[an error occurred while processing this directive] GL Transcript Friday 5/21/03 [an error occurred while processing this directive]
[an error occurred while processing this directive]

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 5/21/03

[an error occurred while processing this directive]

Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Tony: Hey, maybe next you'll be discovered for your garbage can art.

Marah: Yeah, why not? You know, Andy Warhol made it big with soup cans.

Tony: Oh, yeah. I could see it now: Some waste management design guy from New York or L.A. will just happen to be strolling through Fifth Street and the next thing you know, everyone in America will want their own Marah Lewis Original. Woo-hoo!

(Knocking at door)

Tony: I'll get it.

Marah: Thanks.

Michelle: Hi.

Tony: What's up?

Danny: Hey, you guys.

Tony: What's going on.

Marah: Hey.

Michelle: Hey, what's all this?

Danny: What's going on?

Tony: You know, you know. Marah Lewis is doing her project for the neighborhood. Remember Mrs. Gonzalez? She suggested that Marah start painting the garbage cans because we were all getting them swiped.

Danny: Really?

Marah: Yeah, I painted them really brightly so that nobody would take them. These are Mrs. Gonzalez’s.

Tony: And now everyone in the neighborhood wants one. We have become garbage central.

Danny: Wow. Did it ever occur to you that you could just write your name on them?

Marah: That is so unimaginative.

Michelle: I think they're really cool.

Danny: Good! Well, then you can help Marah paint them because I need to borrow Tony for a little while.

Tony: There we go. What's up?

Danny: Cassie had those updated... What do they call them? Escrow agreements sent to the Beacon, so we've got to get over there and sign them tonight.

Tony: Okay. All right. I've got to do this.

Marah: Oh, yeah. Go, please. I'm pretty much done here, anyway. Just remember to be back early, because we have dinner plans.

Tony: (Sighs) Oh, yeah. How could I forget?

Michelle: Oh, you know, I think I'm just going to hang out with Marah until you get back, because we can go over some wedding stuff.

Danny: Okay. Yeah.

Marah: Absolutely.

Danny: We won't be long. Good. Bye.

Marah: So, how are things going? Did you pick flowers that you liked yet?

Michelle: No, not yet. But before we get in to all this, I have to show you this: Hand delivered to my house yesterday and followed up by a phone call this morning from she-devil herself.

Marah: Yeah, I know. Tony and I got one, too.

Michelle: Eden August having a dinner party and she wants us all there. I cannot think of a worse way to spend my evening. Just shoot me now.

Gus: All right, honey, I want you to tell me what happened.

Marina: Okay. Um, I was walking back. I was doing some shopping down by the docks where all those cute little stores are, and I was trying to take a shortcut to go back to Company.

Gus: Okay.

Marina: And, um, I mean, I just... I just saw her, like, lying there. And I don't know what I was thinking. I thought, you know, maybe she was sick or something, and so I called out to her, and then I knelt down and touched her to see if she was okay. And then I just... Then I saw, so I called 911.

Gus: Okay. Well, right before you picked up the phone to make the call, did you hear anything. I mean, think about it. Did any of these buildings, any doors slamming, any car driving off?

Marina: No.

Gus: Somebody that looked peculiar? Anything?

Marina: No. There was nothing. It was just completely quiet. It was, like, dead quiet. So, can I go now? It's my birthday? I have plans.

Gus: Yeah, it's your birthday. Huh. Happy birthday.

Marina: Well, it will be, once I get out of here.

Gus: I tell you what: I'm going to get the ball rolling with these guys, okay, and I’ll give you a ride home, so go wait in my car.

Marina: Is there any way that you could just hurry a little bit, or... That's a stupid question, huh? Oh, my God.

Gus: Yeah, I know.

Jeffrey: Hey, Aitoro. You in charge here?

Gus: Yes, I am. I am the man.

Blake: I'm sorry we missed Cassie. She should have been here. How come we waited so long to do this, huh?

Harley: Because we are really, really stupid.

Blake: No, we are not. (Laughter) We're busy. We have obligations. We can barely breathe, you know, let alone have time for a girls' happy hour.

Harley: Yeah. Well, at least this girl's not working anymore.

Blake: Yeah. And this girl's looking for a better job. Okay, I know you're so tired of hearing how tired I am about the radio show.

Harley: I'm not so tired of it. I just think it's such a fun job for you.

