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Guiding Light Transcript Monday 5/26/03
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Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Eden: You know what? This is crazy?
Bill: Okay, Eden, it's the smart thing to do.
Marah: Yes. You'll be safe here tonight.
Eden: You know what? I'm not on anyone's hit list. Nicky was just overreacting.
Tony: Maybe, maybe not.
Danny: Eden, two people connected to your business have turned up dead. It's very possible that the murderer will come after you next.
Bill: All right, we’re being careful, right? That's all.
Danny: Salerno is not one you take lightly.
Eden: I know you think these murders are about Salerno coming after me for going out on my own.
Michelle: He was your boss.
Eden: Yeah, but I was a tiny part of his operation. It's not like I'm taking any of his business. The guy's in New York. It's not like Springfield even comes up on his radar.
Michelle: Well, why take any chances?
Marah: Yeah. And when was the last time you spent the night in a museum, hmm?
Eden: Well, this my first.
Bill: Yeah? Well, in that case, make yourself comfortable.
Eden: You know what you guys are being great, but I bet you that Nicky will show up tomorrow and say that they found the killer that murdered the coroner and Renee, and it'll just be a big coincidence that I knew both of them.
(Knocking on door)
Ben: Mrs. Hendon? Ramona? Oh, God! Come on. Come on, come on. Oh God! Oh God!
Olivia: Oh, come on, Marina. Who are you talking to?
Marina: Yeah, I should probably go. Ben's going to be back here any second. Yes, I got the roof for the night. Excuse me. (Laughs) We got the room for the night. (Laugh) What are you talking about, am I okay with this? Tammy, clearly... Ta.. Tammy, stop. Stop. Look, there is no other way that I would rather be spending my 18th birthday and I know that it's going to be a night that I will never forget.
Olivia: Okay, what do I do now? Do I stop Frank?
Buzz: What about Frank?
Olivia: Hi. I didn't see you standing ere. Did I say Frank? I don't know what I said. Would you excuse me for just a minute, please?
Mitch: Buzz! I can't tell you how great it is see you.
Buzz: Hey Mitch.
Marina: Tammy, do you know how many chances I've had to sleep with a guy before? And you know, I've never done it, just because it was never right, you know? But this just feels right. It's not some thing, you know, where I feel like...like... like I'm , so I should probably just have sex or something. Tammy, I know what I’m doing, okay? I got the room. I got the condoms. I'm not a little kid anymore. Well I'm certainly not going to be a little kid after tonight.
Frank: You!
Ben: Inside...
Frank: Don't even say a word. How many times did I warn you to stay away from her? How many times?
Ben: Inside!
Frank: Ok inside!
Marina: This is not what it looks like!
Frank: This is between me and him.
Olivia: Frank, let go. Frank. Frank.
Frank: Back off! You know what?
Ben: Look in there!
Frank: No, Marina, you stay put!
Ben: Marina!
Frank: Do not go in there!
Olivia: Frank, stop!
Frank: Stay completely away from her! How many times did I tell you that? How ma...
Marina: (Screams)
Frank: Marina!
Marina: (Whimpering)
Frank: Stay back. Stay back.
Ben: That what I was trying to tell you.
Frank: You better start talking.
Mitch: I’ve been on the road too much lately, meeting a friend for a drink is something I haven't done in quite a while. Buzz, is something the matter?
Buzz: I don't know, but I think I better get upstairs and find out.
Mitch: The drink can wait, if you need a hand.
Buzz: Okay, let's go.
Devries: I appreciate you coming here to meet with me.
Josh: Well, I never pass up an opportunity to hear good things about my son.
Devries: Shayne is quite a good ballplayer. I'm disappointed your mother didn't join .
Shayne: Yeah, well, she's not so into baseball... or at least the idea of me going at it full time.
Devries: Oh, I see. You two are, what? Just checking me out? Making sure I pass muster with her?
Josh: She is not too big on the process of finding an agent for Shayne.
Devries: Yeah. After your encounter with Jack Petito yesterday. (laughs) Yeah, well, word spreads fast when an agent gets the boot, if he does deserve it.
Josh: I take it you don’t like the guy.
Devries: Well, it's just that we operate differently. See, money isn't an issue to me. I don't have to work another day in my life. I just like the idea of helping kids out, getting them started on their own career in the game.
Shayne: Which is exactly what I want.
Devries: Yeah, and it is yours to be had. You're not only an outstanding player, you are an outstanding person. That's just as important to me.
