[an error occurred while processing this directive] GL Transcript Thursday 5/22/03 [an error occurred while processing this directive]
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Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 5/22/03

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Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

(Baby crying)

Olivia: Phillip?

Phillip: Yeah?

Olivia: See if the baby needs changing.

Phillip: Mm. Ok.

(Baby crying)

Alan: My precious little angel. Don't you worry about a thing. I'm going to be taking you home very soon.

Phillip: No!

Olivia: Hey.

Phillip: Oh, man, I must have dozed off.

Olivia: Did you have a nightmare?

Phillip: Hmm.

Harley: Well, haven’t seen you in a while

Alan: Did you miss me? I'm looking for Gus.

Harley: Well…

Alan: l just wanted to say hello, that's all.

Harley: Well, I'll pass that along.

Alan: Is he here?

Harley: Alan, today's not really a good day to try to bug him. He heard about your last trick. You know, the one where you put the squeeze on the mayor so he could get his job back.

Alan: Well, he wasn't meant to know that.

Harley: Well word gets out. Although, I'm sure that was your intention. Anyway, don't expect him to be grateful.

Alan: I wouldn't expect that, and I'm sure he was so furious with me when he turned his badge back in right?

Jeffrey: Garden of Eden. We found the phone number on the working girl at the docks.

Gus: And that's my sister's business

Jeffrey: What, you didn't know your sister was running an escort service?

Gus: I... I don know. I heard rumors about it, but I didn't want to know, actually.

Jeffrey: Yeah, well, I don't blame you. I wouldn’t want to know either. Especially tonight. That makes two.

Gus: What?

Jeffrey: Yeah. We found a business card on the medical examiner that we fished out of the lake. So that makes two murders directly linked to your sister's business.

Gus: Great. Great.

Jeffrey: I figure there’s no way you can be objective on this case. I mean, who could be, right? I mean, besides, what good is it being a cop if you can't protect your own?

Michelle: Are you ready yet?

Marah: Just about.

Danny: You guys, are you sure it's not too late to bail on this? We could go to a mine.

Michelle: Oh, come on, Danny. I've always wanted to eat dinner in a brothel.

Tony: I don think it's a brothel, technically. She doesn't have, like, the girls in rooms or anything like that.

Danny: Mmmm.

Tony: Which is how I know, in the movies that’s how these things work.

Danny: Hey, we could ask...we could ask her. It would be a great conversation over cocktails.

Marah: I'm she has a very nice home, just like any of ours. Now, Eden’s trying to make new start and we should be able to support her. Now, I'm going to go get my purse.

Danny: What is this nonsense about a fresh start? She’s running a cathouse.

Tony: Yeah, I know. Look, I...

Danny: You buying this?

Tony: I’m not saying that I'd turn my back on the girl, okay? But look, she's been a great help to Marah. Marah thinks that she's, like some wounded bird and just needs friends or something. Ah, I know. What do you want me to do about it? I'm trying to keep my woman happy.

Danny: You're so whipped. You are so whipped, she twisted your arm, didn't she?

Tony: Oh…

Danny: Okay, okay. It's just dinner right?

Tony: Yeah. What's the worst thing that can happen, you get a little heartburn?

Olivia: You want to tell me about it?

Phillip: I don't remember.

Olivia: Will you just .. Will you tell me what's on your mind, please? You've been like this ever since you saw Lucia. You said that she said some surprising things and then you just clammed up. Whatever it is, it's not leaving you so please...

Phillip: She told me that Alan wanted to leave the family when he was a young man. And not just because of Brandon-- although that would certainly have been reason enough-- but because he wanted a different life.

Olivia: That's hard to believe.

Phillip: Yeah. I thought the suit was painted on at birth. He's so good at the whole corporate titan of industry.

Olivia: Yeah.

Phillip: But apparently there was a time when he wanted something else. And he had his chance to get away but he blew it.

Olivia: Well, if that's true then that's sad, but maybe Alan did exactly what he wanted to do and it just all turned out wrong because of who he is. You're not your father, Phillip.

Phillip: Not yet, maybe. Why do I think I have to fight him? Why now? I've been trying to get away for years. Why now, when he wants me to go why won't I go? Is it just to spite him?

Olivia: No. Maybe you just, you know he will hound you until you do come back.

