[an error occurred while processing this directive] GL Transcript Tuesday 6/17/03 [an error occurred while processing this directive]
[an error occurred while processing this directive]

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 6/17/03

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Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Phillip: Okay, the car is packed, I picked up the keys from Rick.

Olivia: And Cassie’s back, which means we're free to go.

Phillip: Right after I talk to Beth.

Olivia: Beth?

Phillip: Yeah, she called and said that Lizzie apparently has something she needs to talk to me about. I told her we were heading out, but I said I would wait here until they stop by.

Olivia: Phillip.

Phillip: Hey. There you are.

Beth: You're going someplace.

Phillip: Yeah. Hi, sweetheart. Yeah, we're going up to the Bauer cabin for a few days. Olivia...

Lizzie: A few days? Like how many?

Phillip: I don't know. We were going to play it by ear. Why?

Beth: Lizzie wants to enroll in Springfield Academy next fall.

Phillip: Private school. Okay, well, we'll talk about it when I get back.

Lizzie: Oh, but I thought you'd want to check the place out.

Phillip: Well, yeah, of course I do. But it's June. I think we have plenty of time.

Lizzie: And there's an open house.

Phillip: Oh, good. Well, then we'll do that. When is that?

Lizzie: Tomorrow.

Reva: Hello?

Josh: Hi.

Reva: Oh, hi. Hi.

Josh: Where have you been?

Reva: I was shopping. I finally found that aftershave you liked so much. Ha, ha. What's wrong?

Josh: What? You mean you don't know?

Reva: Very funny. But since you brought it up, I had the most incredible meeting with Christopher Langham today. You know, the guy plays me like a poker hand, but he really knows his stuff. In fact I'm thinking seriously about doing something about my abilities, these psychic things.

Josh: Well, that's great. That's terrific. You can start by using your psychic ability to find our son. Shayne has gone missing-in-action again.

Frank: I am going to show this young lady a great time tonight if it kills me.

Buzz: Frank, actually the last time you tried to show Darci a good time, someone was killed.

Frank: Yeah, it was a great first date, wasn't it, Darci? (Both laugh)

Darci: Don't worry about it, Frank. I mean, obviously, a murder at the club was scary, but I don't know, watching you work was exciting.

Buzz: My son's a great cop, isn't he? (Darci laughs) My little baby boy.

Darci: Yes, he is. But how is he on the dance floor?

Buzz: You're taking her dancing, Frank? Dancing? You're actually going to... (Phone rings) When was the last time you danced, Frank?

Frank: Is that the phone, Dad?

Buzz: It was...

Frank: Oh, hey, look at that. You might need to get that, Pop.

Buzz: I'll be back. I'll be back.

Frank: Yeah, okay.

Darci: Oh, saved by the bell.

Frank: Oh, you don't think I can dance, huh?

Darci: Well, I don't know. Let's see you prove it.

Frank: May I see that hand for a second?

Darci: Mm-hmm.

Frank: Sure. Come here, you.

Harley: Get your hands off that poor girl. Eww, it's Frank. What is this? Did my brother get a life? What?

Frank: Darci, this is my sister, Harley Davidson Cooper.

Harley: Hi.

Frank: Harley, Darci.

Darci: Harley, it's so nice to meet you. I heard a lot about you.

Harley: Nice to meet you. Yeah, I heard a lot about you too.

Buzz: Frank... (Laughter)

Harley: What?

Frank: She is so weird.

Buzz: Shut up, everybody. You know those big plans you had tonight?

Frank: Yeah, what about them?

Buzz: Cancel them. There's been a slight change in the Cooper family schedule.

Marah: Hey, sweetie.

Tony: Hey.

Marah: We have to get dressed. We have to be there in a half an hour. Can you zip me the rest of the way up, too, please?

Tony: Do I have to?

Marah: Mmm. I said half an hour.

Tony: Well, how long is that in dog years?

Marah: That's plenty of time.

Tony: Mm-hmm. (Marah laughs)

Marina: Okay, if this is a joke, it is so not funny.

Mole: 8:00, sharp, Springfield, and now for something completely different. Here's a shout-out to Marina C. From Shayne and the gang. Happy birthday, Marina. And, baby, surprise.

Shayne: Surprise.

Marina: (Laughs) Shayne? What is all of this?

