[an error occurred while processing this directive] GL Transcript Thursday 5/29/03 [an error occurred while processing this directive]
[an error occurred while processing this directive]

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 5/29/03

[an error occurred while processing this directive]

Provided by Eric
Proofread by Tanya

Eden: Well, I guess we should get going then. Bye.

Tony: Bye.

(Eden screams)

Marah Tony?!

Tony: What? What? Are you in pain? Did it hit you? Are you okay?

Eden I looked at the driver and recognized him. He worked for Salerno.

Tony: We're not taking anymore chances. I am not going to let you out of my sight.

Eden: What? You're saying that like it's my fault.

Tony: Listen, Salerno's practically mowed you down over there, you need somebody to watch your back. And that person is going to be me.

Eden: That was some nice driving. A little too close for comfort, but you know, it made for a very convincing accident.

Tony: Hey. How's the leg?

Eden Oh, it's okay.

Marah: Well, your tea will be ready in just a couple of minutes.

Eden: You guys don't have to do all of this.

Marah: Eden, you were nearly run over.

Tony: Yeah, and that was an accident. That guy driving the car, Salerno’s guy, he was waiting out there to run you over.

Eden: Look, I told you I don't want you two to get involved.

Tony: It's too late. We already are. Until we find out exactly what is going on, I am going to stick closer to you than your own shadow. Here. How's that? Too much?

Eden: No, no, no. It's okay.

Tony: You sure?

Eden: Yeah.

Tony: All right.

Marah: You know what? Maybe you should try Danny again.

Tony: That's a good idea, I'll be right back.

Eden: What? I must look pale.

Marah: No, it's not that. I was just thinking about everything that's been happening lately. Two of your clients and someone who used to work for you are dead, murdered. And today you were almost killed.

Eden: Yeah, it hasn't been a great week.

Marah: Well, it's easy to see why. Eden, last night when you were telling Tony and I that you completely cut your ties with this Salerno creep, that's not the truth is it?

Eden: Not at all.

Harley: She drowned

Gus: Are you kidding me?

Harley: Sorry.

Gus: You can’t sneak up on me like that.

Harley: I know.

Gus: Get a heart attack. I don't like that.

Harley: I'm sorry.

Gus: How are you? Nice to see you.

Harley: Hi.

Gus: I thought you were busy. Didn't you have a million things to do? That what you said?

Harley: Million things.

Gus: Said that on the phone.

Harley: But one of them was bringing you lunch. Look.

Gus: Oh, well, thank you. That's nice and where are the kids?

Harley: The kids are good.

Gus: Yeah.

Harley: Kids are playing and having a lot of fun today.

Gus: So that means you're going home? Right? With the kids?

Harley: That doesn't make any sense.

Gus: Sure it does. Because they need a donkey to pin the tail on.

Harley: You know I'm talking about the file.

Gus: Yes, honey, what about the file?

Harley: This says that Ramona Hendon didn't die of electrocution, although everybody assume that she did.

Gus: No, well, she didn't, cause Rick found water on her lungs, she drowned.

Harley: Okay. But if Ben Reade is the perp, why would he disguise the cause of death?

Gus: Hey, Cooper…

Harley: And this has the earmarks of the...

Gus: Cooper...

Harley: ...Related deaths, you know what the cause of death--

Gus: Cooper! Stop.

Harley: What?

Gus: Do you come down here to be nice and bring me a little bit of lunch? Or do you just come down here to be here at the station again?

(Cell phone rings)

Olivia: Hello? Hello?

Phillip: Hello.

Olivia: Hey. I didn't s you there.

Phillip: I guess so, will you let me answer my phone?

Olivia: Well it's been ringing while you were out for run. I thought it might be somebody from work, but whenever I picked up, whoever it was would hang up on me.

Phillip: Probably a telemarketer.

Olivia: What are they selling? Sexy good looks and a healthy body? Because you've got those. Hey, I had an idea.

Phillip: Does it involve sexy good looks and a healthy body?

