[an error occurred while processing this directive] GL Transcript Wednesday 6/11/03 [an error occurred while processing this directive]
[an error occurred while processing this directive]

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 6/11/03

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Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

(Missed the last 15 min.; a storm killed my cable)

Gus: Is this ear piece any better?

Harley: No, it's much better.

Gus: You ever get the feeling something really bad was going to happen?

Harley: And there's nothing you could do to stop it?

Gus: You know that feeling, do you?

Harley: I've lived with that feeling every day of my life. Look at Alexandra. She looks like she's sitting before a firing squad.

Gus: I cannot figure out what she's doing here with that child.

Harley: Maybe Alan knows.

Gus: Yeah. Maybe I have to ask him.

Harley: Yes. Hey, Blake. Listen, how's Ariana wire working? Is it still okay? Good. Things here? Actually, they're a little confusing, you might say. First of all, Alan and Ariana are both wearing wires-- each thinking that the other person is somehow involved in this murder. Yeah, so basically what's going to come out of this date is two separate recordings of the same cat-and-mouse game. Meanwhile, Alexandra Spaulding is also here on a date. Who's the guy? Somebody who looks like they grew up at the Bates motel. No, Blake, I am talking seriously crazy eyes. Then, in the corner, we have Springfield’s most recent murder suspect, alone, drinking-- maybe to celebrate his recent release, maybe to forget about it. Yeah, sorry to say it's Ben. Oh, and my brother's here. Yes. He finally takes a night off, he gets a date, and where does he take her? Bingo. They're at table three. But listen, this is the weirdest thing. I am standing here looking at our dear friend Cassie Winslow, who is dancing closely with Edmund Winslow. Yes, on purpose. No, I haven't been drinking. This is what I’m dealing with, Blake. Yes, yes, stay tuned. I'll keep you in touch.

Cassie: You dance well.

Edmund: Well, that's because I wouldn't call this dancing.

Cassie: Oh, what would you call it?

Edmund: I would call it breathing together to music.

Cassie: That's pretty bad.

Edmund: Yeah, it was pretty bad. (Laughter)

Harley: Whoo!

Cassie: Hey.

Harley: Oh, my gosh, you cut it.

Cassie: Yes.

Harley: It looks beautiful. I love it.

Cassie: Oh, thank you.

Harley: How long have you guys been here?

Cassie: Since the beginning of the song.

Harley: So, what else is new besides your hair?

Cassie: We have some catching up to do. Excuse me.

Edmund: By all means.

Harley: Yeah.

Edmund: Harley.

Harley: Edmund. You sure do have catching up to do if you're letting Edmund put his hands all over you.

Cassie: Oh, come on. Come on. Come on. I'm on a date.

Harley: A what?

Cassie: A date. A date. You know what a date is? And you know, I'm really having a good time. So I will call you tomorrow and we'll talk about everything when you can finally speak. Bye. Hi.

Edmund: Cassie. If Harley wasn't finished telling you how much of a mistake you're making tonight, I think you should go back and hear her out.

Cassie: The song's still playing.

Frank: I can kind of sense that.

Darci: Frank? Frank? Old girlfriend?

Frank: Um, no. That's actually my sister, who will probably be watching us like a hawk now.

Darci: (Laughs)

Frank: Can I ask you a favor?

Darci: Yeah.

Frank: Would you terribly mind if we had dinner in the bar instead of here?

Darci: I'd love it. It's more my style anyway.

Frank: Oh, good.

Darci: Okay. I got the first round of beers.

Frank: You drink beer, huh?

Darci: What can I say?

Frank: Allow me.

Ariana: Excuse me. I need to use the ladies' room.

Alan: Absolutely.

Gus: And a piece of little lemon. Thank you very much. Hey, how are you doing?

Alan: Ariana is charming. I haven't had an opportunity to press her for any information yet.

Gus: Well, how about you give me a little information right now?

Alan: Sure.

Gus: What is Alexandra doing here?

Alan: Now, why do you assume that I know that?

Gus: I'll ask you one more time. What is your sister doing here?

Alan: All right. I had this idea. I didn't have a chance to run it by you.

Gus: Okay, well, you have a chance right now.

Alan: Remember when you told me you didn't have a woman undercover to watch after Eden’s male escorts?

Gus: Are you telling me that you got Alexandra to go out with a male escort? What did you do, blackmail her?

