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Guiding Light Transcript Friday 5/9/03
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Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Phillip: Hey, you know what? I think it's too early to call it a night. Why don't I see if I can rustle up a little dessert and we'll take it out on the deck and we'll have it under the stars before I take you home. How does that sound?
Lizzie: Sounds great, Dad.
Olivia: Sounds good.
Phillip: Good. Hey, honey, go out and see if we have enough chairs out on the deck.
Lizzie: Sure.
Phillip: All right. What do we got here? Oh.
Olivia: Come here.
Phillip: What?
Olivia: Shhh. I wanted to do that all night.
Phillip: Yeah, okay. You're right. We haven't really had much time alone tonight, have we?
Olivia: Mm-mm.
Phillip: Yeah, okay. I'll tell you what. We'll have dessert and I’ll take Lizzie home and then I’m all yours.
Olivia: I'm going to hold you to that.
Mayor: Edmund Winslow, this is Jeffrey O’Neill, Springfield’s new District Attorney.
Jeffrey: Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Ambassador. I enjoyed your speech earlier. It was very moving.
Mayor: We're all very excited about Jeff coming on board. He's going to do great things for Springfield. Excuse me, I’ll be right back.
Jeffrey: I hope you raised the money you needed earlier.
Edmund: What?
Jeffrey: For the library for your brother.
Edmund: I'm sorry. You look...
Jeffrey: Do you mind?
Edmund: What?
Jeffrey: My hand.
Edmund: Oh, yeah. Sorry. You... you...
Jeffrey: Hey, it's all right. No offense, but, you know, to each his own. I'm just not like that, you know.
Edmund: I beg your pardon?
Jeffrey: What? You know what you do is your business, but, you know, I’m not into dudes, all right? I like women.
Cassie: Fred? Are there still guests on the terrace?
Bell captain: No, ma'am, it's winding down.
Cassie: Okay. Have you seen Edmund Winslow?
Bell captain: Yeah, last I saw, he was in the martini bar.
Cassie: Oh, great. Thank you.
Gus: Harley, are you there yet? We're running out of time.
Harley: Okay, this would be a whole lot easier if you just told me what I was looking for.
Gus: We're looking for the final nail to Alex’s coffin, okay? Finding the drug she used on Alan, that's not enough. Finding the blonde wig that she used to freak him out, not enough.
Harley: Yeah. But what specifically did Alan say I should look for in the room?
Gus: Just get in the room and I will tell you everything.
Harley: Okay, I’m in.
Gus: Close the door.
Harley: I already did.
Gus: Okay, now you need to move fast, because Alex is on her way back to the house.
Harley: What? How could you let that happen? You want me to ransack this place looking for evidence and she could walk in any second?
Gus: She won’t. I will make sure that doesn't happen.
Harley: How?
Gus: Look, I'm going to put you on the phone to Alan. He'll tell you what you're looking for, okay?
Harley: Wait. Where are you going? Gus? Gus? (Cell phone rings)
Alexandra: Lloyd? Harley? I'm here. Is everything all right?
(Answering machine picking up)
You've reached the Spaulding
Please leave your message after
the beep.
It's Gus, Alexandra.
Pick up the phone.
I know you're there. You pick up the phone or you're going to be sorry.
Alexandra: Hello?
Gus: Alexandra, are you looking for Harley or Lloyd? Well, forget it. Lloyd's been picked up by the police. He's down at the station and Harley’s by my side right now.
Alexandra: How did you know that--
Gus: Alexandra, I know everything, okay? Unless you want me to blab to the D.A., you'd get yourself down to the pier, now.
Marina: (Laughing)
Ben: I hope it's not too much of a line to get the car.
Marina: Why? You in some kind of hurry? You got somewhere to be?
Ben: Yeah... To take you home the long way, around the lake.
Marina: In your new convertible.
Ben: Hey, who cares who owns it, as long as we're in it together.
Marina: You're the best. Oh, look. Look, it's your boss.