Blake: No, you know what it is? It's boring.

Harley: I don't want to hear that, because when Blake is bored, Blake is dangerous.

Blake: Or fun, depending on your perspective, really. Hey, listen. Why don't we have ourselves an adventure, Harley? Let's do something naughty.

Harley: Get away from me.

Blake: Oh, come on. Let's just go spend money.

Harley: Blake, I just quit my job.

Blake: You don't want to get into trouble?

Harley: I'm in enough trouble as it is, thank you very much.

Blake: You are? What is it?

Harley: Okay, you know how I told you the stuff about Gus and Alan? I left out a small piece of that, which is that Gus got his job back because somebody big pulled some strings.

Blake: Alan.

Harley: Very good.

Blake: Yeah.

Harley: Yes. Alan. Alan put pressure on the mayor who put pressure on Frank, and voila, Gus is back on the force.

Blake: And this is a bad thing?

Harley: Well, the end result is a good thing. But it means that Alan is not taking Gus' no for an answer. He's still trying to suck him into that Spaulding web.

Blake: So is this Gus' take on the situation?

Harley: Gus doesn't actually have a take on it, because he doesn't know about what Alan did.

Blake: Gus doesn't know because...?

Harley: Because I didn't tell him.

Blake: (Groans)

Harley: Okay? And don't you look at me like that. You don't tell Ross anything.

Blake: And look at where it's gotten me.

Harley: Well, it's not like it's a really big, important thing.

Blake: Well, why don't you let Gus decide that for himself?

Harley: I know, you're right. Okay? You're right. I should take my fears and insecurities and push them to the side, tell Gus everything I know.

Blake: Mm-hmm.

Harley: But I won't. I'm keeping my mouth shut. Of course, when I heard what Alan had done, my first instinct was to go to Gus and tell him everything.

Blake: And you didn't because...?

Harley: Because I know him. You know him. He can never just let anything lie. He always has to react somehow, and okay, maybe his reaction would be to go to Alan and say that he appreciated everything that Alan had done...

Blake: No, that's not Gus.

Harley: It's not going to happen. Gus hates when people throw their weight around, especially the Spaulding’s. And he would have to go to Alan and feel compelled to tell him that to his face. And...

Blake: Well, then Gus would be venting at Alan, right? And so he would hate him even more. And that would be a good thing.

Harley: Yes, but the point is there'd be contact, then. I don't want there to be contact between them. Contact with Alan is bad.

Blake: You're right. He's poison. A little dab will do you. You're right.

Harley: Thank you.

Blake: About Alan. Not about Gus. Really. I mean, here you are, you're making all these assumptions on how this guy's going to act, how he's going to react to the situation. What would you do if he did the same to you? I think you should trust him. He's a smart man. He may surprise you.

Harley: I think that that is great advice-- that maybe you should try taking yourself sometime, Blake.

Blake: And like I said, look at where it's gotten me. Oh, come on. I have firsthand experience with this. I know how long it takes to build up trust, and you can break it in a heartbeat. Don't do that. Don't take that chance.

Harley: You're right. I know you're right. I will do it. It's not that big a deal. I will tell... I'll tell Gus everything.

Blake: Right now.

Harley: That's what I said. I'm going to go now. Let's go. Now.

Blake: Let's go. Now.

Danny: So, what do you think? You want to grab some dinner with me and Michelle tonight?

Tony: Oh, I can't tonight.

Danny: You and Marah?

Tony: I can't.

Danny: Why?

Tony: We've already got plans.

Danny: Oh, right, right. You said something about that. Oh, hey. Hey, speaking of dinner, you will not believe who invited me and Michelle to dinner tonight. Eden August.

Tony: Oh, you see, I can believe that. She invited us, too. That's where we're going.

Danny: You're going to Eden’s? Tony, you can't be serious.

Michelle: You can't be serious. You said yes to Eden’s dinner?

Danny: Why?

Michelle: First of all, the girl's a bit of a sleaze. She does run an escort service.

Danny: Tony, she's the Heidi Fleiss of Springfield.

Tony: (Laughs)

Michelle: And not to mention she probably still has a thing for Tony.

Marah: No, not anymore.

Tony: No, Danny, that is over.

Danny: Really? I'm not so sure. The way that girl looks at you? Tony, she's up to something.

Marah: I thought that, too, when Eden first came back to town. I saw her not so much as a threat but just sort of someone that I had to watch out for. But now, if anything, I just feel sorry for her.

