[an error occurred while processing this directive] GL Transcript Thursday 5/8/03 [an error occurred while processing this directive]
[an error occurred while processing this directive]

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 5/8/03

[an error occurred while processing this directive]

Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Harley: There. Something tells me this is a big mistake. Alexandra's not just going to leave drugs lying around the study.

Gus: Not so fast, Coop.

Harley: You found the drugs?

Gus: Look at this.

Harley: This is the bracelet that your mother was wearing in the picture.

Gus: I can't believe that she's had this bracelet the entire time.

Edmund: No one was more surprised than I, when Richard made his decision to leave San Cristobel and make life here in Springfield. As always, he had everyone else's best interests at heart. That is how he lived his life. And as much as he missed the home he loved, he never regretted that decision for one minute. That was due in part to the fine welcome he received here in his new home. So on behalf of my brother, I thank you for your kindness and generosity both then and now. Good night. (Cheers and applause)

Bell captain: Good evening, sir. The Richard Winslow event has started a long time ago. All of the guests are out on the garden, and I think that was the last speech.

Cassie: That was a wonderful speech. It was amazing.

Edmund: Thank you. Thank you, Cassie.

Cassie: I mean, you really affected those people. Did you see the looks on all of their faces? Yes. Thank you.

Edmund: I hope so.

Cassie: This memorial for Richard is going to be such a huge success. Thank you, Edmund.

Edmund: No, Cassie. Cassie, thank you. You've inspired me.

Cassie: Me?

Edmund: Yes. I saw Richard through your eyes.

Cassie: I wish you could see yourself through my eyes right now. You're a different man tonight.

Harley: It was in Roy’s safe, she beat me to.

Gus: And this is what he was holding over our head the entire time. So my mother is the servant, Alan has his fun, and then his sister comes and cleans up the whole mess for him. Nice.

Harley: Listen to me. Alex did a hell of a job keeping the truth from you, but you... you can't take that personally.

Gus: I can't take it personally? Are you serious?

Harley: No. No, you can’t. Listen, there is so much bad blood between Alan and Alexandra. Their... their dynamic is just twisted.

Gus: This whole family is twisted. She's done so many rotten things, but the worst thing of all is keeping the truth from me. I'm sorry, but I’m going to nail her for it.

Edmund: I shouldn't have done that.

Tammy: Mom, are you ready?

Cassie: What?

Tammy: To form our receiving line.

Cassie: Yeah, I’m ready.

Tammy: Are you okay?

Cassie: I'm fine.

Edmund: Shall we?

Lloyd: Can I get you something, Ms. Spaulding?

Alexandra: Oh, as a matter of fact, you can. They're only serving champagne here. I would like a vodka martini, very dry, very cold, with two olives.

Lloyd: Of course. I'll be right back.

Phillip: You know we don't have to stay. We could just go back to the loft if you want.

Olivia: No, it's still early.

Phillip: That doesn't matter. I know that this is difficult for you.

Olivia: It's hard, but I want to be here for Richard.

Phillip: Okay.

Olivia: Okay. Whoa!

Phillip: What?

Olivia: You have to feel this.

Phillip: Whoa. She packs quite a wallop.

Olivia: Or he. You know, I've been feeling this little fluttering for a while, but these are so...

Phillip: Makes it real.

Olivia: It's our baby, Phillip.

Rick: Hey. Hi, Cassie.

Cassie: Hi. Thank you guys so much for coming and dressing up.

Rick: Oh, we wouldn't miss it for the world.

Cassie: And bringing masks. You guys look wonderful.

Rick: Thank you.

Tammy: Glad you came.

Edmund: Richard meant so much to our family. I mean, without him, you know...

Cassie: I know.

Rick: Save me a dance later, okay?

Tammy: Yes.

Ed: Looking tired.

Rick: Oh, I just had a long day, Dad. I'm fine. I just... I actually got to call my service. Why don't you, you know, hook up with Mel, and I'll talk to you in a few minutes.

Ed: Okay.

Cassie: Hi.

Reva: You were great. You look so good.

Cassie: Oh, thank you so much for coming.

Reva: And I love the hair. I love the dress. You look great.

Marah: I second that.

