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Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 5/14/03
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Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Harley: Hey.
Gus: Oh, hey, thanks.
Harley: You never came back to bed last night.
Gus: Yeah, well, I was having a crazy dream. A lot of dreams. One of them, I was... I was free falling, you know, without a parachute. I don't have to call a professional to find out what that means. I think I understand it. It's just, you know, I’m doing this whole thing trying to find out who I was, who I am, and now I’m back to zero.
Harley: I'm proud of you for standing up to Alan. All that money he was throwing at you. That must have been pretty offensive.
Gus: I know. Maybe I messed up. Then I could have paid all of our credit card bills.
Harley: This is true. Still that must have hurt to have your father try to buy your love.
Gus: Oh, come on, please. You can take the Alan out of Spaulding, but you can't take the Spaulding out of Alan.
Harley: Well, you gained something anyway.
Gus: Did I? What?
Harley: You. You've wiped the slate clean, right? You can reinvent yourself free and clear of the Spaulding name.
Frank: I think I got the wrong place here. I'm looking for the mayor.
Mayor: You've got the right place and right on time.
Frank: Oh, hey, Mayor.
Mayor: Unlike our new D.A. But that gives us some time to talk about Gus Aitoro.
Frank: Well, Mayor, his case is still under review in light of recent developments.
Mayor: What's your opinion of Gus as a cop?
Frank: He's a good cop.
Mayor: But you're willing to let go of one of Springfield’s finest over technicality?
Frank: Disobeying a direct order isn't a technicality, Mayor. Especially when lives are involved.
Mayor: Well, some concerned citizens feel that since no lives were lost, Aitoro might actually be a hero.
Frank: Concerned citizens? What's Aitoro got a fan club now?
Mayor: Let's just say he has one very important fan.
Frank: This fan wouldn't happen to be Alan Spaulding, now would it?
Jeffrey: Yeah. Gees, you can't find a decent bagel in this town anymore. Yeah, I know I look like him, but I'm not him, okay?
Edmund: Hi. I'm expecting a couple of tickets to San Cristobel. There should be an email last night here.
Bell boy: Of course, Mr. Winslow. Here there are.
Edmund: That's great. Thank you. Cassie, there's a car waiting for us outside to take us to their airport. Can I have Henry go up and get your bag? You haven't finished packing, have you?
Cassie: My bag's ready, but I’m not. Edmund, I know that I told you that I wanted this, but going to San Cristobel is the last thing I should be doing right now. I'm sorry.
Edmund: No, no.
Cassie: Edmund, I’m sorry.
Edmund: Don't be. Don't be. I'm just... I'm just surprised that's all. Last night it seemed as if nothing could have kept you away.
Cassie: I had some time to think about it.
Edmund: Oh. And you thought better of being alone with me.
Cassie: I'm not afraid to be alone with you, Edmund. So you can get over yourself.
Edmund: Oh, oh. Then you must be afraid of what the good people of Springfield might think about you.
Cassie: I've never let my family or my friends dictate what I do or who I do it with.
Edmund: Cassie, you haven't told Tammy about this trip, have you?
Cassie: I changed my mind before... This.. This project is very important to Tammy as well, okay? It is.
Edmund: Then I don't see why you don't want to see it through with me. I mean, you've been with me every step of the way.
Cassie: Yes, I have. And I have managed to make some real progress here, Edmund. Not just for the memorial, but for myself, okay? A year ago I couldn't stand to look at you, and now I like working with you. I like working with you, and I like where my life is right now. I'm in a good place. I think about Richard every day, but not every second. And if I go back to San Cristobel and I have to look at those memories, I'm just asking for trouble. So I can't go back. I can’t.
Tammy: Hi.
Marina: Hey.
Tammy: Wow, you've been working a lot lately.
Marina: Yeah, well, you know, just call me waitress in chains.
Tammy: You're doing time for taking the car from Ben?
Marina: Oh, no, this is just more like my punishment for being a Cooper. They think you may be carrying in messages from the enemy. What can I get you?
Tammy: Oh, just the usual. I'm sorry you're stuck here. What good is a school holiday if you can't enjoy it? Me? I'm going to head home, pick up some books, and head to the beach with the boys.
