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Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 6/4/03
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Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Josh: Okay, okay. How about this one then, all right? The bases... The bases are loaded, the batter squares the bunt and you do what?
Shayne: Oh, come on. So you cover third and then you cover home.
Marina: Home. You're ready to charge the plate and stop the runner on third from scoring.
Josh: That is absolutely right. (Marina laughs) Good for you.
Shayne: She's back, yo. She's back.
Josh: Oh, wait, wait. I got another one. I got another one. How's this?
Shayne: Look, Dad, later. I am so happy to see you smiling again.
Marina: Oh.
Reva: I am so glad I caught you. Look.
Josh: Stanford University.
Reva: I was so tempted to open it. I really was. It's got to be a scholarship, Joshua. Why would it be so late coming? Isn't this fantastic?
Josh: Yes.
Reva: And then he can have the best of both worlds. He can go to school and then turn pro. I can't wait to see the look on his face.
Josh: Right.
Marina: I wasn't that morbid. Okay, maybe I was. I don't know. But it's over now. You know, my life is not over just because Ben Reade turned out to be a creep.
Shayne: Yeah, and maybe a murderer.
Marina: Yeah, somehow I really doubt.
Shayne: You know what? I don't even care if he didn't kill her, you know, he hurt you. And for that I want him to rot in jail a long time.
Ross: Now, look, it has been over 24 hours. Now if you have something to charge him with, do it. If you don't, let him go.
Frank: We're still waiting for the lab results on this case and the other murders.
Ben: The others murders? Oh, this is ridiculous.
Holly: Ben, Ben.
Ben: Ross--
Ross: You're going to charge him with three murders? Is that what you're saying?
Frank: Ross, I can hold him still, pending those lab results.
Ross: Or until you think of something else. Frank, do you actually want to fight this fight? Because I can get a hearing demanding that you show cause or release him.
Frank: Do what you got to do. Excuse me.
Ben: He's only doing this to keep me locked up.
Holly: Is he building a case?
Ross: No. Frank doesn't think Ben killed anybody. But you know this latest homicide, they think it's part of a serial killing. Of course Ben has nothing to do with that.
Ben: I told you he's just paying me back.
Ross: Probably. And he has ways that he can legally hold you. Now we can fight that. On the other hand, he can drag it out.
Holly: Both of you, wait a minute. Give me a second. Hey.
Frank: What, we got the B team in here in now?
Holly: No, I'm just a concerned parent like you are. How's Marina?
Frank: How do you think she is, Holly? She's heartbroken.
Holly: Has she been back to see him since the first time?
Frank: No. And she won’t. Having Ben in jail is a good thing. I can keep my eye on him. I want him miles away from my little girl.
Holly: I understand. And I don't want him in any more trouble either.
Frank: Well, good. Then you should be glad he's here, too.
Holly: Oh, Frank.
Frank: No, because he can't bother Marina and he can't go near Eden August. And trust me, that's a good thing.
Eden: Hey, Marah. What's that? New design?
Marah: No, just practice.
Eden: Well, come on, let me see it. I'm sure it's great.
Marah: No, it's not really. Okay, well, it's still not right.
Eden: Yes, it is. (Sighs) I wish I had what you had. Your talent. (Knock at the door)
Marah: It's open.
Gus: Hey.
Marah: Hey.
Eden: Hey.
Gus: I see that. That's great. I thought I told you to keep the doors locked. There's a killer out there and he might be gunning for you.
Eden: I'm not going to run scared.
Marah: I will leave you two guys alone.
Gus: Nobody said you had to run scared just be smart. I found a man to go undercover as one of your clients.
Eden: I know. Your father was here.
Harley: Hurry.
Blake: Okay, okay.
Harley: Gus went out to make a call, but he'll be back any second.
Blake: Well, you know, it's looks like you should be slipping into something more comfortable, instead you called and said you want to help catch a killer.
Harley: I have to.
Blake: What happened? What changed your mind?
Harley: Okay, not only is Gus working overtime to watch Eden, but now he's drafted to help him. Him.
Blake: No.
Harley: Yes, two big time manipulators working Gus for their own reasons. Ugh.
Blake: Mm-hmm. So now you have to save Gus. And you've got to rush out there and catch that killer yourself before they get their hooks into him.
Harley: Exactly.