Ben: Where?
Marina: She's right over there?
Ben: How about that? I didn't know she was here. Come on, let's go.
Marina: Hey, Ben, you don't even want to go and say hi?
Ben: No way. Marina, this is my off time. This is my time to be with you.
Marina: Ben, you want to play the game, you've got to get in there a little. Mrs. Hendon. Hey, Marina, Ben’s girlfriend, remember?
Ramona: Yes.
Marina: We met at...
Ramona: Yes. Of course I remember. Yeah, it's good to see you.
Marina: Yeah.
Ramona: Enjoy your evening.
Ben: You, too. Come on.
Marina: Wasn't the party great?
Ramona: Yes. But you know what? I'm exhausted. So will you excuse me?
Mr. Hendon: Ramona? All set to go?
Ramona: Yes, lead the way.
Marina: Oh, hi. You must be Mr. Hendon. I'm Marina. I'm Ben’s girlfriend.
Mr. Hendon: Ben?
Marina: Yeah. You two don't know each other. Ben works for your wife.
Mr. Hendon: Really? Doing what exactly?
Harley: Okay, what am I looking for?
Alan: Gus told me he found the blonde wig that Alexandra wore to impersonate Beth. Well, at first, I didn't think this would help, because it would be my word against hers. But then I remembered something.
Harley: You remembered what?
Alan: I have Alexandra wearing that blonde wig on tape.
Harley: What? You mean the surveillance cameras that are outside in the halls? I thought you said that you erased those and re-recorded them all the time.
Alan: That's true. But you see, I keep a master that's recorded separately as a backup on DVD. Now it's in my bedroom. Alexandra knows nothing about it. So there's no way she could find it and erase it.
Harley: Alan? Alan, you do understand what this means?
Alan: It means we've got my sister cold.
Gus: You heard me, Alexandra. I have all the evidence I need to make you pay for what you have done. What you've done to Alan, to me, to everyone. And by the way, Harley found your amitriptyline in your medicine cabinet. You think you're so smart, to have her guard your house. Well, she doubled-crossed you, sweetheart.
Alexandra: That's an anti-depressant, Gus, not hallucinogen.
Gus: Oh, yeah. Well, not when it's taken in large doses.
Alexandra: My doctor prescribed that for anxiety attacks.
Gus: Well, maybe you want to take one right now yourself.
Alexandra: Oh, that's absurd. I can prove that the prescription was written for me. Besides, I’ve done nothing but worry sick about my brother. I've done everything in my power to find him, to help him.
Gus: Well, I doubt the D.A. will see it that way, Alexandra. You know, he's new in town. He'd like to make a big name for himself. He would die just to land a big fish like you. So tick-tock, tick-tock, Alexandra. Times a' wasting. Are you going to meet me at the pier? You want some directions?
Alexandra: Oh, God! Why the pier? Why don't you come over here? We'll talk like adults.
Gus: It is the pier or nowhere. Stop jerking me around. Alex?
Alexandra: So, Gus, you say that Harley brought you those so-called drugs, right?
Gus: There's nothing so-called about it.
Alexandra: Well, would you mind explaining something to me? How could she bring those to you when she's still right here in the house?
Gus: What are you talking about?
Alexandra: Well, she's right there beside you, isn’t she? Well, put her on the phone then will you please, Gus. Right now.
Gus: She doesn't want to talk to you. She can't stand you.
Alexandra: Well, the feeling is mutual.
Gus: Alexandra? Alexandra? Damn it!
Alexandra: All right, Harley, where are you? And what the devil are you doing?
Edmund: I'm sorry. You think I'm trying to...
Jeffrey: No, it's all right. I'm not offended, it's just not my thing, you know.
Edmund: You think I’m... You think I'm gay?
Jeffrey: Oh. Oh... All right. It's a secret. You're not out of the closet yet.
Edmund: No.