Phillip: When I walked away a couple of months ago, I meant it and even as I was getting sucked back in I still meant for it to be temporary.

Olivia: You also told me that it was a dream of yours to run that company your way. And you enjoyed it, tell the truth.

Phillip: I do enjoy it. I do. There are good things about it. It feels good to clean that place up and there are real possibilities there.

Olivia: You shouldn't feel guilty about wanting what you want.

Phillip: Yeah. It's knowing what I want that's the tricky part.

Olivia: You know what? I... I have to go. Can we talk about this later?

Phillip: Yeah, what's up?

Olivia: Just business at the Beacon. I'll be back soon, okay?

Phillip: Yeah, okay.

Olivia: Okay.

Alexandra: Lizzie, darling, I'm so sorry about that scene back at the house.

Lizzie: It's okay. You took the heat off me for a while.

Alexandra: It’s just that your father is so upset about all that's been going on with your Grandpa Alan and me, and...

Lizzie: He should get over it. Grandpa has.

Alexandra: Has he?

Lizzie: Yeah. He said that's just the way things go. You run for a while and then he does.

Alexandra: (Laughs) That's right listen, darling, I want you to tell me what happened with this arrest.  I mean, why did you take that car?

Lizzie: Why did you do whatever you did that made Dad so upset?

Alexandra: Well, that's a little complicated. When I came back to town, Lizzie, things were so tense between your father and grand...

Lizzie: Because Olivia.

Alexandra: Exactly.

Lizzie: That's why I got into trouble, because of Olivia.

Alan: Judging from your silence, I assume that he didn't turn his badge back in-- although I'm sure you pushed him to stick it to me.

Harley: Gus kept his job because he's a good cop and he deserves it, and he can't be bribed.

Alan: Why is it that with every one of my sons, at some point I have to go through this with you? How can all of my sons fall for the same woman?

Harley: I don't know, a maybe we are both just lucky.

Alan: Tell me, what are you afraid that I'm going to do?

Harley: I've seen your earlier work. I've seen the misery you've caused your other son. I'm not going to stand by and watch it happen again without speaking up.

Alan: So you really feel that easily threatened, huh?

Gus: O’Neill have you... have you ever met my sister?

Jeffrey: No, not yet.

Gus: All I can tell you is if I find out she is in any way connected to this thing or has anything to do with it, I will lean on her so hard, I’ll break her in half.

Jeffrey: That's all I wanted to hear.

Gus: And, you know, let me ask you something. This... you know Mr. “Understanding”, Mr. “I'm on your side” does that really work for you in the courtroom?

Jeffrey: Sometimes. Mostly it just gives me a chance to look at someone in the eye. Find the killer, okay? Whoever it is.

Gus: Eden, what the hell have you be up to?

Eden: I want to thank everyone for coming.

Tony: Wow, this place is... real..purple.

Eden: Yeah, the clients expect that. I call it Bordel Rococo.

Michelle: (Snickers)

Eden: What you don’t have to do is that. It was supposed to be funny.

Michelle: Oh, good. (Laughter)

Eden: Come on, if I didn't have a sense of humor about myself, wouldn't be able to wake up in the morning. So, should I pour some wine? Red?

Bill: Hey.

Eden: Hey.

Bill: What's going on?

Michelle: Eden, can Marah and I get the wine around?

Eden: Oh, yes, thank you.

Michelle: You've got to get a closer look at that bed.

Eden: I want to thank you both for coming. I... I know you were dragged against your will. And I know it will take some time before I deserve your trust, but thank you for giving me a chance.

Danny: Good job ladies.

Tony: There we go.

Marah: There we go, guys.

Tony: Thank you, babe.

Marah: You're welcome.

Eden: Well, I hope you're all hungry, cause I’ve been slaving all day for this feast. And these are all my specialties, too.

Tony: Oh, you shouldn't have.

Eden: But I wanted to have a very special evening.

Danny: (Whispers) Make sure she drinks first.

Bill: Food is really delicious.

Michelle: It is, it really is. I'd love the recipe

Eden: I can’t. I got it from this famous chef in Chicago. And it's one of his specialties so I had to swear I would never give it away.

Michelle: Is he like one of... that’s... that's really nice that he gave you the recipe

Eden: Was he one of my clients? You can say it; it's okay. You guys, I know it's real weird to be here, but it's weird if you tiptoe around. We can talk about my business.

