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Guiding Light Transcript Friday 6/6/03
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Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Phillip: Oh, here. Put this in.
Beth: Yeah.
Phillip: Pictures of Lizzie, appointment cards for her therapy sessions. All of her cherished memories.
Beth: She needs to talk to someone.
Phillip: She talks to us.
Beth: That's not enough.
Phillip: I had a very long conversation with her yesterday. She seems okay to me.
Beth: Okay. Okay?
Phillip: Look, she's confused, all right? And she's upset. She's also a teenager. Let's not forget that.
Beth: Yes, a teenager who has been surrounded by adults who have been… who have done terribly hurtful things lately.
Phillip: Yes, to each other, not to her.
Beth: Phillip, she needs this therapy. And I don't know why you're having a hard time with this. Look how much good Felicia did me after the whole Lorelei episode. You know that therapy works.
Phillip: Yes, when somebody genuinely needs it. I don't believe she does. She's under stress, okay? Of course she is. So is everyone. That's life.
Beth: She may have set her school on fire.
Phillip: You may be projecting your fears on to her. See... See I can do shrink-speak, too.
Beth: The fire marshal said that...
Phillip: The fire marshal said a lot of things, none of them conclusive. What's definite is that our little girl could have died in that fire, but she didn’t. We got her back. But as it was, she was so scared she practically hitchhiked the entire way home. You know, maybe we should focus on that instead of thinking the worst.
Beth: I don't think it's as black and white as that.
Phillip: Lizzie is an intelligent, sensitive, loving young girl, who may have had to grow up a little too much, a little too fast. Beyond that she's fine.
Cassie: Hey.
Olivia: Hi.
Cassie: Are you sure it's okay that you can cover for me tonight?
Olivia: Sure.
Cassie: Yeah?
Olivia: Besides the sooner you have your date with Edmund, the sooner I get to hear about it.
Cassie: That's tomorrow night.
Olivia: Oh.
Cassie: Yes, I'm taking Reva to Chris Langham's presentation tonight at the country club.
Olivia: The psychic? I saw a flyer on him.
Cassie: I thought Reva would enjoy it.
Olivia: Oh. Well, maybe he'll pick up some vibration on you, and tell you that this date with Edmund is a disaster waiting to happen since you won't take my word for it.
Cassie: I have my own feeling about my date with Edmund, thank you.
Olivia: Oh, I see. Did you pick up that message from the great beyond?
Cassie: No. It's called wishful thinking. Good night.
Olivia: Good night.
Lizzie: Hey, Grandma. Sorry, Olivia.
Cassie: Excuse me.
Jeffrey: You. Of course. Here. Take this.
Michelle: Come on. Come on. We're going to be late.
Marah: Okay, okay. Which color goes with a psychic demonstration?
Eden: The ghostly green.
Marah: (Laughs) Eden, are you sure you don't want to come?
Eden: No, I don't believe in psychics.
Michelle: Well, not everything they say can be explained away.
Eden: The more reason for me not to go. Because if a psychic got tuned into me, I would blow his circuits.
Marah: Oh, speaking about circuits, make sure that the alarm system is on, because you're going to be here alone. And all the doors and windows are all closed and...
Eden: And if anything goes wrong, call Tony or the cops. I know.
Marah: Right. Okay, then. We'll see you. Ready?
Michelle: Bye.
Marah: Bye.
Sandy: No wait. What do you mean you don't want the cops to find the killer?
Mole: Man, he's doing this town a favor.
Sandy: Mole, this is a psycho.
Mole: Yeah, but he's a psycho who does good deeds, man. He's offing all the dirt bags who pay for cheap sex.
Sandy: You can't just make moral judgments like that.
Eden: Hey, Bill. How are you? You've been gone for like two days. You haven't even called.
Bill: Yeah, I didn't know what to say.
Eden: What? This isn't my fault.
Bill: Let's see, you recruited one of my best friends to hook for you and when he had a problem, you turned your back on him, and through it all, you didn't even say a word about it to me. What's up with that, Eden?
Eden: Ben worked for me, Bill. Worked for me. So when did my business become your business?
Bill: Like I told you, the guy is a friend.
Eden: He didn't have to work for me. As a matter of fact, I told him that this may not be for him, but he wanted in.