Shayne: It's your birthday.

Marina: No, it's not.

Shayne: Okay, it's a do-over. What do you think?

Marina: I... (Delighted) I don't know what to think.

Shayne: Well, at least you're smiling. Happy birthday, Marina.

Marina: (Shrieks)

Harley: What?

Buzz: Shayne invited us to a last-minute birthday bash for Marina.

Harley: Yeah, he called me, too. That's why I stopped by.

Buzz: It should be a blast. B.Y.O.G.

Harley: Mm-hmm.

Darci: G?

Buzz: G.

Harley: Bring your own game. G. Game.

Frank: Okay, hold on a second, I thought Marina's birthday was last week.

Buzz: Yeah, but Shayne came by earlier today. I mentioned that we had to cancel Marina's birthday party for the family, because she wasn't feeling like partying.

Frank: The third murder was on Marina's birthday, and she walked in on the bodies. So...

Darci: Oh, no.

Harley: Well, that... I mean it sounds terrible. But that was after she had already tripped over the second body earlier that evening.

Darci: Oh, my God.

Buzz: And her ex-boyfriend was a suspect.

Darci: Oh, my gosh. Poor thing. Now, wait, this Shayne guy, the one whose having the party, right? Is he the ex?

Buzz: No, no, he's just a friend. I mean, a friend with a crush. That's why he's doing it.

Harley: He's a good kid. Shayne... He's a really good kid.

Frank: Yeah, um, can I talk to you for just a second over here?

Darci: Of course.

Frank: Excuse us, guys.

Harley: Well, what game are you going to bring?

Frank: Listen, I know I promised you a big night and all of that, but... I think I'm going to have to cancel. I'm sorry.

Darci: Oh, you're canceling on me.

Frank: Unless you want to come to my teenage daughter's birthday party.

Darci: Absolutely.

Frank: Really? Okay. Well, you're going to have to deal with these two clowns. (Laughs) It should be a regular family circus.

Darci: Great. I love the circus.

Harley: Well, then let's go. Got my Ouija board in the car.

Frank: All right, did you just say Ouija board?

Harley: Yeah, because I can't find my clue game. Didn't I give that to you? Oh, by the way, I figured out the pattern to the Garden of Eden murders.

Frank: What?

Tony: Aren't you happy that I didn't zip up your dress?

Marah: Very. But we did miss out on some precious party-prep time.

Tony: Well, I thought it was worth it.

Marah: It was. Go get in the shower.

Tony: (Moans)

Marah: Go on.

Tony: You know what? We could actually save time and conserve water if we both...

Marah: No. Separate showers, or we are never going to get to the party. Oh, did you get the game? Because Shayne wanted everyone to bring games to the party, too.

Tony: Oh, yeah, yeah, I got a game all right. It's fine.

Marah: You forgot.

Tony: No, I didn't forget. I got one. Trust me. They'll like it. It's great.

Marah: I like you.

Tony: You like me?

Marah: Well, you know how much I love you, but I really like you, too. And I don't tell you that enough.

Tony: Where is this coming from? What...

Marah: I don't know. I've just been thinking about where we were a year ago. How disgusted with myself I was and afraid of you.

Tony: Yeah, let's not even go there, you know. I mean I was... I was angry. I was messed up. I didn't like myself much either.

Marah: I know. I know. And I'm not trying to bring the mood down or anything. I just... I mean look at where we are now. We're together, and we have our own place.

Tony: Yeah. Our own place with a few extra roommates.

Marah: Well, it's good enough. I'm just happy. You make me very happy. Let's go.

Marina: Okay, Shayne, how much tape did you put on this thing?

Shayne: I'm not the best wrapper. I'm more of a balloon kind of guy.

Marina: Yeah, no kidding. Carl Yastrzemski! You got me Yaz for my birthday?

Shayne: You know who he is, right?

Marina: Of course I know who he is. He was, like, one of the best left fielders to ever play for the Red Sox. First little leaguer elected into the hall of fame, last guy to clench the triple crown.

Shayne: I knew you'd like it. My grandfather gave it to me.

Marina: Oh, my gosh. Shayne, I can't keep this.

Shayne: Why? You don't like it?

Marina: No, I love it. It's just... You know, your grandfather gave it to you. It's really special.