Blake: What a crock. You are just itching to get back into the big time, Harley. Admit it. You're going stir crazy.
Harley: I'm worried about Gus.
Blake: What got you going? The laundry?
Harley: I always did the laundry.
Blake: Yeah, but now you have all day to do the laundry, you know, fold nice neat little piles according to size. I bet you even considered ironing.
Harley: Blake, could you be serious, please? Look, I love my house, I love being here, I love the stupid laundry, okay?
Blake: Okay.
Harley: But all the reasons I had for leaving the force, they haven't changed. They're still there. I can not put my life at risk. I can not risk leaving my children without a mother. I won't do it.
Blake: All right, I got you. So what do you want to do?
Harley: Okay. What I want is, you know, to work in the background, following up on leads while you do the leg work.
Blake: Oh, so what, now you're in charge?
Harley: Okay, excuse me, Blake, what can I do to help you?
Blake: Get me a copy of the police file.
Harley: I can't do that. But I can... I can tell you where you can find one maybe.
Blake: Yeah. Where?
Harley: Harry Parker, he's the one who caught it. So he's got a copy of everything in that file. And he's just the kind of guy who leaves his files just lying right there out on his desk.
Blake: Yeah. So what do I do? I just go there and I just chat him up?
Harley: Something like that.
Blake: Harley?
Harley: Well, it could help if you wore a short skirt and high heels.
Blake: Oh, great. Sex as a business tool. Whew!
Harley: Well, you know, hey, you could always go in a pants suit, treat him like a colleague, demand his respect as a P.I.
Blake: Well, yeah, it worked for you, didn't it?
Harley: After a bunch of years when he was forced by law to get along with me.
Blake: You think he likes black and slinky?
Harley: Of course he does. Blake, listen up. Be careful. If he catches you reading a police file...
Blake: Oh, you know, that's the really great thing about living with a lawyer. They're never there on time for dinner, but they could always get you out of jail.
Holly: Let me ask you something-- hypothetically. If you knew Ben would not come anywhere near Marina, how would you as a cop feel about releasing him?
Frank: I can't barter in my position. I'm just doing my job.
Holly: There are many ways to do a good job. Or you're afraid that Marina will go running after him if he's out?
Frank: She'd be stupid to.
Holly: I agree. Look, I am with you. He is all wrong for her. And now what he's done, breaking her heart. And if she's anything like the stubborn redhead that I raised, I bet you're scared to death she's going to ignore all of that and go straight for him. I have been here.
Frank: I know you have, Holly. How'd you ever survived raising Blake as a teenager?
Holly: Cost may sleepless nights.
Frank: Yeah, well, I'm sure. Marina's 18; I can't stop her now. But right now she's furious with Ben. But later, you know, who knows?
Holly: So you need to know that Ben will hold the line in a perfect world?
Frank: Yeah.
Holly: Would you take his word?
Frank: Oh, Holly, where are you going with this? Come on.
Holly: Come on, Frank. I mean unless you're going to lock him up forever, we got to deal with this sometimes. And he would stay with me instead of going back to the museum where he's much more likely to run into Marina. I mean maybe this is the best time to release him when she's still good and mad.
Frank: Okay, Holly, we'll give it a try.
Ross: Is that a smile?
Holly: There is a sliver of hope. If you are released, will you promise to stay away from Marina and Eden August?
Ben: No. No.
Ross: Ben, it's the smart thing to say, thing to do. You stay away from Eden...
Ben: No, but not Marina. This is blackmail.
Holly: Do not use that word. Now Frank hasn't offered anything and he won’t.
Ross: And obviously Frank is playing it by the book.
Ben: He just finds the part of the book he likes and he uses it against me!
Holly: This is the wrong attitude to walk out of that door with.
Ross: Now, listen to me, Ben. Holly is doing you a favor. As an attorney, do you know what would have happened if I tried to have that conversation with Frank? I'll tell you. Nothing would have happened. So you be grateful that she is running interference for you.
Ben: I'm sorry, Holly.
Holly: You are going to voluntarily tell Frank Cooper that if you are released--
Ross: When he is released. Don't make it a bargain, or Frank will have to back down.
Holly: Okay. Right. When you are released, you will respect his wishes as a father, and you will stay away from Marina. And you will stay with me for the time being.
Ben: Do I have to crawl like this?
