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Guiding Light Transcript Friday 5/23/03
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Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Marina: Okay, how much do you have there?
Olivia: Another three fifty and we're all set.
Marina: One, two, three.. and fifty. I'm really sorry about all the ones, too.
Olivia: That's okay. I understand. I used to waitress in college. You know, most guests usually pay by plastic at check out.
Marina: Yeah, credit card debt is a vicious cycle, one I can't really be a part of yet, mostly because I don't have a credit card.
Olivia: You couldn't borrow your dad's? You're not running away from home, are you?
Marina: No. Actually celebrating my birthday. I'm 18 today. I'm having a slumber party here. It's going to be with my friends Tess and Sue. But don't worry about us. There’s not going to be a commotion or anything like that. It's going to be totally cool. And it'll just be the three of us.
Harley: Oh, here. Thank you guys. You're the best. See you.
Frank: You know if you don' leave soon, I’m going to consider your resignation null and void.
Harley: Well, it takes a long time to pack up a whole career, Frank.
Frank: You ara damn good cop. You are the best.
Harley: Frank, don’t.
Frank: For the record, I don't want you to go.
Harley: That's pretty funny coming from you, since you're the reason it's impossible for me to stay. But, you know, I didn't know I would have had the courage make such a big change in my life, that’s gotten me so mad at you. Guess..
Frank: That this is all my fault?
Harley: Yes. It's all your fault, Frank. So get out of here before I have start screaming police brutality and give you a wedgie or something. I want to do this on my own. Go. So, I'll put in a word with Frank to make sure that you get my desk. You've always had your eye on it.
Phillip: Hey.
Harley: Hey. You're late for my good-bye party.
Phillip: Hi. So I see. Happy early retirement.
Harley: Thank. And thanks, you guys.
Phillip: So...
Harley: So...
Harley: So, what's up with you?
Phillip: Just had to get out of the house.
Harley: And you ended up here?
Phillip: Mm. Yeah.
Harley: Okay.
Phillip: Where's Gus? I heard about his reinstatement.
Harley: Yeah, yeah, he's back at work. What difference does it make to you?
Phillip: The interrogation, here? I thought you were turning in your badge .
Harley: You know I was nosey before I ever got the badge. You can't get enough of having a new brother?
Phillip: No. Trust me. The last thing I need is a new brother. It's not a comment on Gus.
Harley: (Sighs)
Phillip: No, I just... I just heard and I'm happy for him.
Harley: So am I. Although since Alan’s behind the reinstatement, I'm a little worried that he thinks this some sort of ticket into Gus’s future.
Phillip: Mm-hmm. You know, you' probably right to be worried about that. You think he can handle that, never mind. Let's talk about your future.
Harley: I'm looking forward to it.
Phillip: Yeah.
Harley: I think the boys are too.
Phillip: Yeah, I'm sure they are. But you're going to need help. You're going to be a paycheck short now.
Harley: I'll manage. I can always pick up a few extra shifts at Company if I need e money.
Phillip: No, there's no nee for you to do that. I would... I'd love to help if you let me.
Harley: What's the catch?
Danny: Well, to think I wanted to stay home and watch the game. I would have missed all this fun.
Marah: I wonder what was so important to make Gus drag Eden out of her own party.
Tony: Oh, who knows with those two?
Michelle: I don't know. He did look pretty upset.
Bill: Yeah, maybe I should go check on her.
Michelle: Maybe you shouldn't get involved.
Eden: Come on, I’m having a dinner party.
Gus: Ah-huh.
Eden: Do you know how hard it was to get them to come here? And they’re just warming up to me. Come on, you know how long it's taken me to get friends in this town.
Gus: Really? What about this girl? Is she your friend?
Edmund: Oh, my God. Renee.
Gus: She's dead. And guess who's phone number they found on her? Yours. Now how do you know this girl? And if you're tempted to lie to me, don't do it, okay. Cause you are going to need me protect you with this one. I'm afraid that you could be the killer's next victim.