Marina: Mm.
Tammy: My brothers.
Marina: Oh. Your life is pretty G-rated isn't it? I'm just kidding. You know I love you. You don't have to worry about me. I have a pretty amazing holiday of my own coming up.
Tammy: What's that?
Marina: My 18th birthday, otherwise known as Marina Cooper's Independence Day.
Tammy: Wow, 18th. God, you must be psyched. Are you going to throw a party or anything?
Marina: No.
Tammy: I can ask my mom if we could use the Beacon.
Marina: Thanks. I don't really think I need a party though.
Tammy: Well, this is huge. I mean, you have to do something major.
Marina: Oh, I am.
Tammy: Tell me.
Marina: I don't know. I'm not sure you can handle it.
Tammy: Come on. Well, it must involve Ben or...
Marina: Well, yeah. I mean, he kind of has to be for it to happen.
Tammy: You are Ben are going to...
Marina: And thank you for making me not saying out loud, because my grandfather has radar hearing.
Tammy: Wow! I mean, are you sure you're ready for this?
Marina: Yeah, yeah, I’m ready. I love him, Tammy, and he's been so patient with me and so patient with my family. And it's just time, you know. I'm ready. I'm really ready.
Tammy: So you and Ben?
Marina: Yeah, Ben. Of course, Ben. Who else?
Shayne: Hey.
Marina: Hey.
Shayne: What's a kid got to do to get some breakfast around here, huh? Bring me a steak and eggs, woman. I need all the protein I can get for tonight's game.
Jeffrey: Oh, no.
Rick: That's all right. I got it. That's all right. Thank you.
Frank: I...
Jeffrey: Thanks.
Frank: Didn't mean to stare.
Jeffrey: That's all right. Take a number, you know. I know I look like the guy, but the closest thing I've ever been come to being called royalty is being called a royal pain in the...
Mayor: Jeffrey O’Neill, our new District Attorney, meet Frank Cooper, our Chief of Police.
Jeffrey: How are you doing?
Frank: Good, good. Halber's on Second Street. Best bagels in town.
Jeffrey: Halber's. Thank you.
Frank: Mm-hmm.
Mayor: Oh, we stole O’Neill from Manhattan’s D.A.'s office. It's a real coup, Frank. You're going to love working with him. It's a whole new world of law enforcement.
Jeffrey: Hey, wait. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Where's all the books?
Mayor: No need. We're completely computerized. State of the art. And cost efficient.
Jeffrey: I need books.
Mayor: Well, I think if you tried this new system you'll like it.
Jeffrey: With all due respect, Mr. Mayor, I have tried the system and it's not new. We've been using it since the '80s, okay. And search engine computers. If I want something searched I will call a paralegal, okay? Law is not a search engine. This is what I’m talking about, okay? It's got... It's leather-bound, it's got good paper. You turn the page with your fingers, your eye, your hand, your brain, everything is working together, okay? Law is books. You read the books. That's why they call it reading for the law.
Mayor: You'll have your books.
Jeffrey: Thank you.
Frank: So is Doris Wolfe out?
Mayor: Doris and Jeffrey will be working together.
Frank: Right. Well, Jeffrey, welcome to the team.
Jeffrey: Don't screw up the arrests, and I won't screw up the courtroom. I'm sorry. You know, I lost a case once. The police work was sloppy, and it made me grumpy.
Frank: That's okay. I don't like to lose either.
Jeffrey: Good.
Mayor: That's why it's important to have our best cops in the field. Are we clear, Frank?
Frank: Yeah, yeah. Crystal clear, Mayor. Jeffrey, I’ve got a question for you.
Jeffrey: Sure. Shoot.
Frank: What's your opinion on politics stepping on law enforcement?
Jeffrey: Well, that depends. How big is the foot doing the stepping?
Frank: Big.
Jeffrey: Well, what's the issue? Corruption? Incompetence?
Frank: Insubordination.
Jeffrey: Oh, well, you know, sometimes that's just another word for initiative, right?
Frank: Or a cowboy.
