Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 6/5/03
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Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Marah: Ooh, all that's missing is a tool belt.
Tony: Hey.
Marah: You're sweaty.
Tony: Mm-hmm. You know, I was thinking if you're done with your-- thank you-- sketching, we can go down to the lake or you can bring your sketch book with you. We can make a day out of it. Huh?
Marah: Oh, if you saw the to-do list on the fridge. Hey, how'd you miss the note that I left you? Danny called.
Tony: You know, I saw the note, but we can't stay inside on a day like this.
Marah: Well, maybe you should stick around the house until he gets here.
Tony: Maybe not.
Danny: Honey...
Michelle: No, you know what I want.
Danny: Honey. Honey, yeah, I do, I do.
Michelle: You know what else I want?
Danny: Hmm.
Michelle: I want to pull down those blinds and I want to bolt the door and I want to pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist.
Danny: Well, that's going to be very hard to do with me on the other side of town. I've got to go.
Michelle: No, no. More Fifth Street renovations?
Danny: I have to, I’m sorry.
Michelle: Oh, but, but...
Danny: I do, I have to go.
Michelle: I know I shouldn't ask you this, but I really want you to stay.
Danny: No, I can’t.
Michelle: Just please stay. Please.
Danny: As much as I’d love to, I can’t. But I am leaving behind with you the one thing you do like better than me.
Michelle: Yeah?
Danny: Breakfast in bed.
Michelle: (Gasps) You're going to cook for me?
Danny: No, better. I ordered in. It's on it's way.
Michelle: Okay, but why should I bother replenishing my strength if you're not going to be here to help me work it off? What did you order?
Danny: The works. Spinach omelets, pancakes, strawberries, you name it. Sound good?
Michelle: What if I told you I wanted my pancakes and you, too? (Doorbell rings)
Danny: Oh, all right, I’ll get it, I'll get it.
Michelle: Be warned, Danny Santos, I'm going to use that breakfast to keep you in bed with me all day.
Danny: Hey.
Ed: I should have called first.
Danny: (Laughs)
Cassie: I cannot believe that you came from me. You are so smart.
Tammy: You're smart.
Cassie: Yeah, well, I didn't think so when I was in school, that's for sure. But now I get to live through you. Hey, baby, what's going on?
Tammy: It's fine, Mom.
Cassie: Ignore him. He'll go away.
Tammy: Yeah, he's probably trying to nail some babies for their dirty diapers or something.
Cassie: I know, believe me. I know that this is going to be tough, you know, him having that face and not all the good that goes with it.
Tammy: It's not just that. I mean, I expect someone with that kind of power, you know, to use it for good.
Cassie: Like your dad did.
Tammy: Yeah.
Cassie: Yeah. Well, you know what? I don't like him anymore than you do, but he has a job to do. He's suppose to enforce the law, and you...
Tammy: Broke it, I know. But he was happy to punish us, that's for sure. Mom, what are you doing?
Cassie: I am going to prove you wrong. Mr. O’Neill?
Jeffrey: Mrs. Winslow. Hello, Tammy. Shouldn't you be in school?
Tammy: We had the day off. Thanks for asking.
Cassie: But that doesn't mean that she can't learn something. Civics 101. I need your help.
Jeffrey: Do I look like a teacher?
Cassie: You look like someone who has one last chance to prove that he's not the biggest jerk in the world.
Edmund: You understand the need for discretion?
Dax: The consulate wouldn't approve of you're using company time to check up on Springfield’s new D.A. But considering the physical resemblance to Richard...
Edmund: What did you find out, Dax?
Dax: See for yourself. I believe you'll find it interesting. I certainly did.
Cassie: My daughter's faith in people is one of her best qualities, and I don't want to see her lose that.
Tammy: Mom, I’m right here.
Jeffrey: And what does that have to do with me exactly?
Cassie: Well, I need her to know that you're job may be hard, but that doesn't mean you have to be a hard person; and that, yes, you have a job to do but there must be something more to you than your job.
Jeffrey: Nope. I am the job. And you are what you do. And to that end, you need to get an exterminator, lady.
Cassie: Excuse me?
Jeffrey: Yeah, you've got mice or rats or something crawling around in your hotel. So, how do you think your little four-legged friends reflect on you?
Tammy: Are you calling my mother a rat?