Ross: If you want to get out today.
Ben: I can't give up on Marina.
Holly: Did she say she wants to see you again?
Ben: She was mad, all right? She will change her mind.
Holly: Well, if she does, that's up to her. Don't you understand? You have to stay away from her! Give the girl a break. And you have got to figure out what you're going to do with your life.
Ross: Ben, she's right. (Knocks on the door)
Frank: Yeah.
Ben: Detective Cooper. I want you to know as Marina's father that I promise if you release me, I will keep my distance.
Gus: So Alan came here? All on his own? Well, that's great. Because I told him to follow orders. I told him I’m calling the shots and what's the first thing he does? Unbelievable.
Eden: Well, he came to make friends. I think.
Gus: Hmm. Was he sizing you up?
Eden: Yeah, probably. So you got to let me know if I passed.
Gus: No. I don't think it's anything like that.
Eden: Yeah, I think it is.
Gus: Why? Was he mean to you? Did he threaten you?
Eden: (Laughs) No, actually he was pretty sweet, in the end. He said I was part of the family.
Gus: I think he's trying to go out of his way to help you.
Eden: I think to help you. That's what he cares about.
Gus: Yeah, I know. It's a trip, isn't it? Working side by side with my father. Because that's all I ever wanted when I was a... I mean with our father.
Eden: Yeah, that would have been nice. Well, hey, now you've got your chance with a whole new dad.
Gus: Yeah. Maybe you do as well.
Eden: Maybe. But you know what? That's not what I want. As long as I’ve got you.
Gus: Oh, yes, you've got me. You are my sister no matter what, okay?
Eden: (Laughs) Of course.
Gus: All right.
Reva: Oh, Shayne. Shayne Lewis.
Shayne: Mom, where did you come from?
Reva: I've been driving all over town looking for you and your dad. Look. Check it out.
Marina: Dean of admissions, Stanford University.
Shayne: No, I got turned down, like, in April.
Reva: Well, will you open it. If you don't open it, we won't know what it says inside. Oh, hurry up. "We're pleased to tell you that there's an opening in the freshman class... Full athletic scholarship." It's great. It's great.
Shayne: What happened? I don't understand what happened.
Reva: What do you mean, what happened? It's Stanford. Do you know what an accomplishment this is?
Josh: You're mother's right, son. You should be very proud.
Marina: Shayne, congratulations. Stanford’s like one of the best schools in the country.
Reva: Yes, it is. The best school in the country.
Shayne: So... So what? I'm not going to go pro?
Reva: Well, not right this minute. You'll get a good education. You'll still be able to play ball and the pros will always be there. So I’m going to call your sister and see if she wants to come over for a celebration dinner tonight. Marina, are you free?
Marina: Yeah, I could be.
Reva: Oh, good. Well then I'd love for you to come to. I'm going to make all your favorite foods. And while we're having dessert, you can sign your acceptance letter and it will be great! (Laughs) Don't be late.
Josh: Hurricane Reva blows through.
Shayne: Yeah, I guess so.
Josh: So what are you thinking?
Shayne: I don't know. I don't have any idea.
Josh: Well, son, this is entirely your decision. You just have to figure out what it is that you want.
Marah: Hang on.
Reva: I love the sound of that.
Marah: I'm almost... (Laughs) there.
Reva: Whew!
Marah: Hi.
Reva: I love those locks. Each and every one of them. Now lock them back up.
Marah: Oh.
Reva: I want to watch.
Marah: Gus was here so he probably made Eden lock all of these... Like we do anyway all the time.
Reva: Uh-huh. That's a good save. So has the boogey man broken in here?
Marah: No. And don't worry. Cops are outside all the time. Tony's always alert. This is basically the safest place in town.
Reva: Still...
Marah: Mom, did you really come all the way over here for that?
Reva: No. I have the best news. Your brother was accepted at Stanford on a full baseball scholarship. (Both scream)
Reva: Oh, and we're going to have a dinner to celebrate. Tonight. Can you and Tony come?
Marah: Yeah, I think so. I know that I can. But, oh, my gosh. Is he really... Is he going to go?
Reva: Going? Yes, of course he's going. It's a great opportunity for him. Anyway, so I was at the market and I went by that Orlando’s, that darling little shop that you love so much.
