[an error occurred while processing this directive] GL Transcript Tuesday 5/27/03 [an error occurred while processing this directive]
[an error occurred while processing this directive]

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 5/27/03

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Provided by Eric
Proofread by Tanya

Marah: Tony, it's late and the bed is awfully empty... Tony, wake up. Hi. You fell asleep.

Tony: Oh, man, I did. Oh, geez, I'm sorry, Marah.

Marah: No, it's okay, it's okay. It's okay, don't worry about it. I'm not. Hi.

(Phone rings)

Danny: Please, please, please, don't wake up, Robbie. Hello.

Cop: Danny, Jen Yoife's still here with her friend. They may be here awhile. Ben Reade's getting booked.

Danny: Booked? For what? I thought you guys pulled him on something minor.

Cop: No, he's the primary suspect in a homicide investigation.

Danny: Homicide? Who got killed?

Cop: Some rich society type at the Beacon hotel. I got to go.

Danny: Wait, wait, wait, this victim, do you know if... if the victim had an connections to Eden August or the Garden of Eden?

Cop: She was one of August’s clients. Reade was her escort.

Danny: All right. Just keep a very close eye on Michelle please. (Knock on door ) Salerno.

Selerno: Good evening, Daniel. You said you'd get back to me. I didn't think I would come out here so we could finish our conversation.

Michelle: (Laughs) This is... this is insane. I mean, I know that Ben is not the most ethical person in the world. He's not a poster boy for honey or anything...

Bill: Especially if it's true that he's sleeping with this Hendon woman after claiming to be so crazy about Marina.

Michelle: Yeah, but still, to kill someone? I mean, maybe, maybe in self- defense, but not in cold blood.

Bill: No, absolutely not. I mean, he would never do anything like that. He doesn't even have it in him. Maybe some people we know would, but definitely not Ben.

Michelle: What do you mean, "some people?" What, you mean like Danny?

Jeffrey: All right, we've sealed off the hotel until we finish questioning everyone.

Gus: Hey, listen, Frank said that you guys don't think Ben Reade had anything to do with this.

Jeffrey: And we're keeping him in the cooler until we can smoke out the real killer.

Gus: All right, what about the vic's husband? The guy looks like a hothead. He should be questioned right away.

Jeffrey: Yeah. Cooper wants you to handle him. He cooling his heels in the bar now. Gus, this vic had ties to your sister just like the other two.

Gus: Yeah, I said that is not problem. I'm on it.

Cassie: Hi. A friendly face. How are you? I was just wondering, do you know how much longer the hotel is going to be sealed off?

Gus: It's going to be sealed off until every single person is questioned.

Josh: Yeah, well, what about the people who have already been questioned, like me and my son and Marina? She's been through a lot.

Gus: Marina is a material witness, Josh...

Jeffrey: I need some air. Will you excuse me?

Reva: My sister owns this hotel. My husband and my son were having dinner inside.

Cop: I understand that, ma'am, but I can’t.

Reva: Fine. Just let me go in for... I just want to check...

Jeffrey: What part of no do you not understand?

Reva: Excuse me, is this your... oh, my Lord. It’s true.

Jeffrey: Oh, great, another Prince Richard groupie. Listen, the guy is dead. I’m not him, okay.

Reva: Word is that's you are envious.

Jeffrey: Really? Well, don't believe everything you hear. Jeffrey O’Neill

Reva: Reva Lewis.

Jeffrey: The Reva Lewis from... the talk show host?

Reva: Yeah. And everything you've heard about me is true.

Jeffrey: So, Miss Lewis, under what capacity are you here tonight? As a wife, a mother, or a TV reporter?

Reva: All of the above. My husband and my son are having dinner in there and they somehow managed to get caught up in whatever it is that's going on.

Jeffrey: "Whatever it is." You don't know? Your great, reliable sources haven't told you? Someone was killed here tonight-- a guest.

Reva: Killed?

Jeffrey: Yeah.

Reva: Killed as in...

Jeffrey: Killed, as in a murder. A print member of the city; you might have known her. Ramona Hendon

Reva: Hendon. I think that she was a member of our country club. And her husband owns a dealership in town.

Jeffrey: Very good.