Jeffrey: I'm just pointing out a problem, kid. Giving her a chance to correct it just like she's giving me a chance to prove what a jerk I'm not.
Cassie: I don't have rats in my hotel, Mr. O’Neill. At least not the four-legged kind.
Jeffrey: (Laughs) Then what's all that crawling and scratching on my ceiling just when I get in at night, huh? It's like they know I'm there. Because just when I settle in, that's when they start their little dance just like clockwork.
Cassie: So, you think these rats are keeping a schedule just to annoy you.
Tammy: You wouldn't happen to get home around 8:00, would you?
Jeffrey: Yeah, I do. Why?
Tammy: Well, what room number are you?
Jeffrey: 201.
Tammy: That's right below Will and R.J.'s room, Mom. Cars. R.J.’s playing with his cars.
Cassie: Oh. Were you ever a child, Mr. O’Neill? Okay, I'm going to take that as a no. Well, R.J. is your mouse. My little boy, he loves, absolutely loves race cars. So I let him play with them before he goes to bed.
Jeffrey: Well, that's great. Make him stop, okay? Or make him play with them when I’m at the office.
Cassie: Okay. What are you going to do? Are you going to throw him in a cell, too?
Jeffrey: I'm thinking about it.
Cassie: He's four, okay? He's four. And "car" was his second word.
Jeffrey: Well, good for J.R.
Cassie: It's R.J., okay? And now one goes to bed at 8:00.
Jeffrey: Well, I put cases to bed at 8:00. I read after dinner. Make him stop.
Cassie: I'll send you up some ear plugs.
Jeffrey: They don't work for me.
Cassie: Well, I tried.
Jeffrey: Weren't you just waxing poetic about work ethic for your daughter here, hmm? Now, what happened to making sure that the customer's happy? That's your job, making sure that I’m happy. Okay, so before you start railing on my work ethic, check yours, lady.
Tammy: Well, your civic lesson didn't work, now, did it?
Cassie: I am not finished with him.
Desk clerk: These will look great in the west lobby. Nice picture of Miss Spencer. Though we haven't seen much of her these days.
Bellman 2: Why bother with us when she's carrying a Spaulding heir?
Desk clerk: The Spaulding’s can keep her.
Tammy: What are you doing here?
Lizzie: You can't stay mad at me forever.
Tammy: Uh, yeah, I can. I'm done, Lizzie. I lost my ability to forgive in lockup.
Lizzie: I didn't mean for that to happen. You're my friend, and I don't have many of those. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I'm trying to apologize here. What's more important than me?
Tammy: Him. Him.
Lizzie: Wow, he really does look like him.
Tammy: He's nothing like him. My mom just tried to prove to me that he had some good in him and he squashed her flat. It was awful. He is awful.
Lizzie: People shouldn't be allowed to be like that. People like that need to be taught a lesson.
Marah: Since when do you bail on Danny?
Tony: Since I get the chance to spend the day alone with you.
Marah: Mmm, it's Eden, huh? After that car almost hit her, Danny laid it into you pretty good for not backing off.
Tony: Whatever. I'm not backing off. Eden's in trouble.
Marah: Hey, hey, okay, I'm with you on this one, but can't you guys just agree to disagree? I mean, I hate seeing you not getting along.
Tony: I just... I just need a little break.
Marah: From Danny?
Tony: No, from everybody, except you. Before you moved in here, I... I had to compete with the 25 other people who live in this place just... just to spend some time with you. All I want to do is play hooky with my beautiful girlfriend.
Marah: Mm. I would love to-- after you see Danny.
Tony: Fine.
Marah: Okay, I have a few errands to run, and then I’m going to be all yours and hooky begins.
Tony: You know, by definition, "hooky" means that you have to blow off something else in order to do it, so...
Marah: Well, then I’d just be paying attention to the stuff that we were blowing off and we wouldn't be paying attention to each other.
Tony: Not me, but okay, fine. You win.
Marah: Tony?
Tony: What?
Marah: Don't fight with your cousin. All right, you and Danny really care about each other. If you have a problem, then bring it out in the open.
Tony: Don't worry, I will. Now, go. Hurry back.
Marah: Okay, bye.
Tony: Maybe I will get it out in the open. Maybe I won’t.
Michelle: Fine, I gave up and put my clothes on. That doesn't mean that you can’t...