Alan: I thought the idea was to generate information, and that would help us solve this case.

Gus: This was not part of the plan.

Alan: Look, Alexandra is in no danger whatsoever. I had her specifically bring him here so that you could monitor both...

Gus: I am monitoring you, okay? There is protocol. There is procedure. The Springfield Police Department is not your personal playground. This is not Spaulding Enterprises. There are guidelines to follow.

Alan: (Laughs) Until recently, you made a career on that.

Gus: And I got burned. Let's get something straight, okay? I am a professional. You are not.

Alan: Are you telling me that you're incapable of keeping an eye on Alexandra and me?

Gus: Alan, I never split my focus. That's how you miss something crucial. Did you put a wire on her?

Alan: Well, no...

Gus: Get her to sign a release?

Alan: Look, I thought we were trying to find a killer, not generate paperwork.

Gus: You are screwing this up. You're screwing it up.

Gavin: Mother!

Alexandra: What?

Gavin: When mother drank, she used to tip her glass in that way. Miserable woman. Do you enjoy your meals, Baroness?

Alexandra: (Laughs)

Gavin: Mother had a tremendous appetite.

Alexandra: Oh.

Gavin: She used to... That's what caused her undoing in the end.

Alexandra: Really?

Gavin: Yeah.

Alexandra: Well, what happened? How did she die?

Gavin: She was poisoned.

Alexandra: Oh, my God.

Gavin: Oh, food poisoning. I'm sorry, I didn't make that clear.

Gus: Get a load of this one. You see the guy over there with Alexandra? He's a male escort from the Garden of Eden.

Harley: No.

Gus: Oh, yes. Alan's trying to help me crack the case. He figures if there's one Spaulding on, why not two?

Harley: That is such vintage Alan.

Gus: He's throwing my game off.

Harley: Well, what are you going to do? Are you just going to bag the operation for tonight?

Gus: I will if I have to. There is one other option.

Harley: What's that?

Gus: Well, you could help me out. Okay, I'll keep my eye on Alan; you keep your eye on Alex and ferret boy over there.

Harley: Okay, okay. Yeah, but what if... What if Frank sees me working badgeless? He's going to blow up at both of us.

Gus: Just... just... Just stay cool about it, okay? I'll watch him. You keep your eye on gigolo kid. I got a bad feeling about him. In fact, I got a bad feeling about everything tonight.

Jeffrey: "I guess you didn't get my first three messages, so I’m sending you another one tonight."

Eden: Who could be doing this?

Jeffrey: Waiter! This note was put in with the bill.

Waiter: A note?

Jeffrey: Yeah, a note. Who put it there?

Waiter: I have no idea. Ms. August has been here for hours. Her bill's been next to the register the whole time.

Jeffrey: So it could have been anyone.

Eden: What if I check the hotel registry?

Jeffrey: There's no time for that. How many of your escorts have dates tonight?

Eden: Three. I mean two. One of them cancelled.

Jeffrey: All right, well, where did they go?

Eden: I don't know, really.

Jeffrey: All right, you're coming with me. Let's go.

Eden: Where?

Jeffrey: To find your escorts before it's another dead body that we find. Let's go. Come on.

Eden: Wait, wait.

Frank: Okay. Here we go.

Darci: Oh, Frank, I said I was going to get those.

Frank: What? Are you kidding me? Look, I invited you out. I should buy.

Darci: All right, I tried.

Frank: I appreciate your gesture, but I’m kind of an old-fashioned guy. Well, anyway...

Darci: (Laughs)

Frank: So you had the Springfield amber, right?

Darci: Yes.

Frank: Well, these are pretty much the same color here. Hold on one second. Yeah, I thought so. That's yours.

Darci: You sure?

Frank: Mm-hmm.

Darci: Maybe take another sip?

Frank: Hm? I am so sorry. I can't believe I just did that. Um, look, I... It's been a while since I've been out on a date, you know? Let me get you another beer. Chris?

Darci: Oh, it's fine. It's fine. No, no, Frank.

Frank: Please?

Darci: This is the one I wanted.

Frank: Are you sure?

Darci: Absolutely.

Frank: Okay, well, cheers.

Darci: Cheers. Frank... Question.

Frank: Okay.

Darci: How come you haven't been dating? I mean, I would think a cute, successful guy-- pardon me, gentleman-- like you would be booked solid.

Frank: Well, I guess I've been too busy.

Darci: With your job?