Olivia: It could. It just that, you know, things aren't really back to normal at the Beacon since the murder investigation. And I thought, well, you know why not let Cassie handle this? She's not expecting a baby.

Phillip: And you are.

Olivia: Just don't really need the stress right now. I just thought maybe it would be good to spend some time just being here with you.

Phillip: Yeah, sure. That's a good idea.

Olivia: Well, okay. Well, breakfast is almost ready. Just give me a minute

Phillip: Okay.

Olivia: Okay.

Phillip: Kerry? It's Phillip Spaulding. Did you call?

Lab tech: A woman keeps answering, I hung up.

Phillip: Yeah, that's good. What’s wrong?

Lab tech: Nothing with the DNA results, they're in. And I know you wanted them as soon as possible, but I can't make our meeting.

Phillip: What?

Lab tech: The head of pathology called a last minute staff conference.

Phillip: Great. Well, when can we meet?

Lab tech: Tomorrow at the earliest.

Phillip: No, no, that's not going to be okay.

Lab tech: Unless you can do it right now, at the bar at the Beacon hotel. That's the only time I’ve got free.

Phillip: That's fine I'll meet you there in ten minutes.

Olivia: Hey, well, breakfast is almost ready. I’m actually getting pretty domesticated, don't you think?

Phillip: Yeah. You know what? That hang up called back.

Olivia: What? Just now? I didn't hear the phone ring.

Phillip: I had it set on vibrate. It was Jenkins.

Olivia: The Spaulding lawyer.

Phillip: Yes. I had asked him to look into some stuff about Alan and his rights to the company. He was calling me back with an update. Guess he just didn't want to bother you with it.

Olivia: Oh, well, you know, he could have said hello or that he wanted to talk to you.

Phillip: Well, you know what a security freak Jenkins is. You know, he only wants to talk to me. He didn’t even want to talk to me on the phone. So I'm going to go ahead and meet him now and get this taken care of.

Olivia: Wait, now? Right now?

Phillip: Yeah. You know, get it taken care of. It's important.

Olivia: Oh, okay, well maybe you could hurry back, because I have some plans.

Phillip: Sounds like an offer I can't refuse.

Olivia: No, I'm kind of serious. Ever since this murder happened at the Beacon, I’ve been aware of how precious life is, you know. Not that I haven't been thinking a lot about it already. Just... thought maybe we could, you know, take some time today and celebrate how lucky we are.

Phillip: Okay, I should go.

Olivia: Okay, I'm going to eat all the French toast if you don't hurry back.

Phillip: Okay.

Olivia: Go.

Phillip: I'll be back.

Olivia: Go.

Harley: What are you saying to me? That you think I'm having trouble with all this craziness? That I'm having trouble staying away from it? That is it?

Gus: I don't know. Is that possible? Are you?

Harley: How could you ask me that?

Gus: Hold on a second now. Don't you be getting all feisty with me missy.

Harley: Well, don't you be getting all accusing me.

Gus: No, I'm not accusing you of anything. I'm just asking you a question.

Harley: I think you're making an assumption.

Gus: I'm not making an assumption. And if I'm making an assumption, it's based on evidence right here, okay?

Harley: What does your lunch have to do with any of this?

Gus: This is my lunch. You brought it down to me for me to eat my lunch.

Harley: So?

Gus: So... and I am not saying that I don't appreciate it, because I do appreciate it. But you know that if I really did eat my lunch, I eat it on the go. I don't sit here and eat my lunch.

Harley: Maybe I'm trying to break you out of a very nasty habit.

Gus: Well, I don’t think so. Maybe I think you might be a little bit more interested in the file than how many cheese sandwiches I'm eating. Himm?

Harley: It's chicken salad.

Gus: Oh.

Harley: And I was curious.

Gus: Ain't that the truth.

Harley: That's all. And then I come in, it's sitting right here on the thing. I'm looking at it. I'm going to ask you questions about this.

Gus: Honey, listen. Now take a deep breath. Cause it would be wrong... it would be wrong if something wasn't feeling, you know, uncomfortable, because you are not at the job. Something's terribly wrong.