Ed: (Whistling)
Michelle: Oh, Dad.
Ed: Hi, sweetheart.
Michelle: I thought I heard the doorbell ring a second time.
Danny: Yeah, your dad got here before the food did.
Michelle: Oh.
Edmund: I was just driving around. Well, actually, I wasn't. I was on my way to work, and I thought it's been too long since I’ve seen this little face. Mmm. I'll call next time.
Michelle: No, no.
Danny: No, are you kidding?
Michelle: No, you never have to call.
Danny: Listen, I ordered all this food. There's a ton of it. You guys enjoy, have breakfast, catch up. Sorry I can't stay. I've got to go. See you again soon.
Michelle: I'll walk you out.
Danny: Okay.
Michelle: Did my dad hear?
Danny: Yeah.
Michelle: Oh!
Danny: I don't think he'll ever think of breakfast the same way again. Oh, come on, don't look so horrified. I think Robbie’s a pretty big hint that we've taken things past the hand-holding stage.
Michelle: Okay.
Danny: Go back. He's not going to ground your or anything. I'll call you later.
Michelle: All right, bye.
Danny: I love you. Bye.
Michelle: (Sighs) Well, I'm sorry that I haven't called you.
Ed: Please, don't, don't worry about it, don't worry about it. So, how's work? We haven't crossed paths.
Michelle: Oh, it's fine.
Ed: Yeah?
Michelle: It's good, actually. How's the clinic?
Ed: Oh, busy. Good busy. So what about wedding plans?
Michelle: Wedding plans.
Ed: I mean, I just mean have you two, like, set a date? I only want to know because I want to be able to rent my purple tux and the shirt with the ruffles and stuff, you know.
Michelle: Dad, you're not... No. Oh, no, no, it can't be.
Ed: What? What?
Michelle: Are you uncomfortable with the idea of me and Danny living in sin?
Cassie: Ugh! Okay, calm down, Cassie. Don't let him get to you. (Sighs) "50 ways to kick him to the curb." I'd like to kick him to the curb. This is cute.
Reva: You're not thinking about taking a drastic step without consulting me, are you?
Cassie: Oh, relax, I was just daydreaming.
Reva: That is a post-it. That means you're serious. Ooh, ooh, I like that. (Laughs)
Cassie: See, but I think this one would frame my face much better...
Reva: No, I’m talking about for my... For myself, you know. I mean, it's kind of like Jennifer Aniston a couple years ago.
Cassie: Looks like it was a couple years ago.
Reva: You're really contemplating a change, aren't you?
Cassie: Why not?
Reva: Well, why now?
Cassie: No reason. I was just, you know. Why not now? It's just hair.
Reva: (Laughs) You're kidding, right?
Cassie: It's not a philosophical question, you know. To shag or not to shag, that is the question.
Reva: Well, you know, there was a time whenever Josh and I broke up that I would cut my hair.
Cassie: Are you serious?
Reva: Oh, yes, I am serious.
Cassie: Now you're scaring me.
Reva: Of course, you know, that... It was the first time that meant something. I mean, it got easier after each time I... I did it, you know. But then again, this has nothing to do with that because you are doing this for you and for no one else, so you're already light years ahead of me. Ooh, that one I like. I love that. That's kind of a cross between who, Renee Zellweger and... That other Reese Witherspoon? Although I always saw you kind of as a Meg Ryan type, you know-- curly one day, not curly the next.
Cassie: Reva, don't compare me to those movie stars. I'm not going to look anything like them.
Reva: You're going to look better.
Cassie: No, I’m not, but you can keep telling me that. (Laughter) (knock at door)
Bellman #2: Miss Winslow?
Cassie: Yeah.
Bellman #2: Sorry to interrupt. Edmund Winslow called. He wants to meet at 8:00 tomorrow night for dinner instead of 7:30.
Ed: You don't seriously think that I’m upset that you and Danny are living together without being married? Or that you're living together, period? What...
Michelle: No, I’m sorry. I don't even know why I said that. It's just that, you know, you showed up here after Danny and I had obviously...
Ed: But I mean, you're an adult. I mean, I know that you're both adults, so I... Next topic, please.
Michelle: (Laughs) Okay, okay the wedding, the wedding.
Ed: Yeah, mercifully.
Michelle: Well, I hope that you're not completely unhappy.