Frank: Yeah, I mean, it was bad enough before becoming chief, but afterwards, it’s... I haven't been out in a number of weeks.

Darci: Oh.

Frank: Yeah. I have a daughter who just turned 18, and there hasn't really been much time for making the rounds, so... No, no, I didn't mean it that way.

Darci: It's okay.

Frank: Well, my ex-wife, she accused me of being a workaholic. She said every single time that I’d come off of a 24-hour stakeout, she'd say, "Oh, the big Frank. You know, you've been out all night and..." But that was then, and...

Darci: And now?

Frank: Now I would totally make time for a relationship. I mean, if one presented itself. It's not like I'm desperate or anything. You know, I'm sorry about that. If my daughter heard me say that, she'd kill me. (Laughter) She says I’m completely hopeless at this, and I think she's right. I apologize. I'm really lousy at this whole thing and...

Darci: Well, no. Well, let's see here. We've been here, what, five minutes? And so far, you've put your mouth on my beer glass, vaguely insulted me, brought up your ex-wife-- that was my favorite-- admitted to being a workaholic, implied that you take dating advice from your teenage daughter, and used the words "desperate" and "hopeless."

Frank: Okay. I am lousy at this.

Darci: You've broken every first date rule there ever was.

Frank: All right. Well, Darci, listen, very nice meeting you. Have a great life, and we'll talk.

Darci: No. It's okay. Now it's out of the way. We can get to the good stuff.

Harley: All right, where exactly did Frank and his babe go?

Gus: Can you just pay attention to one couple at a time, please, okay? This is Frank's first date.

Harley: I just want him to have a good time, that's all. Cassie certainly seems to be.

Gus: Can you just concentrate and pay attention to Alex and Urkel over there?

Harley: I'm watching. I am watching, okay? Just try to remember I’m not on the payroll or on the clock. I am doing this as a favor to you.

Gus: It doesn't mean you have to do a lousy job.

Harley: You want to talk about a lousy job? You might try keeping Alan on a leash.

Gus: Just shut it. Shut it.

Harley: I just mean if you're going to be using him in your police ops on a regular basis...

Gus: I have got him covered.

Harley: Mm-hmm.

Alan: You know, I was just admiring that beautiful pin you're wearing.

Ariana: It as my grandmother’s.

Alan: Really? Back in Baltimore?

Ariana: That's right.

Alan: Tell me something, Ariana: How long have you been in this line of work?

Ariana: Why? Is this your first time with an escort?

Alan: No, no. No, not at all. I was just wondering if you had any regular clients.

Ariana: Are you saying you'd like to be one?

Alan: Maybe. I know your boss speaks very highly of you.

Ariana: I could say the same of her.

Alan: Oh. So... so you're saying that you like Eden, right?

Ariana: She's very good to all her employees.

Alan: Oh. Unlike your ex-boss. I heard about him. What was his name? Vinnie Salerno or something.

Ariana: I've only been with Eden for a few months. I haven't worked for anyone else.

Gavin: You, Baroness, are a wonderful dancer.

Alexandra: You haven't even seen me dance.

Gavin: All women of your era know how to move. You know your own bodies so well.

Alexandra: (Laughs) Let's not discuss my body, shall we?

Gavin: Don't be shy. Don't be modest. Come on, dance with me. Live in the moment.

Alexandra: I feel perfectly alive sitting right here, right now.

Gavin: What is it the man says? "Live fully now, for later you may die"?

Alexandra: Let's dance. You are a dead man.

Harley: That is touching. I have to say, brother and sister dancing side by side with their paid escorts...

Gus: Do you need this?

Harley: This? (Laughs)

Gus: No, this business. The cop business, chasing the bad guys, building cases. I was just wondering.

Harley: You've been wondering that a lot lately.

Gus: Just trying to help you make some sense out of your life.

Harley: Okay, well, you know, police work, it's interesting. It's very interesting. And rewarding. It can be rewarding. It can even be fun sometimes. But do I need it? I don't think I need it.

Gus: So you'd be okay without it?

Harley: Absolutely.

Gus: Hmm, I see. You'd be happy just living at home with the kids. You'd never crave the drama?

Harley: Well, you know, in terms of drama, everything seems pretty under control here.

Gus: (Sighs) What are you doing here?

Jeffrey: Read this.

Eden: Someone slipped this in my bill at the Beacon.