Bill: It sounds so nice and clean.
Eden: Everything was out in the open.
Bill: Oh, except the grief that Mrs. Hendon would give him if he decided to break it off.
Eden: You're only hearing Ben’s side of the story.
Bill: Oh, is there another one?
Eden: Ben is not the victim here. As matter of fact, he's not so sweet and innocent. Did you know that once he was released from jail, he tracked me down in a dark alley and he threatened me?
Bill: He's angry and he has every right to be.
Eden: He took the job with his eyes wide open.
Bill: Then how the heck did he wind up being charged with murder?
Eden: He was released, remember?
Bill: What? You can't think that he did it.
Eden: Who am I to say?
Bill: Oh, come on, Eden.
Eden: What? People do strange things.
Bill: Right. Like hanging guys out to dry when they come to you for help.
Eden: Ben was man enough to keep Ramona happy. So why wasn't he man enough to stand up to her and say it was over?
Bill: Well, you've might have made it easier for him.
Eden: How?
Bill: By telling your client to back off. If she's that hard up, then get her another boy toy, but you didn't do that.
Eden: He is not a boy, and I am not his mother.
Bill: The lady threatened to blackmail him.
Eden: Oh, she was bluffing.
Bill: Did you tell him that? No, you didn't, because if you did, Ben might have broken it off with her, and then the money would have stopped coming in.
Eden: Oh, what? Did he tell you that I pushed him into a life of sin and now he's hooked like some drug?
Bill: Not exactly.
Eden: Look, I told him that this was an easy, no pressure way to make money, period.
Bill: Yeah, right, but the minute there was pressure, you looked the other way.
Eden: You know what? Don't put this all on me. You're buddy Ben slept with Ramona for money, all right? I did not make one cent above that fee for the date. So anything he did beyond that was his choice.
Bill: Right, you're as pure as the driven snow.
Eden: It wasn't Ramona he couldn't say no to. It was the money, and that has nothing to do with me.
Beth: Felicia thinks that Lizzie is repressing her feelings.
Phillip: Repressing? Okay. Great. Does that mean that's she's not running around telling everybody she runs into how desperately unhappy she is? What else did she say?
Beth: Well, not too much. She can't violate Lizzie’s confidentiality. Phillip, I don't know why you can't see this. This family has been in total chaos for awhile just when Lizzie needs stability most.
Phillip: Here comes the abandonment issues.
Beth: She is not just hurt and confused, she's furious. But so far, she is refusing to let that anger show.
Phillip: I'm sorry, Beth, Lizzie does not strike me as an angry young girl.
Beth: Phillip, look at me. No, Lizzie doesn't seem like an angry young girl, because she is staying as far away from that messy, scary stuff as she can. And she is cranking up the big smile and she is working overtime to make everything seem all right.
Phillip: She did act like she was more concerned about me than herself yesterday.
Beth: Act. Yes, that's the key word. She's acting.
Phillip: Or maybe she's just a caring daughter.
Beth: I'm afraid for her, Phillip.
Phillip: I know you are, but maybe that's what it is. Maybe it's you're afraid.
Beth: I am not projecting.
Phillip: Well then, why am I not panicking about her state of mind the way you are?
Beth: Well, only you can answer that.
Phillip: The implication being what? That I’m in denial.
Beth: Look at the situation. She comes home from school from a mysterious fire that she may have set to find her father living with her grandfather's ex-wife, who some Spaulding man has gotten pregnant. You don't think she has feelings about that?
Phillip: I think obviously somebody does. You know, Beth, if this is a guilt trip that is being covered as a warning about a daughter...
Beth: Phillip, okay, I'm sorry. I'm sorry if it sounded like I was singling you out. We have all made life difficult for Lizzie. And I don't really care who did what when. I just want to know what we're going to do to make it right.
Olivia: So if you could just take care of those two rooms, I think we'll be okay. Yes.
Lizzie: I just wanted to check and see, you know, who I’m with today. I can't keep the schedule straight.
Olivia: Well, I know what that's like, Lizzie. Some days you just don't know whether it's day or night.
Lizzie: Wow! If that's how you are now, I wonder what will happen when the baby gets here. (Laughs) You'll be more messed up than you are now, right?
Olivia: I think you're with your mom tonight, which is just as well because we have no food in the fridge at our place.
