Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 5/20/03
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Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Frank and Buzz: Happy bir--
Marina: Oh, no. Please. Please don't. I hate that song, okay?
Buzz: You don't like the birthday song?
Frank: Well, then she's really going to love the karaoke machine her Aunt Harley rented for her for her big birthday bash.
Buzz: Present. Elaine sent her a present, right?
Frank: Yeah, tons of presents.
Buzz: There might be room at the bar for the, you know, the sundae do-it-yourself bar that we fixed up.
Frank: And we have her favorite ice cream, cookie dough?
Buzz: You know, I’m not interested. Right?
Marina: I see what you're trying to do.
Buzz: Is it working?
Marina: Are there sprinkles on the sundae bar?
Frank: Ah, we're making progress. Sweetie, I know you're upset, okay? But today is your 18th birthday. And whatever happened last night, we can talk about tomorrow. But today... Today I really want you to have your best birthday ever, okay?
Marina: Well, I’m not spending it behind bars, Daddy. So we're off to a pretty rockin' start, don't you think? Ben, hey.
Frank: Sweetie, hold on one second. What is he doing here?
Marina: It is my 18th birthday, Dad. You will not even believe the night that I had last night. It was...
Ben: Hi, Chief Cooper.
Marina: I'll tell you about it later.
Ben: Is the coast clear? And happy birthday, baby.
Marina: Oh, thank you.
Ben: How does it feel to be legal?
Marina: Oh, why don't you ask me that tonight at the Beacon?
Ben: Yeah, I can’t.
Marina: You, okay? You seem a little tense.
Ben: No, I'm fine. I'm great.
Marina: Okay. Me, too. (Both laugh) I am so excited about tonight. I just think it is going to be the most amazing night of our lives.
Eden: Okay, whip until light and fluffy. I hope you really appreciate this. (Bell rings)
Bill: Mm... Mm... Mm. Mm. Something smells good in here. What's going on?
Lizzie: Mom, please don't look at me like that.
Beth: Then start giving me some answers. I'm away for one night and find out you've been arrested in a car heist.
Lizzie: It wasn't a heist. Marina just took her own car back.
Phillip: The car was impounded.
Lizzie: But she wanted it really badly. And she's older than me and I wanted to be her friend. So when she wanted me to be the look out, I just... I wanted to fit in.
Beth: You know, I hate to say this, but the officer that I spoke to painted a very different picture. Olivia, thanks, but Phillip and I have this covered, okay?
Olivia: Well, no, you didn't have it covered last night because I was the one who had to go down and bail your daughter out of jail while you were in Chicago at a concert.
Beth: I don't want to fight with you.
Lizzie: Mom, she's right. You and Dad weren't there for me. Olivia was.
Edmund: I hope you had someone taste that for you.
Alexandra: Oh, very funny, my dear. As a matter of fact, I was going to call you this morning. Last night on my way back to my room, I saw this man...
Edmund: Oh, please, please don't tell me. Who looked exactly like my brother Richard.
Alexandra: Absolutely uncanny. Well, have you spoken to this man?
Edmund: Oh, yes, I have. His name is Jeffrey O’Neill. And for all intense purposes he's the anti-Richard. You'd do well to stay away from him.
Alexandra: Why?
Edmund: Well, for one thing he's the District Attorney. And as you like to dance on the edge of the law...
Alexandra: (Laughs) Well, that makes two of us doesn't it?
Edmund: Well, no, I don't think Jeffrey O’Neill is a threat to me. In the beginning, I thought he was going to upset the order of the things and now I realize he's completely unsuitable.
Alexandra: Unsuitable for what?
Edmund: Hello, Tammy. How are you holding up?
Tammy: I'm okay.
Edmund: Good. How's your mother?
Cassie: Stan, have you seen Tammy? I've been looking all over for her.
Jeffrey: Hi.
Cassie: You're not Stan.
Jeffrey: No, Stan’s in the can.
Cassie: You're not suppose to be back here.
Jeffrey: Yeah, well, I was expecting a package today and I can't find it back here anyway.
Cassie: Well, you're not suppose to be back there.
Jeffrey: Okay, I heard you!