Cassie: Thank you.

Reva: Are you happy?

Cassie: Very happy.

Reva: Good, good.

Cassie: You look amazing.

Marah: Thank you.

Cassie: And I love this bag.

Marah: Thank you.

Cassie: Great job.

Josh: You look beautiful as usual.

Cassie: Oh, thank you. Thank you for coming.

Josh: Glad to be here.

Edmund: Thanks for coming.

Josh: Nice speech.

Edmund: Well, Richard’s words mostly, but I think he'd be happy.

Josh: It's a start.

Edmund: Ah.

Phillip: Good show.

Edmund: Another one of my fans.

Phillip: No, I mean it. It was a good speech.

Edmund: Thank you.

Phillip: Had me going there for a minute. And then I had a thought.

Edmund: You did?

Phillip: Yeah.

Edmund: Hmm.

Phillip: Yes, my aunt has been acting so strangely since she came back to town, and she's been spending so much time with you. Go figure.

Edmund: What are you saying, Phillip?

Phillip: Just that people don't generally change.

Edmund: Well, I hate to burst your big Spaulding bubble, but I don't even think you can bring me down tonight, because not everyone has that opinion.

Tony: ...Graham cracker crust.

Marah: Mmm, yes.

Tony: What do you say we go outside and we have a drink under the stars?

Marah: I think that sounds like fun.

Tony: Let's go.

Josh: I think that that sounds like fun, too. I think I'll join you, okay?

Tony: (Sighs)

Josh: I'll see you.

Reva: Okay.

Shayne: So what's the story? What are you and Dad fighting about?

Reva: We're not fighting.

Shayne: What, you didn't think we were going to notice? You guys have been giving each other the cold shoulder all night long.

Reva: Shayne, we're having a disagreement about something, but it's no big deal, really. Nothing at all.

Shayne: Nothing at all. Okay, well, you know what? This better not be about me and my baseball, because it's not worth making everybody miserable, okay?

Alan: Reva, you've never looked lovelier.

Reva: Alan?

Alan: Don't turn around. Look straight ahead.

Reva: You old buzzard. You know half the town's looking for you.

Alan: Well, they can keep on looking.

Reva: What are you doing here?

Alan: Well, let's just say I’m on a mission. But don't you worry. The only ones that'll be affected are my nearest and dearest.

(cell phone rings)

Harley: Hello?

Alexandra: Harley, thank goodness I’ve reached you. Is everything all right there?

Harley: Yes, so far.

Alexandra: Well, no sign of Alan? Nothing out of the ordinary, huh?

Harley: Well, I’m upstairs now. It's been pretty quiet actually.

Alexandra: Well, good, good.

Harley: So you're coming home?

Alexandra: In a little while. I'll... I'll ring you before I leave.

Gus: Look what I found. Look, what I...

Alexandra: Harley, who is that? Is someone there with you?

Harley: Nobody's here.

Alexandra: I distinctly heard...

Harley: It was the TV, okay? I just flipped on the TV. I'll turn it off, and I'll check the house again before I leave.

Alexandra: Well, maybe you want to turn on the stereo. The button's right next to the TV.

Harley: She heard you.

Gus: Well, I didn't know you were on the phone. I'm sorry. Did she buy the story?

Harley: I doubt it. What is this?

Gus: Look what I found. Look what I found. Now, do you remember when he said that Beth was coming on to him? Remember when Alan said that? This is what I found at the bottom of Alex’s closet.

Harley: Oh, come on, you don't suppose...

Gus: Oh, I think so; I think so. And I found enough tranquilizers... Enough tranquilizers to take down an entire country, okay? Now, if any of this is the same stuff that we found in Alan’s system...

Harley: Okay, we got to get... We got to get out of here.

Gus: I'm not finished yet.

Harley: We got to get out of here.

Reva: Alan, what are you doing here?

Alan: Reva, would you like to see my sister get what she has coming to her?

Reva: You don't even have to ask me that question.

Alan: Keep watching, because the fun is about to begin.

Alexandra: Lloyd, I just spoke to Harley, and she's at the house. It didn’t... It didn't sound quite right. There might be some trouble that she couldn't say anything about. But I distinctly heard a man's voice.