Michelle: Okay.

Tony: Great.

Marah: Sure.

Michelle: (Clears throat) So what kind of guys use your service?

Eden: Usually rich ones. You know, my prices are high enough so it weeds out the riffraff.

Tony: You know, lots of sleazy money

Eden: Well, I... I screen all my clients just like I do the men and women that work for me.

Marah: You have men work for you?

Eden: Yeah, there's a lot of rich women out there that need company too so... I got a few men on staff.

Danny: So, how did you end up in this line of work?

Eden: Well, how does anyone end up doing anything? I knew someone. I used to work for this guy in Chicago who actually lived in New York. He had, you know, a lot of shady businesses everywhere. Anyway, he had the other type of escort biness. I use to always say to myself, "You know, if I had enough money, I would do this the right way." I mean, Salerno would never dream of running...

Danny: Salerno?

Eden: Yeah. Vinny Salerno.

Michelle: What...what's wrong? Who’s Salerno?

Danny: What's the game?

Eden: What?

Danny: Don't “what” me. What the hell are you trying to pull?

Alexandra: Lizzie, are you saying that Olivia made you take that car and get arrested?

Lizzie: It's me. I am at the rear all my problems and I should be in therapy 80 hours a day like my mother said. Because if I mess up, it's my own fault.

Alexandra: Oh, wah, wah, wah, wah. That a mouthful. You know something, I think I’d rather believe that Olivia made you do it. (Laughter)

Lizzie: She messes up everything else. Why not let her take the rap?

Alexandra: She certainly has, hasn't she?

Lizzie: Yeah, she has. She breaks up Mom and Dad's marriage by publishing that awful diary. And then she gave Grandpa a heart attack.

Alexandra: Well, a fake heart attack.

Lizzie: (Whispering) I know. Then she gave him a real one. She got her hooks into Dad. And now she's pregnant and doesn't know whether the father's my dad or my grandpa? What, she's been around for a year?

Alexandra: Yes, well, she’s certainly been a busy girl, hasn't she? (Laughs) Lizzie, darling, you’re so right. She has messed up everything. But not to worry because I am working on it.

Lizzie: I'm going to find Tammy.

Alexandra: Thought you were coming.

Rick: You look hell.

Phillip: Well, thanks, pal. I spent hours getting ready.

Rick: No, seriously, you look like hell.

Phillip: I just haven't been sleeping very much. I conked out on the couch a little while ago. I had a really weird dream.

Rick: Jennifer Lopez and a bottle of tequila.

Phillip: Man. You're weird, you know that?

Rick: Yeah, I know.

Phillip: Give me this.

Rick: No, no, no, no. Hey.

Phillip: What?

Rick: Tell me about the dream.

Phillip: It was nothing. Nah... I had this dream that Olivia’s baby was mine, but Alan was there trying to get it because he... he thought that it was his.

Rick: That is a possibility, you know that.

Phillip: Oh, I know it. Olivia doesn't seem to. Nor does she seem interested in finding out.

Rick: But you need to know, right

Phillip: Yeah.

Rick: So what you going to do? Uh-oh, what did yo do?

Phillip: She had the amnio scheduled anyway, so I just ordered another test.

Rick: Which she expressly asked not to have done, right.

Phillip: Well, you know what? If I'm the father of this child, then I have a right, okay? I wouldn’t have gone behind her back, but I need to be prepared. There's a guy over at Cedars.

Rick: I don't want to know. I don't want to know the guy's name. Don't tell me.

Phillip: Oh, so I'm jerk?

Rick: No, the question is what happens if it it's Alan's baby?

Phillip: I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. But I can tell you one thing, whether it's his or it's mine, when the time is right...

Rick: You're going to tell the child.

Phillip: Yeah.

Rick: Olivia's going to love that one.

Phillip: I don't care, Rick. I'm not going to lie to this kid the way I was lied to.

Rick: So this is about you needing to know. It’s about protecting the child, blah, blah, blah.

Phillip: Blah, blah, blah, blah? It’s a child, Rick. You don't... at the very least a child has the right to know who its real parents are.

Rick: Are you sure this is not about you and Olivia too?

Phillip: (Scoffs)

Gus: Look, if you've come over here to hope I say thank you for leaning on the mayor to get me my job back, I don't need it. I would have been reinstated anyway, you're not going to get that.