Gus: "I guess you didn't get my first three messages, so I am sending you another one tonight."

Eden: Well, it certainly reads like a death threat.

Gus: I'm going to put this place under lockdown right now.

Jeffrey: Are you sure you want to do that?

Gus: With lives at stake? Oh, yeah, I think so. The undercover ops are out.

Jeffrey: No, no, no. No. Keep them going. Or don't you want to catch this killer?

Gus: Can we get something straight?

Jeffrey: Yeah, sure.

Gus: I know that you're the D.A., but this is an official police operation.

Jeffrey: I understand that.

Gus: Good. Then you also understand that if I find the situation to be too dangerous to keep civilians undercover and to keep the escorts on their job, it is my call to pull them.

Jeffrey: I'm not questioning your authority.

Gus: Then what is the problem?

Jeffrey: Your motivation.

Gus: I don't want anybody else to die tonight. How's that for motivation?

Jeffrey: Oh, come on, now, Gus. You're the big risk-taker; that's what I heard.

Gus: Well, not with other people's lives, I'm not.

Jeffrey: Okay, let me get this straight, then: No investigation, including one where there are three unsolved murders so far, is worth jeopardizing someone's safety-- is that it?

Gus: We will catch this killer-- we will-- with solid police work, not by taking chances.

Jeffrey: Okay. So there are no personal reasons for you backing off here?

Gus: If you're talking about my sister, I told you, if she is involved, I will take her down myself.

Jeffrey: I'm not talking about your sister. I'm talking about your father, Alan Spaulding.

Eden: They look good together.

Harley: Alan's wearing a wire.

Eden: Ariana's not a murderer. He's wasting his time.

Harley: Oh, I know. She's the girl that Blake and I wired.

Eden: What?

Harley: Alan was supposed to go out with someone else, but at the last second, Ariana's date canceled, so...

Eden: So she switched dates. Sometimes they do that and they don't tell me. Well, wait a second. If they're both wired, then why doesn't Gus cancel the date?

Harley: Gus doesn't know that Ariana is wired. It's a big undercover thing. I'm going to tell him, I just... I haven't had a chance to do it yet.

Alan: So you just recently began working with Eden; is that true?

Ariana: Why? Do you have a thing for the new girls?

Alan: Well, no. I am curious about one thing, though. When I mentioned Vinnie Salerno, you seemed to get rather flustered.

Ariana: No. I think we should order some champagne.

Alan: You see? You're still a little upset.

Ariana: I just heard that guy isn't that nice, that's all.

Alan: Have you ever met him?

Ariana: You're sure asking a lot of questions. Usually that's my job.

Alan: Well, indulge me.

Ariana: Is it that important to you?

Alan: Well, I like to know whom I’m spending the evening with, and who she's spent time with, that's all.

Ariana: I'd really like some champagne.

Alan: You know, for someone who's been out of the picture for quite a long time, Vinnie Salerno seems to be very present at the moment. Now, why is that?

Gus: Yeah, thank you. All right. We've got four units on their way over here. Now, you're going to stay out of sight, but this way they can monitor every single person coming in and out of this place.

Jeffrey: All right. So, you're going to let this thing play out, then?

Gus: Well, we're trying to catch a killer, aren't we?

Cassie: Great.

Edmund: What?

Cassie: Look. Are we going to be able to go anywhere without seeing him?

Edmund: Him, Jeffrey O’Neill, or him, the man whose face he has?

Cassie: Him, our high-handed D.A. I'm not thinking about Richard. Not really.

Edmund: So, what was the message?

Cassie: What?

Edmund: O’Neill told me that some psychic claimed to have received a message from Richard for you.

Cassie: Um, well, it sounds like you wouldn't believe a word he had to say.

Edmund: Well, in my experience, most psychics claim to be in touch with the other side and really... Well, who knows? Nothing's what it seems to be.

Cassie: Did he tell you to say that?

Edmund: Say what?

Cassie: "Nothing is what it seems to be."

Edmund: No. Cassie...

Cassie: That was Richard’s message, Edmund. The psychic at the presentation said that a new man was going to be coming into my life, and nothing is what it seems to be. Those were his exact words.

Edmund: Well, I don't think that...

Cassie: It's you. You're the new man coming into my life. It was the first thing that popped into my head when I heard the man say that at the presentation.

Edmund: That's not a bad thing to pop...

Cassie: And the rest fits, too.