Eden: You think the killer might come after me next?
Gus: Maybe. But I'm not going to protect you, Eden, if you're not straight with me. Honey, look, ever since you came back to town I haven't asked how you've been making a living, because quite frankly I didn't want to know. But now you are going to have to be straight with me. And you can start with this dead girl.
Eden: Renee. Her name is Renee.
Gus: Renee. What else? Did she have a boyfriend, a lover? Did she grow up in this town? What?
Eden: It's all I know. Look, I swear. What? Why are you looking at me that way?
Gus: Because the medical examiner died with your business card in his pocket. Now the girl. You're two for two, Eden. And you said the medical examiner was not a client.
Eden: I lied, right. He was a one-time client.
Gus: You lied to the chief of police. That’s... that's great.
Eden: Look, it was to protect myself. Look, I didn't need the heat on my business. Besides the girl that was with him was, like, 98 pounds. There is no way that she killed him.
Gus: I didn't say that she did. But lying to the police, that's not going to protect you.
Eden: I know. Why is this happening? Why to my business? Why to me?
Gus: Look I am here to make sure that it doesn't happen to you, okay? I am not going to let anything happen to my kid sister.
Eden: Really? I didn't think you considered me your sister anymore.
Gus: Please. That's not going to change. You're stuck with me.
PhiIlip: Hey, there's no catch. No, you're out of work. So I would like to increase the monthly payments. That's all it is. What?
Harley: No, thanks. Really. I think I can manage without an endowment from the Phillip Spaulding foundation.
Phillip: Look, if you don want to accept the help from me, that's perfectly fine. But Zach is my son. There is no reason that he should do without things because...
Harley: You think I'm going to let my kid suffer just because I'm giving up my job?
Phillip: Not if you accept my offer, you won’t.
Harley: And what happens if I don't accept it? Are you going to try to get Zach away from me again?
Phillip: Oh, come on. Now we're way past that. Zach is with you because that's where I believe he should be. Well, I'll tell you the truth. You know what? With all the craziness in my life right now, I am overjoyed that you're going to be giving him your undivided attention. I really am. Hmm. No, I mean it. Actually if you think about it, this offer is really my way of saying thank you.
Harley: It's still a little hard for me to trust you about Zach. And then you know there’s this whole thing about Gus being a Spaulding, and that just brings up all my Spaulding issues you know I have. And you know, you come in here waiving your money around and my radar goes up.
Phillip: Alright, Harley, I'm not waving money.
Harley: Listen, I just have one question for you.
Phillip: Mm-hmm.
Harley: Is this offer to make Gus and me more comfortable so that he won't need to dip into the Spaulding pond?
Phillip: No, no. The offer is for you and Zach. Now with that being said, if it happens to give a Gus the much needed independence from Alan along the way, I'm not going to pretend that that displeases me. But it's not for my sake; it's for his. And for yours. I don't want to see you hurt by my family again.
Harley: Okay. It's just... it's difficult to swallow this concern for Gus.
Phillip: I'm not saying that I want to be his friend, I'm saying that I understand what he's going through right now. I know what it's like to be Alan Spaulding’s son. And I want him to know that right now he still has choices.
Harley: Phillip, you have choices, too.
Phillip: (Sighs) Mmmm. So I keep telling myself. So, okay. Are we okay?
Harley: Yeah, yeah, we're okay. Oh, no, I'm not taking the money.
Phillip: It could be a limited offer.
Harley: Really?
Phillip: Mm-hmm. Alan's trying to get me out of the family and the company. So pretty soon I could be coming to you for money.
Harley: Yeah. Hey, if you need, I could put in a word with the big guy over at Company. You and Olivia can get some work there. At busboy/waitress combination, matching Company t-shirts. (Laugh)
Phillip: Hey, you know what? If you gave this up for a life in comedy, you're out of luck.
Harley: Oh.
Olivia: So you know that dress doesn't really scream slumber party.