Harley: Honey. Okay, fine. Even I were, doesn't mean I want it back.

Gus: Listen to me. I am a hundred percent… I'm not kidding now. I'm a hundred percent behind you, either you want to be a full-time cop, or a full-time mom. Or you can do both.

Harley: Honey, I'm out of it.

Gus: Okay.

Harley: Period. Totally.

Gus: Absolutely. Okay. Absolutely. That's fine. And admitting that, it's just, you know, that's the hard part. And that's what takes a lot of strength. It doesn't mean you made a mistake cause you quit the force or anything.

Harley: Really?

Gus: Mmm-hmm.

Harley: And when did you get so smart about this whole thing?

Gus: All right, look you're not the only one, we both had difficulty letting go of our badge. You're not the only one. I went through it, too.

Harley: But you didn't let go of your badge. Yours was taken away. I threw mine in my brother's face.

Gus: You know what I'm saying? You let it go, you lose all the things that come with it.

Harley: The intense pressure, the long hours, the eating on the run thing.

Gus: No, the high that you get from solving crime the togetherness, the intensity of all those cases honey, it's okay to miss the thing that you love. It's okay.

Harley: Thanks. You know there's cookies and a banana in there. Two with...

Gus: Thank you. Like the cookies. Thank you. Appreciate it.

Harley: Okay now.

Gus: Yeah.

Harley: Didn't realize I stayed this long. I've got so much to do. I have all this stuff planned to do with the kids today.

Gus: Cause you are... you are so...

Harley: Busy.

Gus: Right.

Harley: I'm such a busy, busy, busy girl. So I'll just... I'll see you later, because I’ve got to run.

Gus: Thank you.

Harley: What are you doing here?

Alan: I'm here to see Gus. What's your excuse?

Harley: Same as yours.

Alan: Hmm. You know, I wouldn't think you'd want to show your face around this building. You did quit didn’t you?

Harley: I left the force, not the country. What is the big deal with me leaving the force?

Alan: It's a little early for lunch, isn't it?

Gus: Oh, Harley brought me a sandwich. Very rare. Oh, ah, you're probably here because you want to know if I got the news that you got the city to rename after my father... my other father. And yes, I did and I appreciate it. And I'm sorry I didn't call you. Thank you.

Alan: I've read three different newspaper accounts of that woman's murder.

Gus: Is everybody going to read over my shoulder today?

Alan: It's a fascinating case. There's some intriguing elements about it.

Gus: Yeah.

Alan: Yeah, I found myself thinking about it from a policeman's point of view.

Gus: Well, that's good. You're doing it for fun or for profit?

Alan: There's some compelling circumstances around this. Got my mind thinking in different ways.

Gus: Why don't you go down to the library and check yourself out an Agatha Christy novel?

Alan: No, I don't need a book when got a real life mystery in front of me.

Gus: Alan, it's not in front of you, okay. It's in front of me. I am the detective, you are the civilian. What's this?

Alan: I have some ideas about the case. So I did what any dynamic result-oriented man would do-- I wrote a memo.

Eden: So what are you saying? You think I've been keeping something from you?

Marah: Well, I could understand why. It's scary to feel like you're deeper into something than you feel you're able to admit. I was like that for a long time when it came to my love for Tony.

Eden: Yeah, well, obviously you've worked through that fear.

Marah: Yeah, but only admitting it and opening up about it. Eden, Tony and I can help you. And we want you to just have an open mind and you have to help us.

Eden: By telling you everything?

Marah: Well, it's amazing how good it could make you feel. That along with an ice pack and some hot tea.

Eden: Look, what I told you last night was the truth. I said good by to Salerno a long time ago. I thought that was it.

Marah: That you'd just go your separate ways.

Eden: Yeah, I haven't spoken to him since. So if all this stuff that's going on is because he's got it in for me, it's from the past. It's not anything that's happening now.

Marah: But why would he wait so long to do all this stuff?

Eden: I don't know. Look Marah, I'm being straight with you and Tony. Especially after everything that you guys have done for me. It’s the least I can do. I want this to be over.