Josh: It's important to us too.
Devries: Well, if your wife agrees, maybe I can help you on that first step. Let me know once you've talked to her.
Josh: Okay. Well, thank you much. Can I take you anywhere?
Devries: No thanks. I'm staying right here at the hotel, you got my number.
Josh: Okay. (Chuckles)
Shayne: Wow. Mom would love that guy.
Josh: Yes, she would, but do me a favor, okay? Let me handle your mom as far as this agent thing goes.
Shayne: Yeah, I know, I know. I should concentrate on my baseball.
Josh: That's right. Yeah.
Shayne: What? What?
Josh: What you said to Mr. Devries before about wanting a care in baseball, did you say that because you think it's what I want to hear, or --
Shayne: Why would I do that?
Josh: Well, I don't know. I just... I know that you've got a good head on your shoulders; I know you've got a lot of friends; you've got a whole world of possibilities opening up to you right now.
Shayne: Yeah?
Josh: So, as much as you love baseball, I'm guessing there's a whole lot of other things that is sort of, you know, commanding your attention. Which is not a bad tng.
Shayne: What are you really saying? What are you saying?
Josh: I'm saying that we approaching crunch time, son. We're approaching the time that we are going to have to make a decision about what you really want to do, okay?
Shayne: Okay, so what you're really asking me is "Is there anything that’s going to keep me from choosing baseball?"
Josh: Is there?
Cassie: Hello. Excuse me?
Jeffrey: Yeah, what are you going tell me, to get out of your bar now?
Cassie: Not yet.
Jeffrey: Not yet.
Cassie: I was going to say that I think we got off on the wrong foot.
Jeffrey: Ah, well, whose fault was that?
Cassie: It wasn't about fault. More like an accident of nature.
Jeffrey: Oh, you mean this?
Cassie: I’m sorry, but you look so much like my late husband that it just throws me, and sometimes maybe I overreact a little.
Jeffrey: Like you did the other day.
Cassie: Yeah, that's a pretty good example. I have faults, but I would like to think that being shallow isn't one of them. I shouldn't judge you based on how you look.
Jeffrey: Well, that's good.
Cassie: Well, then, why don't we have a drink to start over? I’m buying.
Jeffrey: Sounds like a good place to start.
Frank: That's affirmative. We have a possible homicide. Need an M.E. and backup, ASAP. You got my 12.
Olivia: Is she... is she...?
Frank: She is. Olivia, please.
Olivia: Oh God.
Frank: I need you to shut down the hallway. Don’t let anybody come down here.
Olivia: All right.
Marina: Her eyes are still open.
Frank: Come here.
Marina: I'm okay.
Frank: Sweetie. What were you doing here?
Ben: I was. I was visiting.
Frank: Visiting? This is how you found her?
Ben: Did you call it a homicide means it seems like an accident to me.
Marina: Her hair is dry and it's styled. Why would she need a blow dryer?
Ben: She could have knocked it off the shelf. It could have fallen.
Frank: Somebody tossed the blow dryer into the tub on purpose.
Ben: Mrs. Hendon.
Frank: Mrs. Hendon? As in Mitch Hendon's wife?
Ben: Yeah. I work for her. Or, I did.
Frank: Is that why you were visiting? A meeting?
Ben: Yes. I mean, I came to the hotel to see Marina.
Marina: I don't believe this.
Frank: Are you telling me you didn't know Mrs. Hendon was here?
Ben: No. No, I did. I did, and I thought that I would just say hello.
Marina: Ben, you thought you'd say hello to your boss when I was in the next room?
Frank: When you came in there, was the blow dryer on the floor?
Ben: No, it was in the tub and plugged in.
Frank: So you unplugged it.
Ben: Yes.
Frank: Was Mrs. Hendon here with her husband?
Ben: No.
Frank: Then what was she doing having a room here?
Ben: I don't know!
Marina: Ben...
Ben: I don't know!
Marina: There has to be some explanation for this, though. You've just got to think. You've got to.. you've got to really think.
Buzz: Frank, what's going on?
Frank: Dad, Dad, you can't be in here. It's a crime scene.
Buzz: What?
Mitch: Is there a problem here?
Frank: Mr. Hendon, please. Wait in the hall.
Mitch: What happened?
Frank: Please. Outside.
Mitch: Why?
Frank: There's no easy way to say this, sir. Your wife is dead. I'm sorry.
Mitch: What?