Marina: Yeah, well, I have my pajamas. Wait, what do you care anyway? Yore not my mother.
Olivia: Yeah, I know. I like you.
Marina: Well, thanks.
Olivia: And I'd hate to see you make a big mistake. Are you really ready to have this lumber party?
Marina: Yeah. Yeah, I am ready. I love him.
Olivia: It's just that it's kind of a big step. Are you sure he's worth it?
Marina: Yes he is. He is. He's so worth it. Ben, has made me feel like we're starring in our own romantic comedy.
Olivia: That sounds like fun.
Marina: Well, it is fun. Its fun. But it's more than fun. It's just... it's real. You know, he's been so good to me. And he's seems so patient, more patient than I've been. He waited for me. He never tried to cross the line, even when I wanted him to.
Olivia: Well, you're the police chief's daughter. He was smart not to.
Marina: And he bought me a car.
Olivia: Yeah, I heard about that. I wasn't too impressed. Gifts like that usually come with a guilty conscious.
Marina: Well, the only thing that he has been guilty of is loving me when I was too young.
Olivia: I know what it's like to want to be loved. It's taken me a long time to find the right guy.
Marina: Well, just because it took you so long doesn't mean it has to be the same for me.
Olivia: No, that's true, and I'm glad you're having an easier time of it than I have, but I just hope you know that no man, no matter how great you think he is, makes you worth something. You can’t... you can't count on a man for self-worth, you know, because if you do, it'll walk out the door as soon as he does.
Marina: I know that I'm worth a lot, and I know that Ben is really lucky to have me.
Olivia: Good. I'm glad you know that.
Marina: But I'm really lucky to have him, too. I know that this is the right thing.
Olivia: His is all about true love? I mean, that's it?
Marina: Yeah. I mean, isn't that enough?
Olivia: Well, I just saw you at the police station and I saw how angry you were with your dad, and I'd hate to think this is some kind of declaration of independence from Frank instead of...
Marina: Okay, yeah, yeah, I do love my dad, and yes, I love my family and certainly sometimes my dad can be a little too much my dad, but this night really has nothing to do with him at all. This night is about me and it is about Ben, who I love who loves me. I'm 18 now, so no one can stop me-- not my dad and not you so goodnight.
Olivia: Good night.
Ramona: Benjamin.
Ben: Hey, look, no words, all right? Let's just...
Ramona: Wait, wait. Where’s the fire? Oh, okay, I see. You're trying speed things along so that you can help your little Lolita blow out the candles on her cake.
Ben: Look, don't talk about Marina right now.
Ramona: All right. Well, you listen, okay? I'm going to draw a bath and then we're going to let things evolve naturally. Okay? So you pour some champagne, you order some room service we're going to take our time. You see, we have all night.
Bill:. What happened with Gus?
Tony: Yeah, what gives? He didn't look too happy.
Eden: There's a killer on the loose and the only thing that connects the two murders is my business. First a client and now a girl that worked for me.
Michelle: Well, that's pretty scary. Who would do something like this?
Danny: I think I have a etty gidea.
Ramona: Hmm. I guess it's a little early for those chocolate mints they leave on the pillow, so I guess I'm just going to have to settle for nibbling on you. Give me a head start and then join me in the tub. You know I like the water just so.
Ben: Hey, it looks like we need some more ice. So I'm going to go get some.
Marina: Ooh. Yes! (Radio stations changing dance music playing) Okay, no, I shouldn’t. Yeah yeah, yeah, I definitely think that I should. Oh, yeah. Birthday calories do not count.
Ben: Hi.
Marina: Hi. (laughter)
Ben: You know, if you keep jumping on the bed, I think they actually charge that to the room.
Marina: Oh, don't be like that. You sound like my dad.
Ben: Shh! Don't say that.
Marina: Well, you do. Thank you. What's that?
Ben: What? I thought maybe we'd order some champagne.
Marina: Wow.
Ben: Happy birthday, Marina.