Marah: (Gasps) They have some really nice stuff.
Reva: Yes, I walked in there and I saw this. I just thought it was you. You, you.
Marah: Thanks, Mom.
Reva: Only I shouldn't have because you hate it.
Marah: No, it's cute.
Reva: No, it's fine. It's fine. Just give it back...
Marah: No, no.
Reva: Okay, then I'll give you the receipt and you can exchange it yourself.
Marah: Mom, relax, okay? I'm sure I can use it for something.
Reva: You know, don't do that. Don't accept something and say you want to do something just to make me happy. That's not what I want.
Marah: Whoa. Mom?
Reva: I just ran over your brother.
Marah: With the car?
Reva: You know, it's sad, but that's a very legitimate question. No, I hit him with me. Full force. I'm a lousy mother.
Shayne: Dad, I just don't want to make anybody unhappy.
Josh: That's not your problem, son.
Shayne: It will be.
Josh: No, it won't be. It's not your job to make your mom happy or to make me happy. Now look, why don't we go inside, have a bite to eat, we'll hash this thing out and figure out what it is you want to do.
Shayne: Let's do it later. Marina was in the middle of something.
Josh: Okay.
Shayne: Oh, man, I need some air.
Marah: Shayne, I still don't get this. I mean aren't you excited? Come on, you got Stanford on one hand, like great college, one of the best teams in the country and on the other hand, you can go for the pros. You know I’m not really seeing the downside here.
Shayne: Yeah, have you seen my mom... Or my dad?
Marina: Okay, so, you know, you go to the pros, your mom's a little upset. You go to Stanford, your dad drinks cleaning fluid or something. Either way, you're out of town. It was a joke.
Shayne: It's not.
Marina: Shayne, you heard your dad. The choice is yours. You can do whatever you want. Either way, you're set.
Shayne: Who says there's only two options?
Marina: Oh, man, I wish I had your life. Don't tell me you have a third option.
Shayne: What about Springfield U, huh?
Marina: (Laughs) What? Springfield U's team is so lame. I bet they'd give you, like, a full scholarship and books and a car and, like, cheerleaders to carry you to class every morning.
Shayne: It's a good school. No, it's a good school. And maybe the team just needs building.
Marina: Yeah, you know, you build them up for three years, maybe they can beat Springfield High. Shayne, a degree from S.U. is nothing like a degree from Stanford.
Shayne: So you want me to go to California?
Marina: I want you to do what you want.
Shayne: That's what everybody keep saying to me. What if it were up to you?
Marina: It's not up to me. You have enough people telling you those things, okay? I mean I don't have some like agenda for you. You know, I don't have these dreams that you need to fulfill for me. What is it that you want? That is the most important thing here. Okay, yes, you have Stanford which could be like, you know, a once in a lifetime opportunity. And playing for the pros could be a once in a lifetime opportunity, too. Come on, dude, either way, you're going to win. Okay, that's better. You were starting to scare me a little there. All right, you want to know what I would do?
Shayne: Yeah.
Marina: Okay. Okay, we'll do this together. Close your eyes. Close your eyes. Okay. Now think. Take a deep breath in. And think, "What would really make me happy? In a year from now, where do I see myself? What do I want to be doing?" Okay. So what do you see? Dude, I totally caught you. You're indulging me, aren't you?
Shayne: All the time.
Marina: Okay, you know what? Just... just forget that. Just forget that and don't even think. Just say the first thing that pops in your head. What will make you, Shayne Lewis really happy?
Shayne: A Buzz burger.
Marina: What?
Shayne: I got to go. It's probably getting cold.
Ben: Marina? Marina, before... Are you scared of me?
Marina: No, Ben, I'm not scared. I'm disgusted.
Ben: Me, too.
Marina: So how did you get out of jail?
Ben: They released me. No charges.
Marina: Mm-hmm.
Ben: I didn't kill anyone.
Marina: Well, there's always next week. You know, you could add it to your list of crimes. Any word on the prostitution thing yet? You know, are the police going to be charging you for that or--
Ben: No. God. It makes me so sick to hear you talk about it like it’s...
Marina: Well, it makes me really sick, too.
Ben: All I've done is sit in that cell and think about how much I messed up. But more than anything, I am so sorry for how much I hurt you.
Marina: I'm fine.