Edmund: What rest?

Cassie: Well, I used to think that you were this horrible, evil man.

Edmund: That's a fair assessment.

Cassie: But that's not how you are anymore. It's not. And it's you, you know? You're not who you seem to be. This message was about you. You know, I think that I would have realized that sooner or later.

Frank: What the...

Gus: This is not good. (Panicked voices) Coop, there is a candle over by the maitre d's stand. I saw it. Could you grab that? Everybody, ladies and gentlemen, please stay calm. We've obviously lost the lights and the emergency lighting system as well, but everything's going to be fine. We're going to find the problem; we're going to fix it. Just please stay patient, and more importantly, please stay put. We've got to get these lights on, fast.

Eden: Nicky?

Gus: Ladies and gentlemen, please stay calm. We are working on the problem. Can you please sit down? Please. Take your seats. I really appreciate that. Hey.

Jeffrey: It's not every day that the emergency lights fail, too.

Gus: Well, if you think it's a mistake or an accident, you're wrong. Sir? Are you the manager?

Manager: Yes.

Gus: Let me ask you something: What's taking so long to get some candles up in here?

Manager: I'm sorry, Detective. It's pitch black in the storeroom, too.

Gus: Yeah, yeah. Wait. Now, I also need a list, your entire guest list and all of their table numbers, okay?

Manager: Yes, sir.

Gus: Thank you very much.

Jeffrey: It's not going to be easy making sure everyone's still here when we can't even see them.

Gus: Yeah, I know. They're getting restless.

Jeffrey: I think you're going to need to make another pep talk. But maybe you should leave out the part about the serial killer threatening to strike again tonight.

Gus: Please. I'm not into stampedes myself, okay? You guys, do not just stand... Kindly take your seats. That would... I really appreciate it, all right?

Ben: Is that better? We don't want you sitting in the dark all alone.

Eden: I'm fine.

Ben: (Chuckles) For now, anyway.

Harley: No. No, no, no, no, no. Don't stop taping. No.

Eden: Harley.

Harley: Because we haven't called off the operation, Blake.

Eden: Harley.

Harley: Wait, let me call you back. Let me call you back. What's going on?

Eden: Nothing. It's just, um... I don't want to be left alone.

Harley: Well, we know where you are.

Eden: I'm scared.

Harley: Okay, I know you're scared, but we are watching you.

Eden: It's just that...

Gus: Coop, can you do me a favor and stay with my sister until the lights come back on?

Harley: Honey, nobody's going to get to her.

Gus: She's scared of the dark. Always has been.

Harley: Right. Why don't we sit down? Listen, nothing is going to happen to you. I promise.

Eden: Thank you.

Frank: What am I touching?

Darci: Wow. You really haven't dated in a while.

Frank: Don't scare me like that.

Darci: I notice you haven't taken your hand away.

Frank: Sorry.

Darci: That wasn't a suggestion.

Frank: Your skin is so unbelievably soft.

Darci: Listen, Frank, you really didn't have to go to such lengths to get me alone in the dark.

Frank: You know what? Don't you think those emergency lights should have come on by now?

Darci: Yeah.

Frank: Hey, Chris. You guys have a backup generator, right?

Bartender: Yes, sir. It's out back.

Frank: The lights should have come on.

Darci: Frank, look, if you feel like you need to go find out what's what, go ahead.

Frank: Ah, no, that's all right. I'm on a date.

Darci: You're chief of police.

Frank: Yeah, well, let somebody else handle it for right now.

Darci: I doubt it. Look, it's what cops do. They skip out in the middle of meals, family events, dates. They come home late and leave early.

Frank: Are you a cop?

Darci: (Laughs) I'm a cop's daughter. I'm pretty clear on why my dad had to run out the way he did. I'm the last one to give you grief for doing your job.

Frank: Will you be here when I come back?

Darci: I'll be here.

Frank: Okay. Excuse me.

Edmund: Have you ever noticed something?

Cassie: That's a leading question.

Edmund: There always seems to be a blackout when we're together.

Cassie: Well, I wouldn't describe it as a power failure.

Edmund: God, I love the way you look at things. Still, from now on, I think whenever we're together, I’m going to have a flashlight.

Cassie: Well, you should make sure you bring a weapon, in case we run into any more iguanas.

Edmund: Right. What would you like to do now?

Cassie: I think we should get out of here.

Edmund: Good for you.