Lizzie: You mean Daddy's place.
Olivia: Yeah. I'll be sure to stack up on the stuff you like before your next stay, okay?
Lizzie: Oh, no. Don't make a fuss over me. The last thing I want to do is be a burden to you.
Olivia: Lizzie, you're nothing like that.
Lizzie: Come on, admit it: I can be a little bit of a pain sometimes.
Olivia: Nobody's perfect, right?
Lizzie: Yeah, but seriously. I mean, I don't want you wasting your time on me. Besides, you're the one that's... Look, if you ever need my help to do any extra things, just let me know, all right? I really want us to get along. Even though...
Olivia: Even though what?
Lizzie: Nothing. My therapist thinks that I’m jealous you're having a baby.
Olivia: Is she right?
Lizzie: I don't know. I don't know how I feel most of the time. I just guess that goes along with being traumatized.
Olivia: Does your therapist say that, too?
Lizzie: But no matter who's the father, I mean, this whole situation's messed up, isn't it?
Cassie: What is this, a peace offering?
Jeffrey: No, it's not a peace offering. It's a track for toy cars.
Cassie: I can see that.
Jeffrey: It's so that it'll be quieter if your kid plays with the little cars on the track instead of on the bare floor above my room at night.
Cassie: Well, that's assuming R.J. wants a track.
Jeffrey: Well, I want it for him. Really. What little guy wouldn't go for the mucho extremo loop-the-loop? Really, it can't get much better than this.
Cassie: It'll probably take him three days to put it together. It's at least three days of quiet for you.
Jeffrey: Well, that's a start.
Cassie: Okay. You can give it to him.
Jeffrey: Excuse me, no, I’m sorry. You're the mother, that's your job. You give it to him.
Cassie: What, are you afraid of the four-year-old?
Jeffrey: I don't want anything to do with your... With any kid.
Cassie: Why not?
Jeffrey: Why not? Well, because they're like some weird alien life form. They can't even put their own clothes on.
Cassie: (Laughs) You couldn't when you were four.
Jeffrey: Look, I'm not saying they can't become human, you know? They can, in time. If it happens at all, it'll happen around 22, 23.
Cassie: What do you mean, if it happens at all.
Jeffrey: Well, yeah. I mean, some of them stay animals. Just go to any prison, you'll see what I’m talking about.
Cassie: You are unbelievable, do you know that? Let me tell you something. My son is 100% human. But you know what? I'm going to give him this toy. I'm going to give this to him in two weeks when he's out of school. So until then, I suggest you get used to the sound of little plastic wheels rolling around on the wooden floor. Good night, Mr. O’Neill. Excuse me.
Reva: Thank you.
Christopher: Reva. Oh, it's good to see you again. I'd hoped you'd come tonight.
Reva: Well, I haven't changed my mind, Dr. Langham.
Christopher: Well, you have the gift. You proved it again just now: You read my mind.
Reva: (Laughs) The use of the word "gift," I'm really not quite comfortable with. I like to think of it more as a glitch, especially since I’ve been misinterpreting the information that I’ve been picking up. I mean, I feel like a big enough fool as it is, but I’ve been leading people down blind alleys to boot.
Christopher: Like anything worthwhile, the gift needs to be developed-- exercised, like a muscle.
Reva: There's other muscles I think I need to develop first.
Christopher: Well, I hope tonight's presentation will change your mind, and excite you to the possibilities.
Cassie: Reva. Hey. Did you save us a seat?
Reva: Hi. Yes, I did.
Cassie: Hi. Dr. Langham.
Christopher: Oh, please, call me Christopher.
Cassie: I'm Cassie.
Reva: Yes, this is my sister, Cassie Winslow.
Christopher: Cassie. Do you share Reva’s power for intuition? Sometimes the gift runs in families?
Cassie: Uh, no. No, I just have weird dreams sometimes.
Christopher: Well, that may be very close indeed.
Michelle: Thank you.
Marah: Thank you.
Michelle: Marah, look. That's the guy right there, with your mom, isn't it?
Marah: Yeah. In Vienna, he told my mom that she had something special. It looks like he still believes it. Let's go say hello.
Michelle: Oh, no. I think I would faint if he got a message about me.
Marah: Well, I would love one, especially if it had something to do with Tony and me being together forever.
