[an error occurred while processing this directive] GL Transcript Tuesday 6/10/03 [an error occurred while processing this directive]
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Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 6/10/03

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Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Sandy: Ah, it's a clear and balmy June night in Springfield, friends. A night for romance. A night when anything's possible.

Mole: Oui, oui, mon ami, Sandy. (With fake French accent) There is nothing so romantic as the moonlight shining down on the body of a dead hooker to ignite a lover's passion.

Sandy: Don't be crass, Mole.

Mole: Don't you be crass, man. How can you even think of romance when there's a serial killer loose on Springfield?

Sandy: Well, call me crazy, but I still believe love triumphs over evil.

Mole: Man, you crazy.

Boris: Sorry, I can't stand those two. Boris. I'm the hotel's new hairdresser. I was told the door would be open.

Cassie: Oh, I’m Cassie. Nice to meet you.

Boris: I hear I’m supposed to make you gorgeous for your big date tonight. Like you need it. (Laughs)

Cassie: Oh, well, we're going to get along just fine. (Laughs)

Boris: So, talk to me about all of this.

Cassie: Okay, well, at first I thought I just wanted to have this radical change and cut it all off.

Boris: Oh.

Cassie: But, I'm not quite there yet. So, maybe we can just shape it a little.

Boris: Cassie, you don't know me from Adam, so maybe I’m out of line by saying this, but I think your first instinct was right. You're a beautiful woman and it's time.

Cassie: Time?

Boris: For a change.

Jeffrey: Yeah, and make it a double, all right. I'll take it out here, and no ice, no ice. They are always putting ice in it. Geez, what a day. Do you live here or something?

Edmund: I'm having dinner with Cassie.

Jeffrey: Planning another gala?

Edmund: No, this evening's purely social.

Jeffrey: Oh, really. (Laughs) What, like a hot date?

Edmund: My dinner with Cassie, Mr. O’Neill, really need be none of your concern.

Jeffrey: It is a date. Putting the moves on your dead brother's wife, huh? I wonder how he would feel about that.

Frank: I like the shirt, Dad. You know, I think it works... Honey, no offense, but that really smells like...

Marina: It makes you smell like the hot, studly man that you are...

Buzz: I'm sorry to spoil your fun but I got to turn the music down. It's scaring away...

Marina: Hey. Actually, here's the plan.

Frank: What?

Marina: When you pick up Darci tonight, you should have, like, really cool music like this playing on the radio.

Frank: Why?

Marina: Because it'll show her that you're hip and happening.

Buzz: Wouldn't that be "hippening"?

Marina: And then you apologize, you apologize. And you say something like, "Oh, Darci, I’m sorry. You're probably not into this kind of thing." And then you switch the station to something like... like... Like some cool jazz. And then she'll see... That will set you up to be just totally awesome.

Frank: Honey, listen, no offense, but I’m just going to kind of take this slow, you know. I'm not going to think too hard and all that. It's just a first date...

Marina: Uh, excuse me, Dad, after the very long, dry spell that you have had, there's no such thing as just a first date.

Eden: Oh, oh, Darci.

Darci: I scared you, I'm sorry. I wasn't even thinking. Three murders connected to you. Of course you're jumpy. Look, you haven't heard anything on the street, have you about someone who might possibly be connected to everything?

Darci: I'm not in that world anymore, Eden, I told you that.

Eden: I know, I just thought that maybe you...

Darci: Look, I'm going out on this date with Frank Cooper purely as a favor for you, for old time's sake. Well, and truth be told, I like the guy. (Laughs) I do. I don't know. There is something so sweet about him. So, just... Plain good. And he's cute, too.

Eden: Wow, well, you know, he is the chief of police. So, he's got to be a good guy...

Darci: Eden, swear to me again that you're not setting him up for something bad to happen. Because I won't be a part of it.

Eden: No, I swear. I just want to keep the guy occupied. I want him so focused on romance that he won't even think about me or my business.

Darci: Well, maybe he should be focused on you for a while. For your protection.

Eden: Don't worry. I have plenty of protection for me and my girls.

Blake: All right, I am going to be in a car outside of the restaurant listening in. If you go anywhere after that I’m going to follow you. Sorry.

Arianna: Where will you be, Harley?

