[an error occurred while processing this directive] GL Transcript Friday 5/30/03 [an error occurred while processing this directive]
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Guiding Light Transcript Friday 5/30/03

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Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Jeffrey: Is that coroner's report on the Hendon case?

Gus: Ah, how do you know I just... I got it myself

Jeffrey: What do we got?

Gus: What we got is confirmation that our victim, Ramona Hendon, did indeed die of water in the lungs. She drowned, and the electrocution was staged.

Jeffrey: Staged, staged like the coroner who didn't drown and the hooker we found in the alley that did. So, we got one murder like this, means we got some scared perp trying to cover his or her tracks okay, second one with the same M.O. Maybe we got some copycat, but the third...

Gus: A third would mean that we have ourselves a serial killer.

Jeffrey: And the's only one thing that ties all of our victims together.

Gus: Yep. And that thing is my sister, Eden.

Eden: This place is an ad for birth control. I ... I meant, you just... you know, you look like you could use a break.

Harley: Are you offering baby sitting service? Thanks, but no thanks.

Eden: Good. Actually I need you.

Blake: Hey, knock, knock, knock. Hey. Oh, having a party?

Harley: Once Eden leaves.

Eden: Okay, I'll leave. Once you talk to me in private.

Harley: Sorry, Blake stays.

Blake: Oh, you know what? Don't mind me, I've done, heard, seen everything. Well just about everything. So, Eden I’ve heard a lot about you.

Eden: Oh, I'm sure it's all just wonderful.

Harley: Okay, enough small talk. Why are you here?

Den: Because there was third murder, another one of my clients.

Harley: Ramon Hendon. I'm way ahead of you. Marina's my niece, remember? Ben, her boyfriend, was Mrs. Hendon's escort .

Blake: Ben is my stepbrother.

Eden: Love the small towns. Ben worked for me by his own choice.

Blake: I'm sure he did, Ben's a big boy. He is not a murderer.

Eden: Believe me, if he was, I would feel a lot safer right now, because he’s in jail. But I don't think did it either. And I don't feel very safe. I need your help, Harley.

Harley: Hey, there's not much I can do. I'm not on the force anymore.

Eden: No, that's perfect because then you can't be breaking any other rules.

Harley: No, no, no, no, no, no. I did that favor for you that one time. That was enough. Hey, go to your brother; he's in the force. He'll protect you.

Eden: Yeah, but I need special protection and...and he's too busy right now.

Harley: You want me to be your bodyguard?

Eden: Yes, actually. I want you to be my bodyguard.

Harley: Eden, you don't need special protection; you need a good lawyer.

Olivia: I know this is a lot to ask of you, but would you just... kick if you think Momma's still got it. (Knock at door) Okay, I'll take that. Lizzie.

Lizzie: Uh, oh-oh. What am I interrupting?

Olivia: No, you're not interrupting anything. Your dad's not here. You want to wait for him?

Lizzie: No, I came to see you.

Alan: You might be having a hard time of it, Phillip.

Phillip: Really, why is that?

Alan: Well, living with Olivia, not knowing if she's carrying my child or yours. Must be straining the relationship.

Phillip: Actually I’m just fine, thanks.

Alan: No, you're not. I can see it in your face. You put off the paternity test. You put off what you think is going to be a fight between us. Let me tell you something. There will be no fight.

Phillip: What does that mean?

Alan: I don't need to know who the father of the child is.

Phillip: Okay, what game are we playing now?

Alan: It's no game. The child would never have existed if it hadn't been the battle between us you see, I thought I was losing you, and I wanted a chance to have another child. I have that chance now. Not Olivia's child, but my true first born son, Gus.

Lab tech: I gave Phillip the paternity results just the way you wanted them.

Alexandra: Then this envelope is for you. Excuse me a second. What are you doing here?

Beth: Well, I was supposed to meet Lizzie in the lobby before her appointment with Felicia. At least, I thought that was the plan. You haven't seen her by any chance, have you?

Alexandra: Oh, no. Felicia Boudreau, the psychiatrist?

Beth: Yes.

Alexandra: So you are going ahead with this therapy plan?

Beth: Absolutely.

Alexandra: Beth, Lizzie's a perfectly normal teenage girl. She's just testing her parent's limits.

Beth: And I reached mi when my daughter was arrested for the second time in year.