Jeffrey: Good. Good for you. Be yourself. Be proud. I'm sorry. I'd love to stay and chat. I've got an early meeting. Pleasure meeting you.
Cassie: Oh, there you are. I've been looking all over for you. I was wondering if you had any idea of what numbers that we came out with tonight? The auction started so fast. Hello? Edmund? Something wrong?
Gus: We got to go. We got to go.
Alan: No, Harley’s almost...
Gus: Walk and talk. It's a mobile phone.
Alan: Just hold on a minute. Harley, have you found it?
Harley: Hold on. Hey, I am hitting the eject button. Bingo. (Laughs)
Alexandra: Harley, I am very disappointed in you.
Alan: Harley? Harley?
Gus: What happened? What happened?
Alan: The line went dead.
Gus: Alex must have gotten to her.
Harley: Alexandra, I've got you.
Alexandra: What? With a DVD?
Harley: A master of all the surveillance cameras in the house. They will show you in a blonde wig pretending to be Beth sneaking in here to spook Alan.
Alexandra: No, they won't, dear. They won't. Because you're going to give that to me and I’m going to destroy it.
Harley: Really. Why would I do that?
Alexandra: Because you don't want to lose Gus.
Ben: What exactly is my job? Ah, well...
Ramona: Mitch, I... I told you about Ben.
Mr. Hendon: No.
Ramona: Yes, I'm sure that I did. Before you went off to China. He's... You know, he's my personal assistant. He books appointments for me, picks up the dry cleaning, silly stuff like that.
Mr. Hendon: Really? I'm surprised I haven't seen you round the house.
Ramona: Well, you know, he didn't start that long ago. Probably when you were in Jakarta. I'm sure that I told you. Oh, well, anyway, listen, you guys have a wonderful rest of the evening. But these heels are killing me, so I’m going to head home, okay?
Ben: All right.
Mr. Hendon: In a minute, hon. First, I want to get better acquainted with the young man that makes my wife so happy.
Cassie: Are you ill? It was the raw bar, wasn't it? I told you we shouldn't have had a raw bar.
Edmund: No, Cassie, it's not that.
Cassie: Well, then what is it? What's going on?
Mayor: Did Jeffrey leave already?
Cassie: Jeffrey?
Mayor: O’Neill, the new D.A. The man that I wanted you to meet earlier. I just introduced him to your brother-in-law.
Cassie: Oh. No, I didn't see him. Maybe I'll get to meet him soon.
Mayor: Maybe that's best. That you wait, I mean. There's no hurry. I'm sorry. I guess I should have prepared you. Personally, I don't see it, but apparently other people do.
Cassie: See what?
Mayor: Mr. O’Neill bares a resemblance to your late husband. Some would say a striking resemblance. Well, thank you again for a wonderful evening. Good night.
Edmund: Good night.
Cassie: Good night. Edmund, did this D.A. look like Richard?
Edmund: It's not the spitting image, but I guess it was enough to unnerve me.
Cassie: I'm sorry. Are you okay?
Edmund: God, I saw him, Cassie. I just... I miss him.
Cassie: I miss him, too. I miss him, too.
Lizzie: I thought you were coming out with dessert?
Phillip: That was the plan. But it appears that we are out of ice cream.
Olivia: Well, we could find something else sweet and delicious to eat.
Phillip: Yeah, I guess we could. But I don’t... I really kind of want ice cream.
Lizzie: Dad, I was... I was thinking when I was outside. We really should get together tomorrow and talk about schools for next fall.
Phillip: You don't want to just go to the high school?
Lizzie: I'd like to explore my options. Though I guess it's possible another private school won't accept me after what happened in Alston.
Olivia: We can't tomorrow. We have to go shopping, remember?
Lizzie: Shopping for what?
Phillip: Uh... Crib and some other things for the nursery.
Lizzie: Oh, well, that's much more important. But we really need to talk about school soon, because the good ones fill up really fast.
Phillip: No. No, that's all right, honey. We can postpone the shopping trip. We've got plenty of time to do that. And you're right. The school thing is an issue that we should get taken care of as soon as possible.