Blake: Don't worry, she's staying home. See, you and the girls and Eden, you think she's my partner, but she's not really. It's just a figment of your imagination.

Harley: Okay, we don't need to bore her with...

Blake: Well, she needs to take a really low profile because if her boyfriend finds out she's doing this, he's going to kill her.

Harley: He will not. I'm my own woman. Thank you very much. I just don't see any reason to bore Gus with something that's not important to him.

Blake: I rest my case.

Harley: Okay, look, can we just get off of my personal life, please, and just get back to the business at hand, which is you are meeting the John... Sorry, client at where, Towers?

Arianna: No, at the country club. I'm sorry. I should have told you. There's been a change in plan. My guy canceled late this afternoon. Meanwhile, one of the other girls wasn't feeling well and wanted out of her date, so I said I’d sub for her.

Harley: Well, is that common, subbing for each other?

Arianna: Sure. We do it all the time. Unless the client requests a specific girl.

Blake: Well, I don't have a problem with it. Do you?

Harley: I guess not. Who's the guy? What's his name?

Arianna: I don't know.

Harley: Well, what do you know about him?

Arianna: Nothing. But the odds are, he's like all the other guys who hire escorts; some rich, lonely, old loser.

Gus: Right.

Alan: What specifically am I looking for? What is going to tip me off if the girl is the killer?

Gus: Well, first of all, if you work at it hard enough, Al, you'll be the one tipping her off. Just make light conversation, you know. Be your charming, natural self.

Alan: Something along the lines of, "You look lovely tonight. Are you planning on using that knife to cut your steak or my throat?"

Gus: Are you having second thoughts about this? Because you do not have to do this just to gain my approval.

Alan: No, I’m not having second thoughts at all. Why, are you?

Gus: No, I just... I want you to be aware of the risks that are involved.

Alan: Of course I’m aware of the risks. I signed a release form, didn't I?

Gus: Yes, but I recently got some new information.

Alan: Really? What kind of information?

Gus: These killings might be part of something a lot bigger. There's a guy named Salerno. If he's involved, you don't want to mess with him.

Alan: Look, I trust you. You saved my life once. So, what you're telling me, the killer may not be one of the escort girls, but someone from the outside.

Gus: What I’m saying is we just need to cover all of our bases.

Alan: Speaking of covering bases, have you hired a woman undercover to go out with the male escorts?

Gus: Well, our... Our department's severely understaffed. But we're working on that. Why?

Alan: Well, nothing. I'm just curious, that's all.

Buzz: Oh, you sharp, Frank.

Frank: Thank you, Pop.

Buzz: Curfew's at 11:00.

Frank: Yeah, you're a regular riot, you know that.

Marina: What else? What else? Ah, your ride.

Frank: You're letting me drive your car?

Marina: Well, it's a lot cooler than your black sedan with the six-foot antenna.

Buzz: But does it have as big a back seat?

Marina: Anyway, let's just do this. Let's go through the entire date from beginning to end.

Frank: Okay, but let's not and say we did.

Marina: Fine. Let's cut to the end of the date where you find a place where you and Darci can be alone.

Gus: Now, remember, if this girl is our killer, she's not going to want to do anything in public. The whole point of this operation...

Alan: ...Is to get her alone.

Gus: Exactly. Exactly. So I need to know exactly where you are. I need to be able to follow you. I need to be able to be in close enough proximity that I can protect you. So I need you to speak very clearly into your microphone, so I understand everything that's going on. Have you got it?

Alan: Got it.

Gus: Good. Now, do not let your guard down, not even for a second. Because for all we know, this girl could be the same psychopath who has already murdered three people.

Harley: The man you're meeting tonight could be a psychopath.

Blake: Don't take anything for granted, all right, no matter how nice or handsome he may be.

Harley: Not all serial killers are complete weirdoes. Some of them seem perfectly normal. He might even remind you of somebody you know.

Edmund: Your looking like my brother, Mr. O’Neill, does not give you the right to meddle in my affairs, or in Cassie’s. So don't. And I think you've caused her enough pain just coming to town.

Cassie: So, Edmund, you know, caused Richard and me absolutely nothing but pain.

Boris: Sure sounds that way.

Cassie: I can't believe I’m telling you all this.

Boris: Well, don't stop now. So, you used to hate Edmund for good reason.