Danny: No. Don't tell me you feel sorry for her. That girl is tough as nails.

Tony: Okay, well, maybe on the outside, but on the inside? All right, look, I’m not saying that I trust her or that I want to be her best pal or anything. Look, she's been really good for Marah. She's really helped her along with her career.

Marah: Eden introduced me to Adrian Pascal and now my purses are going to be in his fall line. And do you know how hard I might have had to work to even get a phone call in to somebody like this? And Eden just snapped her fingers. And you know what? She didn't have to do that.

Michelle: Exactly. She didn't. So why did she? Out of the goodness of her heart? I don't think so.

Danny: She's making nice with Marah to keep you in her orbit.

Tony: All right, maybe she is, but what am I supposed to do, huh? Be mean to Eden and then I ruin Marah's chances with this Pascal guy? Besides, Eden hasn't made one move on me since she got back into town. Not one, Danny.

Danny: Right, of course she hasn't. That's because she's waiting until you trust her again. And then... Tony, I'm serious. You've got to look out.

Marah: Do I trust Eden? No, not completely. But you know, she has been nothing but nice and helpful so far.

Michelle: All right, so Eden’s an angel. But just in case she isn't, why get in any deeper with her? Just tell her something came up and you can't make it.

Marah: Michelle, we're not giving our lives away to her. I mean, it's just a dinner. It's one night. A couple of hours.

Danny: Yeah, a few hours from hell.

Marah: And if you and Danny were there, it would make it so much easier. Please. Oh, come on. You know what? She probably invited Bill and then you could be there and you could protect all three of us.

Tony: Come on, say yes. What's the big deal?

Michelle: No way.

Danny: Not on your life.

(Knocking at door)

Eden: I'm coming! (Pounding on door) All right! What?

Ben: Don't say anything, Eden. Just listen to me. Getting involved with you was the biggest mistake of my life.

Eden: This again? Look, I have company coming, so whatever your problem is, it's just going to have to wait.

Ben: It can't wait.

Eden: Because?

Ben: Ramona Hendon's husband knows I've been sleeping with her. He's been following me for the past three days. And my guess is, if he finds me alone, he will kill me.

Jeffrey: Okay, I am not-- I repeat, I am not-- the late, great patron saint of Springfield. I promise, okay? I might look like him, but I’m not him, really.

Marina: You're his double.

Gus: Marina. You guys, this is Jeffrey O’Neill. He's the new district attorney.

Jeffrey: Marina?

Marina: Cooper. Yeah. The innocent child you would have sent to the big house had Gus not stepped in and forced you to act like a human being. Now I know you're not Richard Winslow.

Jeffrey: Someone want to tell me what this innocent child is doing here, besides annoying me?

Gus: Yes. She was the one that found the body.

Jeffrey: And you are?

Rick: Um... I'm the medical examiner, Dr. Rick Bauer.

Jeffrey: Okay, good. Good. Can you bring me up to speed, please? Hello?

Gus: Can I talk to you for a second?

Jeffrey: Please.

Gus: Look...

Jeffrey: Yeah?

Gus: I know that sensitivity is obviously not your forte, okay, but maybe you could take it easy on Bauer.

Jeffrey: I asked the guy a simple question.

Gus: I understand that, but he can't answer the question-- couldn't answer the question-- because he's a little overwhelmed, okay? He's got Richard Winslow’s heart beating in his chest, so maybe you can understand.

Jeffrey: Excuse me?

Gus: Richard Winslow died. He was an organ donor. Bauer needed a heart. You get it?

Jeffrey: Okay. I am officially entering the twilight zone.

Gus: So you could you just please take it easy on him? That's all I’m asking.

Jeffrey: Okay, okay, okay. Dr. Bauer, uh, can you tell me what you know so far?

Rick: Approximate time of death and that's about it. I just got here.

Jeffrey: Okay. Once you get some preliminary findings, will you pass them on to me, please?

Rick: Absolutely.

Jeffrey: Thank you.

Gus: Marina? Will you just get in the car? Put your stuff in the car, I’ll give you a ride.

Marina: Tammy is going to freak.

Gus: Get in the car. Get in the car.

Jeffrey: (Sighs) Okay.

Gus: All right.

Jeffrey: What have you got?