Frank: Mr. Hendon. Mr. Hendon, you can't go in there sir.
Mitch: Ramona! Ramona!
Frank: Mr. Hendon. Mr. Hendon, please. Mr. Hendon.
Mitch: What happened here?
Frank: Her employee found her.
Mitch: Her employee? Is that what he told you? Did he mention he's been sleeping with her for weeks? I’m going to kill you!
Buzz: Get out of here.
Mitch: You got that? You're a dead man!
Frank: Restrain him! What's this all about?
Marina: He's just in shock, he’s making things up.
Ben: I didn't do anything to her!
Mitch: Besides kill her?
Marina: That is not true! Look, I know he's upset, but that is a really sick thing to say.
Frank: Let me get this straight: My daughter gets room to be with you and you're in here? Why?
Ben: I told you.
Frank: Must have been important enough to keep you away from her.
Ben: I had to talk to Mrs. Hendon, all right? I had to explain something to her.
Frank: Do you have any idea who could have done this?
Ben: No! But whoever did it, did it fast. I mean, I wasn't with Marina more than ten minutes before I went back and...
Frank: You went back? You were in there before, when Mrs. Hendon was still alive? How'd that visit go? Is it true, Ben? Were you sleeping with Mrs. Hendon?
Marina: Daddy, how can you even ask him something like that?
Mitch: Go ahead and lie! Tell him it's all in my head!
Ben: It was my job.
Frank: What did you say?
Ben: It was my job... to be with her. I was an escort. Eden hired me.
Frank: And the sex?
Ben: It was extra. Extra pay.
Frank: Let me get this straight: You go in there and find your employer, client or whatever the hell she is, and you don't tell me that you have a working relationship?
Ben: Well, it wasn’t exactly a meeting I was quitting.
Frank: Is there anything else you'd like to tell me?
Ben: No.
Mitch: He killed my wife, how's that?
Frank: Get him out here.
Mitch: You’re going to arrest him, aren't you?
Frank: Get him out of here now! And of course, I'm going to arrest anybody I can.
Ben: Marina, please. I can explain this to you.
Marina: (Sobbing)
Eden: You know what? Should I contact everybody on my payroll and tell them what's happening?
Bill: I think that wouldn’t be a bad idea.
Eden: Freaked you guys out?
Bill: Freaked us out? Yeah, got freaked out, and we're all outsiders.
Eden: I just don't know what to do.
Danny: I think the first thing we all need to do is think about safety. Why don't we all do a thorough once-over of the place, make sure all the windows and doors are secure.
Tony: Yeah. If we all do it now, we can get it done in no time. You want to...?
Marah: Yeah. Sounds like a plan.
Michelle: All right, let's get started.
Danny: Don Salerno, I hope I'm not bothering you.
Salerno: Not at all, Danny. How you doing?
Danny: Well, I'm a little confused. I thought we had an understanding that you'd stay out of Springfield, but now I wonder.
Salerno: What's this about?
Danny: A mutual acquaintance of ours: Eden August. She's working on little project with my cousin's girlfriend.
Salerno: You're telling me this because...?
Danny: A few people in this town have turned up dead, both with ties to Eden. So you're either sending us a message, or you're stirring things up. I told you hands off. You understand now why I’m telling you? Do I need to come to New York and make my point in person?
Jeffrey: Okay, I still look a lot like... what was his name? Richard? Even in this light?
Cassie: But... yeah. That doesn't mean you're going to think like him or act like him. I'm slow finding that out.
Jeffrey: Okay, thanks. Yeah. You're still mad. You're mad because I was hard on your daughter. Well you know, she was in the wrong, Mrs. Winslow.
Cassie: She was wrong. I know that.
Jeffrey: Well, since when?
Cassie: Look, the other night, I thought that you were just trying to make a point.
Jeffrey: (Laughs)
Cassie: You were picking some high-profile kids to make a statement.
Jeffrey: Yeah. What was the statement? What, that the new D.A. is here in town and open for business?
Cassie: I said I overreacted. I know you have a job to do, Mr. O’Neill, and yes, Tammy was absolutely in the car.
Jeffrey: Well, here's to seeing things my way.
Cassie: The point is, there are two sides to every story.
Jeffrey: Well, I haven’t had enough free drinks to admit that.
Cassie: Well, that's not a problem.
Jeffrey: So, it's been a year since he passed away? Your husband?