Alan: I know you would have. I know you would have that job back quickly so that Springfield wouldn't lose you to another department. We need you right here and I need two minutes of your time, that's all.

Gus: You do? Fine, two minutes. (Sighs) You have a service revolver?

Harley: You know I do.

Gus: Okay well, if I'm not out in two minutes, just come in and shoot me, all right?

Jeffrey: Hi. Okay.

Harley: Jeffrey no, no, it's all right. I'm use to it. I'm really used to it by now.(Laughs) No, I know it's getting old for you, but it really does take some getting used to (Laughs)

Jeffrey: Yeah? What are you... what are you doing here?

Harley: I'm packing up. I'm leaving the force.

Jeffery: Wow. Plans?

Harley: Not yet.

Jeffrey: It a lot of free time huh?

Harley: I guess.

Jeffrey: Enough free time to maybe show a stranger around town?

Harley: Are you hitting on me?

Jey: Well, if you have to ask, I guess I'm not doing too well.

Gus: Still, you know, I would have sworn to myself you were trying to work me over.

Alan: I need your advice about Chicago.

Gus: What, am I the only person on the planet that can give you advice about Chicago?

Alan: You are the only person that I trust to help me with this matter.

Gus: With what matter?

Alan: While I was away, I stopped back through Chicago on little scouting trip.

Gus: Scouting what?

Alan: Parks. I'm thinking about renovating parks, putting in new equipment, grass, baseball diamond.

Gus: Well, that's nice. What's that got to do with me?

Alan: I wanto name the park after your father Joseph Augustino. I want to name it the Joseph Augustino Memorial Park. I understand that he was a very respected man. I know for a fact he raised a very fine son; a son I had a chance to raise. But I want to honor him.

Olivia: How long before Alan gets the paperwork through establishing Gus as his son?

Alexandra: Why?

Olivia: Well, not that it matters much, but if you can't keep Phillip in charge at Spaulding, if it becomes a fight, then he probably will walk. And you will be stuck with Gus and Alan.

Alexandra: Oh I see. But if Phillip stays with the company, I'm stuck with you, aren't I?

Olivia: I'm not exactly thrilled that you set up all this, Alexandra. Why don't we save this argument for another day? I think I'm much more important

Alexandra: Why?

Olivia: Why?

Alexandra: Yes, why do you call at all? I mean, with that little bun the oven, you have it either way don’t you?

Olivia: Don’t you dare talk about my child like that. I'm with Phillip and I'm going to stay with Phillip. And this baby is his.

Alexandra: Yes, yes, of course it is. (Laughs) Unless it's Alan’s. (Laughs) In which case, you have another set of options and problems...

Olivia: This baby is Phillip's.

Alexandra: Oh, please, don't be that much of a fool. You see once this baby is born, Alan won’t let it rest. All he's going to take is one little hair, a simple blood test. And if the baby is Alan’s, he will hound you till the ends of the earth. And you will give in, won't you? So, if you don't want to be a ping-pong ball being batted back and forth for the rest of your life I suggest that you... you make a quiet exit and leave possibly. I could help you with that.

Olivia: I'm sure you could. But like said before, you are stuck with me.

Michelle: Okay, who's this Salerno person?

Danny: He's a mob boss in New York.

Tony: Remember at guy that broke into the museum? The one who threatened Marina's life, that was one of Salerno's guys

Marah: But you ran him off. It's over, right?

Tony: It was what we thought.

Eden: What... what do you mean? You think that I am...

Danny: All right.

Eden: You know, this is great. I can't even have a simple dinner.

Bill: Don't worry, listen. Look, look. You both know some shady people back in the day. Who cares? Maybe you should be grilling them.

Danny: Some of us cleaned up our act. We intend to keep it t way. So if you're trying to deliver us a message...

Eden: I'm not!

Bill: Will you lighten up? She mentioned a name. It was a coincidence.

Danny: I don't believe in coincidences. You’re trying way too hard to make up to us, to be our friends.

Tony: Yeah, and it turns out you're involved with a guy who lied to run us out of the neighborhood?

Eden: Oh now you think I'm involved? I would never...

Tony: Oh, please, please, you set up guys for blackmail. It's not a big stretch, Eden.

Eden: That was my old life, all right? I've changed, too.

Danny: Running escorts? Please.