Tammy: Dad?
Frank: Yeah. I know. I used to cradle her. Cradle her in my arm like a football, Pop. And, now, I have an 18-year-old daughter.
Buzz: And I feel so old.
Frank: Thanks, Pop.
Buzz: Frank, I'm her grandfather.
Frank: Yeah. You know when she was six she wanted a pony for her birthday. She was so she sure she was going to get one that she even asked Eleni to get some extra hay so when the pony arrived it wouldn't starve. How did we ever go from pony and hay to boyfriends and cars?
Buzz: You're still hung up on that car?
Frank: Yeah, Dad. Ben bought her a car, right? And before Marina can blink, I lock it up and lock her up.
Buzz: Frank, it was an inappropriate gift. She was stealing it from the impound. I mean you were trying to do the right thing.
Frank: Yeah, Dad, but how did it all go wrong then?
Buzz: Oh, Frank, it happens. To the best parents in the world it happens.
Frank: I feel like I'm losing my little girl, Dad. Today's her 18th birthday. She's going to be legal. My daughter could walk right out of here and never come back.
Buzz: She won't.
Frank: I just wish she knew how much I love her.
Marina: I hate him.
Ben: You don't hate him.
Marina: Well...
Ben: So finish telling me about last night's car adventure.
Marina: I think I'd much rather talk about tonight's Beacon adventure. I have a really amazing cover. I told my dad that I booked a room for a slumber party with Tess and Sue.
Ben: Have I met Tess and Sue.
Marina: No, you have not, because I made them up. And about our room, we have a whirlpool tub, we have a king size bed...
Ben: I need to make a phone call, all right? I'll be right back. Come on, Ramona, answer. Hey, it's Ben. Your husband, you know, the big, jealous ex-marine guy, well, he's following me. Call him off and then call me back, all right? I need to cancel tonight. Hey, sorry about that. I'm all yours.
Marina: Ben, okay, I know that you have like been with other girls before and that's fine. And I know that tonight probably isn't nearly as a big of a deal for you as it is for me.
Ben: No. It is a big deal for me. You're sharing something with me that you haven't shared with anybody. It is special, all right. You're special.
Beth: Olivia, could you give the three of us a moment alone please? Sit down. Now I want you to start from the beginning, and I want you to tell us exactly what happened last night.
Lizzie: I messed up, Mom. I accidentally told Marina's dad that her boyfriend bought her a car. And, now, Marina and Tammy think I did it on purpose.
Phillip: Why would they think that?
Lizzie: I don't know. But they've been really mean to me since their dad impounded the car. So when I heard Marina planning to take it back, I just thought that if I helped that they would think that I was a good friend. I know it was wrong, but it was like boarding school all over again the way they were picking on me. I just want to make that bad feeling go away.
Alexandra: Edmund, come on, join me. Hmm?
Edmund: Oh, no.
Alexandra: (Laughs) There's nothing in the tea.
Edmund: Still, I think I should go inside. I'll have my tea later.
Alexandra: What's the rush? Does it have anything to do with that little Winslow girl?
Edmund: Well, Tammy had a tough night last night. Cassie and I were down in San Cristobel scouting out sites for Richard’s new library when we got news of the girls' arrest.
Alexandra: What arrest?
Edmund: You didn't hear? I thought the whole Spaulding household would be buzzing with the news.
Alexandra: I happen to live here full time now. What arrest? Are you saying... Are you saying that Lizzie was arrested?
Edmund: Tammy, Lizzie and Marina Cooper were arrested trying to spring a car from a police impound lot. They spent a good portion of last night in jail.
Alexandra: Oh, good grief. Even the children in this family are starting to suffer.
Edmund: It's a shame you've been banished. Maybe you could've help the poor girl.
Alexandra: Well, don't count me out quite yet, my dear. I'm still a member of this family and there's not a thing that Alan can do about that.
Cassie: Tammy. Look at me. Look at me.
Tammy: No, but, Dad...
Cassie: Look, no, it's not him, okay? It's not him. It's a new guy in town and he's just staying here, okay?
Tammy: He looks just like him.
Cassie: I know, honey. I wanted to tell you last night. I did.