Cassie: (Sighs)

Boris: But then after Richard died, something changed.

Cassie: Edmund did. And I guess I did, too.

Frank: Okay, I know times have changed and I’m a little old fashioned, but I still find it very uncomfortable to get romantic tips from my teenage daughter. Shouldn't advice like that come from a parent?

Buzz: I tried, but you wouldn't listen.

Alan: You know if you and I had a traditional father-son relationship, you would be going out on the date tonight, and I would be giving you advice.

Gus: True. But we wouldn't be hoping that the chick, the paid escort, would end up being a serial killer.

Alan: I wonder what she'll look like, this chick.

Gus: Don't worry. All of Eden’s girls are extremely easy on the eyes.

Jeffrey: Come on. Mrs. Winslow is easy on the eyes, right? And a little abrasive for my taste. But, you know, better the devil you know than the devil you don’t. And, of course, you had your brother in common. You've shared a loss.

Edmund: If there's a point you're trying to make, Mr. O’Neill, please make it.

Jeffrey: I'm just saying I... I think I understand how you could be attracted to her. What you see in her.

Edmund: Mr. O’Neill, you have no idea what I see in Cassie.

Cassie: I know Richard always saw the goodness in Edmund; no matter what he did to him, no matter what he did to us. He always held out hope that the goodness was going to win out.

Boris: And has it?

Cassie: Yeah. I think it has.

Edmund: Why am I talking to you?

Jeffrey: You tell me.

Eden: Look, Frank Cooper can't know this is a setup.

Darci: As far as I'm concerned, it isn't a setup. I told you, I like the guy.

Gus: If the girl gets suspicious, if she thinks she's getting setup, this is what you do.

Blake: If you're in trouble, if you're uncomfortable for any reason whatsoever, I’m going to give you some words to say, and I will come running.

Arianna: What words?

Blake: "My teeth are sensitive."

Harley: Her teeth? What kind of a line is that?

Blake: Something so specific I can't possibly misinterpret.

Harley: Blake, it's the lamest line I've ever heard.

Blake: Well, then you come up with something better "Miss oh, I have to stay away from the action because my boyfriend might kill me."

Harley: Okay, fine, whatever. We'll go with the teeth line. Let's just hope this guy isn't a dentist.

Boris: With the shape of your face and your cheekbones, that style would be perfect for you.

Cassie: Oh, I don't know about that.

Boris: I understand, the butterfly syndrome.

Cassie: The what?

Boris: You're still cocooning. You're needing safety after your husband's death. You're not ready to spread your wings again.

Cassie: I'm ready, I think.

Boris: Let's get your daughter in here, or your sister, one of your girlfriends, and see what they think you should do.

Cassie: I know what they think I should do. They think I should break my date with Edmund and ship him back to San Cristobel.

Boris: I take it they don't think Edmund’s right for you.

Cassie: (Laughs) That is the understatement of the year.

Jeffrey: So, how... how do you think your brother would feel about you dating his wife? Right. Well, it is none of my business, so enjoy your evening.

Edmund: I intend to.

Jeffrey: (Laughs) It's pretty weird, though, what happened last night, isn't it?

Edmund: Last night. What are you talking about?

Jeffrey: Well, yeah, when she heard from him.

Edmund: Heard from whom?

Jeffrey: Oh, she didn't tell you. Him. Your brother, Richard. We heard from him from the great beyond. It's too bad you missed it.

Arianna: You know the biggest drawback of this job? Heels. You can't run in them.

Harley: Well, don't worry, Arianna. Blake and I won't let anything happen to you.

Arianna: You mean Blake won’t. You won't even be there.

Alan: You'll be at the country club, right?

Gus: Yes, I will. I'll be having dinner. I got to go. I'm going to be late. Thank you.

Alan: No, thank you. Thank you.

Gus: Well, you're the one who's helping me out.

Alan: Yes, but you're allowing me to help you. I'm at the house. How soon can you get here? I have something I want you to do for me. Tonight.

Cassie: I understand why Tammy and Reva don't want me with Edmund. I used to feel the same way about him. I just wish they could see how much he's changed.

Boris: I suppose there's something romantic about everyone being against you. I mean, look at Romeo and Juliet.

Cassie: They died.

Boris: Right. Bad example.