Marah: I know and it will. Just hang in there. (Knock at the door)

Tony: I got it. Along with your tea.

Eden: Yeah, thank you.

Tony: You're welcome.

Marah: Thanks, honey.

Tony: Hey.

Danny: You guys, have got to get a door bell. Hey.

Marah: Hey.

Danny: So what's the emergency?

Tony: Let's just say that things are getting pretty interesting around here.

Eden: Look, you know what? I don't need to listen to this again. I lived through it. And need some honey.

Marah: Yeah? I'll go with you.

Danny: So what's the problem, other than Eden living here?

Tony: You ready for this? Salerno's in town.

Danny: Yeah I know.

Tony: You know?

Danny: Mm-hmm.

Tony: How did you find out?

Danny: You first. You called me.

Tony: Well, Eden had a close encounter of the hit-and-run kind after she talked to Salerno. Yeah, he said that he wanted to have a clear-the-air meeting. At least that's what she says.

Danny: You don't believe her?

Tony: I'm not sure.

Danny: So somebody tried to clip her?

Tony: Oh, yeah. I told her that I would go with her, go meet up with Salerno and then this guy came racing across the street and he missed her by this much, man.

Dan: The driver was one of Salerno’s guys?

Tony: Like you said. You know this guy has got it in for her.

Danny: I don't know. I don't know about that, Tony. Salerno showed up at my house last night. Yeah. He says he doesn't know anything about the three murders. He's playing with me.

Tony: You know what? I got this under control. At least the Eden part.

Danny: What do you mean?

Tony: I told her that I would be her shadow, you know, her bodyguard.

Danny: No way. Forget it.

Tony: But, Danny, just hear me out.

Danny: No, I don't want you anywhere near Eden.

Harley: They're asleep! Finally. I'm watching TV now.

It's a city filled with crime.

And I'm dedicated to stopping it.

My name's Lou Grieci. Detective Lou Grieci.

Harley: Oh, good. The news.

Newscaster: Springfield

police could probably use a few

extra detectives today.

They're working overtime trying

to solve another mysterious


The latest death occurred last

night at the Beacon hotel.

Alan: I think you'll find some of my ideas interesting.

Gus: All right, big Al. Go ahead. What have you got?

Alan: I have a piece of information about one of the victims, the coroner.

Cop: Excuse me. Gus, do you need anything?

Gus: Do I need anything? What?

Cop: Mr. Spaulding? Detective Hanrihan.

Alan: Detective.

Cop: What brings you here? Anything I can tell the chief about?

Gus: Hanrihan? Hanrihan, I got it under control. Thanks. Right. Go on. So, you were saying? You were saying... go ahead.

Alan: Look, I wouldn't bring this up if I didn't think it was important.

Gus: I'm sure that everything that you bring up inside your own head is important.

Alan: I wouldn't waste your time and I wouldn't waste mine.

Gus: All right, so go on. What have you got? You got something on the coroner?

Alan: I think...

Cop #2: Need your John Hancock on this, man. Sir? If there's anything that can help you with, just...

Gus: Hold on, Mike. This is the sign-up sheet for the summer softball game.

Cop #2: (Laughs)

Gus: Glad to see you're so eager to get this going and off the ground. I was a little nervous I was going to miss the... June 4 cut off date. Hello! Excuse me! Can I have everybody's attention, please? If I could just have a minute of your time. Let me tell you what a good detective I think I am, cause I'm so sensitive to what's going on in this place, you know? Like, I know what every officer is thinking. And you're wondering to yourself, what the hell is Alan Spaulding doing hanging out with me, right? Is that right? Yeah? He’s my father, okay? I am his son. And the last time I checked, it was okay for a father to check in on his son wherever he is, at work or wherever that might be. So, I hope that satisfies your curiosity. Okay? So, now you can just go about your business. , Thank you! Now, do your jobs. Everybody just go to work. What?

Alan: Are you aware that that's the first time you've ever referred to me as your father in public?

Gus: Oh, why don’t you just write a memo about it, big Al?