Shayne: Yeah, well, so are you. I mean, come on, you remind me of what I love about baseball. You know, you don't always bust on me like my dad. I really want you to have it.

Marah: On one condition. You sign the hat.

Shayne: Seriously?

Marah: Seriously. That signature is going to be worth something some day. I guarantee you, 20 years from now, some girl is going to be totally flipping out, because some guy gave her a Shayne Lewis baseball card. Thanks, Shayne.

Shayne: Yeah, well, it's not worth anything yet.

Marina: Yeah, well, every time I look at this hat, I’m going to think of this birthday, and the guy who made it better the second time around.

Reva: Joshua, relax. Look, it's not even 8:30 yet. He'll be home soon. So, about my meeting.

Josh: I thought you were done seeing that doctor.

Reva: Well, I was. But it turns out, he is the most incredible psychiatrist, and I think he can really help me figure out this psychic ability thing that I have. I mean, I always grew up thinking that I was always on the outside and I kind of blew it off as being poor, you know, or the fact that Daddy left so early when we were so young. But Chris thinks that maybe I felt that way because of my second sight, you know, because of all those images and visions that I was seeing when I was a little girl.

Josh: "Chris." I didn't realize the two of you were getting so chummy.

Reva: Are you listening to a word I’m saying?

Josh: Yes. You know what? I am. I'm listening to you, Reva. But the fact is, our son is violating his curfew right now. So I’m a little more focused on the here and now, as opposed to the past or the future wherever it is these visions of yours are coming from right now.

Reva: You know, I wouldn't have pegged you for a skeptic.

Josh: Yeah, well, someone in this family has to keep both feet on the ground.

Reva: Really? Where were your feet when you were traveling through time with me through paintings? And what is this about Shayne breaking curfew?

Josh: I gave him an 8:00 curfew on weeknights.

Reva: Even in the summer?

Josh: He needs his sleep, Reva.

Reva: (Laughs) The sun hasn't even been down for an hour yet.

Josh: I know that. I know that. But he's been blowing off his practices; he's been hanging out with Marah and her friends; he's been staying up all night, watching television.

Reva: He's almost graduated. Finals are over. What's the big deal? It's not like he's out there doing drugs or drinking. He does well in school. You have to cut him some slack.

Josh: Someone's got to play the bad guy, Reva. Now, I don't particularly like playing that role, but you've been a little busy with your visions. You know, not that I don't support you 100%, but I'm not going to stand by and watch our son spin out of control with his baseball career on the line.

Reva: Do you know who you sound like?

Josh: Don't even go there, okay? Don't even say it.

Reva: Okay.

Josh: Because I don't care if I sound like my father. It doesn't matter to me. We have a responsibility to our son now, Reva. I don't want him waking up one day and thinking he's been sleeping in never never land his whole life, because he threw away the one big thing he wanted most.

Reva: What he wants most, or what you want most for him? And what "lost boy" are we talking about, Joshua? Shayne? Or you?

Phillip: Since when are you so interested in Springfield Academy? I thought you were happy at Springfield High with Tammy and Marina.

Lizzie: Yeah, I was, but it's just not going to work. It's too hard because...

Beth: Because of what?

Phillip: What?

Lizzie: Lorelei's diary. It's just... That's the whole reason I went away to boarding school in the first place, and the kids really ripped me apart for that.

Phillip: Um, that wasn't the only reason that you went to Allston.

Lizzie: Yeah, but it doesn't matter. I wasn't happy there, either. Look, I've been talking this over with Felicia in therapy and we think that Springfield Academy is the place for me to be. And I actually checked the school's web site, and they've got some really cool clubs, and their football team's heading the district.

Beth: I think your father and I are more interested in their academic programs.

Lizzie: Yeah, but that's what they'll be covering tomorrow in the open house.

Phillip: Hmm.

Beth: You know, we don't have to go to the open house. We can check it out on our own after your dad and Olivia get back from their trip.

Lizzie: But tomorrow's, like, the last day. It's like their big blowout before they close up shop for the summer.

Phillip: Well, honey, I promise you, I can work something out with the school. Olivia and I really need to go away.

Olivia: No, we don’t. We don't. This is more important than going away to the cabin for a few days, so if you want to stay, we'll stay.