Jeffrey: Well, you asked my opinion, Frank. If I were you, I would pick my battles. It's just a foot, right? If it's a big foot, go around it. That way you'll live another day to maybe get to the head.
Frank: All right, Jeffrey, well, anyway, I look forward to working with you.
Jeffrey: Yeah, me, too.
Mayor: Frank, no one appreciates your integrity and high standards more than I do. However, I feel strongly that reinstating Gus Aitoro is in all of our best interests.
Frank: Really? So is that in my job description now, Mayor? Catering to all of Alan Spaulding’s whims?
Mayor: Today, yes.
Frank: I don't like it.
Mayor: Understood. But I need a chief I can work with. I hope it's you.
Frank: Fine. Aitoro's back on the force, but on my terms, and you can take that to the president of his fan club.
Mayor: Wise decision, Chief Cooper. Now let's make sure it's also discreet.
Gus: Look, the bottom line is Alan Spaulding can't offer me anything. So I don't have to look anymore, all right. I... I am free to decide to be whoever it is that I want to be. And you can say I told you so, right to me.
Harley: You know what? You are a master of reinvention. Really. Look at your name. Nicholas Augustino. Nicky August.
Gus: (Moans)
Harley: Gus Aitoro.
Gus: Yeah, Gus Spaulding. No, that doesn't fit. That doesn't fit.
Harley: Thank God.
Gus: That's baloney that name.
Harley: (Laughs)
Gus: But I'll tell you something. You don't have to listen to it, you don't have to hear it ever again, because all I got with Alan is biological. What I am going to do, what I have to do is stick with the father that I remember, the father that I respect.
Harley: That's great. I think that sounds like you have a plan. (Laughs)
Gus: Yeah. Plus, you know, I can do anything if I wanted to. I could be a butcher or a baker or fisherman. Anything at all that I want to be.
Harley: Okay. But you're forgetting two important things here. One is that you're already a damn good cop. And the second is that I love you, you know? You still got that step. That still stands.
Gus: What are you saying? That you wouldn't love Gus the butcher? I would be a great butcher.
Harley: You know I would.
Gus: Free steak.
Harley: (Laugh) You could never stop being a cop.
Gus: (Sighs)
Harley: You're great at it. You love catching the bad guys. It's in your blood. And besides, you have to come back as my partner. It wouldn't be any fun without you.
Gus: But I don't even know if you'll ever have me back as partner. I mean, suspension is pending a review, and Frank knows that I was harboring Alan.
Harley: Okay, one question. Do you want it?
Gus: Of course. You know that I want it.
Harley: Well, then we will get it for you, okay? There's plenty of people pulling for you.
Gus: Oh, yeah, all my fans on the Gus bus. (Harley laughs) Right? No, I'm sorry. I'm not going to accept Alan’s help on this. So we're on our own.
Harley: Yeah.
Gus: Plus I’m looking at exactly what I need. Everything that I need is right here. Right in front of me.
Jeffrey: All right, we've got to fix that, too, and the guy's not done with the door. What was that case I told you to pull? It was "Smith and Harris," Pennsylvania 1959. Find it. Lois, remember what I said about nodding occasionally just to let me know that you got everything?
Lois: Yes, sir.
Jeffrey: Just Jeffrey, it's okay.
Lois: Yes, sir. I mean, Jeffrey.
Mayor: Listen, Jeffrey, I need you to stay with me here. We have a reception with some local judges and politicians at noon, and then I’ll expect you to join me on the course with my foursome.
Jeffrey: Foursome? Sorry, I’ve got no time, Mayor. You see these? These are the pending cases, okay? We're completely stacked up with the docket until the end of the month, and then it gets worse, okay? Which reminds me: Lois, contact the law school. We're going to need two more law clerks at least, and I want the best and the brightest. Find out who made the law review, okay? Only the best.
Mayor: The budget...
Jeffrey: Yeah, I read the budget, Mayor. We'll be fine. Just have maybe fewer foursomes at the country club.
Mayor: Jeffrey, I need you to be a little bit more...
Jeffrey: Mayor, listen, all right? This whole old boys, good ole boy network thing just doesn't do it for me, all right? It's just not the way I practice law. You hired me to do things my way, so that's the way I’m going to do them. Lois, keep your cell phone on, I'm going to need to talk to you later. Now, if you'll excuse me.