Cassie: Almost. It seems like a century ago, and only yesterday. But, you know, I'm pulling it together. I am starting to get back on my feet again, but you know, I can throw some curves at you, and I would say meeting you is finally one of them. But I guess that’s just how it goes, right? You know I've got to figure out how get back on my feet again and move on, just like anyone else, I'm sure. (Laughs) You know?
Jeffrey: Yeah, now. Listen, I’ve got to go. Thanks for the drink.
(Knock on door)
Frank: Marina? I am so sorry.
Marina: You were right all along.
Frank: Yeah, well, I'd give anything to be wrong right now. Never, ever, ever want to be right at your expense.
Marina: Can I go home?
Frank: No, not yet. No one's allowed to leave right now. But, I'll get you home as soon as I can. Are you okay?
Marina: Yeah.
Frank: I have to get to work, are sure you will be all right?
Marina: Yeah, I'm sure.
Frank: Okay.
Shayne: If you'd asked me a couple of months ago, you know, I would have said baseball great, but there's a lot of other cool stuff out there, too.
Josh: And now?
Shayne: Now I figured something out.
Josh: What's that?
Shayne: Waiting around for things to happen is for losers. You know, you have to go out and make it happen on your own.
Josh: Oh. So what do you have in mind?
Shayne: A 22 and three season and an era under O.
Josh: (Laughs) Well, you're thinking big; that's a good thing.
Shayne: All right, well, okay, maybe I won't be that awesome right away, but I know I can pitch, you know, so while my wheels are spinning and doing stuff that may not ever pan out, I've got something solid right in front of me.
Josh: So are you saying you want a baseball career now?
Shayne: Just sign me up.
Josh: (Laughs) Hey.
Mitch: Put the damn cuffs on him already!
Frank: Hold him, please.
Jeffrey: I got your page. What's going on?
Frank: The Beacon hotel's first murder.
Shayne: Marina, are you okay? What happened? Are you okay?
Marina: (Sobbing)
Frank: We've got another client from the Garden of Eden.
Jeffrey: Okay, great. That means three dead bodies directly linked to Eden August.
Mitch: How long are you going to sit on your hands
Frank: We need to ask you some questions Mr. Hendon Mario, Have a seat, please.
Jeffrey: First the kid?
Frank: Yeah.
Jeffrey: You ready?
Frank: Yeah, let's do it.
Jeffrey: I'm Jeffrey O’Neill. I'm the District Attorney.
Ben: I didn't kill her.
Jeffrey: Nobody said that you did.
Ben: Yeah? Well, you're two are thinking it.
Jeffrey: No, what we're thinking is that we'd like some answers,. Now, why would anyone want that woman in the bathtub dead?
Ben: I have no idea.
Jeffrey: You understand why we're interested in you, right? You found the body. You had relationship with the deceased, and you are the only suspect.
Ben: What about her husband?
Jeffrey: Well, we're going to question the husband.
Ben: I did not kill her. I just didn't want to see her anymore.
Jeffrey: "See" her? As in, sleep with her, Ben? For fun? For profit?
Ben: I want to be with Marina-- no one else.
Frank: That's just not going to happen anymore, Ben.
Jeffrey: Frank, Frank, Frank. Ben? Ben, did you try to break it off with Mrs. Hendon tonight
Ben: Ah. Earlier tonight.
Jeffrey: Well, how'd she take it?
Ben: She was threatening to blackmail me to keep seeing her. She said she was going to tell Marina what was going on, and that's the only reason I went back to her room-- to keep her quiet. That's not what I mean.
Jeffrey: No, no, no. That's okay. No, we know what you mean. It's nasty when a woman turns on you like that. One minute you're lovers; the next minute you're enemies. No, no, I can see how you wanted to get away from her, right?
Ben: I would have done anything just to end this.
Jeffrey: Right. That's pretty damn close to a confession.
Danny: Look, I’m going to have to get back to you. What's up? Problem?
Bill: No. You?
Danny: Nope. I was just, you know, trying to get a point across to a business associate.
Bill: I hope that’s not what I thought it was. Was it?
Danny: You're pretty curious.
Bill: Just hopeful, Danny. About you and Michelle-- that you two can make it work this time around-- that the past is really the past.
Danny: Bill, I understand that you've been... that you feel protective toward Michelle all these year, but I think now it's time to respect and not protect.
Bill: There's no one I respect more.
Danny: Well, she's fine and we're fine. Actually, I think it's the current girlfriend you're going to have to worry about now.
Bill: You think?