Lloyd: Your brother?

Alexandra: I don't know. But I want you to go to the house, and I want you to check it out anyway, all right? Go, please.

Lloyd: I shouldn't leave you alone.

Alexandra: (Laughs) I'm hardly alone.

Phillip: ...Easy.

Ross: Phillip, my secretary said that you called.

Blake: Oh, yeah. Any word from Alan?

Phillip: No. But I'm adopting a no-news-is-good-news philosophy on that subject.

Blake: You're tougher than I am. I don't think I could handle the no news.

Olivia: I mean, wherever Alan is, he's a resourceful person. I'm sure he's going to be fine.

Phillip: Yeah, actually, Ross, I am... I called to ask you something else. Would... would you consider heading up the legal department at Spaulding again?

Ross: Why? Did Gordon Maynard quit?

Phillip: No, I fired him. He's one of Alan’s cronies.

Blake: You're really taking over the company, aren't you? That must make you happy.

Olivia: I'm happy for Phillip, yeah.

Blake: Of course you are.

Bell captain: Excuse me, Ms. Spencer. I hate to interrupt, but there's a problem with one of the cases of champagne.

Olivia: Sure. Excuse me, please.

Phillip: Mm-hmm. Okay, look, I know, you've been out of the corporate shark tank for a long time.

Ross: And there's an awfully good reason for that, as I recall, Phillip. I am very content with my law practice, and I'm still teaching at the university.

Phillip: I understand that, and all I want you to do is tell me that you'll think about it. It would be different. I'm going to make a lot of changes once I officially take over.

Mayor: Glad you made it. I can make the introduction. Excuse me.

Cassie: Oh. (Laughs)

Mayor: Okay. Thank you. Mrs. Winslow, another lovely evening at the Beacon.

Cassie: Call me Cassie, please, and thank you so much for coming.

Mayor: Cassie, there's someone I'd like you to meet.

Alexandra: (Screams)

Olivia: Okay, if you can just take care of that, I’d appreciate it. Thank you. Hi.

Rick: Hey.

Olivia: I asked you if this were your own private party, but you look like your dog just died or something.

Rick: Really?

Olivia: Yeah.

Rick: Why don't you sit down?

Olivia: Thanks.

Rick: Do I really look that bad?

Olivia: No. No, you just look a little tired.

Rick: That seems to be a recurring theme tonight. My dad told me the same thing.

Olivia: But you're not tired. You know, I... I thought about not showing up tonight, just skipping the whole thing.

Rick: Really? Why?

Olivia: Probably the same reason you're sitting by yourself. Richard.

Rick: Richard. Makes you think.

Olivia: And feel-- something I’ve tried real hard to avoid most of my life, but I couldn't tonight, you know. There was a time when he meant the world to me, and I just knew that if I wasn't here, it'd be like letting him down, you know, somehow-- and myself.

Rick: I really wanted to be here tonight, and I just...

Olivia: Didn't think you would think about it so much. I know.

Rick: (Sighs) I really should be out there.

Olivia: Wait, wait, wait. That wasn't what I was getting at.

Rick: No. You should just suck it up and go. I mean, Richard probably did things all the time that he didn't want to do. He was the prince, this perfect guy.

Olivia: I'm going to let you in on a little secret, but Richard was actually very human. I mean, he wasn't big on events like this. Trust me. So you're taking a moment for yourself. So what, right?

Rick: (Sighs)

Olivia: Right. Look, there was a state dinner once. It was this big, fancy formal affair, and Richard was gone. He just disappeared. I couldn't find him anywhere. And I looked all over, and finally I found him out on one of the terraces, and there he was sitting on the ledge with his bare feet dangling over the side. He was just sitting there listening to the ocean.

Rick: Really?

Olivia: Yeah.

Rick: I really didn't know him that well.

Olivia: Yeah, not many people did. You may not be a prince, Rick Bauer, but you certainly have the values of one, and Richard would be so proud that you have his heart.

Rick: Thanks. Thanks.

Olivia: Sure. See you.

Rick: Bye.

Ed: Hey.

Olivia: Hey.

Ed: Mel's worried about you.

Rick: Where is she?