Michelle: Well, maybe we should sit down first, because I think all the seats are going.
Marah: You know what? I hope Eden’s going to be okay at home alone. I guess if I had the gift I would know for sure, right?
Michelle: Yeah, you would. (Laughter)
Bill: So is there anything you are willing to take responsibility for?
Eden: Yeah. Hiring Ben and telling him to deal with Mrs. Hendon, and warning him not to sleep with her. But yeah, I guess I'm just the cold sex retailer you think I am.
Bill: I didn't say that.
Eden: You were thinking it.
Bill: No, I wasn’t. All right, Ben, he's not a kid, and he could have said no to her.
Eden: Yeah, and he could have said no to the extra money that she gave him.
Bill: Right, but he didn’t. He went along with the lies and the excuses to make us keep believing that he had a straight job.
Eden: Then why are you so mad at me?
Bill: Because you didn't tell Ben or me the whole truth, and when he came to you for help, you turned your back on him. And that right there, Eden, that is cold.
Eden: Oh, you know what? You should have just stayed away.
Bill: And there's more to it than just the sex and money, Eden. People are dying here.
Eden: Wait a sec. You cannot blame that on me. I hate it that there is some psycho out there targeting people that I know. And they're targeting me, too.
Bill: What?
Eden: Yeah. Some guy tried to run me down the other day when you were gone. Oh, but yeah, just... Yeah, say that that's my fault, too.
Bill: Well, look at the business that you're in.
Eden: Oh, this again?
Bill: Eden, people pay you to spend time with beautiful people, so they can just sit and stare, fantasize or even more. I mean, how could you even be surprised that you would attract some lunatic?
Eden: You know what? I never said that I was some Mary Sunshine, all right? You knew damn well that I'm no Marah Lewis or Michelle Bauer when you first met me, all right? I don't need this righteous indignation. I don't need you. I don't need any man.
Bill: Well, you must come from a lonely world.
Eden: Men leave. All right? Just when you think you can't live without them, that's when they take off. My father, my brother...
Bill: Well, it doesn't always have to be that way.
Eden: Oh, yeah, right. So it's your turn now. So leave.
Bill: No. I'm not going anywhere.
Eden: Come on, leave. I am a selfish, cold liar, remember? Oh, whatever. You know what? I don't deserve to be with a decent guy, anyway.
Bill: Yeah, well, I’m no angel.
Eden: Okay. You know what? Go. Just leave.
Bill: No, I’m not going.
Eden: It's your turn. Yes. Leave.
Bill: I'm not going anywhere.
Eden: Just leave!
Bill: Listen to me: I am not going anywhere.
Eden: Go! Why are you doing this?
Bill: Because I know you!
Eden: You do not know me! You've never known anyone like me and you never will.
Bill: Good.
Eden: Someone might come in and see us.
Bill: Well, let them.
Eden: (Laughs)
Beth: Oh, Phillip. Let's not fall into the trap of turning this into an argument about us. Let's just keep our focus on Lizzie.
Phillip: And how worried at least one of us is about her.
Beth: Okay. (Clears throat) I'm scared for her. And is it because of my past, at least in part? Yes, it probably is. And I thank God that you have been so grounded and stable to be there for her when I couldn't be.
Phillip: But?
Beth: There's such a thing as overconfidence.
Phillip: If not outright denial.
Beth: My priority right now is to be the best mother I can be for her. To give her all of the guidance and support and understanding that I can muster, and I know that that's how you feel, too.
Phillip: Oh, Beth, there's nothing in the world that's more important to me than that little girl. You know that.
Beth: She's not a little girl anymore.
Phillip: See, in my mind, that's the way I still think of her.
Beth: Yeah. Mine, too.
Phillip: Do you really think that she's in trouble?
Beth: Yes, I do.
Phillip: I look at her sometimes, and I see so much of myself, and not just physically but emotionally. And then I look again and I think, "My God, it's you at 16."
Beth: Pretty scary, isn't it? And wonderful. Oh, Phillip, let's face it: She's everything to both of us.
Phillip: You'll get no argument from me about that.
Beth: And if we can just shepherd her through this rough patch together, with patience and good will and...
Phillip: Professional help?