Reva: But certainly you've questioned everyone. You can't believe that my husband or my son would have had anything to do with this, so you can let them leave now.

Jeffrey: I'm afraid the police aren't letting anyone in or out until there done investigating-- especially TV reporters.

Reva: Well, then, why don't I take off my TV reporter hat and put on my wife and mother hat?

Jeffrey: Do you think you can compartmentalize so easily?

Reva: Well, let's see. You pretty much threw book at my niece, Tammy, and you somehow managed to steal the face off of the finest man I've ever known in my life, and I haven't socked you yet so from where I'm standing, yes, I do think I can compartmentalize real easily.

Jeffrey: (Chuckles) Finally, someone with a sense of humor.

Reva: So I can go inside now?

Jeffrey: Absolutely not.

Gus: Right, so it's going to be at least a few more hours, okay? Thanks.

Cassie: Well, I have to talk to the staff. First, I have to go talk to Tammy and R.J. and Will and explain to them what's going on...

Edmund: Cassie, Cassie, I'll go talk to the kids for you.

Cassie: Thank you. Thanks, so much.

Josh: (Laughs) He's really playing the part of the good guy these days, isn't he?

Cassie: He's trying.

Josh: You know acting in a certain way doesn't make it so, Cassie.

Marina: How could Ben sleep with that woman, how could I not have known?

Shayne: Marina, you don’t actually think Ben killed Mrs. Hendon?

Marina: I mean, I don't know. If he could do that, if he could lie to me like that, if he could have sex with someone, then I wouldn't put it past him.

Shayne: Well there's one crime Ben is guilty of: it's breaking your heart. It makes him a total jerk.

Bill: Whoa, wait a minute, Michelle, that comment wasn’t a dig at Danny.

Michelle: You sure about that?

Bill: Yes, I'm sure about that. What is wrong with you?

Michelle: It just seems like whenever anything goes wrong in this town, people immediately blame my husband.

Bill: Well there is a time when he probably deserved it.

Michelle: Yeah, well, that time is long gone now, Bill.

Bill: I know that, Michelle. I do. Except of course when he and Tony got to rough up those drug dealers to keep the neighborhood safe

Michelle: You know what? Even if he was involved in that situation, it was still a far cry from killing three people.

Bill: Well, Danny seems to think there's some connection.

Michelle: Yeah, through Eden, the girl that you're dating. So what does that say about you? I’m sorry. I'm sorry. But it just... it makes me mad. Danny's trying really hard to change, and nobody will cut him any slack.

Bill: Well, who cares as long as you do, right?

Danny: What do you want, Vinny?

Salerno: Let me in and I'll tell you. Hey, come on, you called me, Danny, remember? You said you were having some problems.

Danny: No, I said Eden August was having problems, and whatever games you're playing, to back off. There's been another murder here tonight.

Salerno: You're kidding. Who got it this time?

Danny: One of Eden's clients... like you didn't know.

Selerno: I didn't.

Danny: Right.

Salerno: God's honest truth.

Danny: Vinnie, sure. You flew here all the way from New York to tell me that?

Salerno: Well, that, and to offer you the full support of my organization. Look, Danny, whatever problem you're in I can help you out of it.

Danny: Vinnie I'm not in a jam. Eden is. And something tells me that you're the one who put her there.

Tony: I am so sorry. I told Eden that I'd wait up till Bill got back, and I guess we both drifted off.

Marah: Yeah, you're still feeling sleepy?

Tony: That depends on what you have in mind.

Marah: Well, why don't you come to down and I'll show you.

Tony: Okay.

Eden: No!

Marah: Eden?

Tony: Eden?

Eden: What?

Tony: Here I am.

Eden: Here am I?

Marah: It’s okay. Okay. It's okay. Shh. Everything is fine.

Tony: You had a bad dream. Relax.

Eden: I'm sorry. Did I scare you guys?

Marah: No, it's okay. Do you need anything? You want me to get you some water or some tea or something?

Eden: Yeah, could you. Never mind.

Marah: What? What is it?

Eden: Could you get me some warm milk? I know that sounds silly. It's something my mom would get me when I was a kid, you know, before she died.

Marah: Ah, of course. One warm milk coming up.