Alexandra: Oh, well, think what year it's been. It's very difficult for the entire family. And really doesn't surprise me at all at Lizzie feels a little lost in the shuffle. But there's nothing wrong with her, she's perfectly normal. She just needs a little love and attention.

Beth: Alex, I hope and pray that you're right. But that is not a risk I'm willing to take with my daughter. I'm going go and check and see if she's in the dining room. Excuse me.

Alexandra: Well, it's all right here.. the envelope with a little extra bonus, I need you to make yourself scarce, keep quiet.

Lab the: As far as I'm concerned, the results from the test that I gave your nephew, Alan Spaulding is the father of Olivia's baby.

Alexandra: Oh, then it is true. Because I decided it is.

Beth: Still no sign of her.

Alexandra: Well, tardiness, that's a sure sign that she's crazy.

Beth: Alex, I don't think that she's crazy. I just want her to see someone. I want her to talk to someone about what's going on.

Alexandra: Well, Beth, I want what's best for Lizzie, too.

Beth: And you don't think that going to therapy is best for her. I know, know.

Alexandra: Well, ground her. Don't dissect her. Lizzie knows that stealing that car was wrong.

Beth: Yes, Lizzie knows right from wrong, but she keeps choosing wrong. That's the problem.

Alexandra: She's a Spaulding. It's innate. It comes...

Beth: Don't say that. That's exactly what scares me. She's grown up in a world where there are no consequences for one's actions. I mean, look at you, Alex, you poison Alan and then what? You're exiled to a four-star hotel. I want Lizzie to be better than that. I want her to be better than all of us. Now, she's going to therapy and that's that.

Alexandra: And will Phillip be there when his daughter has her head examined?

Beth: No. I don't want Lizzie to feel like she's ganged up on.

Alexandra: Mmm-hmm. Well, a shame, isn't it? Because I would think at a time like this, you two might pull together to help her. maybe some good cod come from all is.

Beth: Oh Alex, Alex. You’re just like Alan and my mother, you all have this fantasy that Phillip and I are going to get back together. But that's not going to happen, we don't always get what we want...

Alexandra: "We"?

Beth: Phillip and Olivia are very committed. There's a baby on the way. That's only going to bring them closer. A breakup is very unlikely.

Alexandra: Oh, I wouldn't be too sure. Sometimes the smallest things can make the biggest problems.

Lizzie: I only have a few minutes. My mom made me an appointment with her shrink. But I just came by to apologize. I've been a real jerk to you lately. And it's going to stop.

Olivia: Why do I get this incredible sense of déja vu?

Lizzie: Well, because I made this promise before. But this time I mean it.

Olivia: Lizzie... all right, thank you. You know, I hope... hope you don't see therapy as just a way to satisfy your parents. It can actually help you figure out why you're feeling the way you're feeling later.

Lizzie: I screwed up. But I'm not the only person in my family who's done that.

Olivia: Well, it's not a competition.

Lizzie: I know it's not. I just. I could have been nicer to you. I mean, you were the first person to show up at that jail cell for me. That..that should have counted for something. I guess you're just an easy target.

Olivia: Yes.

Lizzie: No, mean... when I come home from school and found out that my pregnant ex-step-grandmother had shacked up with my father.

Olivia: And with the exception of Jerry Springer guests, very few people do get to experience such things in real life.

Lizzie: I was pretty shocked. But I didn't steal that car because of you or because of my family. I mean, I wasn't thinking about any of you. I guess I just wasn't thinking. Period. But I didn't mean to hurt anyone.

Olivia: Lizzie, your family is only upset because they think you're having rough time.

Lizzie: I'm fine. I'm a Spaulding, remember?

Olivia: I don’t think I could ever forget it.

Lizzie: We're tough and so are you. That's why you fit in the family so well. When the baby gets here, you'll in the family for good, and there's nothing I can do about it. I have to get used to it and to you. But we can start all over. I can do this.

Phillip: So now Gus is the son that you never knew you wanted. You know, I almost want to move back into the house just to watch you trying to teach him which fork to use.

Alan: I'm not planning on trying to make him in my image.

Phillip: Wow. And you have no interest whatsoever in this child that Olivia's carrying. Are you sure that you're not suffering some lasting ill effects from the drugs that they fed you?

Alan: I want to have an honest relationship with Gus.

Phillip: I'd like to walk on the ocean.