Ed: Honey, I know that Danny is the man that you love. He's the man you want to spend the rest of your life with, and I am perfectly fine with that. So, come on, we've got to talk about, like, dresses and flowers and stuff.
Michelle: (Laughs) Okay, you want to talk dresses and flowers?
Ed: I want to talk whatever you want to talk about.
Michelle: Okay.
Ed: And if you want me to back off, I can back off. And as far as walking you down the aisle, if you would feel more comfortable with your brother doing that, then...
Michelle: Oh, Dad, wow. I mean, I would love for you to walk me down the aisle. That's one thing that has never happened at any of our weddings.
Ed: (Chuckles)
Michelle: It's just... I don't know, I feel a little embarrassed about going through that whole big process.
Ed: Well, then you can keep it simple. I can forgo the purple tux, believe me.
Michelle: (Laughs)
Ed: I mean, what are you thinking about? Like a regular wedding gown or...
Michelle: Oh, I don't know. I haven't even decided yet. Marah is going to help me with that design. I mean, I was thinking something maybe tea length or even a suit, something tailored.
Ed: So tea length means what? What is...
Michelle: It means it comes to right about here. (Laughs)
Ed: Oh.
Michelle: But, you know, the dress isn't the most important thing. I mean, the truth is, I just don't know how formal I want the whole thing to be. I just feel funny having bridesmaids again and...
Ed: Well, I wouldn’t. I mean, you've got a lot of friends who love you, and they all want to be, you know, part of the wedding.
Michelle: Yeah, but then they have to buy an ugly dress that they're never going to wear again.
Ed: Well, why, they do? I mean, oh. Of course, they do, I'm sorry. (Laughs) It's just a little more complicated that I thought, you know.
Michelle: (Laughs) You're looking a little green there.
Ed: No, I’m going to be fine, you know, just get me a book, "Weddings for Dummies." I'll get the book, I’ll be great.
Michelle: You know, I know what you're trying to do.
Ed: What?
Michelle: You're trying to make up for the fact that mom isn't here.
Tammy: Okay, whatever you're thinking, just stop.
Lizzie: Okay, I will if you do. I'm just not too scared to admit it.
Tammy: You're right, I am scared. It would be great to get some payback, yeah. But he is not worth being grounded for life, or worse.
Lizzie: People just walk all over you, and you let them. That's not good for you.
Tammy: Lizzie, plotting revenge might be normal in your family, but it's not in mine.
Lizzie: Ouch.
Tammy: I'm sorry, okay? Just... just quit it, all right? I mean, this is our day off. And we have nothing better to do than leer at "jerk face" over there? I think it's time we get a life.
Lizzie: Okay, what else do you want to do?
Tammy: I'm thinking.
Lizzie: I know something we can do.
Tammy: No, I don't want to know. That way I don't have to testify against you.
Lizzie: Look at him and say that again.
Tammy: I don't want to, all right?
Lizzie: Okay, I admit that my methods need to be toned down a little bit. Okay, a lot. And I will, all right? But there's nothing wrong with having some good, clean fun at his expense.
Tammy: Well, he was mean to my mom. Really mean, and all over a stupid toy.
Lizzie: A toy? That's ridiculous. Tell me about it. Oh, wait, first I need to know how hard is it for you to get entrance to his room?
Reva: So you're looking for a new look in honor of the new man.
Cassie: Reva.
Reva: Cassie, a date with Edmund Winslow. The last time we spoke, you said there was no feelings there for him, that it was just the connection he had to Richard.
Cassie: Yeah, I know, I said that.
Reva: So, now you're just suddenly forgetting everything he put you through? If you're having Edmund-selective amnesia, could you just forget about him completely?
Cassie: Okay. You've got me. "Forgetful" Cassie. The promise of a three-course meal makes me want to forget every little thing that evil Edmund Winslow has done to me. Is that all you got? Just forgetful because I’m going to dinner with Edmund Winslow.
Reva: Excuse me?