Mayor: You're leaving?
Jeffrey: Yeah, I've got a lot of catching up to do, and I do my best reading by the lake. Which reminds me: Lois, add some sun block to your list. Thank you. Oh, and the Winslow file. Find that. Yes, you can help me, actually Mayor. Tell me everything you know about Edmund Winslow.
Mayor: He's the Ambassador of San Cristobel, a former prince. Not the most popular guy in town. Why?
Jeffrey: He was going out of his way to talk to me at the hotel.
Mayor: Well, there's the obvious resemblance to his brother.
Jeffrey: Yeah. (Laughs) There's more than that. He was laying it on real thick. I smell a rat.
Edmund: Well, I’m not going to try to talk you into going with me.
Cassie: Thank you.
Edmund: No, I understand. I understand. I had that moment of panic myself last night.
Cassie: I wasn't panicked. Okay, I was. It was just a little voice that said, "What are you doing, Cassie?"
Edmund: Well, that voice was very busy last night, because it told me that I’d be committing suicide if I went back there with you.
Cassie: So you agree?
Edmund: Well, I did last night. And then I started remembering all the mistakes I’d made there and missed opportunities I had to make things right with Richard there. I realized that if I really wanted to make a change in my life, I had to start there. Cassie, if I try to bury my past, if I try to ignore all the things I did, then moving on with my life is going to be impossible.
Cassie: It's different for me. Edmund, all my times with Richard were wonderful.
Edmund: And you feel as if you'll never have those wonderful times again. Well, I understand. Just leave those times there, Cassie.
Cassie: But if I leave those times there...
Edmund: Then you don't think you can move on. I don't know. I don't know. Time, maybe?
Cassie: Is it? Is it time? Or is it something that I have to do?
Edmund: God, Cassie, I can't answer that for you. I can answer it for myself, maybe, but I have to go back if I’m going to go forward. I know that. Look, I'll take pictures of everything while I’m down there, and when I come back, we can choose a site together.
Cassie: No. Uh-uh. No.
Edmund: Why not?
Cassie: I'm going with you.
Tammy: So if I ate my weight in steak, I could pass the ball as good as you.
Shayne: Except basketball players pass. I pitch.
Tammy: Oh, yeah. I knew that. So today's pretty important, huh?
Shayne: A pro scout's coming to my game. I mean, it could mean a contract, maybe a signing bonus. Who knows?
Tammy: It is so cool that you get to get paid to play a game.
Shayne: Baseball's not a game, it's an art form.
Tammy: I think it's cool. Man, you could be like the next Shaquille O’Neal or something.
Shayne: Again, what is it with you and the basketball?
Tammy: Kidding!
Shayne: Right. Why don't you name a pitcher for me? Name one pitcher.
Tammy: Give me a minute.
Shayne: Okay. Try Kerry Woods. He's the Cubs' answer to Roger Clemens. Roger Clemens of the Yankees?
Tammy: Okay, if you start with stats, I'm out of here. I'm no Marina. I don't talk baseball.
Shayne: Speaking of which, what do you think she wants for her birthday?
Buzz: I think your boyfriend over there needs a refill.
Marina: What? Who, Ben? I don't see Ben in here. Shayne is my friend.
Buzz: I mean... Boy. Friend. The word combination: Boyfriend.
Marina: It doesn't seem like that, you know? I mean, I think of him more like a...
Buzz: Brother.
Marina: Ew, yuck. Not a brother. Just... Don't think I don't know what you're trying to do here. You and Dad think that you can just, you know, get rid of Ben that easily, but it's not going to work, okay? I mean, Dad can take away the car that Ben gave me to teach me some sort of lesson. And he can impound it to teach some sort of lesson and you can, you know, throw Shayne around in my face and drop little hints like you do, but it's not going to happen. I mean, don't you and Dad remember what it feels like to be in love?
Buzz: Believe me, remembering isn't the hard part.
Marina: Yeah, well, I think it's definitely about time that Dad got back out there. I mean, I know if he were getting some, he wouldn't be so focused on me.