Marina: How about one kiss for every year? One. Two. I just want you to know there is no one else that I'd rather be here with tonight. In this place. In the world.
Ben: Me too. I wish we were the only two people in the entire world.
Olivia: Frank.
Frank: Hi, Olivia. Listen, have you seen my little girl?
Olivia: Um...
Frank: I’m not trying to break up anybody's party, I just want to give her her little special birthday surprise, okay?
Eden: What? Do you think someone's trying to give me a warning? Someone who doesn't approve of my business?
Danny: Salerno. You used to work for him, Eden maybe he doesn't like the idea of you striking out on your own.
Eden: Yeah, but I don't even hit his radar. I mean he’s got a multi-city operation. I'm nothing compared to...
Danny: Right, come on. Every dime you make is a dime that Salerno doesn't make. That's all that matters to him.
Eden: Yeah, but it's not like his guys have had a presence in Springfield lately.
Danny: Right, but you and I both know these people don't just disappear into the woodwork.
Tony: No, I think the message that we sent them was pretty loud and clear that they weren't welcome here anymore.
Danny: I don't know about that. Some people have better hearing than others.
Eden: Danny, you're scaring me.
Bill: All right, look. Maybe this is just one big coincidence.
Marah: You think?
Bill: But until we know for sure, you cannot stay here alone.
Tony: Bill's right.
Eden: I can take care of myself.
Bill: Yeah, yeah, sure you can. Ok, tough girl? The point is, you don't have to anymore.
Gus: Hey.
Harley: Hey!
Gus: Oh man, you guys got sandwiches already, how you doing, Phillip?
Phillip: Good. How are you?
Gus: Good, thank you, it's good to see the two of you seem like you're being friendly.
Phillip: Yeah. Yeah. You have good timing.
Harley: How was your meeting?
Gus: Oh, well, you know. Eden is Eden. I'll tell you more about that later.
Phillip: So, listen, I want to tell you, I'm glad to hear that you didn't allow Alan to prevent you from coming back to your job on the force.
Gus: Alan is the reason that I'm back on the force.
Phillip: No, Alan is working you. He's trying to figure out who you are, find out what's important to you, what gives you your independence. And when he's learned enough, he will take those things away from you and he'll make you think it's your idea.
Gus: Are you saying that he wants me to find out that he helped me get my job back?
Phillip: He knows that pride can be a weapon. But it's okay, you did great. You didn’t take the bait. Now you're back doing the job you love. Keep up the good work.
Gus: Well thank you for your concern, Phillip. See, I have my own plan. My plan is to stay one step ahead of Alan’s plan. I'm not going to fall for his stuff. The only person I’m going fall for again and again is this one right here. My stay-at-home little lady.
Olivia: How about I ring her room for you? How would that be?
Frank: Can't let you do that. Because you'd ruin her surprise.
Olivia: Keys?
Frank: Mm-hmm.
Olivia Car keys? You got the car?
Frank: (Laughs)
Olivia: Oh, Frank. You're a good dad.
Frank: Oh, I don't know if Marina would agree with that, but thank you.
Olivia: No, I've seen you with her. You're a wonderful father.
Frank: Thanks, Olivia. Hey, wait until you see it. It's beautiful. (Laughs)
Olivia: I would love to. Where is it? In the parking lot? Hey, go for a spin?
Frank: You know what? How about rain check, because I really need to go upstairs and see her little face, okay?
Olivia: Oh.
Frank: Come on. It'll take two seconds. I've parked it out front.
Olivia: Okay, okay.
Frank: Well, what do you think? It's right there. She's a beauty, huh? I know it's a fixer-upper, but it's got a V-8 engine and in the Cooper family, it's a requirement to know a car inside and out before you drive it, so I’m going to teach her.
Olivia: That's going to be a father/daughter project.
Frank: Oh, boy. I hope so, because I'm really nervous about it.
Olivia: Why would you be nervous?