Alan: You know what that means? There's no going back now.

Phillip: Hey. These are the tests?

Lab tech: Checked and double-checked.

Phillip: How accurate is this DNA test?

Lab tech: 99%. What you'll find in there is pretty much what it is.

Phillip: Technology.

Lab tech: I know what you were expecting with the result but I hope that's what you wanted.

Phillip: 99% accurate. That great.

Lab tech: I'm sorry.

Phillip: No need for you to be sorry. You didn't make Alan Spaulding the father of the baby, did you?

Lab tech: Excuse me.

Phillip: I promised you a job at Spaulding for running this test and for being quiet about it. That job is yours.

Lab tech: I appreciate that.

Phillip: Provided, you're also smart enough to keep quiet about this meeting and about the contents of this envelope.

Alexandra: Phillip? Phillip.

Phillip: Aunt Alex. What's wrong

Alexandra: Well, does something have to be wrong for me to just want to talk to you?

Phillip: Generally, yes.

Alexandra: (Laughs) I have the feeling I should be asking you what's wrong.

Phillip: Nothing is wrong. I'm perfectly fine. I'm just busy.

Alexandra: Well, don't you have just a minute, for heaven's sakes? I mean, for lunch maybe? A drink or something?

Phillip: I really don't.

Alexandra: Well, it's important.

Phillip: (Laughs) Okay. Let's see if we can speed this up. I'll ask you again: What's wrong?

Alexandra: All right. Too many things are being left undone.

Phillip: I have no idea what you're talking about.

Alexandra: It's the company.

Phillip: Uh-huh.

Alexandra: Mm-hmm. And I have been very busy consolidating his control over Spaulding as we speak.

Phillip: Same old dog, same old tricks

Alexandra: Oh, how can you so cavalier about this?

Phillip: Because I have other things on my mind than the business.

Alexandra: Well I suggest you put those things aside for a moment because you are going to be waking up one morning very soon to find yourself squeezed totally out of Spaulding.

Phillip: Translated

Alexandra: Translated...

Phillip: You're worried about getting the boot.

Alexandra: Alan is reaching out to Gus.

Phillip: Better than him reaching out to me.

Alexandra: Oh, Phillip. You're not going to stand by and watch him take over this company in a way that could totally destroy this family.

Phillip: Have to go.

Alexandra: It's that baby.

Phillip: What?

Alexandra: It's the root all problems, for a number of different reasons.

Phillip: Olivia's baby has got nothing to do with the fact that I don't give a damn about Alan and these so-called threats of his.

Alexandra: Mmm-hmm. Well, we are about to know that's not quite true and unless we know who the real father of this baby is, there will be no solution to any of this.

Phillip: One little baby is that important?

Alexandra: You tell me.

Gus: I like everything to be on the up-and-up. I like everything to be straight.

Alan: Trust can be an effective tool if you know when and how to use it.

Gus: You know, that should be the Spaulding motto. Could be the new slogan: Truth when appropriately needed or convenient.

Alan: It's worked for you, hasn't it? You are a Spaulding.

Gus: You hungry?

Alan: No thank you.

Gus: You sure?

Alan: I’m buying us something to eat, if you have it.

Gus: Absolutely. We might be able to help you out with that.

Alan: Ah, thank you

Gus: All right. Cheers. Listen, Al, it's not that I don't appreciate... in fact, naming this park after my father and... my other father, you know, it means a lot to me. And I know that you're trying to reach out and everything. It's just that when... you know...

Alan: Am I pushing? A little bit too much?

Gus: You know, just a little bit. I appreciate it, you know. I mean, just think how you would feel if I just cruised into one of your boardroom meetings and I laid a memo on your desk, and I was, like, "I’ve got a good way to streamline your productivity and most of your sales," or whatever it is that you, you know, do over there. I mean you wouldn't like that.

Alan: I might like it very much.

Gus: Well, you're freaking me out. You know it's weird to me. So how about this? Can we just make a little deal

Alan: You're talking to the right man.

Gus: Okay. Then I'm going to be the detective.