Cassie: (Laughs) Yeah, but how old were they? 15? I mean, your life's supposed to be about drama and angst when you're 15. But I'm a woman and I have three children, and my life is great. I mean, I have a...

Boris: What?

Cassie: I have a great life. That is the first time that I've said that and meant it since Richard died.

Boris: So, you're happy?

Cassie: Yes, I am.

Boris: And has this guy, Edmund, contributed to that happiness at all?

Cassie: Yes, he has.

Boris: Then you're on the right track. Just keep doing what feels good to you, and your friends and family will come around. Now, what about all of this hair?

Cassie: It's a lot of it, huh?

Boris: You see this?

Cassie: Hm-hmm.

Boris: This is dead stuff, old stuff, baggage, Cassie. I say if you really want to move on, let go of it. Let it go so that the real you, the latest and greatest you can emerge.

Cassie: You think?

Boris: I know.

Cassie: All right, let's do it.

Boris: Cut it off?

Cassie: All of it. Onward and upward.

Edmund: You heard from my brother? If that's your idea of a joke, Mr. O’Neill, it's in decidedly poor taste.

Jeffrey: (Laughs) It's not a joke. Mrs. Winslow and I were both at Arthur Seecamp's presentation last night. You know, the well-known psychic?

Edmund: A psychic?

Jeffrey: Yeah, well, actually he's more of a medium really. He communes with the dead.

Edmund: Do you believe in the paranormal, Mr. O’Neill?

Jeffrey: Oh, well, you know, back in New York I would consult psychics all the time on hard-to-solve cases. You'd be surprised what they can come up with.

Edmund: And this Mr. Seecamp came up with a message from my brother?

Jeffrey: Yes, he did.

Edmund: And what exactly did my brother say?

Jeffrey: Well, you know, actually I wasn't paying too close attention myself. But Mrs. Winslow, boy, she sure seemed to think that it was the real thing. Oh, you know what, I think I have his card. Yes, I do. Tell you what, call this guy and he can help reconnect you. He can make a long distance call to your brother. Who knows, Richard might have a few things he wants to say to you.

Edmund: No thanks. Not a believer.

Eden: I want you to be careful tonight. And I'm not talking about Frank; he's harmless. But if this killer is after me, then he or she may have seen us here tonight, and now you may be in danger.

Darci: Look, if you're that scared, why don't you just shut down your operation?

Eden: I'm not scared and I don't run.

Darci: You don't have to do this for a living, Eden.

Eden: I am not going to let some sicko shut me down. Look, you better go. And just... Will you call me later and let me know how it went?

Darci: Don't stay out here alone.

Ben: We just keep running into each other.

Gus: Hi, baby.

Harley: Hey, stranger, where you been?

Gus: What do you mean, where I been? I was... Just setting up Alan, getting ready.

Harley: Ready for what?

Gus: I told you, remember. We're going to use him with Eden’s escort; smoke out the killer. Tonight is day number one.

Harley: Tonight?

Gus: Yeah.

Harley: Well, why didn't you tell me?

Gus: I did tell... Is there a problem?

Alexandra: Alan, I do not appreciate being summoned like a... Like a servant.

Alan: Would you appreciate it more, Alexandra, if I called our new D.A. and told him that you stalked Reva, and you set me up to take the fall?

Alexandra: What do you want?

Alan: Simple: Help my son.

Alexandra: Good luck. You're hardly on speaking terms with Phillip now.

Alan: I'm not talking about Phillip. I'm talking about my real son, Gus. Now, I am helping him in an investigation.

Alexandra: What investigation?

Alan: And it has become clear that we need added help. So, who better to help Gus than his dear Auntie Alexandra?

Alexandra: Cut to the chase, Alan.

Alan: Here it is, Alexandra. I want you to go out on a date with a male escort from the Garden of Eden.

Alexandra: A male escort, hmm? Alan, I do not pay men to sleep with me.

Alan: First of all, Alexandra, you're not paying, I am. Secondly, it's already been arranged. You will be picked up in one hour at the Beacon. You will be known as the Baroness. You will be carrying this rose. That's how he will recognize you.

Alexandra: Alan, what is going on?

Alan: Then you will go to dinner at the country club. I will be dining there as well, so you'll have a friendly face.

Alexandra: Oh, really? A relative term.