Ed: She's out there. She's cornered by a couple of hospital board members. You got to go rescue her.

Rick: All right, all right.

Ed: Listen, what's going on? What's wrong?

Rick: Nothing's wrong, Dad. I'm fine. I was just taking a break. Do you want to get a ginger ale?

Edmund: Okay, sure.

Rick: Could I get a couple ginger ales, please? I'm almost ready to go back in. I just... We got to hit that dessert buffet line-- have you seen that?-- Before we leave.

Ed: I'm worried about you.

Rick: Dad, you have no idea what you're going to miss if you don't hit that dessert buffet line. Oh, come on. Will you just lighten up? I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm just... I was just sitting here thinking how lucky I am to be here.

Ed: Unlike Richard Winslow, right?

Rick: Yes.

Ed: It is not your fault the man died.

Rick: Dad, the fact is he did, and if he didn't die, I wouldn't be here.

Ed: You don't even know that.

Rick: Yes, we all know that. We all know that. I was watching Tammy and Cassie tonight, listening to people talk about Richard. He was one hell of a man, Dad.

Ed: And so are you.

Rick: But you have to say that. Dad, I want to deserve everything that has been given to me. Do you understand?

Ed: Well, that explains the second job, doesn't it?

Rick: When I took the job as M.E., Dad, I... I thought it was going to be temporary. I had no idea that my predecessor was going to be found drowned in a lake.

Ed: Okay, this is what I worry about. You got two jobs now. That's a lot of stress for anyone.

Rick: But the fact is I’m enjoying it. I'm having the best time of my life. You know that I've always toyed with the idea of forensic pathology, and I’m having a good time doing it.

Ed: Then why don't you think about giving up the job at the hospital?

Rick: Dad, no.

Edmund: One or the other, Rick. One or the other-- not both.

Rick: I'm still able to manage my time. I'm able to come home in time to read Jude his bedtime stories.

Ed: You're going to do what you're going to do, so, you know...

Rick: I've been given a second chance, Dad, and I'm not going to blow it.

Ed: I hope you don't think I was interfering. I'm just, you know...

Rick: I'm glad you're here to interfere, Dad. I really am. What do you say we get out of here?

Ed: Yeah, that's a plan. Let's go.

Lloyd: What are you doing?

Harley: Oh! What are you doing sneaking up on people like that?

Lloyd: I asked you a question.

Harley: I found that safe open. I was about to call security.

Lloyd: Of course you were. And what do we have here?

Cassie: What happened?

Alexandra: I nearly took a drink of this thing.

Cassie: Oh, this is a horrible--

Alexandra: Horrible and stupid joke.

Cassie: I will talk to the staff and get you another drink, okay?

Edmund: Alan?

Alexandra: Of course it was Alan. It's his clever way of telling me he's here and he's keeping an eye on me.

Edmund: Alexandra, I have security all over the place. If he's here, we'll find him.

Harley: Toys. Zach left some things here. He wanted me to bring them home.

Lloyd: Ms. Spaulding was afraid something had happened. She heard a man's voice in the background when she was speaking to you.

Harley: No, I was watching television. I told her that.

Lloyd: Yes, well, she didn't believe you and quite frankly neither do I.

Harley: You know what? I don't care what you believe. I'm the law. And you are what? Alex's secretary?

Lloyd: Personal assistant.

Harley: Okay, well, then why don't you go on ahead to the gala and assist. And I will stay here and watch the house. Otherwise you're intruding on a job I was hired to do by Alexandra.

Lloyd: You were hired to protect the house, not ransack it.

Harley: Hey.

Lloyd: What's this?

Harley: Something wrong, Lloyd?

Alan: Well, did you enjoy the show?

Reva: Oh, Alan, eyeballs in the martini glass?

Alan: It's a little prank we used to play as children.

Reva: (Laughs)

Alan: It used to scare her to death. Seems to work like a charm. (Laughter)

Josh: I thought you were going to join us outside?

Reva: I intended to. By the way, Shayne knows you were mad.

Josh: He's a smart kid.

Reva: Joshua, you're not going to stop with this whole baseball thing, are you?

Josh: Reva, I think it's something he wants.

Reva: And you want, too.