Tammy: Where did you get his face?
Jeffrey: Where did I get his face? (Laughs) This is my face, kid. You don't get a face like this at a yard sale.
Cassie: That's nice. Sensitive. Tammy.
Jeffrey: All right, wait... Wait... Wait a minute. Excuse me. I'm sorry about your dad. I hear he was a real... A real good guy. He must have been a handsome devil, too. (Laughs) It would have been pretty weird, huh, if we would have met? Kind of like staring into a mirror. I didn't think people could really have look-alikes in real life, but apparently old prince Rich was my dead ringer. Okay, sorry. Look, I'm not good at this talking to kids thing. It was a tough break losing your dad.
Eden: Hey. Hey, Bill.
Bill: Hey, hey, hey.
Eden: How are you?
Bill: (Laughs) Well, well, well, well. What... What is all this?
Eden: I'm cooking.
Bill: I can see.
Eden: Yeah, I mean I'm doing this roast in here, but, you know, the sink is all full, so I just thought I would do a little prep out here.
Bill: And what is all this for?
Eden: I didn't tell you. I'm having a dinner party tonight for Tony and Danny and Michelle and Marah.
Bill: Really?
Eden: Well, they haven't said yes, yet, but they haven't said no either. So I just figured, you know, if they're a no-show you and I can have the roast and I can have you for dessert.
Bill: Oh, wait, wait, wait a minute. You want me to be here for this?
Eden: Yeah, well, the host needs a date.
Bill: Oh, yeah, sorry, baby, I can't do that.
Eden: Oh, come on. What? You can't make me call my own escort service for a date?
Bill: Eden, I just think it's a little weird sitting around having dinner with Danny and Michelle. Especially so close to where you and I... (Clears throat)
Eden: Have dessert?
Bill: Yeah.
Eden: All right. You know what? Fine. Go ahead. I mean, you know, this thing between you and I, you know, no strings attached. So you don't have to. But will you please help me cook?
Bill: All right, I can do that. And lucky for you, I happen to be pretty good in the kitchen.
Eden: Good. Because I am domestically challenged. So...
Bill: Really?
Eden: Just like look on page 50 for the recipe. I'm going to check this out.
Bill: Which one is it? Is it this one?
Eden: No! No!
Eden: The... The... The...
Bill: What? What?
Eden: The roast. It's smoking. Go look at it.
Bill: (Laughs) All right. Oh, yi-yi. Okay, okay. All right, all right. Nothing to freak about, okay? Disaster averted. Well, it's sort of.
Eden: I can't serve that to my guests.
Bill: Yeah, well, maybe you should take it as a sign.
Eden: What do you mean?
Bill: Look, I know you really want to make nice with Tony and Marah, Danny and Michelle, but maybe you're trying to hard, all right? I mean a lot of stuff went down between you guys and a dinner party is not really going to change any of that. So maybe you should just, you know, put it off for awhile.
Eden: No. No, I can’t. I have to do this now.
Edmund: Well, Mr. O’Neill, it's good to see you again. I just like to add my thanks to the chorus. I'm sorry I assumed you were thanking Mr. O’Neill for releasing the girls from jail.
Tammy: What do you mean he released us?
Cassie: Mr. O’Neill is the new District Attorney.
Tammy: You're the one who wanted us in jail for grand theft. You're nothing like my father.
Jeffrey: Yeah, we've established that.
Tammy: We were so scared. Why would you make such a big deal out of nothing?
Jeffrey: Nothing? Excuse me, young lady, was that or was that not you in the passenger seat of that stolen car as it sped away out of the impound?
Tammy: Well, it was, but I...
Cassie: And that car wasn't suppose to be there in the first place.
Jeffrey: Oh, great. Here we go again. Cuddling mommy to the rescue.
Cassie: Excuse me. Who do you think you are talking to me like that? Apologize. Or...
Jeffrey: Or what, Mrs. Winslow?
Cassie: Or I'm going to throw you and your attitude out of my hotel, Mr. O’Neill.
Phillip: Lizzie, I need you to promise something, okay?
Lizzie: Anything, Dad. Just please don't hate me.
Beth: Oh, sweetie, nobody hates you.