Alan: Then you'll go to the symphony. Then he will take you back to the Beacon and say goodnight. That is all.

Alexandra: And with that, my debt to you is paid in full.

Alan: (Laughs) Hardly, my dear. No, have you forgotten that I own you now? Ooh, this is not going to be difficult. It'll be... It'll be very pleasant.

Alexandra: What's the catch?

Alan: There's no catch. We'll be perfectly safe.

Alexandra: From what?

Alan: I've taken care of everything.

Alexandra: What "everything"?

Alan: No questions, just do it. Now, go make yourself beautiful...

Alexandra: Alan...

Alan: ...And remember one thing: Don't ever let the young man get you alone.

Alexandra: What?

Gus: What? What's up?

Harley: I... I'm just surprised, that's all. I didn't think that you and Alan would be working together so soon.

Gus: Well, what do you want me to do... There's a killer out there. I mean, you know, sooner than later, don't you think?

Harley: Absolutely. What's the plan? Where's he taking the girl? How are you monitoring him? All that stuff.

Gus: The country club, a wire, and I'll be there.

Harley: At the country club?

Gus: Yeah, having dinner.

Harley: Alone?

Gus: Well, yeah, I got to get... I got to get changed because I'm not...

Harley: Wait! Wait, wait. Why don't I go with you to the country club, because Rick’s got the kids. And if you're there alone, it's going to look suspicious, you know. So, I can be with you. We can spend time together. It won't be a date but it'll be something, right?

Gus: Honey, you know why you're doing this, right. You're doing this for a reason. It's not for the reasons you think that I think it is. There's something going on here.

Harley: There is?

Gus: Yeah, you just miss the job. You miss all the action, I understand.

Harley: You so caught me. (Laughs)

Gus: Okay. So you are a civilian now. Just kind of deal with it, okay. Now, imagine what would happen with Frank, the look on his face if I took you to the stakeout...

Harley: Oh, Frank, schmank. Who's going to tell Frank anything? And besides, Frank is otherwise occupied tonight. He's got a date.

Gus: Frank has got a date?

Harley: Hm-hmm.

Gus: Whoa, hallelujah. The drought is finally over. Good for him.

Harley: Absolutely.

Gus: That's good.

Harley: And not a moment too soon.

Marina: Okay, okay, turn around.

Frank: All right, here it is.

Marina: Definitely the outfit.

Buzz: You the man.

Frank: Thank you, Pop.

Marina: All right, so, where are you taking Darci for dinner?

Frank: I don't know, honey, I thought we'd kind of play it by ear. You know, take a nice stroll down by the river and...

Marina: What, you haven't made a reservation anywhere yet?

Frank: Uh, no, like I said...

Marina: Uh, Dad, do you know what this says? This says, "I haven't put any thought into this date. Darci, I’m taking you for granted, Darci."

Frank: It does?

Marina: Is that what you really want her to think?

Frank: Well, no, but...

Marina: All the best restaurants are probably already booked up by now. Wait, you know someone at the country club, right?

Buzz: Uh, yeah...

Marina: Okay, okay, so you need to call them. You need to call them right now, and you need to tell them that Dad is coming in with a very important date. And that they have to give him the absolute best table.

Buzz: I'd argue but I know it's futile.

Frank: Maybe you're right. Maybe... I should have a game plan here. So, I am a little rusty and kind of out of the loop so...

Marina: You're going to be fine. I guarantee you by the end of the night Darci will be begging you for another date.

Frank: I know why you want me to have a girlfriend. Because you want me to stay out of your hair.

Marina: That is so not true.

Frank: (Clears throat)

Marina: Okay, maybe it is a little true, but I really just want you to be happy. You know, the way things were when you and Mom were good.

Frank: I want you to be happy, too.

Eden: Are you following me, Ben?

Ben: Why would I do that, Eden? You think just because you cost me my girlfriend and ruined my life that I'm angry with you? That I want to get revenge? You know me better than that. Although, some people do think I’m guilty of murder. So maybe you don't know me as well as you thought you did. Have a great night.

Boris: Ready for the first snip?

Cassie: Um-hmm.

Boris: You sure?

Cassie: Yeah, let's do it.

Boris: Once I start there's no turning back...