Ben: Let me make it up to you. Please.
Marina: I already said I'm fine. I was a fool.
Ben: No. No, you weren’t.
Marina: I was a fool for thinking that you were a good guy. I was a fool for thinking that you cared about me.
Ben: I do. I do care about you. I love you, Marina.
Marina: Okay, don't use that word, Ben. You don't understand what it means.
Ben: I was learning. You were teaching me. Marina, we were going to make love that night. That's what I wanted and that's what you wanted.
Marina: Yeah, well, when I was a little kid I thought I wanted ice cream for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day and then I grew up and I realized that it wasn't good for me.
Ben: Don't go, please. I risked everything to be here. Don't go.
Marina: What do you mean?
Ben: I promised your dad that I would stay away or else he was going to hold me longer.
Marina: So the first thing that you do is you break your word to my dad?
Ben: Well I couldn't just leave you... Marina, you are the only thing that matters to me. I did it for you.
Marina: Yeah, just like you worked for Eden for me. You slept with Mrs. Hendon for me. It was just all for me, wasn't it, Ben? Just let go of my arm.
Ben: Don’t. No, just listen to me, all right?
Marina: Ben--
Shayne: Hey, let her go, Reade!
Marah: Okay, so how exactly did you run over my little brother?
Reva: I got so excited when that letter of acceptance came from Stanford. I thought, great, he can go to college-- a good college; he can play for a good team. And even your father can't argue that. I mean he'll at least get to go to school.
Marah: That's okay. So what did he say?
Reva: Well, I didn't give him much of a chance to say anything.
Marah: But he said yes?
Reva: No. Not really. Not exactly. Marah, you know Shayne better than your daddy and I do in some ways. Do you think he should play for the pros or go to college?
Marah: (Laughs) No. Nice try. I'm not choosing sides.
Reva: That's not what I’m asking you to do, Marah. Yes, I am.
Marah: All right, well, you want to know what I think? I think that Shayne should move in here while you and dad duke it out. We can set him up a little cubby hole in the tunnel and he could be the house mascot.
Reva: Marah, you're no help.
Marah: Mom, what are you so worried about? If Shayne goes pro and it's a mistake then it's a mistake. He can regroup and he'll be fine.
Reva: But some mistakes cost so much. I mean there's so many people who say they'll go back to college and they don't. I don't want that to happen to Shayne.
Marina: Well, it doesn't have to. Okay, you know what? Maybe there... Maybe there's some rule that if you could only shave once a week, you can't go pro.
Reva: (Laughs) No. Will you be serious. Just be serious. Please.
Marah: I can’t. You and dad are serious enough for ten people.
Reva: So that's the problem, right? That's the problem. I need to let go and let him make his own mistakes, and so does his dad. I need to give advice and then back off and get a life, huh? Anything else you'd like to add to this conversation?
Marah: Yeah. Yeah, I know how you can get a life.
Harley: Okay, when you get into the station, Harry’s desk is the first one on the right. If he's not there, check the coffee machine. He's always scrounging for food. You'll recognize him. He's the one who looks like an unmade bed. I got to go. Look, call me when you get the file. Hi.
Gus: Lover!
Harley: Ta-da.
Gus: Wow!
Harley: You like?
Gus: Yeah, what is not to like. I see. (Harley laughs) Look at you. Nice spread.
Harley: Thank you. So what's going on with the case? Is it some big, serious, confidential thing you can't share with me?
Gus: No, no, I went over to Eden’s to tell her that Alan will be, you know, going under cover as a client and I was trying to explain it, but she tells me that Alan was already there.
Harley: He was plotting with Eden? See you were suppose to coordinate this.
Gus: No, I don't--
Harley: If he's going cowboy already--
Gus: No, I don't think he's doing that. Actually... Supposedly he's trying to just make her comfortable. And then he told her that she is now part of the family.
Harley: What a guy.
Gus: So how's Blake?
Harley: Blake's good. You know...
Gus: Mm-hmm.
Harley: Same old, same old Blake. You've got to try this. It's so good. (Telephone ringing)
Blake: Excuse me. Hi, I'm looking for Detective Harry Parker.
Harry: Look no further. How could I help?
Blake: Well, I need to file a complaint. This guy's been harassing me. He just can't keep his hands off of me.