Olivia: Fine.
Phillip: Okay?
Olivia: Yeah, sure.
Lizzie: Excellent. So you and Mom and I could have breakfast tomorrow and talk about it. Or lunch. Or both.
Phillip: (Laughs)
Lizzie: I'm so happy to be home.
Phillip: Oh, sweetheart, I'm so happy to have you home. Okay, it's settled. That's what we'll do. Now I'm going to go down to the store and get some ice cream. I'll be right back.
Lizzie: He sure does love his ice cream. Thanks for being so understanding about tomorrow, Olivia.
Olivia: Oh, sure, Lizzie. I understand. I understand better than you think.
Harley: You're not making sense, Alexandra. Gus wanted me to find this. He's the one who sent me here.
Alexandra: What, on Alan’s behalf? And of course you're going to follow his wishes, because you love Gus, but you still don't love the idea of Gus being a Spaulding, do you?
Harley: Well, I’ve never made a secret of that. Now, give me back me my phone.
Alexandra: Oh, come on, Harley. I am your friend. Why are you treating me like an enemy?
Harley: You are my...? Alexandra, I used to have so much respect for you, but since you came back to town, I don't even know who you are. Keeping the secret about Alan from Regina and Gus? Okay, maybe I can understand that. In some warped way, you were trying to help. But drugging your own brother? And framing him for crimes he didn't commit?
Alexandra: (Scoffs) Harley, come on. Don't tell me that Alan hasn't done more heinous things in the past and wouldn't do them all over again if you'd give him half the chance.
Harley: That's it? That's how you justify this? That just means you're both monsters.
Alexandra: All right, why are you helping him? Because of Gus, right? (Laughs) Because Gus wants a daddy, right? And Alan knows this and he's going to use him just to get back at me.
Harley: Okay, do you have a point?
Alexandra: Yes. Do you think this is just going to end like this, Harley? Oh, no. Oh, please, trust me, my dear. This is just the beginning of Alan and Gus, and believe me, it's going to be the end of you and Gus.
Harley: No, it might be the end-- if Gus wasn't Gus. He is his own man.
Alexandra: Oh, well, really not for long, because you know how these Spaulding’s operate. You know we will have him pulled in so fast, so far, so deep before he even knows what hits him. And you know what? No matter how much you love him or he loves you, the Spaulding pull is going to be even stronger. Harley, you've been through this whole scenario, what, with Phillip, twice with Alan-Michael. Do you really think you have the stomach to go another round?
Harley: You overestimate the Spaulding charm and you underestimate mine.
Alexandra: Well, let's just say you're right. Do you want to risk that? Hmm? Come on, Harley. Harley, give me the DVD and Alan won't be able to control you. Just give me... Give me the DVD.
Gus: Harley.
Alan: Did you get the DVD?
Harley: Of course I did. Here. And you... you can choke on it.
Mr. Hendon: So tell me more about what you do for my wife, Ben.
Ben: Actually, sir, I’d much rather hear about your work. Mrs. Hendon tells me that your company owns car dealerships.
Mr. Hendon: That's just a sideline. My real business is something else.
Ramona: Mitchell is always traveling someplace.
Mr. Hendon: Yes, I'm away a lot. Maybe too much? Mostly in countries you've never heard of. Countries where the U.S. has interests that need to be protected.
Ramona: He does contract work for the government.
Mr. Hendon: Defense related.
Ben: Contract work. What specifically does that entail?
Mr. Hendon: I'm afraid if I told you that, Ben, I'd have to shoot you. (Laughter)
Ramona: Mitchell was a marine.
Mr. Hendon: The Corps is the best life training a man can get, Ben. Not only does it toughen you up and make you mean as hell, but you learn to be a keen observer, trust your gut, anticipate problems and deal with them swiftly.
Marina: Oh, well, Ben is very good at anticipating problems and dealing with them swiftly. He makes your wife very happy.
