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Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 6/12/03
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Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Cassie: I'm a klutz.
Edmund: I think... I think you're amazing.
Cassie: You know, I haven’t... I haven't been on a date. I haven't done, you know, anything since...
Edmund: I know. I know.
Cassie: Or since I opened this hotel. And you know, these people work for me. They have to follow orders and Johnny just walked in here like I am late for curfew. I guess this isn't the place for a proper good-bye.
Edmund: I promised to walk you to your door, and technically speaking that's upstairs.
Danny: This was great, guys really. I'm glad we did it. But I got to get home to relieve the sitter. What are you going to do? Are you going to stick around?
Tony: Yeah. Yeah, I think we have to. After all that food I just put inside my system I don't think I can move.
Danny: You did. You pig.
Tony: (Sighs)
Marah: Danny, before you go there's something I would like to say to you.
Danny: Yeah.
Marah: I've kind of noticed that you and Tony weren't really getting along over this whole Eden thing.
Danny: Oh, you noticed that, huh?
Marah: Yes. And I know you guys are both the strong, silent type. So it is your code to keep things unspoken. But it has messed up my sense of world order. You mean a lot to Tony and, you know, you sort of paved the way. You made a lot of things possible for Tony and for me and Tony. And I guess this is my longwinded way of saying thank you for coming to dinner.
Tony: I second that.
Danny: You're welcome. You, too. And thank you for dinner. It was great.
Marah: Well, now if you guys could just promise never to get into a fight again...
Danny: Oh, don't push it.
Tony: Now that's pushing it.
Danny: Yeah, nobody ever comes between us Santos boys, all right?
Marah: Boys...
Michelle: Hey. Am I glad I caught you guys.
Danny: Hey, what are you doing? I thought you were studying at the library.
Michelle: I was. I was studying, but not for work. For this. And no one gets out alive until we decide on a wedding. No one.
Gus: Somebody call the paramedic. Call the paramedic.
Harley: This is offi- this is Harley Copper, we have a woman down at the country club.
Gus: You people please back up. Back up. Give her a little room. Thank you. Let him. Alan.
Alan: Look all I did was just touch her and she fell.
Gus: What's her name?
Alan: Ariana.
Gus: Ariana, come on. Please come back to us.
Harley: What have we got?
Gus: I can't get a pulse.
Harley: Her pupils are fixed and dilated. Her pupils are fixed and dilated. Gus, she's gone.
Gus: She can't be.
Harley: Gus. Gus. She's gone.
Gus: She's dead.
Frank: Okay, the victim's dead. So I’ll keep in touch. Excuse me, you're not going anywhere. There's been a death.
Ben: What does it have to do with me?
Frank: You just stay put. Excuse me, everyone, I need your attention. I'm sorry to announce there's been a death. (Gasps) I need everybody to stay in your seats and stay put until the medical examiner comes here. Thank you. Please stay seated.
Gus: I don't know. There were no visible wounds. Her airways are completely clear. I'm thinking maybe it's poison, but I'm not going to announce till Rick gets here.
Jeffrey: What about our killer?
Gus: Maybe the perps snuck out when the lights went off. I don't know. But if this guy is bold enough to do this with everybody here like this maybe he's bold enough or crazy enough to stick around and watch the show. We just have to start questioning everybody.
Jeffrey: We're going to question everyone starting with the obvious, Alan Spaulding. He was with this girl all night.
Frank: All right, I need all available men. I need the forensic team and I need them A.S.A.P. I'll keep in touch. Right. Okay. Thanks. Excuse me. Right. Okay. Thanks. Excuse me. When I told everybody to stay put, that meant you.
Ben: I thought you couldn't be tried for the same crime twice.
Frank: You're not being tried. You were questioned. And second of all, we have a new body, new crime. So stay put.
Ben: Oh, say I can stick around and get accused again. Thanks, Frank.
Jeffrey: We got a dead girl in the middle of a stake out in the middle of a room which includes the officer in charge of the case. The D.A. and the chief of police. This is a freaking nightmare! I don't care who he is, Alan Spaulding does not get special treatment.
Gus: Let me tell you something, Alan Spaulding put his life on the line for me tonight. All right, he will be treated with respect like an officer as if he was my partner. Not somebody who is a suspect.
Jeffrey: Just make sure you question him.
Gus: How are you holding up? I got to ask you some questions, you know, maybe if you heard something, anything at all that would help me catch this guy. This is procedure. No, you're not a suspect or anything, okay?
Alan: I know.
Gus: And, you know, he's an idiot. He's got no tact and so don’t...
Alan: Look, I understand. I overheard the conversation you had with him. You defended me.
Gus: I would have done that for anybody that stepped up to the plate the way you did tonight. I'll be back.
Eden: Can I talk to you?
Harley: Yeah, sure.
Eden: So what happened? I thought you were suppose to be protecting her.