Harry: Oh, that's rude and disrespectful. Also possibly illegal. Sounds like he could learn to use some manners.
Blake: Oh, please. You think you can make him stop?
Harry: Now don't you worry about a thing, Miss. Have a seat right here. All I need is your particulars.
Blake: Excuse me.
Harry: Now just tell me what happened.
Blake: Oh, well, George, you know, he just seemed like this really nice guy. I mean at least that's how he seemed, you know.
Harry: I know.
Blake: So we went out for a few drinks, you know, and the next thing you know it was... Homicide.
Harry: You killed him?
Blake: Oh, no, silly. Homicide. Special task force. Wow. You know, I shouldn't be bothering you with all my silly little problems. I mean you have murders to solve, right?
Harry: Well, I can handle more than one case. I'm the lead detective on this one. I have a lot of guys working for me.
Blake: So is this the Garden of Eden murders? I read all about it.
Harry: Yeah, we're having to hold back the press. It's a nuisance.
Blake: Oh, I'm sure it is with all those leads that you have to follow. I mean, I’m sure you have a lot of leads, right? But you're going to catch this guy, aren't you? I mean it's really scary.
Harry: Oh, don't be scared, Miss. We're going to.... We're going to catch him. We've got the M.O.’s. We know who he's targeting. You just stay away from the escort service and you'll be safe.
Blake: Really? So does that mean you've ruled out all the murders prior to these three? Oh, I read... I read a book about a serial killer and this murderer, he just waited months, you know, between murders. And I was just wondering maybe if this guy was like that.
Harry: Well, we've checked all of our... our homicide cases for the past year and that's all I can tell you.
Ross: Blake? What are you doing here?
Blake: Excuse me. Ross, hey. I was looking for you.
Ross: Oh.
Blake: So how did it go with Ben?
Ross: Ben has been released.
Blake: Oh, wonderful. Well, you know, you're a genius.
Ross: This is a new look for you... At least for the afternoon in public.
Blake: It's a surprise.
Ross: Mission accomplished. You surprised me.
Blake: (Laughs) Yeah, well, actually I rented a room at the Beacon. You want to play hooky?
Ross: I'd love to.
Blake: Good.
Harry: Hey, is this the guy?
Blake: Oh.
Ross: What guy?
Blake: Oh, no, no, no. Harry, this is my husband.
Harry: Don't you be scared.
Blake: He's actually the most wonderful and understanding man in the entire world. So...
Harry: So where is George?
Ross: Yeah, where is George? And who is George?
Blake: Well, could you just help me out here, because Harry was hitting on me and I just invented this violent boyfriend.
Ross: You couldn't have named him Ross?
Blake: Let's just go, okay.
Ross: You know, before the day is out, I'm going to find out what you're up to.
Ben: Stay out of this, Shayne.
Marina: Shayne, just don't even bother.
Shayne: He's done enough damage. Leave her alone.
Ben: Why don't you go back inside, man? Marina, come on.
Marina: No, Ben, I'm not going to go anywhere with you.
Shayne: Let her go. You're going to be sorry.
Ben: Yeah?
Shayne: Yeah.
Ben: Yeah.
Shayne: Yeah.
Marina: Wait.
Ben: You think it's your shot, Lewis? Your big chance, huh? You're going to move in?
Marina: You guys, stop. Wait. Stop. Seriously. Shayne! Ben, stop it! You guys stop it right now. Stop it!
Ben: You roll over and sit too?
Shayne: You're not worth it.
Ben: I know you still care about me, Marina. And I'm not giving up.
Marina: You're bleeding.
Shayne: It's nothing. It's fine.
Marina: I can't believe he did that to you.
Shayne: It's nothing.
Marina: Here. Are you okay?
Shayne: I think I’ll live.
Marah: It's a psychic demonstration that the country club is sponsoring. And isn't that the professor that you've worked with?
Reva: Yes, it is.
Marah: Yeah, you knew about this.
Reva: Yes, I did. And I just... I haven't decided whether or not I’m going to attend.
Marah: Why? You'd rather buy me purses and run over Shayne? Come on.
Reva: Marah. I don't know whether I want to pursue this psychic thing.
Marah: Why? This psychic thing is a gift. It's your gift and I think you should pursue it. Because this will still be here when Shayne moves out of the house and when you're all alone walking around from room to room weeping.