Beth: When she was born, you said you'd do whatever it took to protect her. Well, maybe what it takes this time is professional help.
Phillip: Yeah, but what am I supposed to do in the meantime? What, do I just sit on my hands while her psyche is being poked and prodded?
Beth: You give her the space that she needs to have her own feelings, which may be pretty harsh right now.
Phillip: What, you're talking about? The way she feels about Olivia?
Beth: (Laughs)
Phillip: What? What?
Beth: Phillip, let's face it: I'm a grown woman and sometimes I have a hard time dealing with Olivia. Which reminds me, there's something else you should know.
Phillip: Something else I don't know about my daughter?
Beth: No. Olivia. I spoke to her, woman-to-woman.
Phillip: She didn't mention it.
Beth: Mm-hmm. She's probably still digesting what I said.
Phillip: Which was what?
Beth: That given the tension and hostility building up in this family over the baby she's carrying, that she should get a paternity test so that everyone- - but Lizzie most of all-- can have some peace.
Olivia: Lizzie, I am so sorry that this has been so hard on you.
Lizzie: It shouldn't be. I mean, the baby's going to be in my family no matter what. Whether it is an aunt or uncle or half-sibling, I can't lose, right? I just wish I could feel good about this whole thing.
Olivia: No, no. You shouldn't feel or do or be anything you're not.
Lizzie: But if I'm not positive, I'll be part of the problem instead of the solution. That's no good.
Olivia: I appreciate your concern, but...
Lizzie: What? I'm not the snotty little princess I’ve been up until now?
Olivia: No, honey, that's not what I was thinking.
Lizzie: It's cool. Felicia says you should be honest about your feelings.
Olivia: Look...
Lizzie: You hate me.
Olivia: No, no. I don't hate you.
Lizzie: I've been a jerk to you. First I was your rotten little granddaughter, and now I’m practically your stepdaughter up in your face every time you turn around. It's like torture.
Olivia: First of all, my marriage to your grandfather is ancient history.
Lizzie: So you want me to just pretend like it never happened? I can... I can do that.
Olivia: No. No, no. Okay? Stop twisting my words, please.
Lizzie: See? I'm messing up again. I can't even listen to you right.
Olivia: Could we just... Could we just forget about this for now?
Lizzie: But I feel so bad. I mean, what can I do to make it better? I'll do anything.
Olivia: Look...
Lizzie: Anything.
Olivia: Lizzie, it's really not a problem.
Lizzie: I just get so confused sometimes. I look at you and I don't know whether I'm looking at my grandmother or my dad's girlfriend, mistress, whatever you call yourself.
Olivia: Could you please just lower your voice?
Lizzie: Personally, I think you get off better as a mistress than a girlfriend. You get more stuff. Has Daddy gotten you any big gifts, yet? Because he will. And he's got really good taste, too. Oh, my God. What if the baby isn't his?
Olivia: All right. That's enough.
Lizzie: If it's Grandpa's, there's no way Daddy'd get you diamonds.
Olivia: Lizzie, I said stop it.
Lizzie: He'll go for zircons at best. Maybe. Oh, excuse me, if you found out that your mistress was pregnant with your father's child, not yours...
Olivia: Lizzie. Lizzie. Shut up, damn it! Shut up!
Lizzie: Don't. Olivia, are you hurt?
Olivia: Don't touch me.
Man: Oh, my God. Are you okay?
Olivia: I'm fine.
Woman: Are you sure?
Olivia: Yes, I'm fine. I just... Just need to sit here for a minute. I'll be fine. You can go, really. I appreciate it.
Lizzie: I guess I shouldn't have left my bag sitting there.
Olivia: I guess you shouldn't have.
Lizzie: That was really scary. You went right down. I mean, boom! (Laughs)
Olivia: It's not a laughing matter, Lizzie.
Lizzie: You do hate me.
Olivia: I can't get into this with you again.
Lizzie: You know what? Find someone else to help you up. You'll probably just fall on your face again, anyway.
Phillip: (Laughs) You told Olivia that you thought she should have the paternity test.
Beth: Not quite the response I was expecting.
Phillip: (Laughs) What was her response?
Beth: She probably wishes I hadn't said anything. So if you get home and she's in a rage, you can blame the ex-wife from hell.
Phillip: I may do it, even if she's not.