Cassie: "Blind" Cassie. "Blind" Cassie who can't see what's right in front of her. Or "naive" Cassie for wanting to see the good in someone, even though he's so bad. Or "bewitched" Cassie who must be under some kind of a spell, or why would I be going to dinner with him? Or what about "brainwashed" Cassie who must have wandered into Edmund’s cult. Well, you know what? Don't get too close, Reva, because it may be contagious, and you don't want to start liking Edmund. And we can't forget about "crazy" Cassie. Can't forget about her. All that grief must have gone to her head and she can't see clearly now. Then there's "needy" Cassie who hasn't had any man in so long that any man will do. Or what about "poor" Cassie? Boy, that's my favorite. Aka "widow" Cassie. Who can't have her husband back, so she's going to reach out to the closest connection. That must be his brother.
Reva: Cassie, stop this.
Cassie: Well, why can't there be another Cassie, huh? What about the one that's been through hell and has come out changed? Who's not afraid to take a chance on someone else who's changed, too? Just "plain ole" Cassie, who's been making her decisions for years. Who understands the consequences enough to know that she doesn't need someone second-guessing her and telling her what she should do with her life.
Dax: As you can see, there's no connection between Richard and Jeffrey.
Edmund: No, of course, not. It's impossible to think... All right. Grew up in Chicago. Builds reputation for himself in New York as an incorruptible D.A. Three years, Dax. There's a three-year gap between Chicago and New York.
Dax: That's what I thought you'd find interesting. He dropped off the face of the earth as if someone took great care to cover that timeframe.
Edmund: Find out why.
Dax: I thought once you knew he wasn't a relative, you'd be satisfied.
Edmund: I'm not. So find out why. This is about Cassie. She may find the man repulsive now, but given time and how much he looks like Richard, that may change, and I don't want it to change. The man's not worth her time.
Dax: And you are?
Edmund: Don't bite the hand that feeds you, Dax. My asking you to look into Jeffrey O’Neill has absolutely nothing to do with whatever my interests in Cassie may be. It has everything to do with my desire to make sure she's never hurt again. Not by me, not by anyone. I have a lot to make up for to Cassie. And I won't see her drawn into a relationship by a man with question marks in his past.
Dax: You have a few of those, Edmund.
Edmund: Thank you, Dax. I think you've made your point. Cassie knows everything there is to know about me. What she chooses to do with that information is entirely up to her, but this Jeffrey O’Neill character's another story altogether. So do your work, Dax. Find out what the man was up to during those missing years.
Reva: I'm sorry. If I was telling you how to live your life, I was wrong.
Cassie: Big time wrong. Monumentally wrong. Really, really wrong.
Reva: Okay. I get it. I do. I trust you. I trust your choices. I trust your heart. But I can't trust Edmund’s.
Cassie: Noted, okay. For future "I told you so's." But just so you know, I am going into this with my eyes wide open.
Reva: Okay, and I’m sorry. I mean, my laying into you probably didn't even have anything to do with you and Edmund. I'm sure it had more to do with me, because I'm just feeling a little bit at a loss lately. I feel the need to control something, and you just happen to be right there.
Cassie: Are you still seeing...
Reva: Yes, visions? Oh, yeah. (Laughs) Oh, yeah. Yeah, I am.
Cassie: More since you saw Mrs. Hendon's dead body in the bathtub?
Reva: I'm still reeling from that, and the fact that I saw Ben Reade as the killer. I mean, he's Bill's best friend. He's practically family. And now the police have released him as a suspect. And if I had said something, I could have made it worse for Ben.
Cassie: Okay, but you didn't, all right? You can't beat yourself up for that. You are not in a place for this.
Reva: I know, but I don't know how to handle this, you know? I don’t... I don't know... I have to try to figure out what is real and what is just... Noise. Oh.
Cassie: Psychic demonstration at the country club.
Reva: No. Marah already told me she wanted me to go, and I can't do that.
Cassie: Well, that's a big mistake.
Ed: You're a smart woman.
Michelle: Oh, you're just pretty transparent.
Edmund: You're right. I wish you did have your mom here to talk to now.
Michelle: I know. I know, but I'm going to have fun watching you try to figure it all out. Although I know that there... there are things that Mom would just know.
Ed: Yeah there are. She... she would know. And I'm so sorry that...
Michelle: Oh, Dad, don’t... don't even go there. I don't blame you. I really don't. You know, there's always going to be part of me that's still 11 years old waiting for my mom to come home. And yet I know that's not going to happen, but it doesn't keep me from wanting it. (Beeper goes off)
Michelle: Oh.
Ed: They tracked me down.
Michelle: Go ahead. I'm fine. I'll be okay.
Ed: We got to come back to this, though.