Alan: I can understand why you think that I'm incapable of that, given our history. But I mean every word I say. You see the past few months have been difficult. Losing you, losing Olivia, losing my sanity temporarily. And it's caused me to look at things differently.

Phillip: Mmmm. And so now Gus, that you used to flick from your side like a gnat, has suddenly become the center of your universe

Alan: You were right. You've been right all along.

Phillip: About what?

Alan: About the way I treated you. I tried to make you just like me. I pushed you, manipulated you, controlled you. And, yet, when you would try to exact any kind of independence, I would reel you in. It wasn't fair.

Phillip: You know, that's funny, there was a time that I would have given anything to hear you say that.

Alan: It wasn't fair, Phillip, because you're not a Spaulding. You never will be a Spaulding, I thought because I chose you to be my son, that we would have something closer than father and son. No. But the truth is, you and I never fit. I'm sorry, because I've made a huge mistake.

Phillip: Yeah, you did.

Alan: You know there was a time when you wanted to be a writer. And you could’ve been a damn good writer, Phillip, but I got in your way. You were always torn between me and whether to pursue your own interests. Cost you possibly a brilliant career. I'm sorry.

Phillip: You're sorry?

Alan: Yes, because I made a huge mistake with you.

Phillip: So now you can correct it with your real son. Because in the end, it's all about blood, isn't it?

Alan: Yes, I guess that true.

Phillip: It's funny, though. Answer me something, why... why if that's the case.. why don't you care about this baby that Olivia is carrying? Maybe that has the Spaulding blood.

Alan: I'm going to give you the child. I can't go back and correct all the mistakes that have been made between us. The pain that we've inflicted on each other. But I can stop the pain. I can stop things from going any further. I'm going to let you have the child.

Phillip: As a consolation prize.

Alan: You're now free of me, Phillip. Take Olivia, take the child and take my best wishes.

Jeffrey: Well, we got the Reade kid sitting in a holding tank right now. The smart money says that we're going to have another dead body on our hands before he gets out.

Gus: Yeah, you know I think the only thing that Ben Reade did wrong was a bad career move. Maybe spend a little bit too much time with a particular client.

Jeffrey: Yeah, it still amazes me how someone who looks like Ramon Hendon would have to pay for it, which brings us back to square one. Now Eden’s business is the only link between all of the victims. Gus, I know you told me you could handle the conflict of interest but..

Gus: I know; I will; it's not a problem.

Jeffrey: All right, all right fine. You know Eden better than anyone. So, go ahead, lay it on me. Tell me how she was misunderstood. Tell me how underneath all that mascara, underneath her chosen profession, underneath the spotty police record that she had a heart of gold and she's a good soul. But please, please back it up with something.

Gus: (Stammers) You want a good childhood story or something?

Jeffrey: I want something that tells me that she is not capable of committing those murders.

Gus: Well, I'm sorry, I can't do that because she is more than just capable.

Eden: You look at me and it's like that little boy that cried wolf. Only you think I'm the wolf, don’t you? Do you really think I'm capable of committing that type of crime?

Blake: Oh, that's not what Harley thinks. That's not what you think, isn’t it?

Harley: I am in no position to put you in jail, Eden. You shouldn't care what I think.

Eden: You know what? I don't know why I'm even asking you this. This is my mistake. You know... wait. I have one more question for you. Why would I do something l this when my life is going well for the first time ever?

Harley: You don't want me to answer that.

Eden: I have a successful business. I'm dating a great guy. Gus and I are getting along. Life is great. So, what, I go and celebrate by killing a bunch of people?

Blake: She has point, you know.

Harley: Thanks, Blake

Eden: Someone is targeting me, Harley. They are trying to destroy my business, and they are going to try to destroy me.

Blake: Where do you get your girls?

Eden: They come to me, why?

Blake: I'm just trying to put the pieces together. What about your clients? Do you do background checks on them?

Eden: Up until now, no.

Harley: Working on your new book there, Blake?

Blake: I'm just curious. Maybe a little more than curious because of Ben.

Eden: Well, lucky Ben. He's got people to worry about him. Look Harley, you know you don't have to help me if you don't want to, just please tell me that when you gave in your badge, you didn't give up on your desire to help people, too. I can't walk down the street without jumping every time I hear a little noise or something, and thinking that this might be the end.