Eden: Thank you, Marah. You're so sweet. I'm sorry I'm such a pain.

Tony: Hey, you know what? Don't worry about it. There's a lot of spooky stuff going on. I would be having nightmares, too.

Eden: Yeah, it’s was real freaky. The guy was stalking all of the girls.

Tony: You could see him?

Eden: No, I couldn't see him, but I could, like, sense his presence.

Tony: Then what happened?

Eden: And then he took out a knife and he started stabbing her, stabbing her again and again until she's laying there dead. And then he runs away and I go over to look at the girl to see who she was, and I could see her face.

Tony: You could see her? You recognized her?

Eden: It was me, Tony. He killed me.

Gus: Mr. Hendon? Hi. Detective Gus Aitoro. I'm very sorry for your loss.

Mitch: Yeah? Do me a favor. Make sure Ben Reade gets the chair. Better yet, leave me alone with him.

Gus: You think that Ben Reade killed your wife?

Mitch: Who else? He was right there. Frank Cooper caught him leaving the scene.

Gus: Right. Well, sometimes the obvious suspects are not necessarily the guilty party, Mitch. Then again, sometimes they are. I need to ask you a few questions.

Mitch: I don't know anything. I showed up after the fact.

Gus: Right. But you do want to make sure that we get the right person; isn't that correct?

Mitch: Of course.

Gus: Good. Okay. So where were you again when your wife was killed?

Mitch: Down here meeting up with Buzz Cooper.

Gus: Mm-hmm.

Mitch: Your chief's father. We knew each other in the service.

Gus: But where were you at when your wife was found. I'm talking about the very moment that she was killed.

Mitch: In my car, coming down here.

Gus: Do you have anybody that can verify that?

Mitch: Yes, I made a phone call to one of my salespeople.

Gus: Okay, now was that on your cell phone or was that strictly your car phone?

Mitch: No, it's a regular cell phone.

Gus: Okay so you didn't necessarily have to be in your car. You could have been anywhere?

Mitch: What are you implying Aitoro?

Gus: . Hendon, you knew at Ben Reade was sleeping with your wife, didn't you? In fact, your wife was having several affairs even before M. And that is what you were ranting about this evening. That is what you were so enraged about.

Mitch: And your point would be what?

Gus: What is that marine motto.. semper fi? Always faithful"? Well, your wife wasn't always so semper fi, was she, sir? And that makes some men mad enough to kill. Maybe you are one of those kind of men.

Michelle: Ben, you told the police that you don't want a lawyer, what's going on?

Ben: I don't know who to call?

Michelle: Of course you do. Ross Marler.

Bill: Call Harley. I'm sure she can recommend someone else, a public defender, whatever. Look, these are some serious charges, Ben.

Michelle: You've got to talk to someone, Ben.

Ben: Every time I open my mouth, I make it worse.

Bill: Exactly and that's why you need yourself a good lawyer.

Michelle: Look, how did this ever happen.

Ben: Because I'm an idiot. Because I had that great thing with Marina, but that wasn't enough for me.

Bill: Wait. So is true, you were sleeping with this Mrs. Hendon?

Ben: Yeah. But I decided that tonight was the end of it. I mean, that's why I went back to her room: To tell her. That's when I found her dead. What?

Michelle: It's just a lot to digest, that's all.

Ben: You don't believe me.

Michelle: No, of course we do.

Bill: No.

Michelle: Of course we do

Ben: You guys think I killed her.

Shayne: Let me get you a drink of water. Let get you...do you want anything?

Marina: No.

Shayne: Soda or something

Marina: Am I blind? Shayne, am I just blind or just stupid or something? It's just, all the signs were right there and I just refused to see them.

Shayne: Like what? What signs

Marina: How many times did I ask myself what he did for a living, and he could just give me some, like, vague answer? Then he told me that he was Mrs. Hendon's personal assistant. I mean please, how could a personal assistant afford a new car?

Shayne: It seemed a little weird to me, too.

Marina: He was just feeding me line after line after line, and I believed him because I thought that he was really special, that he was so special that...

Shayne: You were going to sleep with him.