Harley: I was. We were. Listen to me. We're going to get this guy, okay? I promise you.
Frank: Okay, M.E.'s on his way. What do you got? Anything?
Gus: I got nothing, Frank. God, who did this to you? What's this?
Frank: What? What is that?
Blake: Harley! Excuse me. Excuse me.
Harley: Let her in. She's with me.
Blake: Listen, I heard everything on the headphones. Or rather I heard nothing. So is Ariana really dead? Well, do they think it's connected to the other girls?
Harley: Well, Eden got a note from the killer tonight saying that there would be someone else. Ariana works for Eden; Ariana's dead. You do the math.
Gus: It's a wire, Frank.
Frank: Wire.
Gus: Who would do this? Who would do this?
Harley: Listen, Gus...
Gus: Who would wire this person?
Harley: That would be me.
Michelle: Okay, so it's time to get this show on the road or down the aisle, whatever.
Danny: Honey, are you sure that's all this is?
Michelle: Well, you know, my dad came over the other day and he asked me if we set a date and I starting thinking, you know, wondering why we hadn’t.
Danny: Right. You want to tell them why? Why that is?
Michelle: Well, I was sort of feeling like something or rather someone was missing.
Marah: Your mom.
Michelle: Yeah. And we went to that parapsychology event the other night, and as new age-y as it sounds I really feel like I connected with her. And I know that she's watching me or us now. And I just want to show her how happy we are.
Danny: Well, we can do that. Tomorrow. We can fly to Tahoe or Vegas, and do one of those drive-through weddings. (Laughter) Why not?
Michelle: No, eloping is good. Eloping is great. You know, it's fun, it's exciting, it's tempting, but...
Danny: See, I should have never mentioned the drive-through...
Michelle: No, hey, hey, I love Elvis. I just don't know if (interpreting Elvis) I want him in my wedding album.
Marah: (Laughs)
Michelle: Or if I want, can you have fries with that in my ceremony?
Danny: Picky, picky. Well, what do you want? What do you want?
Michelle: I know that this one is for keeps. I know that. But beyond that I really have no idea.
Danny: Okay. Well, how about this? We go to some beach in Hawaii, Fiji, and there's nothing for miles, but blue skies and the ocean and sand under our feet, and flowers in your hair, and you standing next to me with your hand in mine. We can get some local to officiate, but we can say our own vows, whatever's in our hearts, you know, nothing but a reflection of our love for each other. And the beautiful, beautiful, sexy, gorgeous woman staring back at me.
Michelle: Oh, Danny. That's beautiful.
Danny: Good.
Michelle: But I hate it.
Danny: What?...
Edmund: Kids, kids.
Cassie: They're with my sister.
Edmund: Are you sure?
Gus: I want to talk to you. And you.
Frank: Excuse me.
Gus: Now you want to explain to me where you get off wiring that girl? Where do you get off wiring anybody?
Harley: Okay, first of all, Ariana was not suppose to be Alan’s date, okay? She switched with another girl. But we decided to roll with that. It was obviously a big mistake.
Gus: Yeah, obviously.
Harley: Hey, okay, everything got really messed up. But I can tell you this. We never thought we'd end up here.
Gus: Well, here we are.
Harley: Yeah.
Frank: Excuse me. Gus, can I talk to you for a second?
Gus: Let me tell you something, I want those tapes, whatever you got, anything at all on tape on my desk. And I don't want you listening to it.
Frank: All right, I got the place locked down tight. Nobody leaves without being questioned.
Gus: Right.
Frank: I'll check with Jeffrey about the feasibility about getting everybody printed and then DNA swabs.
Gus: We're never going to get a warrant.
Frank: It's worth a shot. How do you want to handle questioning?
Gus: We'll question the guest first and then all of the employees. We got a rundown of all the employees that worked yesterday and today and then all of the members that showed up at the club, anybody at all, okay? We got to go though. The clock is our enemy.
Frank: All right.
Blake: He's mad. He's really mad.
Harley: He's just not very good with, you know, surprises. I'll talk to him. I'll make him understand.
Blake: Listen, I didn't hear anything on that wire. Nothing. I mean just small talk between Alan and Ariana. And suddenly boom, mass confusion, the lights went out. But she never called for help. I mean, I never heard her voice. And I thought, well, good for you girl. I mean, you're not afraid of the dark. You can handle a date with Alan, you know. But I guess the quiet meant that she’s...
Harley: Dead.
Blake: Dead.
Harley: Yeah. Let’s... We got to find Eden. We got to locate this girl's next of kin.
Blake: Yeah.
Rick: Okay, tell me the story. Let me get the person who did this to you.
Jeffrey: All right, would you tell these men what you just told me.
Alexandra: You boys can really use an efficiency expert.
Jeffrey: That's cute. Would you just tell them please?