Danny: Oh, yeah. I think Eden's going to keep you pretty busy playing the hero.
Bill: Well, you know Danny. I’ll do what I can.
Danny: As long you don't cause any problems for me, I really don't care what you do, Bill.
Michelle: Are you guys all right?
Rick: Hi, Frank. I got here as soon as I could. Where am I going?
Frank: You're going to go to the sixth floor.
Rick: Got it.
Frank: Thanks, Rick.
Eden: Think about it, Ben. I can think of a thousand reasons you should do this.
Ben: A thousand, huh?
Eden: (Laughs)
Ben: Okay, all right, I'm in. But just for this opera. Mrs. Hendon. Hi. I'm Ben.
Ramona: Oh, please. Call me Ramona. You see, there's what Eden pays you-- your salary, here's what we do as consenting adults for which I tip you. If I get good service, I can be very generous. You see, it’s a conversation, Ben. You listen to my body, and I listen to yours.
Ben: I'm a good student.
Ramona: So show me.
Ben: Well, the deal's off, because I can't see you anymore.
Ramona: Really? Well that's not a call that you get to make.
Ben: Go to hell.
Ramona: I beg pardon? You're not going anywhere.
Ben: Do you not understand English? I just told you our arrangement is over.
Ramona: It's only over when I say so. So what's it going to be, Ben, are you going to meet me at the Beacon tonight, or am I going to have to call your girlfriend, Marina Cooper, tell her that her boyfriend is for hire?
Ben: I love Marina. I want to be with her, and I can't do this to her anymore. And no one is going to stand in the way of that, you hear me? Marina?
Marina: How could you have done this to us Ben?
Ben: I can explain this to you.
Marina: You already did. It was a job.
Ben: It was. Please, please just listen to me.
Marina: Okay, okay. I'm listening. Go ahead.
Ben: Sex was not part of this job. At least that's what Eden told me at first. I was strictly an escort, just company for a lonely woman.
Marina: And you just, you know, happened to find yourself in bed with her?
Ben: That's right. That's right.
Marina: You lying low...
Ben: It got out of control. I didn't know her, I swear. But when she started paying for it..
Marina: That's what you paid for the car with?
Ben: I didn't want to lose you. And I thought that if I stayed broke...
Marina: You thought that I'd blow you off? Ben, how could you honestly think that? Oh, my God. Why did I get myself into this?
Ben: No. You didn't do anything wrong. You didn't do anything wrong. Just wanted to give you what you wanted. I wanted to give you what you deserved. I am so sorry.
Marina: How could the money have mattered that much to you?
Ben: You are what mattered to me. You are what matters to me. Look. When I first met you, I didn't take you seriously, but I know you now. There are so many things I love about you...
Marina: Don’t.
Ben: I wanted to make it better. I love you.
Marina: You did this, you slept with a married woman, because you love me? You'll forgive me if I don't see how sweet and good that is, Ben. What do you want me to think here? Am I supposed think, you know, Ben, he's such a great guy, he just sleeps with married women for a living? How much would you have charged me, Ben? Would there have been a bill in the bed in the morning? Would you have expected a tip from me?
Ben: It’s not like that, and you know it.
Marina: All that I do know is that I hate you and I never want to see you again.
Edmund: Cassie? Cassie? Are you all right?
Cassie: I'm fine. I would be great if I could have thrown a glass of red wine in someone's face, but they left too fast.
Edmund: What?
Cassie: (Sighs) Jeffrey O’Neill, that new D.A., he was here.
Edmund: Ah. A follow-up meeting?
Cassie: Kind of. You know, we were... I don't know, was just trying to smooth out the rocky start that we had, and we were just talking and it was okay and it was getting very heartfelt, and then without any notice "I've got to go," and he left.
Edmund: Business, I suppose.
Cassie: I don't care. And I don't care who he looks like. That is the most obnoxious man I've ever met in my entire life.
Edmund: Mm, lawyers.
Olivia: Cassie, good I found you. Listen we have a problem.
Cassie: Oh. Can you handle it? I do not feel like being diplomatic at all right now.
Olivia: Super. I'll just tell the police and that Richard D.A. look-alike they should go home and investigate the murder case somewhere else.
Cassie: Wait!
Michelle: Are you guys all right?
Danny: Yeah. Just fine, we’re just talking.
Bill: In fact, didn't you say you wanted to take a look around upstairs and see what Marah's done with the place?
Danny: Yeah, I do, actual. Tony, you want to give me the tour?