Marina: Good old Marina. Not only ready to give it up for some guy who's screwing around on her, but he's being paid for it as well. Happy birthday to me.

Shayne: It means you wanted to believe in him. It doesn't make you a bad person. It just means that when you care about somebody, you jump right in, you know? You ask questions later. That's kind of like my mom.

Reva: Two minutes. That's all. Just let me go inside, check on my family...

Jeffrey: No, can do.

Reva: Okay, fine. I understand. I really do. You're scared.

Jeffrey: Scared of what?

Reva: You're scared that I'm going to waltz in there, ask a few insightful questions, probably solve the case all by myself, and there you'll be, our new hot shot D.A., stuck with runny egg all over your face.

Jeffrey: You got me.

Reva: You know, if you were as good at your job as you think you ar..

Jeffrey: Mm-hmm?

Reva: You wouldn't be threatened by me. You would welcome my help.

Jeffrey: The answer is still no.

Reva: Because there are people in this town who know me and who trust me, and I could probably get information out of them that you never could so who's heading up your investigation? Oh let me guess.

Jeffrey: Okay

Reva: Gus Aitoro.

Jeffrey: How'd you know that?

Reva: Well, because I assume that you would want the best on the case and he is the best. And I saw his car parked down in the parking lot. So, any suspects? Anyone arrested yet?

Jeffrey: Maybe.

Reva: Oh, come on. Really, give me a break here. I have contacts in the P.D. I can find out the information I need in two seconds flat.

Jeffrey: We have someone in custody who was acquainted with the deceased.

Reva: Okay.

Jeffrey: Yes, his name is Ben Reade.

Reva: Ben Reade? No. No way.

Jeffrey: Why not?

Reva: I'll tell you why... inside.

Jeffrey: (Grumbles) You know, maybe I should. (Laughs) Maybe I should let you in there. I mean, it could be kind of fun, watching you stir things up.

Reva: Fun, is that a word that even exists in your vocabulary?

Jeffrey: Now, did you base your judgment solely on what you heard from others about me? Reva, and you call yourself a journalist.

Reva: I based my feelings on what I see in your eyes, because they're the windows of the soul. And your eyes, as much as they may be Richard's outside, inside they have no spark, no sparkle, no pizzazz.

Jeffrey: Something tells me you've got enough pizzazz for both of us.

Reva: They're cold, almost predatory, like a reptiles.

Jeffrey: You know, your insults sound strangely like compliments to me. But then again, your eyes tell a story, too, don't they? You know what they tell me? They tell me you like a challenge almost as much as I do. So, go for it. Have fun.

Cassie: Hey.

Reva: Hi.

Cassie: What are you doing? How did you get in here? I thought the police had this place on a lockdown.

Reva: Well, actually they do, but I was able to sweet talk my way past the beast at the gate, our new D.A.

Cassie:  Yeah. The world's biggest jerk.

Reva: Well, I guess in a charming sort of way.

Case: Charming? The man is rude, self-righteous arrogant...

Jeffrey: Mrs. Winslow?

Cassie: Yes?

Jeffrey: Assemble your housekeeping staff in the ballroom.

Cassie: See? What's the magic word, Mr. O’Neill?

Jeffrey: Um, "now"? I want to question them.

Reva: (Laughs)

Cassie: What are you doing?

Jeffrey: I'm coming with you.

Cassie: Oh, joy.

Josh: Reva?

Reva: Hi.

Josh: What are you doing here?

Reva: I came to find you. Where's Shayne?

Josh: He's with Marina. Someone was... a woman was killed here tonight and the police seem to think that Ben Reade did it.

Reva: I know. I heard. But I never could have gotten it from the cryptic message you left me. "Shayne and I are having a boys night out..."

Shayne: Yeah.

Reva: "We'll be delayed."

Josh: I figured I'd explain that when I got home.

Reva: Ah. Uh-huh.

Josh: See.

Devries: Josh? Don't tell me that you and Shayne got stuck here. Your wife is not going to be happy about that.

Reva: Hello, that would be me, Reva Lewis. And you are?

Devries: Oh, Harris Devries. Pleased to finally meet you. I’m a big fan of your son's.

Reva: Are you? You wouldn't also happen to be a baseball agent too would you?