Michelle: We will.
Ed: And I’m not going to wait to call.
Michelle: (Laughs) Okay.
Marah: Hey.
Michelle: Marah.
Ed: Michelle needs to talk to someone with your credentials, so I’m glad you're here. I think your mom is here, honey. She always will be. Take care. Bye.
Michelle: Bye.
Marah: What was that about?
Michelle: Oh, just father-daughter stuff. What brings you here?
Marah: Well, I was trying to twist your arm about this seminar that's happening at the country club. What's wrong?
Michelle: We were just talking about my mom.
Marah: I bet you miss her.
Tony: Eden, it's Tony. You know the drill. You're supposed to check in. I just wanted to make sure everything was okay after yesterday. (Knock at door)
Danny: Hey. What's up? Forget to return my calls? Are we alone?
Tony: Yeah. What, the renovation is suddenly a big secret? We're here to talk about Fifth Street, right?
Danny: Indirectly. We need to talk about Vinny Salerno. Yeah. He's become a threat to Fifth Street and to us, and I need you to do some things quietly.
Tony: Like?
Danny: Some background work. Since I pushed Salerno out of the neighborhood, I've... I really haven't kept tabs on his operations. So I need you to hook up with some of, you know, our former friends. Find out anything and everything you can...
Tony: You know, maybe Danny, maybe you should be the one asking the questions.
Danny: What?
Tony: No. You heard me.
Danny: I asked you to do it.
Tony: No, no, no, you ordered me to do it.
Danny: What's with you?
Tony: (Scoffs)
Danny: What?
Tony: Okay, you know, when you were head of the family, things were done a certain way. I got that. I lived by it. But we're not in that business anymore, are we?
Danny: Oh, Tony...
Tony: Because if I didn't know any better, Danny, if you hadn't told me, if you hadn't sworn to me that we were out-- I mean, really out-- well, I would have thought that we had never left.
Danny: What is this? Is this about Eden? What the hell did she say to you...
Tony: No, this isn't about Eden. This is about everything. This is about me buying every word that you said about us being out.
Danny: Yeah.
Tony: About us giving back, about us making the Santos name mean something great.
Danny: What are you talking about, Tony?
Tony: I want to know what the deal is, Danny. Then I’ll tell you if I'm still interested.
Danny: I have been busting my tail to give us a fresh start. I thought I handled Salerno, but obviously he's not through with Springfield or us. Now, what... I don't know... Three years ago, that guy was a nobody, and now suddenly everybody's afraid of him.
Tony: So who cares?
Danny: I do! And you should.
Tony: Why?
Danny: Because, Tony, guys like that, whether we're legit or not, guys like that are always looking for an advantage. And you and I have to stay one step ahead of him.
Tony: Oh, man.
Danny: Yeah. Oh, oh, oh, you know, you want to shack up here with Marah and suddenly act like the outside world doesn't exist. You know, I... I understand you wanting it to be that simple, but I don't have that luxury. I have to stay on my toes to protect my family. I have a job to do, Tony. And, you know, I thought that I had a partner. But I'm not going to make one more move until I know where we stand. All right, I’m going to ask you once, Tony. Are you in or are you out?
Reva: I can't do this. This doesn't happen to me.
Cassie: Anything can happen. Absolutely anything can happen. It's how you handle what happens that matters. You got to take chances. Because if not, you're just standing still, and with all the stuff that's bouncing around inside your head, that's going to drive you crazy.
Reva: When did you get to be so wise? Because you know what, it's really annoying.
Cassie: You are afraid of what you're going to find out. Chicken.
Reva: (Clucking) Guilty.
Cassie: Come on, you got to go. You have to go. I'll go with you. I'll hold your crystal ball.
Reva: (Laughs)
Cassie: Or your hand.
Reva: Okay. Okay, I'll go, because I’m not going to let you be the only one taking chances in this family.
Cassie: I will pick you up. I'll take you.
Reva: Okay. But I should go now. You know, if you make any decision about your hair, you need to call me. You know, because with matters of the hair, it's important to get a second opinion.
Cassie: Right. (Laughs)
Reva: See you.
Cassie: Bye. (Knocking at door) (heavy knocking at door) (laughs) You're interrupting my reading.
Jeffrey: Well, too bad. Where's your daughter? I intend on having her arrested again.