Josh: Yes, for him. You know, he's a talented kid. He deserves a shot.

Reva: Okay.

Josh: Okay, what?

Reva: Okay, I will try to see it your way.

Josh: Why would you want to do that?

Reva: Because I don't want to fight anymore.

Josh: (Laughs) Neither do I. Listen, what I said before about regrets, I didn't mean with us. I have wanted to live my whole life with you since the moment we met, darling.

Reva: Me, too, Bud.

Josh: Let's go home and play.

Reva: Oh.

Josh: Come on.

(Reva and Josh): (Laughs)

Blake: What's up with those two?

Cassie: I don't know. But they look a lot closer than they did when they first got here.

Blake: Well, that's good. I'm just glad not to be half of a tense couple at the party. You know I’ve been there and done that too many times.

Cassie: You are Ross seem great.

Blake: Yeah, we are. I mean life is good. Life is perfect. Well, at least it will be when I start my new job.

Cassie: You got a new job? You didn't tell me that you got a new job.

Blake: Oh, because I don't know what it is yet. I'm still searching.

Cassie: Oh.

Blake: Are you sure you and Danny don't need a hot shot PR woman for the Fifth Street project?

Cassie: I wish we could afford you. I do. But you have a job. You do. You're a writer. You have a radio show.

Blake: No, I'm tired of the radio show. I want to do... I want to do... I want to make a difference. I want a challenge. I want a change.

Cassie: Change is good.

Blake: I keep telling Ross that, you know. He just seems kind of uneasy. Although I think he's going to be okay with me out there, you know, when I’m in my high heels and my high powered suits and all.

Cassie: Yeah, that's as good as it gets.

Blake: And then next week when I’m naked on Reva’s show, it'll be great.

Cassie: I'm sure you'll be great. What?

Blake: Where are you? You're like a million miles away. Oh, I'm sorry. You know what? I'm going on and on. You're probably thinking about Richard. Of course you are tonight.

Cassie: No, I was thinking about Edmund.

Blake: Edmund.

Cassie: We had a moment earlier, you know. He kissed me.

Blake: Talk about taking advantage of an emotional situation. What a jerk?

Cassie: No.

Blake: Hey, you want me to punch him out? I mean, I'll talk to Ross. Tell him don't...

Cassie: Don't you say a word. Don't say a word to anybody about this. Please.

Blake: You have feelings for him. Hey, listen, you can talk to me. You know, husband's brother. Been there, done that. Granted it was an all time low for me, but...

Cassie: Here he comes. Here he comes. Shhh.

Ross: Cassie.

Cassie: Hi, Ross. Ed.

Ross: Nice event. My friend Edward and I were just saying that we had never had so much fun at a mask gala ever.

Cassie: Really. But you have this “I can't wait to get to the door look on your faces.”

Ed: It’s... Just... I for one can only take so much excitement in one night, you know. And Rick and Mel are going to bring the car around. It was so much fun. So I’ve got to go home.

Cassie: Well, I am so glad you came. And I miss you. I miss you.

Ed: I'll call you.

Cassie: Please.

Ed: Good night, Edward.

Blake: I just thought of something I think would be great. What about you and Ed together?

Cassie: Stop, okay. Stop.

Ross: No, no, no, she can't. Because romance is her life on the job and off the job.

Blake: Yeah, I'll give you a romance, buddy.

Cassie: Wow! Okay, well, you guys go do your thing and I'm going to do the hostess thing.

Blake: Okay, but you know what? You're going to call me and talk to me about anything, right?

Cassie: Right.

Blake: Right.

Cassie: You're going to... Right. Okay.

Ross: Okay, good night, Cassie.

Cassie: Good night.

Eden: Adrian's late otherwise he would have been here by now.

Tony: Oh, so there really is an Adrian?

Eden: Adrian.

Adrian: Hey.

Eden: This is Tony Santos.

Adrian: Hi, there.

Tony: Hey.

Adrian: How are you doing?

Tony: All right. And yourself.

Eden: And this is the woman I've been telling you about, the talented Marah Lewis.

Marah: Hi. It is so nice to meet you.

Adrian: Pleasure.

Eden: So what did I tell you? It looks like part of the gown, but it functions as a purse. It's very chic and marketable. Marah's own personal design.