Harley: Yeah, I like the way that sounded. That was very, very strong, but you need to say it just a little slower, because I can't type as fast.
Gus: All right, all right. "Dear mayor, I respectfully request that you review my case which is pending a board hearing. I urge you... I honestly urge you to..."
Harley: No, no. You know what?
Gus: "...Please review my track record."
Harley: Don't urge. Demand. You demand that he review it. You brought down the mob, right? How short is this guy's memory? He should be thanking you. This is your bullet to getting back on the force. You know, we're sending this to Holly at the Journal. This is an open letter to the people of Springfield. We're going to remind them of all the things you've done for this community. They'll be rallying around you.
Gus: And also, you know, we should put in the letter that it was us, both of us together as a partnership, as a team. Put that in the letter. (Knock at door)
Harley: So we're demanding.
Gus: Look, they're coming to praise us right now.
Frank: Anybody home?
Gus: Hey.
Frank: What? What?
Gus: Nothing. I was just...
Frank: Hey, sis.
Harley: Hey. Did you come here to help us compose a letter that will get Gus back on the force?
Frank: Why don't you save a tree and the sarcasm?
Harley: Well, you know I can't do that.
Frank: You've been reinstated.
Harley: Are you serious?
Frank: Would I joke about something like that?
Harley: Oh, my God!
Gus: Well, thank you, Frank. I don't know what to say. I mean, I know that's hard for you to come over here like that and say that.
Frank: It wasn't my choice. It came from a higher source.
Harley: Well, who cares where it came from? The important thing is that you are back where you belong. I know that this was hard for you, okay, but you did the right thing. Believe me, you can trust us. You will not regret this decision.
Frank: There's one more thing.
Harley: What?
Frank: When Gus comes back to work, the two of you are no longer partners.
Harley: What did you just say?
Frank: You heard me.
Harley: Well, we are a great team. We have the best arrest-to-conviction record of anyone.
Frank: Well, sometimes the best teams need to be shaken up.
Gus: Frank is serious about breaking us up, baby.
Frank: Yeah, I am.
Harley: Did this come from on high, too? I mean, was it a condition of his reinstatement?
Frank: Actually, this came from me. I thought, you know what, I can't take a chance of you guys going out in the field and getting into trouble and then using your hearts instead of your heads to get out of trouble.
Harley: You know what? If this is your way of getting back at Gus because he disobeyed a direct order, you should really think of something else...
Frank: I think you know me better than that, sis. Okay? That's not my style.
Harley: We are great together. Okay? We anticipate each other's moves. Our closeness helps us. It doesn't work against us. We're professionals. Would you prefer we skulk around like a bunch of teenagers? Acting like high school kids, like some of the other cops over there I know. Would that keep us together?
Frank: I don't care if you're mad at me. All I care is that you're safe. Now, you have a decision to make. Either you want to be a couple or you want to be partners. It's your choice.
Harley: That's not my only choice. How about this one? I quit.
Cassie: You were right. Not just about yourself, but about me. I need to go to San Cristobel and I need to look at everything Richard and I had and put it in the right place. Memory.
Edmund: Cassie, I really didn't mean to talk you back into going with me.
Cassie: Well, you did. Plus, you know, I can't let you pick out the location all by yourself.
Edmund: I have great taste.
Cassie: Yeah, if you like castles and armor.
Edmund: (Laughs) Well, we better get going if we're going to go at all. May I send Henry up to get your bag?
Cassie: I need to talk to the boys and the sitter.
Edmund: Right. And Tammy. As you said, this library is as important to her as it is to us. Edmund Winslow. Mrs. Winslow and I will be arriving as planned. Everything set up to my specifications? Thank you very much. Mr. O’Neill?
Jeffrey: Yeah?
Edmund: Glad I ran into you. I'd like to make an appointment with you, if I may.
Jeffrey: Oh, really? Oh, let me guess: You want to confess to all the crimes you've committed.
Edmund: (Laughs) Not today. I was hoping I could discuss the extradition laws between the United States and San Cristobel with you. I'd appreciate your input.