Josh: I am not a "lost boy," Reva. And I think you've been going too many rounds with Dr. Chris.

Reva: Well, maybe you can go a few rounds with him, get to the bottom of this baseball mania.

Josh: "Baseball mania"-- is that a clinical term?

Reva: Joshua...

Josh: I'm only thinking about our son, Reva.

Reva: Yeah, and that's one of the problems. You're only thinking about Shayne. You're so focused on him, you're going to burn a hole right through him.

Josh: Really? What's that called? Pyrokinesis or something like that? Is that the big psychic term?

Reva: Joshua, our son got accepted to Stanford University on a full baseball scholarship, which means he could be playing for one of the best collegiate teams in the country and get an education to boot. You want to remind me what the problem with that is?

Josh: It's not pro ball. Stanford will be the first in a long line of compromises that Shayne will make in his life.

Reva: Really? And what was one of your first?

Josh: No, don't turn this around and make it about me, Reva.

Reva: I just remember when you were Shayne’s age. You were the anti-Lewis.

Josh: That's right, and look at me now, huh? Big house, big mortgage, big job. You get me a big hat, and I'm going to look just like...

Reva: You're going to look just like H.B.

Josh: Exactly. Yee-haw.

Reva: You know, you tried so hard to get away from all of that, but your daddy won. You're living his life. But it happens. And if you were so miserable with that life, why are you pressuring Shayne with it?

Josh: Because, Reva, I know inside, I know in my heart that I’m doing the right thing.

Marina: Wow. Shayne. Two presents. This is too much.

Shayne: Yeah, well I'm a big spender.

Marina: Yeah, no kidding.

Shayne: You know, actually, I wanted to give it to you on your real birthday, but things got a little crazy.

Marina: Yeah.

Shayne: I'm glad you like it.

Marina: So... Um, what do you want to do now?

Shayne: I was thinking we could just maybe hang out here for a while.

Marina: Here?

Shayne: If it's cool with you and you want to.

Marina: Yeah, or we could go for a drive in my new car.

Shayne: But I... I did all these decorations.

Marina: Shayne, you sound like a girl.

Shayne: Yeah, you throw like a girl.

Marina: Yeah, well, I am a girl. And you know I don't throw like one. So...

Shayne: So.

Frank: Okay, let's get this party started. Happy birthday, baby.

Marina: You mean this is like a real party with real guests?

Shayne: That's not...

Marina: Hey!

Frank: Happy birthday, honey.

Marina: Thank you! You guys!

Frank: We've got some guests here. Some friends.

Harley: Got you something, and if you hate it, it's not my fault.

Marina: I'm sure I'll love it.

Harley: Tammy told me you wanted it.

Frank: Marina, this is Darci. Darci, this is Marina.

Marina: Hey.

Darci: It's so nice to meet you. Happy birthday.

Marina: Thank you.

Frank: Here you go.

Marina: Cake! Wow. And Ouija.

Harley: Look, we stopped and got Ouija and we stopped at Frank's place and picked up Twister.

Frank: Twister, Twister. Everybody's favorite.

Marina: I'm all about Twister.

Buzz: You've met your match, baby. (Laughter)

Harley: So you never told me, how did you and Frank actually meet?

Darci: Oh, Company. I actually thought he worked there and started telling him how I take my coffee. (Laughs) And he's so polite that by the time he corrected me, I'd already realized how cute he was.

Harley: Yeah. Well, you're very lucky.

Darci: I know.

Harley: No, I mean you're lucky, because Frank makes a terrible cup of coffee. (Laughter) This is great. I mean, he's been so involved in Marina and his job. It's so great to see him just having fun.

Frank: This is great.

Harley: Frank is the best big brother in the world.

Marah: Well, hello! Happy birthday!

Tony: Happy birthday. How are you?

Shayne: Hey, guys. Thanks for coming.

Marina: Oh, my gosh. How cool is this?

Marah: Tony picked it out, and we knew Shayne would have a bat.

Tony: You want to hang it up?

Marina: Yeah.

Tony: Let's go.

Marina: All right.

Marah: So... How are things going with Marina?

Shayne: They're going.

Marah: Good.

Mole: This just in, Springfield. Breaking news. The surgeon general warns escort services may be hazardous to your health. Remember, the only safe hooker sex is no hooker sex. But hey, if you're looking to get killed and want to spend a lot of money...