Josh: Reva, honey.

Devries: Yes, ma’am, .

Ra: Oh. Boy, oh boy. Boys night out.

Josh: It was just suppose to be a meet-and-greet thing. You know I didn't want to bore you with this.

Reva: I’m not bored at all. I can't wait to hear what you men folk have decided to do about my son.

Josh: Great. Have a seat.

Edmund: R.J. and Will are in bed. Tammy wanted to go see Marina. I told her it wasn't a good time.

Cassie: That O’Neill guy, you know? D.A. doesn't stand for "District Attorney." It stands for "dumb..."

Mitch: You' got some nerve accusing me, Aitoro. I love my wife.

Gus: Well, that's why they call them crimes of passion, isn't it, sir? Mr. Hendon, we ran you through the system, and I found out that you got... you got arrested for assault last year. They dropped the charges and everything. What did you do? You broke somebody's nose in a bar?

Mitch: The guy was an idiot.

Gus: Uh-huh.

Mitch: Yeah, he’s a real moron, he thought I was coming on to his wife, so I popped him to defend myself.

Gus: Is that why you popped his wife, too?

Mitch: She got in between us!

Gus: Oh, okay.

Mitch: I hit her by accident.

Gus: You ever hit your wife, Mr. Hendon?

Mitch: What? No.

Gus: Well I certainly hope not. But if I find out that you're lying, Mr. Hendon, if I find at out...

Mitch: Maybe I should have my attorney present.

Gus: Well, maybe you should. Have him give me a call. You have those Hendon car dealerships, don't you?

Mitch: That’s right.

Gus: How's business these days?

Mitch: Ask your chief. I just sold him a convertible as a birthday gift for his daughter.

Gus: All right then, Mr. Hendon. Thank you very much. I'm going to be in touch with you.

Mitch: Just do your job and nail Ben Reade.

Gus: Yes, sir, I always do my job. (Laughs) I got to tell you something. I put all my money on this guy. Forget Ben Reade.

Jeffrey: Wait, wait. Up until a couple of minutes ago, I would have agreed with you. But then e stepped forward. Excuse me, Miss, would you come here, please? This is Detective Gus Aitoro. I want you to tell him everything, like you told it to me, okay? Especially about the young man you saw outside Mrs. Hendon's room.

Michelle: Ben, Bill and I do not think that you killed this woman. Okay, you may be guilty of a lot of things, but...

Bill: Cheating on a great girl, general stupidity.

Michelle: Ben, murder is not one of them.

Bill: Oh, and the sooner you get yourself a lawyer, the sooner that's going to be made obvious to everyone. Ben, do not do that thing with your head. I want to hear you tell me that you're going to get yourself a lawyer immediately.

Ben: Okay, I will get myself a lawyer.

Bill: You have to call. You have to call Holly. You’re going to need her help. She owns a TV station; she runs a newspaper. She's got a lot of clout in this town

Ben: You're right. You're right.

Michelle: Look, you're going to be out of here by tomorrow morning. You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. You have no reason to harm this woman, right?

Ben: No.

Bill: Sorry, man. Sorry, but I've got to ask. How the heck did you get mixed up with some married older woman anyway? Why?

Ben: Well I guess everyone is going to know soon enough anyway. I was paid to go out with her.

Michelle: Paid?

Ben: Yeah, as in a paid escort. I was working for Eden. You know, but when I lost my trust and I needed the money.

Michelle: So you decided to go to Eden and offer your service? No, she came to me. I'm ready to call my stepmother now. I think she's going to find me a good lawyer.

Michelle: Okay.

Ben: Thank you.

Michelle: Go ahead. We're going to be right here.

Ben: Thank you. Thank you.

Bill: All right, I'm going to stick around until I know he’s released . But you should probably go home.

Michelle: Yeah I should go home.

(phone rings)

Tony: Hello?

Bill: Tony, it's Bill. Is Eden still up?

Tony: Hey, what's up, man? We thought you would be back by now.

Bill: Yeah, I'm still down at the police station. Um, could you put Eden on, I'll tell her what's going on; she can fill you guys in.

Tony: All right. Yeah, sure. It's Bill. He's still at the police station.