Tammy: Whoo, we did it. I can't believe I doubted you, Lizzie. This was definitely more fun than the mall.
Lizzie: Oh, we sure showed him.
Tammy: Come on, just be a little more excited. I mean, you thought the whole thing up.
Lizzie: Oh, yeah, ha ha. But as far as revenge is concerned, that was more like "Sesame Street" than Shakespeare.
Tammy: Oh, come on, it was perfect. Fun revenge.
Lizzie: Yeah, revenge.
Reva: You.
Edmund: Me, Edmund. You, Reva.
Reva: You have a date with my sister tomorrow night.
Edmund: Yes, I do.
Reva: I have a few tips for your evening to make sure it won't be your last.
Edmund: Well, then with your blessing, I will hold her chair and open the door for her.
Reva: Acting the gentleman was never your problem, Edmund. Being one someone managed to escape you.
Edmund: All right, fair enough. I'm listening.
Reva: Respect her. Don't ever forget what she's been through this past year.
Edmund: I'm the last person in the world you need to remind that of.
Reva: She's giving you a lot of credit, more than you deserve. She's laughing again and smiling again, and she's somehow managed to get it in her head that you might have something to do with that. Now I think it was just pure luck that you managed to be in the general proximity, or maybe you have helped her. But know this: She still has a lot more healing to do. And if you prey on her vulnerability, or you use it against her in any way...
Edmund: I will never have that, Reva. And I want you to know I’ve heard every word you've said.
Reva: Don't charm me. Take the advice to heart. Because if you don't, you don't want to find out what I'll do to you if you hurt her in any way. It's so nice that we can talk like this.
Edmund: Ladies.
Lizzie: Wow, someone should fix this. (Softly) Someone could really fall and hurt themselves.
Tammy: I want to go see if he found it yet. Are you coming?
Lizzie: Yeah.
Jeffrey: So I find this in my bed. I guess your daughter was trying to send me some kind of a message.
Cassie: Well, that's my girl.
Jeffrey: Oh, that's... that's good. Your daughter stepped up her delinquency, and you're cracking jokes.
Cassie: That is funny. (Laughs) I mean, come on, are you... All right, you don't even know if she's the one that did it. I'm sure you have a line of people that would love to leave that little memento in your bed.
Jeffrey: Thanks a lot. Your daughter was staring daggers at me downstairs. She put this in my bed. She had access, she has motive.
Cassie: That's right. She has motive, because you were a first-class jerk down there. You know, you have a responsibility to that girl.
Jeffrey: Why, because I share some resemblance to Ritchie...
Cassie: No, because you share the planet with her. And you're a public figure who's supposed to be cleaning up this town. And you know what, and you're a human being. And I made an effort to try with you down there, and you just stepped all over it, right in front of my kid.
Jeffrey: Oh, well, that kid broke into my hotel room, okay? She stepped up her delinquency, and this is all becoming very much a habit with her.
Cassie: It's a stuffed animal. Get over it.
Jeffrey: Maybe I'm overreacting a little bit.
Cassie: No, no, I mean, anyone would be afraid of a little horsy.
Marah: I know it's not the same, but my mom wasn't always around either. So I know what it's like not having her around during difficult times in your life.
Michelle: I've just been thinking about her so much lately. I mean, you heard about Harley’s experience, seeing her mom.
Marah: Yeah, it was awesome.
Michelle: It just made me want to see mine again.
Marah: Well, there's got to be a better way to do that than a near-death experience.
Michelle: Well, who knows. So what was the seminar that you wanted me to go to?
Marah: You know what... Later. Tell me about your mom. I don't remember her.
Michelle: Well, she was the best. She was so smart and funny, and she had the biggest heart of anybody in the whole world. And she died, you know, before we ever got to the door slamming and yelling phase that mothers and daughters go through. And we actually never got to the good grownup stuff either. I just wish that I knew that she could see how happy I am.
Danny: What's it going to be, Tony?
Tony: Look, I’m sorry, okay. I just... I just... We have been going around and around with this Salerno guy, and I have been feeling that I've been on the outside with this thing.
Danny: You're not on the outside. Why do you think I’m asking you for help?
Tony: So everything you've told me is the truth.
Danny: Of course.
Tony: You meant what you said about us being partners.
Danny: Everything, Tony. Every word. So?
Tony: I'm in.
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