Beth: (Laughs) Thanks a lot. I appreciate that. Phillip, was life always this complicated?
Phillip: I don't have any simple answers.
Christopher: Thank you for coming, ladies and gentlemen. I feel like an attorney addressing a jury. Only instead of an individual, I'm defending the entire world of psychic communication against the charges of fraud and fakery. Not an easy thing to do. There are a lot of charlatans who are eager to claim paranormal ability, and every dollar that they can squeeze out of grieving and overly trusting people. How? Primarily through a technique called "cold reading." Now, you may have the best poker face on earth, but when a "psychic" tells you that your dear, beloved grandmother is reaching out to you from the spirit realm, your emotions come right to the surface, where they are easily read and woven into a compelling-- but phony-- message from the other side. But genuine psychic connection does exist. To prove that, I’ve asked one of my most respected colleagues to join us. Ladies and gentlemen, Arthur Seekamp. (Applause) To eliminate any doubt of his veracity, Arthur will turn his back and deliver whatever message or information he receives with no visual cues whatsoever. Let's get started.
Arthur: (Sighs) I'm ready to begin. I'm getting an older female vibration, and I’m being pulled into this area right here. I think I may be with one of you.
Michelle: He's coming this way.
Arthur: Bells. I'm hearing a lot of bells. Does anybody have some sort of ringing bell connection.
Eleanor: My grandmother gave me her collection of hand bells.
Arthur: Yes or no answers, please.
Reva: Grandma's getting all worked up about something.
Arthur: And I’m getting the feeling of rapid movement. She's making me feel like... Like this. And she's showing me the Liberty Bell.
Eleanor: Yes.
Arthur: And Gemini. She's showing me Gemini, the twins, younger males. Does this make sense for you?
Eleanor: Yes.
Arthur: Did one of the boys break something? One of the bells, maybe?
Eleanor: Yes.
Arthur: Were you angry about it? Because she's laughing about it now. She's making me feel like, you know, it's okay. Things are just things.
Eleanor: (Laughs) Grandma.
Arthur: She's pulling her energy back. This was her way of coming through to you. She wants you to know that she's okay and that her love is with you always, unconditionally. Pretty cool Grandma.
Eleanor: Yes.
Reva: He forgot to mention Grandma showing him the twins being royally spanked.
Cassie: Did you see that?
Reva: It's a joke, not a vision.
Arthur: Okay, I’m getting a male energy that's crossed. It's a loving energy and whoever this is definitely has a real bond with somebody here in this room.
Eden: Thank you.
Bill: Well, I’d like to think the feeling was mutual.
Eden: I mean, for holding me afterwards.
Bill: (Sighs) You know, you seemed... Scared.
Eden: Yeah. Sometimes I'm so scared I don't even feel it anymore.
Bill: Are you scared now?
Eden: No. But sometimes when I do feel scared, it's weird, I kind of start changing who I am.
Bill: Like what?
Eden: Like, I just... I start acting more confident and certain. I mean, I swear, it's almost like the smaller I feel, the bigger I have to make myself look.
Bill: (Laughs)
Eden: What?
Bill: I got that about you the first time we met. I'm not in this just for the fun and games, Eden. I care about you, and I guess that's what's got me scared, too.
Eden: You don't have to worry. There are plenty of people watching my back. Nothing's going to happen to this girl.
Bill: That's not what I meant. I'm scared because I care about you. And what you do.
Eden: Bill...
Bill: Look, Eden, would you shut down your business if I asked you to, and do something else?
Phillip: I want to see this when you get all the photos in it. Oh.
Beth: (Laughs)
Phillip: Why couldn't she have stayed like that?
Lizzie: Mom. Dad. I can't believe you're both here!
Phillip: Honey, hey. What's wrong?
Lizzie: Oh, I’m so glad you guys are here.
Phillip: Darling, what's wrong?
Beth: Honey, what is it? What?
Lizzie: It was horrible.
Phillip: What was horrible?
Lizzie: This whole thing with Olivia.
Phillip: What?
Beth: What? What? Tell us.
Lizzie: I went to the Beacon to just talk to her, maybe use some of the stuff Felicia said I should.
Phillip: What stuff are you talking about?
Lizzie: Opening up, being honest. Dad, if you're going to be with Olivia, I don't want her to hate me my whole life.
