry about it. I'm used to it.
Phillip: No, no, that's not what I mean. I need to be honest with you. It's no good for me to say that I want that in every other part of my life and then not follow through on it myself.
Olivia: What are you talking about?
Phillip: I'm talking about this baby.
Shayne: Mom, is the coast clear? Sorry. Is Dad around?
Reva: He's out back, I think.
Shayne: Good. I'm out of here.
Reva: Where?
Shayne: I'm going to the mall to pick up my tux before Dad gets back and gives me win sprints or whatever else to further my career this very second.
Reva: Sweetheart, I know things haven't been easy for you and your dad. So was the party fun?
Shayne: Yeah, it was okay. I'm sorry. I know I should have run it by you first, but it was like a spur of the moment kind of thing.
Reva: It's okay. It was a nice thing you did for Marina.
Shayne: Yeah, well, but Dad doesn't think so. He probably tried to bust it up, didn't he? And then you probably stopped him.
Reva: Shayne.
Shayne: Never mind. I mean, I know you guys have to give me the "United parents party" line. I'm just sick of the pressure. You know, I mean, the guy, he wants to run my entire life.
Reva: Shayne, the guy is your father. And he only wants what's best for you.
Shayne: Yeah, well, it's not like that anymore. I mean now it's like I’m suppose to, you know, make-up for something he didn't do in his life. It's got nothing to do with me.
Reva: Listen to me, Shayne. I don't know what's going on with your father, but you have to know he loves you. Never doubt that.
Harley: Hey, Josh. Josh?
Josh: Hi. Getting some air?
Harley: Yeah, it's too thick in there. For me I mean. It's not... Are you okay?
Josh: Yeah, I’m fine. I'm just a little preoccupied that's all. Just you know, family stuff, problems.
Harley: Oh, Reva and the kids okay?
Josh: No, they're fine. I just... They just need to stay away from me that's all because, you know, I'm the problem these days.
Harley: You are.
Josh: It seems I've turned into some kind of a monster or a mad man or...
Harley: Oh, please. (Laughs)
Josh: Yeah, it's true.
Harley: No, you are the sanest, smartest man in the world.
Josh: Well, not always. And you should know that as well as anybody else. I mean you've certainly seen me at my worst.
Harley: When Reva... You thought she was dead. You were grieving. That doesn't count.
Josh: Well...
Harley: So come on, why does everybody think you've suddenly gone round the bend?
Josh: It's because of Shayne and his pitching. You know he's very good.
Harley: Yeah, I heard. Marina told me. So he's what? He's going pro?
Josh: Well, he could go pro. That's the whole deal. See he's got to make a decision now as to whether or not he's going to play college ball or skip that and go straight into the pros. And it's a critical juncture for him. If he makes the wrong choice, he could miss a great opportunity. He's got to keep focused on the long term, you know.
Harley: Yes, yes. So why does anybody have a problem with that?
Josh: Because they think I'm making it about me. (Laughs) That I’m pushing him for my own reasons, you know. That I’m not listening to what he has to say and what he wants...
Harley: Okay, okay.
Josh: I don't know my own son. That kind of a thing.
Harley: I got it. I got it. Do you remember a long time ago, it was early when I first started working for you. Reva had been gone only a few weeks and you were a wreck. And I was freaking out because there was nothing I could do to make it better for any of you. And it took me two hours to get Marah to sleep that night and Shayne was screaming and crying. (Josh laughs) Do you remember this?
Josh: Yes, that was a terrible night.
Harley: Yes.
Josh: I remember.
Harley: I could do nothing to calm him down. And you came in and you took him from me and you went upstairs to the bathroom and you turned on the shower, you sat on the floor and you held your son in your arms. And you were very still. And you didn't say anything. You just held him. And then after a little bit, you said, "It's okay, son, you can go to sleep now." And he did. He did. And you sat in there holding him in your arms practically all night on the floor with the shower going.
Josh: Yeah, it had been very chaotic and he needed something steady. A steady sound. Calm.
Harley: And you knew that. I mean he was a baby, he couldn't talk, but you were listening. See. You knew what he needed better than anybody else could. You're a great father, Josh. You've always known your son.