Tony: Yeah, it's pretty great, huh? She even made the dress.

Adrian: Interesting. Eden, where's the bar.

Eden: Over there.

Bill: Yeah, follow me.

Marah: He hated it.

Eden: He loved it.

Marah: He loved it?

Eden: Yes. That's just Adrian being Adrian.

Tony: Who is that guy anyway?

Marah: Only fashion it guy. He got a job working for a top designer a few years ago and now he has his own line. I so want his career.

Tony: And how do you know him?

Eden: Let's just say our paths have crossed. You were brilliant. I have a very good feeling about this.

Marah: Eden, I don't know what to say. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much.

Lizzie: You're looking for Marina, right? It bothers you seeing her with Ben.

Shayne: We're just friends, Lizzie.

Lizzie: I wonder if her dad know she's here with him. Probably not. Frank would flip.

Shayne: I hadn't given it much thought. So... so anyway whatever happened with your parents. You never told me. Did you get in trouble for running away from school or what?

Lizzie: No.

Shayne: No. How did you swing that?

Lizzie: They couldn't get mad, not after they lied to me.

Shayne: About what?

Lizzie: My dad moving out and shacking up with Olivia. And the worst is they told me my grandfather was away on business.

Shayne: Why did they do that?

Lizzie: Ask my Aunt Alex. It was her idea. She doesn't even seem to care if they find him.

Shayne: They'll find him, okay, Lizzie. They're going to find him.

Lizzie: Let's go dance.

Shayne: Why don't we go get something to eat, huh?

Lloyd: Why do you have these drugs?

Harley: The same reason I have the wig. Strange things have been going on in this house, illegal things. And time is running out.

Lloyd: I don't think so. Hands up, Miss Cooper.

Harley: Well, well, well. Isn't throwing bricks through windows more your style, Lloyd? You are Reva’s stalker, right?

Lloyd: Where shall I put you?

Harley: Did you mean for Olivia to get arrested, or was Alan the target the whole time?

Lloyd: Do shut up. I have to think.

Harley: What about the drugs that Alexandra gave him? Did you provide her with those? What's the matter, Lloyd? You're afraid your fingerprints were all over those bottles?

Lloyd: I said shut up.

Gus: Lloyd, is that anyway to talk to a lady? And my girl was shot once this month, Lloyd. You really think I’ll let that happen again? The choice is yours, pal. Give her the gun. Step over here. Thank you very much. All right. You want to talk to me, huh?

Lloyd: Everything I did, I did on my own. Stalking incidents with Reva Lewis, administering the drugs to Mr. Spaulding.

Gus: Oh, okay. Well, I'll let you tell it to the judge, okay.

Lloyd: Look, she's very upset. She's worried about her brother. You're supposed to be protecting her. And now I am protecting her from you.

Gus: Well, you're good. That's good. You're very loyal. You're a loyal subject.

Harley: Why did you do it, Lloyd?

Lloyd: Alexandra Spaulding has done no harm to anyone.

Gus: That's the story. That's your story. That's it.

Lloyd: That's all there is to say.

Gus: Fine, Lloyd. Get out. Get out. Go, go, go.

Harley: What are you doing? Why would you let him walk out of here?

Gus: Calm... calm down. Calm down. I got a guy, he's going to pick him up and take him to the station. He's out there. Well, we can't be seen walking out of here. Come on. That's what took me so long to get down here. I had to make the call.

Harley: How did you know he was even here?

Gus: Because I saw out the window. I saw a car pull up. Give me some credit.

Harley: You always have to be smarter, don't you?

Gus: Well, we'll see. If Lloyd doesn't talk, we're in trouble. We're going to enough ammunition against Alexandra. (Cell phone rings) Aitoro. Aitoro.

Alan: Have you found anything?

Gus: Yes, we found a lot of stuff. I'll show you when we get back to Harley’s.

Alan: I'm not at Harley’s. I'm at the Beacon.

Gus: I told you to stay put. He's at the Beacon.

Harley: Oh, that's smart.

Gus: Get out of there.

Alan: It's all right. There's nothing to worry about. Everyone's wearing masks.