Harley: All right, Eden, don't talk like that.

Eden: Remember that girl, Renee? She was just a kid. She didn't deserve to get mixed up in this. And I just keep picturing her lying there in that alley all alone.

Jeffrey: Well, I appreciate the honesty.

Gus: Yeah. So much for my overprotective big brother act, right

Jeffrey: Yeah, well, something tells me the way you said it you got some firsthand knowledge.

Gus: Listen, O’Neill, is she capable of murder? Absolutely. Is she guilty? Absolutely not.

Jeffrey: And what if she feels threatened by the victims?

Gus: Look, what we have here is premeditated. It ritualistic. That is not her style. The person who's doing this is crazy.

Jeffrey: Oh, and Eden’s not

Gus: Yeah, what Eden does is for personal gain and this does not fit the profile.

Jeffrey: We haven't got a profile yet.

Gus: She wouldn't leave her phone number at the crime scene.

Jeffrey: Oh, no? Even for your benefit? Hmm? She knows you're on the case, she knows you as well as you know her now, listen, what you're telling me here that in her defense, she's not the killer, but she is a killer. But she's not our killer because a smart killer expects rewards for her crimes. Now, sounds to me that you might be playing the big brother...

Gus: No I am not. O’Neill...

Jeffrey: What if you're wrong, huh? What if she has crossed another line here and you don't know about it? What are you going to do then? What are you going to do when at the end of the day, when all is said and done, and she is last suspect?

Gus: Well, then I will take her down myself, okay?

Jeffrey: Don't want to wait around for another body before I do something.

Gus: (Sighs) Well, you tell me, do you have a plan?

Jeffrey: Maybe.

Gus: I was... I had an idea. I thought maybe we could put somebody in to pose as a wealthy client that is looking for companionship.

Jeffrey: You got someone on the force who can pull that off?

Gus: Why get somebody to play the role when I got the real thing?

Alan: Well, Alexandra, I am so glad that I ran into you. See I just spoke with Phillip about the baby, and I want you to know it does not matter to me who the father is.

Alexandra: Oh, well, so you're speaking to Phillip now. Well, that's wonderful. I knew that given enough time, you two would become father and son again. I really couldn't stand it if you continued on with this fight.

Alan: Well, you wont have to stand it anymore because it's finished.

Alexandra: Ah...

Ala: Oh, by the way, are enjoying living here?

Alexandra: (Laughs) Well, that seems to be the question of the day. Why? Are you thinking of sending me further away?

Alan: No, no, not at all, I just want to make sure that you're comfortable here.

Alexandra: That's very funny, Alan.

Alan: No, I don't mean it’s a joke. I'm serious. And, now that I have everything and you have nothing, I can afford to be generous. Even though you were a bad girl, I don't want to deprive myself of good conversation with you from time to time. Who knows, I might even find a place for you at Spaulding again.

Beth: Okay, well, I'll be right here if you need me.

Lizzie: Wow, nice office.

Felicia: Relax, I know this can be a little unnerving. And, remember, anything you say here stays here, between us.

Lizzie: Anything?

Felicia: Yes. So this is your chance to be completely uncensored.

Lizzie: Well this is going be kind of boring for you, because my life's not very exciting.

Felicia: That's okay. You want to tell me why your mom brought you to see me?

Lizzie: Well, Mom's just a little overprotective and I think you know that. She just doesn't want me to be like her. And she's better now and so am I. It's just my family always seems to be in some big drama. And I'm always like the family umbrella or something.

Felicia: “The family umbrella”?

Lizzie: Yeah, all the bad stuff just seems to roll off me. I mean, stuff's happened, but I've been pretty perfect.

Felicia: But lately you've been less than perfect.

Lizzie: It was just a little prank I pulled with some of my girlfriends.

Felicia: The car.

Lizzie: Yeah, the car, but it had nothing to do with my family. Wasn't thinking. My mom's certain that its some symptom.

Felicia: Of what? You say you've always managed to weather the family storm. Has anything happened to change all that?

Lizzie: Well, my mom and dad were supposed to get back together, and then something happened and now he's with Olivia. And they have a child on the way.

Felicia: Well, that's a lot to handle.

Lizzie: Really, it's no big deal, but my mom this I'm going to freak.

Felicia: Well, are you going to freak?

Lizzie: Why would I? I mean, what could a little baby do to me?