Alan: Mm-hmm.

Gus: Okay? And you just stay the billionaire tycoon that you are.

Alan: Fair enough.

Gus: Okay.

Alan: I can tell you're anxious to get back to your case.

Gus: Ah, I would appreciate it.

Alan: I do think that you should look at that memo, because there might be something that's helpful. You see, I know the coroner, and that's detailed in one through four, and then five, six, seven, eight have to do with the undercover operation that... I'm pushing.

Gus: A little bit, yeah. Okay.

Alan: Good luck with the case.

Gus: Thank you and I hope that you... you know, everything works out for you the way you want it to.

Alan: I’m going to take my cookie.

Gus: Okay.

Tony: I don’t get you.

An: What? What's not to get?

Tony: Why do you want me to steer clear of Eden?

Danny: Because I said so. Why do you think? (Laughs) I'm sorry. Listen, I'm sorry. I don't want to jump at you like that. This whole thing has just gotten me really tweaked.

Tony: Okay, look, I hate the fact that Salerno is snooping around Springfield, too. That's why I am keeping an eye on Eden.

Danny: I'm telling you no Tony. No.

Tony: Danny, listen to me. Somebody tried to take down Eden. We both know that it's Salerno. Don't you want to find out how she ties into this whole thing?

Danny: Why do you think this happened right outside your place?

Tony: Because she was being followed.

Danny: Right. But they waited until you were with her. What do you think that means? It means that Salerno’s trying to dig us into this.

Tony: He's trying to keep us playing by his rules.

Danny: Right. Out in the open and I don't want to give him that satisfaction. You understand?

Tony: All right, fine. But you know what? We've got to do something.

Danny: Yeah, we do in our own way on our own timetable. Not his.

Tony: No, no, no, no, no. We have to do something now. Otherwise this guy will think that he has the green light to do whatever he wants in this town.

Danny: No, he wont. Not necessarily. He got the message I sent him in the alley a couple weeks ago, and if he doesn't remember it, I'll be more than happy to remind him.

Tony: Okay, so meanwhile, what? Eden's, what? His bait? So he'll just show himself?

Dan: Eden is a big girl. She's obviously dealt with Salerno before; she can do it again.

Tony: You didn't see that car coming straight for her, Danny.

Danny: (Sigh) Tony, she's got Aitoro to look after her. Why now, do you want to get into the protection business when she’s got a cop for a brother?

Tony: Because I know what I'm doing.

Danny: Eden’s smart. She can take care of herself.

Eden: Don't say it, Tony. Danny's right.

Tony: How much of this did you hear?

Eden: Oh, enough.

Marah: Hey. There you are. I turned around and you were gone. What's wrong?

Eden: Danny’s trying to make the same point that I was earlier, that Tony doesn’t need to be my guardian angel.

Marah: You don’t want protection?

Eden: I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself. You know I have bore. And I don't want to make my problems your problems.

Tony: You know what? I don't see it that.

Marah: Well, neither do I.

Danny: Guys? Eden sounds pretty clear about what she wants.

Den: Look, I really appreciate it, and don't think I won't remember it, but I've really got to go.

Tony: Alone? What are you, nuts you almost got killed. What are you doing?

Eden: I don't think those guys are stupid enough to make the same mistake twice.

Tony: Why don't you at least stay until your leg is better?

Eden: Look, I’ve got  arrangements I've got to make. I've really got to get going. Really appreciate it, though. Thanks. Bye.

Danny: Tony, let it go. Will you let it go. I've got to take this. Yeah?

Marah: Are you okay?

Tony: You know what? As long as things get done the way that Danny wants them to, what does it matter what I feel?

Marah: Tony...

Tony: No, Marah, that's the way it's will always be. I've always had Danny's back-- for years now-- but that just goes to prove that he's the boss.. When it's like that, it's pretty clear who calls the shots.

Harley: Well, well, well. What do we have here? A little homemaker caught in the act. Get off my table. I just cleaned.

Cop Harley: I'm going have to write you up, lady.

Harley: Or what?