Frank: Um. Well... (laughs) Eleni—Marina’s mother-- she had this catering business and she made the most awesome cake in the entire world, but every single birthday, Marina, well, she insist that her cake be store-bought. She said that it tasted better because it came from somewhere special. So to make long story short, I am a little nervous that she may not appreciate her little gift.
Olivia: No, no. She's going to appreciate this. Lizzie tells me the classic are all the rage, and once Marina sees this, she's going to know that it's a really special gift. It must have set you back a bit.
Frank: Well, not too bad, actually. Dad's got this buddy, an ex-marine friend of his, Mitchell Hendon, and he gave me a good deal. I had to do this, Olivia. I had to do this for her. You know? A daughter should get a gift... a car from her dad, you know what I mean?
Olivia: Yeah.
Frank: It's not something you would get from an older boyfriend, Romeo who's out to try to impress her and God knows what else.
Olivia: You really don't like Ben, do you?
Frank: No, no. I don't think he's good enough for her. But you know what? I don’t want to talk about Ben Reade tonight. I want to go upstairs and get my daught now, do you know the room number, please? Men.
Olivia: Um. (Laughs nervously) You know what? You really don’t want to. No, no.
Frank: Well, why not?
Olivia: Because, Frank, see, let me explain this to you. A girl's first slumber party as an adult is a very delicate thing. I mean, there are divine secret bonding rituals. There are pedicures. There are things that should never be seen by the male eye.
Frank: Well, I'm not a male, I'm her father.
Olivia: Well, that's all the more reason not to walk into a lingerie catalog starring your little girl.
Frank: Okay, then, I'll tell you what: I'll knock first. Just give me the room number. I'll just take the risk. Olivia? Why do I get the feeling that you don't want me to go up there?
Marina: Okay, so I have stuff. I have... I have candles.
Ben: Nice.
Marina: Because I think that they are very romantic. I have snacks-- for later, of course and, oh... condoms. They're left over from the fiasco at the cabin. I think they're still good, right? I mean, they won't rot or anything. (Laughs)
Ben: No, I'm pretty sure they'll be just fine. What is that?
Marina: That is my very sexy lingerie which you cannot see til later.
Ben: (Laughs) No, no, no. Not that. The fuzzy thing.
Marina: I don't know what you're talking about.
Ben: Oh, wow. Wow. I don't think we met.
Marina: Okay.
Ben: (Laughs)
Marina: Okay, that is Phanty, and if you care about me at all, you will pretend like you did not see him.
Ben: Okay, okay. Just one question should I be jealous of Phanty?
Marina: Okay, look. My dad won him for me at the fair when I was little. It took him, like, 25 baskets and he is going back in the bag tonight because I wouldn't want him to see this.
Ben: Well, I'm glad I got to meet him. You ar so incredibly sweet, Marina Cooper.
Marina: No, no. I am not sweet. I am... I'm an outrageous, sexy vixen. Not sweet.
Ben: You have no idea. You have no idea how amazing you are, do you?
Marina: Sometimes.
Ben: You fill up a whole room, any room you're in. You know, was just drift through my life not really caring about anybody but myself, you broke through all of that just by being you. You're too good for me.
Marina: No. No, that's not true. You're wonderful, Ben.
Ben: No, no. I'm really not
Marina: Yes, you are. You are the first thing that I ever wanted and I really went after and I actually got you. You're just... you make me feel like I can do anything. You make me feel like I can be anything that I want. And I want you, Ben. I'm ready.
Ben: Marina, we can't do this. Not like this.
Marina: Okay. I am fairly new to this, though I do know we need to take off the rest of our clothes. And not what you meant.
Ben: I can't do this to you.
Marina: Ben, I want this. I do. Really.
Ben: I know. When we... it should be right, ok.
Marina: Ben, this is right.
Ben: This isn't right.
Marina: It's right. This is so right. Nothing has ever felt more right to me in my life. I love you. And you don't have to say it back. In fact, I don't even really want you to say it back now, because if you say it now I'm just going to think that maybe you're saying it because I said , and...
Ben: Marina, you know how much I care about you.