(Jazz music playing)

Phillip: Missed you so


can I come in?

Alan: Good morning, son.

Phillip: Hi.

Olivia: Hi yourself. You know, I always felt we should spend more time in the hallway.

Phillip: I just... needed to just for a second.

Olivia: Are you okay?

Phillip: Yeah, um-hmm, I'm fine. Olivia...

Olivia: Did something happen at the office?

Phillip: No. The office was uneventful.

Olivia: Lizzie dropped by on her way to therapy.

Phillip: She did?

Olivia: Yeah.

Phillip: How is she?

Olivia: She seemed fine. She's...she apologized to me for everything. She's really trying.

Phillip: Good. She's a angel.

Olivia: You want to tell me about it?

Phillip: I ran into Alan today.

Olivia: I'm sure he was on a rampage trying to get you to convince me to get that paternity test done.

Phillip: Actually, it’s like he's had a shift in his priorities.

Olivia: Well, that can not be good.

Phillip: It appears the only child that he has any interest in is the long-lost child. It's all about Gus.

Olivia: Does that mean that he's not going to go after the baby?

Phillip: Doesn't have any interest in your baby. You or me.

Olivia: Really?

Phillip: So it seems.

Olivia: That's... this is really good news. We now have something celebrate.

Alexandra: Beth. I... I just came to lend you some moral support. I was... a bit harsh on you earlier.

Beth: Well, you're late. She's already gone in there.

Alexandra: Well, I meant I was coming to lend you moral support, even though I don't agree with what you're doing.

Felicia: You want to tell me about Olivia?

Lizzie: I thought I hated her. But I'm starting to get used to her in fact, I went over to see her tonight and I think we're going to be friends.

Felicia: Really?

Lizzie: Yeah. It was just time, you know?

Felicia: And the baby, how do u feel about the baby?

Lizzie: Well, I kind of hope it's going to be a girl. I already have two brothers.

Felicia: Well, you know, Lizzie, most kids feel a little left out when a parent has another baby. Particularly by a stepmother.

Lizzie: Yeah, but this isn't my dad's first child from another woman. Plus I'm too old to get jealous over a little baby.

Felicia: We, I'll let you in on a little secret. Children of all ages still hold out hope for their parents to get back together.

Lizzie: But I already told you, I made nice with Olivia.

Felicia: Well, in these instances, a baby's often thought of as a means of solidifying the new relationship. It makes the situation more real. It makes that reunion that much more unlikely. So it’s perfectly understandable that you might feel some resentment. It’s really quite healthy.

Lizzie: Healthy to hate a little baby? I could never hate a baby. It's not the baby’s fault that my mom and dad aren’t together, or that Olivia and my dad are. The baby never meant to hurt anyone. It’s not the baby’s fault that...

Felicia: It's not the baby's fault that what? What, Lizzie?

Lizzie: That it's so lovable.

Eden: I'm sorry, this is just really upsetting.

Harley: Well, you are upset and it's understandable. You're going to be okay. Gus and Frank, they are this close.

Eden: I know, but I need you, because you can be on the inside. You can pose as one of my girls, you can be their bodyguard, and you can help find this murderer.

Blake: You could do that, you know.

Harley: Stop it. Both of you, stop now. Ok, because.. I’m no longer on the force. I no longer find murderers.

Eden: But you could be my bodyguard.

Blake: You know, you did say that you missed saving the world.

Harley: Don't think saving Eden qualifies.

Eden: Excuse me, I am standing right here.

Harley: I was just kidding.

Blake: Look, you said you wanted more time with your kids, right? Well, you have that. Now you can have this, too. This is just a gig. It's a freelance thing. It not a career. Oh, come on, Harley. You told me that you missed working.

Harley: Don't know why I tell you anything anymore.

Blake: What did you do today exactly, besides, you know, the cleaning up of the kids?

Harley: You know I, you know... read the paper and... watched the news to see all the stuff about the murder investigation.

Blake: Case closed. Get to work.

Harley: But there's something you're not considering here, Blake.

Blake: What?

Harley: I need to be alive in order to play with my children.

Eden: What, do you think this is too dangerous?

Harley: I think is too much for them, ok as a cop, I chose to be out on that street every day as a target. But when I got shot, I realized my kids never made a choice. It's too much. You're asking me too much, Eden. Now, I can... I can give you some basic protection advice. Maybe I can do more, but that's it.