Alan: Are you on top of what's going on here?

Gus: Yes, we can handle everything. Where's your date?

Alan: She's still at the table. I told her I was going to get another candle.

Gus: All right, here you go. You take this, all right, and you get back to her.

Alan: Are you sure you don't need some more help?

Gus: No, we're fine. Just go back to your girl, keep your eyes on her, and keep your ears open. Can you do that?

Alan: I did observe something interesting. Every time I would mention Vinnie Salerno's name, she would almost choke, despite the fact that she started working for Eden after Eden supposedly cut her ties with Salerno.

Gus: You mean that Salerno’s not as buried in the past as Eden would have us believe?

Alan: Exactly. Now, I think you need to have a conversation with your sister.

Alexandra: (Screams) I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have screamed like that. It's just a terrible misunderstanding.

Jeffrey: Well, it sounded like bloody murder.

Alexandra: No, no. As you can see, I'm still in one piece. (Laughs)

Gus: What happened?

Alexandra: Well, nothing, actually.

Gus: And that's why you have the Vulcan death grip on him?

Alexandra: Oh. Um...

Gus: Was that a part of the misunderstanding?

Gavin: I may have been a little forward with her.

Jeffrey: Oh, yeah? How forward?

Gavin: You see, my mother was petrified of the dark, and the Baroness reminds me of her, in a way, so I... When the lights went out, I just sort of instinctively reached for her.

Gus: And that wasn't a very comforting reach? Is that right, Baroness?

Alan: This calls for a drink.

Alexandra: Can we just drop the whole thing?

Manager: A complaint?

Alexandra: No. I would really like to be left alone.

Gus: With him?

Jeffrey: Whatever spins your dial, ma'am.

Gavin: I am so sorry.

Alexandra: You groped me.

Gavin: The thought of you sitting there in the dark, inches away, it just got me excited, okay? I just... I just reached out to you.

Alexandra: If either one of those hands ever reaches out to me again, they will not come back to you. Alan, the date is over.

Alan: But Alexandra, your date seems to be going so well.

Alexandra: Well, it's over. It's over. And I don't care. I don't care what you do. You can go to the D.A. with whatever you got holding over me. I don't care, but I will not go back to that table and sit with that boy.

Alan: But he seems to like you.

Alexandra: (Laughs) He has the eyes of an axe murderer.

Alan: Oh, now, Alexandra. Look, I understand why you're upset. The lights have gone out and you're with a young man that you don't really know, but I assure you, he is no axe murderer.

Alexandra: How can you be so sure?

Alan: Because if he were an axe murderer, you would... He would have already struck when the lights went out.

Alexandra: You're going to pay for this, brother. Guaranteed.

Gus: (Mutters) Hey.

Harley: Hey.

Gus: So the D.A. says that you don't have any idea who could have done this.

Eden: Yeah, that's right.

Gus: Take another look at this letter and tell me: You don't think it's possible that Vinnie Salerno sent that?

Harley: You think he's the murderer?

Gus: Well, he could be paying the murderer.

Eden: These aren't mob hits.

Gus: Oh, really? How do you know that?

Eden: Do you really think the mob would do this?

Gus: Well, maybe. There's a number of reasons why. First of all, you used to work for Vinnie Salerno. You moved town, you closed up shop, he lost money. Then you set up a new business. Maybe he's mad that you didn't give him a cut of the action.

Eden: Yeah. Maybe you're dreaming.

Gus: No, I don't think so. See, I had a conversation with Danny Santos last night.

Eden: Oh, is that right?

Gus: Oh, yeah, that is right. And he said that you mentioned Vinnie Salerno’s name at your little dinner party, and then Salerno pays Danny a visit that same night. Do you think that's a coincidence?

Eden: So, what are you saying? You think I invited Salerno to town?

Gus: Why do I get the sneaking suspicion that you're still in touch with Vinnie Salerno?

Eden: Well, I’m not.

Gus: Well, how about this: You just hired a girl named Ariana, right? What, like, a month ago? And Alan mentioned to Ariana Vinnie Salerno’s name, and she gets all skittish. Why is that, hmm? I got a feeling you are still in touch with Vinnie Salerno, and I want to know why that is.

Eden: Well, I don't think it's true, and I don't know what you're talking about.

(Cell phone rings)

Harley: Excuse me. Hey. No. I will tell you when to shut down the gear, okay? Just listen to me.

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