Phillip: Honey, she doesn't hate you.
Lizzie: Yes, she does.
Beth: Honey, why don't you just tell us what happened?
Lizzie: We were just talking about the baby and how I’d do whatever she wanted to help her while she was pregnant. But not only was she not interested, she got mad and just told me to shut up!
Phillip: She said that?
Lizzie: Those exact words. And then she started cursing and practically kicked me out. I was just trying to be friendly. I don’t... I don't know what happened. I don't know why she just went off on me like that. I didn't do anything, Dad.
Beth: Okay. Well, it's over now. Maybe you should talk to Olivia.
Phillip: Honey, I don't want you to worry about a thing. Pumpkin, everything's going to be okay. I'm going to take care of it.
Beth: Honey? Are you sure that's really what happened?
Eden: So I thought it didn't bother you that I walk a little bit on the wild side. I mean, I even thought it was a turn-on.
Bill: Well, it was. In the beginning.
Eden: Yeah, and what happened?
Bill: Well, I went from being turned on to caring about you.
Eden: Lucky me.
Bill: Eden, I’m not judging you.
Eden: If thinking that me closing down the Garden of Eden escorts is going to make me a better person, yeah, that's judging me.
Bill: No, you are a better person than that right now.
Eden: So, what are you saying, that running my escort service is beneath me?
Bill: All right. (Sighs) Did I buy your whole "Women can do whatever they want with their bodies" rap in the beginning? Yeah, I did. In fact, I thought it would be cool to be with someone who went against the grain.
Eden: And then you started caring.
Bill: No, I started thinking about how dangerous this business is.
Eden: I know that it is. I'll be fine.
Bill: For how long? I mean, look, you already had to move once. I mean, why wait around for more trouble? Why don't you just get out while you can?
Eden: Look, you think I haven't thought about that already?
Bill: Then what is holding you back?
Eden: Because if I close up shop now, the cops won't catch the guy that killed that girl and my client, and I want that psycho in jail.
Bill: Well, everybody does.
Eden: Right. So we've just got to be patient. And once this guy is put away, then we can talk more about this and about if and how I can change my spots.
Bill: Okay. I just hope they nail this guy soon.
Michelle: That was close.
Marah: Oh, come on? Wouldn't you like to be the target for a little male love energy?
Michelle: Only for a living male, thank you. (Laughs)
Arthur: Definite love energy coming through from this man. And he's showing me an island. Tropical. He's only recently passed, because his vibration isn't very high yet. And he's pointing to his chest. He's making me feel like he loves a woman in this room very much. Does this make sense to anybody?
Reva: Go on, tell him it's you.
Cassie: I can't.
Arthur: He's sending out positive energy to the woman that he loves. Strength. Things have been hard for her, and he's showing me a pillow. She's been crying into her pillow at night.
Reva: If you don't claim this message yourself, I'm going to do it for you.
Arthur: Would somebody please speak up. Just claim this, please?
Cassie: I... I think that it's for me.
Arthur: He's showing me a fork. A salad fork. Are you a vegetarian?
Cassie: (Laughs) No.
Arthur: No, wait, wait, wait. Wait, wait. It's the other kind of fork. A fork in the road. And he's showing me somebody new in your life. A male energy. Is there a new man in your life?
Cassie: Yes. Yes. Edmund.
Lizzie: You don't believe me?
Beth: Honey, I'm just saying that sometimes when we're upset, things seem a whole lot worse.
Lizzie: She treated me like garbage! Like I was some worm, after I went out of my way to be nice to her.
Beth: Maybe she wasn't feeling well.
Lizzie: Mom, she hates me. And I know why. It's because I remind dad of you and his real family.
Beth: No, Lizzie. No.
Lizzie: Yeah. His real family, right here in this house.
Beth: She knows all about this family. She was part of this family for a while, remember?
Lizzie: Why are you sticking up for her?
Beth: No, I’m not sticking up for her.
Lizzie: But you don't believe me.
Beth: If Olivia did something inappropriate than I want to know.
Lizzie: She did, Mom! She cursed and attacked and... Mom, she freaked me out! Why are you looking at me like that?
Beth: You're just reminding me of someone.
Lizzie: Who?
Beth: Me.
Phillip: What the hell happened here today?
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