Mr. Hendon: Is that a fact?
Ramona: My goodness, look at the time. You know, honey, we really should get going. I promised my parents that I would call them at 9:00 their time.
Mr. Hendon: And you wouldn't want to break a promise, would you, hon? You kids sticking around?
Marina: Uh, no. No, actually, I think, yeah, we're going to get out of here. So, where are you parked?
Ben: Thanks a lot, Ramona.
Ramona: We'll talk about it later, Ben.
Mr. Hendon: I thought you were in a hurry, Ramona.
Ramona: I am, honey. Let's go.
Mr. Hendon: You'll have to forgive me about going on about the corps like that, Ben. But when you put in all that time learning a dozen different ways how to kill a man, you just want to share the experience. You know? Still robbing the cradle, huh?
Ramona: Mitchell, don't.
Marina: I hope you're not mad. I kind of talked you up to Mr. Hendon, you know? I just really want him to like you.
Mr. Hendon: Believe me, so do I. Come on.
Lizzie: I'm sorry, Olivia. Did I say something to upset you?
Olivia: No, not at all. I just thought you had a better memory, that's all.
Lizzie: Memory?
Olivia: Yeah. You know, tonight at dinner, Phillip and I talked about our plans for tomorrow for a good ten minutes with you sitting right there.
Lizzie: I was there? That's funny, I don't remember.
Olivia: Strange, because you seemed to be listening very closely.
Lizzie: Oh, now I remember. That was about tomorrow? Oh, I thought that was about next week. Well, when Dad gets home, I'll just tell him I changed my mind and we'll talk about school some other time.
Olivia: No, Lizzie, I want you to keep your date with your dad. I just want you to understand something, Lizzie. I don't like being sandbagged, and if you try it again, you're going to find out I'm better at it than you are.
Lizzie: Olivia, I swear, the last thing I wanted to do was get off on the wrong foot with you. And if you feel I've overstepped again, don't hesitate to tell my dad. Although that could cause a problem, couldn't it? You being honest, I mean.
Olivia: How's that?
Lizzie: Well, you know, you hear stories about women who criticize their boyfriends' kids. It makes guys really uncomfortable, because of course their kids come first with them. So they get all defensive. They take the kid's side just on principle. But, hey, I'm sure my dad's nothing like that. He'll be really fair. And if you have a valid point, he'll listen to you. Absolutely.
Phillip: Hey. I'm back. Who's ready for ice cream?
Lizzie: Me, for ice cream!
Alan: Let me see this.
Alexandra: Well, congratulations, you three. You... you ganged up on me and you've won. When did you put it together?
Gus: He put it together the minute he had a chance to get away from you and clear his head out of all the drugs you pumped into his body.
Alexandra: Oh.
Frank: Alan. Sis, what's going on here?
Harley: What are you doing here, Frank?
Frank: Foley called me from the Beacon, said he was pulling security there. Said he saw Aitoro leaving the parking lot with Alan.
Harley: Yeah.
Frank: Of course, I didn't believe him.
Harley: Well, um...
Frank: Is he all right? Alan? Are you all right? It's me, Frank Cooper.
Alan: I know who you are, Frank.
Frank: Well, good. Then will someone now please tell me what the hell is going on here?
Gus: Alan, go ahead. Go ahead.
Alan: Well, I was wandering around and I’m not sure how long I was wandering around, and I wandered into the Beacon and... and... Gus found me and he brought me home.
Frank: Do you have any idea where you've been or what you've been doing this past week?
Alan: Week? I've been gone a week?
Frank: Since the hearing.
Alan: Hearing? I remember something about the hearing. I have flashes. I can't put it all together. I have no idea how I’ve survived this past week. I don't know what I would have done if Detective Aitoro hadn't found me and brought me home.
Gus: All right, Alan, enough. Just tell him the truth. Go ahead.