Lizzie: It seems like that sometimes.
Phillip: Well, it's not true. But whenever you feel like that, when you feel like everybody hates you and you feel like you don't fit in whether it's here or whether it's at boarding school, I don't care where it is, I want you to promise me that you will come to your mom and me first, okay? Because acting out like this and trying to prove yourself to people is not what you want to do, okay?
Lizzie: All right.
Phillip: Just talk to us, all right? It'll save everybody a lot of trouble.
Lizzie: I'm so sorry I messed up.
Phillip: It's okay. Ah. I love you so much. You know, all your mom and I want is for you to be happy.
Lizzie: Thank you, Dad. I love you guys, too.
Phillip: I know. I know you do.
Lizzie: You're still mad at me, Mom?
Beth: No, sweetheart, I'm not mad you, but I am worried. Phillip, can I just speak to you alone for a minute?
Olivia: I hope you're really sorry.
Lizzie: Sure. Sorry. Whatever.
Beth: We can't just let this slide. First, she's accused of arson and now she's arrested for stealing a car. What's next?
Phillip: I think you're letting your mom get to you. Look, I know Lillian was concerned.
Beth: I'm concerned. Maybe...
Phillip: Maybe what?
Beth: Maybe she needs more help than we can give her.
Alexandra: Lizzie. Darling, are you all right? I just heard about what happened at the jail last night. And I rushed right over.
Phillip: Aunt, Alex, may I speak with you for a minute?
Alexandra: What?
Phillip: Great.
Alexandra: What are you doing?
Phillip: Stay out. This is none of your business.
Alexandra: Well, forgive me please for being concerned about my niece.
Phillip: Lizzie will be fine. Her family will take care of her.
Alexandra: I am her family.
Phillip: No, you're not. Not anymore. I know what you did. I know you drugged Alan and you made him crazy.
Alexandra: I never meant for it to go this far.
Phillip: Save your breath. I know you did it.
Alexandra: Please, Phillip.
Phillip: You know what? You have really gone off the deep end. And you have taken this sad sorry family along with you.
Alexandra: Oh, Phillip, what are you saying?
Phillip: When you came back to Springfield, you were suppose to be the salvation of the Spaulding’s. Well, let me tell you something. You have destroyed us. I hope it was worth it. What was it for? Was it for the company? Was it just for some power trips that you'd get one up on Alan?
Alexandra: Oh, no. It was for you. I did it for you.
Olivia: Lizzie, I need to speak with your mother.
Lizzie: Go ahead. She's right there.
Olivia: Alone please. Beth, can we talk? Look, I love Phillip and I care about his children. And I hope-- hope-- that one day you can accept me as part of Lizzie and James lives.
Beth: Well, I don't really have a choice, do I?
Olivia: I don't know. I just know that I don't want to be an enemy to you or to Lizzie.
Beth: Lizzie's been through enough as it is. I don't want her to be caught in a battle between two adults.
Olivia: Well then I guess it's okay if I ask about her. Have you've noticed anything different about her since she come back from school? She just seems to be struggling and I was wondering if she wouldn't benefit from getting some help.
Beth: Olivia, I may not want to do battle with you. But I'm not going to accept your advice either. Not when it comes to my daughter.
Jeffrey: Your threats don't scare me, Mrs. Winslow. I get parents like you and their little tricks every single day.
Cassie: And what kind of a parent am I?
Jeffrey: The kind of parent who wrongly stands up for delinquent child.
Tammy: I'm not a delinquent!
Jeffrey: Her loud mouth delinquent child, making excuses for her, telling her everything except what she did wrong. Nice parenting skills. I bet you ten bucks within two months her file ends up back at my desk.
Edmund: You are way out of line, Mr. O’Neill. You have no right to speak to this woman that way.
Jeffrey: Why? Because she was a princess of some Podunk island from the middle of nowhere? Because her daughter lives in a fancy hotel with a maid to make her bed and room service a phone call away. Must be rough, kid, huh?
Cassie: Get out. I don't care who you are or who you look like, you're not going to talk to my daughter like that. That kind of talk may fly where ever the hell you came from, but you're on my turf now, Mr. O’Neill and you're going to listen to me.