Eden: Hey, Bill? What's happening?

Bill: Well, Ben's in a little more trouble than we thought. It seems a woman was found murdered down at the Beacon hotel, and they think that he did it.

Eden: What? Who? What woman?

Bill: Her name was Mrs. Hendon. Ramona Hendon.

Eden: Oh my God, no.

Tony: What is it? What is it? What's going on?

Bill: Yeah, Ben told me that you knew her.

Eden: This can't be happening.

Bill: Look, don't wait up for me. I may be stuck here for a while.

Eden: Okay.

Tony: What? What's going on?  

Gus: Okay, let's just go over this one more time, all right? You were walking down a hallway, you saw a door that was open, you peered inside, and you saw Ben Reade talking to somebody through a bathroom door?

Maid: Shouting, upset, to someone named Ramona.

Gus: And he said, "We're through. I quit. You can tell your husband if you want to. I will deal with it," right?

Maid: "Nothing and no one will stand in my way."

Gus: All right, you're done for now, okay? We're going to call you, so stay in town and you've been very, very helpful. You get all of her numbers, all of her information. Don't leave anything out, right.

Cop #1: All right.

Gus: I don't know, O’Neill. You know you said that when Frank picked him, Ben Reade was the one... he was the guy..

Jeffrey: No one... no one thought that Reade was actually the killer, now...

Gus: Yeah, now. Now we have a witness that says she heard him threatening the victim, he was the last guy that saw her alive. He was dropping Marina off when victim number two turned up dead.

Jeffrey: Either Reade has a knack for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, or he does have something do with these murders.

Josh: See, Mr. Devries is not like the agent that approached us before. At least that's what I felt on the phone. So I figured I'd better meet this guy, talk with him a little bit, you know, see what he's like. And then if I'm wrong...

Devries: Your husband didn't want me wasting your time.

Reva: Well, I'm here now. So what's your pitch, Mr. Devries?

Devries: I’ll get to that. But first, I'd like to know why you're opposed to Shayne going pro.

Reva: Fine. It's not that I don't think baseball is a great sport, a worthy profession. It's just that I don't think that Shayne should be focused on one thing exclusively at this point in his life, no matter how good at it he is.

Devries: Fair enough.

Reva: And I also think it's important that Shayne... for any child to get a college education. I mean, call me old fashioned, but I still believe in the notion of education. I mean, maybe it just because I never had the opportunity to have one myself, but I don't know. I just believe that college is full of experience for these kids. Life experiences. They make friends. They're in an environment that's encouraging and nourishing for them to be able to figure out who they are and what they want too.

Devries: I see.

Reva: And I don think Shayne can get that if he goes straight into baseball, because he'd be focused on one thing exclusively, one thing alone. And everybody who’s surrounding him will have that same focus: Money and winning. And I'd like to see my son get more than that.

Devries: Mrs. Lewis, I completely agree with everything you said. I want the same things for you son as you do.

Salerno: The idea that I had something to do with these killings, that is some sort... that's ludicrous. Eden never crossed my radar when she worked for me, Danny..

Danny: Ok

Salerno: We're good? We understand each other?

Danny: Absolutely.

Salerno: Good. I mean, that's why I came here: To clear the air.

Danny: Mm-hmm.

Salerno: And as a gesture of respect.

Danny: Right. You want to respect me? Huh? You stay the hell out of Springfield. Is that clear enough for you? Get the hell out of my house.

Devries: Mrs. Lewis, I have three daughters. One graduated collage last fall. Another one is a junior, and the other one starts this fall. So education is a priority in my household, too. But I also think that if a youngster has a special talent--be it athletic, musical, whatever, it's a thing that a parent needs to encourage and support.

Reva: I can't agree more.

Devries: There are many stellar athletes that manage to pursue both their sport and an education. I mean, it is hard, but it is not completely impossible

Josh: Well, it looks like the police are letting people leave. So, you know, we don't have to decide anything at all.

Devries: Josh is right. Look, take your time, talk it over, and give me a call. I think I can find a way to make everybody's dream come true here. That is if Shayne is willing to work hard.

Josh: He is, he's willing. Definitely, he’s ready to start this new chapter in his life with no distractions.