Frank: Listen, I want you to tell me everything you know about the Garden of Eden murders, okay?

Harley: Oh, okay. The last victim was murdered with a syringe, the kind that diabetics use. The next-to-last victim was a diabetic.

Frank: Okay.

Harley: So Gus and I looked at all four of the murders, and they are all connected somehow. He's down at headquarters right now checking out the last murder to see if there's a clue that we can use to head off, God forbid, the next murder.

Frank: Look at you. You know, you can take the girl out of the force but you can't take the force out of the girl.

Harley: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever. Hey! Look at... Darci's in there, she's all by herself.

Frank: Well, we can't have that, can we?

Marina: You're all doing so well.

Tammy: Buzz is going down. (Talking all at once)

Marina: Left on green!

Everyone: Oh! (Applause)

Olivia: Really. I mean, there are no airline reservations or hotel reservations to cancel. We'll just drive up to the cabin next week.

Phillip: Are you sure?

Olivia: Yeah. Her education's more important.

Lizzie: Thanks, Olivia. Okay, so the open house starts, like, around 11:00.

Phillip: Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. I have another suggestion. Hang on. I think that we can make this work. Are you available to go to this open house?

Beth: Yes. I'd planned on it.

Phillip: Okay, well, then why don't we do this, honey? How about if your mom goes out to the school and checks everything out tomorrow, and then we'll all get together and we'll talk about it when I get back?

Beth: I'm up for a little reconnaissance mission.

Lizzie: Yeah, but you'll miss all the important stuff.

Beth: I think I’m capable of filling him in.

Phillip: And if we have more questions after we talk, then I’ll get in touch with the principal, okay?

Lizzie: Sure. Great.

Phillip: Okay.

Olivia: Do you need the number where we'll be?

Beth: No, no. I have it. Phillip's cell.

Phillip: Then I guess we're all set.

Lizzie: But...

Beth: You have a great time. What do you say we grab some dinner, hmm?

Lizzie: Sure.

Phillip: Bye.

Lizzie: Bye.

Phillip: Thanks for offering to give up the trip.

Olivia: You were right. Lizzie's a kid. She... Her needs come first. I understand.

Phillip: I think this time away is going to be really good for us.

Beth: Okay, Company it is.

Lizzie: Yeah, whatever.

Reva: Maybe you just want to give Shayne a chance you never had. You were talking about compromises before. You made an awful lot of them because of me. Maybe they're starting to catch up to you now.

Josh: I have no regrets about us, Reva. Never have. But we're not talking about us right now.

Reva: No, this is about Shayne. But it's about you, too. It is. It's about your dreams. Maybe you lost track of them because of me.

Josh: I have loved you from the first moment I ever knew what love was, and I have loved raising our kids.

Reva: But that's it. They're not kids anymore, and I know it's hard to let go of them, but I just think that we'll just end up hurting them more if we try to rein them in. You know, you... you were the one that always took care of me. You were always there to carry around my old baggage. So maybe it's time for me to take care of you now.

Josh: There's somebody outside.

Reva: What?

Josh: There's somebody outside. I can see them.

Reva: Not again. Joshua!

Marina: You know, I still can't believe you did this without me finding out.

Shayne: I'm good like that.

Marina: Mm-hmm.

Frank: Let me get this straight, here. You kept a secret from her? I think that qualifies you for the CIA.

Buzz: You done good, kid.

Shayne: Thanks, Buzz.

Marina: So I guess my party kind of ruined your date with Darci, huh?

Frank: Let me tell you something. Come here. I'm having a great time. It's just really nice to see my little girl smile again.

Marina: Yeah, well, it's really nice to see you smiling too, Daddy.

Frank: Oh, sweetie, I love you. Happy birthday, baby.

Harley: Okay. Anybody ready for Ouija? Birthday girl gets the first question.

Tammy: Ooh, I want to ask it what you wished for. Or should we ask it what you wished for, Shayne?

Marah: I've got an idea. How about we use the board and put it to some good use and see who's behind these Garden of Eden murders?

Tony: Hey, what do you say, Chief? Huh?

Frank: I say you're all crazy. (Laughter) Let me have that board.

Harley: Okay.