Cassie: Oh, come on, do it. (Laughs)

Boris: All right, here goes. The transformation has begun.

Cassie: You know it has. I can feel it. Tonight is the beginning of a whole new chapter in my life.

Marina: Goodbye!

Frank: All right, wish me luck.

Marina: Have fun! Be safe! Please, please, don't be a dork. (Laughs)

Shayne: So now that your dad's all taken care of, what are you doing tonight? Any plans?

Marina: Tonight? Other than work, I guess my grandpa and I will wait around for him to come back, so that we can grill him on the date.

Shayne: (Laughs) And I thought my family was weird. So, who's the lucky woman.

Marina: Well, her name is Darci. She's very nice. She's very pretty. She's a lot cooler than my dad is.

Shayne: And that's a good thing?

Marina: That's a very good thing.

Shayne: So how'd they meet? Somebody set them up or what?

Marina: No, no, they actually met here. My dad was behind the bar and Darci came in and sat down, and the rest, as they say, was fate.

Shayne: That's nice. That's nice.

Marina: Yeah. You know, it just goes to show you, you never really know, like, when you're going to meet the right person. You know, you could be doing... You could be doing anything. You could be... You could be waiting tables and just in walks this person and he's just the one. Total stranger.

Shayne: Or it could be somebody who's been there all along.

Buzz: Hey, I need a hand in here.

Marina: Yeah, be right there. Uh... I got to...

Shayne: Do what you got to do.

Marina: Yeah.

Shayne: I'm not going anywhere.

Ben: Waiter, give me another one.

Waiter #1: Is there a problem?

Ben: No, sir.

Alan: Seth, could you bring me a wine list?

Waiter #1: Right away, Mr. Spaulding.

Alan: That is, unless you would prefer a cocktail.

Arianna: No, wine is great.

Alan: Well, why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself, Arianna. What makes you tick?

Gus: There's Alan.

Harley: Where?

Gus: Right there.

Harley: I knew it.

Gus: What is it?

Harley: I knew I was going to forget to tell Rick something about the kids, something important. So I got to... I got to make a quick call, okay? I'll be right back. Blake, it's me. I'm... I'm at the country club with Gus. Yeah. Guess who Arianna's dinner date is with? Alan Spaulding. No kidding, he's not the killer. I don't think she is either. The point is, there's still somebody out there who's got it in for Eden and/or her escort service. So, I say if nothing else, let's use this as a dry run. I agree. We stick with the plan.

Gavin: Baroness, I presume.

Alexandra: And you might be?

Gavin: Gavin. Eden sent me. It's my great pleasure to meet you, Baroness.

Alexandra: Oh, well, you certainly are charming... And awfully young.

Gavin: Oh, is that a problem?

Alexandra: No, I was just... Wondering what my friends at the country club might think but...

Gavin: They'd say I was a lucky man.

Alexandra: Ah, a man who knows exactly the right thing to say.

Gavin: You know, I've always found older women attractive.

Alexandra: Don't tell me, we remind you of your mother.

Gavin: My mother's dead.

Alexandra: Oh, I'm sorry.

Gavin: Don't be. Don't be. She was an awful woman. But I'm sure you're nothing like her. Come on. I would love to get to know you better.

Jeffrey: Hi.

Eden: Hi.

Jeffrey: You're much too pretty to be sitting alone. Unless it were by choice, of course. You must be waiting for someone, right? "Me?" He asked hopefully?

Eden: I have never heard that one before.

Jeffrey: Well, don't I get points for originality?

Eden: Maybe.

Jeffrey: How about this? I'm single. I'm well-educated. I'm gainfully employed, and I'm very handsome.

Eden: (Laughs) Well, you're quite a catch then.

Jeffrey: Yes, I am which is why I won't be needing your services, Eden. Maybe we can talk about something else, like, who do you think would want to kill you?

Eden: Who are you?

Jeffrey: My name's Jeffrey O’Neill, I’m the D.A.

Eden: Great.

Jeffrey: Yeah, well... It can be great... If you choose to cooperate.

Boris: Are you Cassie’s dinner date?

Edmund: Yes, why?

Boris: You're a lucky man.

Edmund: Who are you? Oh, my God. Cassie, you look...

Cassie: Different.

Edmund: Stunning.

Jeffrey: So, all three victims were connected to you.