Gus: I just got here myself, but I took a look at the vic and according to what I see-- her age, her clothes, the neighborhood-- I’m thinking she's probably a working girl. I'm just... I'm going to find out more.

Jeffrey: Okay. (Police radio)

Buzz: There's the birthday girl. How's your day been so far?

Marina: Don't even ask.

Gus: Yeah. Her... her birthday got off to a bit of a rocky start. She found a body down in the alleyway by the docks.

Buzz: A body? You mean like a dead body?

Marina: Oh, was that why it wasn't moving?

Buzz: Come here. That must have been terrible for you.

Marina: Oh, no, it's fine. I mean, I've seen worse stuff on TV before. It just... It kind of bummed me out it happened on my birthday, you know? I mean, it's like this weird memory I’m always going to have now.

Buzz: Does your dad know?

Marina: No, he was in some big meeting.

Gus: I'm going to head out. You're in good hands now, okay, so just listen, if there's anything that you remember that you didn't tell me, just call me, okay? Happy birthday.

Marina: Thanks.

Buzz: Hey. Thanks. Okay? Wow. I have one stupid question: What were you doing in that crummy neighborhood all by yourself in the first place?

Marina: I was coming back here.

Buzz: But alone? In the worst section of town?

Marina: Yeah, I was shopping. See? Some really cool stores down there now.

Buzz: Okay. How'd you get there? By bus?

Marina: No. Ben dropped me off on his way somewhere.

Buzz: Ben just dropped you there and left you to get home by yourself?

Marina: Yeah. I told him I’d be fine.

Buzz: Well, I mean, where could he have been in a rush to get to that he's going to not stay there and wait to see if his girlfriend's safe?

Marina: I don't know.

Buzz: You don't know?

Marina: No. No. I don't know. I mean, I think it had something to do with work. Yes, normally Ben would have waited for me to finish and driven me back, but he was really upset about something.

Buzz: Oh, so he's upset. So it's all right he's...

Shayne: Happy birthday, slugger.

Eden: Ben, look. Mr. Hendon is not going to kill you, all right? He might rough you up a little bit...

Ben: Have you met Mitch Hendon?

Eden: No! But I hear he's a very nice guy.

Ben: The guy is an ex-marine and a highly paid soldier of fortune.

Eden: No, he's not. He's a businessman. He owns car dealerships.

Ben: No, the car dealership is just a sideline, all right? It's a cover. His real business is what he calls "contract defense work." He made a point of telling me a dozen different ways he knows to kill a man, and I don't want that man to be me.

Eden: All right, well, then avoid the guy, because I have to change.

Ben: Have you listened to a word I just said to you?

Eden: (Sighs) All right, look. I think personally you're kind of blowing this out of proportion, but if you're that concerned about it, then why don't you just chill? Go take Marina to the country or something for a few days. Look, as a matter of fact, it'll be my treat.

Ben: I don't want your damn money, all right? Not now, not ever again. Read my lips, Eden: I quit.

Marah: Okay, okay. I won't push the Eden thing anymore, but if you and Danny decide that you want to show up to dinner, we would love it. So, how do you think our place is shaping up?

Michelle: Are you kidding? I think it looks great. I think the whole neighborhood looks really good.

Marah: Yeah, I know. I'm amazed at how fast it's being turned around.

Michelle: Well, you know, it's our guys. They're brilliant.

Marah: They are, aren't they?

Michelle: So are you feeling safer here, now?

Marah: Oh, yeah. Much.

Michelle: There's no more weird incidences since that guy broke in here.

Marah: No, none.

Michelle: Good.

Marah: Yeah.

Michelle: Guess when the Santos boys send a message, people pay attention.

Marah: (Sighs) It had to be done, Michelle. You know, if we... They're drug dealers, and if we'd have let them get away with terrorizing us, then the place would never be safe and now it'll never happen again.

Michelle: Do you honestly believe that?

Marah: I want to. Oh boy, do I want to.

Michelle: Yeah, me too.

Gus: Oh. (Laughs) You guys are hysterical. I hope you think that's funny. You've had your little joke. Just so we're clear, you guys, just so we're clear, yeah, somebody pulled a string. Yeah, I got reinstated, but I have no idea who it is and I never asked, either, okay?

Cop: Right, Aitoro. You had no idea it was Alan Spaulding. (Laughter)

Gus: Alan?

Harley: Can we go somewhere and talk?

Gus: Did you know about this? How did you find out about this?