Reva: You are acting crazy.

Josh: Do you see what's going on in there? Our son-- our responsible son-- is throwing a party in our pool house without our permission.

Reva: Freeze! I mean it. I mean it, Bud. Step away from the pool house.

Josh: Don't tell me you knew about this, Reva.

Reva: No, I didn’t. But you know what it looks like to me? It looks like our son, our niece, our daughter and her boyfriend, and the Cooper’s are playing with a Ouija board. That is not grounds for a citizen's arrest.

Josh: But Reva...

Reva: No buts!

Josh: ...The point...

Reva: No buts. I mean it. If you go bursting in there, your son will never speak to you again, and I won't either. And whatever you're going through, sweetie, whatever it is, we'll work it out. Together, okay?

Josh: You promise?

Reva: Yes, of course.

Josh: Actually I'm talking about the part where you said you'd never talk to me again. I'm very tempted by that.

Reva: There he is. There's my husband. He's smiling, he's cracking jokes, he kind of looks like the guy I married. Mm. Mm. Mm. He kisses like the guy I married. I say we go inside, just to be sure. Hmm?

Josh: I'll race you.

Reva: Oh! You are so bad.

Beth: Wow. That was fast.

Lizzie: I was hungry. You ready to go?

Beth: Wait. Wait a minute. Let's talk for a second first.

Lizzie: About what?

Beth: Lizzie, you're obviously upset that your father isn't going to the open house tomorrow, but you haven't said a word about it since we left the Beacon.

Lizzie: What's there to say? I'm fine.

Beth: Yeah. You're "fine" a lot these days.

Lizzie: Oh, here we go again. Mom, you keep playing shrink. It's like you want me to have problems so you have something to psychoanalyze. I don't know what you want me to do. Do you want me to just make something up?

Beth: I don't want you to have problems, sweetie, but let's face it, you've been through a lot: The leukemia, the divorces...

Lizzie: And I’m over all that, Mom. I'm all about the now.

Beth: Okay. Okay, then let's talk about the now.

Lizzie: I do that every week with Felicia. Oh, okay, here's how it goes. My dad has shacked up with my ex-step-grandmother. There's a baby on the way-- no one knows whether it's my brother/sister or aunt/uncle. And you know what? My mother's paying you to listen to my issues, because she doesn't believe I'm fine. I'm sorry, Mom, it's just I don't know what you want me to say anymore. I really don't.

Beth: Fair enough. Let's talk about something else, then.

Lizzie: Like what?

Beth: Well, I don't know. Your friends. How are Tammy and Marina?

Lizzie: They're fine.

Beth: Good. Then you all have something in common; you're all fine.

Lizzie: Mom, stop it.

Beth: Well, come on, Lizzie. I'm not trying to psychoanalyze you here. I'm just a mother trying to have a conversation with my daughter. I just want to talk like we used to. I just want to have some good old-fashioned girl talk, okay?

Lizzie: Okay.

Beth: So, what about boys? Are there any boys?

Lizzie: Oh, my God, I can't believe this.

Beth: What? Are there? Lizzie, you used to tell me everything. You used to tell me about every...

Lizzie: Mom, please. Just don't go there, okay? Oh, my God. Shayne called.

Beth: Shayne. So, are you and Shayne...

Lizzie: Mom. Hold on a second. Shh. There’s... there's a party he wants me to go to. But... It's right now. I've got to go.

Beth: Hold on. So, are you interested in Shayne?

Lizzie: Mom, I really have to go, okay? Open house tomorrow, right? I will be there.

Olivia: Pretty gorgeous night.

Phillip: Yeah.

Olivia: That's the first star.

Phillip: Wait until you see the night sky up at the cabin. It's really something. I'll get the car.

Olivia: Hi, this is a message for Dr. Sedwick. It's Olivia Spencer. I'm going to go away for a few days. I just wanted to give you my cell phone. It's 555-2416, and I’m really anxious to get the results of my test, so when you get them, please call me. Thanks. Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might have the wish I wish tonight. Please, let it be Phillip’s baby.

Tammy: I'll call you tomorrow.

Marina: Okay, definitely.

Tammy: I'll call you tomorrow.

Marina: Okay, definitely. Thank you for coming.

Marah: Hey, guys. We're going to get out of here.