Cop Harley: Regret, in the first degree

Harley: This is crazy. Have a full life. I have a great house. I’ve got terrific kids a the greatest guy anybody could ask for.

Cop Harley: You done? Look at me. This is why miss. Not having what I have has you feeling a little empty.

Harley: Wrong. I've never been happier.

Cop Harley: If you were hooked up to a polygraph right now, that needle would be off the chart.

Harley: I do not miss being a cop.

Cop Harley: I saw you before, flipping the channels on the TV. You couldn't watch a cop show for two seconds without switching stations. That's how much you miss being a cop.

Harley: Oh, yea miss having whacko’s shove guns in my face, getting chance after chance to have my kids motherless.

Cop Harley: Do you want me to put down "Davidson" or just leave it at "Harley Cooper"?

Harley: Okay, you of all people should understand why I left the force.

Cop Harley: Me? I love this job.

Harley: Yeah, it's a great job. Vital, exciting, all that. But so is raising a family!

Cop Harley: Who told you that?

Harley: My gut. The same thing that tells you how solve a case. Okay, I could do both. I did both, for years. But I've reached point in my life where I don't want to. It was one or the other.

Cop Harley: And you chose the other.

Harley: That's not a choice.

Cop Harley: Depends on who's doing it.

Harley: What's that supposed to mean?

Cop Harley: Being a stay-at-home mom is not for you.

Harley: That's for me to decide.

Cop Harley: You can click off the TV easily, but you can't make me disappear so quickly. You got a taste of life on the force and not to be cute, but it's a force to be reckoned with. What's the most exciting thing you're going to do today?

Harley: Spin-art! (Laughs) With my kids. Once I get this gizmo together, we are in for some serious fun.

Cop Harley: You got me there. Tough to beat spin-art.

Harley: All right, that's it. We are done here.

Cop Harley: I'm telling you, you cannot make me disappear so easily.

Harley: Sure I can. You ready?

Alexandra: Tell me Phillip, what would be worse? Your being the baby's father, or Alan?

Phillip: Boy, you just never give up, do you?

Alexandra: Think about it, if that child is Alan’s, he wont rest until he has complete control of it, and he will fight you and Olivia to the death until he gets it.

Phillip: Yeah. That's if the baby's his.

Alexandra: And if it's yours, that just cements your relationship with Olivia.

Phillip: What?

Alexandra: Yes. Can't you see? If you have Olivia's child, it's over between you and Alan. I mean, if there's no reconciliation then it could be far too hard for him.

Phillip: And what's the problem with that?

Alexandra: Because I know you're angry with Alan, but you've been his son for a lifetime, for heaven's sakes. You can't throw that away. You won’t. I know you still love him. I know do. It'd break your heart to do that.

Phillip: You're entitled to your opinion.

Alexandra: Yes, well... and if I'm wrong? Well, go ahead tell me. I dare you.

Harley: Blot the paper, let it dry. Okay. Sounds easy. Run it slowly.

(Machine humming) A little bit of paint oh, okay. A little faster, a little bit of paint. Looks nice. A little faster. Ooh! Very, very fast. Lots of paint! ( Screams) (gasping (door bell rings) Oh, please, tell me that's a delivery man. What? What do you want?

Eden: To get you away from this.

Olivia: Okay. Oh come on, Phillip what is taking you so long?

Phillip: You want the truth? I don't care what you believe or what you say.

Alexandra: Then why are you so upset?

Phillip: Because I have allowed you to drag me into another one of these ridiculous conversations, that's why.

Alexandra: No, I don't think so. I think it's because you know I'm right.

Phillip: About where the family's going?

Alexandra: Mmm.

Phillip: No, I don't think so, Aunt Alex, because your predictions tend to be right about 0% of the time.

Alexandra: (Laughs) Phillip, I realize you're intoxicated with Olivia right now-- you may even love her- but do you value over your own father?

Phillip: He's not my father.

Alexandra: You don't mean that. I know you don't.

Lab tech: It's done. I gave Phillip the test results, just the way you wanted it. Thank you.

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