Harley: Frank.

Gus: Frank.

Harley: The other night.

Gus: And you didn't think you should share it with me?

Harley: Well, that's why I'm here now.

Gus: You're late, because somebody already beat you to it.

Harley: I'm sorry. I was wrong. But I was afraid of what you would do with the information. I thought, you know, you'd get so angry that you'd end up quitting. I'd feel terrible.

Gus: That I would quit? Because Alan’s a jerk? What do you take me for?

Harley: I don't know. I didn't know what to think.

Gus: You've got to give me a little more credit than that.

Harley: That's not the only reason. I... I was afraid that no matter what you thought about what Alan did, whether you were grateful or furious or...

Gus: What?

Harley: It was just going to start all over again, you know? You and him. Fighting, talking, whatever. And he'd start to draw you in, start feeding you the Spaulding party line, telling you how superior the Spaulding’s are and how you really have to stick together. And then he'd start taking shots at me, reminding you how beneath you I am. And pretty soon...

Gus: Pretty soon I'd leave you.

Michelle: It's not that I doubt Danny for a second.

Marah: And I don't doubt Tony, either.

Michelle: I know that they're both, you know, 100% committed to being legitimate businessmen.

Marah: And they've both done so much to come this far. Especially Danny-- and you.

Michelle: I just get scared sometimes, you know? Will it really be different this time? Can it be? Tony and Danny don't go looking for trouble; they just get sucked back in despite their good intentions. Like, look what happened with the drug dealers.

Marah: I know, I know. But you know, what, Michelle? I mean, the sky could fall, too. Or we could go outside and get hit by cars tomorrow. And I'm not trying to belittle your concern.

Michelle: No, I know. I know. You're just saying don't borrow trouble.

Marah: You tried to live without Danny. And that didn't work. And I tried the same with Tony.

Michelle: And I think things are really different this time around.

Marah: Yeah.

Michelle: You know, Tony and Danny are trying really hard. I think we have to support them and love them and just believe in them, and everything's going to be okay.

Ramona: Ben. What a coincidence. I stopped by to ask Eden about you. You missed our appointment this afternoon.

Ben: I didn't miss it. I called you and canceled and you know why.

Ramona: I do?

Ben: You lied to me. She told me her husband knew all about her affairs and he didn't mind. When the truth is, he is a jealous psychopath and now he's stalking me.

Ramona: Oh, that.

Ben: Erase me from your black book, lady. I'm out of here.

Ramona: You owe me a date, Ben. And I'm free tonight.

Ben: Go to hell.

Ramona: I beg your pardon? You're not going anywhere.

Shayne: This is your birthday, right? Don't tell me I got the date wrong.

Buzz: No, no, no. It's her birthday. She could use a friend.

Shayne: Why? What happened?

Marina: Well, first-- since it is my birthday-- where's my present?

Shayne: You're holding it.

Marina: This?

Shayne: Mm-hmm.

Marina: I turn 18, this is what you get me, Shayne?

Shayne: Well, yeah. I mean, you wouldn't want me to get you something really personal, right? Us being just pals? It would be inappropriate.

Marina: I guess.

Shayne: So what's wrong? Why are you so upset?

Marina: I found a dead body.

Shayne: Oh, just one.

Marina: No, I’m serious. I was crossing through the alley between First and Wayne, and I just, like, literally stumbled over her. She... I guess she couldn't have been that much older than me. I touched her before I knew she was dead, just to see if she was okay. Have you ever touched a dead body before? It's the weirdest thing. It was just so... They're so cold. You know, they're so cold and they're so clammy. You just don't expect that skin could actually feel like that. But, no, it's cool, though. It's not a big deal. Can you excuse me for a second? I think I'm going to be really sick.

Shayne: Yeah. I'm going to go look for her. Hey. Are you okay?

Marina: Yes.

Shayne: You want to talk about it? So, how was... What's going on for your birthday tonight? Are your parents going to throw a big party for you, or what?

Marina: No. On the weekend, not tonight.

Shayne: Oh. So, what are you doing tonight?

Marina: I have plans.

Shayne: Plans with Benjamin.

Marina: Yeah. And please don't tell my family that. They don't know anything about it.

Shayne: Sure. Hey, you want to hear some really great news? I've had three pro scouts in the last two days come to my house looking for me.

Marina: No way.

Shayne: Mm-hmm.