Alan: The truth? The truth about what? Well, when I was at the Beacon I heard Alexandra laughing on the terrace and suddenly it was like a light switch going off in my mind. I remembered that I had a family that I could come home to, a family that loved me.
Frank: Let me get this straight: You found him and brought him back here? When exactly were you going to tell me that?
Alexandra: Well, we were just about ready to call you, Frank.
Gus: You know what? It's all right. Alan's home with his family. Enough of this silence.
Harley: Would you please talk to me?
Gus: After Alan’s performance, there's nothing to say.
Harley: I don't know about that. I mean, shouldn't we try to figure out what just happened?
Gus: I think you know what happened?
Harley: I don't know if I do.
Gus: Did you see what...
Harley: No. I mean, I know what it looks like, but maybe Alan just did us a favor. If he had told frank the truth, he would also have to tell him that we have been harboring him all this time. That coupled with your suspension, you could lose your badge.
Gus: He didn't do us a favor. Alan wasn't doing us a favor. He wasn't trying to protect us, okay? He knows that without the DVD we got nothing. We got no proof. Now he's got exactly what he wants. I hope he's happy.
Harley: Which is what?
Gus: Which is what? It's Alexandra over a barrel. Are you kidding me? I should have known he would never, never send her off to prison. What was I thinking? He's just going to have her do his bidding for the rest of her natural life and that's it. In true Spaulding fashion. You were right. You were right. He doesn't give a damn about me. He was using me.
Frank: All right, Alex, I’ve got to take Alan down to the hospital and get him checked out. Then there's the legal issues that we need to attend to.
Alan: No, no, no, no. No hospital. My own home, my own bed. Family is the best medicine that I can receive right now.
Frank: Alex, he was arraigned and found mentally incompetent. I do have procedures to follow.
Alexandra: I understand, Frank.
Frank: Well, does he?
Alan: Understand what?
Frank: Do you have any idea what happened to you before you were missing? The D.A. charged you with stalking Reva Lewis and then the court found you incompetent to stand trial.
Alan: Oh, my. I can't remember. Perhaps if I got a good night's sleep, you could brief me on my misdeeds and then I would try to remember if I could, Frank.
Frank: All right, Alex, you know what? We'll deal with this tomorrow. Just do me a favor: Get your security people to tighten this place down so he doesn't go wandering off.
Alexandra: Absolutely.
Frank: Alan, consider yourself under house arrest. I'll have a man posted outside.
Alexandra: Thank you, Frank.
Frank: Good night.
Alexandra: Well, brother dear. You may have an Oscar in your future.
Alan: Poor Alan. You know something, Alexandra? Suddenly, I could be afflicted with total recall. Which means that from now until the end of your days, you answer to me.
Olivia: Here.
Phillip: Thanks. I'm so glad you came back with us. I want you to feel comfortable here. I want you to feel like this is home, too.
Lizzie: Okay.
Phillip: Honey, what's wrong?
Lizzie: I just keep thinking about Grandpa. Where he is tonight, if he's okay, if he's even...
Phillip: Hey, I know. I do, too. But you know what? Your granddad is a very tough man and he's got one heck of an instinct for survival.
Lizzie: It's just so weird being in the house without him there. It feels so empty and sad. I dread waking up because I know... Never mind. You better take me home. Dad?
Phillip: How would you like to spend the night here?
Lizzie: No. You... you two need your privacy.
Phillip: I think... I think we need to be together more. And besides, I can't think of anything that I would rather do than wake up in the morning and have breakfast with two beautiful women. Is that okay?
Olivia: It's fine. We're not really set up for guests, though.
Phillip: Oh, that's okay. For one night? I'll roll the sleeping bag out in the nursery and you two can share the sofa bed. It's going to be fine. I'll call your mom and tell her that you're going to stay with us.
Edmund: Well, that was... That was strange. Emotional.
Cassie: I'm sure. I think I'd still be freaked out if it happened to me. And I'd be crying, I’m sure. Like I was doing this afternoon.