Gus: Well, I don't care if everybody's in... Stay out of sight. I'm on my way.

Alan: Look, Gus?

Gus: Yeah.

Alan: It's much worse than I thought. Phillip and Alexandra are trying to take everything.

Marah: Eden, I know you've been trying really hard to make- up for what happened last fall and I really want you know that I appreciate it.

Eden: Well, I just... I don't want there to be anything to come between us. I know I was really messed up when I moved here. And I'm sorry for trying to come in between you guys.

Tony: It's over. We're square.

Eden: All right, well, I'd better go save Bill from Adrian.

Marah: Did you really mean that? About Eden, being okay with Eden?

Tony: Yeah, that's what you want, right?

Marah: She's tried really hard to get me this break. And you know what? Even if it doesn't happen, she didn't have to do it.

Tony: You're right. Come on, let's go.

Mayor: It's been a great evening.

Cassie: It has.

Mayor: Thank you again.

Cassie: You're so welcome. You said that you wanted me to meet someone.

Mayor: Yes, the new District Attorney. Her went to his room to take a call, but I'm meeting him in the bar for a nightcap. If you care to join us?

Cassie: Well, the party's almost over. Maybe later.

Mayor: Good.

Cassie: Okay.

Edmund: Cassie, Cassie, I’ve been wanting to speak to you privately since the--

Cassie: You don’t have to say anything. I know that you were just caught up in the moment.

Edmund: Just a moment. Just a moment, that's all.

Alexandra: You know, Phillip, darling, would Olivia mind driving Lizzie home? I mean she's not quite ready to leave yet and I am, so...

Phillip: Sure. Are you okay? You seem a little distracted.

Alexandra: Oh, I think... I think I'm just a little bit tired. But thank you for asking, darling.

Phillip: Mm-hmm.

Alexandra: Good night.

Phillip: Mm-hmm. Good night.

Bell captain: Excuse me, sir. Did you not hear the announcement that the mask are no longer required? Sir?

Alan: Get your hands off of me!

Bell captain: Excuse me. You're the gentleman from before. You need to come with me. Security.

Eden: Nicky.

Gus: Hey, how are you?

Eden: You know, Bill, right?

Gus: Yeah. How are you doing? Yeah.

Eden: Well, wait, wait, wait. Where are you going? I haven't see you in so long. I want to--

Gus: I know. But I got to go. I'm busy.

Eden: Well, I want to talk to you.

Gus: Okay, I know. But I got to go. I'm working.

Eden: What is your problem?

Gus: I'm... I'll call you. I'm working, all right?

Eden: I thought you were suspended. I... I don't know what's wrong with him. He's usually not like that.

Bill: Well, he acted like a jerk.

Eden: Yeah, maybe a little.

Bill: No, maybe a lot. Come on, let's go.

Gus: Maurice! There you are! This is crazy. You've got to stop doing this to me.

Bell captain: You know this gentleman?

Gus: Yes, of course I know him. Did you guys have an open bar here? Because wherever there's an open bar, lookout. You know, he's got a little bit of a (bell sounding)... Problem.

Alan: (Acting drunk) He's got a problem.

Gus: Come on, Herbie, I’ll take you. I got him. I'll take care of you. I'll take you home. Thank you very, very much. What are you doing? What are you doing?

Alan: Hurry up. We can catch Alexandra.

Gus: Listen to me. Harley's at the mansion. She'll handle Alexandra, okay?

Alan: Did you find anything?

Gus: Yes, we found a lot of stuff. We found a wig, we found bottles and bottles of tranquilizers. But I got to tell you something, Alan. We don't have a case.

Alan: Why not?

Gus: Because Lloyd will not point a finger to Alexandra. He won't do it. We don't have enough evidence to connect her to the stalker or the drugs in your system.

Alan: Wait a minute. We might have a case, but not if Alexandra gets there before we do.

Waiter: Can I get you a table, sir?

Edmund: No, actually I'm looking for the mayor.

Waiter: Oh, he just left to make a phone call.

Edmund: All right, I'll wait at the bar.

Waiter: If you're interested, the man's he's with is right there.

Edmund: Oh, good. Thanks. Excuse me, I hate to drop, but I was...

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