Marina: Get out.

Shayne: You wouldn't believe all the interest I’m getting. It's crazy. I mean, these guys are going to all come see me play. I don't even think it's a matter of if I'm going to get drafted now. It's just by... It's just a matter of by whom.

Marina: That is awesome!

Shayne: So that guy you met? He's still interested. And then there was another guy who came by the place, but my parents didn't like him so much, but there have been two other guys on top of those, too.

Marina: Well, of course, there have, because you're an amazing ballplayer. I am so proud of you, Shayne. I always knew that this was going to happen.

Buzz: What are you proud of?

Marina: Shayne, like practically has pro agents lining up to see him.

Shayne: She's exaggerating.

Marina: Not by much. Oh, did you read the interview with Kerry Woods in yesterday's paper?

Shayne: No. Was it good?

Marina: It was amazing. He was talking about how he, like, mentally prepares before a game. And actually I saved it for you. I'll be right back.

Shayne: Nice. Thanks.

Buzz: Thanks, kid.

Shayne: For what?

Buzz: Putting a smile on her face. I mean, she talks a tough game, but seeing that body freaked her out. So, the big leagues. You're going to the big leagues.

Shayne: I guess. Hopefully. You know, maybe some day if I play my cards right, you know?

Buzz: So college is out, or it's going to be on hold for a while?

Shayne: That's actually what my parents are fighting about as we speak.

Buzz: Well, what about you? What do you want?

Shayne: I don't know. It's not like I don't think college is important, Buzz. You know? It's just... Do you know how lucky I am to have this opportunity right now?

Buzz: Oh, come on. It has nothing to do with luck. It's all god-given talent and a lot of hard work. You know that.

Shayne: All right. So, all the more reason why I shouldn't pass this opportunity up. And plus, I love playing baseball. I love it. I mean, think, if I could actually get paid for doing this?

Buzz: Well, there it is. You've got your...

Shayne: I'd be the luckiest guy.

Buzz: You've got your answer. Just so you don't have any illusions that you're taking the easy route, you know. Training camp, you know that's rough.

Shayne: I know, I know.

Buzz: Then you get drafted, pitch a couple lousy games, get hurt, get cut, you know? You're out weeks away from home. It could be... It could be lonely out there. I mean, it could be a lot of fun, too, but it can be lonely and tough.

Shayne: Yeah, well, it's not like I have anything holding me back here, you know. Like a girlfriend or something.

Ramona: Eden? Ben and I need a moment alone.

Eden: Okay, but would you please make it quick because I have guests coming for dinner.

Ramona: So I've booked our regular suite at the Beacon tonight and I expect you to be there, Ben.

Ben: Do you not understand English? I just told you our arrangement is over.

Ramona: It's only over when I say so. I thought I made that clear.

Ben: Yeah, that was before your husband started stalking me.

Ramona: Well, that doesn't change anything.

Ben: It doesn't?

Ramona: It doesn't change my insatiable appetite-- which only you can satisfy. And it doesn't change the consequences for you if you don’t.

Gus: I can't believe the words that are coming out of your mouth, you know? When did you get so insecure? As if Alan Spaulding could have anything to do with who I love and who I can love, who I can't love. I'm serious.

Harley: He's done it to me before. With Alan-Michael and with Phillip.

Gus: Yeah, well, I'm not them. I'm me. You could have a little more faith in me. A little more faith in yourself. Okay?

Harley: Okay.

Gus: Okay. Okay.

Harley: Oh, my God.

Gus: Yeah, that's Jeffrey O’Neill. He's the new D.A.

Harley: He looks just like...

Gus: Yeah, I know, I know. I know.

Jeffrey: Aitoro, you got a minute?

Gus: Yeah, sure. No problem.

Harley: Hi. Harley Cooper.

Jeffrey: Oh, hi.

Harley: As in Chief Cooper. I'm his sister.

Jeffrey: Ah.

Harley: And Gus' partner. Ex-partner.

Jeffrey: Right, nice to meet you. Listen, I need to talk to him alone, if you don't mind.

Gus: Yeah.

Harley: Right.

Jeffrey: Thanks.

Harley: Excuse me.

Jeffrey: I talked with the M.E. and he found some marks on the vic's throat, so we thought it was a strangulation to begin with and it turns out she was drowned.

Gus: Well, I don't really see how that's possible. She was bone dry and found several blocks away from the water.