Jeffrey: But I hear you're the expert on that, aren't you? Didn't you nearly get extradited right before you were made Ambassador?
Edmund: Mr. O’Neill, if I didn't know better, I'd say you'd been checking up on me. You know, don't believe everything you hear about me.
Jeffrey: Do believe everything you hear about me.
Tammy: Mom, that's great. Why would I mind if you go down and pick out a site for Dad's library? You know I’d go with you if I had the time off. Well, me and Nancy have Will and R.J. covered. In fact, I was going to take them down to the beach later.
Cassie: Tammy, I'm not going to San Cristobel by myself. Edmund's coming with me. Tammy? Are you there?
Tammy: I'm here.
Cassie: I can hear your eyes rolling through the phone.
Tammy: Was this his idea?
Cassie: Look, he should be a part of this. This whole memorial was his idea, you know that.
Tammy: Is there anything else?
Cassie: Absolutely not.
Tammy: Okay. But be careful. Mom, I know he's making this big effort to change and all, and maybe he really has, but, Mom, he's still Edmund, and you just signed on for a whole lot of alone time with him.
Edmund: Hey.
Cassie: Hey.
Edmund: Second thoughts?
Cassie: No. I'm yours. I mean, I'm ready to go.
Edmund: Well, good. Bag's in the car. R.J. and Will are outside with Nancy waiting to see you off.
Cassie: You thought of everything, huh?
Edmund: I hope so. Shall we?
Shayne: So how am I ever going to repay you, huh? I mean, you feed me, you coach me.
Marina: Ah, you just convince whoever you've got to convince to let me sing the National Anthem at your first World Series game, we'll be fine.
Shayne: You got it. Besides, with a voice like yours, that's not going to be hard. What I need to worry about is getting through this game tonight.
Marina: You're going to be fine. Just remember what I said about your release point. You'll pitch a no-hitter.
Shayne: Not too high and not too low.
Marina: And you know, you've really got to stop worrying so much about your fastball. It's sweet. Oh, and if the opposing players try to, like, steal your signals, I’ll give you some sort of sign, okay?
Shayne: Well, it's not like you can call a time-out.
Marina: Okay, that's true. So I’ll just... I'll think of something else. I'll, like... I'll blow you a kiss, like... (Blows kiss) And then you know that the other players are on to you.
Shayne: All right. What does it mean if you blow me two kisses?
Marina: That probably means you've fallen asleep on the mound. You're dreaming.
Shayne: (Laughs) Thanks.
Marina: Warden's back, playtime's over. You should probably go, Shayne. Take Tammy with you. You wouldn't want me having any fun, right? Good luck.
Frank: All right, Pop, you've got to help me out. You've got to be straight with me. Am I really becoming the biggest jerk in the world?
Gus: Hey! You can't quit the force!
Harley: This thing is really powerful! (Vacuum shuts down)
Gus: You cannot quit the force. You can't let your anger at Frank make you give up something that you love.
Harley: I love you. I'm not giving up you. And I'm not really that angry at Frank.
Gus: No, you're not angry at Frank? I saw what just happened. You're angry at him, so you're quitting because you're trying to get even with him? What, are you crazy?
Harley: Honey, it's not about Frank.
Gus: No? Then what are you...
Harley: And it's not about you. It's about me. Listen, listen. I know it seems like the... Sit down. I know it seems like this whole thing has come out of the blue, but it really hasn't. I've been thinking about this. When I got shot, something in me changed. I told you I saw my mother, and seeing her reminded me of all the time that we missed out on together.
Gus: Honey, you are not your mother, okay? You have been there for your kids. Don't say that.
Harley: I'm not saying that. This is a two-way street for me. It's not just about what I’m giving up. It's about what I will be getting more of. My kids are not little babies anymore. You know, they're so impressionable. Everyone around them has such an impact on them. I would like that impact to be coming from me. And there's you. There's us. This is where my head is at right now. This thing here. I'll tell you, when I was lying in that hospital bed, I didn't think for one second about spending more time being a cop. I thought about spending more time with my kids. Zach and Jude and Susan and you, and the rest of my family. This is a gift. This is a second chance for me.
Gus: Well, who says there's a rule against having both?