Alexandra: All right. It's probably innocuous. But my date Gavin went to the men's room before everything went dark...
Gavin: I guess I was wrong about you huh, lady. You're exactly like Hilary. Going behind my back.
Gus: Who's Hilary?
Alexandra: His mother. And don't even ask. It seems to be all he can talk about.
Gus: Were you alone, Gavin, when the lights went out?
Gavin: Yeah. But so was she.
Gus: You know, you got an attitude problem. I don't like that. Why don't we start with you? I think we should take you down to the station, all right.
Gavin: Look, I was paid to be here. And actually I haven't been paid yet.
Frank: One second. You're an escort?
Gus: Go on.
Gavin: Ariana was my friend. I didn't even know she was going to be here tonight. Look, I was just working. Why would I want her dead?
Gus: That's a very good question. Where do you live?
Gavin: I'm staying at the Beacon.
Gus: Oh, how nice of you. That's very nice. How long have you been an escort for Eden?
Gavin: You know what? This doesn't sound so routine anymore. I'd like to talk to my lawyer.
Gus: Yeah, you're right, it's not routine. Jerry, will you keep this mouthpiece company till his lawyer gets here.
Cop: Let's go.
Gavin: Hey, hey. Get off me.
Cop: Come on.
Gus: Punk.
Alexandra: What... What... What do you think? You think... I mean I was in the car alone with him.
Gus: Yeah, I got a couple... I got a couple of questions I got to ask you as well.
Alexandra: What do you mean? (Laughs) I mean I’ve told you all you need to know about Gavin.
Gus: Excuse me, you told me everything I need to know? You haven't told me anything. The kid's got a point, you were alone when you were at the table, right? When he left, you were alone.
Alexandra: Excuse me.
Frank: All right, listen, I got a list of the guest and the staff. And the only people that left this party was Cassie and Edmund.
Jeffrey: Yeah, I saw them leave just after the lights went out.
Gus: No, Cassie and Edmund, they got nothing to do with this. It's this kid I don't trust.
Jeffrey: I agree and I'm on it. Warrant.
Edmund: You're so beautiful. (Knock on door) (knock on door)
Cassie: Just ignore it. My kids are with my sister. (Knock on door) All right, I’m going to try to get rid of whoever it is.
Edmund: Yeah, yeah.
Cassie: Whoever this is, this better be one hell of an emergency.
Jeffrey: I'm sorry to bother you, Mrs. Winslow, but that's exactly what this is.
Michelle: So it looks like we're back to square one.
Danny: I need more coffee then. What... Remind me where is square one again?
Michelle: Tradition, tradition: Me in a big, white dress.
Marah: There's nothing wrong with a big, white dress.
Michelle: Right, and then you would be in a beautiful dress that you make for yourself. And then you guys would be in your tuxedos, and then not to mention little Robbie in his first tuxedo carrying the rings on the pillow. And then my dad would make his first appearance as father of the bride. And Ray would make a repeat appearance as the one who makes us man and wife. And we'd have flowers everywhere and dancing and tossing garters, tossing bouquets.
Tony: Hey, you know there's a reason that they've kept it like that forever.
Danny: Yeah, that sounds great. I can definitely say "I do" to that. What about you, honey?
Michelle: I don't. What if I told you that's the idea I hate the most?
Danny: (Sighs)
Rick: All right, she's ready to go to the morgue. Get the chief to sign off, and then she's ready to go. Here you go.
Gus: Do you know the cause of death yet?
Rick: No obvious signs of trauma, no marks on the neck, no asphyxiation, nothing in the airway. We're not going to know anything till we get the autopsy back.
Gus: Can you...
Rick: I was planning to do it tonight.
Gus: Thank you.
Rick: I... I want to get to the bottom of this as much as you do. This is the fourth victim. I know your sister must be scared out of her mind.
Gus: Yeah, we all are.
Eden: And now she... Look at her. She...
Harley: Listen, you are not responsible for her death, okay? This killer has a plan.
Eden: That's supposed to make me feel better?
Harley: I... I guess not, no. But, hey, trust me, I feel guilty, too, all right? But the killer is the one that's responsible, and, Eden, he has the advantage right now.
Eden: Why? Because he's smarter than we are?
Harley: No, because only he knows why he's doing this. So if we pay attention and we figure out why, maybe we can figure out who. I need to think about all this, all right? Can you just... I just need a minute.
Gus: Yeah, would you excuse me for a minute?
Frank: Yeah.
Gus: In a minute, Frank.
Frank: Yeah.
Harley: This night was not supposed to end like this. It was not supposed to end up like this at all. (Sighs) I... I know that I have a lot of explaining to do.
Gus: Save it. I got to get back in there anyway. It's going to take all night just to get through the preliminary questions.
Harley: Well, as part of the investigation, don't you have to question me?
Gus: Yeah, I got a question for you.
(missing the end, sorry)
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