Marina: Ben, don’t. I want to be with you. You want to be with me. There’s nothing in the world that should stop us now.
Ben: I love you.
Marina: Ben.
Ben: I love you. And I ve been so incredibly stupid, Marina. But that's all changing right now, okay? I have to fix something. Have to... I can fix it. I have to fix something. I'll be right back, okay?
Marina: Okay. Well, Ben loves me. (Laughs) Happy birthday to me.
Frank: Olivia, what's going on?
Olivia: (Clears throat) All right, Frank. I'm sorry, I'm reall.. I very sorry. I'm being very selfish.
Frank: Selfish? About what?
Olivia: Well, it's just that this talk about Marina made me realize that maybe you're the one person that I need to talk to.
Frank: About what?
Olivia: Lizzie. We’re not getting along very well and I can't talk to anybody about her-- certainly not Phillip. He adores her, I was just kind of hoping that maybe could give me some advice on how to handle a stubborn teenager.
Frank: (Laughs) Well look, I'm no expert, so...
Olivia: But you've been through a lot with Marina and she's still crying about you at the end of the day. I just can't get anywhere near that with Lizzie.
Frank: Well, I can see how Lizzie might be a little difficult to deal with.
Olivia: To say the least.
Frank: You did say that you raised your brother Sam, though, right?
Olivia: Yeah, but he's a boy and boys are different. You have a way with...they are completely different, I just want to know what’s your secret .
Frank: (Laughs) My secret? (Laughs) Half there, I don't even know what the hell I'm doing. You know, I think sometimes you've just got to go with your gut.
Olivia: Yeah, well, see, I don't want to blow it with Lizzie or Phillip and certainly not this little one.
Frank: Oh. So is that what's going on here? Yore having motherly jitters.
Olivia: That's what it is?
Frank: Olivia, don't worry about a thing. You're going to be a terrific mother. Okay? Protecting a child is second nature. Every time I'm in a car and I'm driving and I've got Harley or Marina with me, if I stop too quickly, I put my arm out there to protect them, and...
Olivia: Yea see, but what if you don't have that instinct.
Frank: Well, then you will. You will. Hey, trust me. If you're spending this much time about Marina feelings, image how you're going to with your own child. Now, can I just go upstairs and see my daughter, please?
Olivia: So. (Laughs) I have one... I have one other question that I want to ask, just humor a pregnant hormonal woman, will you? Please?
Harley: I think this is it, right? I'm out of here.
Gus: I think you'll be coming around a lot.
Harley: Yeah?
Gus: Yeah. Bringing me sandwiches for lunch and stuff. You know, I am a big fan of those cheese sandwiches, so you can bring me my... right. No more "little lady" jokes.
Harley: Thank you.
Gus: No problem. Hey, you fell in love with me in this very chair.
Harley: (Laughs)
Gus: This very, very sexy chair.
Harley: No, you fell in love with me in that chair. I fell in love with you off the clock. I want you to know something. I will never regret being your partner. I don't care what Frank says.
Gus: Well as long as you can say that you won't regret being my life partner, say five years from now...
Harley: Five years?
Gus: ...I'll be a happy man.
Harley: I have couches that aren't even five years old, let alone relationships.
Gus: Hey, now.
Harley: You don’t want a warranty?
Gus: (Sighs) You're not going to need a warranty because you can bounce on me, you can spill on me and I'll just keep coming back for more, I'm not going anywhere.
Harley: Well, then I think I'll keep you.
Gus: Let's go home.
Harley: Hey, you can tell me about Eden. You know, that'll keep me from thinking about the fact that I just made a huge life change. That was what you couldn’t tell me before?
Gus: (Sighs) Eden is in this thing so deep. She's fooled herself into believing that her escort business is not playing with fire. I just hope she hasn't made the biggest mistake of her life. What?
Michelle: Well, not that anyone is clamoring for my opinion here.
Bill: Yes, that never stopped you before. What's up?