Marina: Oh, I have to tell you about this other little number I got, okay. It is satin, it has a little bit of lace trim and it's cut, like very, very high right here and it's cut kind of low right here. And it has these big orange stripes on it and barbed wire trim. Ben, you're not even listening to me.
Ben: I'm...
Marina: What is so exciting? Isn't that Mr. Hendon, your boss's husband that we met at the Gala?
Ben: That's who that is. I couldn't put my finger on it.
Marina: Oh, well, should we invite him to come sit with us?
Ben: No, no. I mean... I mean we should let the guy eat in peace, right?
Marina: Yeah, I guess. I don't know. He kind of creeps me out anyway. He like smiles without his eyes. Wouldn't really want him on your bad side, would you? Hey, aren't the Hendon's rich?
Ben: Yeah, they are.
Marina: So then why is here having a Buzz burger when he could be having caviar at the Country Club?
Buzz: Mitch, is that you?
Mitch: Buzz?!
Buzz: Hey.
Mitch: Buzz Cooper.
Buzz: Frank, come here. Come here. Frank!
Frank: Yeah, what's up, Pop?
Buzz: I want you to meet an old service buddy of mine. This is Mitch Hendon. This is... This is the toughest man I've ever met.
Mitch: You're too kind, Buzz.
Buzz: Oh, no, I kid you not. He can snap a grown man in half.
Frank: Well, then I’m glad you're a friend of the family. Nice to meet you, Mitch.
Buzz: Hey, come on. I want you to meet my granddaughter.
Frank: Pop? Dad? Dad? I'm going to be in the kitchen.
Buzz: Would you knock it off? Marina, this is--
Marina: Hey, Mr. Hendon, it's good to see you again.
Buzz: You know each other?
Marina: Yeah, we met at the Gala. Ben works for Mr. Hendon's wife.
Mitch: Right. What is it you do for her again? Some kind of assistant?
Ben: Yeah.
Buzz: Wife? This must have been sort of sudden. We had drinks a year ago.
Mitch: More like three. Right before I met Ramona.
Buzz: Well, God, congratulations. Ramona. Oh, you know back... Way back when, there’s this girl I liked. No, I can't remember her name. But anyway Mitch and I and his girl were going out and this guy makes a pass at her. You remember that? You remember this? Mitch grabs him by the ankles and hangs him. He hung over like what, the 11th floor. (Laughter) God, those were fun times. Your father's in the kitchen, okay? Give him a break.
Marina: Thanks.
Buzz: Come on, Mitch.
Marina: Hey, are you okay? You're like sweating.
Ben: No, it's hot in here.
Marina: No, it's not. Are you sure you're okay? Because you're acting really weird, baby.
Ben: I'm fine. I swear.
Marina: All right. I'll tell you what. Why don't you go home, rest up a little bit before tonight, I’ll let you drop me off on the way.
Ben: Drop you off where?
Marina: This cool lingerie store that's down by the water. I want to get a few more things for the night.
Ben: So does this mean no more bright orange barbwire? Uh-huh.
Marina: Yeah.
Ben: (Laughs) I was listening. All right, I’ll bring the car around.
Marina: Okay. Tell Daddy I said thank you for the cake and I’ll call him later, okay?
Buzz: Huh? Huh?
Mitch: Listen, Buzz, I better be going, too. We'll catch up some other time all right?
Buzz: Yeah.
Bill: You are so stressed out. Look at you. You're burning roast, you're flouring pans. Why? Because you want to impress Tony and Marah, Danny and Michelle? Eden, let's face it, those four, they got their own little dynamic going on. Why are you trying so hard to be the fifth wheel? What do you want to get out of this dinner party?
Eden: Well, I wouldn't be the fifth wheel if you would stay.
Bill: Hey, seriously what's going on?
Eden: Truthfully? I'm a screw-up.
Bill: And why would you say that?
Eden: Because I am. Look, if I ever have a choice between something right and something wrong, I always go for something wrong. Like, if there's a bad boy, I go for him. If there's easy money, I’m all over it. And you know when I moved to Springfield it wasn't my choice. But then I thought, you know what? This might be a good time for me to change. And I screwed that up, too.