Reva: You are a cruel and vicious child. You do not belong to me.
Marah: Found me on the doorstep?
Reva: Yes, actually. And it was your father who said, "Bring her inside. She's a little spindly now, but give her a couple of years, we'll put her to work." (Marah laughs) Hi.
Marah: Hey, Eden. Come on in.
Eden: That's okay. I...
Marah: No. You know my mom, right?
Reva: Yeah.
Eden: Hi. I don't want to interfere.
Marah: Oh, you're not. Not at all.
Eden: You know, I’m just staying here until my brother says it's safe to go home. And he's watching the place, so that's no one in danger.
Marah: Yeah, don't worry. She saw all the locks on the door.
Reva: Yeah.
Eden: Is that your card?
Marah: Mom? Mom? Hello? Are you here?
Reva: Yeah. Yes, I’m here.
Gus: Are you expecting a phone call?
Harley: Uh... No.
Gus: No. (Harley laughs) Mm-hmm.
Harley: Nobody calls this late in the afternoon for a play date.
Gus: I am so on to you. It's sad.
Harley: What do you mean?
Gus: I mean you're pretending that you don't love your new lifestyle. What's the matter? You don't have to be embarrassed. You are just as sexy without a gun or without a holster.
Harley: Actually I've still got the holster. (Laughs)
Gus: That's even better.
Harley: Listen, I want to tell you something. I'm still your partner.
Gus: Honey, in every way.
Harley: Even if I’m not on the job, you can still have things out with me. You know, whatever's on your mind. Alan or Eden. I want you to know I can be objective.
Gus: Can you... Can you guess what I’m thinking right now?
Marina: Here just... just hold it like right there until the bleeding stops, okay?
Shayne: Okay. Thanks.
Marina: You know, Ben was wrong about you.
Shayne: Yeah, I know. I don’t... I don't roll over and sit. I fetch maybe.
Marina: No, I mean, you were a real man just there. You were the adult. Ben was pushing it when he was acting like that towards you. You could have decked him and you didn't.
Shayne: I wasn't trying to be noble or anything. I just realized I was about to hit him with my pitching arm.
Marina: Well, I guess you're an adult and you're smart. You were protecting your assets.
Shayne: Yeah.
Marina: Right. Let me see how it's doing. Well, it stopped bleeding.
Shayne: Thanks.
Josh: Yeah, Athletic Department please. Thank you. Hi, there, my name is Joshua Lewis. I'm calling on behalf of my son, Shayne. Yes, that's right. We are very proud of him. Thank you. Yeah. You know what? It's a very generous scholarship. It really is. And we appreciate the offer, but we think we're going to have to hold off for a bit. Yeah, see the family doesn't really want to jump into any kind of decision right now and my son would like to keep his options open.
Marah: Mom, what's wrong?
Reva: Nothing. Well, actually I just... I... I had a vision of this card game that I used to see these guys play on the street all the time. It was a con game and the dealer always won.
Marah: What made you think of that?
Reva: Things have a tendency to just pop into my mind sometimes that I can't explain.
Eden: Well, I’m going to go out. Do you need anything?
Marah: No. Thank you.
Eden: Okay.
Marah: Be careful, okay?
Eden: All right. Bye.
Reva: Bye.
Marah: Bye. What was that all about?
Reva: I'm really not sure.
Marah: Okay, well, what did you see?
Reva: I told you.
Marah: Yes, I know, but what does it mean?
Reva: I get the feeling that Eden creates danger for herself and for other people.
Marah: Well, she's had it rough. Maybe trouble just follows her.
Reva: I want you to stay out of her way. Can you trust her?
Marah: Mom, I don't have any illusions about her or the life that she's lived. But she's trying and she needs help. She needs friends. Especially now.
Eden: Ben. They let you out of jail?
Ben: Yeah, the cops figured out I didn't kill anyone.
Eden: Well, that's a relief.
Ben: That I’m not a killer, or that the cops figured it out?
Eden: I'm glad you're out.
Ben: That's really sweet, Eden. You think everything is just okay now? You ruined my life.
Eden: No, I gave you a job when you were desperate. If you screwed it up, that is your problem. Now get out of my way.
Ben: I've lost everything. You know what they say about a man who has nothing else to lose, don't you? He's the most dangerous man in the world.
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