Edmund: Crying? Why?
Cassie: When I was getting R.J. dressed, he asked me if I would put a photo of Richard next to his bed because he was starting to forget what he looked like.
Edmund: Oh, Cassie, I’m sorry.
Cassie: I'm fine. It's just... It's important to me, you know, that not only my kids but everyone, that they remember Richard and not just what he looked like, but who he was. And you know what? That's what we did tonight. We did. I know Richard was present in that ballroom. I know he was. I could feel him there, couldn't you? And you're the one that made that possible. You.
Edmund: No, Cassie.
Cassie: No, you are. The Memorial Library, the gala, the whole thing was your idea. You know what? I cannot thank you enough. Ow! Oh.
Edmund: What's wrong?
Cassie: My foot. God, these shoes do it every time. They just kill my feet.
Edmund: Then why don't you get rid of them?
Cassie: Because they're great shoes.
Edmund: Oh.
Cassie: Oh, man.
Edmund: Feeling better?
Cassie: Uh-uh.
Edmund: May I? You familiar with Reflexology?
Cassie: Not really.
Edmund: There are points all over the foot that correspond to points all over the body. For example, here's one.
Cassie: Oh, it feels great.
Edmund: Just breathe deeply and evenly and let all the tension go.
Cassie: I've got to go.
Edmund: Cassie, your foot.
Cassie: No, it's fine. Thank you.
Edmund: Cassie, wait.
Jeffrey: Thank you. Thank you so much. I thought I had it with me. You know, sometimes I don't have my head screwed on. And on top of it, I'm a klutz.
Cassie: Oh! I'm so sorry. I'm sorry.
Jeffrey: That's... that's quite all right.
Gus: (Sighs)
Harley: I'm sorry that you are disappointed.
Gus: No, I'm sorry. I am the one who's sorry.
Harley: You're sorry? For what?
Gus: Yes, I’m sorry. I'm sorry that I made you jump through hoops, that I made you hide Alan here against your will. Well, I don’t... For what? What did I do it for? For what?
Harley: Because you had to try. You had to give him the benefit of the doubt so that you could learn the truth. And now you have.
Gus: You never let me down, do you? You know, I don't need Alan. I don't need anybody, I don't need anything, because I have you.
Alan: You know, I thought I knew you, but you have stooped to new lows, beyond greed and beyond malice, into pure sadism.
Alexandra: No, Alan.
Alan: No?
Alexandra: No. Don't judge me before you hear me out.
Alan: Oh, I’ve judged you Alexandra, and I found you guilty, and I'm going to make sure that you receive your punishment.
Alexandra: Alan, I did this for you.
Alan: You did it because of Gus-- my son.
Alexandra: He told you.
Alan: You didn't want me to have control of the company, did you? Because I might give Gus some control, which might conflict with yours. Well, tough, because I am on top again and I am going to stay on top, Alexandra. The first thing I'm going to do is get rid of ungrateful Phillip and then I am going to spend the rest of my life making sure that you suffer for what you did to me.
Alexandra: Ah. And just exactly where does Gus fit into this rosy picture?
Alan: None of your damn business.
Alexandra: Oh, it certainly is my business because Gus is the reason that I put you through this hell, Alan. But Gus is not family, not in the same sense of the word, because I was trying to protect us all.
Alan: Not family, Alexandra? He's my son. My son.
Alexandra: No. You aren't going to do this. You're not going to bring Gus into the fold, are you, dear? You're not going to bring him into the fold, not over Phillip, not over me. You could never do that because he is not one of us, Alan. He is not and never over me.
Phillip: What's going on?
Alexandra: Alan is claiming I drugged him.
Phillip: When you need somebody to bail you out, don't call me.
Alexandra: Alan is out hiding.
Alan: You and Alexandra conspired against me. It wasn't enough that you took away my wife, you had to take my company.
Phillip: I have no idea what you are talking about.
Alan: And out for blood. Step aside, and make room for my biological son.
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