Bill: But now you're back.
Eden: Right. And I don't want things to end up the way they did before. I mean I want to have some meaning in my life. I don't want to be alone. And for once, I feel like my life is on the right track with my business, I’m friends with Marah, things are good with Nicky, things with you. You know, this is the first time that things are really good in my life. So tonight is like the icing on the cake. If this dinner party goes the way I want, it won't be Eden against the world anymore. For once, I will get what I want.
Jeffrey: If it wasn't for me, your daughter, your criminal daughter would be sitting in jail right now. I'm your own personal hero, Mrs. Winslow. You should be throwing me a parade.
Cassie: I'm throwing you out.
Jeffrey: You ain't throwing me no--
Cassie: Watch me. I thought for a second that you might have some decency in you and you could have some sympathy for a teenage girl whose lost her dad. But no, no, your campaign is to come to town and wreak havoc on this place by throwing little girls in jail and then throwing a party for yourself. You're not going to have it here. You are going to find another place to live, Mr. O’Neill, because I'm not going to have Tammy looking at your face ever again.
Jeffrey: I'll say it again. You ain't throwing me nowhere.
Cassie: And why shouldn't I?
Jeffrey: Oh, you probably should. But last I checked this was... This is a public place, and according to the law, as which you can imagine, I’m a bit of stickler, I haven't done anything wrong. Not to mention...
Cassie: Not to mention what?
Jeffrey: You won't do it. You can’t.
Edmund: Strange seeing someone who looks just like him, isn't it?
Tammy: Yeah, especially when he's the guy who wanted me in jail. You know I look at him and I see my dad and then he opens his mouth and he makes me feel like I don't understand anything. I mean, hello? I know what I did was wrong.
Edmund: So why did you do it?
Tammy: I tried to talk Lizzie and Marina out of it, but...
Edmund: But what?
Tammy: I didn't try very hard. I mean, Marina, she's so fearless. And Lizzie thinks she can buy her way out of everything. But I am so sick of always being the one who says, no, no, we can't, we shouldn’t. This is wrong. You know, like some stupid goodie two-shoes.
Edmund: Well, I don't think you should be ashamed of doing the right thing, Tammy.
Tammy: No offense, Edmund, but don't you think you're the wrong person to be giving that advice?
Edmund: That's a good point. But I'm not saying I always followed it. Richard did. Your mother does. Look how people respond to her. She's loved, she's respected and all because she follows her heart and her conscious.
Tammy: And what do you follow?
Edmund: Well, I’m not a good example. And I also don't have any friends or admirers.
Tammy: Well, at least you don't treat me like I'm a little kid. Can I ask you something as a not little kid?
Edmund: All right.
Tammy: When you and Mom went to San Cristobel, was it really just to scout sites for Dad's library?
Phillip: So you did it all for me? Like some big Christmas/birthday combination present, I guess. You'll have to do better than that. Because you of all people know that I never wanted any of this.
Alexandra: Oh, Phillip. Phillip, I’ve known from the time you were a child that you were different. You had as much business savvy as Alan or Brandon did, but you had something even more important. You had values which they didn't have.
Phillip: Well, that's a really, really lofty thing to say. You sure that I'm your man?
Alexandra: Yes, of course I am. Why else would I go to all this trouble?
Phillip: Well that's the billion-dollar question, isn't it?
Alexandra: Olivia has been the cause of this disaster from the very very beginning. See, I’ve had to stand around and watch Alan try to strip you of everything. Of everything. Just because you fell in love with her. Well I’m not proud of what I’ve done, but I had to do something. And you know why? Because I love you. I believe in you as the future. The future of this whole family.
Olivia: Lizzie and Beth need a moment alone.
Alexandra: Phillip, I know you still want the company, but you're going to have to get rid of Olivia first.
Lizzie: Mom, I hope you know I don't want to do bad things.
Beth: Honey, nobody wants to do bad things.
Lizzie: Carl did. He wanted to hurt you. I just wanted to help. That's why I got sick.
Beth: What?
Lizzie: The leukemia. It was karma for killing Carl.