Eden: So you're turning me down.

Harley: I have to.

Blake: Not so. I have a plan.

Gus: I actually thought it would be a lot harder to track you down.

Alan: Well, you found me, son. Can I get you a drink?

Gus: No, this isn't social call exactly. It's official police business.

Alan: Listen, I want to apologize if I offended you about giving you a memo. I mean, it was ridiculous. I mean, you know what you're doing. You're an incredible detective and I’m going stay out of your way.

Gus: Well, sometimes a professional could actually use a fresh perspective every now and then.

Alan: Really?

Gus: Yeah. I could use your help with my investigation if you’re still game.

Olivia: You don't seem very happy.

Phillip: I'm all right. I just. Everything with Alan and Lizzie right now, my head is pounding.

Olivia: Yeah, okay. You know, maybe I can throw you a lifejacket, you know. Take your mind off everything for a while.

Phillip: You know, I'm really okay. I just need to take a little time and digest it. What I really need right now is a drink.

Lizzie: Aunt Alex!

Alexandra: Hi, darling. (Laughs)

Beth: How'd it go?

Lizzie: Oh, it was good.

Beth: Great, great. Why don't you wait here with Aunt Alex while I make your next appointment with Felicia?

Lizzie: Sure.

Beth: So how is she? I'm... I'm sorry. I know that you can't tell me anything that happened during the session I guess I... I just want to know if she's okay.

Felicia: All right, tell me something. Does she ever yell or throw tantrums or cry?

Beth: Well, we had a few arguments when I was going out with Bill. But since she's be home this time, no, nothing.

Felicia: I am really concerned about Lizzie's level of repression.

Beth: And what is she repressing?

Felicia: Everything. Her family's in turmoil and yet she seems utterly in control. What's more, she can't fathom how these problems have anything to do with her. She sees her actions as completely separate from any problems that her family's experiencing.

Beth: Felicia, do... do you think that Lizzie could disassociate like I did?

Felicia: We've only had one session. But I am concerned about her inability to connect with her feelings. She is smiling a lot. And I think it's very important that we get underneath and find out what's underneath that smile.

Alexandra: You go, darling.

Lizzie: Yes, but... you don't have to start waiting on me because of this.

Alexandra: Oh, no, I wasn't around when you were sick. And I... well, now that you're going through a tough time, I want do everything I can to help. And, you don't have to say anything in that room that you don't want to say. And for heaven's sakes, don't start questioning yourself or your sanity. I promise you, darling, you're just fine the way you are. And things are going to get better, much better.

Lizzie: I know. I know.

Blake: I used to be a P.I. Frank was my partner.

Eden: That's nice?

Harley: Blake.

Blake: Why not? Hey, you're not the only person that misses saving people.

Harley: Oh, please, this isn't about you saving people this is about you being bored. This is about curiosity getting the better of you. Remember what happened to that cat when it got curious?

Blake: Ah, and by that count, I'm on my fifth or sixth life. I’m yours, if you want me.

Eden: Well, you've definitely got the looks. But how are your P.I. skills?

Blake: I'm way tougher than I look.

Eden: How is she Harley?

Harley: I don't like this!

Blake: But it's not up to you.

Eden: It's up to me. So welcome aboard.

Gus: We have reason to believe that our killer might be one of Eden's escorts.

Alan: Yeah?

Gus: I would like us to put somebody in that poses as a wealthy business man looking for a little companionship. I know that looks like number three on the list of the stuff you gave me.  

Alan: Yes, it does.

Gus: Yes. Anyway, this person in question would essentially have to date all the women in Eden's service.

Alan: So this person would have to go out with beautiful, young women with very questionable morals?

Gus: Yes, that about sums it up. Now, I know this looks good on paper, but there’s really a lot of risk involved.

Alan: Well, there's always risks when you're with a beautiful woman. But, I'm your man, Gus...

Gus: Yeah, yeah, I'm starting to have reservations about this.

Alan: I don think you have time for reservations.

Gus: Yeah okay, I know. All right, look, you will be under surveillance. I’ll be the one that’s covering you. Okay? So, you don't have to do anything you don't want to, okay? Because it is likely that our killer will be one of these women.

Alan: I'll take my chances. I'm in. Now, where do we go from here?

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