Marah: Guys, please just relax and give her a break?

Bill: Oh, goody, time for dessert.

Michelle: I’ll...I'll get it.

Eden: Oh, no, Michelle. It's okay, it’s... don't worry, it’s...

Michelle: No, it's no trouble

Bill: Eden, which one of these did you want to have for dessert tonight?

Eden: Both.

Marah: Eden, why would you pretend like you cooked dinner? It’s... it's not a big deal. It doesn’t matter

Eden: Yes, it is a big deal. I was cooking all day long. I don't know, maybe I just chose things that were too hard or something. By the time Bill got here, I had already ruined everything.

Bill: Hey, hey, wait a minute, now, the salad.You did the salad and it was perfect. It was. It was...

Eden: You guys, I thought about this dinner for weeks. I wanted everything to be perfect and... I can't cook. I mean, I can't even have a conversation with you guys without you hating me even more than you do. Excuse me.

Bill: Eden, wait a minute.

Tony: I'll go... I'll go, I'll go.

Marah: Thank you.

Tony: You know what, Danny and me made her upset. I should be the one to handle it.

Phillip: I find out that baby is not mine, that I'm just going to leave Olivia? Is that what you think?

Rick: No, I'm not saying that exactly.

Phillip: No, but that’s what you think. You think that I feel trapped or something like that, right?

Rk: No, I didn't say that exactly.

Phillip: Look, I'm here because I want to be, ok? I care about Olivia. What?

Rick: Come on, buddy. Care about? Come on. I mean I care about the Cubs. I care about whether or not the price of gas is going up. I care about whether or not you're going to pick up the check the other night. The queson is do you love Olivia?

Phillip: Yeah.

Rick: You want some gum? Sure.

Phillip: What do you want? A sonnet? I said, "sure." Sure. What? Look, yeah, we've had some rough times, but things are fine with us now.

Rick: Oh, so you're okay with the fact that Olivia spent time with Alan this last time, right?

Phillip: I didn't say that. No, I will  never be ok with that but I'm over it, all right? I'm over it. Alan manipulated that, all right, the same way he manipulated her getting pregnant.

Rick: If he hadn't done that, maybe you and Olivia wouldn't be together right now.

Phillip: That's not true.

Rick: Ah yeah, are you sure about that?

Phillip: Yeah. Yeah I'm sure. Ok? Is that good enough for you? I want to be with her.

Rick: Great.

Olivia: Hi.

Phillip: Hey.

Rick: Hey.

Olivia: You’re not leaving. I thought the Cubs were playing. If you guys want to...

Rick: It's between innings. No, Mel and I are suppose to get together. So... I'll see you later.

Phillip: Yeah, I'll see you.

Rick: Sure.

Olivia: Oh, does he hate me, or did I interrupt something important?

Phillip: No. Uh-huh. Actually he did say something about Mel was going to be expecting him. So how did your meeting go, did you get everything taken care of.

Olivia: Yeah, everything's fine.

Phillip: Good.

Olivia: Did you guys have a good time?

Phillip: Yeah, yeah. Sure.

Alexandra: Lizzie?

Lizzie? Honey, what's wrong?

Lizzie: I have to go home. I'm late.

Alexandra: But, Lizzie, wait!

Eden: You know this is all my fault. It was crazy to think this would work. I mean I almost got Danny killed last year. Course he wouldn't believe me. And just my luck I run into the same sleaze balls that you guys have. I could have just kept my mouth shut

Tony: Well, if it's in the past it's not a problem.

Eden: It is in the past. I wouldn't touch that Salerno with a ten foot pole. He’s scum. You know what? This is just a disaster. If you guys want to leave, it's okay.

Tony: You know, we haven't had dessert. So...

Eden: Look, you tried, I'm sure Marah won't be upset with you if you leave now.

Tony: Oh, no, you see you're wrong about that. I'm seriously in the doghouse, you don't walk back in that door with a big smile on your face.

Eden: Sorry, I... I think that I have another show in me tonight. Want to hear something funny

Tony: Yeah.

Eden: That was my first dinner party.

Tony: Really?

Eden: You know me. I am, the way I lived. Dinner parties are not part of the culture.

Tony: Yeah, me either. I mean, I remember the first time the Lewis’s invited me. All I had to do was show up, eat the food and say the right things.