Harley: Who says it's bad to choose one over the other? I want more out of my life. And when I quit, I felt right. I don't think this is about me trying to have it all. I think this is about you not having it all. If I quit the force, where's your Harley Cooper action figure? No, I'm just home, I’m baking cupcakes for Zach’s class... Buying cupcakes. Now I'm going to bake. I am going to bake cupcakes. So, what, without the uniform, I'm as sexy as a grilled cheese sandwich to you.
Gus: You could do anything that you want to do. I don't care. You could be anybody, I'd still love you. This isn't about me. This is... Am I a little upset that you're going to jump ship right when I’m about to get back on? Yeah, you know, sure. But I'll get over it. But the question really is, are you going to get over it? I mean, being a cop is what you love to do. I mean, are you really, really sure?
Harley: I'm really, really sure. Will I miss being a cop? Of course. I'll miss the adrenaline rush, the action. There's plenty of stuff I won't miss, though. You know, all that paperwork. Frank is right, it just starts to grate on you. And I won't miss scenes like this with Frank, that's for sure.
Gus: Are you afraid of taking another bullet?
Harley: Something in me changed. Being a cop, it filled something in me for a long time, but there are other things closer to my heart. There's you. There's my kids. I'm not sure how this whole thing is going to work out. I can't tell you that later on, I won't want something more, but I need to give this a shot now.
Gus: Do you want me to quit?
Harley: No. I don’t. I mean, I want you to do what you want to do. I think that's being a cop. This is an Independence Day for both of us, if you think about it. You know? You're free of Alan, and you can go back to the force. I'm free of the force, and I get to redevote myself to the people that I love. Huh? It's all good. (Laughs)
Buzz: Frank, first off, I’ve made a career rejecting authority. And you went the other way. I mean, you've actually become authority. It's not easy. It's not always going to make you Mr. Popularity.
Frank: Pop, when I became Police Chief, I really thought that this job was going to make a difference. I really wanted to do good. And now my job's taken me from protecting the public to playing politics with the mayor, and then dealing with concerned citizens and their agendas. I almost miss the drug dealers and murderers, you know what I mean? I put Aitoro back on the force.
Buzz: Good. Seeing you and your sister on opposite sides, it was beginning to be unnatural.
Frank: She doesn't know about it. She doesn't know that Alan forced the mayor's hand on this one.
Buzz: Really? Father of the year? Are you going to tell her?
Frank: Nope. No, not at all. In fact, we're not really on speaking terms. I put a condition on Aitoro getting his badge back.
Buzz: A lifetime supply of donuts, I bet.
Frank: I told them they couldn't be partners. Pop, I know I did the right thing.
Buzz: I bet that went over big.
Frank: She quit, Dad.
Buzz: (Sighs)
Frank: Fine. Go ahead. You know what? Lay it on me. Give it to me. Both barrels. Go right ahead.
Buzz: Oh, Frank. You know, you have a moral compass on you that I envy, but the Frank that I know and love, he leaves a little room.
Frank: What are you talking about?
Buzz: Well, you know, for all your goodness, you leave room for those of us that aren't so good, so we can make mistakes, like you can. I mean, how do you think I squeezed myself back into your life? I know you've got a lot going on. But so do they, all right? So I think maybe you should make a little bit of room for Harley and Marina, because you wouldn't want to take the chance of losing the two most important women in your life.
Marina: Hey. Thought you were headed home, sweet home.
Tammy: Where's that?
Marina: Oh, come on. It can't be that bad. At least you have a parent who hasn't completely lost it.
Tammy: You want to bet?
Edmund: So far, so good. Perfect flight, perfect weather. Bags are in our rooms. Meeting with the architect to tour some of the sights, and then we're going to have dinner with Alonzo at the palace. I suggest we have a little rest first.
Cassie: Good idea.
Edmund: Lobby in a couple of hours?
Cassie: Sounds good.
Edmund: Great. Well, you're 607, I'm 609, and scream if you need anything.
Cassie: I wouldn't have missed this for the world.
Edmund: Me, neither.
Cassie: Only in San Cristobel the bellboy unpacks without being asked. Where's my garment bag?
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