Tony: Yeah. You got it.
Danny: Salerno stonewalled when called him.
Michelle: So, what really just happened now?
Bill: I have no idea what you're talking about.
Michelle: Bill. Look, you and Danny don’t have to be friends just because you and I are.
Bill: Well, that’s good, because that may never happen. (Cell phone rings) It's Ben.
Marah: Where's Ben, anyway?
Bill: Yo, Reade.
Ben: I need your help, man.
Bill: You need my help?
Ben: I'll tell you when you get here.
Bill: Ben, where are u?
Ben: I'm at the Beacon, okay? Just come as soon as you can.
Bill: Ben, what is going on?
Jeffrey: Get off the phone.
Ben: I'll be done in just a second.
Jeffrey: Now. We're taking you to the police station.
Bill: Ben? Hello? I don't know, just got disconnected, but somebody said something about the police station.
Ben: I answered your questions. Why are you taking me to the police station?
Jeffrey: Because that's where we take people who break the law.
Frank: Turn around, Ben. Ben Reade, you're under arrest for the murder of Ramona Hendon.
Tony: Here. What are you doing?
Eden: Oh, was just looking at the label and I wanted to see where she got it. Thanks.
Tony: Sure. Don't worry, we got plenty more, all right, I'll see in the morning, okay?
Eden: All right.
Tony: Are you okay?
Eden: Yeah, I'm fine.
Tony: This thing’s got you spooked, huh? The murders?
Eden: Yeah, a little. I mean, I guess I'm not as tough as everyone thinks I am. You know, there's two people dead, and I knew them both.
Tony: Well, you were talking about it being a coincidence
Eden: Yeah, I hope so, just would like to know for sure.
Tony: Well, we're going to find out what's what. You can be sure about that.
Eden: I hope so.
Tony: So do you feel weird being here?
Eden: I'll be all right. I'll just stretch out here and wait until Bill gives me a call.
Tony: Well, I'll wait with you, you know?
Eden: What about Marah?
Tony: It's okay. How long can this take?
Frank: Okay, we're all set. Orlando...
Cassie: Excuse me.
Frank: I need you to take him.
Jeffrey: Yeah?
Cassie: Look, is there anything I can do to help? I'd like to move this along as soon as possible. People are starting to freak out.
Jeffrey: Oh, are people freaking out? Are we disturbing your quaint little hotel here, Mrs. Winslow? I'm sorry if I can't accommodate you, but this is a crime scene, in case you were wondering.
Cassie: Well, you're turning it into a circus.
Jeffrey: Well, I'm not in it for style points.
Cassie: Well, what are you in it for? What, do get off on arresting people in public? Humiliating a kid?
Jeffrey: Yeah, well, that kid may have murdered someone in your hotel. Once again, you shouldn’t be annoying me.
Cassie: Ben Reade didn't murder anyone.
Jeffrey: Oh, yeah? Well perhaps you can tell me who did.
Cassie: No, I can’t.
Jeffrey: No, you can't? Okay, then maybe I'll stick with my plan, but you know what? You just gave me an idea. Maybe Ben Reade is as innocent you say he is, so I think I'm going to seal off this hotel. No one comes in or out until they're personally interviewed by me, and we're going to comb every inch of this hotel for evidence. Happy now? Excuse me.
Frank: Okay. Just keep an eye on him, all right? Hey. We're taking Ben down to the station. We're going to shut down the hotel. That means everybody has to stay here, probably through the night, into the morning.
Marina: Well, I already have a room remember?
Frank: Your grandfather's here. He'll be with you, okay? I know he's around here somewhere.
Shayne: I'll stay with her. On lockdown, me and my dad.
Frank: All right, thank you, Shayne. Your grandfather's here, you get some rest.
Shayne: It's going to be all right. It's going to be okay.
Rick: Crime scene's all yours, Frank.
Frank: What do you think?
Rick: Don't know yet. I'll know more after the autopsy. I'll see you later.
Frank: Thanks, Rick. All right, there it is. How long do you think can keep him?
Jeffrey: I think overnight is about the best we can do. After that, we're going to have to come up with some protective custody angle or something.
Frank: Yes, well, the longer the better.
Jeffrey: Frank, don't take this personal, all right? The idea is not to torture the kid, the idea is to make the real killer feel safe so that he'll drop his guard and make a mistake.
Frank: Orlando? Put him in the car.
Ben: Wait. Wait! Marina! I didn't do this! Marina! Marina!
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