Eden: And I bet you got the first two right.

Tony: Yeah. I showed up on time and I had two servings of everything. You know, it gets easier.

Eden: Yeah, maybe. Or maybe it's just never your thing.

Tony: Well, you're not going to know if you don't try. Come on, let's go have some dessert.

Harley: I have to tell you, I think any spare time I might have should be spent with my children.

Jeffrey: Oh, your children.

Harley: It’s just they’re still in diapers though.

Jeffrey: Diapers. Well, that’s... that's really... that's tricky.

Harley: My boyfriend doesn't seem to mind.

Jeffrey: And she's got a boyfrid, too. Okay.

Harley: (Laughs) I think you know him. Aitoro. Gus Aitoro

Jeffrey: Okay. Oh, really?

Harley: Mhmm.

Jeffrey: All right. Well, consider me completely and totally shot down.

Harley: I hope it was a soft landing.

Jeffrey: I bounce back quick.

Harley: (Laughs) Good. Have you met Cassie Winslow yet?

Jeffrey: Ah (laughs) She's a piece of work that one, isn't she?

Harley: Excuse me?

Jeffrey: She's a piece of work. Ok, you're one of her friends, aren't you?

Harley: Cassie has quite a few friends in this town. You should try to remember that.

Jeffrey: If you're one of her friends then maybe you can give her a lesson.

Harley: What?

Jeffrey: Well, you're going to, I take it, go home to be with your children, she's got one child that's got two juvenile warrants already. So maybe it'd be good for her to stay home and try being a better mother to her.

Harley: Cassie's already a great mother. And she's a good business woman. You can do both, you know.

Jeffrey: Oh, yeah. Is that why you're leaving your job.

Harley: It is different being a cop.

Jeffrey: I know it’s tough. That for sure. Well, listen good luck, Mommy.

Alan: Joe Augustino was a man that was respected by everyone who knew him. Was loved completely and unconditionally by his son. Now I may not be able to be that kind of man, but I certainly know value. And I want to honor him for that.

Gus: You know, there's a handbook for something like this. It's a weird thing. Maybe we both have a lot to learn.

Alan: Well thank you for your time. I know you've got a case to work on.

Gus: Yes. Al? This thing that you're doing with the park, it's a nice thing.

Alan: I’m glad you like it.

Gus: (Sighs)

Harley: Hey, I was just about to come in there and get you

Gus: Ah.

Harley: What happened?

Gus: It’s long story. I'll tell you when I get done. I've got an interview.

Harley: Oh, you're working on a big case?

Gus: I'll tell you later.

Eden: Hey, everybody.

Marah: Hey.

Eden: So you all got desserts?

Marah: Yes, it was delicious. Thank you.

Eden: Great. So, let's see what we can get from the rest of the evening. To new beginnings. And to Marah, designer. And to Danny and Tony, real estate moguls.

Marah: And to Eden, who’s making a new start. And, thank you for this wonderful dinner. You have to give me the name of your take-out person. This is really the way to go.

Eden: You got it. Salut.

(Doorbell rings)

Eden: I wasn't expecting anyone. Excuse me.

Gus: Hey.

Eden: Hey, Gus.

Gus: I'm sorry to disturb your very strange dinner party, but I'm here on official business.

Eden: Nice business

Gus: Yeah, there's been a couple of murders. And from what I understand, you might be connected.

Alan: Randall, I want you to not transfer the stock to Gus Aitoro. Well, I know that we discussed that, but I've had a chang of heart. I want you to find out how much it will cost me to have a park named after someone in Chicago. I want you to find me one on the south side of Chicago. As if I'd ever set foot in the south side of Chicago. Just find me a park. If you can't find a park. find an old building, we'll tear it down and build a park. I need a park yesterday.

Olivia: You know, you're never going to get to sleep. You're too tense.

Phillip: Sweetheart, that's okay. You don't have to dote.

Olivia: I want to.

Phillip: (Moans)

Olivia: See that's a big knot.

(Phone rings)

Phillip: Hang on. Yeah?

Tech: Mr. Spaulding, I’m from the lab.

Phillip: Yes.

Tech: I'll have the results on Spencer tomorrow.

Phillip: I'll meet you at 1 a.m.

Tech: I'll be there. By tomorrow morning, you'll know who the baby's father is.

Olivia: Who was it?

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