Beth: Is that what you think?
Lizzie: It's no excuse for what happened last night. Maybe if I just fit in, we moved around so much. Arizona, San Cristobel. I thought that when you married Jim, that we would stay in one place for a while, but then there was the fire. And then you married Edmund and... Everyone thought you died in that flood. Then you came back and you weren't you. And then you were you, but it was too late because Olivia had already published "Lorelei’s Diary." The kids at school really cut into me for that. I thought going to boarding school would make things better. Whatever. What happened will never happen again. I'll come to you and Dad first, I promise.
Beth: Honey, honey. That's just not going to be enough.
Lizzie: What else do you want?
Beth: You said it yourself, you've been through so much. I want you to see Felicia, my psychologist. In fact, I’ve already made an appointment for you.
Phillip: I'm not discussing this with you. Olivia is pregnant. We're together. Get used to it.
Alexandra: Oh, Phillip, Phillip, please. Don't you see what Alan will do if he finds out that this baby is his? He will come after that child. He will destroy you and Olivia. No. Please. There's still time. He hasn't put Gus in control of anything yet. So work with me, will you please? Will you find out who the real father is and then fight with me?
Phillip: We're done here.
Alexandra: Olivia, please drop whatever you're doing here and meet me at the Beacon.
Olivia: I'm not going to meet you anywhere.
Alexandra: Oh, I think you will.
Edmund: Tammy, your mother and I went to San Cristobel for your father's library. That's what your mother told you, and that's all it was.
Tammy: Look, I'm not a baby. If there's something going on, I want to know about it.
Edmund: Tammy, nothing is going on. I care about your mother very much. And, really, that's all there is to say about it.
Cassie: Thanks for that.
Edmund: So how did things go with Mr. O’Neill?
Cassie: Mr. O’Neill, great. They went great. He's rude. He's infuriating. And he is living under this roof, so...
Edmund: Have dinner with me.
Cassie: What?
Edmund: Dinner. It's an evening meal. I was hoping you'd have dinner with me sometime.
Cassie: Like an official date?
Edmund: Call it whatever you like.
Cassie: Why don't we just call it dinner?
Edmund: Okay.
Bill: Ah, yes, well, food can explode, who knew?
Eden: So sorry about your shirt.
Bill: Wait a minute. I think there's a spot on your shirt, too.
Eden: Where?
Bill: Here, I think it's right...
Eden: Oh, no.
Bill: Oh, come on, does it matter?
Eden: (Laughs) Whoo, I think there's batter.
Bill: Right there.
Eden: Hmm... Yes. It's definitely batter.
Bill: Now I’m going to tell you it's customary in some cultures to have dessert before dinner.
Eden: I think you're lying.
Bill: Then again does it matter?
Eden: (Laughs)
Bill: Come here. You're out of the kitchen. And into the bedroom.
Eden: (Laughs) So, don't fight with the chef. Are you coming to my dinner tonight?
Bill: Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute, now. What happened to our no strings attached relationship?
Eden: Hey, you know what? I will tie you to this bed if I have to.
Bill: Really?
Eden: Mm-hmm.
Bill: Well, now, you got me in an awkward position here.
Eden: Yeah?
Bill: Mm-hmm.
Eden: So? Are you coming?
Bill: You can count me in.
Frank: Hey, Pop, where did Marina go?
Buzz: She took off with Ben.
Frank: Oh.
Buzz: She told me to give you a message. "Thank you for the birthday cake," and she'll call you later, okay?
Frank: Is there a hug in the message?
Buzz: No, I just thought you needed a hug. Don't worry, she's coming around.
Frank: I didn't even get to give her her present.
Buzz: Tonight.
Frank: Probably wouldn't want a stupid watch anyway. She can't drive it.
Buzz: Frank, you know my buddy Mitch who was in here before?
Frank: Yeah.
Buzz: You know how he made it rich? He has a string of car lots. He could probably cut you a sweet deal. Just a thought.
Frank: All right. I'll give him a ring. Pop, she's had a real tough time lately, you know. She deserves a nice surprise.
Marina: Miss? Excuse me. Miss, are you okay? But, Miss. (Screams)
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