Jeffrey: Yeah. She was killed in one place and brought to another, just like the coroner. Anyway, that's not why I’m here. The piece of paper with the phone number on it that we found in her hand?

Gus: Yeah, yeah. I was going to check that out. I am checking it out.

Jeffrey: You don't have to. You don't have to check it out. I already checked it out. And based upon what I found, I’m taking you off the case.

Marina: Okay, hey, here's the article.

Shayne: Thank you. So, you know, for somebody who likes baseball as much as you do, you don't seem too excited about the glove I gave you.

Marina: Wait. Huh?

Shayne: The glove I gave you? Maybe you'd be a little more excited if you had something to go with it. Something a little bit like...

Marina: I wonder if Ben called when I was in the back...

Buzz: No, Mr. Wonderful did not call.

Marina: Well, he will.

Buzz: Yeah, with yet another lame excuse as to why when you need him most, he's nowhere to be found, while meanwhile, sitting right over there is a guy who's crazy about you. Explain to me why that makes sense?

Ben: You have a problem, Ramona. You're sick. You should get some help.

Ramona: So what's it going to be, Ben? Are you going to meet me at the Beacon tonight or am I going to have to call your girlfriend, Marina Cooper, and tell her that her boyfriend is a stud for hire?

Ben: You know what? Do it. Fine. I don't care anymore. I'll take the hit with Marina. Yes, she will be furious with me, but I will get down on my knees and I'll beg her to forgive me, and my hunch is she will. Because she loves me. And if she doesn't, at least I’ll be rid of you.

Ramona: Well, that's very noble of you, Ben. And you know what? Who knows? Maybe Marina will forgive you. But I doubt her father will. He is the chief of police, isn't he? And the last time I checked, prostitution was a crime.

Ben: Oh, that's right. It is. And who was the client? If I get busted, so will you.

Ramona: Yes, but you see, I may be willing to take the hit, Ben. Because I'm so very sick.

Ben: (Sighs) Okay. Okay. All right, I’m sure there's some way we can work out still seeing each other occasionally. But not tonight. It's Marina's 18th birthday, we've got a whole night planned for us at the Beacon and no way am I standing her up.

Ramona: Well, I’m sure you can find a way to squeeze us both in, Ben.

Ben: What? How?

Ramona: You're a smart guy. You'll figure it out. See you later.

Eden: I don't like what I just heard, Ben.

Ben: Join the club.

Eden: No. You better find a way to make that woman happy.

Ben: Or you'll what, Eden? I already told you, this isn't just my problem. And if that witch drags me down, I'm taking you with me.

Danny: Ooh, ladies.

Michelle: Hi!

Marah: Hey.

Danny: You guys talk about the wedding?

Michelle: Among other things.

Tony: Oh, us. They're talking about us.

Danny: Most definitely.

Tony: I told you we should never leave them alone.

Marah: Oh, don't worry, baby. They were only good things.

Michelle: Yeah, very good.

Tony: Well, like I said, we should leave them alone more often.

Marah: You know what? We should get ready for dinner. We've got to go soon. Are you sure you don't want to come with us?

Danny: What? To Eden’s? No way. Thank you.

Tony: Chicken.

Michelle: Maybe we should.

Danny: Please. Why?

Michelle: Well, I don't know. Marah and I were talking about how everyone deserves a fresh start.

Danny: Honey, running an escort business does not constitute a fresh start.

Michelle: Charity begins at home.

Danny: You really want to go to this?

Michelle: No, I don't, but I’m just saying maybe we should. For Bill if nothing else. Even though I hate that he is dating her. And I should try to be nice to her, at least, even if my heart's not in it.

Danny: Okay. All right, we'll go. Sounds like it's going to be a really fun evening.

Marah: Yea!

Tony: Yeah!

Marah: (Laughs)

Gus: You're taking me off the case. Let me tell you something, O’Neill, I’m heading up this investigation.

Jeffrey: Not anymore, you're not. I heard about your penchant for cutting corners and sometimes taking things a little too personal. I'm sorry, man, I can't take the risk. I can't risk having you compromise this case.

Gus: What are you talking about, compromise? How do I compromise? What am I... How am I going to compromise this case?

Jeffrey: You really don't know? The phone number that we found on the victim doesn't ring any bells for you?

Gus: Should it?

Jeffrey: It's the number for the Garden of Eden-- your sister's escort service.

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