Josh: Thank you.
Harley: Now, me, I could write a book on bad fathers. You are not one of them.
Alan: Look, Gus, I'm sorry. I don't want or expect you to replace one of my sons anymore than I want to replace your father. Just don't get upset with me. Don't push me away or...
Gus: Hey. Hey, hey, it's okay. You know, you had a moment. It's fine.
Alan: You're sure?
Gus: Yeah. Yeah. It happens, you know. What are you so jumpy about?
Alan: Yeah, but when it happens to me... Let me tell you something. I am at war with Phillip right now. Alan-Michael had to leave the country to get away from me. I blow it regularly with my sons. And I don't want that to happen with you. I don't want to miss out this time.
Gus: Okay. Then... then we won’t. Okay?
Phillip: Okay. Listen, I know I said in the beginning that I would stick with you no matter who the father was. You didn't want to have a test. That was your decision. That was your right. But it's no secret that that's been difficult for me. You know, you said yourself, you could feel me pulling back from you. It's like Alan’s in the room with us. And you're right more than you know. So I need...
Olivia: I know.
Phillip: What?
Olivia: I have the answer. I already took care of it.
Phillip: What are you talking about?
Olivia: I had a paternity test ordered. Dr. Sedwick already had the amnio fluid and all I had to do was request it.
Phillip: You did.
Olivia: Yeah. A couple days ago. We should have the results back pretty soon.
Phillip: Okay, so you did it for yourself?
Olivia: No. I did it for you. You deserve to know. And I have to tell you I never been so afraid of test results in my life.
Phillip: Olivia...
Olivia: I'm just so afraid that, you know, if we find out that's Alan’s baby then you may not look at me like-- and of course I considered fixing it.
Phillip: Who wouldn't?
Olivia: I can't. I can't, okay? And I won’t. I won’t. You want honesty, and I'm going to give that to you. Because I know it's the only way that we stand a chance.
Olivia: I miss feeling close to you. Just tell me everything is going to be okay, all right?
Phillip: It's okay.
Olivia: And no matter what happens, tell me it's going to be okay.
(Phone rings)
Alexandra: Hello?
Lab tech: Alexandra?
Alexandra: Yes.
Lab tech: I want to come see you.
Alexandra: Who... How did you get this number?
Lab tech: Don't you recognize your old pal? Where are you?
Alexandra: At the Beacon. But don’t...
Lab tech: Sit tight. We have business to settle.
Harley: Hey, guys.
Alan: Hey.
Gus: Hey.
Harley: You have a minute, Alan?
Alan: Well, for you, Harley, of course.
Harley: Are you busy for dinner tonight?
Alan: As a matter of fact, I'm not. And I think I'm going to go call the Towers right now and reserve a table for all of us.
Harley: No, no, no, not at Towers. You're invited to our house. I'll cook. A casual dinner.
Alan: Well, that sounds great.
Harley: Here are the house rules though. You can't wear a suit and you can't check the overseas market and you have to be prepared to get down on the floor and play. Zach has a new train set.
Alan: I can't wait. What can I bring?
Harley: Just your smiling face.
Reva: Sweetie, I... I know that you're frustrated by the pressure your daddy's putting on you.
Shayne: Yeah, and you're not frustrated?
Reva: No. I mean we don't agree on everything.
Shayne: You don't agree. Why don't you try a knock down, drag out, smart guy.
Reva: Hey, now wait a minute. I haven't punch him out yet. And it's true we have fought. I mean it's no secret that your dad and I see things differently when it comes to the decision you have to make.
Shayne: Yeah, but it's my decision. I mean at least you get that. Why can't he?
Reva: He will. I... I don't know what's working on your dad right now anymore than you do. But he deserves some patience from both of us. He's earned that. And in the end, then we'll all be together. I mean we'll work this out. Because it is ultimately your decision. Don't you ever worry about that.
Josh: Mr. Devries, it's Joshua Lewis. Yeah, that's exactly why I’m calling. Shayne has made a decision. We'd like to sign with you. Yes, I understand completely. Shayne will be passing on college eligibility and going straight into the draft this year. (Laughs) I agree. It's the right thing for him, yes.
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