Michelle: What if Salerno does come after Eden? What exactly do you plan to do, Mr. Protector?
Bill: Well if I don’t know any better, I'd think you were questioning my bodyguard skills. I'd handle it.
Marah: But I think that we're making is too easy for the killer. I mean Eden basical plastered her buness card all around town I mean, she might as well be listed in the phone book under "Please come and get me." I think she should get out of here.
Eden: Yeah, but if I run and hide, then that means the killer wins.
Michelle: No, he wins if he finds you. And you should make that as difficult as possible.
Eden: Well, what? Am I going to go shack up with Gus and Harley? If I do that, I'll be begging for someone to put me out of my misery.
Marah: You can move into the museum. We have plenty of room and there are people there 24-7. And we have a security system that basically rivals the pentagon, thank to my father.
Eden: I can. I mean, Bill and I are just starting out and I don't want to cramp his style.
Michelle: Oh, come on. Bill has no style.
Bill: Michelle, I heard that. And I think it's a great idea.
Eden: Really?
Bill: Yeah. In fact, I think you should start packing right away.
Tony: I'm with Bill on this one-- especially if Danny's theory about Salerno is true. I have to keep an eye on this situation.
Marah: Good. Then it's settled. You'll stay with us.
Eden: I really don't deserve all this help. I mean, especially from you, Marah
Bill: Hey, listen, my cousin Marah lives to make me happy
Marah: Oh.
Bill: And this makes very happy. Now, can you make pancakes?
Eden: No.
Bill: Oh, well, Marah, that's still your job. Come here. I want you to lighten up because I think this is going to work out just fine. Really. I'm kind of excited about, you know, this new bodyguard role.
Eden: (Laughs)
Bill: Now, come on. Unless of course, you have another 100-pound bag of makeup.
Eden: No, that's it.
Bill: Okay. (Grunts)
Danny: Hey.
Tony: Hmm?
Danny: I don't know about this. Are you okay with it?
Tony: You have to keep an eye on her-- especially if Salerno is involved.
Danny: Or if she's involved with Salerno.
Tony: You think?
Danny: Either way, I'll handle it.
Tony: No, we'll handle it.
Olivia: How do you expect them to learn from their mistakes if you don't let them go out and make them?
Frank: Well, you say yes to the small stuff and you say no to the big stuff.
Olivia: Yeah, but how do you know what the big stuff is?
Frank: You just know. You can't set them free on the highway without a lesson first. Okay? You start them off in the parking lot and then you teach her how to change her own tire.
Olia: These are the kind of examples I need to hear. Thank you. You have been a big help. I mean I have felt so alone with this Lizzie thing. No one seems to want to hear that she's a problem.
Frank: Well, no one does when it's about your own child.
Olivia: Yeah, guess so.
Frank: You know what? Speaking of which, I need to go see mine right now before she falls asleep.
Olivia: I know you do, but you have been so great. I want to buy you a drink.
Frank: You really don't have to do that.
Olivia: No, I really... I insist. You stay right here. I'll be right back.
Frank: Sorry, Olivia, I'd love to chat, but I've got to take care of my daughter first.
Olivia: Frank? Wait.
Frank: You know what? Give me five minutes, then I'm all yours.
Olivia: Oh, get off the phone. You are going to get a birthday gift no girl wants. Oh.
Marina: Hey, Tammy, what's up? Yeah, I'm here. No, I can't come up. Yeah, Ben was here. Uh-uh. No, we haven't yet. Yeah, he, um... had to leave. He got a case of the guilts. But it's because he loves me. I know! No. Tonight is going to be everything that I wanted, and more. (Knocking on door)
Ben: Ramona? Mrs. Hendon I'm not coming in there. It's over. All right? Quit. You can tell your husband if you have to, I'll deal. But I'm out. I love Marina. I want to be with her and I can't do this to her anymore, and no one is going to stand in the way of that, do you hear me? Mrs. Hendon? I quit. Mrs. Hendon? (Knocking on door)
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