 Marina: Excuse me, Mr. O'Neill?

Jeffrey: Mm-hmm.

Marina: Do you think I can go home now?

Jeffrey: Not until you've both given full statements to the police.

Shayne: About how long is that going to take?

Jeffrey: Well, let's see. Minutes, hours... I don't know. Of course, you could go down to the police station and make them there. That's where your father is.

Marina: That's okay. I think I'll do it here.

Reva: Marina, how are you holding up?

Marina: I've en better.

Reva: I'm sure. They said that we can leave now.

Shayne: Mom, you and Dad, go on. I'm going to stay with Marina until she gets...

Marina: Oh, no. No, no, Shayne. I'll be all right.

Shayne: I want to. I want to. Is it okay with you?

Reva: Of course it's okay. You stay. Just give me a call when you want to come home, no matter what time it is.

Shayne: Thanks.

Reva: Take care.

Shayne: Let's go some place quieter.

Marina: Yeah, okay.

Jeffrey: Mrs. Winslow? Got a minute?

Cassie: What?

Jeffrey: Well, I'd just like to thank you, you know, for all your cooperation here tonight.

Cassie: Did I have a choice?

Jeffrey: Also wanted to ask you about someone.

Cassie: What? Who? One of the guests?

Jeffrey: No, actually your sister. I find her a very interesting woman.

Cassie: Yeah, she is. She's also very married.

Jeffrey: (Laughs) Her husband is a lucky guy.

Ben: Hey, I reached Holly. She's going to get me a lawyer. Someone top notch.

Bill: Good, good, that's what you want.

Ben: Yeah.

Bill: So you were working for Eden?

Ben: Yeah.

Bill: And she knows about the sex?

Ben: No. She was very careful to stay out of that.

Bill: Yeah, but she knows about it?

Ben: Yeah. You know, when I spoke to Holly, she said some really encouraging stuff. I'm feeling a lot more positive now.

Bill: Good.

Gus: Ben?

Ben: Hey. Did you question Ramona's husband, Mitch?

Gus: Yes, we did.

Ben: So you see what a Neanderthal he is, right? I mean, the guy is definitely capable of murder.

Gus: Maybe. But he wasn't the one was caught yelling at Ramona this evening.

Ben: What?

Gus: We have a witness that says that she saw you evening with Mrs. Hendon. Yeah, that ain't good.

Marah: So you knew this woman, Mrs. Hendon

Eden: Yeah, she was a client.

Tony: So why do the cops think that Ben did it?

Eden: Because Ben knew her, too.

Tony: How? Eden?

Marah: You know what? This is crazy. Even if Ben did know her, he would never hurt anyone.

Eden: This is all my fault. Ben came to me and asked for my help, and I blew him off. I told him he was on his own. And now another person that’s connected to me is dead. Is this happening? Why?

Michelle: Danny?

Salerno: Mrs. Santos, I'm Vincent. I'm a friend of Danny's from New York. We go way back, don't we, Danny?

Danny: Yeah, yeah. We have been dealing a long ways.

Salerno: Yes.

Danny: So listen. It's good to see you. Have a safe trip home.

Salerno: Yeah. Be safe, huh?

Danny: You, too.

Salerno: Ciao.

Eden: Hello?

Salerno: Ciao, bell I hear you're having a run of bad luck. People around you are dropping like flies.

Eden: Um, it's Bill. Do you guys mind? What do you want?

Salerno: Well, meet me for breakfast tomorrow and I'll tell you.

Eden: What? You're here in Springfield?

Salerno: 9:00 am. Casey's Diner.

Danny: So...

Michelle: Vince. Nice, huh? That was Salerno, wasn't it?

Danny: Yeah, that was Salerno.

Michelle: Well, what did he want?

Danny: Honey, honestly, I don't know.

Michelle: Danny, a third person was murdered and Ben was arrested for it.

Danny: I know. I know. I heard.

Michelle: Well, do you know if Salerno and his people did it? I mean, something about turf or threatening Eden.

Danny: Honey, I'm serious. I have no idea. But I intend to find out.

Michelle: Okay, promise me, promise me you're going to be careful.

Danny: Okay. Always. Always. Come on, let's go to bed.

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