Marina: Oh, you guys, we forgot about the piñata.

Tony: Well, don't worry. You know what? You'll keep it as a souvenir, right? You can break it up later.

Shayne: Why not? Why not?

Marah: Happy birthday, again.

Marina: Thank you. Thank you for coming.

Marah: You're welcome. (Laughter)

Marina: Thanks. Bye.

Harley: Is that like your fourth piece of cake?

Buzz: Thank him. He pulled it together.

Shayne: It was nothing. It was no big deal.

Marina: Yes, it was.

Frank: This is great. Um, honey? Give you a ride home, okay?

Marina: Oh, no, that's okay, Daddy. I have my car.

Buzz: Come on Cooper’s, Darci, let's clear out.

Frank: I mean, I'll help clean... Help you clean up and everything.

Harley: Let's go. Let's go, Dad. They got it covered.

Frank: It'll just take a second to help them.

Marina: Thank you.

Harley: Bye, Marina. Happy birthday.

Marina: I love it.

Harley: If you don't like it, you can take it back. It's not a big deal.

Frank: Happy birthday.

Harley: Come on, Daddy, let's go.

Marina: Thank you.

Darci: It was great to meet you, Marina.

Marina: Thank you. Okay, so I know I've said this, like, a gazillion times, but thank you, Shayne. This was amazing.

Shayne: It's nothing. I mean, this is what your family and friends are supposed to do, you know? Get together, show you a good time on your birthday.

Marina: So, here, let me help you clean up.

Shayne: No. You're the birthday girl. Get out. You're the birthday girl.

Marina: Please. Just let me help you clean. It's going to be, like, a thank-you, okay?

Shayne: Which would make it a gazillion-and-one times.

Marina: Come on. You've got to let me do something here. Oh, wait! I have these tickets to Linkin Park. They're playing in Chicago next week. I got them actually for Ben as a surprise before...

Shayne: Everything.

Marina: Uh, yeah. So do you want to go with me?

Shayne: Well, I’d hate to see good concert tickets go to waste. Wait. Is it on a weeknight?

Marina: Yeah. Is that a problem?

Shayne: No. Count me in.

Marina: Well, cool. All right. So, I... I guess I should get going.

Shayne: Here.

Marina: Thanks.

Shayne: You're welcome. Marina, wait. You need to... You can't leave without breaking the piñata. Right?

Marina: Oh. Yeah, right. The piñata.

Harley: Okay, we're talking seven-card stud. Jacks or better to open. Low hold card is wild.

Tony: So what's the minimum bet?

Harley: Two pretzels.

Frank: Oh, not two pretzels.

Harley: You in?

Buzz: Is this great or what? We started the night with Twister and cake and we're going to end it playing poker with people who don't know the game. Ante up. (Cell phone rings)

Darci: Oh, excuse me.

Harley: We're not waiting for you. (Laughter)

Darci: Hello?

Eden: Hi.

Darci: Eden. Hey.

Eden: What's going on? You want to go see a movie or something?

Darci: Oh. Oh, I can’t. I'm actually playing poker with the Cooper’s. Marah and her boyfriend are here, too.

Eden: How boring.

Darci: Actually, I'm having fun.

Eden: Look, Darci, you did me a big favor when you took Frank on a date so he would keep out of my business, but you know what? You're off the hook now, so the favor's over. So I’ll meet you at the Cineplex at...

Darci: I like him, Eden.

Eden: What?

Darci: Look, I know I’m supposed to do you a friendly favor, but the truth is, actually you've done me one. I really like Frank. I want to keep seeing him.

Eden: What has gotten into you?

Darci: I don't know, Eden. Maybe it's something in the air tonight. Look, I've got to go.

Eden: Yeah. Maybe it is.

Singer: There, there was a time I knew that no matter what may love would prevail and then inside the dreams I knew came the question lovers fear "can true love fail?" Then I would miss the childhood wish and haven't I sung to you of the knight in armor bright faithful and true to you darling, after all I will be the one to hold you in my arms and after all I will be the one to hold you I will be the one to hold you in my arms in my arms after all I will be the one to hold you in my arms I’m telling you, after all I will be the one to hold you I will be the one to hold you in my arms in my arms after all, baby I will be the one to hold you in my arms telling you, after all...

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