Eden: What?

Jeffrey: Nothing. Nothing at all.

Marina: Hey, Shayne! Shayne? (Sighs) You said you weren't going anywhere.

Buzz: Oh, he'll be back.

Marina: Why, did he call?

Buzz: No. I just know. He'll be back.

Marina: Yeah, right. He's just one of those dependable guys you can always count on, right? Unlike Ben. I guess I probably would have been better off from the start if I’d had the good sense to go for someone like Shayne, right?

Buzz: Well, the easy answer to that would be yes. But I'm not so sure. I don’t... I don't know if you could appreciate Shayne without going through what you went through with Ben. Sort of like your mother. It took her forever to realize that your dad was the right guy for her.

Marina: Okay, really bad analogy.

Buzz: Those two belonged together. I mean, I don't think I'll ever quite figure out the breakup. I mean, boom, it came out of nowhere.

Marina: I don't know. I just think, you know with Ben I was just looking for something different.

Buzz: You know, young lady, if you were more self-aware, you'd realize that... Ben is not like your father, but Shayne is. They're both good guys. Me, on the other hand at Shayne’s age, I was... Didn't show up very much. Much less stayed.

Marina: I know, I know. I've heard the stories. Find them a little hard to believe.

Buzz: Me, too, sometimes.

Marina: I'll bet there's still someone out there for you. (Laughter)

Buzz: Oh, what, you finish getting your dad on the dating track, and now you're going to... Another project, me?

Marina: Why not?

Buzz: ...Coming...

Marina: Come on, I think it's going to be my personal goal to make sure that every Cooper man has a love life by the end of summer.

Buzz: Oh, please... Let's... let's just hope that your dad has a good time tonight. Let's not go beyond that, okay.

Marina: He's having dinner at the country club. What could possibly go wrong?

Gus: I am the one who is shadowing Alan, okay. You're simply here for a free meal.

Harley: Sorry, old habits die hard.

Gus: Yeah. How'd it go with Rick? The kids okay?

Harley: Hmm?

Gus: The kids.

Harley: Yeah, yeah. No, everything's fine.

Alan: So you were raised in Baltimore. Then you moved to Chicago for a period, and then you came to Springfield, huh? What about your folks? Are they still back in Maryland?

Arianna: In the same house I grew up in.

Alan: Really? Tell me something. Have you done any other line of work besides being an escort?

Arianna: Mr. Spaulding, you don't really want to talk about me all night, do you? Most of the men I go out with would rather talk about, well, themselves.

Alan: Well, I’m sure most of the men you go out with are jerks. I'm not like most men.

Gavin: See someone you know?

Alexandra: Yes, unfortunately. Well, have you ever dined here at the country club before? The food's fantastic.

Gavin: You are so beautiful.

Alexandra: (Laughs) How sweet.

Gavin: Your eyes are just like hers.

Alexandra: Whose?

Gavin: I'm going to make this evening really special for you. So special you're never going to forget it.

Gus: Alexandra's sitting over there with some kid.

Harley: Yeah, he's probably just an employee or something. This cannot be happening.

Gus: Who can't see you? Who?

Harley: Frank.

Frank: There's our table there. Please.

Darci: Thank you.

Frank: Have I told you that you look absolutely beautiful tonight?

Darci: (Laughs) Only a few times. (Laughs) But I wouldn't mind if you said it again.

Frank: You look absolutely beautiful tonight.

Darci: Thank you. It's because you make me feel special.

Frank: Yeah?

Darci: Yeah.

Cassie: I don't see the maitre d'.

Edmund: Did you hear that?

Cassie: What?

Edmund: I believe that they're playing our song.

Cassie: We don't have a song.

Edmund: We do now. Come on, let's dance.

Gus: The room and this town just got way too small.

Harley: Yeah. Something tells me it's going to be a very interesting evening.

Eden: Look, I really don't know why someone is targeting me here. But trust me, I want this creep put behind bars just as much as you do.

Jeffrey: All right, all right. We'll leave it at that, for now. Here, let me get it.

Eden: Oh, thank you.

Jeffrey: You're welcome. What's this? It's got your name on it.

Eden: That's weird. Oh, no.

Jeffrey: What? What? "I guess you didn't get my first three messages so I'm sending you another one tonight."

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